Moses Was Kind of a Maniac - Also David Platt Reaping What He Has Sown

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Alright, so one of my patrons requested a video topic about inerrancy, and the reason he did it is because allegedly the
Gospel Coalition platformed and allowed someone to write an article for them—I don't even know what it's about,
I don't even care—by a guy named Don Kim, who essentially denies the inerrancy of Scripture.
He co -authored a thesis about this, you know, decades ago, and from what I understand he has not repudiated that.
He teaches in the PCUSA, which is actually very—as a denomination, many of the ministers of that denomination deny the inerrancy of Scripture.
And so the video topic idea was, why does inerrancy matter? And it's a really kind of a simple answer to that.
Well, I mean, if inerrancy isn't real, like if the Bible can teach falsehoods about, you know, things to equip us for every good work and things like that, if the
Bible can affirm things that are untrue, then God is made to be a liar.
God can lie, and it's no problem, and we could never understand if God was telling us the truth, we'd be kind of lost and alone in the world here, but the thing is that we understand that the
Bible is God speaking, right? God is speaking to us, and God does not lie to us,
God does give us what we need to be equipped for every good work, and that is a foundational presupposition of a
Christian, that God has spoken to his people, he hasn't stayed silent, and he's spoken to us through his
Word, and that that Word is trustworthy and true. Let God be true, though everyone a liar.
How could you even prove God to be a liar at all? Like, how could you prove it? So if you were to try to demonstrate that God was lying about something, you'd essentially be holding
God to a standard of a completely fallible person, who obviously, you know, we understand we can't necessarily trust our mental faculties further than we can throw them, typically, how would it even—how would this even be proven?
I don't even understand how that would work, but essentially denying inerrancy of Scripture is essentially the lie of the snake in the garden.
So that's it, that's the video, that's why inerrancy matters. If we don't have inerrancy, then really we have a false god, we have an idol, and we're basically screwed.
But anyway, that's not the whole video. So somebody on my YouTube channel—actually, interesting story, let me just sidetrack for a second.
I actually did a YouTube video, one of my very first appearances on video was debating a
PCUSA minister on inerrancy. I don't think the channel still exists where I did this, but it was like an apologetics channel.
It wasn't my channel, but I debated this guy who was like a young PCUSA minister, and it was one of the most ridiculous debates
I've ever done in my entire life. Anyway, so someone on YouTube said, how would you like it if people criticized your life decisions on video?
And I didn't really understand what that meant, since I'm not really criticizing people's life decisions, I'm criticizing the things that people say about the
Bible, but I thought maybe we'd have a little fun and I could do a reaction video on one of my own videos. So I'm going to do a video reacting to a video that I did.
I think that's going to be quite effective. Let's see, maybe I'll be mean to myself. We'll find out. This is a video
I posted yesterday on Gap. Moses was kind of a maniac. Like, see?
Like, I was talking to my brother about this, listen to this, like, I get grief for my tone, right?
Like, oh, your tone is—it's not very nice. I get yelled at and I'm supposedly sinning because I say that Ruslan sounds like Eminem when he literally sounds exactly like Eminem.
He does sound like Eminem. That's the thing, like, honestly, like, yeah, of course I'm poking fun at the way he talks because he talks like Eminem, but, you know, is it really that big of a deal?
Like, he obviously took a lot of offense to that, but he sounds exactly like him. I mean, that's not wrong to say—I'm just making a comparison.
He sounds—he speaks like Eminem. The Christian version of Eminem. Well, at least the professed
Christian version. I heard something about Ruslan yesterday that I don't know if it's true yet, but allegedly, this is—Saco
Woods said this—allegedly he considers Marcus Rogers a Trinity denier as an
Orthodox Christian, a unity in the essentials, you know what I mean? Like, that's a pretty thin list of essentials, if you know what
I mean. Like, if the Trinity doesn't make the list, then that's a pretty thin list. Now, I don't know that because I haven't watched the video, but if that's true, my goodness gracious, that would be—that would be something.
That would be something. But anyway, but yeah, so like this whole idea that, you know, let's just—let me talk, you know?
I've heard that I interrupt my videos too much, so maybe I'm interrupting myself too much here, so let's continue.
Dog, you know, man, you know, reparations might be alright, dog. Like, that's— That's pretty good, man.
He sounds exactly like him. It's not that big of an insult. I mean, it's just a fact. He sounds like Eminem.
Now, if he doesn't like that, I mean, that's just a fact. I mean, I probably sound like someone stupid that you could name and make fun of me and stuff like that.
That's not really that big a deal, though. Compare this to what Moses does. That's a big sin, apparently.
But think about if Moses was operating today, right? Like, Moses is a man of faith, you know, he's an example for us and all that kind of thing.
And Moses, like, he got so mad at Israel one time for their idolatry and their paganism that he melted down the statues that they were bowing down to, he ground them into dust, and then he made them drink it.
Like, that's crazy. Like, think about— Think about— In a good way. Like, crazy in a good way. You get really mad at somebody and, you know, usually like 20 minutes later, you're like, man,
I'm such a jerk. Like, you know, you calm down, right? But think about how long it took for Moses to do this to these idols.
Like, it probably took hours. And the entire time, he never stopped. He's like, man, I'm not going to do this. He just kept going.
He just, he ground them into dust and— Grown? I said groan. I said groan. I was getting all into it.
So I said groan. I meant ground. I think I meant ground it into dust, but I said groan.
Into dust and made them drink it. But the thing is, like, I said mean words, so, you know,
I'm clearly in sin. Come on now. Come on! Right, so, but the thing is, I don't even, I acknowledge the fact that I do say mean words.
Like, you know, mocking someone's voice is obviously, you know, look, it's not for everybody, but mocking someone's voice can be funny, it can be effective, you know, like, this is the reality.
So it's like, what's the big deal? Like, you don't like it, fine, but like, get over it, right? I mean, this is how you talk.
You talk like Eminem. B -Rabbit. B -Rabbit is Eminem, right? At one point, he tried to say, well, maybe
I should, it would be funnier, this is a weird one, he said, it would be funnier if I said that it was
Malibu's Most Wanted. And I've actually, I don't even know what that is. Somebody had to tell me what Malibu's Most Wanted was.
I didn't even know what that was. I guess it was like a movie or something about a white guy, you know, pretending to be black.
Anyway, but the thing is, like, here's a tip for you. This one's for free.
You can get this one for free. This is a tip. The people that you're criticizing, like your opponents, your ideological, theological, political opponents, don't let them dictate the terms of your fight, right?
Like, if he is very offended about B -Rabbit, but he says you should call me
Malibu's Most Wanted instead, which would be essentially the same insult, but for whatever reason, he thinks that one's funnier or better, and I think what it likely is revealing is he wouldn't take as much offense to Malibu's Most Wanted.
There must be something about Eminem that makes it more offensive. Look, frankly, I think Eminem, you know, that would be actually, for someone in rap, that would be like a plus, right?
I mean, I thought he was one of the, I thought he was known as one of the best rappers around. That's what I thought. I mean, I don't know. I'm not into them.
I'm not in these games, obviously. I don't really listen to rap. That's what I thought. So I didn't think it was really like an insult to that in that way.
I mean, they're just making fun of how he talks. I mean, that's, listen, I didn't think that was a big deal and whatever.
I mean, the point is, though, that don't let your enemies dictate how you fight or how you talk about them and stuff like that.
Look, your standard is the scripture, of course. Your standard, you have to answer to God for the things that you say.
There's just no question about that. But what you don't have to answer to is the person that you're critiquing on how you're critiquing them.
They're never going to think you're critiquing them the right way. Now, here was the second video I did kind of on the same topic a few hours later.
What about Phineas, man? That guy was completely insane. In a good way. Like, do you remember the story that Israelites were kind of getting involved with Baal worship?
And so one of them brought a Midianite woman. So it was like, you know, interreligious mixing and stuff like that.
And God's getting really upset about it. And so Phineas takes a javelin and he like chases the guys into the tent and he spears the dude who brought the woman and the woman through the belly, just like spears them through with a javelin.
That's pretty intense. He's not kidding. Like these days, people will be like, well, why didn't you spear his ideas? You can't spear the person.
You got to spear the ideas with the javelin. Like that's what you get these days. It's like such a ridiculous standard that like all the and God, God commends that guy.
He's like, oh, Phineas, great job. I'm not going to destroy Israel now because, you know, you javelined the guy and this woman.
And so good job. And he commends him. These days, we're like, oh, yeah, you can't name names, though. Like you can't even say like so and so said this.
You can't do that, man. You got to you've only got to focus on the ideas, though. Yeah. Javelin the ideas. Right.
And this is this is another thing like, again, this tends to be a very consistent criticism of me that that I name names and I should be only focusing on the ideas and all that kind of thing.
Look at me. I look like I'm having a great time there. That seems to be a consistent criticism. That's my big sin is that I'm willing to name names and all of this kind of thing.
And again, compare it to the prophets, compare it to the New Testament, compare it to the Old Testament.
Though everyone in the scripture that has zeal for the house of God and that and that God commands and God even can trust this man who
Javelin, this guy and this woman that were intermarrying and stuff like that, he could trust him with the priesthood because he had zeal for the house of the
Lord. Right. So so compare that to what you get. You can't name names. Obviously, that's sin to name names.
Where did where would they even get this from? I don't even understand where they would even come up with this, except for the fact that they like the people that you're naming.
See, that's what it really typically is. They like the people that you're naming as saying or teaching something sinful.
And so they want to pretend like that. You can't you can't name the names, which is so hypocritical because they often name names that they regularly pretty much every time you get criticized for naming names, it's going to be from a person who names names themselves.
It's just they don't like the names that you're naming. They want to name the names that they want to name. And it's OK to name those names, but not the other names.
You can't name some names. You can name the other names. And that's where it is always hypocritical. It's always projection. But the thing is, it's not wrong to name names like that's the thing.
Like I don't have a price. You want to name me and say, well, 80 Robles, he's you know, he's he's evil and he does this.
He says this. He teaches that, you know, as long as you're not lying about me and I have a problem with it. Of course, you can name my name.
What like where do we get this disconnect? It's like in the back in the day, Phineas, you know,
Javelin, these two individuals, he didn't javelin the ideas, he javelin the individuals with the javelin.
But now we can't even name a name. We can't even. How are you supposed to warn the flock or mark and avoid someone that that's a command from the scripture.
Mark and avoid such people. How can you mark and avoid someone who you can't name? No, no, just mark and avoid the ideas.
That's what Paul meant. Mark and avoid those ideas. That's not what he said. He said the people as if ideas exist out there somewhere and they're not connected to people like there's no such thing.
Someone said this. Who was this? I'm stealing this from someone, but I can't remember who said it. So don't accuse me of plagiarism.
I know this is not originated with me, but there's no such thing as disembodied error. Error is always taught by people and we need to refute the people, right?
We need to refute the people. I get that. It's obvious. Nothing could be more obvious and yet, you know, here we are.
Now there's one more video I want to address. I thought this was really good. It's a very short video and I don't know who this guy is, but this is a very interesting idea and I want to just respond to it really quick.
David Platt's McLean Bible Church recently held a congregational meeting where one of the long -standing members of the church attempted to present a point of order before the vote was cast.
Let me pause real quick. That video that I posted responding to this got like 175 ,000 views.
It might even be more than that at this point, 175 ,000 views. So obviously people are interested in that topic.
It's so, it's sad. Most people are expressing sadness that this church is so divided.
Many people are expressing sadness in the way it was handled by the leadership, you know, trying to protect themselves with goons and stuff like that instead of handling things properly.
Lots of people are noticing a lot of shady stuff about that. This man is saying, he's talking about that meeting.
Now there are other meetings as well that are just as dysfunctional that we haven't posted videos on yet, which we will probably very soon, but that's what this guy's talking about.
Just to kind of give you a little context. The moderator tried to silence this individual and even called for security to escort him off the church premises.
What's unique is that many individuals in the congregation stood up and verbally expressed their solidarity, not with the moderator and the leadership of McLean Bible Church, but with this individual member.
There was actually support on both sides. There was definitely a lot of support for the member that was being escorted out by security.
By those two goons. But there were a lot of people, just in fairness, that were supporting
David Platt and his moderator and the goons that were escorting the people out. There was definitely people in support of both sides, and there was a lot of people that just said,
I'm leaving, this is ridiculous. But just want to set that record straight, there was support on both sides.
The division was deep. What does that signify? A massive degree of division at McLean Bible Church.
Where did the division come from? Social justice. God will not be mocked.
A man reaps what he sows. When woke pastors like David Platt sow the seeds of social justice, they reap division.
These woke pastors are destroying their churches. Yes, that is, I agree with this 100%.
This man, brother, if you watch this channel, there's a good chance that you do. Well done.
Well said, succinct, and all of that. He is reaping what he sows. When you bring social justice into your church, you have to recognize, and I think they do recognize this, that they are bringing a destructive, divisive ideology into the church.
The gospel of Jesus Christ and the scripture unites people, critical race theory and social justice divides people.
It divides people according to color. It divides people according to other kinds of ideologies, sexuality, all kinds of stuff.
It divides people intentionally, and so it's no wonder that that is one of the lightning rods of this particular division.
Now this particular division at McLean Bible Church, there's a lot more to it as well, as the documents show, and as we've talked about on this channel.
There's more to it, of course, but I think that social justice has been sort of the match that has lit the fire, and I don't think anyone would deny that.
It's a huge part of it. Social justice is a huge part of it, and so of course it's dividing the church up because that's what it's intended to do, and here's the reality.
People are going to say that, well, you've got to have charity. They must have positive motives. They must have good intentions.
I don't accept that anymore. I used to be one of those that said, well, they probably have good intentions. I don't think they do anymore because nothing could be more obvious, in my opinion, than the reality of the divisiveness that social justice theories and ideologies brings to the table.
Dividing up people according to skin color, like a freaking barbarian. Nothing could be more obviously a cause of division, and yet you bring it into the church as if it's taught in the scriptures.
It is not. The ideologies that David Platt preached in his T4G sermon on social justice is not taught in the scriptures.
He used Amos 5, and then he left Amos 5 and started talking about other ideologies and pretended that it was
Amos 5 that was teaching it. It was not. And so they are dividing the churches, and they intend to divide the churches.
That is intentional. And so they can be like, oh, woe is me, I'm this warrior lion for Christ, and then all these white supremacists are attacking me.
They love that because that'll get them the accolades, right? That'll get them the article in Washington Post. That'll get them the pat on the back, good boy, you are a warrior for Christ.
When in reality, they're a warrior for the revolution. You see, this is the truth, guys.
This is the truth. Those bringing social justice into the church, they don't have good intentions. They don't have good intentions.
Do I know what their intentions actually are? Is it money? Is it power? Is it prestige? Is it pats on the back?
Is it Washington Post articles? I don't know exactly what it is for each person, but I'll tell you right now that they are completely selling you the same propaganda that CNN is telling you, that MSNBC is selling you, that the
NASDAQ is selling you. It is the spirit of the age. So obviously, the fact that anyone could think that this is some kind of counter -cultural gospel thing when everyone and their mother is pushing it, sports is pushing it,
MLB, NFL, NBA. You know, it's funny because a lot of people are asking, like, how did they ruin sports too?
They didn't ruin sports. You see, this is all part of it. The sports are intended to pacify you.
The sports are intended to distract you from what's actually going on. And so, of course, they're going to also sell you the same narrative.
Everyone is selling the same narrative, including many of these Big Eva pastors, and somehow they have the audacity to say, well, this is totally
Bible, though, like it's totally scripture, when they have the same message as the Democratic Party. Guys, this is stupid.
Enough is enough. I'm absolutely done with assuming good motives for bringing obviously destructive and divisive heresies into the church.
It's not like it's hidden. It's not like it would be hard to see that this would divide up the body of Christ. It's so obvious that it would divide up the body of Christ, and yet they're presenting it as if, oh, this is total gospel -centered.
Like, no, it's not. It's actually the opposite of gospel -centered. You're focusing on the flesh rather than the spirit.
I'm not that the material is unimportant, right? That's not what I'm saying. What I am saying, though, is that you are using the flesh and using fleshly ideologies as a standard, bringing it into the church, and then judging that church by that standard.
So of course, the Christians amongst you are going to reject that. Of course, there's going to be division, and it's a division that has to happen whenever anyone brings error like that into the church.
This is not hard to understand, guys. It really isn't. What's hard to understand is how have so many people been duped by this?
That's hard to understand. But the fact that it is a divisive and destructive heresy is not hard to understand.