Matt Slick Study - What God Do You Want To Serve?



3-22-17 - What God do you want to serve? How to respond to someone who tells you, "I don't want to serve a God like that."


We are live good. All right, so now we get going here. Sorry for the little bit of a delay a couple minutes
Let me pray get going. But before I pray Hopefully everybody on Facebook and YouTube is gonna enjoy this it's gonna be a little bit different what
I'm gonna be talking about and What so I'm gonna just give a shout out to Andrew buddy.
Hey forgot to talk to you about that last week Andrew's one of the guys who helped us Andrew from Striving for eternity, which
I like to take a shot at him and say. Oh, you're a synergist Look it up and he's a great guy and he helped to set up all this tech stuff spent hours doing this
So thanks a lot Andrew. You're the man. It's one other thing I had to do. What was it? Oh we're working up bugs and so we have some incredibly talented people except mainly one who is working on and stuff and Lindsey's great and So we'll be working through that let me pray we'll just jump on jump on in I'm gonna talk about this
What's on the board behind me Lord Jesus? I want to thank you for this time and I asked
Lord that you would bless it I ask that you would anoint these words and Lord that you would receive glory through our communion here through our effort to serve you to know you and I asked
Lord that you'd bless the hearers everywhere and Lord just ask all this in your name.
Amen. All right. I Recently had a conversation with someone that I've said
I've had this conversation with people before But if you ever had it where sometimes, you know, the 15th time you hear something
It hits you hits you extra and that's what happened recently I've heard this statement.
I I don't want to serve a God like that. I've heard different formations of it.
I refuse to worship such a God I will never bow down to a God like that.
Whatever it might be whatever variations there are That's the one that I see. I don't want to serve a
God like that. I is the first word in it now, let me tell you about the conversation that I've had pretty consistent and it's
I can put a conglomeration of Conversations I've had hundreds of conversations where I have taught biblical theology people say oh, you're a
Calvinist Look, I'm just teaching biblical theology. I'm just quoting Scripture to you for example, we were
I was talking to some to a woman and she said One thing and I said another we had a really nice conversation.
I have no doubt that she was saved and And We were talking about our children and how
I have a white wayward wayward child and I said come on in and I said
Um, I said, you know, I'm glad that I said there were two women and this what I knew this when I didn't and I said
To her it's the first woman I said I'm so glad that God's in control and I can trust him and she said well
What do you mean? He's in control and it was she wasn't being challenging. I said, you know I take great comfort in that in in all that and she goes.
Oh, yeah, and so one thing led to another we got talking about What it mean to be reformed because I said that's part of reformed theology
She goes she said well that I'm reformed too because I believe in the sovereignty of God and I said Well, there's a little bit more to it than that.
I said we believe in you know, generally there those who are reformed believe in TULIP. She had no clue what it was and So it's hard to describe to her
TULIP just T Total depravity that people are touched by sin and all that they are.
This is not some denominational thing folks. This is what scripture teaches We are by nature children of wrath
Ephesians 2 3 we you know We're slaves to sin Romans 6 14 to 20 we're dead in our trespasses and sin
Ephesians 2 1 We cannot believe her cannot receive spiritual things 1st
Corinthians 2 14, but these are just scriptures no one seeks for God No one does good Romans 3 10 11 and 12 So I quote people these things and I did and I didn't do it rapid -fire with her
I was very gentle and I said, yeah, that's that's what we teach and she said well, then that would mean
Oh, I said one more thing. I said and that's why the Bible says that God grants that we believe Philippians 1 29 and He grants his repentance 2nd
Timothy 2 25 wasn't trying to convert her so to speak I was just informing this is what we teach and She said oh
No Well, then that would mean it was up to God and not up to us And not to our free will
I said that really caught me and I said well I said but this is what the scriptures teach and We're born again not of our own will
John 1 13 says and we need to bow down to the Almighty infinitely
Almighty God, he's the one in control and she says She says this.
I don't want to serve a god like that and I've had this conversation like this many times over the years and as you guys who watch me know
Listen to me, you know, I quote these verses because I've been doing it for 37 years.
I've been quoting the scripture to people and You know, I don't do it to show off I do it because I want people to know where it says that it's not just me
That's what it says. And so if that's what the case is if that's what's going on If that's what's going on then okay, where was
I think okay If I'm quoting these verses and that's what's going on Then people need to believe what the
Word of God says period they need to believe what the Word of God says That's what has to happen They have to believe what
God's Word says you'd think that right, but she said I don't want to serve a god like that And it's just it just I had to go do stuff and I went to the gym and worked out and I'm thinking about it
You know, and I'm going you know, I'm gonna write about this and I've got an article I'm working on about it and And I started thinking
You know break this down and go through this. I don't want I me my desires my
My understanding I don't want I don't want I've had people say
I would never serve. I will never do I don't want But it's always about what they want.
Not what the truth is. This is what's interesting when I quote the scriptures to them They don't want the
God of Scripture what they want is the God of their own understanding their own making
The God who is the blonde -haired blue -eyed Caucasian surfer Jesus They want what they've been taught and the crap that they've been taught in churches all over America this idiocy
And it's what it is about. It's up to you and your free will It's not up to you and your free will and go through Romans 9 914 does not depend upon the man who wills or the man who runs but upon God who has mercy you're born again of not
Of your own will of John 1 13. That's what's going on. He chooses us for salvation 2nd
Thessalonians 2 13 He appoints us to eternal life Acts 13 48 the ones who are given by the
Father to the Son will come to the Son John 6 39 now But this
I don't want this is what I you know let me expand this I will decide what God ought to be
I Will decide what he needs to be I will decide now. Where are they getting this crap?
They're getting it from the churches the very churches Now what I want to do is read something to you,
I'm gonna go to 2nd Timothy, I believe it's 2nd Timothy. I got a lot of verbs go this way.
I got a lot of verses I can go to let's see I want to read the scriptures Incidentally had all my notes printed up and left them on my desk, and I came here
So now I'm just going online and doing my stuff I'm so bright when it comes to stuff like that so 2nd
Timothy 4 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but wanting to have their ears tickled
That's 2nd Timothy 4 verse 3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but wanting to have their ears tickled
I don't want to serve a God like that we could rewrite this and we could say something like I Want The God that I Like We could rephrase it like this
I want the God that I like Or I want the God that I like that makes me feel
Good There's lots of things that this you know, I want the
God that I like that makes me feel good. I Want what I want for my security my issues my reasons my desires my preferences.
I Don't want to serve a God like that if someone came to me and said look Matt I'm going to teach you something teach me here's some scriptures bang bang bang bang bang
I would never say after hearing the Word of God quoted. I don't want a God like that I mean they realize what's being said
I'm quoting the scriptures to them God is the one who appoints us to eternal life acts 1348 as Many as had been appointed to eternal life believed he causes us to be born again first Peter 1 3
We're born as the content is born again John 1 12 and 13, but in verse 13 not of your own will
I don't want a God like that. Well, then what do you want? It's time that people start realizing that the
Word of God is not there for your convenience the Word of God is there to reveal who Jesus Christ really is the
Word of God is there for you to learn and to repent and to come into harmony with what the Word of God says and Was just yesterday's are hearing this so many times it upset me.
I don't want to serve a God like that. I don't want It's about what I want. It's about what I prefer. It's about what I think is right about what
I desire In other words my desires are above the
Word of God now Jesus said in Luke 22 42 22 42
I believe that's it He said not my will be done, but your will be done He's in the garden and he doesn't want to go to the cross.
He's praying to the Father I said let this cup pass for me. Nevertheless, not my will but your will be done
He didn't say I don't want to serve the Father like that That's what basically what's going on.
I don't want to serve the Father like that. Is that what we hear Jesus say? Would we ever hear
Jesus say anything like that? No But we do hear plenty of so -called Christians tell us and tell me and tell others
They don't want to serve a God that is accurately properly represented in Scripture the sovereign
King The Lord they don't want him what they want is What they want is that blonde -haired blue -eyed
Caucasian surfer idol that they can see as that super gentle person and it's all about your free will it's all about you and your
Ability because that's how you have to be. That's how God has to be in order for things to be right
They want God a certain way. They have man -centered humanistic theology I don't want to serve a
God like that now look to serve Now notice that they say this.
I don't want to serve a God like that other ways of saying this is follow
I Don't want to follow a God like that. I don't want to believe in Okay, I've had those two all right
I've had those come up to I don't want to follow a God like that. I don't want to serve a God like that I don't want to believe in a God like that Now maybe it's just me.
Maybe I'm smarter than all of them. Because to me it seems rather obvious that this is stupid.
I don't know about you, but this is stupid. I don't want to serve God like that.
I don't want to follow a God like what you're saying as you quote scripture. I'm like, maybe you should say something like,
I want to follow God in truth no matter who and what he is as revealed in his word. That's the attitude that needs to happen.
So if someone came to me and told me something about the Lord, for example, in this context that I hadn't heard before,
I'm going to say, show me in scripture. I'm not saying, I'm not going to serve a God like that. Show me in scripture.
If you can show me in scripture, praise God. You can't show me in scripture, I'm not going to affirm that.
Now, also coincidentally, my eldest daughter is wayward and every now and then, the real nice people, generally atheists, will bring her up and talk bad about me because of that.
You know, they'll accuse me of all kind of stuff, right? Okay. Well, it often happens that there's a certain group of Christians, let me just say.
They call themselves Christians and then they often attack me for my reformed theology, my belief in God's sovereignty.
And they did that this week by attacking my daughter and saying, this is what happens when a
Calvinist father teaches his daughter. I mean, just real bad stuff. One person, no, two people in multitudinous comments, two people said, folks, that's inappropriate.
Okay. One of the guys, well, he said it was so nice, I said, anytime you're in Boise, you come over, you got a place to stay,
I'll buy you a steak. He was godly and compassionate. I don't care if he agreed with Calvinism or not, I don't care.
But the heart is growing cold. I'm going to talk about some of this, I'm going to blend this in with signs of the end times.
You'll see what I'm getting at when we get to that. So people say, I don't want to serve a God like that or a
God. And then they'll say, for example, that these other God is false. I have had people tell me, now, sorry, this is about reformed theology, it's what it is, but I've had people say to me, well, the
God of Calvinism is not the true God. What? The God of Calvinism is Trinitarian? The God of Calvinism is eternal?
The God of Calvinism, the second person became flesh? The God of Calvinism is
Jesus in flesh? That's not the true God? Oh no, your God, your
God predestined people to hell. And I trick them. I don't know about you, but I believe that God works all things, even the wicked for the day of evil.
They go, that's heresy, Matt. Really? I just quoted Proverbs 16 .4 to you. I do this all the time to them.
I'll quote them the scriptures and they call it heresy and say, you're the heretic, you don't believe in God's Word. And I'll tell you why, what's going on here.
I'll tell you what's going on later. They'll say, that kind of a God who is like that.
We'll get into this. What is that that they don't want to serve? It's this, it's that he's sovereign, that he elects, he predestines.
Okay, election also means choosing. Whoops, another one there. All right, they don't want that.
They don't want what? Now this is what's key. This is what's key. I always get this kind of, not always with everybody, but I frequently get this statement.
And when I do, it's always in reference to those who deny God's sovereignty, deny
God's right to elect, deny God's right to predestine. They deny these things and then they say they don't want to serve a
God like that. And I warn them. I say, then you better be careful what you say. Because I'm quoting you scripture and you're denying the scriptures.
You might inadvertently be insulting the true and living God. You better be real careful. I think people say to me, you're not even a believer,
Matt, because you believe in this. Seriously. And I say, if I'm not a believer because I believe in this and you call this a false
God, then you deny this, then you're not believing in the true God. And these are the same ones who generally will attack me left and right.
Now this isn't a personal vendetta revenge thing. I'm just saying this is what's going on. So they don't like the idea that God is sovereign, that he elects, he's choosing, and they don't like this.
This is one doctrine they hate. They hate. It's called reprobation.
All right? Reprobation. To be reprobate means destined to hell. He makes all things, even the wicked, for the day of evil.
What if God, although willing to demonstrate his wrath and do it with much patience, vessels of wrath prepared for destruction.
Romans 9 .22. Now people say, I don't like that. Right. You don't.
You don't like the true and living God. You don't like the idea that he's sovereign.
This is a sign of apostasy. It's a sign of apostasy.
I'm gonna get into this. So I don't want, but Jesus would follow
God, to serve, honor, believe, worship. That's always, that's thrown in there too.
I will never worship a God like that. They're deciding what God they want.
They're deciding which God they want to serve, which God they want to believe in.
So here's the question. Are they Christians? Are they saved? Are they regenerate?
I'm not saying yes. I'm not saying no. I'm just saying, if they want to serve a certain kind of God, are they then idolaters?
And this is a question that has to be asked. Wait. It has to be asked if they are serving a false
God. Because this is what God says. He is the sovereign
King, 1 Timothy 1, 16, 17. He does elect Ephesians 1, 4, and 5.
He does choose 2 Thessalonians 2, 2, 13. He does predestine Ephesians 1, 4, and 5,
Romans 8, 29. And Reformation, Proverbs 16, 4, Romans 9, 22, 23.
I mean, I quote these things to people, and they hate the Word of God, and they hate the true living
God, because He does not fit what they want. That blonde -haired, black, Caucasian surfer image.
Why is that? The time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but wanting to have their ears tickled, they'll accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance with their own desires.
This is what they're going to want. They're going to want to have a teacher tell them what they want
God to be. Now, what
I'm going to do here, give me a sec, get to my notes. So on Monday afternoon,
I was on ABN satellite TV via Skype. Do this every now and then. Sit in my office.
We get on TV. It goes out over Europe. It goes out over Africa and stuff. We talked to the Muslims. It's a great outreach.
Aramaic, broadcasting network, satellite TV. And so I've been out there many times, and anyway, we had a discussion with, actually coincidentally, with the guy that I knew in college,
Ken Samples, a great guy, and he and I went to college together. Haven't talked in, I don't know,
I mean, I could even tell you what decade. It's just been a long time. So our discussion, he and me, and he and myself, and Tony Gurley, doing a great job there at ABN sat.
Anyway, we're discussing end times, basically eschatology. What are the different views?
It was just real light. We're not arguing about which is right or wrong. It's just why this or why that.
It's just basic stuff. It was just trying to be informative. We had a Muslim on, and he gave the
Muslim position. Fair enough. It motivated me, though, to do a little bit of research.
Motivated me to start writing an article on what the issue was. What are the signs of the end times?
What are the signs of the end times? So I did a lot of research, and I've got a list of 23 things.
23. Now there's more. You'll see how I have to word them and group them. I'm going to go over some of the stuff.
This is Matthew 24, verse 3. As he was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him privately saying, tell us when will these things happen, and what will be the sign of your coming and the end of the age?
What will be the sign of your coming and the end of the age? And Jesus answered and said to them, see to it that no one misleads you.
For many will come in my name saying, I am the Christ, and will mislead many.
False Christs. Okay. Okay. Verse 6.
You will hear, you will be hearing of wars and rumors of wars. So that's another thing. Do not be frightened, for those things must take place.
But that is not yet the end. For nation will rise against nation, kingdom against kingdom, and various places. There will be famines and earthquakes.
But all these things are merely beginning of birth pangs. Then they will deliver you to tribulation and will kill you, and you will be hated by all nations because of my name.
At that time many will fall away, apostasy, and will betray one another and hate one another.
Many false prophets will arise and mislead many. Because lawlessness is increased, most people's love will grow cold.
Now, I'm going to skip around and read various things. In Luke 21, 10 through 11, then he continued by saying to them, nation will rise against nation, kingdom against kingdom, and there will be great earthquakes in various places, plagues and famines, and there will be terrors and great signs from heaven.
So, earthquakes, plagues, famine, signs in the heavens.
1 Timothy 4, 1 through 3. But the Spirit explicitly says that in the latter times some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits, spiritism, right there, and doctrines of demons by means of hypocrisy, of liars, seared in their own conscience as with a branding iron, men who forbid marriage and advocate abstaining from foods which
God has created to be gratefully shared in by those who believe and know the truth. Now, let's go to 2
Timothy 3, 1 through 5. But realize this, in the last days difficult times will come for men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, revilers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy, unloving, irreconcilable, malicious gossips, without self -control, brutal, haters of good, treacherous, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, holding to a form of godliness although they have denied its power.
Avoid such men as these. Now, let's go to 2 Timothy 3, I already did this, 4, 3, and 4.
The time will come when they will not endure such sound doctrine, but wanting to have their ears tickled, they'll accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires.
I don't want. And will turn away their ears from the truth and will turn to myths. I don't want.
I don't want. I will not serve a God like this. 2 Peter 3, verses 3 and 4, know this, first of all, that in the last days mockers will come with their mocking, following after their own lusts and saying, where is the promise of his coming?
For ever since the father's fell asleep all continues just as it was from the beginning of creation. Now, I could reinterpret this a little bit and just say, you know what, the mocking of the return of Christ is the mocking of Christ himself.
Taking his name in vain is a subcategory of that, which we are very familiar with.
Jude 17, 18, and 19, but you, beloved, ought to remember the words that were spoken beforehand by the apostles of our
Lord Jesus Christ, that they were saying to you, in the last times there will be mockers following after their own and godly lusts.
These are the ones who cause divisions, worldly minded, devoid of the Spirit. I saw a picture of someone who, from someone, on their phone recently, who went out to that stupid women's march in DC.
And out in that stupid ungodly thing, they took a picture of people, women, standing there saying, if Mary had done her job of aborting
Christ, we wouldn't be in this mess. And they were telling me other stuff that was going on.
I said, show me those pictures. Now I regret not having gone out there. I thought, women, there's, you know, a march, whatever.
They said it was ungodly. It was pagan.
Now, you could also read in Daniel 12, 4, but as for you, Daniel, conceal these words and seal up the book until the end of time.
Many will go back and forth, that implies travel, lots of travel, and knowledge will increase.
That's undoubtedly happened. Now, we can go to 2 Thessalonians 2, 3, and 4, let no one in any way deceive you.
For the return of Christ will not come unless the apostasy comes first. The man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction, who opposes and exalts himself above every so -called
God or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, displaying himself as being
God. Revelation 13, 14 through 17, and he deceives those who dwell on the earth because of the signs which it is given him to perform in the presence of the beast, telling those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the beast who had the wound of the sword and has come to life.
And it was given to him to give breath to the image of the beast so that the image of the beast would even speak and cause as many who do not worship the image of the beast to be killed.
And he causes all, the small and the great and the rich and the poor and the free men and the slaves to be given a mark on the right hand or on the forehead, and he provides that no one will be able to buy or sell except the one has this mark, either the name of the name.
This is part of what's going to happen at the end times, right? Now, I didn't include every verse, and I can go back in and modify this article and include more, but I did more research today.
So let me summarize 23 things, 23 things, okay, that the
Bible talks about. There's probably more that has to deal with the end times.
Now, when is this in here? Presence of false Christ and false prophets, that's
Matthew 24 verses 5 to 11. I got every single one of these I have a reference to. So instead of me saying every reference, you can go on CARM and you can go look up this article, what are the signs of the end times, okay?
And the references are there at the bottom. So presence of the false Christ and false prophets, war, persecution of the faithful, apostasy, lawlessness increase, lawlessness increases, and love grows cold.
Earthquakes, famine, and plagues, increase in selfishness, lovers of self, money, and pleasure, arrogant, disobedient, ungrateful, and unholy, they will be haters of good, conceited, appearing godly, but are not.
Mocking of Jesus, increase of knowledge, rise in spiritism, the decay of marriage, false teaching, the gospel will be preached to the whole world, that's good.
Signs in the heavens, sun and moon will be darkened, the signs of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, not sure what that means, but that's worth an interesting study.
Abuse and destruction of the earth and its resources, that's out of a Revelation 11 18, he punishes those who did this, okay?
All the nations of the earth will be gathered against Israel, that's yet to come, the rebuilding of the temple, the arrival of the
Antichrist, enforcement of the mark of the beast, and repentance of Israel and the
Jews, then they come to the faith in Christ. So there's some good, there's some bad in here. Now, when
I was working on this yesterday, I was going, okay, list this out, that's today, and that's today, and I'm going, that's today, that's today, that's today, oh my goodness.
You know, when you hear little bits at a time, yeah, yeah, people are mad, okay, I was like, oh, it's kind of interesting that on one day
I had to do a show that dealt with this, and another day I encountered this, and the juxtaposition really got my attention.
Now, I have to say that, you know, I'm a pessimist. I think it's going to get bad,
I don't think it's going to get better, I believe it's going to go downhill, I believe it's going to be very bad, and I believe we're going to have to prepare to run for our lives.
Now, a lot of people right now are going, I don't want to hear that, where's the blind -eyed, black, occasion -surfing Jesus who can comfort me?
But that's what I believe is going to happen. Why? Because of what God says. This is my interpretation of Genesis 2 .17,
because he said, God said to Adam, the day that you eat this fruit, you will die. Did he die that day?
Yes, he did, because God said he would. He said, you will eat, you eat it, you're going to die.
Did he die? If you say no, then God prophesied and failed. You can't say that.
He died, so think, would he die? He didn't die physically, though he was dying physically, he separated from God, and that's what happened.
Now, Adam represented us. 1 Corinthians 15 .22, in Adam I'll die.
My personal opinion is that included in the statement, the day that you eat of this, you will die.
And Jesus says in Matthew 24 .22, if those days, that I just read all this stuff, if those days be not cut short, no flesh would be left.
In my opinion, this is my opinion, as pessimistic as it is, my opinion is that Genesis 2 .17
will culminate with the return of Christ in a gigantic celestial,
I told you so. I suspect that what's going to happen is, he's going to come back and stop us from killing ourselves.
The way sin works is it leads to death. The way to the sin is death. The day that you eat of this, you will die.
If he doesn't come back, no flesh will be left. My personal opinion, and it's just my opinion, if you disagree, that's fine,
I'm not going to be upset. My personal opinion is this, that things are going to get so bad, that the last moment before we basically destroy ourselves in this world,
Jesus is going to come back and stop it. And certain things are going to happen in that last day, it's a whole other study.
But up to that point, we cannot get the arrival of the Antichrist until the church goes apostate.
The Christian church is weak, because it puts itself first before the word of God.
And because what it's doing is, it's desiring to feed its own flesh. It desires its own wants, and it even, the church largely, too many people
I should say, want God to be what they want God to be. This is why the biggest churches in America are positive confession churches.
God loves you. Now folks, I could get a church to grow. I could. I'd lose all my friends here.
I'd lose all the respect of everybody in this room. But I could do it, because all I would do is study what
Joel Osteen says, what Joyce Meyer says, what Kenneth Copeland says. I would go through stuff like Stephen Furtick.
I'd listen to him. I'd imitate TD Jakes. He's a great communicator.
I'd put it all together. I would take their stuff, and I would repackage it, and I would do my best.
I'd watch myself on video to get to the place where I could make people feel good while I appear to be godly.
And a church would grow. Why? Because people would go, oh man, I love that service.
Oh, that was so good. Felt great getting my ears tickled. Or let's do a,
I'll start a church, okay. I mean, I'm exaggerating to make this point on the radio.
Okay, I'm starting a church. It'll be in two months if you guys want to come. It will not be fun. I'll require you bring your
Bibles. Don't bring your Bible, give you a stern look. We'll provide one for you. You hopefully will open your
Bibles and look at it. And I expect people to come up to me sometime in the next few weeks and say, after we're starting, saying things like,
I'm not sure I agree with you. Good. That means you're listening. All right. What do you not agree with?
Maybe you're right. Let's work through it together. I would expect the men to be leading in the church. The worship team, if you don't have your stuff together, you're done.
The elders, if we ever get any elders, after I train them, you better know what your stuff is. I'm not talking perfection.
How many people go, yeah, sign me up. I want to go into that. You know, they come out.
I can just see somebody driving by from the, I feel really feel good about myself church, driving by and took a wrong turn and people come out.
Oh man. They go, what happened in that church? Oh man, it's got beat up by Reverend Slick.
And they go, oh yeah, that makes sense. I've heard him on the radio. He's just unloving, unkind. I go, yeah, but you see that rod of truth, man, it really just, it hit me hard.
Now I've got some repenting to do. And they go, we don't want that. We're going to go over here until we get served at a restaurant.
And I'm exaggerating, but you see what I'm saying? Who'd want to go to something like that? Now, yes,
I can be touchy feely. I like to do that too, believe it or not. Don't want my reputation to be ruined by being too touchy feely.
I'll be preaching in a couple of weeks on the eternal covenant, eternal sonship, the incarnation and eternal fellowship and how it relates to communion.
And it's going to be a touchy feely thing. I'm looking forward to it. So don't get the idea that all I want to do is bash and say, it has everything has to be five point church.
You know, that's not the point. I'm just trying to make a point is that one of five, just trying to make this point that we have to serve
God in truth. And sometimes the scriptures are tough. And sometimes the scriptures will say things we don't want them to say.
But so stinking what? You know, how many of you ever stubbed your toe badly?
All right. The truth doesn't care about your feelings. I don't like that.
It hurts lots of pain. I want to cry. I want to cry like a little baby.
And I need a diaper right now because it's hurting a lot. And so this is not good. Now, I mean, seriously, people go,
I don't like that truth. I ignore the truth. Okay. It's not how it works.
I want truth. I go to a doctor's office, you want the good news or the bad news? I only want the good news.
Don't tell me anything else. Okay. Nice weather outside. That's it.
That's it. Yeah, that's all we're done. We're done. Okay. Well, thank you. You know, and obviously something's really bad, right?
I mean, you want to hear the truth whether you like it or not, right? Unless we go to church and we're babysat.
Unless what we say is, I want what I want. Now, I will tell you that I've, I'm longing periodically.
I long to be a pastor again, to be able to preach on Sundays. I love to preach.
I don't have time to run a church. I don't have time to be in charge of something like that. I don't have time to disciple men who need to be godly men who would never say,
I don't want to serve a God like that. Unless what they're saying is, I don't want to serve the Mormon God who's an exalted man from another planet who could have been a sinner and he's having sex with his goddess wife making spirit babies.
I don't want to serve a God like that. And I don't just say, this is what, this is the thing. When I say,
I don't want to serve a God like that, I always add on, and I've said this to Mormons and Joseph. I don't want to serve
God like that. I want to serve the true God. Okay. I want him,
I don't care what he's like. I don't care what
God's like in one sense. I do in another. I do care that he's holy and righteous, but I don't care in that he is the one who reveals himself and I need to bow to him.
I've had so many people tell me, I refuse to worship a God that would send people to hell. Okay.
Mr. Narcissistic humanist, you don't want to worship a God that doesn't make you feel good the way you want?
You know, the Christian church has got to repent. The Christian church has got to get its act together.
And it starts with a man. Sorry, but it does. Adam and Eve were in the garden and she sinned first.
She gave the fruit to Adam, then he ate. That was the sin. When the pre -incarnate
Jesus came looking for them, he said to the man, where are you?
He didn't say to the woman, what have you done? He didn't say to them, where are you to? He said to the man, where are you?
Why? Because of federal headship. Adam represented us. 1
Corinthians 15, 22, Romans 5, 18. He represented us. When he represented us in that fall and he's the male, he has the responsibility.
The responsibility starts with us. The responsibility is that we men are to step up and shape up.
We don't like it, too stinking bad. When I do marriage counseling, I've done 35 couples the past few years.
I don't do a whole bunch, but I've kept track. Out of 35 couples, 30, the problem has been the male.
30 out of 35. 30 out of 35 marriages, it's been definitely the male, the husband who's been the jerk who needs to get fixed.
And you know what the solution is every single time? Guess what the solution is every single time?
Biblical theology. I counsel by teaching theology. I say, let's start with the
Doctrine of the Trinity, the eternal covenant of God, Hebrews 13, 20. Let's start with the inter -trinitarian communion, the incarnation.
We'll talk about this, the headship of Jesus, the headship of the male in the home, the authority.
I say to the husband, this is your responsibility. I've had guys say, well,
I don't like that. I'll be right back. I'm gonna get a diaper and a bib.
Okay, because you know, if you don't like it, you know, I want to hear you do some stuff. I'll get my recorder. I want you to repeat after me, wah, wah.
Now, I'm not that flippant, but that's what it comes down to. I think we men, we like to be talked to like that.
Tell it to me straight. Don't lie to me. If it hurts, you know what? I'm a big boy. I'll handle it.
That's how it is. I think it's why a lot of men like to listen to what I have to say, because I don't pull punches. You know, you're ugly, you're a jerk, you're stupid, and those are my close friends.
Okay, they like that, because I just tell them, you know, whatever. You're liking this, aren't you? Women like it when guys get it.
You know, they go, hey, give us more. They laugh. It's funny. You're good at giving it, too?
All right. But here's the thing, is that there is a true revelation of God.
He is the Sovereign King. He does elect. He's the one who does what
He does. Let me run a little bit of something else by you. Ephesians 111 says that God works all things after the counsel of His will.
That means there's no chance, no chance of anything happening by accident.
There are no chances. God doesn't have to roll some dice and wonder what's going to happen, as if chance is its own thing.
He works all things after the counsel of His will. So with that, we combine the truth that He knows all things.
1 John 3 20. All things that have happened, all things that will happen, all things that are happening, all things that might have happened.
If God had ordained a different set of circumstances, and notice what I said, if He had ordained a different set of circumstances, that means
He is the one who chose that it would be. If He had ordained a different set of circumstances, then a different result would have been the case, if God had chosen to.
Now God knows all things that will occur, right? He does. Because God knows all things that will occur, then all events in the future are certain to occur, right?
If all things in the future are certain to occur, then the free will choices of all people are certain to occur as well, right?
But sometimes people will say, well that's not fair. If God knows what you're going to do before you're going to do it, and He foreordains it, you're not free to choose it.
Therefore, you're not responsible. I don't want to serve a God like that.