Politics, Scott Brown and the Christian


Mike and Steve discuss the savior - Senator Scott Brown????? Proper thinking of politics is mandatory for you!


Welcome to No Compromise Radio, a ministry coming to you from Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
No Compromise Radio is a program dedicated to the ongoing proclamation of Jesus Christ, based on the theme in Galatians 2, verse 5, where the
Apostle Paul said, "...but we did not yield in subjection to them for even an hour, so that the truth of the gospel would remain with you."
In short, if you like smooth, watered -down words to make you simply feel good, this show isn't for you.
By purpose, we are first biblical, but we can also be controversial. Stay tuned for the next 25 minutes as we're called by the divine trumpet to summon the troops for the honor and glory of her
King. Here's our host, Pastor Mike Abendroth. Welcome to No Compromise Radio ministry. This is
Mike Abendroth. I'm your host. What do we do here at No Compromise Radio ministry? Well, we want to stand up for truth, and we want to stand up against error.
Any time we have the Bible open, we easily see that that's exactly what it does, because truth divides.
Doctrine divides. It divides truth from error, and we've got to think properly.
We need to love Jesus with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength, and so we need to have our minds sharpened.
And in the world of amusement, muse meaning to think, and put an A in front of muse and not thinking.
You sit down in front of the TV, and you don't think. It is set up for you, so you don't have to think.
And so what I want you to do is to think. I want you to turn on the show and say, man, that was heavy, and I've got to listen to the podcast as well.
You can write us at info at nocompromiseradio .com if you'd like, or you can send me a letter at info at bbchurch .org
if you'd like to do that as well. We're Bethlehem Bible Church, and I've been meeting a lot of people visiting the church who heard about the church from No Compromise Radio Ministry.
So if you're looking for a church and you don't have a good Bible -teaching church, we'd love to see you. Today we want to talk about divorce.
What does the Bible say about divorce? I've been on the air now for about five months, and we have not talked about this topic.
Sometimes when this topic comes up, people cringe because it's a painful topic.
It reveals lots of hurts and lots of issues, because most people, probably 85 -90 % of you have been affected by a divorce in some way, shape, or form.
Maybe your parents were divorced. Maybe you're divorced. Maybe your sister or brother is divorced. Certainly people you know at work or at church are divorced.
And these days, divorce is just part of our culture. Actually, these days, it's not embarrassment that comes up when we have divorce discussions.
Society wants to push it so it's celebrated. Like with adultery, one book said that there's to be healthy adultery.
That's what the experts say. E. Lawson said 50 years ago, parents were apt to have lots of kids.
Nowadays kids are apt to have a lot of parents. And so we have about a million divorces per year in America, and that means churches have divorce as well.
And what does God think about this? Is there forgiveness for divorce? Can there be remarriage?
Is there a divorce that ever could be biblical? Are any divorces biblical? Are all divorces biblical?
What should we do when it comes to our own happiness? The culture will say, if you're not happy, get out.
God says, if you're not holy, watch out. Holiness versus happiness.
Well, I don't have my needs met, and he doesn't do this, and she doesn't do that. Friends, the vow before God is exactly that, till death do you part.
It is not to have and to hold as long as your felt needs are being met. I have a question for you.
If you are going to go through an unbiblical divorce, will your church even care enough about the
Scriptures? Will your church even care enough about the holiness of God to give you church discipline?
To tell you, you cannot do that because it reflects upon Christ and his bride, the church,
Ephesians 5, more on that later. People just get divorced like it's a sacrament, the sacrament of divorce.
Pastors get divorced, well, you know, just not meant to be together, and now I can more identify with the people of the church that have struggles and needs and all that.
What is going on? How can we figure out the mess and the mire that we're in now? It's like a beaker full of water, but there's all kinds of mud in it, swirled all around.
We can't see through the issues. Well, the way to see through the issues always is back to the
Bible. If I had a radio show, maybe I'd call it Back to the Bible. Oh, I do have a show, but that name's already taken.
What does the Bible say about divorce? You can't look to the experts because they're fallen.
Psychologists have a bad view of man and bad view of woman, and that is they're good.
They may be impressionable, but they're good deep down. Only the Scriptures will acknowledge that man is affected by the fall, his mind is affected, his will is affected, and he is bound, enslaved to sin.
And even his mind doesn't think like it ought to, so we need someone's mind who is perfect, holy, comes from the outside, and his name is
God. His mind is revealed in the Scriptures. Much better than going to John Adam and Nancy Williamson's book,
Divorce, How and When to Let Go. Let's just listen how horrible these words are.
But listen how appealing they are to people who are in a bad marriage. Your marriage can wear out.
People change their values and lifestyles. People want to experience new things. Change is a part of life.
Change and personal growth are traits for you to be proud of, indicative of a vital searching mind.
You must accept the reality that in today's multifaceted world, it is especially easy for two persons to grow apart.
Letting go of your marriage, if it is no longer fulfilling, can be the most successful thing you have ever done.
Getting a divorce can be a positive, problem -solving, growth -oriented step. It can be a personal triumph.
I don't have any words for that. That is gross, that is sinful, that is unbiblical, and that is very popular.
People love that. Can't you associate with me? You don't know my pain. Verbal abuse, emotional abuse, physical abuse, tactical abuse, willful abuse.
Friends, I don't want people to be abused. And if your husband abuses you physically, you ought to call 911 because when he is in jail, he will not physically abuse you anymore.
But what does the Bible say about divorce? What a relevant topic. How relevant is
God? That should be the issue. If God is relevant, His word should be relevant.
So today we want to talk about divorce. We won't get very far, but that's alright. We've got plenty of time.
We want to make sure we understand that there are opposing forces. If God loves marriage, if God loves the sanctity of marriage, there are going to be others like Kate Millett in her book,
Sexual Politics, who says the family unit must go because it is the family that has oppressed and enslaved women.
So we have to make sure we understand where the world is pointing us and how we have the unchanging, relevant, eternal word of God.
Alright, let's start in a large view, broad view, and then we'll focus in.
Let's think about marriage with affirmations. Affirmation number one. God's original plan for marriage was to be lifelong.
Before we talk about all the details about marriage and divorce, let's just think big picture first. This is my solemn vow till death do us part.
That was part of God's original plan for marriage. In spite of what people say are irreconcilable differences, in spite of incompatibility, in spite of I don't love her anymore,
I need some more zing, I have no feelings for him, marriage is not meant to be this hard.
No, positively, God has meant marriage to be permanent. God designed it.
It's God's creation. It's God's plan. Genesis 2,
Then the Lord God said, It is not good for man to be alone. I will make him a helper suitable for him.
Out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field and every bird of the sky and brought them to a man to see what he would call them.
Whatever the man called the living creature, that was its name. The man gave names to all the cattle and to the birds of the sky and to the beasts of the field but for Adam there was not found a helper suitable for him.
Genesis 2, So the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man and he slept, took one of his ribs, closed up the flesh of that place.
The Lord God fashioned into a woman the rib which he had taken from the man and brought her to the man. And the man said,
This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh. She shall be called a woman because she was taken out of the man.
So it's part of God's original plan for marriage to be lifelong. God in his mercy though has given an accommodation for divorce.
We would have to affirm that because Matthew 5, verse 31 Jesus says, Whoever sends his wife away let him give her a certificate of divorce.
That's exactly what the text says. How can I say there's not an accommodation when there is?
For I say to you, whoever divorces his wife except for the reason of unchastity or sexual immorality makes her commit adultery and whoever marries a divorced woman commits adultery.
So we have to say affirmation number one even though God's plan was for marriage to be lifelong in his mercy he allows an accommodation for divorce and that divorce is for immorality.
We're going to see today there's only two ways to get divorced if you're a Christian. Two potential righteous ways to get divorced and neither are commanded but both are allowed and the first one is sexual immorality.
If your wife cheats on you physically with another woman or with another man you are able to get divorced and the second one we'll find in 1
Corinthians chapter 7 and we'll look at that a little bit later. Let's go to Mark chapter 10 to get a little background of what's going on to learn more about what the
Bible teaches about divorce. Pharisees are going to come and test Jesus question him verse 2 of chapter 10 whether it was lawful for a man to divorce his wife.
They would debate that topic just like they would debate that topic today and so was Jesus a letter of the law kind of guy or was he a little more forgiving?
What do we do? Matthew 19 says is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife for any and every reason?
Jesus please weigh in on this debate and Jesus answered Mark chapter 10 and said to them what did
Moses command you? Isn't it interesting what does the Bible say? Let's go back to the Bible not permit but command
Pharisees your approach is all wrong because you're all wrong you're searching for escape clauses for your sin you're trying to find a way out already that's the wrong way to go about it
God has spoken, God has spoken completely God has spoken with clarity what did
God say? And so what's going on is they're trying to argue about this
Deuteronomy law back in chapter 24 what is this uncleanness that it's okay to get divorced over Mark chapter 10 verse 4 and they said
Moses permitted a man to write a certificate of divorce and send her away but Jesus said to them because of the hardness of heart because of your hardness of heart he wrote you this commandment something got in the way between creation and Moses day and that was sin it was an accommodation to God from God for the human and for the human weakness and for human sin and so as John MacArthur says the
Pharisees mistook God's gracious provision in permitting divorce under certain circumstances for his ordaining of it and so the issue is here in Mark chapter 10 just because there's
God's mercy shown it's not some kind of command God hates divorce this accommodation for divorce is no reason to celebrate divorce
Mark chapter 10 verse 9 what therefore God has joined together let no man separate there's a greater authority needed to separate a man and a woman greater than God needed so who's a greater authority than God to separate a man and a woman there is no one
God made a helper for Adam God brought Eve to Adam God established marriage marriage is permanent cannot dissolve a union sanctified by God and if you do there will be trouble
Feinberg said marriage is portrayed as a human institution for all mankind unless the marriage involves those who should not marry because of some biblical prohibition
God is involved in forming the union and so in Moses' day the adulterer was killed but in the
Jewish day because of Roman law the Jews couldn't kill so there's some kind of issue there what do you do
Luther said I have such a hatred of divorce that I prefer bigamy to divorce that is something that comes right from Malachi 2 for I hate divorce says the
Lord let me give you some practical advice if you're married you should be married forever on this earth that is don't even talk about divorce make divorce not even an option don't even have it in your vocabulary to your spouse and thinking about divorce quote love has become a mixture of physical desire and vague sentimentality marriage has become a provisional sexual union to be terminated when this pathetic pygmy love dissolves
D .A. Carson so if you've got a pathetic pygmy love and it dissolves over time because it was only sexual in nature or it was only sentimental in nature then you want to get out that's a sad commentary on you
Carson said marriage is commitment and far from backing out when the going gets rough marriage partners are to sort out when difficulties sort out their difficulties in light of scripture they're to hang in there improving their relationship working at it precisely because they have vowed before God and man to live together and to love each other for better for worse for richer for poorer in sickness and in health until death separates them love as the determined commitment to seek the other's good to cherish shelter nurture edify and show patience with one's partner end quote
D .A. Carson but that's not what society says society says you know what have a party
I read some time ago divorce couples in Albuquerque New Mexico can celebrate what's called freedom rings colon jewelry for the divorced and so this divorcee
Lynn Peters has a company and she makes custom jewelry out of old wedding rings and so you give her some money and you can actually have a ring smashing ceremony they provide champagne they provide music and the
MC says this quote we will now release any remaining ties to your past by transforming your ring which represents the past into a token of your new beginning now take the hammer stop for a moment to consider the transformation that is about to begin your life your new life ready with this swing let freedom ring and down goes the four -pound sledgehammer destroys the ring and then they reform it and the ceremony ends that's pretty bad
I think Henry Ford although didn't seem like an evangelical Christian to me had good advice when asked on his 50th wedding anniversary what was his rule for marital bliss quote just the same as in the automobile business stick to one model that's true
God's best is lifelong marriage that is his arena to bless people in the marriage it's not restricting liberty it's placing being in the place where God pours out his wonderful care provision where you can enjoy who the
Lord is by enjoying your spouse every marriage and every child is a creation of God one man said and therefore divorce and abortion share this tragically evil common denominator they kill a creation of God wonder how many people out there for unbiblical reasons are thinking about a divorce but would never think about aborting a child what would be the difference well certainly one is a concept if you will one's abstract and one's tangible but the common denominator is both are creations of God back to Mark chapter 10 verse 6
Jesus said but from the beginning of creation God made them male and female lots of times
Jesus goes right back to Genesis to answer questions from the beginning and he didn't say
Genesis was a fake it was a fable it was false no he knew it was true he knew it was literal he knew it was what it claimed to be no matter what
Massachusetts votes for for marriage and divorce God has spoken for this cause a man shall leave his father and mother
Mark 10 7 leave him behind leave them behind forsake them by the way
Adam and Eve had no parents to leave but given as a pattern for those who would follow the children grandchildren those in Adam and Eve that marriage takes priority even over parents that was a big deal back in those days because if you forsook your clan your family you'd forsake protection this is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh this rules out all mama's boys for those grown men who are married and look at the next part
Mark 10 8 and the two shall become one flesh consequently they are no longer two but one flesh they're glued together they're joined they are cleaved together
Matthew chapter 19 shall cleave to his wife and the two shall become one flesh sticking together the closest human bond staying with your wife directing your attention and your affection to her and vice versa obviously culminating in a cleaving in a bonding in a gluing in a sexual union what's talked about here in this uniting this one flesh by the way the spouse is not some kind of piece of property but of your own flesh and I think of B .B.
Warfield who was at Princeton Seminary when it was good taught there for 34 years and he was 25 years old he married
Annie Pierce and what happened they went on a honeymoon in Germany she was hit by lightning and paralyzed he cared for her for 39 years and rarely left his home for more than 2 hours at a time as he cared for her that's the idea of cleaving one flesh and the opposite for a divorce the divorce would be like a cutting off a chopping off it'd be like taking a hatchet and chopping off your own arm because there's a splinter in your finger it doesn't make any sense you don't try to deal with problems that way think about it we are a reflection in our marriages on how
God loves Christ how Christ loves the church we have to be very very careful that we just don't say ah it's just no big deal no because the marriage represents
Christ loving the church so Jesus will not keep you secure to the very end is shown when you say
I don't want to have my marriage till death does us part till death do you part listen to what
Jesus says unless you divorce for unchastity you make your spouse commit adultery so the
Bible does say there is a reason for divorce one of the reasons that you may divorce is if your spouse was sexually unfaithful sexually unfaithful and so if you say well verbal abuse that's not a reason you won't find it there emotional abuse doesn't meet all my needs no only thing so far we've seen in the text there's going to be one more is when you have a spouse who's unfaithful you may get a divorce you don't have to but you may grant forgiveness there is a
French proverb that says divorce is the sacrament of adultery that's true many times there's an adultery and then divorce comes and Jesus would say yes that is fine and by the way the rule is if you've been unbiblically divorced you can't remarry biblically but if you have been biblically divorced you may remarry biblically let me say that again if you have been unbiblically divorced you cannot marry biblically remarry biblically and if you have biblically divorced you may remarry biblically whoever divorces his wife except for the reason of unchastity makes her commit adultery
I don't know what else to say people say
I'm in a bad marriage I don't like my spouse I remember what Kleinbell said a man was celebrating 50 years of marriage and he was asked by reporters ever consider divorce?
never divorce he said murder many times but never divorce well he was kind of joking around but he understood it's not even a consideration there is one exception clause and that is from Jesus' exception clause that is
Matthew chapter 5 Matthew chapter 19 and 5 and that is for adultery sexual immorality on behalf of one of the spouses they may get divorced the second reason for biblical divorce is going to be found in 1
Corinthians 7 and that is if you have an unbelieving spouse and they leave so if you're a
Christian and you have a Christian husband there's only one way out and that is if someone commits immorality but if you're a
Christian and you're married to a spouse who's not a Christian and they don't want to put up with their Christianity anymore we'll see that that's a biblical divorce as well so time is already gone 24 minutes goes by very quickly my name is
Mike Abendroth info at NoCompromiseRadio .com what does the bible say about divorce we will learn that divorce is a forgivable sin we will learn about remarriage we will learn about marriage we have learned that so far there are well not so far but in the bible there are just two reasons for divorce one, sexual immorality two, if you have an unbelieving spouse and they want to leave we'll look at that passage more next time what do you do if you minister to divorce people you minister them in love what do you do if you're considering divorce and there's not a biblical reason to do it repent ask
God to give you a new love for your spouse well I don't love my spouse well you're commanded to so you better repent and start now my name is
Mike Abendroth this is No Compromise Radio Ministry and I love my wife No Compromise Radio with Pastor Mike Abendroth is a production of Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston Bethlehem Bible Church is a bible teaching church firmly committed to unleashing the life transforming power of God's word through verse by verse exposition of the sacred text our service times are
Sunday morning at 10 .15 and in the evening at 6 we're right on route 110 in West Boylston you can check us out online at bbcchurch .org