Matt Slick Live: November 14, 2024
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Matt Slick Live (Live Broadcast of 11-14-2024) is a production of the Christian Apologetics Research Ministry (CARM). Matt answers questions on topics such as: The Bible, Apologetics, Theology, World Religions, Atheism, and other issues! You can also email questions to Matt using: [email protected], Put "Radio Show Question" in the Subject line! Answers will be discussed in a future show. Topics Include:
Question About John 6:39/Matt’s Ongoing Discussion With a Spiritually Blind Man/
The RCC and Becoming Gods/RCC Believers and Their Non-Assurance of Eternal Life/
One of The Biggest Heresies of the RCC/A Christian Response/
The Nature of Heresy and The Cult Mindset/
November 14, 2024
- 00:00
- The following program is recorded content created by The Truth Network. It's Matt Slick Live!
- 00:07
- Matt is the founder and president of the Christian Apologetics Research Ministry, found online at karm .org.
- 00:13
- When you have questions about Bible doctrines, turn to Matt Slick Live for answers. Taking your calls and responding to your questions at 877 -207 -2276.
- 00:24
- Here's Matt Slick. All right, everyone, welcome to the show. You're listening to Matt Slick Live, and I'm your host,
- 00:30
- Matt Slick. If you want to give me a call, all you have to do, as usual, is dial 877 -207 -2276.
- 00:40
- I want to hear from you. Give me a call. And let's see, we have nobody waiting right now, so if you want to call, please feel free.
- 00:47
- I had someone bring up an issue yesterday about eschatology, and maybe
- 00:56
- I'll talk about it. I do it every now and then. I call it the eschatology, but, oh, by the way, this is for the podcasters, for the dates.
- 01:04
- Today is November 14th, 2024. All right, now we've got, let's see, we've got everything in there, okay.
- 01:13
- We've got watching the show. If you want to watch the show, you watch me sit here, which is, oh, man, it's exciting.
- 01:20
- Yeah, let's just sit there with a guy with a headset on, talking. But you can do that by going to rumble .com
- 01:27
- forward slash mattslicklive, all one word. And the good thing about that is that there's a lot of good people in the chat, and you can text with them and ask questions there and stuff like that, a lot of fun.
- 01:39
- All right, the sound is canny again, I don't know why. That's just how it is.
- 01:44
- I'm going to do a sound check another time, figure that out, I'm not sure, because it should be good.
- 01:50
- And I did check, everything looks like it's good, so I'm not sure what's going on.
- 01:57
- All right, all right, all right, hey, what about non -friends? Hey, friends,
- 02:03
- Mark and Joe, okay. So you've got people from Connecticut, hey, by the way, let's try that. For those of you who are in Rumble, just type in where you're from, you know, city, state, if you want, and I'll just say it over the air, because I like to see where people are calling in from.
- 02:16
- And I know there's a lot of callers from the East Coast. We also have the show in Ohio and in Utah.
- 02:25
- Now, I'm going to, I'd like to have the show go even more stations. Now, it takes some commitment, it takes some stuff, but we are talking about that.
- 02:36
- I'm not going to, well, yeah, I got some things that don't work. But it's hard to work, it's hard to do it, because it takes time, a lot of effort.
- 02:44
- But I wish we had somebody, hint, hint, whose job it was, was to just try and get the radio show out there, because there are a lot of stations that, just some place, they just need filler time, the
- 02:56
- Christian stations. They go, here, just take the show, you know, put it on, you know, you have to pay us just to, there it is, we would do that, that'd be great.
- 03:04
- We also want to get live shows, want to get a lot of live stuff in more stations. I'd like to do that.
- 03:11
- All right, hey, we have one caller coming in, but if you want to join me, all you have to do is dial 877 -207 -2276.
- 03:22
- If you want to email me, that's easy. You can do that by just directing an email to info at CARM, C -A -R -M dot
- 03:30
- O -R -G. And put the subject line, radio comment or radio question.
- 03:35
- And let me see how many we've got in right now for that inbox.
- 03:41
- I always have to go in and check. We're down to 75. Oh, that is good.
- 03:47
- Then the only reason we're down to 75, it's because we have a guy and a team who answer emails.
- 03:55
- I just can't keep up with everything. Does that sound whiny? I can't keep up with everything.
- 04:02
- Boy, I can't. There's just so much to do. It's good, though. It's good. I'm almost 68, and I'm working as hard as ever.
- 04:12
- Most people are retired by now, but not me. I don't know.
- 04:18
- I just got too much to do. Hey, let's get to Patrick from Charlotte, North Carolina. Patrick, welcome.
- 04:24
- You're on the air. Hello, Matt. I had talked to you last week about John 637.
- 04:35
- All the Father gives me will come to me. My question is in John 639, who is he referring to?
- 04:45
- He says there, this is the will of him who sent me, that of all he's given me,
- 04:51
- I lose nothing, but raise it up on the last day. So as you were saying that these were the 12 disciples, but that would be
- 04:59
- Judas included. But Judas was lost. But Jesus says the will of the Father is that Jesus not lose any.
- 05:06
- So it could not have been that he was talking about the disciples. It has to do with the elect who were given to him, OK? Yeah, but in John 1712, it says, while I was with them,
- 05:20
- I protected them and kept them safe. He was speaking about the 12 apostles.
- 05:26
- And the Bible actually cross -levels to John 639.
- 05:33
- So would that be fair to say that? Why is it you don't read the whole thing?
- 05:39
- In John 1712, while I was with them, he's praying to God the Father. He says, I was keeping them in your name, which you have given me.
- 05:46
- And I guarded them, and not one of them perished, but the son of perdition, so that the scripture would be fulfilled.
- 05:52
- So this is ordained from the foundation of the world, that Judas be lost. So he wasn't given to the son for safekeeping, because the son can't lose any.
- 06:05
- But in John 1712, isn't he not referring to the 12 apostles?
- 06:11
- Yes, he is. And notice what Jesus himself says. Let's go over it again. He says, none perished but the son of perdition.
- 06:22
- He's classified as someone who is a son of perdition. That's not one of the ones given by the
- 06:29
- Father to the son for safekeeping. Because Jesus says in John 637, all that the
- 06:37
- Father gives me will come to me. The one who comes to me, I certainly will not cast out.
- 06:43
- But Jesus cast it out, Judas, when he said, go out, go.
- 06:49
- And he was talking about him going into the darkness to go out and betray Jesus.
- 06:56
- So you have to look at the whole of scripture. What? Like I said last week,
- 07:03
- Mark 313 says, I was on a mountainside. I chose the ones
- 07:08
- I wanted, and they came for me. Talking about the apostles, correct? OK. Look, look, you don't, you deny the
- 07:15
- Trinity, right? Let me just, let me just get, we've talked so many times, look, you deny the Trinity, right?
- 07:22
- Yes, I don't believe in the Trinity. But the point is, you believe that God's. And you also deny that Jesus Christ is
- 07:30
- God in flesh, right? Yes, he's the word of God today. OK, now look, look, we could talk about stuff.
- 07:38
- I've talked to you about these kind of things before. And this is what happens with us, OK, with our conversations. I show you,
- 07:45
- I give you an answer. You then ignore the answer. And then you continue on.
- 07:51
- And you continue like a dog to vomit, returning to the vomit.
- 07:57
- This is what you do. I'm trying to warn you what's coming for you. You have to understand something.
- 08:04
- Because you deny the true God, and because you deny the true Christ, therefore, the fires of hell are waiting for you.
- 08:14
- And you have to understand something. Nothing but the mercy of God is letting you still live in your blasphemies and your desire to deny who
- 08:24
- God truly is. You have to understand that his mercy upon you is great.
- 08:31
- His mercy upon you is great. You need to trust in him. So let me work with you a little bit.
- 08:37
- Does Jesus forgive sins? Watch this, Patrick. Does Jesus forgive sins? Does he forgive sins?
- 08:44
- Does he? After the resurrection, Jesus comes back to the
- 08:49
- Father with the baptism of the Holy Spirit. That's when the sins are forgiven. Patrick, Jesus has all authority in heaven and earth,
- 08:57
- Matthew 28, 18. Do you agree that he has all authority in heaven and earth? Do you agree?
- 09:04
- Yes. OK, good. So the answer is yes. Jesus says in John 14, 14, ask me anything in my name and I will do it.
- 09:12
- That's what he says in John 14, 14. Do you accept that, what Jesus said? Yes. So if he has all authority, if he has all authority in heaven and earth and he forgives sins,
- 09:23
- Luke 5 .20 and Luke 7 .48. So you acknowledge that he forgives sins and he has all authority.
- 09:32
- Do you acknowledge that? Yes, when he baptized us with the Holy Spirit.
- 09:38
- So I just asked if you acknowledged it. I didn't ask anything else. So you acknowledge it.
- 09:43
- Now, here's the thing. Do you pray to Jesus, like Jesus said, ask me anything in my name to forgive you of all of your sins?
- 09:53
- Have you done that? Have you done that? What do you mean?
- 10:00
- I'm born again. So have you asked Jesus to forgive you of all of your sins?
- 10:07
- Have you prayed to Jesus and asked him? Have you? Well, he baptized me with the
- 10:15
- Holy Spirit. OK, I didn't ask that. I asked Patrick, Patrick, Patrick, have you prayed? Patrick, Patrick, have you prayed to Jesus and asked
- 10:24
- Jesus to forgive you of all of your sins? They're already forgiven.
- 10:30
- I didn't ask that. Patrick, I'm going to ask you. This is what happens, ladies and gentlemen, to the cult mind.
- 10:36
- You could do the same thing over and over and over and over and over again. Sorry, but this was necessary. Now watch this. OK, listen. Patrick, Jesus said to ask him.
- 10:45
- You acknowledge that you acknowledge he has all authority and that he forgives sins.
- 10:51
- So I'm asking you if you have gone to Jesus, who has all authority to forgive sins and asked him to forgive you of your sins.
- 10:58
- Have you done that? Yes, he's done it to me. So, no,
- 11:03
- I didn't ask who's done that to you. I asked a question. Have you prayed to the person of Jesus and asked
- 11:10
- Jesus to forgive you of all of your sins? Have you done that?
- 11:16
- OK, so what you're saying is you have to ask Jesus. Patrick, I didn't say you had to. I said, have you?
- 11:22
- Have you? Have you asked Jesus to forgive you of all of your sins? Like Jesus says.
- 11:28
- That's not the question. Yes, it is. I'm asking you the question. Patrick, Patrick, Patrick.
- 11:35
- Answer the question. The reason this is important, Patrick. Answer the question, not ask the question. Patrick, Patrick. The reason this is important is because the true
- 11:43
- Jesus is in the Bible. Jesus reveals the Father. He's the one who reveals the
- 11:50
- Father to us. And Jesus, and that's Matthew 11, 27. And Jesus and the
- 11:56
- Father send the Holy Spirit. That's John 15, 26 and 14, 26. If you want to have the
- 12:02
- Holy Spirit who bears witness of truth, and you want to have the Father, you have to go to Christ, who reveals the
- 12:09
- Father, and both of them then send the Holy Spirit, who bears witness of truth. So, here's the thing.
- 12:18
- If you have the true Jesus, you can do what they did in the Bible with the true Jesus. The true
- 12:23
- Jesus is prayed to in the Bible. Jesus even said, ask me anything in my name and I will do it.
- 12:29
- And in Acts 7, 55 through 60, Stephen was being stoned. He had a vision of God and he addressed
- 12:35
- Jesus and said, Jesus, receive my spirit. The Jesus of the Bible is prayed to.
- 12:42
- Do you pray to Jesus? I came here to ask you a question about John 39.
- 12:52
- I already answered you the question. You are, I answered the question. I answered the question, okay?
- 12:58
- I answered it. I'm getting to, what I'm showing you, what I'm showing you is that you do not have, you do not have the truth because you don't know who
- 13:10
- Christ is. You don't know. Proverbs 26, 11. John, Proverbs 26,
- 13:18
- Proverbs 26, 11. Like a dog that returns to its vomit is a fool who repeats his folly.
- 13:28
- This is you. Because you're being a fool, because you are denying who
- 13:34
- Christ is and you're not even affirming what he said to do. I've shown you in the scriptures and you deny.
- 13:42
- Jesus says, ask me. You're not even doing that. You don't even know who he is.
- 13:48
- We've got a break, so hold on, buddy. We'll get back to some more after this. Lord Jesus will be right back.
- 13:53
- I mean, Lord Jesus, please save him. And folks, we'll be right back after these messages. Please stay tuned. It's Matt Slick Live!
- 14:08
- Taking your calls at 877 -207 -2276. Here's Matt Slick.
- 14:14
- Alright, welcome back to the show. If you want to give me a call, it's easy. 877 -207 -2276.
- 14:22
- Let's get back on with Patrick. Are you still there? Yeah, I'm here.
- 14:28
- Okay. You keep going back. Can I ask you one more question? You just keep making so many mistakes,
- 14:34
- Patrick. So many. Well, just answer the one question. John 6 .39
- 14:41
- is not referring to the apostles, but to you, because you're telling me that that's a salvational verse, that you cannot lose your salvation.
- 14:50
- Is that correct? Well, yeah, because Jesus says all that he's been given, he won't lose any.
- 14:56
- That's the will of the Father. Are you saying Jesus failed to do the will of the Father? It's the will of him who sent me, that all that he's given me, he'd lose none.
- 15:05
- Are you saying Jesus failed to do the will of the Father? John 17 .5 says he will protect the apostles and keep them safe.
- 15:15
- And that references, if you use a study Bible, it'll take you back to John 6 .39.
- 15:22
- You're wrong. That is speaking about the apostles, that he will not lose. Okay, so are you saying
- 15:27
- Jesus failed to do the will of the Father? I'm saying that Calvinists believe that that's a salvational verse, that you can never lose your salvation, but they're wrong because it's the apostles
- 15:40
- Jesus will not lose. So are you saying that Jesus failed to do the will of the
- 15:46
- Father, that he lost some? I'm saying that Calvinists, when they say about the elect, they're wrong.
- 15:52
- There was nobody elected at the beginning of time. I get what you say about Calvinists and election, but I'm asking you this question about the verse you brought up.
- 16:01
- See, Jesus says, this is the will of him who sent me, that all that he's given me, I lose nothing, but raise it up on the last day.
- 16:08
- Right, all the apostles. All the apostles have been given to him. Hey, Patrick, Patrick, hold on.
- 16:14
- Patrick, Patrick, are you saying Jesus failed to do the will of the Father? I'm saying that in Acts 1 .4
- 16:22
- .5, Jesus... Okay, did Jesus fail to do the will of the Father from your perspective?
- 16:30
- No. Did he fail? No. Wait a minute. So then you said no, and the will of the
- 16:37
- Father that he lose none. Did Jesus lose any? Right, the apostles. Did Jesus lose any of the apostles?
- 16:46
- No. Okay, good. So he didn't lose any. Judas lost himself.
- 16:52
- Oh, well, he lost himself. Oh, okay. Yeah, Judas sinned. Hey, Patrick, Patrick, Patrick, Patrick, you need to calm down.
- 17:00
- Okay, you don't listen, and you are so full of heresy and so full of demonic doctrine that you can't even see straight.
- 17:09
- You need to listen. I should say the same thing to you because you're a paganist. You're mixed up.
- 17:15
- So listen, Jesus says, all that the Father gives me will come to me. Now you see, that's the disciples.
- 17:22
- And the one who comes to me... Not the disciples, the apostles. Okay, whatever. I had to get rid of them, folks.
- 17:28
- Because he just can't be quiet, and he can't just listen.
- 17:35
- He's got to overtalk constantly. So I just dropped him, okay? He'll have to learn. So let's go over this verse, this section of Scripture, and I'll show you some stuff in it,
- 17:43
- John 6, verse 37. So this is what it says. Humble Clay says,
- 17:49
- Patrick's been smoking too many Lucky Charms. It says, all that the
- 17:55
- Father gives me will come to me. And the one who comes to me I certainly will not cast out.
- 18:01
- Now this is really interesting. I'm going to talk about this because he brought up the idea of Calvinism. And what is Calvinism?
- 18:06
- Calvinism teaches that God from eternity decided what would happen, that God is the one who elected and chose people out of Ephesians 1 .4.
- 18:15
- It says he chose us in him, in Christ, before the foundation of the world, that we would be holy and blameless.
- 18:20
- And he predestined us. That's what it says in Ephesians 1 .4 and 5. That's what Calvinism teaches because that's what it says.
- 18:28
- So what he's done, he brought it up. I mean, just, you know, let's go to the verse. We'll look at verses
- 18:33
- John 6, 37 through 40. This will be interesting stuff. Watch this. Jesus says, all that the
- 18:39
- Father gives me will come to me, and the one who comes to me I certainly will not cast out. Now some people don't like this verse that the
- 18:46
- Reformed people will use because what they'll say is, well, they just assume that the five points of Calvinism or Reformed theology is just all evil and bad and blah, blah, blah.
- 18:57
- And so when I bring up this pericope of Scripture, this pericope, they will say, a lot of times they'll say, listen, disciples, let's work with that.
- 19:06
- All that the disciples gives me will come to me, okay? And the disciples who come to me
- 19:11
- I certainly will not cast out. Let's just use this position. For I have come down from heaven not to do my own will but the will of him who sent me.
- 19:17
- Oh, okay. And what is the will? This is the will of him who sent me, that all that he's given me
- 19:23
- I lose nothing but raise it up on the last day. So if that's the disciples, this is the will of him who sent me, that all the disciples he's given me
- 19:30
- I lose none. Now what do they do? Just what he said. Well, he lost himself. Okay.
- 19:37
- So it's just a game. It's a word game. So the will of the Father is that Jesus not lose any.
- 19:43
- That's the will of the Father. So if they lose themselves, did Jesus lose them? And what they're going to do is say, no, he didn't do the losing.
- 19:51
- They lost themselves. So wait a minute. So how does someone themselves do the losing? It doesn't make any sense.
- 19:57
- These people just can't see straight. So the issue is not between the people and Jesus.
- 20:03
- Notice this. This is important. It's between the Father and the Son. That's the issue right here.
- 20:09
- This is what verse 37 says. All that the Father gives me will come to me.
- 20:15
- Jesus is saying, those who the Father has given me, they're going to come to me. And the one who comes to me,
- 20:20
- I will not cast out. Okay. This is about the Father and the Son. For I have come down from heaven not to do my own will but the will of him who sent me.
- 20:29
- This is about Jesus talking about the will of the Father as it relates to him. This is the will of him who sent me.
- 20:35
- This is Jesus talking about his relationship with the Father. That's what's going on here. He says, all that he has given me,
- 20:41
- I lose none. That's what he's saying. God has given him, the Father has given him to me. I'm going to lose none. That's what he's saying.
- 20:47
- Then he also says, for this is the will of my Father. He says it twice. Verse 39, this is the will of him who sent me.
- 20:54
- And then verse 40, this is the will of my Father. So he's saying this is the will. The will in verse 39 is that all he's given me,
- 21:01
- I lose none but raise it up on the last day. So he's saying the will of the Father is that Jesus not lose any and resurrect them.
- 21:10
- So the will of the Father is that they be resurrected. Now, if someone says, well, wait a minute, look at this.
- 21:15
- They can lose themselves. Then they won't be resurrected, will they? Now, we're talking about resurrection to glory here. That's what we're talking about.
- 21:22
- So they won't be resurrected to glory, right? Because they lost themselves. But the will is that Jesus raised that person up.
- 21:28
- All of them have been given by the Father. Furthermore, verse 40, this is the will of the Father that everyone who beholds the
- 21:34
- Son and believes in him. Is that just the 12 disciples? No, it's not. Everyone who beholds and believes in the
- 21:40
- Son will have eternal life, and I myself will raise him up on the last day. What's he talking about? He's not talking about 12 disciples.
- 21:46
- He's talking about all that the Father would give him, all. All that the Father gives him, all of the ones who would believe.
- 21:54
- This is the will of my Father, that everyone who beholds the Son and believes in him will have eternal life, all.
- 22:02
- Does that mean just the disciples? Of course not. And I myself will raise him up on the last day. You see, that's what
- 22:09
- Jesus is teaching. It's not about him getting 12 disciples. It's ludicrous for people like him to hold that position.
- 22:20
- And by the way, folks, when I said he's like a dog returning to his vomit, I was quoting Proverbs 26, 11.
- 22:27
- Like a dog that returns to its vomit is a fool who repeats his folly.
- 22:33
- That's what's going on, okay? So, and Peter talks about this, too.
- 22:40
- And we'll get back to that after the break. I'm going to go to that, and we'll get to Alex from Florida. But I'm going to go to this quote that Peter uses right after the break.
- 22:49
- Hey, folks, we'll be right back after these messages. Please, please stay tuned. We'll be right back. It's Matt Slick live, taking your calls at 877 -207 -2276.
- 23:14
- Here's Matt Slick. Hello, everybody. Welcome back to the show. And let me get to the last part of what we're talking about there,
- 23:21
- Proverbs 26, 11, which Peter talks about. Let me get to this really quickly, and we'll get to Alex from Florida.
- 23:27
- It says here in 2 Peter 2, 20 -22, For if after they have escaped the defilements of the world by the knowledge of the
- 23:37
- Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, they are again, if they are again entangled in them and overcome, the last days become worse than the first.
- 23:47
- This doesn't mean they're saved. It means that they've come to know, because Peter's writing to the Jews, who
- 23:52
- Christ is. And they have gone back to the old ways. He says, for it is better for them not to have known the way of righteousness than having known it, to turn away from the holy commandment handed to them.
- 24:06
- And it says then, it has happened to them, according to the true proverb, a dog returns to its own vomit and a sow, after washing, returns to wallowing in the mire.
- 24:16
- So there you go. And unfortunately, Patrick is a guy I've talked to,
- 24:22
- I don't know how many times, many, many, many times in different contexts, not just here on the radio, but in other online things.
- 24:31
- And he's hard -hearted. And so sometimes he's going to change your tactic and tell them what the truth is. Let's get to Alex from Florida.
- 24:38
- Alex, welcome. You're on the air, man. Oh, hey, how's it going? It's going, man.
- 24:43
- How are you doing? It's good. I'm good. The baby's asleep, so hey. You sound tired.
- 24:53
- Well, I'm mostly tired because I'm writing a paper against Roman Catholicism. Oh, that's easy.
- 24:58
- There's so much to write on. So what's up? No, yeah. I was just talking to your buddy
- 25:06
- Andrew. Okay. Yeah, he's doing well.
- 25:13
- He's making fun of you. Hey, who cares about him? He's just a loser. I know.
- 25:19
- I know. Why do we even talk to that guy? Yeah, I mean, geez, you know, I mean, come on. So what do you got, man?
- 25:30
- No, so yeah, so we were talking about Roman Catholicism a little bit. He actually told me how on your cruise you brought up, you found in the catechism where it says that we can become gods in Roman Catholicism.
- 25:42
- Yes. Can you read that really quick? And then I'll ask my question. Sure, I gotta find it.
- 25:48
- Hold on. Might make men gods.
- 25:54
- That's paragraph 460. For the Son of God became man so that we might become
- 26:00
- God. The only begotten Son of God, wanting to make us sharers in his divinity, assumed our nature so that he made man.
- 26:10
- Might make men gods. Do you believe that we can become gods? That's the question.
- 26:16
- So here's the thing. I've written on this. I wrote a specific article on this in paragraph 460.
- 26:23
- Because in the catechism of the Catholic Church, before and after, there's nothing that says we can't become actual gods.
- 26:30
- Now, what they're doing is quoting church fathers. And church fathers say, yeah, we can become gods.
- 26:36
- But they're not saying we'd be actually become divine. We'll become godlike in our sanctification. It's kind of like Easter orthodoxy in what's called theosis.
- 26:43
- That's what I said to Andrew. I was like, it's so similar to Eastern orthodoxy.
- 26:49
- Uh -huh, yeah. Now, here's the thing. Because the Catholic Church is so apostate, it's so bad,
- 26:55
- I wonder if the devil worked through the Vatican, which I was just in three weeks ago, worked in there to put this in for something later on, so that as man is exalted, as Catholicism does, that we can obtain salvation through our own righteousness, our own deeds, our own works, and things like that.
- 27:17
- Then I wonder if they're going to keep going and make me godlike. So who knows? It's so blasphemous, that statement.
- 27:25
- I just learned it. It's just so blasphemous. You've got to understand, they don't believe you actually become gods.
- 27:33
- They deny that. The question is, why is it said in there and then not clarified? That's the question.
- 27:41
- Why isn't it clarified? You should have asked the Pope when you were in Rome. I was looking for him.
- 27:46
- I was looking for the Pope. I would have asked him some questions. But, you know, let me ask you. If suddenly, he's walking around the corner, boom, there he is.
- 27:55
- He says, hello, how are you? And you say, can I ask one question? And he says, I've got time for one question. What would you ask?
- 28:02
- Do you actually believe you are the vicar of Christ? I'd say yes, okay. That's pretty good.
- 28:10
- And then I would say, are you saying you're... And then
- 28:15
- I would just rebuke him to his face. I'd say, you're going to hell, sir. Well, I would try this.
- 28:23
- I mean, you know, one's better than the other. But are all of your sins forgiven right now?
- 28:29
- Yeah, I know. You told me that. That's a good one. I think it is. Because as he says, no, he walked away.
- 28:36
- Then you want, do you want to hear the gospel? I can tell you what the gospel is so your sins can be forgiven right now.
- 28:42
- As he's walking away. Anyway. Yeah, that's a good one.
- 28:47
- Okay, so my question is about this infusion of grace you've spoken about regarding their position of justification.
- 28:56
- Can you explain that a little bit and why that's wrong and some scriptures to counteract that?
- 29:02
- Sure. It's called sacerdotalism, which is also synonymous with sacramentalism.
- 29:10
- So sacerdotalism talks about a priesthood's authority and sacraments mean that the sacred things the church has ordained, they have the power to administer grace.
- 29:21
- Now, in paragraph 1999 of the Catechism, it says that grace is infused into the soul.
- 29:27
- So this is how salvation justification and all that works in Catholicism.
- 29:33
- Okay. What happens is the person is going to the study classes and he wants to become a
- 29:40
- Catholic. Now he's going to get baptized. When he gets baptized right then and there, all of his sins are forgiven.
- 29:48
- All the sins, original sin. Everything is taken care of right at that moment of baptism.
- 29:53
- Not faith, but baptism. And so if he died right there, then he would go to heaven, straight to heaven because he's in a complete state of grace.
- 30:04
- And what that means is that his soul has, with the baptism, all the sin is removed and he's infused with his soul completely and totally with grace 100%.
- 30:15
- Boom. He dies. He goes to heaven right there if it were to happen. Okay. Now, let's just say he gets up. Thank you very much.
- 30:21
- He's still infused. He's still in the right state of righteousness. He sees a really cute girl and he thinks something he shouldn't think.
- 30:28
- For just a few seconds he goes, darn, I shouldn't have thought that. All right. Now he's lost a little bit of the infused grace in his soul because you're called a venial sin.
- 30:40
- It removes part of the grace infused. But a mortal sin removes all of the grace.
- 30:47
- So if you commit adultery, all your grace is drained out of you, out of your soul. If you die right there, you go to hell.
- 30:54
- So the man, he looked at this woman and he thought something he shouldn't have. Well, now he's lost a tenth of a percent.
- 31:03
- I don't know how much. I'm just making it up. He's lost a little bit of his grace. Now if he dies, now he's got to go to purgatory because in purgatory he's got to be purified.
- 31:12
- And he has to suffer for the sins that have already been forgiven by Christ. But let's just say he doesn't die right there.
- 31:18
- So now he goes, oh, man. So now what he has to do to avoid purgatory is he has to go in to the confessional and then say to the priest,
- 31:27
- I did this, I thought that, blah, blah, blah. The priest then absolves him of his sins. Now your sins are forgiven.
- 31:33
- Gives him some Hail Mary, some Our Fathers, some things to do. And in the process of these sacraments that he gives them to do, grace is re -infused into his soul up to 100%.
- 31:44
- So it's like a gas tank in a car. You fill it up, don't go anywhere, don't do anything.
- 31:50
- You still have 100 % of your tank filled. But if you do anything, it drains out. You need it filled up again.
- 31:57
- And so to have the grace filled up in your soul, you've got to go to the church. The church has the authority of the apostles.
- 32:04
- The church has the authority to forgive sins. The church has the authority to administer the graces.
- 32:10
- Now there's a treasury of merit in heaven, and that's for indulgences.
- 32:19
- So indulgences are things that you can do. Grace can be transferred to somebody else. And the
- 32:25
- Catholic church is in charge of all the heavenly treasury merit grace vault up there.
- 32:32
- And through its authority, they can dispense it out. So in order to make sure you're doing okay, you've got to go to Mass every week.
- 32:38
- Because if you don't go to Mass every week, you're in trouble and you lose your grace. It's so stupid.
- 32:45
- It's stupid. It's just demonic crap. Yeah, and that's why I'm writing a paper against it.
- 32:51
- It's so ridiculous. So what's helpful is the – so correct me if I'm wrong.
- 32:56
- You would say that basically they're teaching you keep getting re -justified, and then you keep getting re -graced.
- 33:03
- No, no, no. They don't get re -justified. Okay. So the justification is a one -time thing.
- 33:11
- No, no, no. Justification is a process. You're not justified.
- 33:18
- See, we believe in forensic imputed righteousness, legal righteousness, that justification occurs at a moment of belief that God grants to you.
- 33:28
- Philippians 129, we're justified by faithfulness. They don't believe that. They believe that justification is similar with sanctification.
- 33:36
- So they mix them so that over a long period of time, you hope to attain your justification through all of your good works and ceremonies.
- 33:45
- So we've got a break, so hold on, buddy. Okay? Okay, okay, okay. Hey, folks, we'll be right back after these messages and continue to talk about the flagrant heresies of the
- 33:56
- Roman Catholic Church. We'll be right back. It's Matt Slick Live!
- 34:11
- Taking your calls at 877 -207 -2276. Here's Matt Slick.
- 34:17
- Welcome back to the show. All right, Alex, before we talk here, so in the chat in Clubhouse, there's a guy who's a
- 34:26
- Catholic, and he says, I'm wrong. Oh, boy. Oh, yeah. And I asked him, are all your sins forgiven right now?
- 34:32
- And he says, no. And I said, why? Because he sinned this afternoon. So now I asked him. Oh, boy. Yeah, I know.
- 34:38
- I said, well, then what things have you got to do to get yourself forgiven, get your sins forgiven? So that's what
- 34:43
- I've asked. We'll see if he's going to respond. Okay. Because, look, just think about it.
- 34:50
- This is a perfect example. It's a perfect example. They don't know what the gospel is, okay, obviously. So if you sinned this afternoon, and that means all your sins are not forgiven.
- 34:59
- If you die right now, you go to hell because they're not forgiven. Duh. Unless they say, no, you have to go to purgatory for a while, and then you have to suffer there.
- 35:08
- Then you can be forgiven. Then it's works righteousness. It's cult theology. And if they say, well, here's a list of things you've got to do.
- 35:16
- You've got to go to mass. You've got to go to our father. You've got to go to Mary. All this stuff. The list of all the things they've got to do.
- 35:23
- Then they're back under the law, and they don't know what the gospel is. They do not know what the gospel is.
- 35:29
- Yeah, so along those lines, you said justification in the Catholic Church is an ongoing process. Then grace needs to be re -infused over time.
- 35:37
- It's re -infusing by doing the sacraments. Would that be accurate? Yes. Okay. Yes, it is.
- 35:44
- Yeah. Totally false. Totally blasphemous. It is. In fact, check this out.
- 35:51
- Where's my notes? We have nobody else waiting. Let's see. Watch this. Yeah, you start. Honestly, Matt, if you start reading the catechism, you find out so many crazy things that the
- 36:03
- Roman Catholic Church holds onto. I tell people they have no idea how bad the
- 36:09
- Catholic Church is. They think I'm just, you know, like I was injured by some Catholic, and now I've got a prejudice against them.
- 36:15
- No, it's just so bad, and people just don't know.
- 36:20
- I could do a whole show of saying, okay, listen to this. Now listen to this. I mean, it's just full of crud.
- 36:27
- Here, check this out. Yeah. This is, this is, this is
- 36:33
- Transession 6, Canon 10. It says this. Although the sinner is justified by the justice of Christ inasmuch as the
- 36:42
- Redeemer has merited for him the grace of justification, nevertheless, he is formerly justified and made holy by his own personal justice and holiness.
- 36:54
- What? What was, say that quote again. What was that again? Yeah, that the sinner is justified by the justice of Christ.
- 37:03
- Nevertheless, he is formally justified and made holy by his own personal justice and holiness.
- 37:10
- Or how about this? Wait, what was that? Canon 10 of what? Trent, just don't worry about it.
- 37:16
- Just email me later. I'll send you all my notes, my notes on Catholicism. Yeah, I'll listen to it. Yeah, it's helping.
- 37:21
- It's helping, yeah. That's where I'm reading it from. I sent you these notes, didn't I? Right? Yeah, you did.
- 37:27
- Put your hand, put your hand in front of your face. Put your right hand in front of your face. Now look to your left and slap yourself on the side of the head.
- 37:34
- I'm not doing it. Because I gave you. I've listened to you for so long. I know what you're doing.
- 37:40
- That's right. Here, let me read some more for the viewers. Yeah, go for it. For the listeners. Go for it. Okay. Justification has been merited for us by the passion of Christ.
- 37:49
- It has granted us through baptism. Nothing in the scripture says that. That's the
- 37:54
- Catechism 2020. So if anyone says that by faith alone the impious is justified, let him be cursed.
- 38:05
- Wow. Canon 14. Wow, they just went against Apostle Paul on that one. Yeah. In fact, they just anathematized.
- 38:12
- They just cursed the gospel. So we could say this is when
- 38:18
- Catholicism officially went apostate. Officially. When they anathematized the gospel.
- 38:25
- In the Council of Trent. And look at this. Canon 14. If anyone says that man is truly absolved from his sins and justified because he assuredly believed himself absolved and justified.
- 38:37
- Or that no one is truly justified but he who believes himself justified. See, they need to say in Christ.
- 38:43
- Because that's what it is. They're not saying. They're not being specific here because that's what it is in Christ and his work. But anyway, by this faith alone, absolution and justification are effective.
- 38:52
- Let him be cursed. Yeah. Uh -huh.
- 38:57
- Listen to this. Oh, you're going to love this one.
- 39:03
- This is good. Get ready. Okay. Put your heresy seat belt on. All right.
- 39:10
- Okay, I'm outside, but I'll put my seat belt on. Okay. Heresy seat belts. We don't want to be shaking up too much.
- 39:15
- Okay. So this is in a debate. Carl Keating debating Catholicism.
- 39:22
- Russell's House. Okay. Justification is a true eradication of sin.
- 39:27
- A true sanctification of the inner man. The soul becomes objectively pleasing to God.
- 39:33
- Objectively good. And so it merits heaven. Yeah. You get it.
- 39:40
- Yeah. Wow. Uh -huh. Yeah.
- 39:46
- Listen to this one. I can read one more. Yeah, go ahead. Sorry, I just got to do one more. This is some good stuff.
- 39:51
- This is from Ludwig Ott, Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma, page 262.
- 39:58
- What that means, people don't know, it has the neolobestock and the imprimatur in it, which means nothing in it contradicts
- 40:06
- Catholic theology and is worth being taught in Catholic churches. So it's approved by a bishop, all right?
- 40:15
- The reason for the uncertainty of the state of grace lies in this, that without a special revelation, nobody can with certainty of faith know whether or not he has fulfilled all the conditions which are necessary for the achieving of justification.
- 40:33
- Yeah. Can we say heresy, demonic doctrine?
- 40:39
- Yes, we can. I feel like, what was his name? Imagine, what? What's the guy who had that show and he'd wear the sweater all the time?
- 40:52
- Mr. Robert. Mr. Rogers? Mr. Rogers. I feel like talking to Mr. Rogers, you know.
- 40:58
- Okay, ladies and gentlemen. Is this heresy? Can we say heresy? Yes, heresy.
- 41:05
- You know, the Mr. Rogers of apologetics here. Oh, man. Sorry. I mean, it's just, you know, with all this being said, you know, we need to pray for them and share the gospel with them, because imagine living in a world where you weren't justified one time and you're right with God.
- 41:23
- You never know. You just keep going on and on and on, doing all the things, trying to be right with God, all in your own merit, your own vein.
- 41:31
- I did this. I go to Mass. To not even know until the end, you know, and then you're lost if you're not trusting in Christ alone.
- 41:39
- That's right. Oh. And so this guy in the chat, when
- 41:44
- I asked him, what do you got to do? He says, I need to go to confession to a priest and receive forgiveness of my sins. So then
- 41:50
- I wrote, the RCC is in control of your salvation. Now, here's a question I asked him. This is what
- 41:56
- I do. I ask him, I say, is Jesus God in flesh? Yes. Yes, he is. Okay. Does he have all authority in heaven and earth?
- 42:02
- Yes, he does. Matthew 28, 18. Does he forgive sins? Yes, he does. Luke 5, 27, 48.
- 42:07
- Okay. Does he say, ask me anything in my name and I will do it? Yes, he does. John 14, 14. Does he say, come to me and I'll give you rest?
- 42:16
- Matthew 11, 28. They say, yes. Okay. Now, if you were to pray to Jesus and ask
- 42:22
- Jesus to forgive you of all of your sins, will he forgive you of all of your sins? That's the question
- 42:28
- I asked the Catholics and Schrodinger Orthodox in there. Answer that question as he hears it.
- 42:34
- If you were to pray to Jesus and ask him to forgive him of all of his sins right now, will
- 42:40
- Jesus do that? That's a question I asked him. And you know what half of them say? No, you have to go through the ceremonies.
- 42:53
- Oh, and he just replied. He just replied, yes, the church is in charge of my salvation.
- 43:00
- Not Jesus. Wow. Wow. He actually said that.
- 43:05
- Wow. Well, it's just, you know, it's just heresy. It's a heresy fest. See, the thing is, heresy is like a hairball.
- 43:13
- All right. And like a woman's emotions. I just got myself in trouble.
- 43:19
- I'm not agreeing with that one. I'm not agreeing with that one. Yes. So, well, you know, that's what
- 43:26
- I'm talking about. Male, female. I have no idea what you're talking about, sir. I have no idea. No idea.
- 43:32
- Because when you pull on one thread, everything else is affected. Well, okay. So I got myself in trouble.
- 43:38
- So like heresy, heresy is like a giant, just a mass of interconnected things.
- 43:45
- You pull on one thread and others are attached to it. No heresy is by itself.
- 43:51
- So the heresy that you have to earn your own salvation is the heresy of salvation found in a church.
- 43:57
- And the heresy of works righteousness. And the heresy of not knowing the gospel and believe in the gospel.
- 44:02
- The heresy of not understanding that God grants us repentance, 2 Timothy 2 .25, grants that we have faith in Philippians 1 .29,
- 44:10
- that Christ forgives us, we go to him. They deny these things because they're cultists.
- 44:16
- They have a cult mind. Yeah. It's a cult mind. Yeah. Yeah. I was telling
- 44:21
- Andrew to ask some Catholics, can they pray to Jesus? Can you just pray to Jesus?
- 44:29
- Mm -hmm. Ask the guy, can you pray to Jesus? Yeah, they can. They can pray to Jesus.
- 44:36
- But sometimes when the Catholics say, yes, when you, sometimes when they say you can pray to Jesus and he'll forgive you of all of your sins,
- 44:43
- I say, then why do you need the priesthood? Why do you need your Catholic priesthood? Which, incidentally, the Catholic priesthood is not found in the
- 44:49
- New Testament. There's no Catholic priesthood. There's no priesthood in there. There's only five different kinds of priesthood mentioned in the
- 44:57
- New Testament. The Melchizedek priesthood, the false priesthood. The priesthood of the Pharisees, Sadducees, and four times, and a priest of the pagan god.
- 45:09
- That's it. Oh. Yeah. Yeah.
- 45:15
- Oh, man. We need to keep doing what you're doing, and we pray for them, and we just keep sharing the truth with them.
- 45:22
- That's all we can do. I mean, man, Rome is such a hold. And Rome is controlled by Satan. The Roman Catholic Church is controlled by Satan.
- 45:30
- Oh, yeah. Yes, it is. Absolutely. When I was in the Vatican, and I walked through there just three weeks ago.
- 45:35
- I was in the Vatican. I got to tell you, it was very impressive. It really was.
- 45:40
- All the beauty, the art, the statues, the paintings, the tapestries, the ceiling.
- 45:47
- Seriously, I'm not joking. It really was super impressive. You just walk in.
- 45:53
- We started changing our measurements to wows per minute. Seriously.
- 45:59
- Wow. Oh, look at that. My goodness. It's perfect. Over and over again. And then
- 46:04
- I was in St. Peter's Basilica. The gold and the silver and all this stuff, and all this money, all this power.
- 46:13
- And they say they have the apostolic authority. Really? Do they live like the apostles? Did the apostles gather to themselves gold and silver and fine refinements of stuff, and then say, kiss my ring?
- 46:26
- Is that what the apostles did? No. No. And we know the Catholic Church is false, because it doesn't live like the apostles.
- 46:33
- It doesn't teach like the apostles. It's gathered to itself billions and billions of dollars. Is that what the apostolic authority was for?
- 46:40
- No. No. No. Well, let me ask you, spiritually, how did it feel when you were around all that stuff?
- 46:49
- Well, I was sad, because I knew that so many people... Because when you're in the
- 46:54
- Vatican, you're not in Italy anymore. It's actually a sovereign nation. So we left Italy and went into the Vatican.
- 47:00
- And of course, you know a lot of Italians are there, and tourists also. And I just felt sad that...
- 47:06
- I wanted to get up and preach the gospel. But how many would understand? How many would hear? And it just was too crowded.
- 47:11
- Too much movement. Too many things. And so, it was just sad to see the trap of the
- 47:19
- Catholic Church. When you go there, you're affected. It is immensely wonderful in its presentation.
- 47:28
- It really is. It can capture you if you don't have your heart on Christ. Well, yeah.
- 47:35
- And I can relate to that, because... Well, I was asking a spiritual question, because when
- 47:40
- I was in India, I went to... Dude. Dude. Dude, I don't want... We've got to go.
- 47:46
- Call back tomorrow. I know. No, no. You call back. You tell me what you saw in India, because I know you've been there.
- 47:51
- I want to talk about it, okay? Call back tomorrow. Okay. All right. All right. Hey, folks. Right here. God bless. Talk to you later.