Tim Keller's Scam REVEALED!

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All right, welcome back to the channel. Before we begin, I'm gonna talk with you a little bit about what I'm working on today in the recruiting space.
I'm gonna start to do this every video or so, just because I know there are people that are getting laid off and stuff like that, so anyone that follows my channel,
I wanna help out if I can. Probably for the rest of the week, I'm working on three DevOps roles, and they're all kinda similar,
AWS -focused. Actually, one is kind of a little bit more cloud agnostic, but AWS -focused, containerization, that kinda thing.
They all kinda pay in the same range, something like in the 160K range, base plus bonus, and some of them have equity, things like that.
Two of them are in the health tech space, one of them is in the financial tech space, and they are, two of them are completely remote.
So if you are interested in a new DevOps role, let me know. Oh, there's one in Arizona as well. That one's hybrid.
Let me know, and we can chat about that. Also, if there's any other kinda job you're looking for, let me know that as well,
I'd love to help you out. Let's get to the video. All right, so yesterday's video, every time
I do a Tim Keller video, when I'm doing it, I feel like, man, I've beaten this horse to death, you know what
I mean? That's kinda how I feel when I present it to you. But then when I read the comments, and when
I get the feedback in private emails and stuff like that, I realize that this Tim Keller content is very helpful to you.
This man has a tremendous influence still. But every day, more people wake up to his little scam that he's got running.
And I do think it's a scam. Tim Keller runs a scam, in my opinion. And it's similar to the
Kyle Howard scam, in my opinion. It's just he's just a little bit more sophisticated, a lot smarter than Kyle, and that kinda thing.
But this is the thing. Yesterday when I said that Tim Keller and his
Gospel Coalition buddies, they're the actual Pharisees, right? They're the ones that are legalists.
They're the ones that have come up with their own system, that they're very meticulous and careful to follow their own system, even as it overturns the law of God.
This is a perfect example. This is from Woke Preacher Clips. Now, I actually reviewed this clip a couple years ago, a few years ago.
And it was amazing, and I did a whole video about it. I'm not gonna do a whole video about it today, but I want you to hear this, because this is
Tim Keller presenting his Phariseeism to the world. And he's proud, and he gets lauded for it.
And honestly, I think this is what the Pharisees were like. I think when we read about the Pharisees, we get this image of shady characters with eyeliner that makes them look suspicious.
That's how they're presented in the movies, right? They're always dark characters, and they're obviously evil. No, I don't think that's how the
Pharisees really were in real life. The Pharisees in real life, they were lauded. They were loved.
They probably had tones and kind of an academic speak very, very similar to how
Tim Keller presents himself. They didn't preach sermons necessarily. What they did was they gave lectures, and everyone hung on their every word.
And they probably wore snazzy clothes, just like Tim. And they presented something that on the surface, it sounds, wow, that's really pious.
That's quite holy. But on the inside, if you look under the hood for a minute, you can see how it actually overturns the law of God, and also, it's very self -serving.
Let's play this for a second. This is Tim Keller talking about used car prices, or just car prices.
Here we go. Let me give you a mini system. I knew a man who was the head of a car dealerships, a set of car dealerships in the
South. And the car dealerships, the way in which things were done was you could come in and negotiate, and the salesman had a pretty big window of what they could give you the car for.
So they would negotiate, and you would negotiate, and it was a lot of horse trading going on, except it was car trading,
I guess. And the salesmen couldn't go lower than this, but they could get this high.
And so it was partly, it was a tradition. Somebody did some research and found out that, A, men always were better negotiators with the salesmen than women, and white men were, white men and white black men were better negotiators than African -American women.
And so when somebody actually looked at what was going on, African -American women were regularly paying far more for their cars, and were actually subsidizing the price of what white men were paying for cars in that particular town.
And so they realized that even though nobody thought they were doing something, if the result was unjust, and it was unjust, then even though there was nobody in there who originally had said, let's do it this way, because that way we will really hurt
African -American women, but they were hurting African -American women. There's two things you can do. On the one hand, you could say, because we're not deliberately trying to hurt
African -American women, and we make better profits this way, we have no responsibility. But the owner, a
Christian man, said, we do. And he changed the model. He changed the whole approach. His own profits have gone down, but he says it's the only way to be just.
Have you got the eyes to see systemic evil? Or are you a typical - So let me stop here.
So this is Tim Keller explaining how there was a car dealership owner who'd eliminated haggling because he thought it was unjust for him to haggle when the results were unjust according to him, right?
And Tim Keller, he's not using this as an example of like, oh, that's very nice. Because listen, if you own a car dealership, you own anything, you can do whatever you want.
You could give away your cars if you want. No one's saying you can't. You can do whatever you want. I'm for that.
But Tim Keller goes beyond that. He says that this is actually an evil. So if you have haggling in your business and people pay different amounts, and it turns out that maybe certain types of people pay different amounts, that's evil.
He's calling that a sin. He's now saying that the negotiation process for car dealerships is a sin.
And he's presented it in a way that is disarming. He's presented it in a way where it's like, wow, if you wanna be super holy, you've gotta have the
CarMax no haggle pricing. It's a gospel issue, by the way. And this is actually, number one, this overturns the law of God.
Because there are proverbs, there are laws. Look, what's yours is yours.
You can do with it what you please. Negotiation, that's presented in the Bible as a good thing.
Negotiation is a good thing. And it's like, so Tim Keller is holier than the proverbs.
He's holier than the Bible is what he's presenting. But worse than that, worse than that, he has presented, he's secretly kind of smuggled in a massive assumption, a massive assumption, and it's a new morality.
It's a new pharisaical morality that is fundamentally Marxist, fundamentally.
And then you go, oh, Tim Keller can't be a Marxist because he believes in God. I saw some, that was Carl Truman who defended him that way.
That's insane, that's insane. He's introduced in a smooth way, you might not catch it if you're not paying attention, in a smooth, pharisaical way where he's being lauded by the world, being lauded by the church, and all of this, if the results are not even
Stevens, right? Because that's what his standard was, right? The results, white men were paying less than black women.
If the result, there's nothing, no harm has been done. No defrauding has been done. No stealing has been done.
No lying has been done. There has been no harm done according to scripture. But the results are not even
Stevens. And if the results are not even Stevens, that's a great evil to him and a gospel issue.
And wouldn't you know it, that's the exact kind of teaching that will get you lauded by the world. Because ultimately, that's what
Tim Keller is aiming for. I had a friend who said, he puts out these fortune cookie things, and what he's doing is he's always going to put out the fortune cookie that's going to rile up conservative
Bible -believing Christians and is going to justify liberal Bible non -believing
Christians and pagans. And the whole point, Tim Keller was, I don't know if he's the pioneer of this, but he has certainly been the most successful, in my opinion, at this.
But he will get the New York Times column. He will get the Atlantic columns, the articles.
He will get those speaking positions. He gets a seat at the table by doing this.
He throws conservative Bible -believing Christians under the bus. He might not go as far as they do, they're total bigots and stuff like that, but he basically plays to that audience, and he says, look, look world,
I am not like one of those Christians. And there are entire movements of churches that do this.
There are lots of people who follow Tim Keller in doing this, but Tim Keller is the godfather of this. I am not like one of those evil, bigoted, backwards, you know, backwoods
Christians that you remember from the movies. That's not me, I have a different Christianity.
In fact, watch me rile up the bigots. Watch me rile up the bigots. And so he puts out these fortune cookies that if you just read them, they're totally wrong.
And then he spends nine, 10 tweets telling you how stupid you are because you didn't really read them the right way, even though you read them exactly the right way, and now he's backtracking.
That's his scam and what he does. Guys, this is, it's crude, but this is what he does it for.
He does it to make money. He sells his books when he starts, when you read his tweet correctly, and then he tells you you're an idiot and explains in 10 tweets why you're an idiot, then he sells you his book.
This is what my friend says. He says this. I'm not gonna name him because I don't know if he wants to put his name out there, but he says this.
He says, for real, I don't know if you saw my tweet, but he's doing what the Bible describes as setting a trap for the righteous.
This is what Tim Keller does. He sets traps for the righteous. He always posts stuff that godly
Christians will object to, and then he springs the trap one tweet later to make us look like idiots.
Why is he always lying in wait for us? Tim Keller, what he uses social media for, what he uses his platform for, it's a huge platform, and look, he's earned his huge platform, right?
He's earned it, but what he chooses to use it for is to set traps for Christians, good
God -fearing Christians. He sets traps for them, and then he springs that traps. He's lying in wait every single tweet.
And what does he do it for? He says this. This is what
I mean, and he quotes Tim Keller. It's telling that so many conservative Christians could not recognize a statement, obedience to God's law can be a way to rebel versus God, that expresses the classic law gospel distinction, that obedience can be one of the two ways to reject the gospel legalism and antinomianism.
So what he's saying is like, he's admitting it. Tim Keller's admitting it. I sprung the trap.
See, I worded it in just the right way to rile you idiots up, and now I'm gonna tell you all
I meant was the classic law gospel distinction. No, Tim, that's not all you meant.
That's not all you meant. What you meant was to rile Christians up, and then to say, see,
I'm not like one of those Christians. Those are the ones that are using the law to, but you see, you can't get away with that because your first tweet wasn't carefully worded.
You worded it in exactly a certain way, and it was exactly wrong the way you worded it, Tim. You played yourself too often here.
We're all seeing through it now. We all get the game now. We get it, we get it, and the thing is, it's like, well, then stop responding to it, but here's the thing.
This is what I've learned, right? Every time I respond to it, I always feel like, okay, that's gotta be the last time, right?
That's gotta be, I've beaten this horse to death, but people are, people get awoken, woke, people get woke to Tim Keller's game every single time, and his influence is still big, but it's waning.
It's waning. My friend says this. This is what I mean. He has like nine tweets on this about how we are so stupid that we don't know that it's possible to use the law to sin.
I agree. I mean, obviously everybody knows that, but the point is, anyway, you already talked about that.
And then he says, and then he also advertises his books on the topic, and the fact that he does this every year makes me think it's a marketing technique.
Brothers, I don't think it's any more deep than that. I really don't. You know, it really does remind me of Judas.
It does. It reminds me of Judas, and if you remember the story of Judas, Judas was the money holder.
He was the one that held the money, and he was stealing from the till, and I'm not saying that Tim Keller is stealing, but Tim Keller is scamming you, right?
He's scamming you, and here's how he's scamming you. He's pretending to give you this third way, the true way of being a
Christian, and all he's giving you is light beer, you know, light coffee, decaf coffee, liberalism, right?
It's not the full liberalism, but it is liberalism, right? All he's giving you is Phariseeism, new laws that make you look clean on the outside, but does nothing for you on the inside, nothing.
New laws that make you look good to the world, right? You will be lauded by people if you set up your car dealership to fight systemic oppression, right?
You'll be lauded. Even if it doesn't do any good, right? Because that actually doesn't end up doing any good, right?
It doesn't end up doing any good, because at the end of the day, if you're not making money and you lose money, okay, well,
I guess you're just a fat cat, right? But don't forget what you were doing with that money, right? You were paying, you had given people jobs, right?
You had employed people with that money. You had invested in people. You had tithed on that money as well, and now because you decide, well, you know, used car, haggling, prices, that's a gospel issue, now you have less money to do all that stuff that you used to have.
So this is the thing. It's like there's nothing inherently good about someone making less money, right?
There's nothing inherently good about that. In fact, when you're producing less, you're actually adding less value to the world.
That's a fact. And so Tim Keller has given you, but Tim Keller has given you this twisted
Marxist system, and he's doing it, and ultimately, why he does it? He does it for influence, of course, but ultimately, why he does it is money.
It's money. He says he cares about the poor. He does not care about the poor.
He cares about looking good and making money. That's what Tim Keller cares about, just like Judas.
Judas said he cared about the poor. He didn't. He cared about looking good and making money.
And sadly, this is what the Pharisees were all about. They were about their influence, their positions of authority, the best seats at the conference, the best speaking slot at the conference, the best seat at the table.
You come, you kiss the ring, you get your wisdom from Tim Keller, and that's what they care about.
And they will tell you anything. They will tell you anything, so long as it makes them look good. They will overturn the law of God itself.
They will look you in the eye and tell you with a smile. And they'll be dressed nicely, and they'll be respectable.
They'll be lauded. Again, don't have this image of the Pharisees being they were wearing evil robes, and they look suspicious, and they look shady.
That's not how it was. They looked like the Tim Kellers of their day. And they'll smile at your face, and they'll say, you know the money you were gonna give to your parents?
It's Corbin. Give him to God. You know the whole thing about haggling cars?
That's actually evil. Oh, it's totally evil. It's totally evil. They'll smile at your face and say, the
American dream, it's the overture to the gospel. And then, meanwhile, they're... Anyway, I think that's enough for today.
I think that's enough for today. I gotta get to work. I gotta recruit some DevOps engineers. So in any case,