The Bread of Life, Pt. 2 (10/27/2002)


Pastor David Mitchell


Book of Romans, 8:1 - No Condemnation For Those Walking After The Spirit, Pt. 3 (08/11/2019)

And with me to John chapter 6 this morning We're going to continue our
Discussion of the fact that God is life Jesus said I am the way and the truth and the life
No man cometh to the father, but by me And we've talked about the fact that God is the way that God is the truth and now
God is the life And we're talking specifically today about the bread of life Jesus the bread of life
Let's have a word of prayer and we'll begin father. We thank you so much for Another time to come together for the love that we feel for one another for the
Fellowship true fellowship in Jesus Christ that we have For the discussions that we have about your word about your world that you've created all the discussions are so precious because they
Have to do with the Lord Jesus Father may he be lifted up high today
If there's anyone in our congregation who does not know him personally May they be drawn to him as he is lifted up today and Lord may the rest of us
Be seated in Christ in the heavenlies for the next few moments as we ought to be each moment of our lives
May we be ever aware of it these moments And we ask it in Jesus name. Amen Last time we talked about Genesis chapter 2 7
Where it says the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man
Became a living soul and we talked about Revelation 11 in verse 11
Where the two witnesses had been slain at the end of the days on this earth
Before the Lord comes back and they had been slain and left in the street for three and a half days and the whole world
Rejoiced and threw a big party because prophets of God had been murdered But then something happened that caught their attention in verse 11.
It says and after three days and a half the spirit of life from God entered into them and They stood upon their feet and great fear fell upon them that saw this
You picture Adam Same thing happened that God formed Adam by applying pressure the word formed in the
Hebrew means pressure is Applied and he made Adam of the clay and then he kindled where it says he breathed life
He kindled life into Adam Same thing happened to these two witnesses in verse 11
He breathed the spirit of life from God into them and they stood up After being dead three and a half days and yes fear fell upon those who saw it
So we're talking about the fact that God is life in John chapter 6 in the early portions of the chapter
We see the context of the passage we're studying which happens to be the part about Jesus being the bread of life
But we need to notice the context is that in verses 1 through 15 was the feeding of the five thousand
Miracle was performed where Jesus took the loaves the five loaves and fed over 5 ,000 men and probably 25 ,000 people and then had 12 baskets left over after it was all done and Then they departed for the other side of this of the sea and Jesus walked on water in verses 16 through 21.
You're familiar with that story. All of this is in this passage And then we come to verse 24 and we see the part that we're studying
But all of this happened just before this 5 ,000 men and their children and the wives were fed with just five loaves that were multiplied to feed the multitude and then
Jesus walked on the water in the midst of this storm as the disciples were in the boat and As soon as he set foot in the boat, it says immediately the ship was on the other side where they were headed
That was a miracle The whole thing is surrounded with the power of God in Jesus Christ our
Lord And then we come to this passage and it's peculiar because in verse 24 it says the people saw
Jesus was not there. They took ships and went over to Capernaum and Jesus answered them and said truly truly
I say unto you you seek me not because you saw these miracles But because you did eat the loaves
You're just what you want some more food and So what we see in this little passage that we studied last
Sunday is First of all, we see the nature of man so clearly as Jesus reveals it.
He could always look in your eyes and Know all about you Not only could he do that with you but all of mankind he knew man the
Bible says and So he tells them why they came as if they were trying to hide it
So first of all, we see that as far as the nature of man is that man likes to focus on the physical man is interested in the physical things in life food shelter clothing and Those sorts of things he's concerned about primarily those sorts of things and Jesus rebuked them and said you ought not to be so concerned about those things
But you ought to be concerned about things that have to do with eternity John 26 verse 27
John chapter 6 verse 27. He said labor not for the meat which perishes
But for that meat which endureth unto everlasting life the word meat there just means food
Don't spend the energy that God has placed into your body About physical things
Spend the energy and the gifts God has given you about everlasting things. He's saying and then the next thing that We see about the nature of man is that man wants to worship
God man's way not God's way and So in John chapter 6 verse 28, they say what shall we do that?
We might work the works of God They're wanting to approach God by doing good works in the fact the
Mormon lady who Rode with us for a short time this morning is trying to approach
God through a system of good works that the Mormons have concocted If those little boys grow up following that they will believe that you achieve heaven by doing things
Well, these religious people of Jesus day believe the same thing They said well Lord, what can we do?
what can we work with our hands that we might work the works of God and be saved is their question and Jesus answered and said to them.
This is the work of God that you believe on him whom he has sent Well, that's not what they wanted to hear
They wanted to hear a system of religious works. They could do so that they could then know they were proud enough to achieve
Climbing to God and that God was then happy with them because of their good works and Jesus didn't answer the question
They won the way they wanted to hear it He said this is the only work God will accept and that is that you believe in him whom he hath sent
This Greek word believe is peace to oh Which means to be committed to to be persuaded of to rely upon it's a very strong word in the
Greek It's not like the flippant English version, which means just a mental ascent of something.
Oh, yeah, I believe what's there Yeah, I believe in God That's not it. In fact,
James says the demons believe and tremble, but they're not saved. Oh you believe You need to peace duo.
You need to have a commitment of the heart and mind to the Lord Jesus Christ You need to be
Persuaded by the Holy Spirit himself that Jesus is who he claimed to be and that what
God says about salvation is true Believe on him whom I have sent you must be persuaded
That's the message from God and you must then rely upon him and him only For your salvation and this is what
Jesus told them in a nutshell and they didn't like it but today
We find people are the same The nature of man has not changed a third aspect of the nature of man that we saw last week is that man will always
Try to tempt God We find that in chapter 6 verse 30 and 31.
They said therefore unto him Okay, if that's how we're supposed to be saved is by believing in you Show us something
Show us a sign That we may see you see the focus is on the physical we want to see with our physical eyes and believe
What do is now work they said what can you do what work can you do that cause us to see something so we can
Believe on you and be saved Jesus did not give them any hope of what they asked for He came back with this our fathers did eat manna in the desert as it is written
He gave them bread from heaven to eat Then Jesus said to them barely barely
I say unto you Moses gave you not that bread from heaven But my father giveth you the true bread from heaven
And they're sitting there thinking that's not what we asked you We asked you to do something. We want a sign and Jesus said well
God gave a sign to Moses He gave manna from heaven, but he said that wasn't really
Heavenly in the true sense. It was physical and your father's ate it and died
He said but my father gives you the true manna from heaven, which was Jesus himself And if you eat that you shall never die
So today men do the same thing show us something they want a religion that has plenty of show
They want a religion that has something they can get their hands on something they can see and feel and be a part of and When God comes back with the same answer that he gave 2 ,000 years ago, and he says no
This is the work that you do believe Trust rely upon the
Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved same Problem with man that man had 2 ,000 years ago today.
The question is asked what sign will you show me that? God is working in your life that God's working in your church that God's in your ministry.
Can you show me something? Can you heal somebody? Can you raise somebody from the dead?
Can you perform a miracle? Let us see that so that we can then believe same exact thing that Jesus dealt with and so The only answer then and today is
Jesus He said I'm the bread from heaven that if you eat that bread, you shall never die
And we studied last time in Hebrews chapter 1 Verses 1 through 3 and he put a big star by that in your
Bible because it shows very clearly that God deals with us today Through his son not through prophets not through visions not through dreams not through miracles, but through his son
John chapter 16 verse 12 Jesus himself told exactly how he would reveal himself to us after he was gone to heaven
Through the Apostles as they gave us the New Testament 2nd Peter chapter 3 verses 1 and 2 talk about the same thing the fourth thing that we see about man's nature is that He will always seek salvation in trappings or traditions religious trappings or Traditions, but in John chapter 6 verse 33
Jesus said for the bread of God is He which cometh down from heaven and giveth life unto the world
You see this the bread of God is he? It's not a thing
It's not a system. It's not a program It's a person it is he which came down just as Romans chapter 5 verse 10 says for if When we were enemies we were reconciled to God by the death of his son much more being reconciled.
We shall be saved by his life So Jesus is our salvation
Now how do we be saved according to Jesus let's turn to John 6 in verse 34 and this is
Where we really start for this morning Jesus Has been asked some questions.
He's been asked to do some things. He's been asked to perform and he is denied that But what he does starting the verse 34 he begins to tell them exactly
Specifically how to be saved he told them in a nutshell when they said what works can we do and he said you can't do
Any works the only work you can do is believe in him whom he hath sent He told them in a nutshell how to be saved now.
He gets specific now he begins to tell how salvation works and this is every bit as Applicable today as it was to this crowd, maybe more so Because today we have seen so many swings among Christian theologians in the last 150 years
They will swing from a strong Legalistic viewpoint with a lot of rules which is what they want to do
What works may we do to please you and they'll swing all the way from there over to a side where it's what they call
He easy believe ism. We're just believe he's there and you'll be saved Just pray a little prayer do
Jesus come my heart and say me. Amen and go live like you want to everything will be fine Now that's been predominantly the gospel of my lifetime
Easy believe ism You just get saved by believing in a
Jesus It doesn't have to be the biblical Jesus even you can invent one in your mind And as long as you believe in him, you'll be saved is what's taught today
You can invent a Jesus who you pray your little prayer dear Jesus come my heart and say me Amen, and he never does anything with your life
That Jesus has been invented all over this country You can invent a Jesus who who?
Wants to do bizarre things like cause people to fall off and they alter and quiver on the floor
Or cause you to roar like a lion or laugh like a laughing hyena Totally out of control
What is that is that coming through our system Oh Say maybe we had some new music
New program for you folks Liven it up a little bit. Anyone want to come up?
Let me slap you on the forehead. Hey, man A brother Russell goes out gonna slap somebody out there on the forehead
Now he gets specific about salvation. Look at verse 34 That's probably kids in a nursery listening to some rock music.
That's Was it your daughter and my son in the nursery no verse 34
Now I want you to I want you to see how Jesus Gets to the specifics of salvation and I think you'll see very clearly that it totally blows away modern preaching on salvation most of it
At his radio, all right now Drag him in and put him on the back pew brother
Russell Then said they into Jesus Evermore give us this bread.
So they'd ask how can we be saved? Can we do works and he said no I am the bread of life.
He said oh, they said well show us something so we can see it and believe that That's who you are. And he said no He said
I'm not gonna do that. I'm here And they said well, then well then give us this bread
Now Jesus said to them now I want you to notice this because there is a key to the formula in this verse that if you don't get it as we read
On through the passage It won't make any sense. In fact, I believe it seems to me that the
Roman Catholics have left Verses 34 and 35 out of their Bible because they don't know this key
And so they misinterpret the following passages that we're about to look at But if you would just understand
God always uses scripture to reveal scripture and to translate and help you to understand the scripture
The best key is to let the Bible interpret the Bible Well verses 34 and 35 are key to understanding what he's about to say about salvation
Look what he says very carefully Jesus said unto them I am the bread of life very clear
So first we see salvation is not in a thing it's not in a program. It's not in a religious system
But then he goes on and says now look at this he that comes to me
Shall never hunger So I want you to do this in your margin Mark down the fact that coming
Equates with eating You see how he says he that comes with me shall never hunger coming to Jesus He that cometh to me equates with eating
And then he says and he that believeth on me shall never thirst. So write this down believing is attached to drinking
The water of life So to eat Then To eat the bread is to come to me to drink is
To believe on me now if you understand that the rest of this passage will shout to you if you don't it'll confuse you
We see these two aspects of salvation notice two aspects not one the modern gospel is believe and be saved
The modern gospel is just Invite a Jesus into your heart and then go on and you'll be fine
Eternal security has been misused this way to convince lost people that they're always saved and they haven't been saved yet And it is a one -fold salvation.
It's taught today not a two -fold salvation But God here Jesus very clearly says there are two aspects of salvation eating and drinking
Now let's go and we'll see what he's what is he talking about because Jesus doesn't just tell these people in plain Language, does he he tells them in such a way that they have to have ears that hear to understand it
But he did explain it in verse 35 if anyone was listening He said he that comes to me shall never hunger.
That's the eating he that believes on me shall never thirst. That's the drinking So We see two aspects of salvation
It's interesting turn with me just for a moment to Luke 18 in verse 18 this is so clearly seen with the story of the rich young ruler and We can read books on salvation from the bookstore
One day in church in one of my sermons I pointed out are quoted from two different books by authorities on Salvation and they contradicted each other.
He said the opposite But each book if you read only it sounded fantastic One was written by Ryrie who wrote the
Ryrie study Bible the other was written by MacArthur who's the the great radio preacher who's written books on salvation and Both authorities both books contradicted each other
In fact MacArthur was Ryrie student and Ryrie came back and rebuked MacArthur and said your book is bunk
But I don't believe that both books are good It's just they were both approaching salvation from the human viewpoint rather than the divine viewpoint that can get confusing you can say what do you have to do to be saved repent or Just believe or repent and believe or repent believe and be baptized or repent believe be baptized and live for Christ There are verses that say all those things are true
So are the Church of Christ people, right? Is MacArthur right when he said well, you got to receive
Jesus as Lord Not just believe in him or is Ryrie right when he says the Bible just says believe All the other things are works
Who's right? Jesus is right. So let's look and see what he said it clarifies it
Very much in this passage now in the Luke passage Jesus used this occasion where he met the rich rich young ruler
This young ruler came for a purpose the young ruler thought he came to find out
To just to meet a famous person What he didn't know was that God had foreordained that he would be there so that we might all learn this lesson
Now he benefited from the lesson as well. I hope We don't really know But look what happens in Luke 18 18 a certain ruler asked him saying good master
What shall I do to inherit eternal life? I mean that flat -out asked the question. How do I get saved and Jesus said to him
First of all, why do you call me good? None is good but one and that's
God why are you calling me good unless you think I'm God Why if you just think I'm just a master which means a teacher.
Why do you call me good? First lesson is you can't believe Jesus is just a nice prophet or a good teacher or that we should follow his example and be
Saved that's not enough Jesus taught him that right off the bat But then he said well now know us the commandments do not commit adultery do not kill do not steal
Do not bear false witness honor your father and mother and he said well all these things I've done from my youth I grew up a good
Jew So I'm all set then I guess right And look what
Jesus said in verse 22 now when Jesus heard these things he said unto him Yet lacketh thou one thing
And it's interesting that he then mentions two things. He says you lack one thing, but I'm going to mention two first of all sell everything you have and give it to the poor and Secondly, and then you'll have treasure in heaven and secondly come and follow me
Now if you look at those two aspects of what Jesus said not just one aspect, but two the first part of it dealt with faith
Because the only way this rich young man could really sell his things and Have nothing then and give all that to the poor is if he truly had faith that this was
God. He was talking to so the first Aspect of this had to do with faith.
Do you believe I am the good master, which means I'm God I'm not just the teacher.
I'm the good teacher. There's only one good and that's God Do you believe I'm he if you do then go sell everything?
You've got give it to the poor and then we'll go from there Faith was the first thing Jesus mentioned a lot of people miss that that's talking about faith that they think it's talking about works
But it's talking about faith. You can't do any works without faith James teaches that now the second aspect though He says and come and follow me
That is the coming and following part So the two aspects of salvation were told to this rich young ruler who asked how can
I be saved? He said number one have the faith faith in me that produces something That I can see in your life.
It's real faith. Secondly, then come and follow me Well, what did the rich young ruler do?
He went away sad He either didn't have the faith or he didn't want to come and follow me or both
But he went away lost as a goose having kept he thought the commandments of God Jesus taught once again
You can't be saved by works You can't be saved by religion so there must be faith and There must be this coming and following.
This is a new walk with Jesus This is this coming and following part is a relationship with him abiding in him and In a few moments, we're gonna see from this passage that he pictures this part by eating his flesh
He says which is the bread of life The eating of the bread has to do with the relationship and the coming and following and walking with Jesus in your life
Look what he says in verse 28 back back now to To John chapter 6 to our main passage
John chapter 6 verse 28 Then Peter said lo
Maybe I may be still in Luke. I Am sorry about that. We're gonna get back to John here in a minute.
I Skipped part of his reason. I lost where I was Now Peter after this after Jesus said this to the rich young ruler
Peter said Well, we've left everything and followed you You know, he had told him to sell everything and give it to the poor and follow me
Peter said well That's what we've done. Jesus. He was so proud and He said unto them barely truly
I say unto you there is no man that have left house or parents or brethren or wife
Or children for the kingdom of God's sake Who shall not receive manifold more?
Both in this present time and in the world to come life everlasting That reemphasizes this aspect of salvation that has to do with the coming and following me
You cannot come and follow Jesus and have everything stay the same in your life that it was
The interest that you had have to change many times the friends that you had have to change or go away
And you get new ones Everything Changes it's as if you took everything of your life and you sold it and got rid of it and you started a brand new life and It's reiterated here in this in the passage where Peter said well
Lord We you know We've done that Jesus said well and you'll have eternal life and also you will have more in this life than you would have if You'd have kept all the stuff
You'll have a more abundant life further evidence of the coming and following aspect of salvation
But now help me out here. Let's see John chapter 6 maybe help. I'd use my
Bible here for a minute Okay. Now we are back in John chapter 6 verse 36. I Didn't mean to lead you on a goose chase there
Look at verse 36, but I said unto you that ye shall ye also have seen me and believed not
Now he had this group of people That Were asking him what will you do to prove you're who you are and he said
I'm not gonna do anything and Then he they said well, what can we do then to be saved?
He said you can't do anything except believe on him whom he had sent and then they said well give us this bread and Verse 36
But I said unto you that ye also have seen me and believed not Now, why did he say that look at verse 35
Jesus into them? I am the bread of life he that cometh to me shall never hunger
He that believeth on me shall never thirst There's a an eating aspect to salvation and a drinking aspect.
He says but if you have me You'll never be hungry. You'll never be thirsty if you have me
But I said unto you that ye also have seen me just like my disciples, but you believe not
Now look what he says in verse 37 All that the Father giveth me shall come to me and he that cometh to me.
I will in no wise cast out These people are about to find out a very important doctrine and that is the doctrine of election
That God from before the foundation of the world has known his own has
Chosen his own it is no different than human parents who birth children.
The child didn't choose the parents The child didn't have anything to do with his birthing
He was not and then he was and that's the way your salvation is You were lost you were walking in darkness
You knew not God neither the Bible says were you seeking God and all of a sudden one day you just got saved
And you didn't go through a list of things that you had to do Maybe someone gave you a little list to pray
But that's not what got you saved The thing is the light came on you found yourself in an operating room with a light above you and then some doctor spanking you on the rear end spiritually and You took your first breath your first spiritual breath and you were alive and you had nothing to do with it the parents did same way spiritually
God is your parent God is your father and Jesus says to these people the reason that you see me and you don't believe
It was because you're not from the father. That's what he's about to say now All that the father gives me will come he said but you don't come.
What does that imply? That implies the father didn't give you to me if he had you would be coming to me you see coming is a part of salvation
The explanation for why they saw him and believe not is that the father had not given them to Jesus all that do
Come however shall be saved Now let's go to verse 38 For I came down from heaven not to do mine own will but the will of him that sent me what
Jesus is about to talk About is it's God's will who gets saved and who doesn't and I just do his will and this is the father's will
Which hath sent me that of all Which he hath given me I should lose nothing but should raise it up again in the last day and this is the will of him that sent me that everyone which beholdeth the
Son and Believeth now he just told a group they had beheld him It's the same Greek word and not believed but he says there shall be people who will behold me and believe on him and they have
Everlasting life and I will raise him up on the last day
Jesus came to do the father's will Which was that all that he had given to Christ should be raised up in the last day to everlasting life
Because those who he had given Christ shall have believed him and believed upon him
Now look at verse 41. We have a problem though with those who? refuse even in seeing the
Son of God in the flesh and talking with him and hearing his words of wisdom and having seen him create feed over 25 ,000 people with five loaves of bread and Realizing he had walked on the water because the boat instantly was at the other side which was impossible and Seeing these miracles they came to him and yet they believe not
Verse 41 the Jews then murmured at him because he said I am the bread which came down from heaven You know why they murmured because they wanted to earn life.
They didn't want to know life They didn't want life to be a person That they had to develop a relationship with and know in an intimate way
They wanted it to be a system of works without God in it It's the same when people in Christian circles a day pray and say dear
Jesus come to heart and save me Amen, and they've just invented a different Jesus from the one in the Bible who won't mess with their life at all
We don't want any God who will do something in my life. I want a religious system where I can do that and then be my own
It's the same today And yet it won't work They murmured when
Jesus said I'm the bread and you have to have me because they didn't want it to be a me they wanted to be an it and They said is not this
Jesus the son of Joseph whose father and mother we know How is it that he says I came down from heaven and yet?
They had the oracles of God in Isaiah 7 14 I give you a sign behold a virgin shall conceive and bear a son and His name shall be called
Emmanuel which means God with us they had that in their scriptures they had read that And yet they say what we know who his parents are
Father had told him he's gonna have a mother They said well she he's got a mother This can't be him.
He has a mother God said he's gonna have a mother a Virgin is gonna conceive behold.
I give you a sign. They had just asked him for a sign Show us something Show us something.
We'll believe who you are. He tells him who he is. They said well, I can't be you because you had a mother Spiritual blindness is death, isn't it?
Jesus therefore answered instead of them murmur not among yourselves No, man can come to me except the father which hath sent me draws him
He said there's no way in the world. You can believe this unless the father draws you to me And then if he does you can't not believe it that makes sense
You can't not believe it. I Will raise him up at the last day it is written.
He says in the prophets, you know the prophets he said and They shall all be taught of now in your
Bible. You might want to put the little word by this really means by God Every man therefore that has heard and Has learned in other words been taught by the father comes to me
That's interesting in this very passage. Jesus teaches whosoever will may come and Then he turns right around and teaches us who will
Are you with me? He teaches what the Arminians focus on which is anyone who comes will be saved
He just got through saying and all that come to me None of them shall be lost and that is a truth of Scripture Anyone who will come to Jesus and receive him shall be saved anyone who would desire that anyone who would do that?
Doesn't matter who it is or what kind of life they've lived Anyone who would receive
Jesus can be saved and Jesus turns right around in the same breath and says but who will
Those Who have been taught by the father to do so that's what verse 45 says
Those who have been drawn by the father will do so So it is true that whosoever will may be saved, but it's also true
That whosoever will are those that God has known from the foundation of the world and chosen to be his own children
It is fair for God to Care for his own children more than someone else's all of you parents do that you say oh, no,
I love all the children Well, you do love all the children, but if they're all headed, you know about to fall off the same cliff
Which one are you gonna grab first? You try to get few of the others too, but I know which one you getting first Because I know myself
Your children are the most beautiful children in the world and so are mine God feels the same way about you
He's gonna grab you When the whole human race falls off the cliff and towards hell, he grabs you because you're his kids
So well, couldn't they all have believed well, I'll say this if they had they would have been saved
Those who murmur the skeptics cannot come to him because the father has not drawn them
It's not because they're smarter than you. It's not because they're smarter than Jesus It's not because they're more scientific it's because they're in darkness and they just can't see it this way
They've heard some of the same stuff. You've heard they've beheld in a way the same Jesus you have they just don't see it
It's very sad but on the other hand it causes great rejoicing among ourselves if you're in You may be sitting out here today saying well,
I'm not sure I'm in does this mean I can't be saved because I'm not elect Are you worried about it? If you are that's a great sign
Holy Spirit does not pursue Satan's children If he's pursuing you and you're feeling that in your heart today rejoice
Receive Jesus as a gift from the father both he to you and you to him
On the other hand everyone that does here and is taught by the father comes to Jesus for salvation
Verse 46 is very clear. The whole passage is very clear. Look at verse 46 now that any man
Not that any man hath seen the father Save he which is of God he hath seen the father
Jesus makes it very clear that no men have seen God the father only Jesus has seen him
That means Jesus is our daysman He is the one who takes us to the father because only he can be in the father's presence
You will never be in the father's presence other than in Christ Only in Christ Truly truly
I say to you he that believeth on me has already has everlasting life
I Am the bread of life your fathers did eat man in the wilderness and are dead
This is the bread which cometh down from heaven that a man may eat thereof and not die
Notice that Jesus puts this in the positive and then he puts it in the negative in the positive
He says those that have me have life ever lasting. That's positive. It lasts forever
Then he puts it in the negative. They shall not ever die You can't cover the material any better than that You just can't die
You just have to live forever if you've eaten of this bread. I Am the living bread which came down from heaven if any man eat of this bread.
He shall live forever now he puts it back in the positive again and The bread that I will give is my flesh
Which I will give for the life of the world the word world here is cosmos, which means the orderly arrangement of God The orderly arrangement of God all of God's creation.
Jesus gave his life for that Verse 52 the Jews therefore strove among themselves saying how can this man give us his flesh?
To eat now you see they forget the verse that I told you to underline a while ago They weren't listening the
Roman Catholics don't listen They believe to this day that when they eat the little wafer they're eating
Jesus's real body that is it goes in their mouth after the priest is blessed it turns into Jesus's flesh and they're eating him and When they drink that wine blessed by their priest they believe it turned as they drink it
It turns into literal blood of Jesus and they're eating and drinking Jesus And that's why they have to keep on doing that every day and every week to stay saved
They'll lose their salvation if they stop eating and drinking Jesus Now they need to go all the way back to the verse where Jesus Was teaching so clearly
About the fact that the bread means to come to me So to eat my flesh means you about you're with me
You you abide with me. You're walking with me all the days of your life It's as if you eat bread that bread becomes part of you
He says my life has to become part of your life. Your life has to become part of my life That is like eating my flesh.
It's coming with me It's the part where he said leave it all and come with me. You can't be saved without that You people talk about the wine all the time
We always as bad as we talk about the blood of Jesus and it is a beautiful thing to talk about But we can't leave out the bread
You can't have just a bloody salvation it must be body and blood there must be bread and drink
And he teaches them so clearly here That Anyone Who drinks and eats shall have everlasting life then the
Jews began to argue among themselves saying how can we eat this man's flesh? They were taking it literal and it was a spiritual teaching the
Catholics today take it literal But it's a spiritual teaching then Jesus said to them truly truly
I send you and they're saying now, how can we eat this man's flesh? He said well, I'll tell you one thing if you don't you're gonna go to hell
He said you better figure out what I'm saying and do it or you won't make it truly truly
I say unto you unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood you have
No life in you. There's no religion. There's no good works you can do
There is there's no way to please God in the flesh. There's nothing there is no system
There's not a thing anywhere in the universe that can take you to heaven salvation is Jesus and It's the
Jesus of the Bible It's the virgin born one who walked on this earth and showed us the way because he was the way and It's the one who insists that you leave it all and come.
Yes believe that's the drinking You must believe you must have the water of life
Your eyes must be turned on. Yes, everyone's beheld him but in his day there were those over here who beheld him and believe not and there were those over here who
Beheld him and believed and he said those are the ones that the father drew to me. You can't come because he didn't
See you have to have the drink of life but you then immediately respond by leaving behind the world system and Following coming with me that is the relationship part.
That's the part. They hated the worst Except you eat the flesh of the
Son of Man and drink his blood you have no life in you Whoso eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood has eternal life and I will raise him up at the last day
For my flesh is food indeed and my blood is drink indeed
He that eateth my flesh in other words He that comes to me and with me and he that drinketh my blood in other words
He that peace duo believes is persuaded that I am who I say I am that relies upon him
That is committed to me the days of your life that person So he that eateth me even he shall live by me
So he teaches us some very important things no man has any life in himself We think we do we grow up.
We get into these teen years and young adult years. We feel absolutely invincible Nothing can happen to me as If you have life in yourself and you get hit by a
Mack truck, you just get up and keep going I did nothing can kill me. Jesus said that's not true.
He said in fact, you don't have any life of yourself He said I want you to think about two things.
Think about Adam laying there as a clump of mud Before God breathes into his nostrils the breath of life think about the two prophets that were laying there in the street rotting for three and a half days and all of a sudden the
Spirit of life from God came into them and they stood up. They had no life in themselves
Only life from God Jesus said I am that life He said if you drink me
You're believing and it's like a river of Water flowing forever a fountain that just keeps flowing that never stops that life never stops and he said
My flesh is like the bread of life if you eat it, guess what that brings strength He doesn't just bring you to life spiritually and then let you starve and die
He brings you to life with the water and then he says now eat every day eat this bread and it keeps you strong in real life
From a scientific point of view. Nothing can make you much stronger than eating bread you eat bread and you gain strength and Jesus said if you come with me and you follow me spiritually and you'll stay with me during your days
Stay in my word. He not only says me myself and the manna But he says this word is the manna my word is manna
You stay in this word of God you gain strength just like eating bread in the physical sense
So you can't just have belief You must have belief and Relationship the belief is the drinking the relationship is the eating of the bread or strength as The Living Father hath sent me
I live by my father the little word by is the word dia which means the channel of an
Act so Jesus said my life came from the father speaking as the man the man
Jesus He said my life came from the father So he that eateth me.
He said just as that's true. He that eats me even he shall live by me So your life comes from Jesus Jesus life comes from the father
None of us have life in and of ourselves Only through our relationship with Jesus Christ verse 58
This is that bread which came down from heaven not as your fathers did eat manna and are dead
He that eateth of this bread Shall live forever Heavenly bread
That's Jesus Salvation is person Salvation is
Jesus Christ. Thanks be to God that you were drawn to him That you could drink of the water of life freely
If you're being drawn to him today just drink and You'll be saved just drink and you'll be saved in the very first thing
You'll find yourself want to do as you go home today is you're gonna want to find out about him You're gonna want to know more about him.
You're gonna want to read the Bible You're gonna want to have people explain it to you're gonna want to be your great Bible teaching
You're gonna want to just eat the bread because your strength comes from that and it's all
Jesus And there is no life outside of it. Nothing else you have in your whole life. Not your your your loved ones
Not your children Not any of your things Not your parents.
None of that can give you life. There's no life in any of it the only thing that we have
That is our life is our relationship with Jesus. So let's not neglect that and Let's be so thankful for it.
Let's stand and have a prayer together father Thank you for sending the bread from heaven
And let us not overlook What you endured to do that you gave your only begotten son to the hands of evil men that he might be crucified and Die on the cross and be separated from you and that means you were separated from him
Let us not forget that you did that for us But you sent the bread of heaven that we might partake of him that we might eat and gain true life
Father if there's anyone in the room that has not partaken of Jesus Christ That has not received them into their heart and had that urge to go find out about him and to live for him and with him
May you bring that into their lives? May you bring them to the place where they not only behold Jesus, but they also come to him and believe
Father May those of us who are in your family go out from this place today with a new resolve to eat the bread every day for strength
Thank you Lord Jesus that you desire such a relationship with us and may your
Holy Spirit bring the desire of Response in our hearts as we love you back and desire to be in fellowship with you father watch over our fellowship together
With each other and with you throughout the remainder of our meal together We ask you to bless the meal in a few moments and our afternoon services and we ask it in Jesus name.