Pastor Mike Todd BLASTS His Easter Service CRITICS!

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Hey guys, Collin here, and welcome back to Fight for Truth, the channel where we bring you Christian commentary about the things that matter.
In today's video, we're going to be talking about Mike Todd's Easter service once again. You see, just when
I thought there was no way that Mike Todd of Transformation Church could top the antics of his recent
Easter service, he went ahead and blew away my wildest expectations. In a recent sermon, he responded directly to all of the criticism that he's received in the last few weeks, and I'm going to offer you my
Biblical response to what he said. It's truly shocking, and you're not going to want to miss this.
For context, on Easter Sunday, Michael Todd produced a play in his church entitled
Ransom. And this play was supposed to be an artistic representation of the Easter story, one that would theoretically encourage people in the audience to trust in Christ for their salvation.
In reality, this Easter play had loads of secular music, grand displays of lights and smoke.
The devil was portrayed by a woman, and more than this, a woman was portrayed as being crucified on stage at one point.
And if all of that wasn't enough, there was even a portion of this play where three women walked on stage wearing skin -tight leather pants while talking about the size of their rear ends.
And that's not an exaggeration, by the way. I didn't make this up. Here's the actual video evidence of that taking place at Transformation Church.
Watch this. Step one, thigh you in, look back at it, uh -oh, what is she doing?
That's a fatty. Girl, we keep telling you it's okay. Your little booty matter too, friend. Y 'all know they don't be discriminating.
And keep in mind, what you just saw was supposed to be a God -glorifying activity in church on Easter Sunday.
If you want to see my full reaction to that disastrous Easter play, the link to that is in the description.
But what we're going to do today is look at a clip from Mike Todd's new sermon series entitled King Numb, in which he directly calls out all the people who critiqued his terrible
Easter play. And you're not going to believe what he says at the end of the video, so please, stick around.
Watch this. Alright, I'ma be honest. I'ma be honest.
Is it okay if I'm hot just for one second real quick? The enemy has been trying to convince me for two and a half weeks to vacate my spot and believe the lies of people who don't know me.
So first, Michael Todd says that the enemy, the devil, has been trying to convince him to leave his job as head pastor for two and a half weeks in the wake of his
Easter service. And he says that he's been tempted to believe the lies of people who don't even know him.
There is so much wrong with this, it's hard to know where to start. First, Mike seems to think that the enemy is encouraging him to leave his position of leadership over the
Church. In reality, that is probably just the one small part of him that has any real discernment left.
Everyone knows that a man who puts on a service like this in a so -called Church is not fit to be a head pastor.
In Titus 1 -9, Paul says that a pastor, quote, must hold firmly to the trustworthy
Word as taught, so that he might be able to give instruction in sound doctrine and also rebuke those who contradict it.
And how can you instruct people in sound doctrine when you don't have sound doctrine yourself? It is obvious to anyone with a biblical worldview that Michael Todd should not be a pastor.
So that is not the devil trying to convince him, it's common sense. And second, Mike says that all the critiques he's received about the
Easter service are nothing more than lies from people who don't know him. This is quite the cop -out, and as you're about to see, it is the first of many convenient excuses from Mike Todd.
You see, the criticism that Mike received, by and large, came from reputable Christian sources playing clips from his play in context and then refuting them with Scripture.
It was an accurate description of a blasphemous church event that he himself masterminded from start to finish.
To call that a lie would be shockingly ironic, because that would be a lie in and of itself. But this is just the tip of the iceberg.
Mike goes on. Watch this. Can I be honest y 'all? Can we humble, open, and transparent?
I've had people tell me that I was a false prophet. I've had people tell me that I serve the devil,
I've had people tell me that I'm not fit to be a father." So there are three claims here that Mike Todd finds offensive.
Let's go over them one by one. First, the implication that he is a false prophet. Let's talk about that.
Mike absolutely has a false view of prophecy, or at the very least, a false view of God's revelation.
He thinks that words that pop into his head constitute biblical prophecy. I remember that in one sermon, he said he decided to do a sermon series called
Anchor because God kept putting the word anchor in his head. And regardless of this, if someone teaches falsely, which
Mike does, and if someone mishandles the perfect prophecies we've already been given in Scripture, which
Mike does, then he is not a true prophet of God. End of story. First John 4 -1 says, quote,
Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God.
For many false prophets have gone out into the world. End quote. This pastor is not orthodox, nor is his teaching sound.
So yes, Michael Todd is at the very least a false teacher, and there's very good evidence that he's a false prophet.
Second, Mike of course resents the implication that he, quote, serves the devil. In my opinion, this is an attempt to get the audience to think in unnecessarily black and white terms.
In other words, either Mike Todd is a devil worshiper, or he's a great pastor and the best man of God of his generation.
But neither of these options are strictly true. This is a false dichotomy. In reality,
Michael Todd doesn't need to be a devil worshiper to be still totally unqualified as a pastor.
And regardless of what other label you put on him, he is still a dangerous false teacher, and that's enough.
But finally, Mike brings up a critique that should really tug at your heartstrings. In fact, that's clearly what it's meant to do.
Apparently, some people have said that he is unfit to be a father. Obviously, he doesn't like this.
Now, on this point I want to make something clear. I don't think that Mike Todd should be disqualified from having children.
However, it is still true at the same time that having a blasphemous and irreverent Easter production at your church sets a really bad example for your children.
And just to be fair, that doesn't just go for Mike Todd. It goes for all the men who for some reason think it's a good idea to attend his church.
But of course, Mike is not finished yet. It gets much, much worse. Watch this.
I've had people who prophesied over me, rebuke me publicly, and never text me.
Never call me, never pull up. When their ministry needed help, we were there.
When stepping on me in this church could give them some views, they took the opportunity to gain three more followers.
I can't be this real. Somebody's gonna cut this up too and make it say something that it didn't say.
So first off, validly calling a pastor out for his unbiblical actions which are affecting thousands of people is not the same thing as, quote, stepping on him and his church, as Mike Todd said.
Again, we have the dramatic exaggerations to gain sympathy. Second, you can't just dismiss all of the valid critiques here simply as being attempts to gain fame and fortune and followers.
That's a really convenient excuse, but there's really no evidence for it. Third, Mike Todd always suggests that YouTube videos about him, videos like this, are made by people taking things out of context, cutting things up, as he says, to be trolls against him and his ministry.
Again, this is a really convenient excuse, right? You see, when everyone is justly calling you out for things that you actually said and actually did on video, all you have to do is say that they're doing it out of context and they're just a bunch of mean internet trolls.
But again, there's no evidence in that claim. Virtually every single reputable Christian YouTube channel, with people from all different denominations, all different walks of life, called out
Mike Todd on this. So it's really too much of a coincidence to be chalked up simply to internet trolling.
But in the next clip, Mike takes things to a whole new level, and a shockingly unbiblical level at that, even for him.
Watch this. But then I started to look at the ministry of Jesus. Because I had to go back to my example.
I said, I'm not trying to prove nothing to nobody. God, you're the one who gave me ransom. I didn't want ransom! You did that!
And I don't know anything demonic that got 629 people saved. I don't... I don't know.
So first, Mike Todd says that ransom, his Easter play, was not actually his idea.
No, believe it or not, it was God's idea. This is yet another example of the false prophecy that he uses all the time.
What he's saying here is this. The insane and unbiblical play that I had on Easter was only created because God gave it to me personally, through some form of revelation.
In other words, if you're critiquing my Easter play, you're against the clear revelation of God himself.
And if that's not the definition of arrogant false prophecy, guys, I don't know what is. And it's also totally blasphemous.
He's actually saying, God gave me the idea to mock -crucify a woman on stage at my church.
God gave me the idea to play Kesha music on Easter Sunday. God gave me the idea to have three women stand up on stage in skin -tight leather pants, talking about the size of their backsides, and dancing inappropriately.
Don't blame me for these things. Blame God. This is why we should focus on the prophetic word that is more fully confirmed from 1
Peter 119, that is, Scripture, rather than focusing on random thoughts and premonitions that pop into our heads.
Following God is great. Following ourselves can only lead to trouble. And this is the perfect example of that happening to Mike Todd.
But then, of course, Mike makes the case that the event must be biblical. Why? Well, because 629 people got saved.
In other words, because 629 people said that they accepted Jesus into their hearts or something like that, that justifies the entire play and all of the unbiblical things that were done in it.
And it justifies Mike Todd's entire ministry, right? But here's the rub. Where in Scripture does
God command us to give unbiblical plays on Easter to get people saved? Which apostle in Scripture used that strategy?
Can you name me one? And if you can't, then why are you so certain that it's biblical? Here's a real biblical example of evangelism.
Paul says in 1 Corinthians 15 that he shared the things of first importance. That Christ died for our sins in accordance with the
Scriptures, that He was buried, that He was raised on the third day in accordance with the
Scriptures. End quote. You see, Paul trusted in the power of the message of Christ as corroborated by Scripture, and he reverently presented it to people with honor and respect.
He didn't cheapen it by using weird, seeker -sensitive, crowd -pleasing antics, because that is clearly not biblical.
And this is precisely the problem with the majority of evangelical megachurches today. But this next part is truly staggering.
This is probably the most shocking aspect of the whole video, so if you stuck around this long, trust me, you made the right call.
Watch this. But when I was looking at the ministry of Jesus, there were two things that elevated and spread the kingdom.
It was miracles, and it was accusations and persecution.
And people would go telling the miracles, and then there was another group of people who would be like, but he did it on the wrong day, and I don't know if he got clearance to do that.
And so it was the two dynamics that allowed the kingdom to be forcefully advanced.
And I don't know, it was somewhere around Monday that I told God, thank you for considering me and this church worthy to walk in the same level of miracles and adversity.
So Mike Todd says that two things helped the ministry of Jesus be so effective, miracles and persecution.
And then he says that he thanks God that he and his church can walk in the quote, same level of miracles and adversity that Jesus himself walked in.
Yes, he actually said that. Just take a second and think about what he just said. That is the most insane thing that Mike Todd has ever preached.
And that's really saying something. And let me try to state this as clearly as I can. There is absolutely no comparison between the miracles and trials of Jesus and the practices of Transformation Church.
They're not in the same ballpark. In fact, they're not even on the same continent. They might not be on the same planet.
That's how different they are. Here's a case study. When Jesus rubbed spit in a man's eyes in John chapter 9, the man was healed of blindness permanently.
When Mike Todd rubbed spit in a man's eyes on stage during a sermon, and yes, that actually happened, he later had to apologize because it was so incredibly disgusting and weird.
So please, just think about how insanely prideful it is to say that Transformation Church is doing miracles just like Jesus.
There is literally zero evidence of this happening. You see, Transformation Church isn't even capable of putting on a basic biblical church service.
How are they going to be healing people and doing miracles? And secondly, there is no way in which Mike Todd's church walks in the same level of persecution that Jesus did.
Really, what Mike is doing here is trying to turn himself into the sacrificial lamb of sorts.
I'm being persecuted just like Jesus was, because everyone disagrees with my unbiblical actions.
See? Everyone else is like a legalistic Pharisee, and they hate me just like they hated Jesus, right?
I'm just like Jesus. Here's my response. When Jesus was persecuted, He was beaten, slandered, killed, because He taught the truth of God and lived a perfect life.
See Luke chapter 23. Mike Todd, on the other hand, is critiqued because he constantly participates in unbiblical antics seemingly to get attention on himself and his church.
Once again, there is absolutely no comparison here. We have an attention -seeking megachurch pastor versus the
Savior of the world. Do those really sound like the same thing to you? Imagine the sheer delusion it takes to say with a straight face that Michael Todd has miracles and persecutions that are on par with Jesus Christ Himself.
Imagine that. If that doesn't show you how out of touch he is with Scripture, I don't know what will. The facts here should be painfully obvious at this point.
Please, do not consider Mike Todd a reliable source of biblical teaching. He's not.
He's a dangerous false teacher whose ministry should be avoided entirely. And this Easter play is perfect proof of that.
I pray this has been a blessing to you. And please know this video isn't meant as a sinful attack, but rather as a biblical critique.
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If so, check out the teaching ministries and church networks linked in the description. And by God's grace, let's move forward joyfully, holding to the truth of God's Word.
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