The Heavenly Realm (Angels & Demons - Part 2)

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The Prince of Persia (Angels & Demons - Part 3)

The Prince of Persia (Angels & Demons - Part 3)

Thank you for listening to this message from the ministry of Morse Corner Church in Leverett, Massachusetts.
Morse Corner is a non -denominational church that is committed to the preaching and teaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Our church was founded in 1896 by two students of the famous evangelist
D .L. Moody. We seek to encourage and edify the body of Christ through the proclamation of God's word through the ministries of the local church.
If you'd like more information, visit our website, morsecornerchurch .com. We hope you enjoy the message.
The whole world, the scripture says, is under the sway of the wicked one.
So this whole world is under the control of Satan and the demons. Some of you need convincing.
Most of you probably don't need convincing about that. If you have discernment, I think you can see that all around us.
But through Christ and through the ministry of his church, you know, all of that is slowly changing as the gospel goes out to all the world.
You know, we've read the end of the book, you know, talking about demons and some of this is maybe disturbing to people.
But, you know, what does the book say at the end of the book? It says, who wins? We, we win.
God wins. Look at Hebrews chapter one, verse 10. This is a quote from Psalm 104, where Christ is referred to as Jehovah, the
God of the Old Testament. It says in verse 10, and you, Lord, in all capital letters, in the beginning laid the foundation of the earth and the heavens and the work are your of your hands.
So here's what you don't want to miss in verse 10. It says in you,
Lord, you notice how it's all capital letters there. Somebody might wonder, well,
I don't understand how, if the father is God, if the father is Jehovah and the son is
God and the spirit is God, how can all three of the, if there's only one
God, how can, how can they all be God? Or which one is God? Which one is
Jehovah? What's the answer? Father, son, and spirit. Which one is Jehovah? Yes.
All of them. Because Jesus in verse 10 is called Jehovah in all capital letters.
So the best understanding for this, our best understanding is the word Trinity. Triunity means the three in one.
So someone will say, well, I don't understand all of that. And listen, we don't understand all about the angels. Nevermind understanding all about God.
Just as your goldfish can't understand calculus, you can't understand the mind of the almighty.
And really just going back to angels, we don't even really understand the angels. When were the angels created?
I have a theory about that, but I don't really know. The Bible doesn't tell us all the things that the angels are involved in.
We don't really know. All we know is the little that the scripture tells us. So there's a lot of speculation when it comes to the angels and the demons, the angels.
Here's the thing. I don't think the angels can really understand God either. I think they probably understand a few things that we don't.
But when you look at it, Isaiah chapter six, if you, if you're not familiar with these passages, you can just write it down and look at it later on.
In Isaiah chapter six and in Revelation chapter four, the angels that are around God's throne are so amazed.
What do they do? They cover their eyes. They can't even look at God. And really all they can do is just cry out day and night about how great
God is. So it doesn't seem like they understand God either. They can't even look at them.
They just say, holy, holy, God is, God is great. God is wonderful. That's all they can say.
So that's how the angels work and who they are in relation to God. Now let's look at who they are in relation to us.
Okay. You're in Hebrews chapter one. Look at Hebrews one verse 14. And it says, are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvation?
Are they not all minister ministering spirits? So he's saying is this is what they are. They are ministering spirits sent forth to serve those who will inherit salvation.
Who's that a reference to? Well, it's reference to believers. They are spirits sent to serve believers.
So a few examples of this in the old Testament, you remember how the angels came and they visited
Lot and they rescued Lot out of the city of Sodom. In the
New Testament, angels came and they served Peter. Peter was arrested unjustly and an angel broke him out of prison.
So there's a few examples of how the angels were sent to earth to serve believers.
But this verse, Hebrews one 14, while it does not prove that each believer, what's one question people have about angels?
They want to know angels in relation to us. Do people do? Does each Christian have what?
Right. Does each Christian have a guardian angel? I don't think that verse proves that, but it's possible.
It's possible. But I think the main point is the angels in general are pictured as always watching.
Some people have described them as the watchers. You know, they're always watching and they're always waiting for God's command to help believers in their time of need.
Let's turn to Ephesians chapter six for a moment. So if you need help, it's not unreasonable.
Now, you may never know this. You may be completely unaware that this would happen.
But when a believer needs help in the past, God, God has sent angels.
He's done it before. It's reasonable to think that he still does it today. And if somebody says, well,
I don't, I don't, I don't know about this. I don't know if I believe that. What do you have?
What do you call somebody doesn't believe something? It's unbelief, right?
Just because you can't see it. Just because you can't see angels doesn't mean they're not there. Well, you can't see
God. You can't see the Holy Spirit. But is God there? So I think it's reasonable if angels did this type of thing back then.
I'm pretty certain they're still doing it today. Hebrews chapter 13, verse two says, do not forget to entertain strangers for by doing so.
Some have unwittingly entertained angels. You realize what that's saying?
That there are people who were in the presence of angels. They didn't even know. Have you been in the presence of an angel?
Well, you wouldn't know. You'd have no idea if you were. First Peter 1, 12, speaking of the preaching of the gospel in matters regarding salvation.
Peter writes that these are things which the angels desire to look into.
I would not be surprised at all. One day in heaven, you discovered that some situation you were in danger.
There was a close call that you were actually delivered by an angel. One thing we're confident of, however, concerning the angels, or concerning the demons, the demons, their work is to try to tempt us.
Their work is to try to lure us in the wrong direction. Demons keep people blinded in false religion.
And they can influence us into doing the wrong thing. So if demons are working to that end, what are the holy angels doing?
They're trying to deliver us from temptation. Look at Ephesians chapter 6, verse 10.
The apostle Paul says, Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might.
Put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
Verse 12, for we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities and against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in heavenly places.
Oftentimes we think that our problem is other people. We think we are at war.
We're battling other people. Or as some like to say, you know, I'm my own worst enemy.
But really, we're not wrestling. We're not battling against flesh and blood, are we? That's just what you see in front of you.
What's behind that? We do not wrestle against flesh and blood. The source of evil and temptation is
Satan and the demons. So what did demons do? The demons possess some people.
We'll talk about that in a moment. The demons certainly oppress people. The demons afflict people.
The demons tempt. And again, this is stuff we're not really aware of. But scripture says it's happening.
So how do we find deliverance then from temptation? We're building up to that.
But this is important information to have to know at least somewhat why things happen the way they do.
Turn to Daniel chapter 10. Here's a good passage that really proves there's this spiritual war going on in the heavenly realm,
Daniel chapter 10. But as for that statement, we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities and against powers.
What's a principality? What's a power? Well, just as God has a hierarchy with the heavenly angels, who is the archangel in scripture?
Michael, right? Michael is the archangel. So just as God has the heavenly host, the army of angels,
Michael is high ranking or the highest ranking angel. You know, Satan and his demon, he has ranks too.
What are the ranks of the demons? There's principalities. There's powers. There are different ranks of angels or demons or both.
So there is a whole world out there that we are ignorant of. And we shouldn't play around with it.
This is what we've been talking about on Wednesday night with the cults and the occult and the spiritual realm.
We know very little. It's not something we should play around with or dabble with. You know, it always gets me with some of these well -known charismatic televangelists where you hear these guys, they're shouting and they're rebuking
Satan in their church. I rebuke you, Satan. And have you seen some of these guys doing this?
Listen, you're in above your head, pal. You don't know what you're saying. And the book of Jude strictly forbids such a thing.
Even Michael, the archangel, wouldn't speak to the devil like that. So we need to be very careful how we approach this.
But look at Daniel chapter 10. This is one of those occasions where an angel visits the prophet
Daniel, and he tells him about what's happening in the spiritual realm. He tried to visit him.
He would have been there earlier, except there was a battle going on, and one of the angels prevented him.
Look at Daniel 10 verse 12. Then he, the angel, said to me,
Do not fear, Daniel, for from the first day that you set your heart to understand and to humble yourself before your
God, your words were heard, and I have come because of your words.
But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me 21 days, and behold,
Michael, the archangel, one of the chief princes came to help me, for I had been left alone there with the kings of Persia.
Now I have come to make you understand what will happen to your people in the latter days, for the vision refers to many days yet to come.
Do you realize what's being said in this passage? Because Daniel sought the
Lord and set his heart to God, this angel visits
Daniel, but he was delayed because he was prevented, he says, by the prince of Persia.
Well, who's the prince of Persia? Well, it's a high -ranking fallen angel.
So he opposed him until the holy angel got reinforcements from who?
From Michael, you know, Michael brought in the Calvary, so to speak. So Daniel, would
Daniel have known this? Daniel receives this word from God and help from God. The only reason he knows this happens because the angel told him.
So Daniel received this information and Daniel is a prophet doing the work for the Lord. Here's just something that I thought about.
It makes you wonder if there's not a work of God happening right now because of something that's happening in the angelic realm.
Why did the angel visit Daniel? Because he set his heart to understand the things of God.
Is it possible there's not a great work of God happening throughout the world because number one, men do not set their heart on God like Daniel did.
We're number two. There's some heavenly battles being lost because God's people here on earth are not do it.
We're not doing our part. We're not spending that time and in prayer and godly worship.
You know what we do here on this, this earth has some impact with the heavenly realm and the heavenly realm has some impact of what's happening here on earth.
I'm not claiming to understand it all. But when there's a lack of people setting their hearts to understand the things of God and crying out in prayer and assembling and with godly worship, that may, in fact, and I believe does hinder the work of the
Lord. Thanks for listening. I'm Pastor Michael Grant from Morris Cornick Church. If you'd like to listen to the complete message, or if you'd like more information about the ministry, visit our website,
MorrisCornickChurch .com. We'd love to have you join us some Sunday morning here in Leverett.