Prophets & Kings (Part 2)


Part 2 of our Wednesday evening Bible study where we examine the era of the prophets and how each one lined up with the kings of Israel & Judah attempting to make application to the modern day.


False Prophets & Modern Abominations / Prophets & Kings - Part 3

False Prophets & Modern Abominations / Prophets & Kings - Part 3

So this will be part two of our study of the prophets and the kings and how they line up and Did the kings?
Interact with the prophets if so who interacted with who who killed who in some cases?
What some prophets had to say to some of the kings? So we're gonna look at the next group of prophets.
We'll probably have a part three Maybe a part four, but at least one more study so we also want to look at this and how does this apply to preachers and Rulers today or does it apply?
today So we're specifically looking at the era of the prophets during the divided kingdoms of Israel and Judah There was prophets before this there's prophets after it in the
New Testament But this is a specific time period in the nation of Israel.
So who is the first king? Let's just do a little Review, who is the first king of Israel?
Saul Okay, and at the time of King Saul who was
Israel's prophet? Samuel good After Saul came
David David was the second king of Israel and During David's reign the
Prophet was a man named Nathan so if you are familiar with the
Old Testament, you remember that time where Nathan confronted David remember Thou art the man so Nathan rebuked
David Samuel gave warnings to Saul Before Israel was divided
The third king of Israel was David's son Solomon and during that time period
Nathan was still the Prophet during The reign of Solomon if you take notes, you can write this down in 2nd
Chronicles chapter 9 verse 29 It says this now the rest of the acts of Solomon first and last
Are they not written in the book of Nathan the Prophet? So we've heard of the books of Isaiah and Jeremiah and Ezekiel and Daniel Who's read the book of Nathan the
Prophet? well, if you did it's a forgery because It it doesn't exist.
So we don't know what Nathan said to Solomon presumably Nathan rebuked
Solomon as well, but it's lost to history Solomon was certainly worthy of rebuke was he not?
So David was at least on one or two occasions and Solomon was too. So here's here's the point it's the job of the
Prophet to preach the Word of God and to hold the people and Primarily to hold the
Kings Accountable to the Word of God. So that was the role of the Prophet to speak directly to the nation but Directly to the
King so when the King got out of line whose job was it to deal with that? The Prophet so the
Kings have one task the prophets they have another role However, both are under God and you know, that's still true today
Even though I don't believe that there are modern -day prophets Today preachers are still under God.
And this is what we lose sight of sometimes We I think we know better as born -again
Believers but Kings all world rulers are under God whether they acknowledge
God or not It doesn't matter. They're still living in God's world
So, how does this apply do preachers have an obligation to preach? To the things going on today into the rulers going on today.
I think at least to a degree they do I Want to ask this question though just to get your opinion.
Why are some Christians? sort of adverse
They have a negative reaction anytime. They hear something political Coming from the pulpit.
I know some some people salivate over that. They're just waiting for those comments They love it other people.
I think a lot maybe the majority They don't think it's appropriate or they don't like hearing it.
Why is that and I'm not saying there's any right or wrong answers, but Okay, I think that is what the answer would be
To a lot a lot of people out there would say well, yeah, you shouldn't talk about politics because of the separation of church and state
Okay. So what does that mean though? It's okay separation of church and state explain that to me
Well, if you look at the separation of church and state Originally what it meant is that the state was to stay out of the affairs of the church not the other way around So really that doesn't really fly if you of course today, it's all backwards.
Everything's backwards But so obviously this this could turn into a whole Discussion here, right?
I would just say one last thing I'm more convinced now that there is no political solution to our problem
It is a moral problem and the gospel is the only solution. That's why I'm less inclined to go in that political direction these days, but hey right is right and when there's a clear issue being pushed and promoted by the
Government or by a politician that's morally evil and opposes the Word of God then yeah
I'll say something about that. Okay moving on so back in ancient Israel during the reigns of David and Solomon These were good times really when
Nathan was the Prophet you get the sense that David and Nathan were almost like friends
I don't know if they were friends, but they seemed to have a good working relationship Even though Nathan did rebuke him, but these were good times in Israel but once there is that division and There's Israel to the north and Judah to the south when the
Kings be came very wicked Then you're entering into a whole new era
That's the time we're looking at the era of the prophets where their message essentially was to the
Kings you better repent or else The nation the people you all better repent or else and what's the or else the or else was?
Assyria will destroy conquer the northern kingdom in Babylon will
Conquer the southern kingdom and take you away Into captivity as one more thing on like bringing this into modern times
What if a a Christian minister went on television and gave a similar message?
You know this president is Wicked and unless America repents then
God is going to destroy this nation or turn us over to the into the hands of the Chinese What if a pastor got on TV and said that well a certain segment of the church be like amen
And then a lot of people would be really upset Well, that's kind of the way it was
Back then right the the preacher. This is not a popular message. Hey, Judah is gonna be taken captive in the
Babylon Nobody wanted to hear that obviously But they needed to hear it and that's why
God told Jeremiah to go and and tell them these things So I only say that to give you an idea of how the
Old Testament Prophets were perceived and how they were treated while they were alive
The majority of people were against them the false prophets however were loved because they preached peace peace when there
Was no peace the true prophets were hated while they were alive And it wasn't until they had been dead for a few hundred years that oh, we love we love the prophets
Yeah, well, you didn't love them when they were alive Because here's the thing when a prophet is dead.
He can no longer point the finger He's safely in the grave and people aren't afraid of him.
But when he's alive whole other situation that so that's the way it works Okay, we ended last time with the destruction of the
Northern Kingdom. We looked at the prophets that were Primarily to the
Northern Kingdom of Israel now we're going to be looking at the prophets who ministered to the southern kingdom of Judah and There were a few prophets who did both they preached to the north and to the south
One of those the next prophet we're going to look at is the prophet Isaiah So this is one of the larger books made.
Is that the largest book of prophecy in the Old Testament? I think it is Here's how his book begins the vision of Isaiah the son of Amoz Which he saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem in the days of Uzziah Jotham Ahaz and Hezekiah kings of Judah So this is helpful because it starts out by saying hey, these are these are the kings that were alive
During during this time period so Isaiah ministered from 760
BC to 6 673 Under several kings that we just read
Isaiah in chapter 6 He has that great vision of the Lord high and lifted up and he makes it a point of saying that it was in the year
King Uzziah died, so that's how they often Kept track of history that okay.
This King was alive at this time Tradition says that King Manasseh had Isaiah killed by what method?
Yeah sawing him in half apparently he tried to hide in a tree and they're like, that's fine
Let's just cut through the tree and cut the prophet in half. Can we say for certain that happened?
There is a reference I think in Hebrews of them being sawn asunder the prophets. So it seems pretty credible
So Isaiah's prophecy contained some of the most really the most incredible prophecies of any of the prophetic books
Contained for knowledge in great detail about the Messiah's birth as well as his suffering and death
Isaiah 7 14 speaks of Christ's birth. He says therefore this is the verse we read around Christmastime, right?
Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign behold the Virgin shall conceive and bear a son and shall call his name what?
Emmanuel Then Isaiah 53, maybe the greatest chapter and all of the
Old Testament one of the greatest Gives great details about Christ. Not only his suffering but his death and resurrection.
I'll just read verse 10 Says yet it pleased the Lord to Bruce him He has put him to grief when you make his soul an offering for sin
He shall see his seed. He shall prolong his days.
So Christ Suffers he dies and yet God causes him to live on and all of this was predicted 700 years in advance
So this is just very clear of what he's talking about amazing stuff The book of Isaiah also tells of the future reign of Jesus Christ in chapter 9 verses 6 and 7 another passage we read around Christmas says that the government
Will be upon his shoulder and he will be called mighty God everlasting father
Prince of peace. Okay, so this is not just prophecy It's not just this prophecy for the future
The purpose of the book of Isaiah was to call God's nation the nation of Judah back to faithfulness
God calls Isaiah to declare not only condemnation and that's usually how we think of the prophets, right?
It's just condemnation upon condemnation upon and there's a lot of truth to that But ultimately
Isaiah had a message of great hope because in chapters 56 through 66
Isaiah writes of a time where everyone's looking forward to write the new heaven and the new earth
So this is the great reward for all those who trust and obey God now, this is interesting
I want to know how many of you have heard this the book of Isaiah has been called the little
Bible, right? There's there's a phrase like that. I think the little a little Bible.
Does anyone this sound familiar? Okay Well, how many chapters in the book of Isaiah?
66 will do that number sounds familiar How many books in the Bible? 66 so some
Bible scholars regard the book of Isaiah as a miniature Bible for the following reasons 66 chapters and the 66 books
The theory goes that the content of each chapter in Isaiah and I get that chapter and verses were added later
But still this couldn't this if it's true It couldn't really be a coincidence either way
But the theory goes that the content of each chapter in Isaiah closely parallels the content of the corresponding book in the
Bible for example Genesis 1 Corresponds with Isaiah chapter 1 the book of Exodus corresponds with Isaiah 2 and on it goes
Just as the Bible is split into Old Testament 39 books and the New Testament 27 books
The book of Isaiah is split into two as well Chapters 1 through 39 are seen as the book of books of judgment or the chapters of judgment
Sort of like the Old Testament There's a lot of judgment in the Old Testament while the final 27 chapters of Isaiah are known as the book of comfort
Just as the New Testament gives a comforting message of hope and the gospel
So if you want homework some of you do some of you don't but this is your homework Go and read through the chapters of Isaiah and let me know what you think
Does it does it line up some people see it and it's very clear which would really be a miraculous thing others
They don't see it as much. So just kind of an interesting side note All right, if there's no questions on Isaiah, we'll move on to the next prophet
So Isaiah had a lot of words of condemnation, but a great message of hope as well, and he was killed by King Manasseh All right.
The next prophet is Micah Micah was a prophet to Judah who ministered from 738
BC To 698 BC He begins in chapter 1 verse 1 the word of the
Lord that came to Micah of Moresheth in the days of Jotham Ahaz and Hezekiah kings of Judah, which he saw concerning Samaria and Jerusalem so we see that there's some overlap.
All right, so some prophets were alive and ministering at the same time So the book of Micah Was to the purpose of it was to proclaim warning and judgment to both the northern and Southern kingdoms, so his message was similar to Isaiah And again, it's written around the same time period
Micah described the impending judgment that would eventually exile the nation
So sometimes we have the idea like Samuel was the prophet in Israel or Elijah was the prophet
But really was there only one prophet Was it Elijah who had the was that the school of the prophets?
right, so it doesn't have to be just one but one is usually the primary messenger in Chapter 5 verse 2
Micah miraculously predicts the birthplace of the Messiah in Bethlehem That's another another
Christmas verse the key verse of the book Probably the one that everyone knows is
Micah chapter what verse what good who wants to who knows it
Okay, so chapter 6 begins with the superscription above the chapter it says
God Pleads with Israel and of course God is pleading with them through who?
through Micah Remember the prophet basically is a mouthpiece for God So when
God pleads with the nation, he's pleading with the king because of the wickedness in the nation
It's usually from the top down. So Micah is speaking the Word of God to the king and the kings are usually the problem
Okay You know how this is and again, I don't want to get into like let's bring this into the modern day right now
But it's true that it's usually top -down not that the people are innocent but Problems usually are top -down just one
Obvious, you know when it's obvious. I feel like I have to say something It wasn't until the US Supreme Court ruling in 2015 that all this rainbow pride stuff kind of kicked into overdrive.
I mean it was around It's been around for a long time, but now it's just shoved down everyone's throat
That didn't start to happen until the Supreme Court ruled So the government made a decree and the majority of people or at least half the people have followed suit
So the people and we know that because 40 years ago The percentage of people that believe that way or were saying they believe that was like very small percentage
So usually it's top -down. Here's the thing and I've said this before I'll say it again. It is true.
People are what? You know people are falling people are sheep right and we're sheep too, right?
We're the we're a flock the church is a plot We're either following the Good Shepherd or you're following the zeitgeist
What does that term mean the spirit of the age? Well, the Bible says he is the speaker is the
God of this age So you're either following after God or you're following after the alternative.
I mean, there's really Not a lot of middle ground But chapter 6 verse 8 he has told you oh man, what is good in what does the
Lord? require of you and I sort of envision Micah saying these words to the king or Directing this message towards the king.
So if the ruler of the nation would uphold justice in love kindness and Walk humbly with their
God now that is a nation that God can bless But how many rulers and this this can apply all over the place how many rulers really walk humbly?
with their God It's not really the main character trait of of rulers and you think of the what?
Yeah, but even the great powerful rulers throughout history humility is not exactly their strong suit
But if it if it were if they walk humbly before God I mean that's a nation that God can really use and you know
David Despite all the flaws and the mistakes he made. He really was a humble man
He was a man after what after God's own heart. He really did put
God on Top and first and that's what made Israel great. Yes Reason why humility is so important is because God gives grace to the humble
He resists the problem and gives grace to the humble and every person on planet earth through all of history
Needs God's grace. Yeah Yeah So Micah he pleads with Israel in chapter 7.
He sorrows over their sin in chapter 7 verse 18 He says who is a
God like you who pardons iniquity and passes over the rebellious act of the remnant of his possession
He does not retain his anger forever because he delights in Unchanging love so Micah proclaimed that even though there is this judgment coming
God still has a plan and a purpose for his people why because of God's Love for them 7 verse 18 18 18 7 18.
Yes Okay, so any comments or questions about Micah? He's kind of one of those prophet prophets people forget about don't talk about too much but Every prophecy is important.
The next prophet is Nahum his ministry lasted from 658 to 615
BC and Nahum really has a connection with another prophet who knows
He's unique in the same way Jonah was unique Why was Jonah unique because he wasn't really called to prophesy to Israel's King He was called to prophesy to who?
Nineveh and those people in their King same with a Nahum So Jonah preached to the city of Nineveh first and they actually did repent but did it last
No, it never lasts When there's a revival like a real revival it
Doesn't last so Nahum's purpose was to pronounce the final warning and judgment upon that great city of Nineveh And he also addresses the rest of the
Assyrian Empire So they returned to their wickedness shortly after the days of Jonah so within 50 years
Nineveh would be completely decimated in utterly wiped from the face of the earth
Nahum warns that the mountains will quake and the hills will melt he then goes on to speak of hope for the southern kingdom of Judah because of The coming judgment of Nineveh he says in chapter 1 verse 12
Thus says the Lord though they are at full strength and likewise many
Even so they will be cut off and pass away though. I have afflicted you
I Will afflict you no longer so Nineveh is just finished
Forever was that ever said about Israel? I know there's people out there
Christians who actually believe Israel is finished and there's no future for them. I don't I don't see that But Nineveh, yeah, they're done.
Israel is going to go through captivity and they're really living in unbelief today, but There's always that message of hope for Israel in chapter 3
Nahum says to the king of Assyria your nobles rest in the dust your people are scattered
There is no hope for you. Your injury has no healing your wound is severe.
And here's the part I want to focus on all who hear the news of you are going to clap their hands.
What is he saying? When they hear of your destruction people are just gonna be like yes
They're destroyed now I Think if a pastor got up Today and said something like that when these people are destroyed
We're gonna clap like people would be offended at a statement like that Well, if you don't have a word from God and that's just your opinion, okay, maybe maybe there's reason to be offended
I don't know, but this is a word from From the Lord people are going to rejoice
Although I suspect after World War two when we found out that the Nazis were destroyed
Suspect a lot of Americans were clapping their hands I don't think any Christians were complaining about that when
Osama bin Laden was captured whatever, you know and dumped into the sea years ago There's that big celebration.
I didn't hear too many people complaining and so there is a time and a place for that kind of the thing
What's that, okay But yeah, there are a lot of statements by the prophets that today
If a preacher said something like that would be people would probably find it a little questionable so now on the other hand
I do want to use this opportunity to say this just because a prophet in the scripture says something
That does not give a pastor License to say the same thing, right?
Here's here's why again there may be a time and a place Here's the thing the prophet is speaking to one audience a pastor is speaking to a different audience
So Nahum was told to bring this message to Nineveh. They were wicked. They're going to be destroyed
I mean that would be Inappropriate for a pastor to come into a church on Sunday morning and give that same message to the congregation.
It just doesn't fit, right? so the point is just because a preacher in the
Bible says something that doesn't give us license to just say The same thing
I've heard this when people are really harsh or they come off really harsh
Well, we're just doing what the prophets did Well, maybe that's legitimate.
Maybe not not always But this raises a question and I think we touched on it a little bit last week
Are there modern -day prophets today? Because if there were and God gave them a message to deliver to a king or a country
Then they would be completely justified and saying whatever God told them to say, right?
Like hypothetically we would agree if God told them to say this then they're right in saying it
So let's assess ask the question. Are there modern -day prophets today? Yes, no
Jesus was Was the the great prophet we have his
Word, he is the living word. We have a written word. We we have what we need right anything anything
That that would arise Would would not be anywhere comparable to what what he brought
Right. He's the prophet the priest and the king. Okay You can't improve upon Perfection.
Yeah I would argue personally and I know people disagree with this
Some people would 1st Corinthians 13 when it talks about tongues will cease and prophecies will fail
It says that will happen when the perfect comes. I believe the perfect is
God's New Testament revelation So when John finished the book of Revelation, that was it.
There's no more prophecy after that no more prophets after that and John at the very end of Revelation just so happens right that he includes that statement
You know No one shall add any words to the prophecy of this book and I believe that's symbolic for you Keep no more adding to the
Bible because really if there was a prophet today Receiving a direct word from God.
Why couldn't you add that to the Bible? I mean, that's a good question I Say that because someone left a comment on my youtube channel and disagreed with me and they said no
No, there are prophets today and God is still giving new revelations today And I have a
Pentecostal charismatic friend who told me the same thing There are prophets today Mike and there are still revelations being given and always my response is always the same.
Who is it? This prophet give me their name What's this prophecy this word from God that they have tell me the name of the prophet?
And what is the specific prophecy, you know, no one's been able to do that because here's the thing as soon as they say
Yeah, well, it's Benny Hinn and here's this great prophecy Then as soon as they give the name then
I can go and I can test it and then I can usually show that they're A false prophet, but no one's been able to give me the name of a true prophet.
So that's the position I Have the position of this church and it's not the position of the church because it's my position
It's always been the position of Morse Corner Church and most Bible believing churches that I know that there are no modern -day
Prophets, okay That the scripture needs to be
Explained further and of course what's really happening is is it's just trying to erode
Yeah Yeah, you have that with the cults right the Book of Mormon another testament of Jesus Christ You have the
Old Testament the New Testament and then the new New Testament of the Mormons even with Catholicism the
Pope supposedly has papal infallibility and he can make a decree or write an
Encyclical and that is can be just as authoritative than their system as what the
Bible says So, I mean either you hold to this view that the Bible is the
Word of God and nothing can be added that that's the final Authority once you open it up to other things like the charismatics do
I mean, it's it's a slippery slope, but okay How did I get off on that?
Yeah, we're talking about the prophets and the kings and it's a relevant question of whether or not there are modern -day prophets, okay
Any questions on that? Yeah, if you say there's modern -day prophets you're gonna probably say there's modern -day apostles and again
I said, well, who are they? What are their name and you can't find agreement on that. So this is a juicy subject
I'd like to continue but we have a lot more to get to Alright next the prophet we're gonna look at is
Zephaniah Zephaniah was the prophet to Judah and ministered from 640 to 609
BC during the reign of Josiah and what's different about Josiah? Josiah was a godly king, right?
Yeah, that usually doesn't work out too well, but with him it did Yeah, even though there was a revival
However under Josiah's reign it would not be enough to hold off judgment forever so Zephaniah's prophecy begins with these words the word of the
Lord which came to Zephaniah the son of Kushai the son of Gedoliah the son Of Amariah the son of Hezekiah in the days of Josiah the son of Ammon king of Judah He says
I will utterly consume everything from the face of the land says the Lord. I will consume man and beast
I will consume the birds of the heavens the fish of the sea and the stumbling blocks along with the wicked
I will cut off man from the face of the land says the Lord He says I will stretch out my hand against Judah and against all the inhabitants of Jerusalem I will cut off every trace of Baal from this place now
You wouldn't expect a prophecy like that from a guy who's living under a good king and yet you get it
Why because they had been worshiping the Baal's up until that point Josiah brought in a lot of Reformation got rid of Baal worship tried to But what about all the stuff that happened until then see
God still had to deal with all of it God doesn't forget about all this stuff. So Zephaniah was
God's method in Bringing a stern warning of the day of the
Lord. So this is a day of darkness a day of Judgment chapter 1 verses 14 and 15 says near is the great day of the
Lord a day of Wrath is that day? but at the same time like the prophets often did they
They had a message of hope Along with that that the nation of Judah would be restored.
So when Judah was conquered by the Babylonians were they restored? Well, yeah, because when
Jesus comes along hundreds of years later Nation still there. I mean they're under Roman occupation, but the nation is still still there
So in chapters 1 & 2 Zephaniah 20 years before their captivity foretells about the looming judgment that awaited
Judah if they did not turn back to the Lord The book ends with the
Lord giving a message of hope that a remnant would be brought back into the land after the Babylonian Captivity and we know that happened
So with Zephaniah, here's here's the point that I want to make about this we see that just because There was a righteous king in power.
That doesn't mean that well everything now is going to be okay All of the sin up until that point had to be dealt with It's like in the
New Testament in Romans chapter 2 that Paul says that the unbeliever is storing up wrath for the day of wrath
So in making application We know the things that our country has done right and the way that our nation has rebelled against God let's just say hypothetically next year or later this year there is a
Revival and Reformation like this world has never seen in America just completely turned back to God Does that mean that hey, we're set going forward or we have nothing to worry about now.
Just would that mean that no Why because what about all the stuff that happened until that God still has to judge that now we say well
Jesus has taken away all sin. Well, that's for individuals who trust in him Jesus doesn't take away all the guilt of a nation.
He takes away the guilt of the individual So whatever happens and highly unlikely
There's going to be a revival like that but whatever happens Every this nation every nation this whole world is
Gonna face the Great Tribulation and nothing's going to change that So the best a nation can hope for is that judgment is delayed
So for the sake of you know, my children and my grandchildren I would like to see it delayed but I know it's unavoidable because we know
The Battle of Armageddon the end times we know that's gonna happen at some point. Yes Well, the truth is is that all sin must be judged all sin will be judged
The good news for us is all of our sins Were judged by our
Savior on all our sins were placed on him He took the judgment, but still all sin has
Consequences to and we will not escape the consequences the wages of sin is death
What you're gonna earn you want you want to get what you earn you want your wages Well, you're gonna get death and that means death in relationships.
That means death and all sorts of areas of life So Zephaniah's ministry ended around 609 and A little over 20 years later
Babylon would destroy Jerusalem and destroy Solomon's temple So the Jews they did get a few good years under Josiah, but God's judgment was still looming overhead
That's why Zephaniah was sent just to let them know. Hey, you didn't get away with this the nation
It's still this is still gonna happen Okay, the next prophet. This will be the final prophet that we look at the prophet
Habakkuk. He's one of my personal favorites he ministered from 608 to 598
BC under the reigns of Jehoiakim and Jehoiachin so very similar chin versus Him.
Okay. So Assyria had already conquered the north Babylon has now conquered
Syria and Judah is in the process of their downfall soon to be conquered by Babylon So the book begins here's why the book of Habakkuk is really interesting.
It begins with the questions going back and forth. So He's questioning
God God God gives him an answer. He doesn't really understand the answer. He questions God again so Habakkuk He begins the book by denouncing the sins of Judah and he's wondering
Lord Why aren't you doing anything about the sin of Judah and God's like well I am gonna do something and I'm gonna use the
Chaldeans to do it the Babylonians and then Habakkuk's like how can you do that? They're more wicked than the people of Judah So Habakkuk comes to understand that God will not utterly destroy
Judah there is still a future for them and then he asks in his prayer Realize them that God is going to do this and it's not going to be changed.
He says Lord in your wrath remember mercy And that's the good news really that you know,
God has wrath and he's gonna pour out his wrath but in the midst of your wrath Lord Remember mercy and who gets the mercy
Those who trust in the Lord by faith And this is really the great verse from the book of Habakkuk found in chapter 2 verse 4 where he says behold the proud
His soul is not upright in him, but the just shall live by his faith
And that's significant because the Apostle Paul and his epistle to the
Romans He quotes Habakkuk 2 verse 4 on he does it on two occasions in Romans 1 17 and Galatians 3 11
To reiterate that salvation is by what? Faith and that's based on what
Habakkuk said. So that's proof that salvation has always been by grace through Faith, it's not like in the
New Testament. The gospel is you're saved by faith, but you know in the Old Testament They are saved by keeping the commandments.
Some people think that and that's totally wrong Salvation has always been by grace
Through faith and Habakkuk. He said it before Paul So I'd like to close with this application.
I just got this from The website got questions dot o -r -g It says the application to the reader of Habakkuk is that it is permissible to question what
God is doing Although we need to do it with reverence and Respect sometimes it is not evident to us
What is going on especially if we are thrown into suffering for a time or if it seems that our enemies are prospering?
while we are just barely getting by and then this is one of the great questions that some of the
Biblical authors ask, you know, why do the wicked prosper and the righteous suffer and it seems so unfair and a lot of things in life seem unfair
But the good news that we have and it's all throughout the prophets is that there is still hope there is
Restoration there is a new heaven and a new earth. There is there is salvation for the one who does what?