A Miraculous Birth John Kane

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December 13, 2020 Faith Bible Church - Sacramento, CA Sunday morning service


Well, good morning everyone. Welcome to Faith Bible Church. I heard that the ladies
Gathering on Saturday was a real blessing. Thank you Barb for preparing and presenting that devotional with the ladies and heard really good things
About it. So God has blessed all the all those that were there and as we
Kind of we're drawing near close to the this this year has been somewhat uncertain for pretty much everybody and We've seen
God's hand of faithfulness throughout the year in many ways. It's been challenging.
It's been difficult but God is faithful and And truly
I think at the end of this year being that it's Christmas, you know that we can in a way we can punctuate
The this entire year with celebrating the hope that we have in Christ Jesus he's basically saying
I'm still here remember me and Let us do that this morning in remembering him and everything that we do in our worship
And I'd like you to join with me and praying together for our church for our country for our community for our folks and So let's just let's join together in prayer.
Okay Lord God, we thank you father that you have joined us together if not in physical presence
Lord But also at a heart level in a spiritual level father. God, may you Help us today to rejoice
To see your goodness and your grace and all those things around us father even through the trials and the difficulties father you are there you are present and You are our helper and we draw upon that strength that you give us father that is not within our own abilities
To do what we need to do but father with you all things are possible So Lord, we thank you for that or we pray for those that are at home
That have have kind of been unable to get out and about Lord. We pray for the church family
That we can't see Lord, but we know they're there Lord. May you Keep them close to you.
I pray that they would be Drawing near to you and word and in prayer and trying to stay strong and in a time when it's difficult to be apart
From each other father. So Lord bless them. I pray or we pray for our country
I know several weeks ago. It seemed a month we were praying that the results of the the election that we would accept them no matter what father knowing that you were in control of all and you still are and Lord we continue to wait but it's it's becoming fairly clear
Lord as to what your plan is, but father we we rest in you we know that you have still placed people in our country and our leadership father that are that are godly people and that you would help them to be a
Testimony and an impact on those around them. So Lord, we thank you for for having your hand in that Lord.
We pray for Those in our country that are hurting Businesses that have gone out
People that don't have jobs that their health is failing as well father and families have been separated and Because they cannot gather but father.
I pray that you would fill that gap for them that your presence Would help them to weather this storm that you would see them through it father
But we we rest in you father and Lord help us to root witness to those around us even in our own community
In our state that seems to be in in a bit of turmoil Lord from the leadership standpoint father.
We still pray for our political leaders government leaders both at the state level and the community level father that you would
Help them Lord. I pray to to turn an eye to you that they would
Look for the good of You and the good of the people father and not be self -serving
Lord in whatever aspect. So Lord, we thank you this morning Lord, we pray that you would bless our time of worship together and as we fellowship and Bring praises sing praises to you father and bless pastor
John as he brings us the word about our Savior We pray all these things in Christ's name. Amen Psalm 150 reads praise the
Lord praise God in his sanctuary praise him in his mighty firmament Praise him for his mighty acts praise him according to his excellent greatness
Praise him with the sound of the trumpet praise him with the lute and harp Praise him with the timbrel and dance praise him with stringed instruments and flutes praise him with loud symbols
Praise him with clashing symbols. Let everything that has breath praise the
Lord Praise the Lord and that's what we're going to do this morning. Our first song is going to be silent night
They found Mary and Joseph and the baby And Angel of the
Lord appeared to them and the glory of the Lord shown around them it came upon a midnight clear
Angels Their My Spirit rejoices in God my
Savior. Let's stand together as we continue to sing good Christian men rejoice
Jesus Christ is born today And he is in the manger
Christ is born today Christ is born
Joy joy Jesus Christ Evermore Jesus Christ was born to save To gain his everlasting home
Christ was born to say Let's go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened come all ye faithful The heavenly host appeared with the angel praising
God angels we have heard on high Oh Singing please be seated
Pastor John. I mean there is just something so beautiful about Christmas carols and just Just The hope that they bring
I couldn't believe That that's how Harold started the service because that's exactly what's on my mind is is the hope and the promise of Christmas No matter
What might be going on in our country just a wonderful? wonderful Thought the hope of Christmas a silent night
Well, it's about 12 days To Christmas and I looked back and there was a time one
Sunday when I preached a message the 12 days of Christmas Because it was a
Sunday. I think it was about 15 years ago, but I forgot the date When I was looking at it, but you might remember last week.
We looked at the message title the promise birth and This morning God willing.
I want to call your attention to the message title a miraculous birth
So last week a promised birth this Sunday today a miraculous birth
Now when you think about God's promises, the Bible is literally full of the promises of God Philippians 4 17 my
God shall supply all your need according to his Riches in Christ Jesus and that isn't a promise about a full bank account
Even though false teachers use it that way Romans 8 28
God promises to cause all things to work together for our good for the good of believers
Proverbs 3 4 God promises to direct our paths to make our paths straight
John 14 3 Jesus promises that he's going to prepare a place for us in heaven for all eternity
And we can go on and on I can go to verse after verse example after example of God's Promises and God made an amazing promise some 700 years before the birth of Jesus Christ and we looked at that last
Sunday if you remember from Isaiah Chapter 7 verse 13. Listen now a house of David here.
The Prophet comes to King Ahaz And he says it He says ask for yourself a sign and a has says presumptuously with lots of pride
Oh, I'm not gonna do that. I'm not gonna tempt tempt the Lord my God and and and and then the the the
Prophet says What are you talking about is it too slight a thing
For you to try the patience of men that you will try the patience of my
God as well And then in verse 14 The Prophet's response therefore the
Lord himself Will give you a sign. Listen. I told you to ask for a sign in your pride in your spiritual pride
You said I'm not gonna tempt the Lord. I'm not gonna test the Lord to God that way Well, I'm gonna give you a sign
Behold a virgin shall be with child and bear a son And she will call his name
Emmanuel Which translated is God with us and it's amazing and miraculous prophecy and so many others fulfilled in Jesus Christ is
Really what Christians should be remembering this time of the year? So with Christmas right around the corner.
I want to speak with you about this promise birth. That was a miraculous birth meaning that God Suspended all the laws of nature and biology and physiology and Science on that silent night when
Jesus was born some 22 ,000 plus years ago a choir of angels appeared to shepherds watching over their flocks at night and Called their attention to the miraculous and history changing virgin birth of the
Lord Jesus Christ No birth in the history of the human race has so universally impacted mankind
The birth of Jesus Christ was not like any other birth before or after it was a miraculous birth and When it comes to considering and studying this birth, there's many many things that we could look at, you know a diamond
I remember when My wife and I were dating and we went to look for the ring and The jeweler has that thing, you know
And he puts it in his eye and you can look at the diamond and it has many many facets many many colors, right?
And it was a little one That's all the money I had When it comes to appreciating a diamond you see the diamond and you put the jeweler's eyeglass in there and then you look at it
And you go I can't even believe this and you turn it in your even the small ones well, that's how it is with the importance and significance of the virgin birth and What I want to call your attention of all the things that we could study this morning or look at in God's Word about the virgin birth this miraculous birth what
I want to call your attention to are some of the Consequences some of the results of this miraculous verse and its implications and universal importance when it comes
To where someone will spend eternity Jesus Christ the only begotten
Son of God the long -promised Messiah was and is The eternal God who was born of a virgin his birth was literally a miracle where God Suspended and made of no effect biology science all the natural laws of creation
Jesus Christ was not conceived like other births are conceived. Jesus was conceived by a supernatural
Miraculous act of the Holy Spirit and this miraculous birth is of such paramount and theological
Importance that apart from this birth there would be no good news of Christmas.
There would be no gospel Without it there would be No forgiveness of sin without this miraculous birth, there would be no eternity in heaven without it
There would be no Christianity and without the virgin birth there would be no
Christmas You know a respected pastor once said and I I want to quote him
Christianity rests on three great pillars the incarnation the crucifixion and the resurrection of the
Lord Jesus Christ The incarnation alone could not redeem sinful men and apart from the incarnation.
There could be no Propitiary sacrifice that would avail to put away sin
So think about that for a moment Christianity our faith rests on three great pillars the incarnation the crucifixion and the resurrection of the
Lord Jesus Christ Christianity the gospel the reason for the season is held up by these three great pillars the incarnation referring to his virgin birth the
Crucifixion referring to his death on the cross and the resurrection Referring to his rising from the grave after three days in it according to the scriptures knock down any of those three pillars and The building
Collapses it's like Samson when he pushed those pillars right in the house of the Philistines and the roof came cumbling down and they all died
Including himself you you take out any one of those pillars the building collapsion
Collapses no virgin birth means no incarnation, which means no Christianity So the incarnation
God becoming man God becoming flesh and dwelling among us happen miraculously and Supernaturally by means of the virgin birth now take a look with me at Matthew chapter 1 verse 18 now
The birth of Jesus Christ was as follow After his mother Mary was betrothed to Joseph before they came together.
She was found with child of the Holy Spirit Then Joseph her husband being a just man and not wanting to make her a public example was minded to put her away secretly
But while he thought about these things behold an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream saying
Joseph son of David Do not be afraid to take you marry your wife for that which is conceived in her is of the
Holy Spirit and She will bring forth a son and you shall call his name
Jesus for he will save his people from his sins So all this was done that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the
Lord through the Prophet saying Behold the Virgin shall be with child and bear a son and they shall call his name
Emmanuel which is translated God with us Then Joseph being aroused from sleep did as the angel of the
Lord commanded him and took him took to him his wife and Did not know her till she had brought forth her firstborn son, and he called his name
Jesus a miraculous birth and A birth that changed the course of human history
Let's pray Father we thank you for this day this wonderful opportunity to gather together to begin to really celebrate
Christmas the hope and the promise of Christmas God We know
Lord that most definitely Jesus was not born on December 25th
We understand that and but we also understand that there's nothing wrong with traditions Traditional pumpkin pie
Every Thanksgiving, there's nothing wrong with that or every Christmas eggnog in the refrigerator, whatever it might be father
This is a very special tradition We pray father that the
Holy Spirit might indeed Bring your word alive to our hearts
Penetrate our hearts God plant seeds in our hearts in enhance and And and Increase our understanding of this incredible Act that you did
God To send your only son to this world
That we might have life and have it abundantly. We pray in Jesus name. Amen So many people have called
Christmas the the greatest story ever told a well -known newsman back in the 1960s some of you are old enough to remember
Harry Reasoner I had a neighbor named me
He called the birth of Jesus Christ, I mean this is when This is
I mean this is in the 60s. He called The birth of Jesus Christ the truest thing in the world
Can you remember when you would get news reports like that? And this morning
I want to call and draw our attention to the importance and significance of the virgin birth the miracle of the virgin birth is so Central and fundamental the christian faith that it's you that it's universally taught in all divisions of christiandom
From the eastern orthodox church all the way to the roman catholic church The virgin birth falls on one of the great fault lines of the christian faith
The virgin birth rests on the great divide that separates those who believe the bible is god's word from those who don't
The virgin birth separates those who believe in a supernatural christ a miraculous christ
From those who believe he was just a good man or a teacher The virgin birth separates those who acknowledge that jesus christ was a gifted teacher perhaps even a prophet
But deny that he was the very son of god come down from heaven And this morning we'll look at and reflect on some reasons why the doctrine and the miracle of the virgin birth
Is so very important. Why? Why was? And is the miraculous virgin birth of jesus christ
So important to christianity and the gospel and if you want to follow along in your notes number one
Because the miracle of the virgin birth Establishes that jesus christ was born by a direct act of god
Why is the miracle of the virgin birth so important and vital to christianity in the gospel number one reason number one is because it
Establishes that jesus christ was born by a direct act of god Because jesus christ was born of a virgin
It means that he was born by a direct act of god. Look at verse 18 again
Now the birth of jesus christ was as follow here is his testimony Here is matthew the tax gatherer's testimony now the birth of jesus christ.
This is how it happened After his mother mary was betrothed to joseph joseph that means engaged
Before they came together before the marriage was consummated She was found with child of the holy spirit then verse 20
But while joseph thought about these things behold an angel the lord appeared to him in a dream saying joseph son of david
Do not be afraid to take you marry your wife For that which is conceived in her is of the holy spirit now
The people alive at the time of christ's birth were not expecting anything like his birth mary
If you read through the gospels read through Matthew one and two read through luke chapter one and two all the way into chapter three.
They were shocked Mary was shocked. She was mystified. She was afraid by the angel gabriel's words joseph assumed the worst
I cannot believe that i'm engaged to this woman who is with child And that was how he felt until the angel intervened and in general the jews struggled with the concept
That a baby born of a virgin would be their deliverer their conquering king
That was the messiah they were looking for right the one that would deliver them from the roman oppression
From this horrible life that they had under rome And what's amazing is that christ's birth happened the way that it happened and how it happened and when it happened because an all
Powerful sovereign god willed it to happen just as he willed light
Let there be light and there was light. This is god In the case of creation he said let there be light and there was light
In the case of the birth of jesus christ. God said a virgin shall be with child And a virgin was with child the virgin birth is a miracle only a virgin
I'm, sorry a virgin can only give birth by a sovereign decree of an almighty all powerful all knowing
God no other plausible explanation exists Jesus was born by the direct
Action of god and let me bring it up to 2020 Did god intervene
When he judged the world with the flood answer yes Did he intervene by a direct act when he divided the red sea so the israelites could cross answer yes
What about 2020 Can he intervene in the affairs of the united states of america?
Yes I'm not talking about the election. I'm talking about everything that's going on in our country.
Absolutely We have to understand that whoever takes that oath of office in january
Is who god? Wanted to be there or else He wouldn't be there
Do you understand that? God can stop evil or he can let evil have its way
Because god is sovereign. He's all knowing And one of the promises we have to stand on no matter what direction happens
Is what romans 8 28? God is at work For our good for believers good
There's many people say right now that this covid crisis has impacted the church in ways
That people never would have believed there is a wheat and chaff Separation going on in the church right now around the united states over this very issue
Why is the miracle of the virgin birth so important to the gospel and to christianity secondly Because the miracle of the virgin birth verifies that no human being was involved in christ's birth
The virgin birth verifies that no human being was involved in mary giving birth to god's son
I mean, obviously she gave birth but there's the bigger picture Mary and joseph were betrothed
In the culture and tradition of their day, they weren't married yet their engagement might as well They might as well been married in the culture and tradition of that day so In jesus's birth joseph's joseph wasn't involved mary wasn't and and her parents their parents were
No human being was involved and one reason this aspect of the birth is so very important Is because once we add human effort to anything that god does
We trample on his glory Why are verses like ephesians 2 8 and 9 so important for by grace?
Are you saved through faith and that not of yourselves not of works going to church getting baptized taking communion?
Right. I'm a good person. I gave five dollars to the homeless guy on the corner of uh, 65th street
Nothing we do Nothing we do can save us
It has to be all god Or we trample on god's glory
Critics and heretics and skeptics refuse to accept this miraculous truth
And give credit for christ's birth to mary and venerate her and others that were a part of that Giving credit to joseph.
He was such a if it wasn't for joseph He never would have been born
To mary and joseph. I mean you can just go on and on The fact is the doctrine of the virgin birth tells us no human being was involved and no human being could have been involved god
Did it all? Why is the virgin birth of jesus christ so important number three?
Because the miracle of the virgin birth Authenticates the truth
That jesus was both fully god and fully man verse 18 again
Now the birth of jesus christ was as follows After his mother mary was betrothed to joseph
Before they came together She was found with child of the holy spirit
Now the bible teaches that jesus christ was both fully human and fully divine
Theologians over the years many many many many years ago. How can we explain in a word?
For example the word trinity, right? We understand that god the father is god totally god
God the holy spirit Totally god. They have the same attributes the same character.
They're both immutable And add jesus to that mix all three have the same powers have the same attributes have the same characteristics
All three are totally loving all three are just you understand they're all god. How do we bring that together?
So they came up with a word that you can't find in your bible Trinity Okay Same thing with jesus being fully god and fully man theologians came up with a word
It's called hypostatic union hypostatic union
Jesus was conceived by the holy spirit, but mary gave birth to him The hypostatic union referring to jesus being both fully god and fully man is something that we cannot understand
Any more or explain adequately any more than we can explain how god created the world, right?
Sit down and try to talk to somebody right when the scientists are saying one thing and you can well, let me just tell you
This happened over six literal 24 hour days You mean not millions and billions of years scientists say the earth is 4 .5
billion years old We say that earth is seven thousand five hundred eight thousand seven somewhere in there Give or take they say oh give or take a couple of million.
We say give or take a couple hundred Right if you do the chronology of the bible So we can't fully explain we can't fully understand.
We can't fully explain. How did god divide the red sea? Red sea And then the israelites crossed on dry.
I mean wouldn't the bottom of the red sea be real wet like kind of muddy, right? Right, wouldn't it?
Well, no. No they crossed on dry land the magazine biblical archaeological biblical archaeology
Many many many years ago had an article where these scholars were investigating the crossing of the red sea
And they said you know moses is a really wise man And there's this area of the northern red sea if you look on a map you can see it that's very shallow
So really where they crossed was not down there where it's deep they crossed where it's really shallow
And they just walked across And i'm surprised why didn't anybody say okay, so if they walked across the shallow part of the red sea
How did the egyptian army drown? Jesus wasn't half human and half divine
He was a god man both a hundred percent man and a hundred percent god at the same time.
He was emmanuel god with us Jesus was fully god becoming fully flesh but retaining his deity and at the same time laying it aside
That's why in philippians chapter 2 he laid aside his deity. He put it aside.
He was god. He was man A hundred percent not 50 50. He was one person possessing two natures.
How can I explain it? I can't i'm sorry Why is the miracle of the virgin birth so important to the gospel and to christianity number one
Because it means that jesus was born by a direct act of god number two
It shows us that no human being was involved in the other than the fact
I mean, of course mary gave birth but in the logistics of that birth number three because it authenticates the truth
That jesus christ was both fully human and fully divine The the his birth was conceived by the holy spirit fully divine mary gave birth fully human now a fourth reason because the miracle of the virgin birth verifies
That jesus was born lived and died and always will be without sin over in luke
Luke chapter 1 See because of the fall of man because of sin
There was only one way for god's promised messiah to be born without sin
And that was by means of the miracle of the virgin birth look at verse 34 luke 1
Mary said to the angel How can this be? Since I do not know a man
Then mary and the angel answered and said to her The holy spirit will come upon you
And the power of the highest will overshadow you Therefore also that holy one
Who is to be born will be called the son of god? Now, did you notice?
That the word one there is capitalized And that is because the translators have determined in context that the word one is referring to deity
And then there's a modifier there the word holy Holy means pure and without sin
We all have heard this if you've been in church any length of time only god is holy right
Meaning pure and without sin and this child would be a holy one
So because of the miracle of the virgin birth Jesus was born perfectly holy as god
The father is holy with no taint of sin because he was born of a virgin by a direct act of god
He had no inherited sin From adam he couldn't and wasn't born with a sin nature like every person born since the fall
He would have been and he was tempted as all men But because he was holy
He did not and he could not sin hebrews 4 15
We do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses but one
Who has been tempted as we are? But yet without sin
See because of the virgin birth There was nothing in jesus that would cause him to sin
Jesus christ was and is holy in the truest and deepest personification of the word
But because he was human He's tempted in all points
Just like us Have you been discouraged of late Have you been worried have you been afraid
Jesus knows exactly How we feel because he was 100 man but yet He could not and would not sin as adam and eve did
Is that a whole discussion or not? Wait a minute adam and eve were created by god, right?
Jesus direct act of god so adam and eve sinned but jesus didn't They weren't god
That's the short answer He was and is and what always will be.
All right So the night that jesus was born truly was a holy night And this is because christ was holy god had to become flesh
Because without the shedding of blood hebrews 9 22 without the shedding of blood.
There's no remission of sin But because jesus christ was born of mary. He was fully human
But because he was conceived of the holy spirit He's fully god and he had to be in order
He had to be born holy in order to become the spotless lamb of god that would take away the sins of the world
So why is the virgin birth so important one more reason I have time for because the miracle of the virgin birth
Validates the authority and the trustworthiness of the word of god You see since the catastrophic events
Of the garden critics and skeptics and enemies of god Have basically taken satan's lead and called into question the authority and the trustworthiness of the word of god
Critics and skeptics have always and will always question the virgin birth
Most of you some of you have cable tv I'm sure this year if they haven't happened already
There are specials about the birth of jesus christ usually
Back in the day when time magazine and newsweek and us news and world report when people actually read those things instead of you know twitter
They always had a cover story this time of the year about the birth of jesus christ And it always called into question the virgin birth
Every tv special I ever saw other than charlie brown's christmas Called into question
The virgin birth And see what we have to understand by that is by default then
By simple logic people then question other parts of the bible. You see isaiah prophesied the virgin birth and the gospels
Especially matthew and luke explicitly teach it so when someone
Here here's the thing when someone questions the virgin birth of christ. Here's the issue. They're faced with Do they believe the bible or don't they believe the bible?
There's there's no There's no middle ground either. The bible is true or it's false
And you have to think through this logic. The bible teaches that jesus christ's birth was a miracle
And the same bible teaches that his death was consummated by yet another miracle, right?
He rose after three days from the dead. Well, which one do you not believe?
We're talking about the three pillars of the christian faith I mean if he wasn't born of a virgin
Maybe he didn't die on a cross like the bible says and maybe he didn't lay in the grave for three days like the bible
Bible says and maybe he didn't rise again after three days like the bible teaches In other words, if you don't believe the first miracle, how can you believe the second?
And Let's just take it further if that's wrong. What about creation? Maybe all these scientists are right.
Maybe we did come from apes Maybe we aren't this beautiful image create beautiful Being created in the image of god to serve him and enjoy him all the days of our life, right?
Where does it stop? Oh You mean god causes all things to work together?
Well, he's wrong about that. He's wrong about that. I mean just throw the bible out Do you get that you understand that I hope so i'd see a one or two shakes of the heads
How did he depart the red sea? Maybe he did cross. Maybe moses did cross in the shallow part.
They just got their feet wet lifted up their togas And then somehow miraculously as the egyptian army went into that shallow water
They got drowned they fall down in the shallow water You see if we question the virgin birth, we might as well question everything else
And what's another reason why the doctrine of the virgin birth is so important? Because if we question that doctrine, why not question everything else another example?
Questioning the virgin birth means questioning the only way that god
Has given us to be saved Questioning the virgin birth means questioning the single means of salvation that god has promised
Only by means of the virgin birth that jesus christ enter the world Free from the sin of adam and provide the singular means by which men must be saved.
That's why Jesus said in john 14 4 14 6. I am the way the truth and the life
No one comes to the father but by me These scriptures and numerous others all teach that jesus is the singular
Means that god has provided by which men must be saved acts 4 12
There is salvation and no one else for there is no other name given under heaven that man has been given by which men must
Be saved second corinthians 5 21 He made him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf so that we might become the righteousness of god in Him not in anybody else
Not in matthew the tax gatherer not in luke the physician not in paul the apostle Jesus christ could fully and precisely pay for our sin because he had no sin and no guilt of his own
And this could only be done by means of the miracle of the virgin birth
A miraculous birth Where god suspended and made of no effect the laws of biology and science
Can you think? of any more Special gift this christmas than the gift of eternal life
I'm sorry that 50 itunes cards is not going to cut it That playstation 5
You know what? They're doing They want them so bad. They're robbing moving trucks They surround the trucks
With playstation 5s on them And they jump into the back of the truck the moving truck to steal a playstation 5
We sang this morning The famous christian carol silent night and do you know that as of about 20 years ago
It was the best selling and most often played christmas carol of all the christmas carols by far double
Silent night The carol began as a poem written by Father joseph murr.
If you look in the hymn book, you'll see joseph more He was a roman catholic priest in a church near salzburg.
Austria in the foothills of the austrian alps It was december 1816
And a deep blanket of snow covered everything and muffled almost all sun. Have you ever been in snow like that so deep?
It's so quiet Maybe some of you have had a mountain cabin or stayed in a mountain cabin
After it snows like that and you don't hear a thing It's actually beautiful Father moore had been reflecting
On the night jesus was born and he sat down and he wrote a poem And a few years later again in december the beginning phrase of the poem silent night
Holy night kept repeating itself in his mind And he thought how wonderful it would be if the poem was put to music
So that christmas he made his way over to the house of the church organist named franz gruber
And it was gruber that put the words to music and on december 24th 1818
The incredible christmas carol silent night was first sung in father moore's church in austria
What a present god has given mankind Eternal life in jesus christ
You know without the three pillars of the incarnation the crucifixion and the resurrection there would be no christianity
Without the miracle of the virgin birth and the incarnation that began at all other all the other pillars would be useless the gospel and and and Christianity Christianity start with the miracle of christ's birth in bethlehem christmas is a time for believers to think about the wonder of christ's birth
And perhaps the blessings of being part of the family of god You know, it's a time when people that go to church
Should be asking Hard questions You know if you're watching by video
I encourage you to take You know, i'm sure it's a very disconnected feeling.
We did it for a couple of weeks and it's it's very different Worshiping in your living room looking at a computer screen i'm if you're watching i'm thankful that you are but I would encourage you those here and those watching by video to really
Ask ask a serious question Am I am I really?
saved am
I Have I truly? By faith Received jesus christ as my lord and my savior
And have put my trust in him alone For my salvation for forgiveness of sin
And eternity in heaven or have I by chance Am I somehow trusting in?
The church that I grew up in The baptism
I had as a young child I'm a christian because of those things
No Friends, you're only a christian If you have put your faith and your trust in lord jesus christ and what he has done
To save you not what? You have done Someone wrote if you have food in your refrigerator clothes on your back
And a roof over your head You're richer than 75 of the world
If you woke up this morning with more health than illness
You are more blessed than the roughly 1 million people around the world that will die this week
In the united states alone on average 7 ,500 people die every day And guess what the death rate in the united states is not any higher this year than it is in years past according to the cdc
If you woke up this morning with more health than illness you are more blessed than the roughly 1 million people around the world that will die this week
The virgin birth was a pure miracle and by pure I mean that it was a miracle of the highest order
The miracle of the virgin birth guarantees that all of the conditions have been met
Jesus the messiah had to be fully man and fully god at the same time
Without the virgin birth christ's sufferings on the cross would have meant nothing Without the miracle of the virgin birth christ's death was meaningless without the miracle of the virgin birth
The death of jesus christ would be the most tragic mistake in history
When god decided to provide the once for all remedy for sin He took the initiative and sent his son
The miracle of the virgin birth reminds us that salvation is entirely by grace through faith.
It is a free gift given simply to anyone That just receives it by faith
Because god does it all we cannot do any of it
You know as we close May our testimony this christmas be that we are blessed
Because we have truly received jesus christ as our lord and savior truly
And that we know for certain
Where we will spend eternity Will all of god's people say amen
Amen, I would encourage you just to take a few moments and just really be honest
Do I really know This jesus christ on a personal basis
Is he my friend? Is he my lord?
it's very easy as a christian even as a true christian to Slowly, but surely become lord of our own life
Jesus is lord, but he's sort of A side lord kind of a helpful lord, but not lord
Please take a moment or two and Ask god to make this christmas
A real time of remembrance for us real time of Hope and joy in the lord
As we sing christmas carols as we do devotions I'll give you a moment or two to pray and then ask harold to come
And lead us in our closing hymn Someone might ask pastor john
How do I know for sure? That i'm saved Well, the bible's very clear
There's questions right there in matthew chapter five Do you hunger and thirst for righteousness?
Do you truly in your heart want to grow in your christian faith? Have you ever told anybody about jesus christ do you want to tell people about jesus christ do you want to share
Your testimony how you were saved Those are all Little tests that god has given us to to help us to know
Are you a changed person? Are you different? Not just are you honest and you know good and nice to people but Are you different than you were before christ?
Father god, we thank you for this wonderful holiday season. We thank you god for this miraculous birth
God I pray for myself And I pray for my family and I pray for friends of ours and I pray for members of our church's god that this christmas season in this very challenging year god that it would be
A great time of rejoicing in this wonderful birth of the savior of the world our lord and savior.
Jesus christ We pray it in his name. Amen harold Uh, let's stand together as we're going to sing angels from the realms of glory
And as you go forward, let's be a light to a dark world a hurting world
And as we'd always tell our children as they were heading out the the front door We'd say be a blessing and because we are so blessed you're just dismissed.