Special Event: Creation Museum


Join us for this very special event. Pastor Jeff Durbin is working with EAN, AAK, and a number of Christians and Pastors in the State of Kentucky on a bill of equal protection. This is a live event from the Creation Museum and Answers in Genesis. Jeff invited Pastors and leaders from around Kentucky to join us for a meeting before the bill is heard. Please share and let the world know. Be sure to like, share, and comment on this video. You can get more at http://apologiastudios.com : You can partner with us by signing up for All Access. When you do you make everything we do possible and you also get our TV show, After Show, and Apologia Academy, etc. You can also sign up for a free account to receive access to Bahnsen U. We are re-mastering all the audio and video from the Greg L. Bahnsen PH.D catalogue of resources. This is a seminary education at the highest level for free. #ApologiaStudios Follow us on social media here: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ApologiaStudios/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/apologiastudios/?hl=en Check out our online store here: https://shop.apologiastudios.com/


Welcome, everybody, welcome, hello, how are you guys? Thank you all so much for making the trip and coming here in this very gloomy and rainy
Kentucky day. I'm a big fan of Elvis, so Kentucky Rain is one of my favorite songs, and it has been just amazing, the cold
Kentucky rain. Come on in, everybody, we're gonna get started. Thank you all for sacrificing so much of your time and everything to be here.
Let's start with prayer together. Father, we thank you so much for your love for us, for Christ, for the gospel, for our salvation, the free gift of eternal life that we have in Christ.
We thank you, God, for your sovereign rule over all things. We know that,
Lord, none of your purposes can be thwarted, that you are God in the heavens above and on the earth below, that,
Lord, no one can stay your hand. God, you turn the hearts of rulers and kings like a stream of water in your hands.
And Lord, we come to you as your people today. Lord Jesus, committed to you, to your authority, to your rule, we confess that you are
Lord, King, King of kings, Lord of lords, and God, we ask that,
Lord, you would move by your spirit. Please, God, I'm gonna specifically ask for the men in this room, your pastors, your shepherds over your people.
I pray, Lord, that you would grant to them eyes to see, minds that understand, and hearts of courage without compromise.
We pray, Lord, that you would move by your spirit and through your gospel in this work that we are doing to establish justice for our pre -born neighbors.
God, we ask that you would build this, for, Lord, if it's a work of men and men's hands,
Lord, they labor in vain who build it, so we ask for you to build this. Please establish justice.
Please establish justice for your image bearers in this land. Forgive us,
God, for our compromise. Forgive us, God, for yielding to partiality, what you call an abomination.
God grant to us the courage to speak your word boldly in the public square, your truth. We pray,
Lord, again for the men in this room, Lord, that shepherd your people, that they would speak with clarity your word, your truth, your gospel to not just their people that they're,
Lord, called to care for, but Lord, they would speak your word and your truth in the public square.
They would speak it to the legislators, and we pray, Lord, God, for the legislators who will hear this and those who are in this room who confess that they know you and trust in you.
We pray that, Lord, you would convict them that they're called to be your servants, not the servant of some other
God, that they would serve you and be faithful to you, that you would give them courage, conviction to,
Lord, establish justice, to not compromise. Oh, God, move in the state of Kentucky and in all the states this is happening, in Jesus' name, amen.
Thank you all for coming. Let's get started. I have problems keeping time, so let's just do this. Matthew 28, 18 through 20, it's, of course, the popular text.
Most of us know it. It's at the end of the gospel according to Matthew. So even if you're new to the Christian faith and you started in the
New Testament and read through that first book, you're going to be familiar with Matthew 28, 18 through 20.
It's that text that is the final words in Matthew's narrative of the
Lord Jesus before the ascension. In Matthew 28, 18 through 20, it says,
And Jesus came and said to them, All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.
All authority in heaven and on earth. What I've found so powerful about this particular text is that this is a moment where this
Savior, God and man, has just raised again from the dead as was prophesied and as promised.
So this was a moment of surely just a lot of confusion and awe for those early followers of Jesus and disciples.
And now we have Jesus about to ascend, which by the way, also was prophesied. And before he ascends, he says some powerful words.
He says, All authority in heaven and on earth has been, past tense, given to me.
And what I think is stunning, what's striking about that from the Lord Jesus is I want you to consider the fact that the
Lord Jesus said these words after being crucified as a common criminal in Palestine in the first century.
Jesus is recently crucified, conquers death, rises again from the dead, and he makes the claim before he ascends under Roman rule and Caesar that he is the one with all authority.
Not just in heaven, but on earth. And what I think is a deep struggle and failure of believers in the
West is that we typically can look at a verse like this and we can check the theological box, we can pass the exam.
We have coffee mugs that say that Jesus is King of kings and Lord of lords. We put it on t -shirts and we put it on paintings,
King of kings and Lord of lords. We make that profession, but we haven't actually thought about the implications of it.
And we do not live in the West today as Christians as though those claims are actually true.
We don't think about the implications of those claims. Jesus says, all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.
I want to remind you that Jesus said that under the reign of Rome and Caesar Nero.
Jesus is making the claim before he ascends in front of a handful of confused disciples that he actually is the one with ultimate authority today on earth.
And he said that, again, under the reign of Nero and under Rome.
And we have to actually admit something that Nero would have had something to say about that.
Claudius Caesar would have had something to say about that. Caligula would have had something to say about Jesus' claim to ultimacy.
Make no mistake about it. We shouldn't be ashamed of this. We shouldn't run from this. The claim that Jesus is
Lord, the claim that Jesus is Lord is a claim to ultimacy.
We are making the claim that Jesus is Lord. And let's admit something, brothers and sisters, that is such a safe and easy thing for us to do today because of the victory of the gospel and evangelism that's behind us.
It is easy for us today to say that Jesus is
Lord. It is safe in Kentucky to say Jesus is Lord with very little persecution.
It's easy to say that because of the boldness and the lack of compromise of the believers and the evangelists and pastors behind us.
We can say Jesus is Lord with a lot of comfort and a lot of safety. But that claim,
Jesus is Lord, is precisely what got those early Christians killed. They were not killed for saying,
Jesus is Lord, I'm worshiping Jesus, and Rome says we don't like that God. Rome is pagan. You can worship anything you want in Rome.
Hay, stubble, stone, gold, Caesar, it didn't matter. You can worship anything you want.
The problem with the early Christians was not that they worshiped this man called
Jesus. It was that they were claiming that Jesus is Lord and making a claim of ultimacy of Jesus' Lordship over Nero, over the state, saying that Jesus is the center.
He is the reference point. His law is transcendent and above all. That is what got the early
Christians martyred and killed. The apostles were killed because they would not say, Caesar, Caesar is
Lord. All they had to do was give a little pinch of incense to Caesar. Just a little acknowledgement that Caesar has ultimate authority.
We have to remember that our faith in Jesus Christ starts with that proclamation of the Lordship of Christ, that his
Lordship is over all, that he is the ultimate King of Kings and Lord of Lords. The question
I have to ask us as brothers and sisters, and I am not standing above you today, I'm standing eye to eye with you as a brother and sister in Christ, is the claim,
Jesus is Lord, merely a pithy slogan? Is it just a slogan?
Is it just something we put on coffee mugs and t -shirts? Or does it have real implications in every sphere of life, every area of life?
Because the early Christians, again, were killed for that proclamation. And it's not merely a proclamation that they're killed for in the first century.
It's the same kind of proclamation that tyrannical governments and deified governments understand today.
Pray for Pastor Wang Yi, our brother in Christ in China, suffering at this moment somewhere in China, we don't know where, suffering somewhere in China, because the
Chinese government understood what he was saying when he said, Jesus is Lord, and that everyone must come under Christ's Lordship and salvation.
They arrested him and they called him an enemy of the state. They understood that he was saying that Christ's authority, law, and rulership is above all, including the
CCP. My fear is that many of us Christians today, evangelical Christians in the
West today, we wouldn't get accused of such a thing, of actually believing that Christ's Lordship and authority and law goes over everything.
And pastors, my brothers, pastors, shepherds of God's people, if there's a problem in our nation, if there's an ethical failure, a moral failure, if there's darkness in our land, let's admit something, the problem began in our pulpits.
It began with us. I am not a motivational speaker. I'm not trying to speak to you to leave here motivated.
I want to speak to you as a brother, as a fellow pastor, and admit the problem. The problem is us.
The problem is in the pulpits. When we lead our people as the leaders in that first century church did in the book of Acts into the public square with the truth, when we preach a bold proclamation of the
Lordship of Christ and his gospel, like the New England pulpit did, which gave us rise to this nation, when we do that,
God transforms the world because he only transforms the world through his gospel and his truth.
Brothers, God does not transform anybody or anything apart from his gospel and his truth.
You cannot expect the world to transform and change and be convicted and hide from the message of the authority of Jesus Christ and his gospel.
We cannot expect people's lives to transform when we give a halfway gospel or a compromised gospel.
And let's admit something. As believers, we either believe this or we don't.
Jesus said all authority in heaven and on earth is his.
And he said that with a handful of confused disciples in front of him. And he said it under Caesar.
He said that he had authority over Caesar after the resurrection and before the ascension.
And let's admit something, brothers and sisters, it didn't look like it. It didn't appear that way, that Christ really had all that authority in heaven and on earth, but he certainly did.
And that's the message, the proclamation of the Lordship of Christ that has gone out into the world in every place the
Christian church has ever gone, is the message that Jesus is King of kings and Lord of lords, merely a pithy slogan.
If you are a legislator in this room today, I want to say, praise God that you're here. I'm praying for you. We are praying for you that you would have boldness, that you would have courage, that you'd be consistent.
But I want to challenge you with something. Again, not standing above you, looking you eye to eye.
King of kings and Lord of lords is a word to you. It's a word to you, if you're in this room, that he has authority, he has rule.
Only his gospel saves. He is the king over you. The gospel is the power of God for salvation.
If you're here today and you know very little about end abortion now, and of course the other churches that have been involved in this fight with us for a long time,
I want to encourage you to hear one thing as a pastor. I'm a pastor of a church. I serve with three other pastors, amazing men of God, better men than me, truly.
They are pastors. End abortion now is just a ministry of apology at church. This is not a ministry or organization that exists outside of the
Christian church. End abortion now is just a ministry of our local church. That's what it is.
Which means that the distinction between what you see here and in the organizations and churches we're working with is that we are fundamentally
Christian. We are committed to Christ, his authority, his word, and his gospel.
What makes it distinct is that we are just Christians who love the Lord Jesus, love his gospel, love these women, love these men, and love these babies, and we're trying to serve
Christ as Christians without compromise. And one of the distinctions between our message as the church that's distinct from how the pro -life establishment and pro -life industry has fought for decades, one of the distinctions is that we believe this, that the gospel is the power of God for salvation.
We believe that we must be committed to Christ, that with Christ there is no neutrality.
Jesus said, and we know this, I'm not teaching you anything, Jesus says, you're either with him or you're against him.
There is no middle ground with Jesus. You're either with Jesus or against him in education. You're either with Jesus or you're against him in the family.
You're either with Jesus or against him when it comes to sexuality. You're either with Jesus or you're against him when it comes to gender.
And you're either with Jesus or you're against Jesus when it comes to law and government. A lot of times, brothers,
I recognize, I recognize, brothers, pastors, the problem is that as pastors we want this pulpit to have behind it the word of the living
God going into the people of God. We don't want to compromise. We don't want to involve ourselves in petty partisan political fights.
And so you'll often hear today, and there's some truth in it in a way, well, I want to just preach the gospel.
I don't get involved in the political stuff. Now, brothers, I'm going to just challenge you with something.
All authority in heaven and on earth means that Jesus has something to say over ethical matters. And legislative matters are ethical matters.
When legislators legislate, they are legislating based upon this assumption.
You ought to do this and ought not do that. What is that? That's an ethical claim.
And Jesus has something to say in the realm of morality, not just in our private lives or within the church community, but within public morality.
The gospel call starts with what, brothers? Repent and believe the gospel.
Repent and believe the gospel. Turn from sin. Turn to Christ. Trust in Jesus Christ and him alone for forgiveness and salvation.
Amen? That's the call that goes out into the world. That call comes into the world with the assumption that Christ has all authority and that the law has been broken and your only salvation and my only salvation is in this one through faith as a gift.
Christ is the ruler of all. And the issue of abortion is not merely a petty partisan political issue.
The issue of abortion is an issue of sin. Let's say it loud. Let's say it clearly. The problem of abortion is a problem of sin and the only solution is the gospel, repentance and faith.
And so what is distinct between what we are doing and what you have seen in the pro -life establishment and industry for decades is that we are coming against this, brothers, pastors, as Christians under the authority of Christ with the word of God and the gospel itself without compromise.
Which means that there are going to be certain things that you are going to hear from us that are very different than you hear from the establishment.
Why? Because the pro -life industry, unfortunately, the establishment has fought their fight for decades from a position of neutrality.
And here's what I want you to understand. If you want to see the proof, I'll give you the proof. They'll tell you themselves. We have the proof, the interviews and all the rest.
The leaders of the pro -life establishment have said self -professingly with confidence that they are not
Christian organizations, that they are not fighting this fight under the authority of Jesus with the gospel, with the word of God.
They will tell you boldly and with confidence they are proud of it, that they are not explicitly
Christian organizations. They'll say things like, well, we have Christians working for us, but we're not fighting this, you know, standing on the word of God as Christians.
They'll say we're fighting this from a biological standpoint. We are just pointing to biology and amen to that.
Have you guys seen the fearfully and wonderfully made exhibit here? Isn't it amazing?
The evidence that's speaking to the world about the pre -born, the humanity of the pre -born from the moment of fertilization.
It's unavoidable. It's unavoidable. God's word says we are fearfully and wonderfully made.
He knows us before he forms us in the womb. God is the creator. We're the creatures.
We're in his image. We know what the word of God says, amen. And yes, science and biology screams to the world about the humanity of the pre -born.
Let me just tell you this, you win when it comes to the argument of the biology, the humanity of the pre -born from the moment of fertilization.
There is no way to dispute it today from that very moment of fertilization.
But here's the problem. Here's the problem. When the pro -life establishment says we are not fighting this fight, standing on Scripture under the authority of Christ with the gospel, we are fighting it strictly from the biological perspective.
Have we noticed something? Have we noticed something in our culture over the last couple of years is that when people are lost, they don't care what their biology says to them?
Have we noticed that when people don't know Jesus, their biology and what biology screams is irrelevant?
They can look down and see all the parts that are contradicting how they feel and it doesn't matter because the problem is not a problem of biology, it's a problem of sin and the need of redemption.
So we cannot fight a fight for the pre -born. These babies, and by the way, do you see the screen? Some, here are a few of the babies, a few of the babies, tens of thousands that have been saved because of the work of End Abortion Now and the churches we've raised up to train.
Tens of thousands. These, this is what's at stake. These are actual babies that have been saved outside the abortion mill because believers, pastors just like you started going to the abortion mill with the gospel.
These are the stakes. It's not just theory. It's not just theory.
And we can't fight this fight simply saying we'll fight the biological battle. We'll say it's biologically human.
Here's the point. We have them on record saying things like, I know it's a baby. I know it's fully human from conception.
I don't care. We have a right to kill our babies. If you've seen our videos outside the abortion mills, you've heard the mothers say,
I know it's my baby. I have the right, they'll say the word, to murder my baby. They know. It's not a biological problem.
It's not a question of not knowing. The problem is a problem of sin. And the only solution is Jesus. And that only comes with a call to repentance.
And we cannot fight this fight against abortion. Devoid of Christ, devoid of the gospel, devoid of the call to repent and turn to God, devoid of the law of God and God's standards.
Now, I mentioned brothers, I'm not looking down on any of you. I'm not coming to you as a professional. I'm a pastor.
I'm a minister of the gospel. We got into this fight a little over a decade ago because we were challenged as a very young church.
As a newer church, I was sent to plant a church at a drug rehab. I was the chaplain at a drug rehab.
So many people were coming to Christ out of drug and alcohol addiction that it was clear that I needed to shepherd them and care for them full time.
And so the pastors that I was pastoring with before sent me, I planted the church with Pastor Luke at a drug rehab in the hospital in the family room.
That's where Apologia Church came from. Very early on, it was a very ragged, tough -looking group of people.
To walk into Apologia Church in its early days, you had to walk through a cloud of cigarette smoke to get through the front door.
People with gauges and tattoos, and that was just Pastor Luke. I mean, it was a really rough -looking crowd.
People in love with Jesus, lives transformed completely, and God nailed us with this issue of the pre -born.
I was talking to somebody that I learned she had saved 365 babies in one year outside the abortion mill.
We watched the film Babies Are Murdered here, and Rusty Thomas' sermon cut us hard.
I wept over that sermon, over the blood guiltiness of our land, of people slaughtering children in our land, and churches being literally right next door to abortion mills.
And we have the message that saves and no one's doing anything. And so we didn't know what we were doing. What did I know?
I knew they were murdering babies inside. I knew that we love these mothers and fathers and these babies. I knew the gospel.
And so we literally went out. We're not professionals, no training. We're like, we know the gospel. And so we went to the abortion mill.
The first day we went to the abortion mill, preached the gospel, offered to love these women and help them and care for their needs. We saved two babies within the first hour.
Within the first hour. So we started saving more babies and going to the abortion mills with the gospel, and we started talking about it on the radio show, saying, hey, we saved a baby today.
We saved another baby today. Other Christians were saying, well, how'd you do that? We said, I don't know. We just went with the gospel.
We offered to help and even adopt their babies. Now, many of you guys have been there. You know that that message, we'll adopt your baby, is often, very often responded to with,
I could never give my baby up for adoption. And then they walk inside and kill their baby. We've heard that more times than I could possibly count.
But we started saving babies and telling other churches, we're just going with the gospel. Like 15 seconds, door to door.
She's getting out. She has an appointment to kill her baby. We say, mom, please don't murder your baby today. We're giving the word of God, the law of God.
We say, there's salvation. There's forgiveness in Christ. Please let us help you. We'll adopt your baby. We'll care for your needs.
We'll give you a place to live. We'll take care of your medical, whatever you need. Please don't kill your baby today.
Please turn to Christ and live, mom. Babies are being saved. And other churches started saying, how do you do that?
We started helping them do it. And then the Lord began to raise up more churches. So, we started End Abortion Now because we recognized that there's a problem.
One is the lack of the church outside the abortion mills. And two, the lack of the church's witness in the public square consistently and especially at the legislature.
So, we started training and teaching churches at no cost. We just raised them up and taught them and sent everything to them.
Right now, we have over 900 local churches globally. Northern Ireland, the Republic of Ireland, Scotland, all over the
U .S., Canada, New Zealand, Australia. All with a message of the gospel in conflict with abortion.
It's a Christ -centered message. Tens of thousands of babies are being saved. Between 8 to 10 babies a day are saved outside the abortion mills.
All glory to God. It's just the work of the church. It's the gospel going to the mills. But we also recognize there's a problem.
We need to preach the gospel in the public square. It's on the issue of abortion. And we need to go to the legislators.
And so, that's what we started to do. So, we started working with Christians and pastors and believers across the country.
Going to legislators. And we were just praying. Guys, we were just praying. Lord, if we could just have one courageous legislator.
Just one. Brave enough to stand on the truth and be consistent. And say, look, if you say you believe life begins at fertilization.
Then write legislation that protects them like that. That's the issue.
And I'm going to say, as you hear today, there is nothing complicated about the bill that Emily is putting in. And legislators across the country are putting in.
It is simple. It is ridiculously easy and short. It says, what is in the womb is in the image of God.
And it says that all life begins at fertilization. And because life begins at fertilization, all human life will be protected equally.
Unborn life will be treated like born life. Nothing complicated. Nothing complicated.
We said, Lord, can we have just one? And I believe that Senator Joseph Silk in Oklahoma was the first courageous believing senator that put that bill forward.
And it was fought against by the pro -life establishment from start to finish. They killed it. Because they do not want equal protection for all humans from conception.
Even though they say they believe that all human life begins at fertilization. Sorry. And so, the
Lord started blessing more and more with ministries like ours that don't have the funds and the money that some of these organizations have.
We don't have that. We don't have the platform or the money. And God started blessing. And so, we started getting more legislators.
Colorado, Arizona, Texas, South Carolina, Pennsylvania, Oklahoma. Again, all across the country, more states started getting legislators who stood on the truth.
Louisiana. Putting in bills of equal protection for all humans from fertilization.
Praise God. Here's the problem. Every single time, these bills were fought against, you would think, by the pro -choice movement.
Of course, they said things. But they never had to even show up at the hearings or for the vote on the floor in Louisiana.
Because it was the establishment that fought against our bills every single time.
And they are fighting against yours in Kentucky. They are fighting against our bill in Georgia right now.
They are fighting against our bills because their worldview is different than the Christian worldview.
They have no commitment to the authority of God's Word, God's standards, or the authority of Christ, the gospel of Jesus Christ.
They have a foreign doctrine that we're going to get into in just a moment here. That's where we are. Can I give you some encouragement?
Years ago, brothers and sisters, we didn't know what we were doing. It was just a rag -tag team of Christians outside of an abortion mill.
Had no idea what we were doing. And now we have, this year, we're working with legislators and believers and Christians and churches across the country.
We were asking God years ago for one legislator courageous enough to do it. One. Now, this year, we have 14 we're working on.
14. You are going to see these come across the country this legislative session.
Pray for those. Pray for those. I mentioned to you that what we have learned as pastors and as Christians is that the establishment, unfortunately, is self -professingly not
Christian. Here's the problem. Are you ready for it? I'm going to do it as simple as possible. Here's the problem from a
Christian perspective and a perspective of just pure consistency. The establishment loves to use
Bible verses when they're going to churches to raise money for their organizations. You've knit me together in my mother's womb.
I'm fearfully and wonderfully made. They use that language. They believe that, they say. They say that we are human from the moment of fertilization.
Here's the problem. Is that they fight their fight with compromise and partiality.
Please hear me on this because this is a key issue. May I read you a text? We could do this, you know, pastors, for a while.
But I'll just read you to remind us all. Proverbs 20, verse 10.
Unequal weights and unequal measures are both alike an abomination to the Lord. We know that word, abomination.
The word toevah in Hebrew, strong word. We know it as Christians typically.
Why? Because it's actually not used a lot in terms of the biblical text.
But we typically hear the word abomination from God's law. And what do we think of?
Human sexuality. In our day, we use the word. We say, no, listen, I want to come alongside you and give you the word of God and the gospel.
Let you know there's hope in Jesus Christ. The decisions you're making about your sexuality, God has spoken to those.
He says in his law that to lie with another man, that's an abomination. It's toevah in God's eyes.
There is forgiveness in Christ. God can cleanse you. God can wash you. God can justify you in Jesus.
We know the word abomination because we typically understand it. I know that text that says it. And we use it in evangelism, in the area of human sexuality.
We talk like that. God also uses that very same word about unequal weights and measures. Partiality.
He says it's an abomination. The very same chapter, he says it again. Proverbs 20, verse 23.
Thirteen verses later, he says, Unequal weights are an abomination to the Lord and false scales are not good.
The pro -life establishment, unfortunately, has fought this without the authority of Christ, without the gospel itself, without the word of God.
Standing on it is ultimate. And they have fought. Listen, please, closely because this is the issue with partiality.
The pro -life establishment came into Arizona. We had a bill of equal protection for all humans from conception or from fertilization.
The establishment came in and they killed our bill. They killed it. They told the legislators, don't vote for that bill. The pro -life legislator said, what do you want us to do with this bill?
And Kathy Harrod, the leader of the pro -life establishment in my state, told them, do not vote on that bill. It would have abolished abortion in Arizona.
It would have actually given equal protection to all humans from fertilization, treated the unborn the same as the born.
She said, do not pass that. She told them all not to pass it. She said, pass mine. Do you want to know what hers was?
Mine was abolition. Mine was equal protection for all humans. What she says she believes, what she raises funds over, human from the moment of fertilization.
She said, don't do that bill. Do mine. Her bill said this, and she called it a victory, that you can kill your child in Arizona, but you must give it a proper burial.
Truth before God. You can check me on this, brothers and sisters. I'm telling you the truth before God. She wrote it and told them, don't pass
Jeff's bill. Pass mine. She said, mine says you cannot kill your child in Arizona for the express reason that it has a genetic abnormality, which
I told Kathy. I said, Kathy, the easiest way around your bill in an instant is to simply say this. I'm not killing my child because of Down syndrome.
I'm killing it because I hate it. And you get around that bill. The pro -life establishment puts forth bills, and they say they are victories.
They write emails to their followers saying, we had a victory here. We had our bill passed, and the bill says that you can kill your child in this state, but you can no longer use sharp instruments to do it.
These are bills of partiality. These are bills of compromise. These are bills of inconsistency, and the pro -life establishment puts forward bills of partiality that God expressly says in his word over and over and over again are an abomination.
They are partiality. And here, brothers and sisters, this is what's amazing to me. It's amazing.
It's because of Christians and pastors, believers. We've abolished slavery in every nation
Christianity has gone into because of the word of God, expressly because of the word of God.
William Wilberforce was not fighting against slavery, devoid of the authority of Christ and the word of God.
They stood on the word of God. And because of that, because of those abolitionist Christians in the past, because of the believers that are behind us that fought without compromise with the authority of Christ, those evils are put behind us in many ways, and now our culture understands what an abomination that was.
And that you cannot treat a brother because he looks different than you differently.
We have slavery behind us where they said, yeah, I know it looks like a person. It's not a person. It's a black man.
And when they recognize that evil's behind us because of the Christian church and the gospel, the evil behind us that says, yeah,
I know it looks like a person. It's not a person. It's a Jew. That's behind us now. And why do we recognize that as so evil?
Because it is partiality. It is partiality. It is evil. It is wicked. And thank
God for the believers behind us who fought so hard with the truth that they put that evil under the feet of Jesus.
Thank God for them. And I want to remind us, brothers and sisters, nobody builds monuments. Nobody builds monuments for the compromisers in history.
People build monuments to the ones who stood on the truth without compromise.
The pro -life establishment fights with bills of partiality, and they have resisted every single one of our bills of equal protection, and they continue to do so to this very day.
I want to remind you of what James says in God's word about partiality.
If you would, for a moment, just hear a text I know you're all familiar with. In James 2, this is to the church.
He says, My brothers, show no partiality, show no partiality as you hold the faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, the
Lord of glory. Show no partiality. For if a man wearing a gold ring and fine clothing comes into your assembly, and a poor man in shabby clothing also comes in, and if you pay attention to the one who wears the fine clothing and say,
You sit here in a good place, while you say to the poor man, You stand over there or sit down at my feet, have you not then made distinctions among yourselves and become judges with evil thoughts?
Listen, my beloved brothers. Has not God chosen those who are poor in the world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom?
But you have dishonored the poor man. Are not the rich the ones who oppress you and the ones who drag you into court?
Are they not the ones who blaspheme the honorable name by which you were called? If you really fulfill the royal law according to Scripture, you shall love your neighbor as yourself.
You are doing well. But if you show partiality, you are committing sin and are convicted by the law as transgressors.
James uses this illustration of partiality in his day when it comes to the rich and the poor. How much more when we talk about the most vulnerable and innocent among us.
And we have an industry that says, You can kill these, but not those.
Victory. Victory. Partiality is a sin.
And we recognize it when we look to our black brothers and sisters and we reflect on the evil that was done then.
And we recognize the partiality that existed in Nazi Germany. We think about Auschwitz and all the camps.
We recognize the evil that that was because it was partiality. It was saying, yeah, I know that you're human, but you're actually a beast.
I know that you're human, but you're actually a parasite. Yeah, I know that you're human, pre -born child, but you're really just a sack of cells.
Partiality is a sin, brothers and sisters. God calls it a sin. And He says this, royal law, love your neighbor as you love yourself.
This issue, brothers and sisters, pastors, this issue of the gospel in conflict with abortion and establishing equal protection is an issue of love your neighbor as you love yourself.
That's what we're talking about here. I'm not asking you to involve yourself in petty partisan politics.
I'm not asking you to abandon the gospel. I'm asking you to firm up your commitments to the gospel and the lordship of Christ and bring it to the mill and bring it to your legislators.
Bring it to the public square. This is a fundamentally Christian movement. Do you hear me?
That's the distinction. One more problem. The pro -life establishment, and this is key, they want immunity for mothers and fathers who kill their children in the womb.
I want you to pause and think about that for a moment. There are enough men and women in this room right now that know
I'm telling you the truth before God. They've seen the letter. The letter.
Last year in the state of Louisiana, we had a bill of equal protection. Danny McCormick put it in for us. It was historic.
It was historic because, number one, it was a bill of equal protection and abolition. It's just a
Christian bill. Just a consistent bill. Human life from fertilization. Protect all human life equally.
The reason it was historic is because the pro -life establishment has killed every single one of our bills and won't let them go to hearing most of the time.
They tell them, don't even let it be heard. Don't let it even be heard. Our bill got a hearing because of a faithful minister of the gospel named
Brian Gunter that you're going to hear from in a moment. Brian Gunter talked to the legislators, challenged them in Jesus' name, told them, you said you believe this.
You raised money for this. You said you were for life from fertilization. Here's the bill you say you believe in.
That bill went to hearing, and listen to this historic moment since Roe versus Wade. It was the first bill of abolition and equal protection that passed the hearing.
Seven to two, it sailed through. Immediately, there was a frenzy of activity in Louisiana because we polled over 70 of our legislators, and we had all the yes votes we needed for it to pass on the floor.
It was ready to pass. The week from the hearing to the floor votes, phone calls were made.
Office visits were made by the leaders of the establishments. They told our legislators, do not pass that bill of equal protection.
Don't pass it. They put out a letter to legislators across the nation the day of the vote of our bill.
We were there for the floor vote that day. We had all yeses from the legislators. They were going to pass that bill into law from the
House. And a letter went out from over 70 pro -life organizations across the nation, including
National Right to Life, Louisiana Right to Life, the ERLC, all the biggest organizations, and they told legislators across the country to do not pass any bill of equal protection.
Here's why, and this is the heresy of the pro -life establishment. I'm talking to pastors. Pastors hate heresy.
Amen? Yes? This is it. Here's the key, brothers. This is the key. The heresy of the pro -life establishment is this, is mothers and fathers who kill their children in the womb are victims themselves and not guilty.
You've heard the narrative that the woman who kills her child is a victim just like her child.
Brothers, I told you this is a gospel issue. Here it is. Are you ready? The heresy of the pro -life movement, since the very earliest stages of the
Christian church, the Christian church has fought against abortion and infanticide. Did you know that? That it's in one of the earliest records we have of the
Christian church in the Didache. They call abortion murder, and the people who have abortions need the gospel.
You know, Christians, we have disagreements. None in this room, of course. Christians, we have disagreements over nonessentials.
Amen? Yes? We can fight over that when we win this. Okay? But one of the amazing things in church history is the unity of the
Christian church around this issue of abortion. Did you know that? It's a kind of unity and universal acceptance like the deity of Christ that what happens in abortion is murder, and the principled people involved need
Christ and forgiveness. So when I call it the heresy of the pro -life establishment, I'm talking about from a
Christian perspective, if you say that a mother can have her child dismembered, disemboweled, and decapitated, and she is a victim like her child, you are no longer speaking as a
Christian. Because, pastors, how many women have you sat in front of in your church?
I have countless times, and watched the tears, and seen the broken heart, and the shame over what they did to their child in the womb.
What was your word to them and my word to them? There is forgiveness in Christ.
Come to Jesus. He'll take away your sin, and your shame, and your condemnation. He forgives murderers, and liars, and thieves, and adulterers.
That shame and that guilt, you take that to Jesus, and He cleanses you white as snow.
Yes, sweetie, you are guilty, but so am I. You can repent and turn to Christ and be forgiven of that sin.
That's the message we have for our sisters in Christ. My church is filled with women who have had abortions.
Some, multiple abortions. One, five. And she's in Christ, and she's forgiven.
Just like me. But the message, brothers, that we tell these women when they come in, is yes, you are guilty, but there is forgiveness in Christ.
There is freedom. You can be declared righteous and have peace with God. You can be reconciled to God through faith in Jesus.
Yes, it's a sin, but turn to Christ and live. The pro -life establishment says about that message, no.
She is not guilty. She is a victim. She is not to be seen as guilty.
And so, brothers and sisters, the issue that is a failure that will keep abortion alive for good is the heresy of the doctrine of the pro -life establishment that says that the mother is herself a victim.
If she is a victim, and if she's given immunity permanently, brothers, abortion will never end in our land.
And I want to say this, in terms of the Christian church and our duty as ministers of the gospel and pastors, that message is a lie.
She needs Christ. And we want her to know Christ. We have organizations that say they are fighting alongside of us, telling us that this woman doesn't need the gospel for her abortion.
That she's a victim. I want these women to know Jesus and not to be lied to and told that you don't need to bring that shame to Jesus.
You shouldn't be ashamed. You're a victim. That's the message. They oppose our bills of equal protection because they prefer the bills of partiality, six -week bills, heartbeat bills.
Brothers, is having a working heartbeat what makes you image of God? Is having a working heartbeat what makes you human?
Is having the ability to feel pain what makes you in the image of God or makes you human?
Are you seeing it yet? That's a foreign worldview. The Christian worldview says you are in the image of God.
You are a distinct creation of God because you are human. And you are human from conception.
Not because you feel pain. Not because your heart is working. Not because of a certain age.
You are in the image of God, and all image bearers of God deserve to be equal protected like her, her, him, her.
My son, Augustine, who was adopted, his life was threatened twice by abortion.
And thank God for a Christian who stood in the way. Brothers, sisters, stand in the way. Stand in the way, please.
They oppose our bills of equal protection. Abortion is not illegal in any state in our union.
I saw that the other day. Someone said, well, Pastor Jeff, praise God, abortion is abolished in my state because of Roe versus Wade.
No, it's not. It's legal everywhere. You are allowed to kill your child in every state in our union, and you are allowed to do it with impunity and immunity because of the doctrine of the pro -life establishment.
The inconsistency because they believe that women should be able to kill their children in the privacy of their own homes with pills and potions and receive no consequences.
Do we really believe that it's human from conception? That's my question. Or from fertilization. Do we believe that? Brothers, do you believe it?
Then fight like it. Act like it's true. Don't compromise. If you believe it, it should be in legislation that way.
There was an article. Look at me going over time. Who knew? There was an article.
Fantastic. Georgia Recorder, just this last week, January 19th. Bookman, if Georgia GOP thinks life starts at conception, why allow for murder for six weeks?
Do you know who wrote this? Not a Christian. Not a Christian. Asking the question that we should all be asking right now.
Hey, if you believe that it's life from fertilization, human life from fertilization, why are you writing six -week bills?
Why are you writing heartbeat bills? Why are you writing pain -capable bills? If it's murder, this unbeliever says, if it's murder because it's in the image of God and human from fertilization, why are you fighting the way you are?
That's the question. They will oppose our bills. Brothers, I'm asking you to join us as pastors.
I'm asking you to join us with the gospel. And I want you to know, and I'm going to say this to you very humbly because I want to prepare you for something that now our brothers in Georgia have already experienced, our pastors we met with in Georgia for our bill in Georgia.
They've already experienced it. I told them two weeks ago. I said, get ready. I said, your greatest opposition is going to come from the people you thought were on your side.
Get ready. They're going to write articles about you. They're going to condemn you in the media. They're going to fight against you, and they're going to be pro -life.
I want to tell you right now, brothers, if you join us as ministers of the gospel in this fight, and you fight and stand for righteousness and equal protection for these babies,
I want you to know, unfortunately, your greatest enemies are going to be people you thought were in your camp because they do not want the principled actors involved in abortion to ever be seen as guilty.
They don't believe that they need the gospel for that sin. They are victims themselves. You will see it coming.
I have a word if I may. And by the way, none of our bills mention gender or class.
Does everyone know that? Do you know that? Our bills of equal protection, do you know what they say? Equal protection, fertilization, treat them the same across the board, like we're supposed to believe.
Do you know there's no mention of female? No mention of male. No mention of any classes.
All it says is protect them equally. So why are they being fought against? Because of the doctrine of the pro -life establishment.
Because they want immunity and protection for some principled actor in the crime.
We need to stand up for what's right, brothers and sisters. Now, brothers, if I may humbly, one of the texts that has challenged me and continues to challenge me is from Isaiah.
We believe that God is unchanging, amen? It's one of the greatest blessings of the truth that we believe in.
And God is unchanging. He does not change. His standards, His character stays the same.
And in Isaiah 1, God is speaking to His covenant people. In Isaiah 1,
He speaks to His covenant people. And here's what He says. He says, Hear the word of the Lord, Isaiah 110, You rulers of Sodom, give ear to the teaching of our
God, you people of Gomorrah. Not nice, friendly terms to speak to the covenant people of God like Sodom and Gomorrah.
It's an insult. He's challenging them. Pay attention to what's wrong with you. And He says to His covenant people,
What to me is the multitude of your sacrifices, says the Lord? I've had enough of burnt offerings of rams and the fat of well -fed beasts.
I do not delight in the blood of bulls or of lambs or of goats. When you come to appear before me, who has required of you this trampling of my courts?
Bring no more vain offerings, incenses, and abomination to me. New moon and Sabbath and the calling of convocations,
I cannot endure. Iniquity and solemn assembly, your new moons and your appointed feasts, my soul hates.
They have become a burden to me. I am weary of bearing them. When you spread out your hands, I will hide my eyes from you.
Even though you make many prayers, I will not listen. Your hands are full of blood.
Wash yourselves. Make yourselves clean. Remove the evil of your deeds from before my eyes. Cease to do evil.
Learn to do good. Seek justice. Correct oppression. Bring justice to the fatherless.
Plead the widow's cause. This has been one of the most challenging texts to me ever.
God says to his covenant people, all your religious ceremonies, all your sacrifices, all your looking like Christians, all your going to church, all your religious stuff,
I don't want any of it. You can pray to me, I won't even listen. He says all these things,
I'm weary of dealing with them. And why? He says because your hands are full of blood, you've got all this evil around you, and he says you won't do anything about it.
So he says to his people, he says cease to do evil, learn to do good, and he says seek justice, correct oppression.
I'm not asking you to be involved again in petty political partisan stuff. I'm asking us as brothers, will we obey this?
Correct oppression. And he says bring justice to the fatherless. Brothers and sisters, there is no more fatherless child than the ones abandoned in abortion.
Justice to the fatherless is what an equal protection bill is all about. Now I want to remind us of something real quickly here.
Verse 18 is the famous one. You know this one, you can quote it right now. Come now, let us reason together, says the
Lord, though your sins are as scarlet, they will be what? White as snow. Though they are red like crimson, they shall become like wool.
Did you notice, it hit me hard years ago when I did myself. Sometimes I'm slow.
That that famous verse of forgiveness comes on the heels of God condemning the covenant people, saying he doesn't want their worship because they have all this injustice around them and they'll do nothing about it.
And so he tells them to correct oppression, seek justice, protect these fatherless, and he says this.
Let's reason together. I'll forgive your sins. So the forgiveness of sins promises on the heels of God calling his people to turn from their evil and to correct oppression.
I'll forgive you. Fix this. Do something.
That's the word to us as pastors, as ministers of the gospel. And now the same text,
Isaiah, has a word to legislators. In Isaiah chapter 10, for the brothers and sisters in this room who are given the duty before God to serve
God as his deacon, as a magistrate, here's a word from the Lord to you.
Woe to those who decree iniquitous decrees, to turn aside the needy from justice, and to rob the poor of my people of their right, that widows may be their spoil, and that they may make the fatherless their prey.
God says woe to rulers who write iniquitous decrees, who decree things, who write laws that make fatherless children pray.
When we write legislation, even with good intentions, I want to save some.
Those bills are bills of permission. They are saying, you can kill these children in my state, but not these children.
They are literally legislation that is permission, that is making these fatherless children pray.
That's what it is. And God says in his word, and he does not change to these rulers, he says, what will you do on the day of punishment in the ruin that will come from afar?
To whom will you flee for help? And where will you leave your wealth? Nothing remains but to crouch among the prisoners or fall among the slain.
For all this his anger has not turned away, and his hand is stretched out still.
We love in the evangelical church in the West today to talk about the love of God, the mercy of God, and we should.
It's better than we think. It's better than we can comprehend. But we have a version of God today in the
West that explains a lot of what's wrong around us, is that we preach a
God who is love and mercy and has no concern for justice and righteousness and his character.
We don't believe in a God who has wrath and justice. We believe in a
God who is a surfer Jesus who wants to be your buddy and have a romance. But let me just say something.
The New Testament, the gospel message, amplifies, it amplifies, it doesn't divorce or detach from the justice and wrath of God we see throughout the
Bible or in the Old Testament. The New Testament amplifies the justice, righteousness, law, wrath of God.
Because in the cross of Jesus Christ you see God's concern for justice and sin because at that cross wrath and justice and love meet.
Our God is unchanging. He is still concerned for the plight of the fatherless today.
And he still demands of his people to love our neighbor as we love ourselves.
I'm going to ask you, brothers, pastors, to join us. Can I just be frank with you for a minute, just transparent?
I don't need, we don't need or want your encouragement.
Please don't take that offensively. I don't mean that to disregard your love for us or encouragement.
What I mean is right now where God has us with these bills of equal protection where we can actually abolish abortion.
Brother, I don't need your encouraging message through Facebook. I don't need your pat on the back.
I don't need your thumbs up, keep going. I need you to pick up your sword and fight with me.
That's what I'm asking for. Pastor, I know there are consequences to fighting and speaking the truth in the public square.
But brother, can I remind you of your and my commitment? We came to die. When we became shepherds of God's people, did we not step into that pulpit with fear?
Every time I walk up this stage, every time I walk to the pulpit, I'm terrified. Pastors, you know what
I'm talking about. Terrified. We know how serious this is. We know what
God demands of us. And we know also the judgment that is stricter that we have before us.
Yeah, we're forgiven, but for reward and lack of reward, pastors, we've got a lot coming. I know
I have a lot to answer for as a child of God, as a forgiven person, as his son.
Pastor, you know the duty you and I have. You know why you stepped into that pulpit and took the calling. It was to serve the king and to lay your life down.
I'm not asking you to do something to be comfortable. This is going to be hard. You're going to be hated. There's people, maybe in this room, who's written crazy articles about me like a turban and Taliban and crazy extremist and all these things.
No, I'm just a Christian. I believe Christ is king and his law is the standard. If that makes me an extremist, well,
I'll be glad to join the extremists of history. I'm asking you to fight with us.
I want you to know that this fight will not be easy, but I'm asking you not to do it to be part of our team.
I'm asking you to do it because of fidelity to Jesus. I'm asking you to do it for the sake of these children.
Please don't take this as a motivational speech. I'm asking you to come and die. You know who will thank you?
You ever held a baby in your arms and was safe from abortion? Have you?
It will change your life. When you stand out there with the gospel, preach the gospel, and a mom turns away and you're holding that baby in your arms, it'll change your life because it goes from theory and the stuff that's up here to flesh.
The reality of it will truly set in. I'm asking you to fight for the sake of children like my son
Augustine right over here. That's Augustine. I'm not sure if you can see him over there. He's three.
Hi, Augustine. He was threatened with abortion on two different times in his life in his birth mother's womb.
When she first found out she was pregnant with him at five months and then after she found out that he had spina bifida, the worst stage of spina bifida.
The birth mother was trying to go to the abortion mill to kill him for two weeks every single day.
And the woman who stood in the way was Tabitha, a Christian who told her the truth, you will not murder your son.
We will find someone to adopt him. And for two weeks she fought for my son's life and they found us in God's providence.
We adopted him. He's my son. And praise God, after months of ultrasounds and we've got the ultrasounds with the open spine and all that stuff and six weeks of surgeries and plans, because of the prayers of God's people and God's faithfulness, he was born completely healed.
Yeah. And I'll remind you that one of the bootleg arguments used against the protection of human life is that what about if they have a genetic abnormality or if they are handicapped, well
I'm grateful to have him. With or without a handicap, he's in the image of God. If you want a reason to do this with me, look into his eyes.
Because that's what we're talking about. It is one child at a time, and I'll say this last word here, it's impossible for us to comprehend this when we say 60 plus million.
I recognize that. There's no way we can wrap our minds around that. That amount of bloodshed is too much to comprehend.
I get it. But if you want to think about it one at a time, come say hi to Augustine. Look at these pictures, because that's what we're talking about.
I want to introduce you to the brother who actually got, we're going to skip the video, I'll put it on my stuff, you guys can watch it later.
I'm going to bring up a brother, Pastor Brian. He is the pastor in the state of Louisiana that was fighting with our bill of equal protection.
Pastor Brian and I met at the Southern Baptist Convention annual members meeting.
We ran into each other, providentially, in the hallway. Same convention that someone gave me COVID at, by the way. So, good and bad came out of that convention.
We decided to work together for the glory of God, for the sake of these children in the state of Louisiana. We got a bill of equal protection into Louisiana.
Listen, please. We got that bill in. It was historic. It passed the hearing, went to the floor, created a huge moment.
CNN, MSNBC, New York Times, everyone's talking about it. By the way, Kentucky is happening this year because of what happened in Louisiana.
You need to know that. It was a victory. He was the faithful pastor preaching the gospel to the legislators and challenging them.
I want you to know this. Though we had the encouragement and thumbs up from many pastors in Louisiana, almost none of them really showed up.
That work was successful as it was because Pastor Brian was faithful and brought the truth to those legislators without compromise.
I'm begging God to raise up 100 more Brians in Kentucky. This is Pastor Brian Gunter. I told
Jeff if he keeps introducing me that way, I'm just going to say my name is
Brian Gunter. I'm Jeff Durbin's favorite pastor. I am a pastor of First Baptist Church in Livingston, Louisiana.
Yes, I was one of the pastors fighting to pass a bill of equal protection in the state of Louisiana.
It did make it further than any bill in American history to do so. My prayer is that Kentucky will be next and we'll get further.
Now, there's so much that I could say to you today. I want to use my time wisely.
I want you to understand to whom I'm speaking. Number one, I'm speaking to those who are going to fight with us and alongside us, who as Jeff said are going to pick up their sword and go to spiritual war to end the slaughter of the preborn in Kentucky and in states across America.
I want to equip you for that battle. I want to tell you what you need to understand. It's actually very simple, but I want to answer some of the objections for you that I faced in the halls of the
Louisiana legislature when I went as a pastor and I pleaded with my governor and I pleaded with senators and state representatives and members of U .S.
Congress and pleaded, please, can we just agree that no one has the right to kill a baby?
Number two, I want to speak to the person who is like me a few years ago.
You call yourself pro -life, but you've been accepting, watered down, compromises, solution to the
Holocaust against the preborn in America. I worked in the pro -life establishment for eight years.
I was one of those key pro -life leaders in the state of Louisiana. I led marches of thousands of people in my state to end abortion.
And then I accepted bills that said, well, you can't kill these children, but you can still kill these.
And I know I was always conflicted about that because you shouldn't be able to kill any child.
They're innocent, precious little babies. But because I had accepted the arguments of nearly 50 years at that time of the pro -life movement in America, I thought, well, who am
I to rewrite the playbook? I guess this is the way you're supposed to do it, but the problem is
I kept reading this Bible, and I kept looking at those bills that we were bringing forward, and I said, these don't fit together.
And when I met Jeff, I told him, I said, brother, I don't think I can do this anymore. I've been working in the pro -life establishment, and I believed the whole time that we need to end all abortion, but yet none of our bills actually do that, and I want to do that.
And we started working together, and we brought that bill in Louisiana, and here are the things that you need to understand to do this in your state.
So I've prepared a slideshow for you entitled Why Equal Protection?
Because equal protection is the Biblical standard. Why equal protection?
Why is that what we're fighting for? Let me define what we mean by equal protection.
It's very simple. Equal protection means that the lives of pre -born persons should be protected by the same laws which protect the lives of born persons.
You see, we believe that our rights come from God. We believe that the right to life begins at the moment when life begins, and as I will prove to you from Scripture in a moment, life begins at the moment of fertilization.
Now many of us have said conception, but you see some people have tried to move the ball, and they wanted to define conception as the moment of implantation so as to allow abortifacient chemicals such as Plan B.
And so we said no, when we said conception, we meant the moment when the sperm and the egg meet and a child begins to grow.
Because something does not grow unless it's living. And when that child begins to grow, at the moment of fertilization, at the moment when the sperm and the egg meet, that is the moment when life begins.
And from that moment, all life should be equally protected until natural death.
It's very simple. The same laws which protect your right to life should protect that child in the womb's right to life.
The second thing I want to define for you is what is murder? Murder is to knowingly and intentionally kill an innocent person.
Now we say innocent persons because as believers in the Bible, we realize that capital punishment is something that God has entrusted to government.
And I don't want to get into a discussion about that right now, but we recognize that innocent people have a right to life and no person has a right to kill another innocent person.
Now I know we're all sinners, but I mean they have not committed a crime that God's word says demands capital punishment.
And if you knowingly and intentionally kill them, you are committing murder. Knowingly. You have to understand what you're doing, right?
And I believe most men and women in America who have abortions, they understand what they're doing.
But conceivably if someone gave a woman an abortion pill and told her it was Tylenol and she took it and then it induced an abortion, that would not be her fault.
It would be the fault of the person who deceived her, right? And our current homicide code understands that.
And also it has to be intentional. It has to be a decisive act and you cannot be coerced.
So that if a woman is being sex trafficked and her pimp is forcing her, beating her, holding a gun to her head saying, you take these abortion pills, then she did not do this of her own volition and choosing.
She was coerced. She would not be charged with a crime. But her pimp, the sex trafficker, he could be charged with murder because that is what he forced upon the child in her womb.
You want to fight sex trafficking? Start charging them with murder.
How about that? Here's what you need to understand.
Equal protection does not criminalize women because that's what they're going to say. You want to criminalize women?
No. Equal protection does not criminalize women. Equal protection criminalizes the act of murdering a pre -born child.
I mean, understand something about our laws. They do not criminalize classes of people.
They criminalize conduct. And if no one has the right to murder a little baby, then equal protection criminalizes baby murder, not a class of people like women.
Now the pro -life establishment has passed bills of, a heartbeat bill, as here in Kentucky. Now I don't think the heartbeat bill is the right standard because, as Jeff said, life doesn't begin at your heartbeat.
It begins at fertilization. But let's just consider the heartbeat bills. What is the left saying about heartbeat bills?
Right now, I'm seeing interviews just this week. I see doctors on national television saying the heartbeat bill in my state criminalizes doctors.
And now as a doctor, I'm providing health care to women and I've been made a criminal.
And the pro -life establishment says, no, no, we're not criminalizing doctors. We're just criminalizing a doctor committing an abortion.
And they turn around and use the same illogic of the pro -abortion left and they say to us who want equal protection, they say, you're criminalizing women.
Now isn't that interesting? They don't like it when that kind of illogic deception is used against them in passing heartbeat bills, but they will use the left's arguments to try to stop the abolition of abortion.
If heartbeat bills don't criminalize doctors, and they don't, then equal protection doesn't criminalize women.
You can't have it both ways. So here's the key question.
Under our law, should a mother be allowed to murder her own child? Should a mother be allowed to knowingly and intentionally kill the innocent baby in her womb?
Yes or no? You have to answer that question. The obvious answer is no.
Next question. Is there any difference between murdering a newborn child and a pre -born child?
I mean, think of it. If a mother should not be allowed to murder her child after he or she has been born, and that is what our law provides for, then why should she be allowed to murder the child in the womb?
Does life begin at birth, or does it begin at fertilization? I thought the people who said life begins at birth were the pro -abortion supporters, not the pro -life movement.
So if you say you're pro -life, but then you also say a mother should not have a right to kill her newborn child, but she should be allowed to kill her pre -born child, do you really believe what you say you believe?
Or do you really believe that life and the right to life begin at birth?
You cannot have it both ways. If life begins at fertilization, then that's when the right to life begins.
And you, our laws, are not protecting the right to life if our laws say that someone can legally murder that person.
It's that simple. This is not rocket science. They will use all kinds of deception to mislead you.
But this is so obvious. This is so clear. You do not need to be an attorney. I mean, that's helpful, and we're going to hear from an attorney later today.
And I thank God for he and others like him. But this is common sense.
Here are some common misconceptions that you are going to be challenged with. These are the what -ifs.
So here are just some of them. Equal protection does not punish women who are coerced into abortion.
Instead, the one who coerced the woman into abortion would be charged with homicide.
Again, the sex trafficker would be charged with homicide, which can go all the way up to first degree murder, which is what he deserves.
Next, equal protection does not, does not, does not criminalize the removal of an ectopic pregnancy.
Instead, physicians would be required to do everything they can to preserve the life of both the mother and the baby.
Now, here's the thing. We do not, to my knowledge, currently have the medical technology to preserve the life of a baby conceived in an ectopic pregnancy.
Maybe one day we will. What our law would do under equal protection is says, it would say, doctor, you must do everything you can to save that baby's life and the mother's life.
Right now, as I understand it, our medical technology only allows us to save the mother's life.
We don't have a way to save the baby's life in an ectopic pregnancy. So when an ectopic pregnancy is removed, that's not an abortion.
That's a rescue mission to save the life of the mother. If we could save the life of the baby too, we would.
And maybe one day, God will bless us with the technology to do so. Equal protection simply says, they're both human lives.
Do everything you can to save both of them. Next, equal protection does not ban
IVF, in vitro fertilization. Instead, the
IVF industry would not be allowed to intentionally destroy human life.
Now, IVF is a big discussion, but let me just simply say this. We should not be creating embryos that we intend to incinerate or throw into a trash can or freeze for decades and decades.
If you're going to create life, you should try to preserve that life by implanting it in the woman's womb.
So if you're willing to preserve that life and do everything you can to preserve that life, then
IVF can be a blessing. The problem is, the IVF doesn't typically operate by those biblical ethical principles and they should.
Do we really want them to continue to create way more embryos than they need? And then either abort the additional pregnancies because a mother becomes pregnant with five, six, seven babies.
Do you remember Octomom? Or incinerate them, throw them into the trash can.
Is that what we should be doing with human life? No. So create the amount of embryos that you're willing to implant and then if that doesn't work, create more embryos.
But don't discard human life. It's made in the image of God and it deserves more dignity than that.
Equal protection does not ban contraception. Instead, equal protection bans abortifacients.
Only abortifacients would be banned. What is an abortifacient? Anything that stops the life of the child in the womb after fertilization.
After the moment when life begins. We do not have a problem with forms of contraception that prevent fertilization.
But we have a big problem with killing a life after it begins. We're against abortifacients.
We're not against contraception. Now, let me take you to the
Word of God. Psalm chapter 139 verses 13 to 16 quoted often concerning this matter and I would like to consider this more carefully today.
Psalm 139 verse 13 says, For you formed my inward parts.
You knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
Wonderful are your works. My soul knows it very well.
My frame was not hidden from you. When I was being made in secret intricately woven in the depths of the earth.
Now pay attention to verse 16. Your eyes saw my unformed substance.
In your book were written every one of them the days that were formed for me when as yet there was none of them.
Now here's what I want to point out in this verse. In verse 16, the Hebrew word translated unformed substance.
It is the word golem. If you look up the Hebrew word golem in a Hebrew lexicon,
Brown Driver Briggs is kind of considered the old standard of Hebrew lexicons. You will see that the definition of the word golem is an embryo.
Literally, I know that the ancient Hebrews didn't fully understand embryology, but here's what they were saying with the word golem.
A golem, literally it means a tiny round ball. Here's what they meant. At the moment when that baby begins to grow, when that baby is just a tiny round ball, from that moment life begins.
So it literally says in Psalm 139 verse 16, your eyes saw me when
I was an embryo. And then consider what the rest of the verse says. In your book were written every one of them the days that were formed for me when as yet there was none of them.
What does that mean? The first day of your life was the day when you were an embryo.
And from the very first day of your life, God had written the rest of the story of your life.
Life begins at fertilization. And if you don't believe that, then you're not disagreeing with me.
You're disagreeing with God because he wrote it. Take it up with him.
We do not have a right to go against the creator and what he says about human life and when it begins and how we must protect it.
We will all stand before Jesus one day, brothers and sisters, and he will ask us, what did you do to protect the least of these?
I pray that you will be able to answer with me, Lord, I did absolutely everything
I could. I laid my life down for them. I went to the ends of the earth.
I did everything I could to stop this Holocaust in our land. Adolf Hitler responsible for the
Holocaust of about 6 million Jews. The United States of America responsible for the
Holocaust of 10 times that number of people. What are you going to do about it?
What are you going to do about it? I want to end with the words that convict my soul more than any in scripture.
Proverbs 24 verses 10 to 12. This is a plea that we would protect all innocent human life.
Hear the word of the living God and may his Holy Spirit speak to your very soul through his word.
If you faint in the day of adversity, your strength is small.
Rescue those who are being taken away to death. Hold back those who are stumbling to the slaughter.
And if you say, behold, we did not know this. Does not he who weighs the heart perceive it?
Does not he who keeps watch over your soul know it? And will he not repay man according to his work?
Now these words begin in verse 10. If you faint in the day of adversity, the word faint is to fall back, to collapse in fear.
It's to be a coward. Adversity is when you have to take a stand on righteousness and you know the world's going to hate you for it.
The Bible says if you faint in the day of adversity, if you're too afraid to stand up for the truth, your strength is small.
God says don't be a coward. Now hear me legislators. Hear me pastors.
The day of adversity is here. Do you understand that brothers and sisters? The day of adversity is here.
And you will either stand for righteousness or you will stand against righteousness.
Kentucky has a bill to abolish abortion by giving every pre -born child in your state equal protection under the law.
You will either fight for what the Bible says is right or you will fight against it and even your silence will be deafening.
Consider the words of Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Consider what he said to pastors in Germany who refused to speak out against the
Nazis and fight to end the Holocaust and the evil atrocities of their day. Dietrich Bonhoeffer said in his book
The Cost of Discipleship. He said silence in the face of evil is itself evil.
God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak.
Not to act is to act. You can't sit on the fence. You will have to stand on one side or the other.
Choose today whom you will serve brothers and sisters. Who will it be?
What will you do? As Jeff said, we don't just need you to pat us on the back.
We need you to fight. You need to be in your state legislature. You need to be calling every member of your house and senate and pleading with them to do what is right.
Listen, if the church doesn't demand righteousness, it won't happen. I believe, pastors,
I believe that God has placed upon your life the greatest calling he could place upon any person.
Legislators, you have an important calling. But it is the pastor's job to speak to the political leaders with the word of God.
I had politicians say to me, you just go back to your church. You stay out of this. Let me tell you something.
Every knee will bow. Every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. We are not afraid of politicians.
We are afraid of King Jesus. And I'm not going to stand before him with their blood on my hands.
And don't you let it happen either. There's a command in verse 11.
It says, rescue those who are perishing. Hold back those who are stumbling to the slaughter.
God is not asking you to do this. He's commanding you to do it. And you're going to stand before him one day soon and give an account.
So what will you do? And then he tells you in verse 12.
He's not going to accept any excuses on the day of judgment. He says, if you say, behold, we didn't know this.
Oh God, I didn't realize. The Lord Jesus is going to look at you on the day of judgment and say, how dare you?
Don't you lie to me. He is the creator of the heavens and the earth. He knows that you know.
You will either obey him or you will answer on the day of judgment.
If you say, behold, we did not know this. Then God asks the question, does not he who weighs the heart perceive it?
He sees your heart. He knows that the real reason you don't want to do the right thing is because you're more afraid of man than you are of him.
He weighs your heart and he perceives it. Does not he who keeps watch over your soul know it?
And will he not repay each man according to his work? Don't be afraid of what they're going to say about you in the newspapers and on the television and on social media.
Be afraid of what Jesus Christ, the judge of heaven and earth, is going to say to you on that final day when you stand before him.
Because on that day, his opinion is the only one that will matter. So let's do this in King Jesus' name.
Amen? Let's pray. Father, I pray for your people today as we commit ourselves to stand for righteousness.
God, in the state of Kentucky and in states across America, God, grant us the victory this will not end unless you do it through your people.
Your word tells us in Psalm 127, unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain.
So God, do what we cannot do on our own. God, change hearts, open blind eyes, unstop deaf ears.
God, break our hearts for the plight of the unborn and let us not wake up another day without thinking about and grieving over the
Holocaust against children in our nation. Do it for your glory.
Empower and enable your people. We trust that you go before us. Your son
Jesus told us that he would never leave us and never forsake us. So God, we're calling on you right now.
Help us do what you've commanded us to do. In Jesus' mighty name we pray.
Amen. Thank you, Pastor Brian. You see why he's my favorite pastor.
Endabortionnow .com slash ky. Every state has one of these. Because of the gifts of God's people, we've been able to establish a website that's taken all the hard work out for you.
Endabortionnow .com slash ky. That's your website for Kentucky. Pastors, we hopefully got your information on the way in.
We want you to work together with us as Christians, as pastors, as churches. Again, we're a part, we're a local church.
That's who we are. We want to work together with you as pastors to speak to the legislators here in the state of Kentucky to demand of them that they establish equal protection for all children from fertilization.
That's what we're going to do. Laced with the gospel, the call to repentance and faith, the demand to be consistent, and all the work's been taken out.
Endabortionnow .com slash ky. You go there, if you check it out later, you'll see when you go there, your state.
Click on it. You can see all the legislators that you need to call, all their contact information, their phone number, their email address.
We even did something else. We have a pre -made thing you can send to them by email. You just copy and paste, put your stuff in.
We also have a script you can use where you can call those phone numbers we provide for you, and you can call their offices.
We've done all the hard work for you. All you need to do is go to your website. We also have, when this is all done today, not very long from now, we also have a team that are leading here in Kentucky that helped to get
Emily, we're going to pray for Emily as well, to put this bill in, Abolish Abortion Kentucky.
We're going to introduce you to them. They're the point people on the ground. In Georgia we have G3, Josh Bice, and the team out there.
They're leading the fight out there along with us. We're working together with Abolish Abortion Kentucky here, pastors on the ground.
We're going to work together as ministers of the gospel. That's how we're going to do this. But this website is yours. Use it.
Share it. Tell people to use it. It's for you. It's built for you. All the hard work's taken out. You can have your congregations go straight here, start making phone calls, start sending emails.
That's what needs to take place. We had legislators in Louisiana come to me in Louisiana with tears in their eyes, crying, literally, under such deep conviction.
They said, Pastor Jeff, please tell your people to stop calling. I said, praise
God, no. I can't stop them. And so this is your website.
Please use it. We're going to introduce you to more people soon. We have lunch for you. Pastors, your families, legislators and your families.
Mark is in the back right there. He's waving his hand. That's Mark with the blue shirt. Very handsome man back there,
Mark. Mark has tickets for you. We have Chick -fil -A, God's Chicken, for you. We wanted to feed you guys as well, so please feel free to grab food.
Come back in at one o 'clock. Ken Ham is going to speak to you guys. We weren't sure if he was going to be able to because some dental stuff, but he's here.
He wanted to speak to you guys. So one o 'clock. Ken Ham, be right back here. Food's out there. Grab the stuff from Mark. Thank you all so much for being here.
Welcome to the... All right, everybody.
We've got five minutes before we start with Ken Ham. Five minutes. Welcome, everybody.
Welcome back. Glad to see your faces. Hope you enjoyed
God's Chicken. Come on in, everybody. I have the pleasure of introducing
Ken Ham to you. He's the CEO and founder of Answers in Genesis, the
Creation Museum, the ARC Encounter. And I want you all to know in this fight that we have been fighting, oftentimes there are people who say they believe what
Scripture says on this issue. They say they're committed, and they have bold teaching on it or against it.
But oftentimes it's been hard to have those same people walk alongside of other believers as they're really trying to put their feet into the fight itself.
And one of the things that's been such a gift to us at Apologia Church and with End Abortion Now is
Answers in Genesis, the Creation Museum, Ken Ham responded immediately.
I texted Ken, told him what was going on. I think within 15 minutes or so,
I had Lalo messaging me. It was instant. And it was so much help, so much support from the
Creation Museum, from Ken, to provide a space for pastors to talk to one another and leaders and legislators to be here to talk.
So I just want to say a big thank you to Ken and to Answers in Genesis, Creation Museum.
All the team here has just been so fantastic. So can we give them a round of applause? Thank you guys so much. And I think you already know who
Ken is, so he's going to come on up. Well, good afternoon everyone.
It's great to be here and great to have you here at the Ark and the Creation Museum. So as I start off for the short time that I have to present to you, and I just want to give you just thoughts in some areas, the first little bit may sound a little strange to you and think this has nothing to do with this topic.
So bear with me, it does. Sort of. But we'll get there. Okay, so a couple of years ago
I wrote an article, I've done this before, about the fact that I don't believe in aliens.
And I gave a number of reasons why I don't believe in aliens. And various reasons biblically about God creating the earth and life and so on.
And I also talked about the gospel. And that doesn't make sense anyway.
There'd be intelligent beings and other plants, the whole universe is going to be judged with fire, there's going to be new heavens and new earth, and when
God's son stepped into history to be the God man, not the God Klingon.
So only the human race can be saved, it wouldn't make sense, there's other races of beings, you get the idea?
So that's the article I wrote. And the secularists actually then wrote an article about it, and they got into even some of the major newspapers and news sources across America.
I wanted to show you some of the headlines. Stop looking for aliens, they're all going to hell anyway.
ET phone hell, creationist Ken Ham says Jesus can't save space aliens. Ken Ham says aliens will go to hell so let's stop looking for them.
Creationists say aliens not worth finding as they're destined for hell. NASA is pointless because aliens are going to hell anyway.
A Christian newspaper though tried to write all this by saying Ken Ham clarifies aliens in hell, says he does not believe extraterrestrial life exists.
What do you mean clarifies? The whole article said I didn't believe in aliens. Anyway, why do
I put that up there? Here's another one. Just recently we publicly announced that we were working with Ray Comfort from Living Waters for people to go to London and to hand out some evangelistic tracts on the streets to people and so on during the time of the coronation of the king.
A local secularist, and by the way Living Waters produces these tracts, sort of like monopoly money.
I mean they're tracts but meant to attract people and they're obviously tracts and they're obviously not real money.
Anyway, this local secularist wrote this article and said AIG to hand out counterfeit money during coronation.
Ken Ham and his fellow creationist grifters plan to disrupt King Giles coronation by handing out religious tracts disguised as money.
I'm going to go over there and storm the church and try to disrupt the coronation. It's so ridiculous, it's so outlandish, but it happens to us all the time.
Well, because we're hosting this event here, there's already been an article published by the Lexington Herald that doesn't publish positive articles about us.
Creationist Museum to host anti -abortion event with extremist pastor and Kentucky legislators.
Anyone here know Tony Perkins from Family Research Council? He's coming to speak at our pastors conference so he's called in this article a white supremacist.
This is the sort of thing they do. I just say that to say to you, hey, we're already getting attacked for having this event here and I don't know who's here.
Sometimes there are people here that then go away and they write articles and they'll take things out of context and have headlines like, you know,
Ken Ham again said aliens are going to hell or something like that. Who knows what they will do.
But unfortunately that's the world we live in and that's where the secular media is at. But, you know, we're talking about this issue of abortion and one of the things
I like to remind people of is this. There are a lot of issues that we see in our culture today and a lot of people look at them and say, how do we deal with all these different problems?
But actually they're all the same problem and that's the thing we have to remember. They're actually different symptoms of the one problem and unless we understand that, we're not going to be able to deal with it anyway.
And what's the problem? Well, it's like Judges 21 -25. When there was no king, no absolute authority, everyone does what is right in his own eyes.
When people ask me what has happened to America, it's very simple. You take generations of kids, you indoctrinate them.
There's no God. The Bible's not true. There's no absolute authority except yourself. You're the absolute authority.
You determine what's right and wrong. Then ultimately anything goes. And by the way, in a culture where anything goes and you've got to allow all ideas and beliefs, what doesn't go are the absolutes of Christianity because they're in conflict, right?
It's like when I've spoken to some of the LGBT people and they say to me, but you people give hate speech.
You people are intolerant. And I say, why is that? They say because all we want is freedom for our views, which they don't.
They want total compliance and acceptance. But all we want is freedom for our views and we just want to be able to have freedom of all views.
And I say, but you don't want freedom of all views. Oh yes, we do. We want to allow all views. What about the view that says you're wrong?
And there's only one view based on the Bible. Here's what's right about gender. Here's what's right about marriage, about abortion, and so on.
They say, now you're being intolerant of us. I say, well, wait a minute. Aren't you being intolerant of me? You see that worldview clash?
And by the way, the reason there's a worldview clash, that's what we need to understand. Why is this happening?
Because it really began 6 ,000 years ago in a garden when God created everything. He said everything was very good.
There was no death, no disease, no suffering in the world. But what happened? God gave the first man,
Adam, a choice. We're all descendants of the first man. He didn't force him to love him because he wanted to.
He didn't make him like a puppet. And so he said, you can eat of all the trees, just one tree you're not to eat of as an act of obedience or you'll surely die.
In other words, obey God's word. But what happened? The devil came along in the form of a serpent.
Did God actually say? I want you to notice something. The first attack was on the authority of the
Word of God. In fact, the Apostle Paul in 2 Corinthians 11 -3 warns us that the devil's going to use the same attack on us as he did on Eve.
And what is that attack? To attack the authority of the Word of God. And you be like God. You be your own
God. You decide right and wrong for yourself. And as we step back as Christians and look at this, we recognize that really sums up the sin nature of man because we all sinned in Adam.
The Bible makes that clear. We all come from Adam. We're all sinners. We're all under the condemnation of death. That's why everyone will die.
Sorry about that. That's not an encouraging message. You're all going to die. But death is a penalty for sin.
But when you look at this, did God actually say, you will be like God? Our sin nature is we don't want to believe the
Word of God. We would rather believe the Word of fallible man. We want to be our own God. We want to decide what's right and wrong for ourselves.
And that's one of the reasons why I see this abortion issue too. It's so emotional to some people. You say, how could we see some of those people chanting, rejoicing in having an abortion and killing a child in their mother's womb?
How can they do this? And we see so many politicians adamant about the fact we want them to be able to kill a child in his mother's womb.
It's because in many ways they're saying, I want to be my own God. No one's going to tell me what to do.
I'm going to decide what's right and wrong for myself. And so what began 6 ,000 years ago was a battle between two religions.
See, in an ultimate sense there are only two religions. It comes down to God's word or man's word.
That's it in an ultimate sense. Two foundations. And those two foundations build different worldviews.
So when we start from God's word, which is what we do here at the Creation Museum and at the ARC Encounter, you start from God's word, who's revealed to us specific events to enable us to have the right way of thinking.
So we build a Christian worldview. It's like putting on a set of glasses so that when we start from God's word, it was a perfect world because of sin.
Now there's death. Oh, that's why there's death and suffering in the world. And there was a flood, Noah's flood. That's why there are fossils all over the world.
There is a terror of Babel. That's why there's different languages, but we're all one race because we all go back to Adam and Eve.
There aren't any different races. In other words, you're looking at everything through the lens of Scripture because we start with that foundational history that actually begins in Genesis 1 to 11.
But when you start with man's word, no God, everything came about by natural processes.
Man evolved over millions of years and so on. And death and suffering has always been here.
Then when you look at this world, you have a whole different way of looking at it. Your way is, oh, death and suffering, yeah, it's gone on for millions of years.
Oh, yeah, we all evolved from ape -like creatures. Oh, yeah, Darwin said there were different races of people, some closer to the apes than others.
Abortion, oh, yeah, well, you know, you get rid of spare cats, get rid of spare kids because we're all animals. And you see, the problem is we've got this clash of worldviews right here.
And it used to be in America that even though people weren't necessarily
Christian, they held to a more Christianized worldview, the Judeo -Christian ethic that came out of the
Bible through the founding fathers and so on. But now we have this secular worldview dominating because we have allowed generations of kids to be indoctrinated in an education system that is from God out the
Bible, out prayer, out creation, out they teach you all came about by natural processes, there is no supernatural, there is no
God. Most, the majority, sorry to say this, but the majority of pastors have endorsed that system and told parents, that's fine, don't worry about what they're being taught, just come along, we'll tell them about Jesus.
And you see, now we're seeing generations who have a different foundation and a whole different worldview. And Generation Z in particular is called by George Varner, a
Christian researcher, the first post -Christian generation in this nation. Which means they're so secularized.
And that's why I've been saying for quite some time, as that generation become the dominant voting block, they're going to vote in accord with their secular worldview, which is exactly what we're seeing, what we're seeing with Generation Z.
And so now we see this, that this is the dominant worldview, this is not in this culture, not that America was ever
Christian, but it was certainly very Christianized, so was much of the Western world, and so now we see this incredible conflict here.
And I always portray that conflict, which I've been speaking on since the 70s, as a conflict between two foundations, resulting in two different worldviews, and you see the outworkings of each of those worldviews.
Now, the devil's attack was to attack God's Word. One of the things we need to understand, too, and I want to show you this very briefly in a minute, is
Genesis 1 -11, the history there is actually foundational to the rest of the Bible, to all of our doctrine, and to our worldview, and most
Christian leaders have given up Genesis 1 -11. You can't hope to deal with the abortion issue in your churches if you don't believe in a literal
Genesis 1 -11. It's the foundation for everything. It's the foundation for all doctrine. But most churches ignore it.
We don't even have it in our statement of faiths in a lot of churches. We have said it doesn't matter, or you can believe in evolution or millions of years.
And the problem is the devil knows how do you attack the Christian worldview? You attack
God's Word. And there's been a specific attack in our era since the 1800s on the history in Genesis 1 -11.
A lot of our Christian leaders, the majority of them in seminaries, Bible colleges, have succumbed, and they teach the gap theory, theistic evolution, whatever it happens to be, or say
Genesis doesn't matter. And then people say, well, how do we deal with all these issues? But you see, what our ministry is all about here at the
Creation Museum, the Ark Encounter, is to help raise up generations who have the right foundation, starting with Genesis 1 -11, the right worldview, who know what they believe and why, equipped with answers to defend the
Christian faith and understand the real battles down here. Only then can we really deal with these issues up here.
And so what can we do? Well, we need to be raising up generations who are thinking foundationally with apologetics.
And what do I mean by that? You know, Psalm 11 -3 says if the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?
If you take the foundation out from a building, it collapses. You can't build a building on the wrong foundation.
It won't work. And then 1 Peter 3 -15, always be prepared to make a defense or an answer.
It's translated from the Greek word apologia, which means to give a logical reason in defense of the faith.
Do anyone ask you for a reason of the hope that is in you with gentleness and respect? You've got to remember that part.
Be bold, but give answers. And so the Creation Museum and the Ark Encounter, their exhibits teach apologetics.
We're giving answers to the skeptical questions of our day used to attack God's Word and undermine the foundation for the
Christian worldview. And here at the Creation Museum, a centerpiece of the exhibits are the seven
C's. Where we walk you through Genesis to Revelation and it goes Creation, Corruption, Catastrophe, Confusion then
Christ, Cross, Consummation. Those first four C's, Creation, Corruption, Catastrophe, Confusion, that's the geological, biological, astronomical, anthropological history, that's foundational to everything.
To the Gospel, to our worldview, to everything. You know, it's interesting, we live in a time in our churches, a lot of people are looking at what's happening in the culture, and I find there's a lot of Christian leaders and others they're more concerned about teaching about prophecy and eschatology and end time things.
Now don't get me wrong, those things are important, they're in the Bible, right? Not the word eschatology, but you know what
I mean. But here's the thing, and I notice there are churches as well that'll have a specific statement about what you must believe about end times, but when it comes to Genesis, it's very general.
Just believe in Creation, or God created, they might say God created Adam and Eve. I encourage you to go to our website, answersingenesis .org,
and type in, do a search, Statement of Faith, read our Statement of Faith. It is so specific.
You know why? Because even if you just say God made Adam and Eve, theistic evolutionists will agree. If you say
God created theistic evolutionists, progressive creationists, framework hypothesis people, gap theorists, they'll all agree.
That's why we are so specific, and by the way, you'll see we're very specific about the gender issue as well, and about defining a male and a female because of where the culture's at, to make sure people know this is where we stand.
And so we welcome everyone to our attractions. We want all eight billion people in the world to come to our attractions.
We welcome everyone. I remember a CNN reporter who was interviewing me when the Ark opened.
She says to me, do you allow Catholics to come here? I said, of course.
Do you allow Muslims to come? Everybody. Gay people? Of course.
We want everyone to come. We want them all to be impacted by this. But we as an organization, our
Christian organization standing on God's Word, very adamant about what we believe, and we're not hitting people on the head with it.
We're presenting it the way we believe we should present it, to give you answers and to show where we boldly stand, and to present the saving gospel message.
And then of course I got the question, you know, are
Muslims going to heaven or are Muslims going to hell? Or are
Catholics going to heaven or to hell? So do you know what my answer is? It doesn't matter whether you're a
Baptist or a Lutheran or a Catholic or a Muslim or a Buddhist or a
Hindu, if you haven't been born again, as the Bible says, the Bible warns us that we'll be separated from Him eternally in a place called hell.
So that's what it's all about. It's all about the gospel. The saving gospel for everyone. And you see those first four
C's are foundational to our whole worldview. How can you have a worldview in any area without the foundational history of origins that God has revealed to us?
The origin of man and woman. The origin of male and female. The origin of marriage. The origin of death. The origin of sin.
The origin of the seven day week. The origin of man's dominion. The origin of work. Do you realize every doctrine is founded ultimately in Genesis 1 to 11?
And see, here's my point. If you're dealing with any issue, the gender issue, the marriage issue, the abortion issue, the racism issue, it doesn't matter what it is, you have to start with Genesis 1 to 11.
Think about it from the world's perspective. No God. Everything happened by natural processes.
Big bang and so on. So all those things that come out of that, it's just logical from that foundation.
And that's one of the things I've spoken at secular universities where they look at me, oh Ken Ham, he's going to give this hate speech.
He's going to come in here and say we're all going to hell and all the rest of it. But what I come in and do, I say,
I'm a Christian. Because I'm a Christian, I start from God's word. Because I start from God and believe God's word,
I have a particular world view. Now if you don't start from God's word, you're not going to have the same world view I do. And I get that.
I understand that. I don't hate you because of it. I recognize we have a world view clash, but I want you to recognize your world view has a different foundation than mine and until we can agree down here at the foundational level, we're never going to solve the issue up here.
And you see for many Christians, they look out there and they say, how do we understand all these issues?
But if the church had only taught them that when you stand on Genesis 1 to 11 as literal history, all that comes together, it's not a puzzle anymore.
Because Genesis 1 to 11 is a foundation for everything. Let me give you just one example. And I've got a lot more in the book
Divided Nation, but how do you deal with the abortion issue? Well, here's what I say to people. You start with Genesis 1 to 11.
In fact, I do a talk at the Arch and Creation Museum here where I get people answering the question.
I say, how do you deal with marriage? You start with Genesis 1 to 11. How do you deal with gender? You start with Genesis 1 to 11.
How do you deal with the race issue? You start with Genesis 1 to 11. I had parents who wrote to me and said, we travelled across country to come to the
Arch and the Creation Museum and as we're travelling home, even our kids were reciting in the back seat, you start with Genesis 1 to 11.
And you know what? They never forget it. They really don't. And it's important because that's what we're doing, starting with the
Word of God. So let's start with Genesis 1 to 11. So God created man in his own image and in the image of God he created him.
What's that got to do with abortion? Everything because no animal was created in God's image. I mean, how did
God create the animals? Let the earth bring forth the living creatures. How did he make man?
Let us make man in our image and let them have dominion over the creation.
That's a side issue, but for this talk, God gave us dominion.
In other words, if you're dealing with the environment, you have to start with Genesis 1 to 11.
If you don't start with Genesis 1 to 11, you'll get climate change all wrong. I mean, we had climate change last night here.
Of course, I realise there are more cows out in the fields. But you see, if you don't believe in Noah's flood, then you don't understand.
The flood greatly changed the climate and produced an ice age that greatly changed the climate and we're still in the ending phases of that.
And this is a fallen world and you're not going to be able to make a perfect climate in a fallen world. It's just not going to happen.
There are going to be hurricanes and tornadoes and floods and all sorts of things, but God gave us a promise, while the earth remains, sea time and harbours cold and heat, summer and winter day and night shall not cease.
Oh! John Kerry at the World Economic Forum was wrong. He said an elite group of people are going to save the planet.
Number one, they can't save the planet because God's going to judge it by fire. And God has already said, while it remains, it's going to remain.
Right? Anyway, that was a side issue. Sorry about that. Alright, let's go on here. So, I just want to make the point that when you start from Genesis 1 to 11, you develop the right way of thinking about everything.
It's the Christian worldview. When I was a teacher, I was told to teach the six kingdoms of life.
And two in particular, the animal kingdom and the plant kingdom. But you know one of the things I've recognised? You know, the more we look at what's happening in our culture and how younger generations have been indoctrinated, if you use the criterion made in the image of God, you'd have an extra kingdom.
The human kingdom. And because of where our culture is at, I think we need to stand back and say, hey, wait a minute.
Right now, they're being taught man's just a part of the animal kingdom. Even in most of our Christian schools, they teach that. You see, if you go across the river to the
Cincinnati Zoo, and you visit the ape exhibit, you'll find that they're telling you you visit your family.
And they have this sign that says, we are not, after all, the only beings with personalities, rational thought and emotions.
There is no sharp line dividing us from the chimps and other apes. We humans are a part of and not separate from the animal kingdom.
That's what the world is teaching generations of kids. Here's part of the animal kingdom. And by the way, no sharp line between us and the chimps.
Every zoo I've gone to has had a really sharp line. So, humans are different to animals.
We're made in the image of God. Now, fertilisation, you get DNA from the male, DNA from the female, and this is some of the animation from our
Fear from Wonderful Life we made exhibit at fertilisation, you then have all the information that builds a human being and the
Bible tells us we're made in the image of God. Because, you see, as the body is developed from the information in the
DNA, no new information is added. What does that mean? That means we're made in God's image right from fertilisation.
So abortion would be killing a human being right from fertilisation.
Now, God substantiates this. This has already been quoted today. Psalm 139.
You knitted me together in my mother's womb while my body was being put together.
I'm fearfully and wonderfully made. I saw my unformed substance. Even while the substance was unformed, your body wasn't formed, it was still you.
Still a human being. Made in the image of God. Now, Kamala Harris recently has been giving talks about the abortion issue but she's always on about women's rights as she puts it.
And this is a tweet she sent some time ago. The rights of women to make decisions about their own bodies is not negotiable.
The right of women to make decisions about their own bodies is their decision, it is their body. Number one, she's wrong scientifically.
Number two, she's wrong biblically. You see, a fertilised egg is not part of a woman's body.
I mean, if it's a male, it has a Y chromosome that didn't come from the woman. How could that be a part of her body?
Not only that, what is interesting is that, you know, if you have a kidney transplant, you have to take anti -rejection drugs because your body recognises it's foreign tissue.
A fertilised egg is recognised by a woman's body as foreign tissue to reject but God built an anti -rejection mechanism into the uterus so the individual, the body can develop.
Isn't that amazing? It really is. Now at the Creation Museum we have this wonderful, fearfully and wonderfully made exhibit and it's incredible and I encourage you to spend time in there and in this new exhibit that we just opened, we had a temporary one, we used what's called the
Pepper's Ghost technology. As you look at the 3D models, you'll actually see things happening.
For instance, when you look at the model of the egg, which is greatly magnified and we tell you how much, we have the big circle to say that, you will actually see the fertilisation of an egg.
It's an incredible technology that we use to show that happening and then,
I don't have the videos for you, just to show you the progression in the videos, you'll see 24 days of life and it'll tell you you're looking at heartbeat, even at 24 days of life, by the way.
So it goes on, you'll see the brain develop in this system and also the gastrointestinal system and so it goes on.
We have a wonderful book that I wanted to mention to you called Fearfully and Wonderfully Made that has all the teaching that's in that exhibit.
By the way, we just had a brand new book come out just a week ago by two of our staff members,
Dr. Georgia Purdom and Stacia Byers and it's for children. It's good for mums and dads too. Crafted by God.
These are incredible. I mean, you get those two books together, absolutely incredible stuff. No one's produced books like these, ever.
And then, what I said at the beginning about Genesis being the foundation and the worldview clash and so on,
I have a whole book dealing with that and I wanted to show you one other thing we have before I end here with a little special video clip and that is the
Fearfully and Wonderfully Made exhibit, we have it in a box so you can take it home. Why don't you pay for it?
But, what we have in here are lenticular photos, lenticular slides and what that means is we have the photographs of all the models in the exhibit.
They're 3D photos. As you move them around, you'll see three different positions and they're 3D photos.
We had someone who gave us the money to send those to a thousand pregnancy clinics and they said they've had incredible response because when you also have the ultrasounds and then show them this, it really helps them understand.
And of course, the whole reason we do that is to point people to the truth of God's Word and the saving gospel.
We as a ministry never divorce what we do from presenting God's Word in the gospel because otherwise, what's the point?
That's what it's all about. To finish with, I'm going to go two or three minutes over,
Jeff, but that's a lot less than you did. To finish with, we had an email just recently from a lady and let me read it to you.
She said, Hi, I just wanted to share my daughter's story with you to say thank you. Our family visited the Creation Museum in October 2022.
My 14 -year -old was profoundly touched by the fearfully and wonderfully made exhibit. There was a quote on the wall at the end from a girl with a heart defect whose parents chose life and she said,
I am not a defect. My daughter and I walked out in tears. She was born with three critical heart defects.
We have prayed since then that God would use it to his glory. When we walked out, she told me that she wants to be more involved in the pro -life movement.
She made it her New Year's resolution. Yesterday, she was asked to speak at the Minnesota Capitol.
She was asked to speak before the committee that was there, the House Committee, on a horrendous abortion bill that will make
Minnesota an abortion destination and legalize partial birth abortion among other things.
Now, she said the bill is expected to pass, but we are praying that her testimony softens hearts.
I want to share her speech that she wrote and thank you for your exhibit. That's what she looked like when she was born and here is this 14 -year -old
Abby and I'm going to play you her short speech before that committee in the
Minnesota House. I want you to hear it and I'll hand back over to Jeff who can come back here as we finish.
I'm just going to walk off the stage here so you can just concentrate on what she said because I think, you know, for a 14 -year -old, it's an incredible speech and so here it is.
Welcome to the committee. Please go ahead and state your name and then proceed with your testimony. Thank you. Thank you,
Mr. Chair and members. My name is Abby Hewitt and I'm here on behalf of myself. I'm 14 years old.
I was born with three critical congenital heart defects. I was rushed into surgery when
I was just five hours old. Doctors told my parents I only had a 40 % chance of making it through surgery.
This is what I looked like after my surgery. Doctors expected my recovery to take one to two months.
I was in the cardiac ICU for just 12 days. The doctors told my parents that I would be small, possibly have hearing and vision problems, learning disabilities and would not be able to play sports.
I am in the 86th percentile for my height and have perfect vision and hearing.
I'm a straight -A student. I love sports. I play basketball, AAU basketball, volleyball, off -season volleyball.
I run the 400 meter, which we all know is the hardest track event. I pull volts. I run the 100 and 200 meter dashes.
I think adults often focus on what medical doctors say and believe them to be 100 % accurate.
These are the things that medical doctors said about me, but here I stand healthy and thriving. Please don't forget about people like me.
In 2021, at least 183 babies just like me were aborted in Minnesota. We have the right to live.
I'm not a statistic or defined by my heart defect. I am not a defect.
My life verse is Psalm 139, 14. I will praise you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
This verse is super impactful to me because I am fearfully and wonderfully made, heart defects and all.
It's a great reminder every day that I was created on purpose for a purpose. Thank you for your time.
Thank you, Ms. Hewitt. Appreciate you being here today. Thank you,
Ken. So everybody, we have one more speaker I'm going to introduce you to.
It's Bradley Pierce. Then we're going to have Dennis Arfante come out. He's going to introduce you to the team on the ground here from Abolish Abortion Kentucky that we can all connect with.
They're going to let you know what's going on in the state of Kentucky over the next month. We have a rally at the Capitol on the 17th,
Clay. Is that correct? So there's a lot going on, a lot to participate in, a lot for us to get connected in.
Bradley Pierce is a constitutional attorney. This is one of my favorite things that happened in the last couple of years, actually.
Bradley Pierce is responsible for writing a lot of the legislation that's gone into states across the country for equal protection.
It's actually a lot of hard work to go into each state, into its code, and to get the legislation drafted just right.
Bradley loves Jesus. He is a constitutional attorney. He is faithful. He is consistent. One of my very favorite things that happened in the last year and a half was that Bradley wrote an amicus brief that we helped put together with a number of other organizations that went into the
Dobbs case. If you haven't seen it, I want to encourage you to see it. Bradley, where can they take a look at that?
FAA .life. FAA .life. It was an amicus brief, went into the Dobbs case that ultimately overturned
Roe v. Wade. I want you to see it in terms of how we should reason as Christians consistently and as Christians when that amicus brief opens, there's a table of contents and a table of authorities.
The first authority quoted from in that amicus brief is the Holy Bible with all the references to Scripture.
He argues from the position of the Word of God and then into the Constitution itself and argued ultimately for the overturning of Roe v.
Wade and the protection of all life from fertilization. That went into that case. We are so thankful to God that I was able to be on record in history in argument from Christians consistently from the
Word of God and through the Constitution itself. Bradley Pierce is actually responsible for helping to write the legislation that's in your state.
As soon as he's done, we're going to introduce you to Emily, your state representative, Emily. We want to pray for her together.
She's putting the legislation in. She'll be up soon. We'll introduce you to her. This is
Bradley Pierce. Bradley? I'm going to Mississippi.
Is everybody enjoying the lunch that they got to have?
I know I did. I'm an attorney. I'm sorry in advance.
I am a Christian. That more than makes up for it. Jesus also died for attorneys as well.
I'm so grateful for that. My grandfather always said, grandson, there's three people who aren't getting into heaven.
Attorneys, used car salesmen, and politicians. Actually, he was super proud of me whenever I became an attorney.
He stopped saying that. I work with the Foundation to Abolish Abortion. We're working to provide help, however we can, for equal protection.
Our mission is to exalt and vindicate the image of God by promoting sound public policy that provides equal protection under the law to all pre -born human beings.
You can check us out at FAA .life. Jeff mentioned the Dobbs case.
Many of us are aware. If you're not aware of this, where have you been? That the
Supreme Court last year overturned Roe v. Wade in the Dobbs decision.
We're grateful for that, of course. We submitted a brief that Jeff already mentioned that we were arguing for the overturning of Roe v.
Wade. We were also, though, in addition to that, we were arguing for the court to do what the
Constitution said. Unfortunately, the state of Mississippi that was arguing in that case, and some of the justices in the oral arguments, they kept talking about the
Constitution as if it were neutral. As if the Constitution were neutral about the subject of life and protecting human life, but as I'll talk about here in a little while, it's certainly not.
We were arguing that the court should not only overturn Roe v. Wade, but that they should go further and find under the 14th
Amendment that a fetus is a person, and therefore they're entitled to equal protection, because the 14th
Amendment of the U .S. Constitution, again, this is not neutral. It says no state shall deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
Does that sound neutral on the subject of protecting human life? Not at all. It requires equal protection.
The current law here in Kentucky is two of the most recent laws, two of the most significant laws recently are called the
Human Life Protection Act, also referred to as Kentucky's Trigger Bill and Kentucky's Heartbeat Bill, and this is a quote from the
Kentucky Supreme Court from last year describing these two bills, and they say that these two bills combined together effectively outlaw abortion in the state of Kentucky.
Unfortunately, that's not true, but they go on from the
Kentucky Supreme Court, says neither law contains an exception for victims of the crime of rape or incest to obtain an abortion if they become pregnant.
So, the issue with this, though, is that they do provide for an exception.
They provide for the largest exception, the largest loophole of all, and that is what's called self -managed abortion, or self -induced abortion, or mother -induced abortion.
As you know, being here in this state, there was an amendment on the ballot this past November to add this into the
Kentucky Constitution, and then it said, to protect human life, nothing in this Constitution shall be construed to secure or protect a right to abortion or require the funding of abortion.
As you're also well aware, that amendment failed on the ballot with a vote of 52, a little over 52 percent against.
So, that's kind of the current state of affairs from a legal perspective or a political perspective in the state of Kentucky.
Going a little further and looking at Kentucky law, as I mentioned, the trigger bill says it effectively outlaws abortion, as the
Kentucky Supreme Court said, except for what you read right here.
That is, nothing in this section may be construed to subject the pregnant mother upon whom any abortion is performed or attempted to any criminal conviction and penalty.
You've already heard why that's a problem. It's a problem biblically, because we're now showing partiality, we're now giving a government license to kill to mothers, and if you do that and you say that this will always be the case, then you will never abolish abortion, because it will always be legal for mothers to cause the death of their own children.
This language is also in the heartbeat bill. There's also law in Kentucky that says a person is guilty of fetal homicide in the first degree when, with intent to cause the death of an unborn child, he causes the death of an unborn child.
If you intend to kill an unborn baby, and you do kill an unborn baby, that's feticide in the state of Kentucky.
That's a capital offense in the state of Kentucky. But, nothing in this chapter shall apply to any acts of a pregnant woman that cause the death of her unborn child.
Again, this isn't just something that we're inventing. This is literally what the pro -life bills are writing into the law explicitly allowing for mothers to cause the death of their own children, because they say there's zero legal liability, either criminal or civil.
This was already happening more and more, but now with the Dobbs decision, now people are going more and more to get abortion pills, what a lot of the abortion industry calls
Plan C. Plan C pills. And now,
I'm going to show you a 30 second video from, this video was created by a pro - abortion organization just to encourage women to get pills to kill their babies, even after the
Dobbs decision. That's from an organization that exists to help mothers abort their own children.
And mothers can visit that website and go through the process of getting those pills.
They can either order them internationally or they can order from other states and get them shipped to states that allow for abortion and then forward it on and guess what?
Totally legal in Kentucky. Totally legal. Not just because the law is silent about it, but because the law expressly allows for it.
So Roe vs. Wade is dead, but abortion in the state of Kentucky is alive and well, and babies are still dying.
The New York Times has according to their calculations the rise in self -induced abortion, self -managed abortion through these kind of pills has overtaken or almost overtaken the lives that have been saved as a result of these kind of trigger bills or pre -war laws going into effect after Dobbs.
The New York Times said, quote, as states banned or restricted abortion this summer, this last summer, the number of American women ordering abortion pills from overseas jumped significantly enough to offset most of the drop in legal abortions.
They believe that the number of abortions nationwide because of mothers doing abortion tourism in other states and ordering these pills, since Dobbs they believe that nationwide abortion numbers have dropped by 2%.
2%. So a lot of us are like oh, Roe vs. Wade is gone so abortion must be gone too.
But it's not. It's not gone at all. It's just now the
Supreme Court's just washed their hands of it and said okay, now it's your problem.
So the bills that we've helped to prepare for Kentucky, it takes our homicide code here in the state of Kentucky and it just says, hey, you know what?
We don't need to create new laws. We don't even need new laws. We don't need trigger bills.
We don't need heartbeat bills. We don't need dismemberment bills. We don't need partial birth abortion bills.
We already have laws that say it's illegal to murder people. We already have those.
It's called homicide. Why don't we just take the law that already exists to protect all of our lives once we survive till birth, just take that same law and protect people before they're born with the same law.
It's nothing novel. Again, it's what the Constitution says. No state should deny to any person the equal protection of the laws.
Well, the pro -life movement has said for 50 years now and beyond a fetus is a person and we should say that.
Then let's treat them like persons. Let's treat them like persons. And that's what this bill does.
Now this bill also says that enforcement is subject to the same presumptions, defenses, justifications, laws of parties, immunities, and clemencies as would apply to the homicide of a person who had been born alive.
And this is just kind of general language. The bill hasn't actually been filed but this is generally what's in these kind of things.
And again, it's because yeah, again, we're not changing, we're not creating a new law. Yeah, guess what?
There's a presumption of innocence. The defendant is presumed innocent until proven guilty in the court of law.
There's defenses like for duress, a mother who's been forced into an abortion. Of course she's not a criminal.
Or a mistake of fact, a mother who doesn't know what she's doing, also not a criminal. You have to have intent to know what you're doing.
You know, life -threatening medical situations. Laws of parties. What that means is that it's not just about mothers.
The bill isn't even just about mothers. It doesn't even single out mothers. It's the pro -life bills like we just read that single out the mother.
Single out the mother for legal immunity and a license to kill and then single out the baby to be the one class of human beings that another class of human beings has a right to kill them with zero legal consequences.
So no, we're not about singling anyone out. Anyone involved. Here's something that a lot of people aren't aware of.
Because abortion is not homicide in the state of Kentucky, because it's legal for mothers to do it.
Guess what? It's also legal for other people, friends, family, parents, boyfriends, and others.
It's also legal for them to pressure women into abortions. Now, not to the point of threatening life or limb.
That's illegal. But they can pressure women into abortions. They can pressure them by saying, hey,
I'm going to break up with you. I'm going to kick you out of the house. I'm going to cut off finances and things like that. And guess what?
That's all legal in Kentucky because it's legal for her to do the abortion.
So it's not illegal to encourage her to do the abortion or to pressure her to do the abortion. Again, up to a point.
Well, guess what happens when you make it homicide? It's not only protecting the baby, it's now illegal to pressure women into abortions.
As it should be. Right? It's already illegal to pressure someone to murder another born human being.
That's illegal. It's even illegal to just encourage someone to murder another born human being.
Well, it should be illegal to pressure or encourage someone to do that to someone before they're born as well. To protect not only the baby, but also to protect mothers from that kind of pressure when that pressure does come.
And again, some people say, oh, you want to criminalize women. Again, no. This bill wouldn't make a criminal of anybody.
All this bill does is provide equal protection of the laws. We have another system that actually says who is and who is not a criminal.
That's called our justice system. We're talking about the legislative branch when we're talking about passing bills and making laws.
Then we have the executive branch when it comes to enforcing those laws. And in that justice system, there's a lot of different people involved in that.
And this is called due process to as best as we can, although it could be better, of course, as best as we can make sure that we don't unlawfully convict people.
It still happens. There could be improvements to this. But this is the justice system that protects all of our lives. It should be the justice system that protects the lives of people before they're born.
And in that justice system, we start with someone has to make a report. Someone has to make a report.
Hey, I have a suspicion that somebody has committed a crime. Then law enforcement then investigates that report and determines is there anything to this?
Is there a probable cause to believe that a crime has been or is being committed? Then if law enforcement believes that there is, then they can go to a justice of the peace, and they can get a warrant to investigate further, search and seize evidence, and arrest.
But again, in order to get that kind of evidence, you've got to have probable cause. And I know this is a little bit, well,
I'm kind of getting deep into the weeds here, but I think it's important that you understand in order to convict someone, it is deep into the weeds.
The bill doesn't just, oh, everyone has an abortion. You're automatically, no. There's no automatic anything.
So then the prosecutor, once law enforcement has done their investigation, the prosecutor has to decide, well, do
I want to charge this person? Do I want to charge this mother or not? What do I charge them with?
They don't have to charge them with murder. They could charge them with something lesser. They could charge them with something all the way extremely low, something that just requires community service.
Prosecutors have a broad range of discretion called prosecutorial discretion to decide what they want to charge somebody with.
Then they decide what they want to charge them with. Then, if it's a felony, then they go to a grand jury.
They've got to convince a grand jury to indict this person. Then they have to go to a judge. Judge makes sure, okay, has the law been followed so far?
Okay, great. We're moving on to a trial. Now we have a trial jury decides what to convict, whether to convict, and the state has to prove it beyond a reasonable doubt.
The defendant has an attorney provided to them. They have the right to remain silent. They don't have to say anything. They don't have to prove anything.
But the state has to prove its burden beyond a reasonable doubt. If they prove that, if the jury decides to convict, what do they convict of, and then what are the sentencing phase?
They get to hear all the sympathetic mitigating evidence and aggravating evidence. Then it moves on from there to appeals, and then another appeal, and then another appeal, another appeal, another appeal, if we're talking about murder here.
Then finally, at the very end, in Kentucky, the governor actually has the authority to commute or reduce a sentence or to pardon someone, even if they are go through this whole system and they are convicted and have a sentence.
Before that sentence is imposed, they can be pardoned. I know that's a lot, but I think it's helpful that we understand when people act like, well, this bill's going to send mothers to jail.
No, this bill's just going to say the law applies equally to everybody, born or unborn. Then the justice system figures out what's just in each individual situation.
Guess what? That justice system has to be nearly unanimous in order to impose any sentence on anyone.
Whenever people act like, oh, you pass this bill, and all these people are, no. It's not retroactive.
No one's saying go backwards for 50 years. That's ridiculous. That would be unjust, unconstitutional. That would be wrong.
No one's saying that. Everyone would have noticed that this is now illegal. They would have the opportunity to conform their actions to the law.
That's the whole purpose of this. That's the primary purpose of the law, is to deter people from ever breaking it in the first place and aborting their children, to take away that choice that right now, even the pro -life bills, the pro -life laws in this state, allow for a choice for the mother, explicitly.
We want to take that away. Yes, it should be illegal to murder a human being. If I'm a bigot for saying that, then so was every other civilized society in history.
It should be illegal to murder human beings. I've actually already run through a lot of the frequently asked questions that come up here.
This is what the U .S. Constitution says. No state shall deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
God's word is clear. God says, do not show partiality in judgment. Do not honor the mighty.
That's what abortion is in our country. A lot of it isn't about anymore whether it's human life or not.
A lot of the debate's kind of moved on. It's like, okay, yeah, sure. Yeah, you win. It is a human life, but mother's rights and wishes trumped the baby's right to life.
That's kind of where a lot of the abortion movement has moved on. It's kind of a might makes right argument now.
God says, do not honor the person of the mighty that is in judgment. Judgment's supposed to be blind.
You don't say, oh, well, this person's weak, but this person's powerful, so I'm going to go with them. Or this person's poor or this person's rich or this person's beautiful or this person's not so much.
This is a man. This is a woman. This is this race. This is this skin color. No. God says, do not show partiality in judgment, and guess what?
That's also what our U .S. Constitution says. There's no state shall deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
Unfortunately, even before Roe versus Wade, states were denying equal protection of the laws. There were two states being considered in Roe versus Wade.
In the actual Roe versus Wade was about a Texas statute. Even at that time, it said mothers were immune from any kind of prosecution.
The Supreme Court actually had something to say about that, because the state of Texas was there arguing, saying, hey, a fetus is a person.
They should be entitled to the equal protection of the laws, just like every other person. The Supreme Court said, hey, not so fast.
Actions speak louder than words. This is what the Supreme Court said. They said, there are inconsistencies between 14th
Amendment status and the typical abortion statute. If the fetus is a person, why is the woman not a principal or an accomplice?
Why is she not subject to the law? Why is she not a potential criminal?
If the fetus is a person, may the penalties be different, was also what the Supreme Court said. In Texas at that time, for murdering a born person, it was life up to capital offense.
For an abortion, it was only two to five years. If a fetus is a person, why do you have completely different justice?
Mothers have an absolute right to take their life, and then even the abortion doctors, it's only two to five years, but if they do it to a born person, it's life or capital punishment.
You say that a fetus is a person, so therefore they're entitled to equal protection, but your own laws don't treat them like they're a person.
If you're not going to treat them like a person, we're not going to treat them like a person, and that's how we got
Roe versus Wade 50 years ago. Well, we need to have our actions be consistent with our witness, with our words, and we need to provide them the equal protection of the laws.
We have some handouts that hopefully you've gotten. If you haven't, you can stop by the table in the back. One about biblical principles on equal protection of the laws.
I encourage you to check these out, because again, as Mr. Hamm said, God's Word is our foundation, and so we have to be building our worldview and our policies based on God's Word, and I think you'll find, again,
I don't know how many Scripture references there are here, well over 100, or right around there at least.
I encourage you to go read these passages for yourself. Become firmly convinced in your own mind.
Be a Berean. Go look at this, and I think you'll find what I found, and that is Scripture opposes partiality and judgment and promotes equal protection of the laws, and protecting every unborn child the same way that our lives are protected.
That's love. Love your neighbor as yourself. What laws protect your life? Protect their lives with the same one. Golden rule, do unto others as you would have done unto you.
What do you want done unto you? You want to be legal for someone to murder you? No. No. We shouldn't want that for others as well.
We also have another postcard that's really helpful. It's very quick about equal protection. Also, if you haven't gotten that, in the back as well.
And really, what this all comes down to, and that is that this bill is all about equal protection.
And equal protection simply means that the same laws that protect these people, the same laws that protect this person, should protect these people.
These people that you'll see in the life exhibit out here. These people who are people made in the image of God from the moment of fertilization.
Equal protection simply means protect their lives with the same laws that protect our lives.
It's biblical. It's constitutional. We should do it. Thank you. Thank you,
Bradley. So, we're wrapping up here. We're going to have our last speaker quickly introduce the teams we're working with here in the state of Kentucky, and also your representative that is putting the legislation in.
I want to remind you again, inabortionnow .com slash KY is where you go. Pastors, we got your information, hopefully, as you came in.
We'll be able to communicate with you, and communicate together as churches and as ministries, as pastors, to speak the truth of the gospel into the state of Kentucky in this area.
I was told by one legislator in the room, one of the most effective things that you can do that actually is a lot less work is when you go to inabortionnow .com
slash KY, find the legislator that's actually in your district and make a phone call.
Just make a phone call to that legislator in your district. That's going to be the most effective thing that you can do.
And so, this will be the last time I really speak to you. I want you to know that I'm praying for you. I'm praying for your state.
I'm praying for Emily. We're praying and trusting the Lord to give us victory in this area. I believe with all my heart that if the church rises up with the truth on our lips and the gospel, that we will win this.
We will establish justice for the pre -born, but it's going to take the church to do it without compromise with the truth.
We believe that, right? God changes the world through the gospel and the truth. His word. That's how he does it.
And so, I say, let's get back to that. Let's conquer this in Jesus' name. I know with His Lordship over this fight, there's going to be justice.
With all my heart, I believe that. And so, it's going to take the church to do it. So, I want to invite you, brothers, pastors, speaking to you specifically, to put your hands in our hands, and let's do this for the glory of Jesus Christ.
That's what we're doing. So, I'm going to introduce you now to Dennis Arfate. He is one of my closest friends, a man that I trust and love.
He's a member of Apologia Church. He's a famous baseball player, pitcher, and when he throws a ball, it actually terrifies me.
I didn't know balls actually scream, and they do when they come from his hand. But he's dedicated his life now to justice for the pre -born, and so Dennis is with Action for Life.
He's going to come up, give you some final words, introduce you to Emily and Abolish Abortion Kentucky, and then we're going to wrap up for today.
So, Dennis? Well, you guys are almost done, but I'll take a few minutes of your time.
Like Jeff said, before I was a lobbyist, I know it's a really strong word. A lot of you are probably tired of hearing it.
You always hear about the bad side of lobbying. Well, I actually do this to end abortion. I was a professional baseball player for 21 years.
That's almost as bad as being a lobbyist these days. But my story doesn't start then.
It actually starts in 1982. My wife was conceived at a bus stop in a one -night stand in Tucson, Arizona.
We consider Tucson the armpit of Arizona. If you're from there, I apologize now. So, my wife was conceived.
Her mom was 19 years old, had a choice to make. She made the right choice. Her parents that adopted her were not
Christians. They were just a couple that couldn't have their own child. Went to the clinic, met with the mom, and decided that they would adopt her.
Going into her high school years, God saves Jada. God then uses
Jada to save her parents. Her dad becomes a pastor, and now Dennis comes into the picture, and I am far from Christ.
I'm not a believer yet. I actually got saved in Japan. I finished my career in Japan in 2021, but it started in 2011, and God saved me in 2011.
I always say God used my wife and her dad, who would constantly pray with me and pray at meals.
I would look around and be like, is this for real? Is this guy really praying? Everyone's watching us.
I could play in front of 45 ,000 people, but when people start looking at me while he's praying,
I'm nervous. God finally gets a hold of me, rescues me from my sin, and now we're doing this as a family, as a couple.
We know it comes with a lot of backlash. I am unapologetically a pro -life abolitionist.
I believe that this is an evil that this country has let go on for way too long. This is a movement that has to start with you guys.
I'm not going to sit here and ask you for money. It's going to take money. It always does, but I'm not asking for money.
I don't want your money. What I need is you to go back and get your congregation, the people that go to your church.
Here's the biggest thing you can do. I can have you go on to endabortionnow .com, click on Kentucky.
I know Jeff said this already. Scroll down, sign the petition, pass it along to your churches, and spread the word that way.
I know we have brothers here on the ground with Abolish Abortion Kentucky, and I'm going to bring them up here in a minute.
We have Clay and Wesley and Tanner. They're going to be your point of contact here in Kentucky. They're working closely with Representative Calloway, and I want to bring her up here after, too, so they can pray over her.
This is a fight worth having. I read today 4 ,400 babies were killed in 2021.
I didn't see last year's. That's only what's being labeled at abortion clinics, let alone the pill and what's being taken in the mail.
This is your state. I don't live here. I live in Arizona. We have our own fight, but we are going to do everything we can with our resources to pour into this state to help you guys out.
We are fighting an evil. I have three older daughters. I have a nine -month -old son, and being a baseball player and a baseball dad, it was a cool job until I got to tell my girls a couple years back after I retired that I actually, and I stole this from Paul Washer, so you can go ahead.
I'll put that out there. I slay dragons for a living. I take pleasure in it. I'm not apologizing for it.
I want to take down the beast. I believe that this is the modern -day beast is abortion. I believe we've let it go on way too long.
I'm not going to take up too much of your time. You guys have listened to some amazing guys speak before me. I love them dearly.
This will be on recording so you guys can go back, share it, watch it again. It never gets old when
Mr. Hamm put that little girl in the speak in front of the Congress. I'm so glad I didn't follow next because I was back there weeping for a couple minutes.
This is a fight worth fighting. Amen? This is a fight for the church. We've let it go on for way too long and we've got to stop it.
Without further ado, let me call up Clay, Wesley, and Tanner. As they're coming up here, they are doing a rally in Frankfurt on the
Capitol lawn on February 17th. That's a Friday at 10 a .m. We would love it for all of you to be able to come there, support.
I also want to bring up Representative Calloway and her husband, Chris. You guys,
I've been doing this across other states. The amount of pressure that Representative Calloway and her husband are going to be faced with is a tremendous amount of pressure.
These people, they don't hold back. They're going to be attacked spiritually. They're going to be attacked from people that they would consider their friends in the legislation.
I want you to please be praying, not even just today, but continuously over the next few weeks, few months, and also pray for anyone who would else sign onto the bill, other representatives that are going to be signing on in favor of it.
Thank you so much for coming. I'm humbled by this show. It's amazing.
I thank God for this and this day. I'm going to turn it over to the guys at Abolish Abortion Tech, sorry,
Kentucky, and we'll let them take it from here. Before Emily speaks, let's pray for her.
Our Father and our God, this is your fight. We are not big enough for this task.
This is Satan's playground. In our own strength, we are not sufficient to slay this dragon.
Father, here's one of your servants, our sister, Emily Calloway, her husband.
God, you have called them to be on the front lines. Father, we know that's dangerous territory.
We know that she is already under attack. She's already in the crosshairs.
So, Father, I pray that you would protect her and her family. I pray, Father, that she would feel supported by your
Holy Spirit, that you would show over and over again your providence, your sovereignty, your power, and your might.
Lord, that she would walk in the way that you have called her to go, not deviate to the right or to the left.
And, Father, I pray that when she is tired, that you would encourage her through your church.
Lord, that she would know that she is not fighting alone, that her arms would be held up just as Moses's were during the battle.
And, God, I pray that she would receive encouragement from those who would speak truth to her, to bolster her spirits.
Father, I pray that she would recognize that just as Esther was spoken to by her uncle Mordecai, that she has been brought to the legislature for such a time as this.
And, God, that she would just strive to be faithful, to do what you have called her to do as your servant.
So, Lord, I pray that you would use Emily and speak to your church.
Awake the sleeping giant of the church in our state and across our land. May we no longer slumber.
In Jesus' name. Amen. Thank you for that very much.
Thank you all for your time today. Thank you for coming out and hearing some truth. And my prayer is that you will go back with conviction and with confidence, with courage.
Know that God is preparing the hearts of your flock. Know that God is preparing the hearts of the community.
And just as, you know, I'm new, fairly new to the movement, I'm fairly new to politics, but none of this is new to God.
It's in his hands and we have to trust that. There's going to be a lot of battles.
It won't come easy. Lean on your brothers and sisters. As pastors, sometimes that's hard.
I've seen it in my own past with pastors. It's difficult.
But we, your flock, want to come alongside you and encourage you.
So lean into that. Come alongside your community resource centers.
They are hurting. They need us. We're called to serve them.
I encourage you, find one. We are recently at my church, we've gone through,
I have the curriculum, I haven't myself been through it, but there's a group that has been through how to witness, how to love with grace and truth women who are in horrendous situations.
Come alongside them. Thank you all so much for your encouragement and your time today and your prayer going forward.
And know that I will be praying for you all as well. My name is
Wesley Russell. I'm the pastor at Emmanuel Baptist Church in Pikeville, one of the three amigos of Abolish Abortion Kentucky.
I say that jokingly because there's dozens of you all in the room who we count as faithful brothers and sisters who are part of Abolish Abortion Kentucky.
We have a few things coming up over the next few weeks and months that's going to help out
Emily greatly as far as rallies and information meetings and things like that.
The big one that we need you and we need your church at is February 17th at 10 a .m.
on which lawn? The south lawn of our state capitol in Frankfurt. So that's the south lawn of the capitol on February 17th at 10 a .m.
We need you and your church and anybody you know to come to the capitol to rally with us.
We are not going to charge the building or anything like that. We're going to sing some hymns.
We're going to hear the word preached. We're going to make sure that Kentucky's voice is heard.
That the flock of God is heard. That we stand for the equal value of the pre -born.
That they deserve equal justice and they deserve equal protection. So that's on February 17th at 10 a .m.
Please come. You can ask Emily in your spare time. This will make a massive difference.
As they're walking in to their meetings, they will see you. They will hear us and they will know that this is something that not only we want, but this is something that God commands.
A few other things that are coming up are our regional information meeting.
Raise your hand if you know a pastor, elder, deacon, church member who wanted to be here today but are bivocational, had to work, just couldn't make it here.
I know several. So on February 3rd and February 10th right now, we're working on more.
We're going to do something very similar to this at churches across the bluegrass. We're calling them our regional information meeting.
So if there's someone that you know who wanted to be here, who couldn't be here, we're doing these multiple times.
February 3rd from 6 to 8, that's Eastern time. That'll be at First Baptist Church in Hindman, Kentucky.
That's in Eastern Kentucky. So that'll be our Eastern region informational meeting. The second one right now is on February the 10th.
On February the 10th, we will be at New Hope Baptist Church, which is in Moreland, Kentucky, which is a community in Stanford.
It's on the Lincoln County, Boyle County line. So if you're there in Central, Southern Kentucky, please come to that.
That's on February 10th at 6 to 8 at New Hope Baptist Church. We have two more in the works up in Northern Kentucky and one more in Western Kentucky.
The way that you all can know about this, stay in the loop, and the way that you'll help us out and just everyone fighting to abolish abortion is not only going to endabortionnow .com
forward slash ky, but also going to our website for Abolish Abortion Kentucky, which is abolishabortionky .com
Abolishabortionky .org They're both ours, but go to the org one.
Go to the org one. On there, you can find the petition, you can find all of EAN's information, you can find multiple resources on how to become equipped, and the body of Christ can be edified to fight this fight and to abolish abortion.
Guys, that's all I have. I'll turn it back over to Jeff. Praise be to God that we were able to get this many pastors, deacons, elders, and church members here.
We need more. We like to say at Abolish Abortion Kentucky, this is a God -sized task.
We do not have the energy within us and of ourselves to do this, but God does.
Thank you, guys. Thank you, brother. Final word of encouragement to you.
This room is filled with pastors right now, and there's pastors watching the live stream at Apologia Studios on YouTube.
Others will see this later. Just a word of encouragement, brothers. I told you in my opportunity to speak to you that when we started this, we were a very small church.
We couldn't make ends meet. Honestly, we were starving. It was hard. We had just a very small church of a bunch of ex -drug addicts.
We were known in Phoenix as That Drug Church. It's true. I can't tell you how many times
I heard that, oh, you're That Drug Church, because that's what we were. Everyone's a bunch of ex -drug addicts, and it was awesome.
We didn't have any resources. We didn't have any money to speak of. Honestly, we were starving. We didn't know if we were actually even going to be able to make it to provide for everyone's needs, even our own needs.
That's just the truth. When we started this ministry, we were one local church in the desert in Phoenix.
Everything that's happened across the country and around the world through the faithfulness of the body of Christ at Apologia Church happened in a nothing little church that was called
That Drug Church with no money to speak of. All the churches that have been raised up around the world, the tens of thousands of lives, the bills that we've been able to put in across the country happened from one church.
One local church and the faithfulness of those believers there. Everything that happened in Louisiana last year,
I can tell you the truth. Yes, there were pastors in Louisiana that supported that bill, but almost nobody showed up.
Pastor Brian Gunter and his faithfulness as one pastor, as a southern preacher in Louisiana, one church, one pastor, that's what got that bill in, got it past the hearing stage and caused all that trouble.
The controversy that erupted there was from a small handful of people working.
So if you think that your work is insignificant and what could you do as a bluegrass preacher, is that the right word?
There you go, okay. In a little nothing little church, welcome to the fight. God loves to have victories in history, we know that brothers.
Demonstrating that it's his power that does it because he likes to whittle the armies down to nothing so that everybody knows that it was him that did it.
I'm not a motivational speaker, I'm a pastor. You know that's what the word teaches and so I want to encourage you to be the
Brian Gunter in Kentucky. Rise up with us, we want to work together with you, so please, endabortionnow .com
KY, you can go to Abolish Abortion Kentucky, we're going to work together, stay connected and preach the gospel message in the midst of this.
Let's pray together, Father. Actually no, let's stand up. Hold on now. Let's do the doxology, that's the way to end this.
Do you guys do the doxology in Kentucky? Has that made it here yet? Okay, let's do it together.
Oh, you've got to raise your hands now. We can pretend we're Pentecostal for a minute, right? Praise God from whom all blessings flow.
Praise Him, all creatures here below.
Praise Him above ye heavenly hosts.
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost.