What was the star of Bethlehem? | GotQuestions.org


What exactly did the magi / the three wise men see and follow to find Jesus in Bethlehem? Was it an actual star, or something else altogether? In this video, Pastor Nelson answers the question: What was the star of Bethlehem? *** Source Article: https://www.gotquestions.org/star-of-Bethlehem.html *** Check out, Bible Munch! @BibleMunch https://www.youtube.com/BibleMunch *** Recent Bible Munch Videos: Philippians 4:13 - What this misused verse really means. https://youtu.be/6DlZAWOvSDU Philippians 4:6 - Learn How to be Anxious for Nothing. https://youtu.be/jFDJatpmnds Psalm 1:1-6 - The Actual Prosperity Gospel https://youtu.be/5NSUio3INOI *** Recommended Resource: The Case for Christmas: A Journalist Investigates the Identity of the Child in the Manger By: Lee Strobel https://bit.ly/3P8vMcw *** Related Questions: Should Christians celebrate Christmas? https://www.gotquestions.org/Christian-Christmas.html Was Jesus born on December 25? Is December 25 Jesus’ birthday? https://www.gotquestions.org/December-25.html Why was Jesus born in a manger? https://www.gotquestions.org/Jesus-manger.html Intro/Outro Music: https://www.purple-planet.com Note: Some links may be affiliate links, which cost you nothing, but help us share the word of God.


Today's question is, what was the Star of Bethlehem? In this video I'll answer that question from a biblical perspective.
Then afterwards, as always, I'll share some helpful resources, so stick around until the end.
The Star of Bethlehem is associated with the birth of Christ and the visit of the magi, or wise men, as recorded in Matthew 2 verses 1 -12.
The text implies the Star of Bethlehem appeared only to the magi in the east, most likely the area of Persia or modern -day
Iran. There is no biblical record of anyone else observing the Star of Bethlehem. The magi in the east saw something in the heavens, the
Star of Bethlehem, that alerted them to the fact that the Jewish Messiah was born.
The magi do not call the Star of Bethlehem by that name. In Matthew 2, verse 2, they refer to it as being
His star, since it was a sign to them that a king was born. The star prompted the magi to travel to Jerusalem, the capital of Israel.
This would be the logical place to start looking for the birth of the king of the Jews for someone who did not know of Micah's prophecy about Bethlehem.
In Jerusalem, the magi visited King Herod and were told that the new king they were looking for would be born in Bethlehem, not
Jerusalem, Matthew 2, verse 5. The wise men left Herod's palace, and the
Star of Bethlehem appeared to them once again. In fact, the star went ahead of them until it stopped over the place where the child was.
When they saw the star, they were overjoyed, Matthew 2, verses 9 -10. The Star of Bethlehem, apparently mobile, led the magi to the precise place where they could find
Jesus. Modern portrayals of the Christmas nativity scene usually show the wise men visiting
Jesus on the night of His birth. That is likely not what truly occurred. King Herod discovered from the magi the exact time the
Star of Bethlehem had first appeared to them, Matthew 2, verse 7, and he later ordered all male children, two years old and under in Bethlehem, to be killed, verse 16.
Herod obviously thought the Star of Bethlehem had first appeared when Christ was born. If he was right, then
Jesus could have been up to two years old when the Star of Bethlehem later guided the magi through the streets of Bethlehem.
The Greek word translated young child in Matthew 2, verse 9, can mean anything from a newborn infant to a toddler.
So, the magi may have first observed the Star of Bethlehem the night of Jesus' birth, or they may have first seen it up to two years beforehand.
Either way, they found Jesus still in Bethlehem when they arrived. Joseph and Mary almost surely stayed in Bethlehem until Mary could travel again.
In fact, they probably stayed there for the forty days necessary to complete Mary's purification. From Bethlehem, they could easily make the five -mile trip to Jerusalem for the sacrifice for Mary's purification,
Luke 2, verse 22. The fact that the magi came to a house in Matthew 2, verse 11, rather than the stable, makes sense because Joseph naturally would have moved his family to a more protected place as soon as possible—the morning after Jesus was born, in all probability.
After seeing the Star of Bethlehem, the magi traveled to Jerusalem to look for the Messiah. The question arises, how would
Persian magi know about the Jewish Messiah? Undoubtedly, they would have been exposed to the writings of the
Jewish prophet Daniel, who had been the chief of the court of Sears in Persia. Daniel 9, verses 24 -27, is a prophecy that gives the timeline for the birth of the
Messiah. Also, they may have been aware of the words of the pagan prophet Balaam, who was from the town of Pithor on the
Euphrates River near Persia, in Numbers 24, verse 17. Balaam's prophecy specifically mentions a star and a scepter rising out of Jacob.
What exactly was the Star of Bethlehem? The Greek word translated star in the text is the word aster, which is the normal word for a star or celestial body.
The word is used 24 times in the New Testament, and most of the time it refers to celestial bodies.
It can be used to denote angels, as in Revelation 12, verse 4, where aster seems to refer to the fallen angels who followed
Satan's rebellion. Basic rules of biblical interpretation state that we should take the normal sense of a word unless there is compelling evidence to suggest otherwise.
In that case, the Star of Bethlehem should be considered an actual heavenly body. However, there is evidence to suggest that the
Star of Bethlehem was not a natural stellar phenomenon, but something unexplained by science. First, the fact that the
Star of Bethlehem seemed to appear only to the Magi, indicates that this was no ordinary star.
Also, celestial bodies normally move from east to west due to the earth's rotation, yet the
Star of Bethlehem led the Magi from Jerusalem south to Bethlehem. Not only that, but it led them directly to the place where Joseph and Mary were staying, stopping overhead.
There is no natural stellar phenomenon that can do that. So, if the normal usage of the word star doesn't fit the context, what does?
The Star of Bethlehem in Matthew 2, verses 1 -12, was likely an angel or a manifestation of the
Shekinah glory. The Shekinah, which literally means dwelling of God, was the visible presence of the
Lord. Prior to this, the most notable appearance of the Shekinah was the pillar of cloud that led the
Israelites by day and the pillar of fire that led them by night, in Exodus 13, verse 21.
The Shekinah can obviously lead people to specific locations, and it was seen later in connection with Christ's ministry, for example,
Matthew 17, verse 5. Either an angel or the Shekinah would fit the evidence.
It shouldn't surprise us that God would use a miraculous sign to signal the advent of His Son into the world.
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