Debunking The Holy Ghost Movie


In this episode of Fighting for the Faith, Chris Rosebrough debunks the false miracles and false doctrine in movie, Holy Ghost.


It's time another edition of fighting for the faith
Thursday, September 11, 2014 Heads up.
We're gonna be doing kind of a special episode today Which means we're only gonna be talking about one thing.
It's not really a light topic But there will be no sermon review today
Thank you for tuning in.
You're listening to fighting for the faith. My name is Chris Rose, bro I am your servant in Jesus Christ And this is the program that dishes up a daily dose of biblical discernment the goal of which
Help you to think biblically help you to think critically and help you compare what people are saying in the name of God to the
Word of God and well sadly There is no shortage of crazy things being said out there all in the name of Jesus all in the name of God and weird
Stuff being done in the name of Jesus and in the name of God that just doesn't square with Scripture case in point is the the new movie that is
Soon to be released kind of like broad releases the movie called Holy Ghost this is put out by Wanderlust and is making the rounds and kind of the charismatic and Pentecostal movements and Churches that are into the so -called gifts of the
Spirit and things like that and unfortunately having watched this thing Taken copious notes and even taken the time to actually
Get some good sound from the the premiere that happened over at Bethel over the weekend
I can tell you definitively what is there in the movie?
Holy Ghost isn't from the Holy Ghost. I think as Christians it's important for us to speak the truth and to not not engage in trickery and scamming type of things in order to manipulate people all in the name of God the ends never
Justify the means and as you're going to find out the so -called miraculous things that are documented in the movie
Holy Ghost Well, they're far from miraculous. In fact two things in particular we'll take a look at during today's episode of fighting for the faith as well as kind of the theological stuff, but The the so -called, you know cold miracles, you know, the guys wandering the streets performing miracles in the
Holy Ghost movie Well, we can just chalk that up to a particular technique. It's a well -known technique easily debunked if you know what you're looking for It's called the technique of cold reading.
Yeah, that's what that is and we'll explain what cold reading is We'll give you examples of people who claim to be psychics and they're you know how they do quote -unquote cold reading see understand how the technique is used and then we'll show you from the
Holy Ghost movie that the same exact false technique used by Psychics and fortune -tellers and stuff like that was used by some of the guys out doing street ministry during the
Holy Ghost movie We'll also take a look at the so -called miracle of leg You know of pulling one leg out a leg healing, you know, you got one leg that's shorter than the other we'll take a look at that technique as well as some of the
Bad theological statements made in the movie Holy Ghost. So this episode of fighting for the faith
I have no clue how long it's gonna be. I I just don't know but from time to time we think it's important That we put an episode out that deals with a singular topic
So the people don't have to kind of sift through different segments But you have one thing that you can pass on to friends and warn them
Yeah, in fact, that's probably a good idea if you have somebody who thinks that the Holy Ghost movie Is is documenting true movements of the spirit and things like that You need to point him to this episode of fighting for the faith on the fighting for the faith website
And we'll be putting this up on our YouTube channel To make it easier for people to share this episode of fighting for the faith so that they can be warned
Yeah, listen, I am I believe in God the Holy Spirit. I'm not a skeptic when it comes to God the
Holy Spirit In fact, I'm quite comfortable with the fact that God can do whatever
God wants to do But if we're going to speak about God the Holy Spirit God the Holy Spirit is commanded in his word that we speak accurately about him that we not engage in trickery that we not engage in clever schemes and tactics in order to Bring people into the kingdom so to speak.
No, we've as Christians have a very important message and that's the message of Reconciliation with the one true
God won by us one for us by Jesus Christ on the cross so When when people are out there in the name of Jesus trying to defend their particular weird experiences and they have to resort to the same techniques used by magicians and So -called psychics and then blaming it on God the
Holy Spirit. Well, then we've got a big problem a huge problem and so I'm actually calling out the producer of this particular movie
You know the producer I think his name is Darren Wilson and Basically calling him out and saying how dare you?
Yeah, that's kind of you know to kind of lead this off How dare you pass off these false?
miracles parlor tricks and tricks used by people who are magicians and so -called psychics and Mentalists as passing these off as true manifestations of God the
Holy Spirit. These were no Manifestations of God the Holy Spirit at all In fact, they
I mean for you to say that these were from God the Holy Spirit with no conscience whatsoever
As to the trickery that was going on here tells me that well, you are either highly deceived or So hard up.
Yeah, so desperate for evidence to support your you know Your false manifestations of the spirit that you will resort to the lowest of the low
Scams and tricks in order to deceive people. This is not the work of God the Holy Spirit Jesus makes it clear those who worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth
And as you're about to find out from today's episode of fighting for the faith The truth is far far far away from the movie.
Holy Ghost So what I've decided to do for today's episode as well as future episodes where we do
Updates on the Holy Ghost movie. We have what I call our Holy Ghost update music
So we're gonna get right into it and we'll begin by playing our Holy Ghost update music.
Here we go Yeah, that's right,
Holy Ghost Busters is what we're gonna be doing here. Yeah busting Holy Ghost the movie
Yeah So what we're gonna do is we're gonna start off with you kind of set up the stage so that you understand what's going on We're gonna go to audio from the premiere at Bethel Church in Redding, California and Listen as Darren Wilson the producer of the
Holy Ghost movie introduces if you would What's going on in this movie and talks about that?
It's intentionally controversial and that this is the Holy Spirit's movie You know kind of get the idea so you kind of get you know the feel for it
So here's soundbite number one from the premiere from Bethel over the weekend where he says that this this movie is well
Controversial here we go. I understand this movie is controversial.
I understand. It's it's a Stirring up a little bit of a hornet's nest and that is the point
So there may be things that you you see here that you're like, well, I don't know. I don't want to think about that Okay, sorry
What This movie this movie was born out of me the desire when the Lord asked me to make a movie about the
Holy Spirit Now this is kind of an important thing that he just said when the Lord told him to make this movie about the
Holy Spirit So here's the deal is that because I'm critiquing this film and God's the one who told him to make it
Well, if God's the one who really told him to make this film, then the person I'm actually Guilty of sinning against isn't
Darren Wilson, it's God the Holy Spirit but if God the Holy Spirit's really the one behind this then why would
God the Holy Spirit have Darren Wilson engage in magic tricks and Cold reading techniques of psychics basically parlor tricks and stuff like that in order to demonstrate the so -called spirits power
Just keep that in mind as we delve into today's program. Let's continue as we listen to him
I said the only the only way I can do this is by letting him lead me completely and so what
I tried to do with this film is Position myself in a way to hear him as much as possible and that happened either through Me getting a little butterflies in my stomach to me thinking, you know hearing what
I what I feel over the years I've learned is the Lord's voice speaking to me. So butterflies in your stomach
What you think is the Lord notice the abject subjectivity of this nothing objective about it at all
I mean basically this movie it was kind of created via spirit walking. You know what I'm saying? We had people having dreams of things that we should do.
It was just it was insanity I agree with that last one in insanity would be a good way to put it
And I just tried to say Lord you'd lead me where you want me to go and I'll take a crew and we'll go and when
We show up you tell us what to do there. So we literally would get off airplanes. You can ask Todd's here
You can ask him we'd get off it. We get off a plane and look at each other like now what? What do we do now
Todd the Todd he's talking about is Todd white we're doing here so This is a movie that when we sit when
I say it was led by the Holy Spirit. I really mean it I had there was no plan. There was no There was no master kind of like idea
It was just Holy Spirit you lead me and I don't know what kind of a movie you're gonna make and the cool thing was
Is we filmed so much footage? He showed up so much that I had to make two movies
Lovely there's gonna be part two to this nonsense So what you're seeing tonight is part one of two and Holy Ghost reborn will be out next year
Putting it together right now And if you make sure that you guys especially those of you who are watching online
Stick around for the credits because during the credits you'll get a little sneak peek of part two
Okay, so we've been threatened here with part two of this and by the way
You notice I'm pretty harsh coming right out of the gate. Yeah, that's because I've done my homework
I know what it is that you're about to hear so stick with me on this I mean because what we're what we're gonna be doing here is
Just pulling back the curtain and show you the smoke and mirrors used to create false signs false
Wonders to deceive people in this movie now, so let's kind of finish up with what he was said
He finished off this little you know intro by making this statement. This is the
Holy Spirit's film and I pray that he will do with it whatever he wants and that he will touch every single heart that is watching this
Whether you're here whether you're online whether you believe in him or not and I do
I Do believe in God the Holy Spirit whether you think that he is the Savior of the world?
Are you think actually Jesus is the Savior of the world think that he is a joke and a fairy tale?
I pray that right now for the next two hours. He will captivate your heart And he will invade your life, and you will realize how very much he loves you all right
So that's kind of you know to give you a flavor of what's going on You know, but you know the setup for the movie
Darren Wilson the guy who produced it who shot it Was you know he's in the movie several different points, so let's kind of then fast -forward into the movie itself and The setup that's in the movie so you can kind of get an idea of what's going on What's the major premise behind the movie here?
We go? I want to show you something Something you've never seen before Some say he's dead
Some say he's silent Some say he's a figment of my imagination
The Holy Spirit is real Okay, so the
Holy Spirit is real, and he's gonna prove it by the way I totally believe God the Holy Spirit is real for real
Yep, I'm a full believer in miracles I'm a believer that that that people in the time of the
New Testament actually spoke in languages They didn't know I believe that there were people who were healed.
I believe Jesus walked on the water I believe Jesus rose bodily from the grave, so I'm not approaching this as somebody who is a skeptic of Christianity I'm approaching this as somebody who is a
Berean somebody who actually tests the claims of people Against Scripture to see if what they're saying is true, so let's hear a little bit more though about what this movie is about and We continue
This is a movie about risk. I Want to take the greatest risk possible as a filmmaker
To make a movie that is completely led by the Holy Spirit No plan no safety net
Just show up wherever he leads me find the adventure and make God famous Okay, so go where the
Holy Spirit leads you find the adventure and then make God famous. That's kind of the whole goal of the movie
Which begs the question if God the Holy Spirit was the one behind this why the cheap parlor tricks why the
Psychic cold reading tactics why they false miracles, you know leg growing and stuff like that We'll get to that So let's kind of pick up into the movie where the first place they end up is
Salt Lake City Here we go. One of the first things I felt God telling me was to go to Salt Lake City So I took two friends of mine will heart and Jamie Galloway to the heart
Okay, so that's kind of the important thing will heart and Jamie Galloway are kind of the guys that you're gonna hear doing this
Street Ministry stuff part of Mormon country We just got off the plane and headed towards the tabernacle now from there the the guys
They do this kind of street ministry thing where they find different different people and then
God the Holy Spirit is giving them different Messages and there's kind of a weird Technique that they engage in and what we'll do is we'll listen to the technique
That's kind of to kind of point this out this is kind of a technique used by hypnotists the power of suggestion and Then they slip into yeah
This will heart and Jamie Galloway a technique known as cold reading which are used by people
You know, well who claim to be psychic, but well, let's let's kind of listen in to one of these street ministry
Opportunities after they've gotten off the plane in Salt Lake City. Here's will heart and Jamie Galloway.
Here we go No, Lord, show him. It's not magic. It's not my power. It's your power Jesus So they're praying for a guy who has some health issues from the top of his head down the soles of his feet
I ask you for Holy Spirit just to come upon him in power Now so apparently
God the Holy Spirit's gonna come on him in power and he snaps his fingers now you feel that What does it feel?
What what does that feel like? I guess when you feel like there's some Someone behind you or something's there.
Yeah Yeah Watch this double it Now again, this is like hypnosis now double it.
This is a technique used by people who are hypnotists double it more It's not crazy
There's been like now let me back this up before we get to this part you need to understand
Something and that something is the technique being employed by Will Hart and Jamie Galloway at this point in The Holy Ghost movie is a technique known as cold reading
Now what we're gonna do is I'm gonna play for you a part of an A &E Documentary where Michael Schirmer the psychologist debunks
James von Praag's claims to being a psychic and explains how the technique of cold
Warm and hot reading works. Yeah here listen in so that you can kind of get the technique and then
I'll give you an example from James von Praag Doing a cold reading and also give you an example of John Edwards the famous so -called psychic
Using the exact same technique and you'll see that once you understand how the technique works you'll see that that's the exact same technique that Will Hart and Jamie Galloway are using in the
Holy Ghost movie, so here's The A &E documentary and Michael Schirmer explaining how cold warm and hot readings work
Can a medium like James van Praag receive and interpret messages from people who have died?
Some Scientists believe that the techniques used by van Praag have more to do with his background than any type of psychic ability
In my opinion James van Praag is an actor Who was for a long time in search of a role to play if you read his book if you read the interviews with him
It's all there. He grew up in the theater. He worked for Paramount Studios He hung around Hollywood types in hopes of finding work
He finally found work as an actor playing the role of a medium and he's now very successful Psychologists like Michael Schirmer contend that van
Praag so -called psychic ability is best understood in terms of the different types of readings
That anyone could perform Cold readings are where you literally read somebody cold You've never seen them before you haven't gotten information on them
And you just start throwing stuff out lots and lots and lots of comments and questions Yeah, again, this is the oatmeal against the wall technique lots and lots
I mean lots and lots of comments and questions so much so that you have more than one question or comment on the table and you're waiting for the person to kind of respond, you know to what you've put out there shotgun style and Once they respond they can respond with a look a glance, you know
Some kind of a nod even you know respond verbally The idea is is that you throw a whole bunch of things out, you know
And then you see what get what you get a hit on and then you drill down on that but the idea though is is that this is a
Hit -and -miss approach to kind of create the illusion that the person is getting Spiritual information that they couldn't have gotten otherwise because of course well,
I've never met you before the person will claim, right? That's kind of a big part of this shtick.
Is that claim? We've never met before we never met before there's no way I could have known this right and you'll see that when we get into the
The technique when we listen to a James von Prague is and John Edwards using the technique so so listen again, and the way that works is
Most of what you say are misses, but that's right Most of what the these guys say they're misses people will remember the hits and forget the misses
And the reason you get hits at all is through random chance a warm reading make statements about people that are true for virtually everyone
We almost all have pictures of our lost loved ones in the bedroom next to the bed on the hearth over the fireplace
On the mantle where we keep these sorts of memories So a warm reading would be to say something about that person that's true for everyone and you're bound to get a hit 80 90 percent certainty a
Hot reading is one where the medium actually digs into the clients past Retrieving seemingly otherworldly information from earthly sources
Right and a good example of getting hot reading information would be to pull up somebody's
Facebook really quick and get some information About them. Yeah, and then have that relayed to the so -called psychic
So you got the idea cold reading is the hit -and -miss Warm reading is based upon the stuff that kind of falls into you know
The big bell curve of you know, that's true for most everybody statistically speaking
And then hot reading is where you find a way to kind of get information about that person by using technology or other sources
To make it look like hey, I didn't know I didn't know anything about you But in reality you have an assistant who's pulling up their
Facebook wall or something, you know, you get what I'm saying So that's how the technique works.
And those are the different types of readings So what we're gonna listen to to kind of show you what a cold reading sounds like We're gonna listen to the so -called psychic
James von Prague as he engages in a cold reading and again notice lots of Misses, this is all part of how this works.
Here we go James van
Prague who has had us fascinated all morning about the the world of ghosts and the unknown and we're gonna throw it open
To you with our studio audience now take it away and see what you can say Okay, sweetheart. Great. I'd like to start with this lady right here who is sitting right in the first row
I have a mother figure very strong coming around you a Mother figure not notice.
He didn't say your mom. He said a mother figure. That's kind of vague kind of general I mean every one of us probably has more than one quote -unquote mother figure in our life
You know what I'm saying? So notice the the statement is very general. Okay, and with the name of either
Mary Margaret You understand the name? Margaret Mary, okay, Margaret Mary and I gotta tell you that I feel before she passes over though.
There's a lot of It's how I hard time to walk or hard time to get up and get things going to understand that Yeah, but see notice the statement
Somebody who's before they passed over there had a hard time walking hard time getting up. Well most people who
You know as they get closer and closer to death and the the body starts to kind of not work anymore
Yeah, they have a hard time with their mobility. That's kind of a general thing So notice the cold reading went to a warm reading, right?
So we've got a hit and now let's go to the warm reading. That's something that's generally true
For you know, who you know people who are mother figures as they approach death and and also a hard time
It's just that medicines before she passed again warm reading medicines before she passed most people, you know who?
Get into their elderly age, you know, and they lose their mobility Yeah medication becomes the thing so that knows cold reading now.
We're warm Um, well she was a medication that's what I'm asking Right, but there are medications she took because I feel this very very much
Before I when she's coming in here and I feel some arthritis by the way, there's a lot of arthritis There's a bone problem.
Okay again, this is a warm reading People who are elderly and are on medication
Oftentimes, you know you get up in age and well arthritis becomes an issue and it's so much so that statistically speaking
He has a good chance of getting a hit on this. There's also something with a back So I don't she's sitting have a pillow at the back of her or is that you see now knows the no
No, there's a no No, that doesn't make sense to you. Okay, and we're not troubled. So, you know, he's fishing here
So he went from cold reading to warm reading and now he's you know, kind of struck out here
So now he's going cold again Just throwing stuff out to try to make it sound like he's getting you know information from the psychic world legs
No, okay, okay, I who has trouble with the legs now Well, my father's had it to hip replacements to the replacements.
I cannot walk as well as he used to Oh, no, he walks very okay Swing and a miss again notice how many times he misses
Quick get on with that throw something else out on the table and then you'll and find the thing that is is gonna be the
Hit, okay Right Was your mother buried yes
Mm -hmm because she's talking about being buried and about an awake or a funeral rather Yeah Most people who you know where their family has taken the time to actually bury them
Generally have a church service to go along with it, you know a funeral or awake So again cold reading to hot are not hot but warm reading and something this is interesting
You can't see the lady, but I can see her on screen here She's got a pretty decent sized cross necklace a pendant hanging around her neck
Which could help yield some information about her and she knows about it
She was very surprised by it all and who's Kathy or Kath Kathy. So Catherine or Kathy Kathy Catherine or Kathy and notice she's you can't see but she's shaking her head.
No, so no hit on the Kathy thing Statistically though. He had a good chance of a Kathy. Oh, she's talking about that.
Okay, you know about this name Kate Now that's just Right now come with me today, but she just had to have surgery let's talk about her and she's praying with her
Okay, I also know who's Catholic, but there's someone who's Catholic background. Okay. So, yeah. Well, we got a cross on let's see
Who's Catholic? You all okay So there was a mass said French wants to thank you for a mass that was said and there are prayer cards that are
Said okay. So now who? so he's He's really kind of groping in the dark here who's
Catholic. Oh, I'm hoping that cross means somebody's Catholic here. Oh good You're Catholic. And so now we can go to a warm reading.
What's generally true about Roman Catholics a picture of Mother Mary somewhere around I put your mother Mary. Would you know about this?
We know about this Catholics have Mother Mary ran some way good Yeah, she gets called out here.
Well, yeah Most Roman Catholics have pictures of the Virgin Mary. Of course that was years ago
Mother's name is Mary and Nola's mother died. Yeah, and Nola was only six.
Okay, that was in 1950. Mm -hmm. Do you go backwards? I do go backwards. I go backwards from the side words also
So I want to talk about something else with you though, but music music music I don't know why about music do not do music
We're going to do music when you were younger and you stopped doing music. Okay, you never wanted to play the piano So he's getting the message of music and well, the answer is no on that, too
So he's swinging and missing all over the place. This is how cold reading works okay, so you got cold cold you find something that you got a hit on and then you go to warm because then you have
Some data that you can kind of fill in Statistically, you have a high probability of working it now let me give you another example from another so -called psychic and his name is
John Edward and This this is going to be another kind of combination of cold and warm reading, you know interspersed and he's
Notice the fast talking notice. He he misses he hits he misses he hits he misses and and and so the technique is very
Important. Here we go. Anybody not want me to come to them?
Oh, okay. No problem Just very very quickly anytime I do this. I always tell people have an open mind
I might be able to connect with somebody for you or not If I do come to you just say yes or no while we were doing this.
I was being pulled I'll get a pull to a certain section of the audience and I can't see you guys clearly because you really were all dark and But I was getting a younger male who passed so I don't know if there was a son or a great like a grandson or A younger brother who passed but I was being pulled over here
And that's actually notice. He's being pulled kind of in a vague direction towards a particular section of the audience
Who here has had you know a younger male in your family who died and over there that makes sense
Can you please stand? Is that a son or younger brother to you?
Younger male to you. Okay, can you please stand so I can see you? I'm sorry Do you want to okay, um
Were you and we never met correct? No, we never met correct knows the technique That's an important part of kind of reinforcing the illusion.
We never met I'm just I we're gonna get all this information from the spirit world, but he's not getting any information from the spirit world
He's getting this information by doing a very rapid -fire version of 20 questions
Okay, I just want to be quick with this this person passed in an event Okay, cuz I'm this person passed in an event
Young people generally pass in an event Yeah, that's again. Notice how vague that is getting the feeling that the younger person is getting my attention
The younger person is getting my attention is letting me know that he passes in an event and that is something that was unexpected
And I feel like I yeah most young people who die in an event that event is an unexpected event
So again, so you went from cold to warm I get information in level So above would be older to your side would be around the same age and below you'd be younger
I feel like they talk about somebody who's below but they tell me to talk about the month of June So, I don't know if there's a birthday anniversary So here we go cold reading again something about the month of June Is this a hit or a miss tree in the month of June, but there's something about June They keep showing me
June. Why is June significant to you or to him? I think so.
That's a miss They're showing me a big six So if I see the six lets me know that the sixth month June or the sixth of a month has a meaning but connected to You there's a big six so it might not be to him.
But what does June mean for you? well, there's no revel at relevance in June, but Swing and a miss again.
I was 16. I don't know. No, no, there's a six connection See the month of June or the sixth has a meaning either but didn't somebody pass in a car accident
It was a car accident that this is how the friend passed. Yes, okay There's a connection to your family or to you either in the sixth month or on The sixth of a month because they're putting a big say notice how he's groping in the dark
That I mean literally if he's getting information from the psychic world, you know from beyond the veil, you know
Why all these vague questions in this hit and miss miss approach? Why don't you just say it dude?
Okay, so you got the technique. This is how this works now coming back to the Holy Ghost movie in the
Holy Ghost movie Wilhart and Jamie Galloway. Well, they engage in this same technique and If you are if you know what this technique is, you can easily spot it and this is not from God the
Holy Spirit This is the same cold reading technique used by so -called psychics.
So let's go back to the Holy Ghost movie We're on the streets they're doing street ministry and God the
Holy Spirit is supposedly manifesting in power and giving somebody goose pimples and now
Jamie Galloway is gonna lay it on thick Well, all this is is a cold reading.
Here we go there's been like Generational fears that you've had to walk through like there's a there's like I see it.
I see a courage on your life There's there's like generational fears and I see like a courage on your life
That's vague. Don't you think but that you've had to really press past like fears Fears that have like tried to hold you back or suppress you and I don't mean to get personal
But I just I see like like generational fears like really
Have held down your family and almost like cause of fibromyalgia to come on someone or is that right?
Yep, and so somebody has like a neck problem So this is caused like a fibromyalgia
And a neck problem. Yeah, is that your mother? My mother and I your mother and you okay
Notice what he's doing here. This is a cold reading. He's fishing for information doing the hit -and -miss thing
See and it's even caused breathing problems like breathing problems in the night like Waking up hard time breathing when you're waking up.
Yeah I'm sorry, but fibromyalgia is not exactly a lung thing.
I thought it was a muscle skeletal issue. Is that true? Yes, okay And I don't know you
There's the technique. I don't know you so all I can't be getting this from anywhere else. No Well, he's not getting this from the spirit.
This is the technique of a cold reading just met Okay, and I'm not getting fed any lines from anybody else, but I do hear
Holy Spirit and he is speaking to me You you're hearing the Holy Spirit Then why you have to ask the vague questions and kind of do the hit -and -miss cold reading technique that the so -called psychics use.
Hmm And there's something else though, like I don't know if it was like a hernia or There's something else that I don't know it was a hurting if it was
God the Holy Spirit talking to you wouldn't the God the Holy Spirit say and Tell him that it was this that or the other thing.
So he's getting these vague Impressions from God the Holy Spirit. Let's listen. Okay. Listen again again.
This is clearly us The you know magic trick known as cold reading
I don't know if it was like a hernia or something in your stomach Area, but something that you had to deal with Yeah.
Yeah, what is that like that that I'm talking about? It was a mass
Right here See no, I don't know
I don't know that stuff. Okay again reinforce. I don't know you I don't know We just heard John Edward.
Oh, we've never met before kind of thing, right? But I will tell you this your life is forever changed from this moment
This is a defining moment for you a defining moment you you engage in a well -known
Technique used by charlatans and so -called psychics and you blame it on God the Holy Spirit and claim that this man's life has changed forever
Because of it really and it's not because of me. It's not because of will it's because the
Holy Spirit Has is pursuing you and how can this be proof that God the
Holy Spirit is pursuing somebody When this can easily be explained by non -supernatural means this is this was nothing more than a cold reading
Get what I'm saying here. Yeah, no, they went on to supposedly heal this person
But we'll talk about that a little bit more later. Now. What's the justification for all of this? Well, they were trying to prove something that these lives were changed because God the
Holy Spirit manifested with power Here's their explanation for you know
Kind of what this all means these people were touched by the Living God who hasn't changed since Bible times and who?
Wants to show each of us individually that he is real Mm -hmm. So God wants to show each and every one of us that he's real by you know by us being able to have a miraculous cold reading performed over us or for us to have liver shivers and goose pimples or and You know for it to be doubled.
Yeah. No this this there's nothing miraculous to this in fact what all of this is is really really just parlor tricks and gimmicks designed to deceive people that this is some kind of a miracle of the
Holy Spirit and when we come back from our first break We'll give you just another stellar example of total deceptive parlor tricks
Posing as miracles in the Holy Ghost movie and the which are really no miracles at all And we'll get get into that when we come back from the break if you'd like to email me
Regarding anything you've heard on this edition or any previous editions of fighting for the faith you can do so My email address is talk back at fighting for the faith comm or you can subscribe on Facebook It's facebook .com
forward slash pirate Christian or follow me on Twitter my name there at pirate Christian quick break When we come back the miracle of leg growing is that really a miracle no not even close stay tuned
Don't want to miss it. We'll be right back We don't need to rethink
Christianity we need to rediscover it you're listening to fighting for the faith Listening to pirate
Christian radio will be taking your first doctrine Monty Python's Flying Circus Church Management of my ready here at my unfortunately due to unforeseen circumstances in the current miserable state of the church
We can no longer parody the church because the church just parodies itself for proof of this particular concept
We now present to you the Holy Ghost hokey pokey I'll tell you three weeks ago
We did a Friday night school of spirit and we saw 12 people healed the word of knowledge and 40 healed during the
Holy Ghost hokey pokey Let's just go ahead and do that. See what the Lord does You guys okay do the
Holy Ghost hokey pokey. Can you lead it? All right, Brian's gonna lead us in the Holy Ghost hokey pokey
Put your right hand in put your right hand You put your right You put your right hand
You put your right hand You do your right hand now. You put it in and you shake it and you shake it all about But you left
Put it You put your right
You take your right You take your right
Oh I When I started doing the hokey pokey at first with the arms nothing nothing real effect
But then as soon as I just started we started doing the whole who put your left foot in your right foot in both of my Knees, you know one at a time.
I could just feel all sudden. It's like there was no pain I said you said start checking yourself. I just squat.
That's awesome. Thank you Lord for new knees in Jesus name. Come on Come on I've had back problems most of my life and a couple of weeks about a week ago
My back had gone out and it was somewhat better, but it was still sore Up until today and when we did that hokey pokey and she came up and testified all the pain
Let's do it See You put your whole
Put your whole You put your whole
And you shake it Shake it
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Warning cheap parlor tricks and well misdirection and things like that Those are not miracles from God the
Holy Spirit. Neither are cold readings Yeah, the Holy Ghost movie ain't from the
Holy Ghost. Just a reminder fighting for the faith is listener supported radio That means we depend upon you and your generous gifts and financial contributions in order to continue to bring
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Now before we get to the the leg growing trick, it's not a miracle It's a trick what we're gonna do here is
I want to play for you a little bit of some of the theology from this Particular movie and what
I find Fascinating is the idea is that? Supposedly we can grow in our in our and our understanding of being able to hear
God the Holy Spirit and mistakes are to be are considered to be well a normal part of Learning how to be moving in the prophetic
So we're gonna play for you a portion from the movie as well as a soundbite from the soon -to -be -released deluxe edition of the
Holy Ghost movie Here's the narrator of the movie to explain as we go forward here we go my message and my preaching
We're not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit's power
You know, we're really when you begin to hear the Holy Spirit There's all these questions going on your mind is going is that you is that is that really
Holy Spirit? You don't know so God the Holy Spirit's Talking to and you're not sure if it's
God the Holy Spirit I don't seem to recall any of the Old Testament prophets having a hard time understanding.
It was God the Holy Spirit Really? It's the fruit of it Is the fruit
Revealing that you did listen to Holy Spirit He says to Moses He says come out and worship me on this mountain and when you come out to worship me on this mountain
Then you will know that I have spoken to you It's after the fact
So you do what God tells you you you listen to the the voice and when there's fruit there
Then you realize yes, I did hear Holy Spirit Yeah for me I had to grow in hearing the
Holy Spirit I had to grow in recognizing his voice and when he when he speaks and that only came from taking risk
So if you hear if you hear something if you hear the Holy Spirit say I want you to pray for this person
I Have a blessing for this person. The only way, you know, whether you're hearing accurately is to step out and do it
The only way you know, you're hearing accurately is if you step out into it, so you don't know for sure
Until you step out into you know, you I mean the voice speaking to you could be you know
Some piece of undigested pizza from a couple nights ago. That's causing you to hallucinate, you know
So you have to fail in order to hear correctly you have to miss it You have to fail in order to hear correctly.
You have to miss it Wrong. This is not what Scripture teaches Deuteronomy chapter 18.
Okay Listen to this Deuteronomy 18
I'll start at verse 19 Whoever will not listen to my words that he the Prophet shall speak in my name
I myself were required of him But the Prophet who presumes to speak a word in my name that I have not
Commanded him to speak or who speaks in the name of other gods that same Prophet shall die
Hmm, and if you say in your heart, well, how may we know the word that the
Lord has not spoken? When a prophet speaks in the name of the Lord if the word does not come to pass or come true
That is a word that the Lord Yahweh has not spoken the Prophet has spoken presumptuously You need not be afraid of him.
In fact, according to the Mosaic Covenant false prophets Yeah, these are not guys who were oh, whoa.
I'm still learning. I'm you know, I Understand that what I said didn't come true yet I didn't come true at all in the opposite game, but I'm still learning to hear
God the Holy Spirit. No According to the Mosaic Covenant that one who spoke presumptuously
They were put to death. Yeah Prophets had to speak with hundred percent accuracy.
Otherwise, they were known to be false prophets So the theology of the Holy Ghost movie is is oh, you know, you gotta learn
You're not sure if it's God the Holy Spirit You kind of have to step out in faith and you're gonna make some mistakes and that's the making the mistakes is how you're gonna
Learn to you know be more accurate. Uh -huh. If you're hearing from if you're really hearing from God the
Holy Spirit Yeah, don't you think that God who created the universe by speaking it into existence in six literal days is
Capable of actually speaking to a person that number one. They actually know it's God the Holy Spirit number two
Because the source of their information is God the Holy Spirit that everything they say is 100 % accurate
That's what God teaches us in Deuteronomy 18, but not these guys. Let's keep listening So you understand what it actually sounds like when he is speaking?
Learning the language of Holy Spirit is like learning the language of this world But now think about how you learn a language
The way you learn a language is you become childlike? you Listen, you're not afraid to make mistakes
There we go again make mistakes. Hmm if you're arrogant and you're proud you can't learn a language
Because you're you're too afraid to make a mistake Where in the Bible does it say learning to listen to the
Holy Spirit is like learning a language and you have to be willing To make mistakes. There isn't a single passage in the
Bible that says this all of these people are speaking from their quote -unquote Experiences, this is nowhere.
Your experiences do not rise to the level of Christian doctrine or biblical truth But if you're childlike
And you're not afraid to humble yourself and become like a little child You'll learn a language
It's the same kind of process Learning Holy Spirit's language the fear of failure keeps us from success.
Now. This is Bill Johnson from Bethel and Reading and you have to you have to be willing to learn
How to hear the voice and that means I'm going to get it wrong Learning to hear the voice means you're going to get it wrong
Again, Deuteronomy 18 says 100 % or death. That's what it says. That's automatic
It's going so I have to what I have to learn to do is to take ownership when it's wrong if If I you know promised something that the
Lord didn't back up then I need to make that right I need to clean up my mess, but it's a it's a part of the process
When I taught my my kids how to ride the bike I took them to the park where there was a lot of grass
So that when they fell they would fall on grass and as leaders were supposed to create an environment where learning is safe Where in the
Bible does it say we're supposed to create a an environment where learning is safe for them to make? Mistakes and you don't fall down and you know when it comes to hearing the voice of God in other words
You know, I don't put somebody on a stage To prophesy over 20 people that's just learning to hear the voice of the
Lord's probably not wisdom unless I'm specifically directed Because I don't want to put them in a position where their fall is going to hurt
Huh? The weird thing here is is that the Bible says the exact opposite of what?
Bill Johnson is saying here what these other people are saying in the Holy Ghost movie God the
Holy Spirit has inspired the book of Deuteronomy basically say if somebody doesn't cut if somebody says something in the name of The Lord and doesn't come to pass.
They're a false prophet and back in the day You were not only instructed to not fear them
You were instructed to well stone them to death and in the deluxe edition the forthcoming deluxe edition of this
Holy Ghost movie Bill Johnson kind of goes a little farther with this This analogy if you would here's some more information from Bill Johnson regarding learning to you know
Make mistakes and you know kind of grow and hearing the voice of God So that's how we learn we learn through trial and error and you just have to be you know
It's a part of it's like any you know, any great bit Apple computers, you know, they have they have manufacturing the core value zero defects
Research development is you have to have defects in order to know what doesn't work
It's a part of the core value and learning how to hear from God learning how to operate in the gifts requires this core value
How come the Bible doesn't teach that? Mm -hmm This deal here. No defects.
That's the character aspect. No defects This is we have to learn how to hear we have to learn how to release the anointing power
The miracles that he's wanting to bring about it's required that we develop culture within Within ministries within churches.
It says, you know what we expect mistakes It's okay We expect mistakes and it's okay
The the Word of God the written Word of God, which we know is from God the Holy Spirit says the exact opposite So who's his question?
Are you gonna believe God's Word the written Word of God or these guys who are saying the exact opposite of what
Scripture says now? That kind of gives you an idea of the theology of what's going on in the
Holy Ghost movie Well, let's get to this leg growing thing and that's gonna require me to spend a little bit of time
Kind of preparing you for this. In fact on the fighting for the faith website I'm going to embed the entire video here there was a documentary made a few years ago from Darren Brown and the name of it is miracles for sale and Darren Brown debunks these so -called miracles and many of the techniques of charismatic faith healers and what they do is they take an ordinary guy and They turn him into a faith healer to demonstrate that these techniques can be taught to people and they are nothing but that Techniques, they're not actually from God the
Holy Spirit including this leg growing miracle So here's a snippet from the documentary miracles for sale and you can find this at fighting for the faith comm
It'll be embedded with today's episode the September 9th 2014 episode of fighting for the faith and You know that way you can watch the whole thing in its context and you know
It's one of those programs that is absolutely kind of must see if you want to be a discerning Christian but here's
Darren Brown explaining how the well You know how this leg growing miracle actually works.
Here we go You are about to see a world where greed and deceit raised their ugly heads
Where lives have been needlessly lost and where hope the most precious gift of all is peddled at a price
This is the wickedness in the world of faith healing in Jesus name left leg.
I command you grow You can witness another popular miracle that faith healers often claim by typing street faith healer leg into YouTube This impressive demonstration has been performed and filmed in a guerrilla style all over the world
I'm gonna show you how this works with my co -writer Ian Sharkey who genuinely has arthritis and back problems starting hips
It's now moved into kind of top of my spine my back Hands, there's always something somewhere this is kind of constantly in pain
You just you know, okay Classically what spinal arthritis will do is it'll shrink as the muscles shrink it'll shrink one of your legs back
Which I think in your case, it looks like it's looks like he's on this side. Can I bring your legs out? Excuse me? Nathan Johnny come and have a look at this
Now in this demonstration Darren Brown is playing a character the character of a faith healer.
So you're gonna hear him use your language Yeah, you hear faith healers doing but he's not really claiming to be a faith healer.
He's exposing their techniques and Yeah, that's a good couple of inches shorter
Can you see Nathan this leg here has shrunk a couple of inches? Can you see the difference between if you look at the heels?
So what we're gonna do is we're gonna heal the arthritis in your spine Father cast out that devil of arthritis grow this leg.
It's grow. I can feed now. I can feel that in my hand I can feel this start to grow It's like the foot is but look you can see you can see it's coming down to the length of the other foot
Now you can feel that. Can you see this? Can you see that? That is it's filling out the calf is extending the feet are now even those legs are now the same length
And you can feel that subside. Yes Yeah, hang on. Yeah, it doesn't stand up for me.
Can you stand up? Mm -hmm run around run around. Let me see. Let me see you just just Easy how's your spine feeling at the moment fine fine genuinely?
Yeah. Yeah, you're not making this up That's fine. You saw that happened in you you saw that leg extending you saw it. Yes This is all based on something that I put a lot of emphasis on this foot here
But as is what will be pretty obvious to most people at home now, he's describing how the trick is done
It's done using misdirection And then the misdirection while people's focusing on the on one foot
He slips the heel of the shoe off of the other foot far enough to make it
Appear that the two feet are not even you know one is shorter than the other as I whenever you see them do this on YouTube there's always a point they bring the legs up and they ask for the camera to come in and all that's happening at That point is they just loosen one shoe
Not the shoe we're all looking at but the other shoe all the trick is going to be is while we're talking about this this
Leg lengthening. I'm just moving this shoe. You're sliding it back on the back on the heel It's a very old classic faith in a trick
But there's all sorts of other things I can make it sound like like I know this is gonna hurt your hamstrings Do this for a while so I can say to you you can feel this pain
Can't you so why don't we do this and I saying that pain is gone, isn't it? I know your legs You honestly will say yes, but you're talking about this hamstring pain because of this nothing to do with your spinal
Absolutely likewise when you stand up, you're not limping. There's no limping. Well, you weren't limping before No one said you didn't say you were limping you touch your toes
Jump around you could do those things. Anyway, absolutely. We said earlier on you're in pain all the time, but it's not in your spine
It's all over the place, but I can say to you at the end of that and your spine is how's your spine feeling? It's fine because it wasn't hurting anyway.
Yeah, it is the leg lengthening trick. It is absolutely the mark of a Charlotte's. That's right Darren gets it, right the leg lengthening trick is the sign sure sign of a
Charlatan because the person performing the so -called miracle knows all it is is
Misdirection and slipping the heel of a shoe out and then making it look like they're being healed
It's it's a trick the person performing. It is a charlatan and guess which Miracle showed up in the
Holy Ghost movie. That's right The leg lengthening quote -unquote miracle showed up and if all places had a corn concert
Yeah, what they did is they had head Welch from corn, you know come out with let's see
His name was that's right Todd white the two of them were out at the line while people were Filing in for a corn concert and they called people out, you know for healing and one guy in particular
They called him out and guess which miracle they performed on him. Yeah, that's right the miracle of the leg lengthening
Let's listen in to the Holy Ghost movie as well This charlatan trick was employed to prove.
Oh that God the Holy Spirit is at work in the ministry of men Like Todd white here we go.
Do you have anything that gives you any trouble with one of your shoulders? No, physically, are you healthy complete?
Is there any problems at all physically? My back isn't the best Did you really?
Like the bottom No way, okay So you got to see this dude come here
I'm gonna show you something Okay, sit right there
Yep, sit then sit back some put your butt back on this like sit back on the stage Like sit back a little bit more.
Okay, so Bless you, man. All right, so which side of your back hurts the worst
Okay, all right, so how long did you break Okay, so you got pain go down your leg
Okay. All right. So take your pants and hike them up a little bit. All right, someone put your legs together. All right
All right So when when you look at you already went you've gone to chiropractors and doctors and all that Yeah, it's how your legs they tell your legs shorter your one leg shorter than the other one that throws you back out
Okay, so regardless of like well, yeah, no matter what let's just take your toes and so bring your heels together
No, but look you can see your feet do you see your feet just let it I'll hold them just relax
I got you. Don't try to hold them up So, okay So if you see this leg, it's longer than the other one and because of with back injuries and stuff
A lot of times it throws your legs out So what I'll do regardless, yeah, so Todd White's got this fish on the hook no doubt about it
But he's just gonna be performing a magic trick. That's all he's gonna be doing. We continue. So what you believe?
I'm gonna pray for you and Jesus is gonna grow your leg out and heal your back You don't even have to believe dude so you get into the
The weirdest place of belief that you want you get to unbelieve as much as you want and God's gonna grow your leg out and Heal your back.
I promise Okay, so because regardless of where someone's heart is his love for you is bigger like I know because I got shot at I was
That guy, you know, I mean Okay So father, I thank you in Jesus name left leg.
I command you grow right now Jesus name You guys see that right there yes, it's longer now than the other one
So Father I thank you for a brand new back God. I thank you that it's not about religion. It's about Jesus Actually, it's not about Jesus.
It's about a magic trick Yeah, this was no miracle. It's not about religion.
It's not about just a building. It's about Jesus man Jesus I thank you for a brand new back father
Thank you that all the pain would leave his back that every bit would be healed So father I thank you in Jesus name
His back will be made whole God. I ask you to bless this man overwhelming with your goodness God because he is awesome
He loves me and he loves you bro. Promise man. Look at that stand up and check your back man.
I'm serious Second Thessalonians chapter 2 verses 9 through 12 states
The coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false
Signs and wonders and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing because they refuse to love the truth and so be saved
Therefore God sends them a strong Delusion so that they may believe what is false in order that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth
But had pleasure in unrighteousness Yeah in this episode of fighting for the faith we demonstrated that the miracles in The movie
Holy Ghost, they're not miracles at all In the one hand you have people engaging in the technique used by charlatan psychics
Known as cold reading and then in the other hand we have so -called miracles where we have leg growing which is not a it's not
A miracle. It's a magic trick These are false signs and false wonders being pawned off on the
Christian Church as miracles from God the Holy Spirit and demonstrating his power, but This is not the power of the
Holy Spirit that we're seeing We're seeing the work of Satan at work false signs false wonders designed to deceive people who do not love the truth and We also demonstrated that the theology behind the
Holy Ghost movie Absolutely contradicts the Word of God regarding the prophetic and If you know anybody that believes that this movie is from God the
Holy Spirit directed by God the Holy Spirit You need to warn them and you need to let them listen to this episode of fighting for the faith because they're being deceived
These are not the works of God the Holy Spirit But these are the works of men who are charlatans and deceivers all in the name of Jesus But what they're doing is deceiving people and not pointing them to the truth
What was really missing in all of the street ministry and so -called miracle ministry that was taking place in the movie?
the Holy Ghost What was missing was a clarion call for sinners to repent and to be forgiven by the shed blood of Christ Sinners were not confronted with their sins
No Instead basically the idea was you go out and you give people some kind of Demonstration of the
Spirit's power and that's supposed to let them know that God is real and then what happens after that I who knows
But are they brought to penitent faith in Christ for the forgiveness of their sins? Is there any theology?
Explaining that they're dead in trespasses and sins in need of a Savior that Christ truly bled and died for them and that in order to not perish they need to be brought to penitent faith and Trust in Christ for the forgiveness of their sins and have eternal life.
No, there was not that this movie is literally just Just nuts it's filled with false signs false wonders false
Theology and it's deceiving people all in the name of Jesus and Christians should not be embracing this film nor defending it
Instead Christians should be opening up their Bibles and comparing what's being said in this film to the Word of God opening their eyes and seeing that the miracles that are being put forward in this film as Signs and wonders from God the
Holy Spirit aren't from God the Holy Spirit at all These are these are cheap Cheap parlor tricks all done in the name of God and the thing is is again
I come back to the words of Jesus those who worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth and what's missing from the
Holy Ghost movie is truth and That is not Christian. That is of the devil because Satan is the one who is the father of lies
What do you think? Love to get your feedback If you'd like to email me regarding anything you've heard on this edition of fighting for the faith
You can do so my email address is talk back at fighting for the faith comm or you can subscribe on Facebook Facebook comm forward slash pirate
Christian or follow me on Twitter my name there at pirate Christian till tomorrow May God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ is vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins