I'm Done With Christian YouTube...

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This is the video I never thought I'd make, but I think it's time for a new chapter. For those with short attention spans, just know
I'm not going to quit making Christian content altogether. I'm still going to make videos on this channel, but I won't be making them within the current popular
Christian YouTuber system. In fact, I think that Christian YouTube is in need of some serious upgrades at the moment.
By the way, stay tuned, because we have a huge new project to announce at the end of this video, something I've been working for on this channel for a few months behind the scenes, but it will be posted very soon.
Just so you know I didn't clickbait you, I am quitting the current system of Christian YouTube. The good news is that our content is going to be much better in 2025, though it's also going to be much different.
Even though this channel has done incredibly well by God's grace, I simply don't want to do the popular
Christian YouTube style anymore, at least not the way it's being done right now. It's worth remembering that YouTube is the digital public square, and it's filled with all sorts of evil ideas.
These ideas need to be debunked, and I'm thankful to all of my fellow Christian YouTubers who are contributing to this end.
But at a certain point, I think we all need to recognize some of the issues that we have in this camp. For one thing, the way that we make content here on YouTube is extremely easy to cancel.
Videos that are 5 to 15 minutes long really only live on one platform, and that is, you guessed it,
YouTube. Of course, some alternatives exist, like Rumble, for example, but they're not really alternatives.
The only people on Rumble, for the most part, are already passionate conservatives, to various degrees. It's not really the digital public square, certainly not the way
YouTube is. And since 5 to 15 minute long videos only live here, they can easily cancel your favorite
Christian creator anytime they want. And the fact is that if they did this, the grand majority of people are simply not going to move over to Rumble to watch their videos anymore.
They just aren't. And part of the reason that most people wouldn't switch to Rumble is because of another problem with Christian YouTube.
Most of us are extremely replaceable. And it's not really only our fault the algorithm has made us this way.
Here's what always happens. A big current event takes place, or a viral video or popular trend is posted online.
Then all of the Christian YouTube channels make a video about it as fast as they can. And for the most part, they all agree with each other on the main things.
This is good in a sense because it means that there are lots of people participating in the conversation and promoting
Christianity within it. But it's also the reason that we are very replaceable. You see, too often, we're not providing perspectives that actually add unique value to the conversation for the person watching, which is supposed to be our goal.
Rather, we're simply just regurgitating information as fast as we can so that we can jump on the trend and feed the algorithm what it wants so as to keep our platform and not fade into irrelevancy.
And this isn't only a problem for Christians, by the way. This is a content creator problem across the board.
And here's my big point. At the end of the day, all of this leads to a never -ending hamster wheel of the same kind of sensationalized content.
You know the kind I'm talking about. You won't believe what this politician just said about Christians. Or if this wasn't on camera,
Christians wouldn't believe it happened. Or if you think demons aren't real Christians, watch this video…
Essentially, the Christian content formula simply finds a controversial topic, then runs to the viewers and says, look,
I just found something shocking and disturbing that Christians need to care about right now, and then rinse and repeat.
And by the way, there are several channels who use this style who I have personally benefited from. And some of these channel owners
I know personally. They're not bad people. They're good brothers who really are trying to help. And for that matter,
I have made this kind of content too. I've been using this style for a long time. And most of us who do this aren't just trying to make money, or pull a fast one on you, or anything like that.
We genuinely want to help people. The reason we make content like this is because people want to watch content like this, and the algorithm rewards it over and over again, making you think that you've done something great.
But again, I think we need to be wise and ask some deeper questions here. Like, for example, is this kind of content an effective long -term strategy?
And is it providing value to people that goes beyond the temporary dopamine release that they get when they see an attention -grabbing thumbnail and click on it?
And for that matter, how helpful is it for us to have hundreds, maybe thousands of videos like this that essentially just cover the same recycled topics over and over again?
Are the people who watch our content left feeling grounded and prepared to defend their worldview? Or do they feel like they're on a never -ending hamster wheel of sensationalized
Christian videos? Also, do they think that the world is falling apart and that there's nothing positive they can do to fix it at all?
Or do they feel encouraged to do what they can to glorify God in their personal context? Chances are, if you're a
Christian and you watch Christian YouTube, you've seen the pattern I'm talking about here. Most of us are simply not asking these crucial questions when we make content.
I know I wasn't. Because at the end of the day, most of us are just trying to make videos as fast as we can for the algorithm.
If you miss a trend by two, three, four days, you're not going to get any views. And that's why this cycle continues.
But it shouldn't surprise us then that if fill -in -the -blank popular Christian YouTube channel got canceled tomorrow, most people are not going to move to Rumble to watch it.
Instead, they're just going to go watch the next Christian YouTube channel that's making the exact same videos.
Now, I want to be very clear. There is nothing wrong with short -form content or videos. There's also nothing wrong with punchy marketing, or quality graphic design, or clever writing in a title, or even being intentionally provocative at times to prove a point.
All of these things can and should be used for God's glory. The problem I'm getting at is when we have a never -ending catalog of repetitive, shock -value, dopamine -hit content that isn't really moving the needle.
Again, I'm not suggesting that we burn the whole system down and condemn everyone who's used any of these methods.
What I am saying is that we need to pause, reflect, and correct our course so that we can be most effective and avoid flooding the market with the same old content and making ourselves easy to cancel.
I don't think that will help us or our audiences in the long term. And because of all of this, I have grown less and less satisfied with my role in the
Christian YouTube sphere. And I've been wondering how I can provide unique value to my Christian friends that will actually move the needle and make a difference, while also, of course, giving us the best chance of not getting completely canceled by YouTube without warning.
By God's grace, I think I have an idea, and I hope it will be a blessing to all of you. Fight for Truth is going to start producing full -length, documentary -style videos.
We want these videos to be well -researched and have a high quality that makes them interesting and fun to watch.
For example, instead of creating a new video every time a popular false teacher says something unbiblical, instead we're going to do a deep dive on the ministry of that teacher and put it all together into one single long -form video essay documentary.
And it doesn't just have to be on false teachers. We can cover topics like the end times, politics, culture, art and media, the supernatural, etc.
And all from a Christian worldview. In the end, this won't mean less content. It will mean more quality content.
And to start things off, we have a new documentary being released this very Friday. It's called
Michael Todd, Pastor or Performer? It's a full -length documentary that reviews the ministry of Transformation Church and Pastor Michael Todd, one of the most popular pastors in America.
I spent over a month researching, writing, and editing, and I think some of these clips are really going to surprise you.
So please, check it out and share it on all platforms when it comes out. Again, that will be this Friday.
I believe that this kind of content will fill a gap in the market that we desperately need. We have lots of channels making short, repetitive, provocative videos on false teaching and current events.
Many of these people are great brothers in the faith who I deeply appreciate. But we also need more long -form, deep -dive content that is watchable and interesting.
You no longer have to keep watching 10 -minute video after 10 -minute video after 10 -minute video to feel like you're staying in the loop.
I don't know about you, but for me, it's pretty exhausting. It would be great to have an in -depth resource that shows you the most important research on a particular topic.
And then you can either make your decision or do extra research as needed. And by the way, I also think this format will be more helpful and persuasive to people who are watching who don't necessarily agree with my conclusions.
But here's the deal. None of this works without you guys. In fact, it never has. So here's what we're going to do.
When I make a documentary, we're going to post it to YouTube, X, Rumble, and Spotify. By the way, please follow me on all these platforms.
The links are in the description. That way, if you like the video and then YouTube decides to silence it, or the subject of the video files a false copyright claim, as they often do, then all you have to do is post the video link to your
Instagram, Facebook, X, or even just text it to people. And you'll have multiple platforms to watch on if YouTube throws it out.
YouTube can stop one of us, but they can't stop all of us. And please, consider giving a monthly donation to the channel using the link in the description.
This makes us even harder to cancel since we're not beholden to YouTube for ad revenue. And it ensures that we can provide the most well -researched, highest quality content possible.
So yes, for now, I'm done with Christian YouTube, but I really think that making some awesome documentaries will serve you guys far better, and I'm really looking forward to it.
Please follow us on Rumble, X, and Spotify, and get ready to watch and share our next documentary this
Friday on all platforms. Together, we can continue the fight for truth, for the glory of God.