Why did 10,157 people "accept" Jesus last month?!


This is why you should support Got Questions Ministries. Please consider donating to GotQuestions.org today. https://www.gotquestions.org/give We truly appreciate any gift you are able to give. "Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." (Luke 6:38) #givingtuesday #givingtuesday2022


What if you were part of a ministry that saw over 10 ,000 professions of faith in Jesus Christ last month alone?
In that same time, over 22 million webpage views, over half a million video views, and over 3 ,500 spiritually related questions personally answered.
Imagine being a part of an outreach like that, supporting what God is doing through the work of this ministry, which reaches people all around the world with content that points people to Jesus, translated in over 190 languages.
There is nothing like it. When you financially support God Questions Ministries, you genuinely are a part of what
God is doing in the hearts and minds of millions of individuals each month.
By giving, you are investing in the kingdom of God and storing up untold treasures in heaven.
God Questions Ministries is an internet -based parachurch ministry that comes alongside the church to help people find answers to their spiritually related questions.
When people visit one of our many online websites, such as GotQuestions .org, BibleRef .org,
or watch a video on the GotQuestions YouTube channel, they are pointed to the truth found in the
Bible, the person and work of Jesus Christ, and to salvation found in Him alone. Here's just three of the many comments we've received.
I just recently found your website and YouTube channel. Thank you so much. The info is presented in an easy -to -understand way and is always backed up by Scripture, which
I appreciate. I cannot tell you how much your group has helped me in my walk with the Lord.
I discovered your website last year, and the discovery changed my life. I never knew about Jesus and Christianity until I found your website.
I was reading all of the many answered Bible questions every day for over six months before I believed and accepted
Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. My life has changed since my salvation.
Thank you. Your ministry is easily one of, if not the best ministries I have found when it comes to help with my walk with Christ Jesus.
To keep doing what we're doing, we need your support. It only takes a moment to generously give a portion of what
God has given you, to eternally invest in what God is doing through Got Questions Ministries.
Please prayerfully consider making a tax -deductible donation right now by visiting