Leftist Women Protest Trump by Denying Men Sex
Donald Trump won the election and the reaction for some leftist women is to deny me sex outside of marriage. They claim that if they cannot have abortions (the right to murder their own children) then men cannot have sex with them. And the Christian response is ….
- 00:01
- Well, are you surprised? That's right. Donald Trump won an election and the response from the left is, well, exactly what we'd expect from the left.
- 00:14
- Bizarre. So Donald Trump wins the election, which realistically should have surprised no one.
- 00:21
- However, the left is, well, they're having their responses.
- 00:26
- I think the most interesting response for us to address here is the response that we see from the leftist women.
- 00:37
- Many of the leftist women have decided that Donald Trump is somehow going to do what he never said he would do, but the left said he would do, which is to do a national ban on abortion.
- 00:48
- Now, I would wholeheartedly support a national ban on abortion.
- 00:53
- Abortion being the murder of children in the womb, so we should call it what it is, and therefore, yes,
- 01:00
- I am against murder everywhere, whether inside the womb or outside the womb. So I would wholeheartedly agree with a national abortion ban, but Trump has never said he was going to do that, but the left thinks he is.
- 01:14
- So the leftist women have decided that they are going to react, they're going to have a response to this, and they are going to protest
- 01:23
- Donald Trump being elected as the 47th president. How are they going to do this?
- 01:30
- Well, folks, I told you, the left is bizarre in their reactions. So here's their reaction.
- 01:37
- Leftist women have decided that they will deny men having sex with them outside of marriage.
- 01:44
- They are not going to do that because their argument is that because men are having sex with them and they're the ones that get pregnant, if they're not allowed to have abortions, they're not going to have sex.
- 01:56
- Now first off, folks, listen to what they're actually saying. They're admitting that abortion is about sex without consequences.
- 02:08
- That's it. They want sex without consequences. That's what it's about. They're admitting it by saying if they can't abort their own children, they can't kill and murder their own children, they're not going to have sex.
- 02:21
- They think this is going to be something that is going to hurt the conservative cause.
- 02:28
- So let's think about this. They're going to willfully abstain from having sex for four years.
- 02:35
- That's what they're calling for. They're calling for all women to stop having sex with men for four years as a protest to the, to not being allowed to have abortion, which by the way, they can still have unfortunately today and they think we're going to respond as if this is a bad thing.
- 02:53
- Well, what is the Christian response to this protest? Keep going, keep it up.
- 03:00
- Don't stop. Don't just stop for four years. Continue abstinence until you are married.
- 03:07
- We agree with this. Please stop having abortions. Stop having sex outside of marriage.
- 03:15
- Stop all this behavior. We are now proving that you are actually capable of controlling yourselves for four years.
- 03:25
- The argument is people can't help it. They have to have sex. They can't wait until marriage.
- 03:32
- If you could put it off for four years and actually I hope it'll be 12 years with eight years of vans, but let's just go with that.
- 03:40
- If you can control yourself for four years, you can control yourself until you get married.
- 03:46
- If you expect for conservatives to say, please, please, no, no, we're going to, we want to allow for abortion because you're going to deny people sex says no conservative
- 04:00
- Christian anywhere. The reality is I wholeheartedly support all of you leftist women who will practice abstinence in protest of abortion, not changing.
- 04:17
- Keep it up. Keep having abstinence. Keep having less abortions. Stop killing more children.
- 04:24
- I, as a Christian, thoroughly back you. I want to support you in your, your apps, your, your protest of abstinence.
- 04:32
- Keep it going. Spread the word. All of you leftist women, please follow this, this four
- 04:39
- B movement to, to not have babies, to not have abortions by not having sex.
- 04:47
- I support you. That's a message from striving for eternity .org. Check us out.