Interview with Sye Ten Bruggencate and Scott Smith


Interview with Sye Ten Bruggencate ( and Scott Smith discussing Sye's new film How to Answer the Fool and presuppositional apologetics. Scott discusses his east coast college tour and the need for the gospel on college campuses.


Well, welcome to the
Striving for Eternity Academy. This is clearly not at night because, well, yeah, you can see it's daylight out.
We decided to do some outside footage. We have some special guests here. Well, yeah, okay, we know
Si. Si ten Brudenkate, and if you can say that. You know, it's interesting. It's actually ten
Bruggenkate. Brudenkate. But there is no uh in America. But if it's like un, deux, trois, it's
Bruggenkate. Bruggenkate. I've never been able to clarify that. It's not uh and it's not ah, it's uh. But Si is not at all sensitive if you get it wrong, so don't feel bad.
Yeah, ten Bruggenkate. Si ten Brudenkate is from Canada, and how do you spell that? C -A -N -A -D -A.
A? A. And uh, so Si is from proofthatgodexists .org.
We're going to talk to him tonight about some, a special project you got going on. And also we have with us
Scott Smith, who is organizing the East Coast tour, right?
It's an East Coast tour. It's half, you know, college is in Virginia and uh, you know, then the other half is
Ivy League, basically. So it's a little combo. So, and that's what uh, what some of the guys are up doing,
Si being one of the guys that are traveling to the campuses. So why don't we start with that. Alright, Andrew.
Explain, explain the East Coast tour. Sure. Okay. And uh, and what you guys are doing. Basically, I'm from Boston, and uh,
I know that there's not. Wait, wait. Say, park the car. Uh, well, I've lost my accent. Oh, okay. Just checking. Uh, you know, some people, some people have totally lost.
I've just lost my accent. But uh, I've had a burden for New England in particular, and so now that I'm sort of geographically uh, in a position in Raleigh, North Carolina, I can go up the
East Coast fairly easily. And so about two and a half or three years ago, I just had the desire to preach from Virginia up to Harvard University, and sort of hit some
Ivy League schools and some of the other big uh, liberal schools along the way. And of course, then the question was, you know, what kind of a team do you want to put together?
I wanted experienced, reformed men, who I wouldn't have to worry about what they were saying. And we let other guys join us along the way, but I try to pick, you know, three or four guys we can have as a team to travel together for two weeks.
Uh, the camaraderie is just incredible, the times of prayer is incredible, you build some great friendships.
And then of course, not to mention, Christ is powerfully lifted up at a lot of large liberal schools.
And so that's really the goal behind the uh, the East Coast tour. We do it twice a year, once in April and once in either late
September, early October. But uh, bringing the gospel back to New England in particular, and these great schools like Yale and Harvard that were founded by Christians, they get to hear good, muscular,
Christ -centered evangelical preaching, uh, and it's just a, it's just a joy, just a joy to do it.
How many schools are you going to hit, roughly? We hit ten schools in the, basically, fourteen days that we're on the road, and in particular, this year we end in Providence, Rhode Island, and Providence, as you know
Andrew, has the oldest Baptist church in the country that Roger Williams planted when he encountered difficulty with the
Puritans up in the Boston, New England area. And uh, so when we get up to Providence, there's actually going to be a
Reformed, a Southern New England Reformed conference taking place, which Joel Beakey, this year, will be the keynote speaker, and he's doing a uh, a number of uh, sermons on the
Puritan family, and then Joel's going to have a little breakout session with We Street Preachers and a couple of the full -time ministers that come to the conference, which will be great, and then they're going to allow me to speak for about ten or fifteen minutes and try to mobilize some men out onto the streets of Providence to get trained by Cy and myself and Don to actually take your message out onto the streets.
So it's a marvelous ending to this, basically. So that conference is open to the public? Open to the public, yeah, open to the public.
So when's that, when's that? That's going to be next Friday night, Saturday, and then Joel Beakey will preach the
Sunday sermon at the Baptist church up there in Providence. Okay, so which day, that's May? Uh, it'll be
May, I guess, second, third, and fourth. Second, third, and fourth. Second, third, and fourth, and open to the public. Alright, so now you go onto the campuses, um, with a group of guys, and they, they welcome you with open arms, correct?
Well, that's only the reaction Andrew gets when he goes on campuses. No, no, no. No, I brought uh, shock and awe
Don Kearns with me, and uh, Iron Mike Stockwell, so uh, if they could keep us off, they would, but uh, we, we found some schools like George Washington University where you actually can stand on the sidewalk and preach, they let us go with an amplifier, the police, of course we always pray that the uh, that the authorities will sort of uh, turn a deaf ear to us, and we, we had that answered, certainly for the first week, where we've had no difficulties with authorities, uh, but yes,
I mean some schools require permits, and you have to get them in advance, so these schools that we go to, we either A, have the permit in advance,
B, they don't need a permit, or C, we're sort of adjacent to the campus. For instance, at Yale University, we're not going to actually get on the campus, we're going to be adjacent to one of the entrances, but what's nice about this tour is we've got some
Presbyterian ministers that are also coming out to get trained in open air preaching, so that's something else we do try to do on these
East Coast tours, is train men, train men, especially ministers, to get out with an open
Bible, and begin to learn how to take a stand in their city, so our goal always is, when we leave an area, that we leave some preachers behind.
Yeah. Yeah. And they leave me behind? Well, you know, if there was ever going to be a Left Behind series, I would want to write
Volume 13, and Sy would be left behind in that series. Now, do you vote people off the island there, or is
Sy in trouble of having to find his way back to Canada? Well, you know, if you heard as many funny jokes out of this guy as I heard this morning, you'd believe in exile.
But actually, we've had a great time. I have an immunity necklace. Yes, he sure does.
Yeah, actually, it brings up a good point, though, because I know you got to speak a little bit more so than you did this morning with Pastor Will here in Jackson, New Jersey, and one of the things he said is, he really thinks that open air preaching is the front line of where evangelism is, and where the church should be.
His point is, he actually has said, you know, it's easy to preach in a church, but getting on a street and preaching, that's where the real front line is.
Now, you guys, or you more so, you're there regularly on the front lines there. Yeah, you're in the naked public square.
You're basically out there where the world of ideas comes into collision, and now into that world of ideas, we bring the ideas of the gospel, which obviously run completely counter to the ethos and the zeitgeist of our time.
I mean, you know, people don't want to hear that there's absolute truth. Their position is, there's absolutely no absolute truth.
So, of course, this is a perfect tee for Sy, and sort of opens up an opportunity for him to just basically drive the ball out of the park.
And, so, yeah. Can you explain zeitgeist? Are you saying I play tee ball? Well, no. Well, you know, zeitgeist is the spirit of the age, and the spirit of the age is very much, look, it might be okay for you,
Sy, to believe in absolute truth, but it's not okay for me. Or, it might be that, look, you know, everything is relative. So, we get into the naked public square with the absolute truth claims of the gospel, but we are
Bible preachers. We're not really, I mean, we're apologists in one sense, but we are there to preach Christ and him crucified, and we bring the
Canadian ambassador with us. I have three American ambassadors, and we are ambassadors for Christ. Our confidence is in the word of God, the sufficiency of the word of God, the final authority of the word of God.
It's our final answer in every situation where we have a final answer. It's the word of God, and Jesus Christ and him crucified.
But, if a person's humble, and they genuinely need a little bit of information, we're not opposed to giving them a little bit of information or evidence, but we understand none seek after God.
No, not one. And we understand, as Cy will elaborate, that everybody knows God exists, but they're not seeking the
God of the Bible. They want the blessings of the God of the Bible, but they don't want him. And so, these are the things we have to expose.
We have to tear down these worldviews. We have to tear down all these thoughts that exalt themselves against the knowledge of God.
And we, it's almost, if you remember back to the days of the Greeks, they had all of these philosophical thoughts. The gospel was the answer, and the gospel is the answer today.
Men are slaves of sin, and only the power of the gospel, the power of God unto salvation, will liberate men from the guilt of this sin, and from the slavery of sin.
So, at the end of the day, Andrew, and you know because you're one too, we're gospel Bible preachers. That's what we are.
Now, why college campuses? Why not, I mean, is there a reason you target the campuses when you do these
East Coast tours? Gee, that's a great question. You know, the campuses are where the ideas are fomenting that are going to yield whatever kind of world we live in 20, 30 years down the road when these students, especially at the
Ivy League schools, get into positions of leadership, become Supreme Court justices, begin to run for president, begin to head up major corporations.
You know, we're sort of going after the, in a sense, the leaders of the next generation. And if God and his providence chooses to convert some of them, that's his business.
But we want the salty ideas and the light of the gospel to impact the people that are going to be the leaders of the next generation.
You think about the guys that wrote the Constitution. They weren't all Christians. Maybe many of them weren't. But they had been greatly impacted by the gospel and the ethos and the ideas of the gospel.
So, that's one of the reasons we kind of handpicked these campuses. Plus, many students today have no idea what it teaches in the
Bible. I mean, the level of biblical ignorance today is appalling. You'll meet a kid in an Ivy League school and he won't even know anything in the
Sermon on the Mount. He may not even know where the Ten Commandments came from. So we're able to expose this very high level of even cultural ignorance and say to these students, it's one thing to disagree, it's another thing to be ignorant.
And so we sort of challenge them where they're at and get them to think biblically and to show them the Bible has answers.
For instance, we just had a massacre up in Boston and college students are asking the questions, if everybody's basically good, why would there be a massacre up in Boston?
We've got the answer. People are spiritually dead. They have a sinful nature. And we need to bring that idea into the place where kids have the time to think about this.
Plus, college students, Andrew, as you know, have a lot of time on their hands. In fact, I'd even go so far as to say they have too much time on their hands, but they will sit in front of preaching sometimes for hours.
And so, whereas at a sporting event we might only get a 30 second or a one minute sound bite from the gospel on the college campus, kids will sit around and listen to Don preach or Si preach or Mike or myself.
For hours at a time, we can get into all of the aspects of the gospel, the ruin of man and the fall, the redemption of man by shed blood, and the need to be regenerated by the power of the
Spirit. So, we've got all this time, Andrew, at the college campus to actually do that. Do you find that they're a little bit more open than, say, at a sporting event?
Are people more willing to dialogue with you on college campuses? You know, that's a great question.
There may be some people that would dialogue at a sporting event, but normally they're on their way someplace. They're trucking on to get in their seat or grab their beer or their hot dog.
At the college campus, we are the entertainment for the day. We are the education that's going on there. It's a reason to skip class.
Especially if you can make the preacher look stupid, which many have attempted to do. A few have probably succeeded, but not as many as thought.
Speak for yourself. Well, I thought you were going to say I resemble that statement. Okay, now wait a minute.
Are we there to entertain them? Absolutely not. But just like Andrew, in the
Old Testament, I'm sorry, when Paul preached, there were three responses. Some mocked. Some listened, and others said, we'll hear more about this later.
And so the point is, we're getting all three of those groups. And whether the kid comes down with a cat in a hat,
Dr. Seuss book in his hand making fun of the gospel, or whether he dresses up as Spider -Man and he leaps from table to table, the point is that these people who are heckling, bring a crowd around, and it becomes an opportunity, a platform for a lot of people to hear preaching.
And the kids are not in a rush to get away. So the combination of time on their hands, critical time in their life where they're thinking about things, or perhaps they're open to new ideas, they haven't thought about it, it really is almost the perfect venue for the open -air preacher.
And it is, I mean, on college campuses, there does seem to be this aspect where they're open to different ideas.
They're open to dialogue. I remember here, I was in New Jersey, the
College of New Jersey, I think it was, where we had this guy, Kevin, and he was up there trying to make his point.
What I didn't realize was, his entire sociology class came out, because someone said, well,
Kevin can't come to class because he's out heckling a preacher, and the entire class came out. I didn't realize the teacher was right there, and challenging his worldviews, and he tried arguing that, well,
God has a wonderful plan for my life. Isn't that what you're going to tell me? I said, no, I'm not going to tell you that. I said, the only plan that God has for your life, if you don't repent, is hell and damnation.
I said, that's not a wonderful plan. And he said, well, you're supposed to tell me, God has a wonderful plan for my life, and He loves me.
And I was like, who told you that? It was very interesting, because the thing they're being taught to expect us to say, and some of it not all in scripture, but his whole class was out, and he was trying to argue for us being all, as you mentioned earlier, that we're all good.
And there is no absolute morality, there is no absolute truth. And I just asked him if Hitler was wrong.
I mean, is Hitler wrong? And he would not answer if Hitler was wrong. He kept going, Hitler's crazy.
I didn't care if Hitler's crazy. I said, is he wrong? And he did not want to admit that he's wrong, because if he admits he's wrong, he knows the next question is, where can you have morality?
Where can you have the right to say there's an absolute morality without God? You can't. You rely on God in every step, and I'm sure
Cy's going to point this out, but you rely on God to even know who Hitler is. You can't know anything without God.
And it was funny, because even his classmates were just egging him, like, just say the guy was wrong! They won't do it.
Well, it's interesting, because on the one hand, out of one corner of the mouth, college students will say, people are basically good, and then on the other hand, every single bicycle on the campus is locked, every single car's been locked up.
They don't live the silly stuff that they say, and it only takes about a minute or two to point out the obvious.
And so really, I mean, honestly, these kids have been dummied down so low in their education, that really, if you think of that word, education, leading someone out of something, we're leading them out of darkness into the truth of the gospel.
And Jesus Christ, he's the answer. It's what he has done, and it's what he's able to do right now, that they most need to hear.
And obviously, we expose their sin, but we do care about them. So we don't just go and badger the kids.
That doesn't mean that we're afraid to take on whatever kind of heckling takes place. Sure, there's varying levels of heckling that goes on.
We're not supposed to badger them. But it does,
I mean, I don't know if you've been listening to some of Tony Miano's videos lately. He's been doing a thing where he gets onto some of the campuses, and he just says,
Okay, so you believe people are really good. There's no absolute truth. He'll be like, can
I have your walk? Can I just see your wallet? And they'll say, well, it's my wallet. And they'll be like, no, no, no, it's my wallet. He says, well, my truth says it's my wallet.
So why would you give me back my wallet? He exposes, they're not believing their own worldview they're trying to espouse.
They wish to be true. Well, Andrew, I think the biggest need of the hour right now, honestly, is for men to put their confidence in the
Word of God and take a stand. If you don't feel called to a college campus, could you stand in a street corner and read one verse and explain it to three or four people in a street corner?
In other words, it's time for men to stand up and say the Word of God is the final authority. And I understand not everybody's called to be an evangelist,
I understand that. But you are called to be a witness for the Lord Jesus Christ. And you don't have to go into the hornet's nest, but you could stand someplace with an open
Bible and let people see you taking your stand for Christ. And that's really what we hope to engender,
Andrew. It's not just... Many times, the reason we're on campus is to encourage the Christian kid.
He's there, he's struggling. He is desiring to be just like the world, but something in him says, no, you're a believer, and he's struggling.
And then when we come to the campus, these kids are elated to see a mature, muscular presentation of the
Gospel. Thank you. Like I said, I figured he'd say he resembled that statement.
And that actually is interesting, because when you do... It's a point that we don't often bring out when we talk about evangelizing on college campuses, but there are
Christians on secular campuses that do get encouraged by the boldness of people that come onto the campus and share the
Gospel. And for some of them, it gets them to get bold themselves. That's right. I want people to know
I don't have a twitch if a bee almost flew into my ear. That's what it was. Um...
We know you have a twitch. Not that there's anything wrong with that. So now,
Cy, you get onto... You're not really an open -air preacher so much, right? I'm more of an open -air debater.
So you need a person on the other side to be talking with. Well, I could say...
I don't think I'm really qualified for the expository preaching of the Word. But I have a specialty, and my specialty is apologetics.
So I try and teach people how to defend the truth of what they believe. So you give them lots of evidence to defend their faith.
That's right. I make them the judge... I don't know. I do want to talk about the new video you got about foolishness.
I don't have a new video. Well, the one that you're going to be in. I have a new film. You're a film star.
It's a whole different level. That's what the glasses are for. Actually, I can't talk about it.
It's in my contract. Okay, so...
You teach presuppositional apologetics. That's correct. So, real quick, give a definition of what that is, and then let's give kind of an outline of how you use that to help people.
I didn't know there was going to be a test. I wish I had Scott's gift of oration, because I don't really have that.
But the best way that I can... That's true. Psy basically has two main points and a lot of bull in the middle. Kind of like a steer, a longhorn steer.
Edit that out. That's the first time
I've ever seen him go quiet. Yeah, I know. I was doing the Straits of Magellan thing, if you ever saw that old...
What was that show called, with Michael J. Fox? Family Ties. No, that was the other guy.
What was that other guy in Gronkine? Kirk, our friend Kirk. Oh, that's right. He's friends with Michael J.
Fox, though. Oh, I didn't know that. He was before he became a Christian. Before he got sick. No, but seriously, before he got sick, they were actually good friends.
If you ever watched reruns, one of the things that the two of them had, they used to have this thing to see who would spin around and they would see who could get more spins doing a 180 of them just standing in one spot and turning around.
I'm going to challenge Kirk to that as well. He let us down.
If you don't know the story, that was really silly. I had heard of that. Yeah, when they would do the casting, if you ever watched those old shows,
Michael J. Fox and Kirk Cameron would spin on set like that at different times and they'd try to see how many they could get into an episode that wouldn't get edited out.
Make it not look obvious. Like ours. We're not good actors like they are.
That's for sure. The film, I was not acting. Some of the atheists in the film said stuff that you'd think that they would have lines.
We're almost going to put it in the credits. Atheist 1 played by so -and -so. They said things in the film that were just so...
Was it a video or a film, Cy? Let us know which one it was. What's the difference between a video and a film?
You have to watch it and you'll see. A video is online and a film gets watched.
This is a video. Dial 1 -800 -10 -BRUGEN to get your video. When you watch it, you'll know.
Crown Rights and backed by American Vision did an amazing job. Even the credits, you're watching it, it's pretty cool.
The one thing I like about the closing credits, I don't know if I'm giving it away, but you'll see the closing credits and you'll see director of photography,
Marcus Pittman, and there's a little video beside of him open -air preaching. The next one, Key Grip, Mike Stockwell, and there's a video of him open -air preaching.
It's not that people are just holding a camera or holding camera bags. These are people that are out there preaching, out there doing the work, and it's really cool.
That was part of my favorite part of the movie, is the credits. So you're saying the ending is the best?
Yeah. I'm going to let you in on a little secret, too. After the credits are done, there's a little video, too, so don't get up and walk out of the theater and have to look over your shoulder.
Just stay seated. It's not going to be in the theater. Presuppositional apologetics.
It's actually what we refer to as a biblical apologetic, and I think the best way that I can explain it is to explain what it's not.
And the traditional apologetics that most people use is a reasoned defense of your faith. It's not saying that you're sorry, although the way we defend our faith, many people should be saying that we're sorry at least to God, because what we do is that we give evidences to defend our faith.
Somebody says, I don't believe in God, and the first thing we say is, well, let me give you some evidence. Now, here's the thing that I ask.
I say, where do you hear evidence in the secular world? You hear it in the court of law. Who do you give evidence to in court?
The judge and the jury. So when an unbeliever comes up to you and says, I don't believe in God, and we give them evidence, we're saying that they're the judge.
They're the judge and jury, and God's on trial. So what I do with this presuppositional approach is a biblical approach is that I don't believe them when they say they don't believe in God.
Romans 1 says that they do believe in God and that they're without excuse. So rather than give them evidence and elevate them to the position of judge,
I expose the fact that they really do know that God exists and that God is the judge. Because in Genesis, at the very beginning, what was it that Satan used with Eve?
Well, God's holding something back. You could be greater. What is it they want to elevate?
And that actually is something that we've dealt with many times, whether it be with the gospel, with things that happen within the church, in this case with apologetics, is people create a man -centered apologetic which displays my knowledge.
Look at all that I've studied. I have all this science, and I can go with these secular scientists and give them
Christian science and go back to back to show that Christian science is just as valid and just as good, and that gives you all the evidence that you need to know, hey, guess what?
I'm just like you. I'm just as smart as you. But how then is the presuppositional apologetic different?
You brought us back to Genesis and the very first verse in the Bible. In the beginning, here's a really good argument for God.
So the difference in the apologetic approach is that the evidentialist brings evidences to try and conclude
God. But the presuppositionalist says, no, we're not going to do that. We're not going to elevate the person to the position of judge.
We're going to examine what it's like if you don't start with God. So what we say is that in order to examine any evidence, you need to start with God because we will interpret all evidence according to what we already believe.
We'll interpret all evidence according to the beliefs that we take to the evidence, our pre -beliefs. The beliefs that we take to the evidence, that's our presuppositions.
And what we're saying as a presuppositionalist is that the only worldview that can make sense of even examining evidence is the
Christian worldview. Unless you start with God, you can't even make sense of examining evidence because we will interpret all evidence according to what we already believe.
Let's break that down a little bit. You will argue in a good way.
An argument doesn't necessarily have to be bad. That's what I say. You argue with yourself about what you're going to have for breakfast, but the waitress isn't coming over to tell you to keep it down.
You have an argument? I just say, give me everything. What's the problem? There's no argument there.
Choose eggs or waffles. Both. What's the problem? Yes. Andrew wants us to bring up the fact that he just lost 25 pounds.
Show the physique. Oh! He's all embarrassed now.
The point there is that we will point out that without God they can't know things.
You do that often with them. What is the purpose of doing that and how does that work out?
What we do in this apologetic is there's really only two worldviews. There's the God worldview and there's the not
God worldview. There's the God worldview and the not God worldview. Since there's only one God as it says in Psalm 96 verse 5 that all the gods of the nations are idols but the
Lord made the heavens. Since there's only one God all other worldviews are not God worldviews.
Even those that profess an other deity. They're all not God worldviews. What we do with this apologetic is that unless you start with God you show the absurdity of those other worldviews.
You're saying that there's two worldviews sense and nonsense? Basically. If you don't start with God the
God of the Bible how does that lead to nonsense? The thing is it doesn't lead to nonsense it starts as nonsense because we're presuppositions.
If you look at Romans 11 verse 36 from him, through him and to him are all things.
If I say that I have knowledge but I don't believe God exists or if I really want to be arrogant and say
I know God doesn't exist I'm an atheist how could I make that claim?
What is the importance of saying that if I'm saying making a claim, a truth claim that God does not exist and yet I say
I have knowledge how is that impossible? I bring people back first to Romans 11 verse 36 from him, through him and to him are all things.
So if this person says they can have things without God we already know that what they're saying is false.
But the problem is we have to be able to expose the fact that what they're saying is false. Now if somebody says no you can't have that without God and they don't know any more of the argument that's fine.
Tell them that. Tell them that you know that God exists and they can't have knowledge without God. But I'd like to further expose that and the first question that I'll ask somebody first I'll explain what scripture says that the fear of the
Lord is the beginning of knowledge all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are hidden in Christ. That's my world view. And what I say is unless you start with God you can't have knowledge.
And of course they're mocking you at that point. I say well let me ask you this question. Could you be wrong about everything you claim to know?
And they most often will say yes. In a high 90 % time they say yes I could. Which is an honest answer in their world view.
Well it's a foolish answer but it's an honest answer. It's an honest one in their world view. But the problem is once they've done that the debate is over.
It's completely over. Because they've just made a nonsensical claim. Because if they say I could be wrong about everything
I think I know can you be wrong about that? See and it's nonsense. And I say those are your options.
God or nonsense. But people choose nonsense because they love their sin. But I further explain and I say look let's say you ask me the speed of the road out there and I said it's 25 miles per hour but I could be wrong.
Do I know it? No. If I could be wrong I don't know it. Correct. And if the person says they could be wrong about everything they claim to know it follows that they know nothing.
But the problem is they do know things but they suppress their only possible justification for knowledge. So they can't account for the knowledge that they have.
In 1st Timothy 6 .20 what does he call it? Knowledge falsely so called. And in Colossians 2 verse 8 it's explained what is that false knowledge?
Followed on the traditions of the world rather than on Christ. Because the thing is we know things the same way unbelievers do through our senses, memory and reasoning.
But we can only justify them because we know that we're created in the image of God. That he has given us these faculties to know things.
The unbeliever uses them but doesn't appeal to God. So any knowledge that they do have and they do have knowledge is knowledge falsely so called because it's not founded on Christ.
Now often when you do this you'll find that they will the professing atheist will argue because they know they know things.
But they're not questioning how they know things. We're talking about epistemological self -awareness.
You like using those big words. No actually I don't. That's actually what we're doing and people go huh? Is that the right pronunciation?
How do you say it again? Epistemological self -awareness is basically how do you know what you know? Making them aware of how they know what they know.
Unless you start with God you expose the fact that they can't know anything. The fact that they do know things shows that they're suppressing the truth about the
God they know exists. So it's the knowledge itself is how they know they know God. They know
God innately. I expose it that way because I know that many presuppositionalists say well the way that you know that you know
God exists is the fact that you know things. That's not the way that you know it. That's the way I expose that they know it. But they know that God exists the same way
I do innately. I tell the story very often of sitting at a dinner table with a friend of mine, an unbeliever and he said,
Si, the thing that I hate most about you those are the kind of friends I have that hate things about me. You mean you have friends that don't hate things about you?
I suppose they don't. They're honest enough to tell you. He said the thing that I hate most about you is how certain you are that God exists.
He said how are you so certain that God exists? And I said to him the same way you are.
But I'm following him and you're not. And my friend, he got up from the table and he looked at his hands and he was going to the restroom as if he needed to wash his hands but we'd just been to the restroom.
The reason he got up from the table and walked away was because he was crying. And that's what I tell people.
I say look, when you have a family member or a friend who says that they don't believe in God sometimes just confronting them with that fact is sufficient.
Well that's not what the Bible says. The Bible says you do. Does that mean that they're going to drop to their knees and follow you into church?
No. But at least you're not lying about the God of Scripture. One of the things you will often do with people and this is one of the things
I've picked up from you is to ask them, not only can you be wrong about everything you know but to ask the question of can
God reveal himself in such a way that I can know him for certain? I don't do that anymore actually.
You don't do that? I do that, I mean you can see in my older videos I do that sometimes but really first of all if they say they can be wrong about everything that's an irrelevant question.
It doesn't matter how they answer it because we've exposed the folly of that view. But now more and more what I will say is when they say that I'll say so you cannot say that it's impossible for God to exist.
Is it impossible for God to exist? And if they say no it's not impossible they already grant the fact that he can reveal things to us.
So I don't need to ask that. Sometimes it depends where I'm in the conversation I'll say look, can God do this? But if they grant that God exists in scripture it says he does that.
He reveals things to us that we can know for certain. Now I want to make one difference because there are people who will say could
God exist? And they'll make the case for the lack of knowledge that we as humans have a finite knowledge of the full universe
God could exist in the knowledge we don't have. And then they use that to argue against atheism for agnosticism.
That's not what you're doing. You're arguing for a certain God, a knowledge an innate knowledge of God.
Right. Because when I say is it impossible for God to exist? First of all, when they say that they don't believe in God they're actually committing blasphemy.
Now people think that blasphemy is just using God's name in vain but it's also denying what his word says. And his word says that they all know that he exists.
So when they say no I really don't know that God exists they're committing blasphemy and I think it's important to warn them of that fact.
And that's what I tell them out on the campus. I say this isn't just a neat philosophical discussion. I say if you die in your sin, this is not good for you.
Because you're getting a lot of truth. And you're accountable for the amount of truth that you get and reject. And they're going to be judged by a
God as you often say. The God that they know. God does not send people to hell for denying what they don't know.
He sends them to hell for their sin against the God they do know. However, if they take that position that they can know things for certain the one question
I ask them is is it impossible for God to exist? Sometimes you go down their world to further expose their absurdity and they would have to have all knowledge to say that it's impossible for God to exist.
They would have to be God to deny him. But once they grant the possibility that God exists then as far as our justification for our knowledge is over.
Because God reveals. So if I say can God reveal things to us such that we know them for certain and they say no he can't.
I say well then you're denying the God of Christianity. Is it impossible for that God to exist? If they say yes, well then
I say how do you know that for certain? And you expose that they cannot have certainty without the God of Christianity.
There's something that a lot of people do. They argue for evidence. You give me evidence that God exists.
Yet, the real issue is not an evidence issue, is it? Well, that's what I tell people. Because a lot of Christians are out there trying to prove miracles, for instance.
You look at the miracle of Jonah in the fish for three days. And you go online and you look at it and you say well they think it was a sperm whale because the mouth was big enough and the first stomach didn't have the acids that would have killed
Jonah. They tried to prove miracles with evidences. But the thing is it's not our job to prove miracles.
Because in 2 Timothy 2 .25 it says repentance comes before a knowledge of the truth, not after.
These people need to repent for their sin against the God they know exists for those miracles to make sense. And we're out here trying to give people evidence of miracles so that they'll repent.
We've got it exactly upside down. Because if they deny the God that made that happen then that's nuts.
That's facing. But if they profess Him then the whole Bible makes sense. Because the
God who created everything who spoke everything into existence can do miracles. So they're actually starting with their presupposition that God does not exist.
That's their starting point that they don't question. And they complain about us starting with God. I say, wait a minute, you're starting with not
God. They say you can't start with the supernatural. I say, you're starting with the natural to prove naturalism.
They don't realize the fallacy of their view. And the difference is when they say it's not impossible for God to exist they've granted us an avenue to certainty which they don't have.
So from then on it doesn't matter. They say, well how do you know that? I say, well you've already granted that I can know things for certain with the existence of God.
How do you know anything for certain? And they'll appeal to their senses, their memory and their reasoning. I say, well how do you know that they're valid?
My senses, my memory and my reasoning tell me. I say, now that's a vicious circle. Because you cannot appeal to God who reveals things to us such that we know them for certain.
Because I'm sure that their senses have led them astray. And I don't know about you.
I know you're a little bit older than me. But maybe you've experienced where your memory is kind of failing at times.
Well that's one of the first two signs of old age. The first one is loss of memory. And the second one is... I can't remember.
Do you remember you owe me $20? He forgot about the $100 he owed me too. Hey Andrew, just to throw a thought in here.
I'm done. That kind of thing I remember. Just want to throw a thought in here.
We've been around the street preaching community for 10 years. And we've seen some interesting developments.
One obviously was the use of the law. We have Ray Comfort and his ministry to thank for that. Where God unveiled to Ray through a
Spurgeon sermon that it was necessary if you were going to preach the gospel that you first lay the foundation with the law of God.
So they understand what the problem is and what the solution is. And then the second thing I've noticed in the street preaching community over the last 10 years is many many people have understood the doctrines of grace.
That God is sovereign in salvation. It's not up to us to manipulate and get people to raise hands and make decisions.
We're to preach the word of God and God is sovereign in his own harvest field. The third thing I'm seeing now is this apologetic by Psy.
And I think what he's doing is he's showing people, Christians in particular, that we're really not honoring God. We're not honoring his word.
So I'm very excited, Psy, about what I would consider to be a real advance of God's unveiling of what he's doing.
I want to put a plug in. It does have a movie star named Psy who will be in this film. It's not a video.
And it's how to answer a Psy? How to answer a Psy. The Psy. But seriously, the film is how to answer a fool?
How to answer the fool. That's what we're... And so it really is the third step, I think, in what
I see as God maturing the community of evangelists and really ministers to. Use of law, doctrines of grace, confidence, complete confidence in the
Bible in every setting. I do want to say, before we get to the film... Well, let me just say something.
He says that it's my... I was just going to gather... I appreciate that because I'm dumbing down the arguments that people have come before me, but it's a biblical apology.
And I want to emphasize, and atheists love it when I say that, I'm only a tool. But this is the thing.
He didn't even jump on that. But I'm happy to be a tool of God anytime.
We are slaves to Christ. And when we stop thinking that we're slaves to Christ and we think that we've risen above that, we're in trouble.
We're just in trouble. But one of the things that I think is important... One of the things
I think that's important with this apologetic is the fact that it raises
God up. Unlike so much of the stuff that we see in evangelism and all today, where people are raising themselves up, this raises
God up. So it's not Psy's apology. Really, this is a biblical apology.
It's God's way of saying it. God is going to judge people. And they could deny it.
He exists all they want. It's not going to change the circumstance. It's like trying to argue, well, I don't believe in gravity.
I'm not going to suddenly float. But they think that their belief is going to make it true. God is very clear that He is going to judge them.
That He has said they already know He exists. It's not something that's for debate.
The one question I always ask people is why would I have to give you evidence for what you already know to be true?
Why would I have to convince you you already know it's true? I may take the tact of saying to show them the fact that they know so they're suppressing that truth.
The thing is, what we have to keep in mind is that until they repent, they can't know it. Repentance comes before knowledge of the truth.
Many people adopt this presuppositional approach and they get frustrated that now they have a biblical argument and people aren't following them into church.
And they get frustrated by it. It's not that you can have more converts. We hope that the Holy Spirit will bless this.
But the thing is, we cannot convert people. Now we're honoring God and we're apologetic.
Instead of talking about a probable God, we're talking about the certain God that we believe in. It's not about success or about converts.
It's about now we're honoring God and we hope that God blesses us. And what I found too is that it's the
Christians who are loving this because now we're exalting Christ as Lord. We have God as Lord of our theology in church.
And then we go out and we have man as Lord of our apologetic. So that's why I say this apologetic is not a tool in the toolbox.
It's not a neat way to argue. It's life -changing. That when you take God from Lord Jesus Christ as Lord of your theology to Lord of your apologetic, that's life -changing.
And it gives you a boldness, a confidence. Because what happens is when you talk to unbelievers, the result of that is that unbelievers will look like fools.
But that's not the goal of it. It's that Christians are emboldened to speak the truth when they realize that they can speak with anybody.
That's a warning. You've been around open air preaching enough.
We have seen and we're joking about shock and awe but there are guys out there they do study the evidences and they do study these things so that they could belittle or put people down in their open air preaching.
They get up on a box and they preach to people and they belittle people. And the big issue
I have with that is that's not what the gospel is. It's not so we can get up there and go, man
I nailed that guy or get the attaboys, pats on the back from our buddies. That's not what we go out for.
You will win arguments but it's a consequence. It's not the goal. I've heard the story,
I've said it a few times about this fellow, and he was teaching on how to win arguments with atheists.
And a woman came up to him and said, I don't think God is very pleased when you go around winning arguments. And he said, ma 'am, I think
God is a whole lot less pleased when you go around losing them. And the consequence of speaking the truth is that you will win arguments but if you're a jerk about it,
I'd rather you do it the wrong way. No, I didn't look at you for that. I'm good at both losing arguments and looking like a jerk.
It's all right. But it is something that we're not looking to belittle someone with this.
We're looking to raise Christ up with this. And if that's not the goal, it's a problem.
One of the things that I say is that we want the unbeliever to feel shame but not shame before you, shame before our
Lord. That's right. So now, you've got a new film coming out.
It's not a video. Therefore, you can't see it on YouTube or DVD, I guess. It's an epic.
So, explain the film. Tell me how this came about, how this started. I was in Florida, I believe, and I was driving back through Atlanta and friends of mine are doing a lot of work with the
American Vision Ministry. And I had a lunch with Gary DeMar and I explained to him how we're taking this apologetic and bring it to the street level.
And he was really excited about it. So, they decided to back a film project. And actually, only 7 weeks ago we filmed our first scene.
7 weeks ago. And Monday is when the film is going to be released. So, in 10 weeks, Crown Rights, with the backing of American Vision, has made a feature -length film in 10 weeks.
And he really appreciated how we were taking this apologetic and bringing it to the street. So, that's what this film is.
A lot of the talk that I gave in New Jersey spliced in with street encounters and spliced in with some sitting down and just explaining the apologetic.
And it's really neat because it's not just a lecture of the apologetics. It's, OK, this is what they'll say, this is what the truth is, and the next scene is some unbeliever out on the street saying exactly that.
And we were really blessed by this because you would watch these conversations and you would think, you must have had thousands of conversations to get these people to say these things.
And it was filmed in like three days. And the thing is, there were so many conversations that we didn't use, it was an embarrassment of riches for what the people had said.
And we were really blessed by a debate that I was able to do down in Florida that I was able to partake. And after the debate, nobody has seen this yet, but this is quite a bit that's in the movie.
And the discussion that we had with the so -called Christian producer and so -called Christian host of the show, it tied the whole apologetics together.
Because we showed what it was like to go from somebody who professes Christianity who really isn't, how you transition from somebody who professes
Christianity to debate with them, you know, about the Bible, to going to the fact that these people really aren't
Christians and showing how you would engage somebody who is really not a Christian. And it ties it together very nicely.
I'm just very pleased with the project. And David, the chocolate knocks, has done a wonderful job editing it.
And it's been a real team effort. And I'm just looking forward to it. Now, you can pre -order it right now if you're watching this before it comes out.
What's the website for it? Americanvision .org. But I think howtoanswerthefool .com
or answerthefool .com Now, keep in mind that we're not out here calling unbelievers fools. You don't go and knock on the door and do the
Mr. T. I pity the fool. Or you fool. But we have to recognize that Scripture calls people fools.
We have to not be intimidated when we go and talk to them. Scripture is very clear. Who is it that it says is a fool?
It's the fool who has said in his heart there is no God. Now, one thing I say is too bad God didn't tell us how to answer the fool.
You know, it's such an important thing to be able to defend our faith with people who are foolish. Proverbs 26.
There we go. Do not answer the fool according to his folly, lest you be like him. What is the fool's folly?
That there is no God. And what do we do? Let's put God on the shelf, examine the evidence to try and get to God. We do exactly what
Scripture tells us not to do. And there are groups, and I know you and I looked at a video where there's groups of people that train people in apologetics and they actually argue that they could train them without the
Bible. Take the Bible, take that out, and we can actually show people that God exists without the
Bible. That's one thing I wouldn't mind bringing up. I'm glad you brought that up because in this film, I don't think a lot of people know this, but we use clips of apologists doing it the wrong way.
And some people have seen a preview of this film and we've been getting a lot of grief, as if we're trying to poke these people in the eye.
But that's not the case. That's not what I'm trying to do. But if that's the perception that people have of me, so be it. It's so important to me that I'm willing to take the heat for that.
But this is how I explain the apologetic to people. I say it's like somebody looking for their glasses when they're perched on their forehead.
And you say, look, your glasses are on your forehead. They go, oh, thanks a lot, and they put it down. So these people who are doing it wrong,
I just want to point out the glasses on their forehead. You're not talking about God. You're not exalting Christ in your apologetic.
And I want them to say, oh, you're right. I have to do it this way. And that's what we're trying to do by showing these clips.
And if there's a backlash from it, so be it. Because I've taught this enough times where if people don't see how people do it wrong, then they immediately revert to doing it the wrong way.
So I want to show the contrast, not to poke these brothers in the eye, and I hope that they're brothers, but to show the fact that, look,
I'm so serious about exalting Christ that we have to show when people aren't exalting Christ in their apologetic.
But it is that proverb that when we give into the world view that God doesn't exist and try to argue without God's revelation, we've removed...
I mean, Jason Lyle has in his book, The Ultimate Proof of Creation, has a great picture. He uses a lot of the artistry.
He's got an atheist arguing that God doesn't exist and he's sawing on a ledge.
And he's on the outer part of the ledge and he's sawing off his own ledge. And that's really what they're doing.
They want us to be out there too. They want us to give up the Bible and then get into their world view where we're in the truth, they're not in the truth.
They'd like us to give up the Bible and come into their world view of non -truth to then argue with them.
And why would we give up the truth? That would be answering a fool according to his folly.
But there is a proverb that says... The very next verse, Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own eyes.
And that does not mean now we pretend there's no God and we say God exists, but since you claim there is no
God, how do you justify your world view? And then you expose the folly of what they're saying. Before I understood this apologetic,
I never understood that. But one thing, and it's a line that I use in the movies, God is not a
God that we can reason to autonomously. God is not a God that we can reason to.
He's the God that we can't reason without. And that's a powerful apologetic, that the unbeliever cannot even open their mouth and utter a word without assuming the
God that they deny. And that's what we have to start exposing with unbelievers. Yeah, because they already know he exists. Absolutely.
And not a God, because some people make that mistake. They already know that there's a God. No, they know THE God. And that's why they're without excuse.
If they just knew some generic deity, then they could say, well, I picked the wrong one. No, they're without excuse because they know
THE God. Now, this May, you're going to be at a conference. Oh, that's right, yeah.
Dowsing the Fire. Actually, that's what Mike said. He said, you know, once we invited you, instead of Ohio Fire and Jersey Fire, we'll call it
Dowsing the Fire. I thought if you invited Psy, you would name it Strange Fire. But you're going to be end of May and Memorial Day weekend.
You're going to be at Ohio Fire, where you're going to get to do this. Are you speaking there? I think so. I'll make sure
I'm, you know, in the back corner speaking somewhere. Looking forward to it, Ohio Fire. We've got the
Ohio Fire at OhioFire .org. You're also going to be at Jersey Fire with Jason Lyle. If you have a choice, though, buy the film.
You mean the video. No. Videos for sale. I'd like to thank our cameraman,
Don, too. He's definitely great. He doesn't look good for the cameraman. I've been having a great time. What a wonderful brother.
He's a great brother. I know he always gives glory to Christ, but I love his preaching out there. It's just such a blessing to listen to his preaching out on the street.
I really enjoy it. If people don't know Don Kearns, you should really check him out. You are sinners .com,
Don? Fantastic website. We'll put him in Psy's second film. You are sinners. You are sinners, not cinders.
Cinders would be good for Ohio Fire. Watch Mike's crosscountry evangelism .com. It's Mike Stockwell, another wonderful brother.
It's the same birthday as me. The funny thing is, on his birthday, everybody sang happy birthday, happy birthday. Nobody on my page.
There's a simple reason for that. I don't post it. Which one of you is older?
I don't mind admitting it. I've earned every year I've gotten. Fifty this year.
You don't look a day over 70. He doesn't. We should go to americanvision .com
.org. The .com link isn't working for some reason. I think they'll get that going. Howtoanswerthefool .com
or answerthefool .com You're not the fool that it's referring to. No, we can't call our brothers fools.
Just checking. There is a thing where... I get grief from atheists who say, you're calling people fools.
You're in threat of hellfire. I say, read the verse. That's talking about brothers and sisters.
You ain't my brother. You're referring to Matthew 5. I don't call them fools. It's God who called them fools.
It's God who says that if they deny that God exists, they are a fool. That's not us making the claim.
It's God. I think he would know better than us. One thing I talk about, too, is that it's not an intellectual claim.
It's a moral claim. Many of the people I debate are way smarter than I am. But they expose their moral folly of willful ignorance of the truth.
It's a moral claim that what they're doing is nonsensical. They might be very smart, but the thing is they're abandoning knowledge.
That's foolish. When you look at who Jesus called the fool, the one who built his house on the sand.
You think he didn't know better? A fool is somebody who knows better and doesn't anyway. They know God exists.
They deny it anyway. They try very hard to suppress it. That's one thing we were talking about earlier. People who want to give evidence to their unbelieving friends and family, ask them this first.
If I could give you sufficient evidence to prove that God exists, would you worship him? Most will say no. Then they still want evidence.
They might say, yes, I would worship him. You probably would. Any God that requires me to give evidence to you is not the
God of the Bible. The God of the Bible you know exists. I'm glad you brought that up. I did want to bring that up earlier and I forgot. That's one of the things you often do.
It was funny at the Reason Rally. I think you and Eric had a clip of asking just that question.
Exposing that they really don't want evidence. When they claim they want evidence, they really don't care.
They're not going to follow God no matter how much evidence you give them. The fellows that Eric and I debated in England on a podcast, we asked, would you worship
God if we gave you sufficient evidence of him? They say, no, he's a murderer. No, we wouldn't worship him. After the show
I asked Eric, which argument is best for those guys? Every building needs a builder or dinosaur bone soft tissue.
These people would not worship God even if you gave them the evidence. Christians are giving them dinosaur bone soft tissue arguments.
The very interesting thing is they wouldn't allow me back on their podcast unless I argued evidence. These people would say they wouldn't worship him anyways.
Christians do that. It's the folly of what we're doing when we defend our faith. We're not honoring the
Lord that we adore. That's right. So you can go to answeringafool .org
answerthefool .com or howtoanswerthefool .com and we'll probably put it somewhere below there. You can also go to ohiofire .org
and we can go to jerseyfire .org where Cy will also be there.
And what's the website for... Yeah, if you want to go to schoolmasterministries .com and find out about some of the other tours we do later in the year out west, another east coast tour in the fall, and numerous other events,
Schoolmaster Ministries. And trainings. There's been a big push for a lot of people to go to abortion clinics and do some ministry preaching, handing out tracts at abortion clinics.
It's become really picked up since the movie 180 came out. And then more so with thebabysaremurderedhere .com
has really brought that out where a lot more people are out doing that. And you and your wife have a ministry there that you do a lot of training specifically in that.
We just trained 24 people down in Florida from 10 different states. There'll be another training up in Boise, Idaho in a couple of weeks, and then a third one in Denver in two and a half, three weeks.
So do you still do your open air preaching training in New York City here? Well, no. We focused on that city for a couple of years,
Andrew, then we focused on D .C. for a couple of years, and now we're basically doing the pro -life preacher training, which gets me moving around a little bit.
Good. It's good to move around. You get to lose some weight. Yeah, think about... Mike.
Mike! We want to show the rest of the team in the shot. Come on. Come on,
Mike. It's hard to get Mike in front of a camera. Don's just trying to stay behind. We'll find some video footage of Mike and Don preaching.
You know what? I'll just Photoshop something in. A little stick figure.
But seriously, here's the thing. I'll say this in closing. The fact that these guys don't want to get behind the camera.
They love the preaching. Don is behind the camera. On that side of the camera. But that's the thing.
We shouldn't be doing it to be seen by men. We do what we do. Some people force you to come on video, though.
It was dragging. But seriously, we do these things because we care about God, not to get our praise by men.
That's one of the things I love about the apologetic and the open air preaching that you lead. It's a training of lifting
God up and putting ourselves down. That's really...
In John chapter 3, when the disciples of John the Baptist come to John the
Baptist and are like saying, Hey, this guy Jesus, he's baptizing more people over on the other side of the river.
And John has the right attitude. John says, that's right. He should be raised up and I should be made little.
That's really what our job is. It's to raise Christ up and make ourselves little.
That's really what we should be doing. I encourage you to go out to School Master Ministries and to...
ProofthatGodExists .org I think I'm getting burnt. I'm fair -skinned, you know. That's why I said strange fire.
Go to those two websites and check out their ministries and check these guys out because they are doing a ministry for God that maybe you're not aware of.
And you should get tuned into. You can help financially with them. They could use it.
That would be a nice change. No, actually you want dollars, not just change. Buy the movie.
Yeah. Get the film. That will help them. But dude, be praying for these guys.
They're out on the front lines. So remember to strive to make today an eternal day for the glory of God.
See you next week. Do not be deceived.
Neither liars, nor thieves, nor idolaters, nor drunkards, nor homosexuals, nor feminine will have eternal life.
Don't be deceived. These things are sin. God punished the sin. The way to the sin is death.
But the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ to the glory of God the Father.
Turn from Him. See, then you'll have to continue in that sin. That's the message today.
Maybe your whole life you sinned it up. But Christ came to deliver men from the bondage of sin.
Through Him, you'll have to keep getting drunk. Through Him, you'll have to continue in pornography, fornication.
You'll have to continue living with your girlfriend, your boyfriend. You can be delivered from that bondage, from drug use, from crack, from messing up.
You'll have to continue in that. Christ died to save sinners from sin, to deliver men from the bondage of sin.
Today, you can be born again to be delivered from the kingdom of darkness and translated into the kingdom of God's Son.
Turn from your sin. Plead to God for mercy today. Plead that God would show your sins today and give you a hatred of that sin.
Plead that God would give you a vision of the cross today and see the love of Jesus Christ as He poured out
His blood for sinners. Plead that God would give you a new heart to take out your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.
Oh, plead for God for His mercy because His mercy endures forever. Plead to God for mercy because His mercies are new every day.
I know this is such a part, and maybe you need to come here to hear the gospel. Or maybe this can be the day of salvation for you.
How can we neglect so great a salvation when spoken first by our Lord? Hear the truth today.
Repent and turn to Christ. We're here at the ministry with Mike Stockwell from CrossCountryEvangelism .com
CrossCountryEvangelism .com Say, Mike, what have you been doing? Well, I've been going across America and going in different states and preaching the gospel, meeting up with other evangelists and going out and encouraging them.
Usually I walk away encouraged by what God has been doing. You've been on the road for two years. Where do you sleep?
Under hedges? What? I sleep in wherever the Lord provides. Basically, it's been in people's houses as I've been going across.
I haven't slept in my car yet, but I'm ready to if I have to. What about food? Have you ever gone hungry? No, I haven't.
I've been blessed. The Lord has provided for me all along the way. Tell me about a typical day in your life.
Well, typically I get up in the morning and I try to arrange the night before who
I'm going to go preach with. This last week we've been out preaching at the DMV in Whittier.
We go out every morning and we preach there. We also have a courthouse that we preach at. No trouble with the law?
We do have our run -ins, but basically, we're polite. We have our constitutional rights, and as long as we're polite to them, it seems like they've been letting us do what we're doing, preaching the
Word. Do you consider yourself to be a good person? Most recently, I just got back from the
UK, and we're out there with Jeremiah Cry, and we were preaching the Gospel, and people were listening.
They were asking us questions. Basically, what must I do? I've been hearing stuff like that in different ways all along America.
Anything dangerous happened? Nothing yet. Nothing dangerous, except for me hitting a few spare tires on the road that I've been blowing off of trucks along the way.
I noticed a slight accent. Where are you from originally? I'm from Long Island, New York. Long Island, New York.
So what are you hoping to accomplish with your time out on the road? Well, basically to be faithful to the call that God has called me to do, to go out and proclaim the
Gospel. That when I stand before Him, He says, Well done, thou good and faithful servant. That's what
I'm hoping for. But along the way, if God chooses to save people through my preaching, that would be a blessing to me.
You know, it's not well done, thou good and successful, but well done, thou good and faithful servant. Hey, thanks Mike for talking. Thank you.