What #STOPTHESTEAL Rallies Mean


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Welcome to the Conversations That Matter podcast. My name is John Harris. Lots of craziness in the world today.
We're gonna talk about a little bit of it leading up to Thanksgiving. In fact, if you're in certain states, like New York, let's say,
Thanksgiving may be crazy because you can't have more than 10 people. And in New York, you know, an Italian family in New York, I mean, that's not even your nuclear family.
Sometimes that's more than 10 people. It's just, California is similar.
A bunch of states have these lockdowns by decree of the governor. So, the jurisdictional issues are just insane.
I mean, this is, you know, the go -to, and I've seen some videos where, there's one I think
I saw, it was yesterday, in, I believe it was Ohio, if I'm not mistaken, or Michigan, I forget, it was somewhere in the
Midwest, but you had a crowd of people basically chanting, get out, to some police who had come into this private business where people weren't wearing masks.
And one of the things, though, leading up to this sort of altercation was the questioning of the police, the pushback, and said, where's the law?
Show us the law. Where is it? And of course, there is no law that says these things.
This wasn't passed by a legislature. This is the decree of the executive branch. And one of the things that I really, honestly,
I'll be just perfectly honest with you about this year that I'm thankful for, and of course, this is
Thanksgiving week. There's many things we have to be thankful for. There's always things to be thankful for. But one of the things about this year is the pietist wing of evangelical
Christianity, and Christianity in general, that wing that just kind of wants to be like an ostrich, stick its head in the sand, kind of assume that everything outside of their local church, or even their personal relationship with Christ sometimes,
I mean, depending on how wide the circle is, is irrelevant. That kind of Christianity isn't working anymore.
It's just not practical. It's not where people are. It's not the kind of situations they're facing.
It was a luxury that people were able to just have a horrible interpretation of Romans 13, myopic one, for so long in this country, because this country did not challenge directly, generally, the goings on in the church or in the religious life of the people.
And now that has changed completely. And 2020 is the year that it happened. And so churches that are having to rethink these things, many pastors have changed their positions on the lockdowns, masks, all that kind of thing, which
I think is great. And the ones that aren't, the ones that are stubbornly trying to still be like an ostrich with their head in the sand, are being kind of viewed by popular audiences, the common people, the lay people, the people that actually fund these institutions.
They're kind of being viewed as irrelevant. How can you help us navigate the life we live in?
It's that old adage, so heavenly minded, you're no earthly good. And of course, the application of God's law is so wide and far reaching.
It applies to things like civil government. It applies to the daily decisions we have going to work and functioning.
And so I think if you're heavenly, if you're truly heavenly minded, if you truly care about the eternal truth, laid down in God's word, you're gonna be earthly good.
But of course, I understand the adage. I get it, totally. And this is the year where the wheels are falling off of that kind of religious tradition, if we wanna call it that.
Because it is. It is a pharisaical religious tradition, basically. So anyway, I'm happy for that.
I just wanna tell you guys, I've just been, you know, I wasn't even expecting opening the show with that remark, but I've just been seeing some things out there that make me happy to see that churches, even though it's very late in the game, are starting to finally, some, some, not all, but some are starting to finally figure out, wait a minute, hold on.
Is that really what Romans 13 says? Does government really have the right to do this? I mean, jurisdictionally speaking, is that even legal to have this lockdown mandate when there's no law?
So anyway, that's just something. You know what, I'll probably do an episode on this. I've had a number of people ask me, hey,
John, what about the mask issue? You know, how do you navigate that? And honestly, people approaching it from a completely wrong angle, some of them.
And that's okay, I'll talk about it in a future episode. But the question is usually asked, show me specifically, like chapter and verse, that tells me
I don't have to wear a mask. As if the burden of proof and the onus is just completely on the people who don't wanna wear masks, when in fact it's not.
The onus and the burden of proof is completely on a tyrannical government. It's completely on the people wanting to force the masks.
And we'll discuss that, like I said, in a future episode. But the subject of this episode is not that. I wasn't actually planning on saying any of that.
We're gonna talk a little bit about the Stop the Steal rallies. I'm not someone who normally goes to political protests, you know, rallies, whatever.
I've been at a few. I remember, you know, I was at one of the Tea Party ones when the Tea Party was a thing. You know,
I've been up at, when I lived in New York, we went up to the state capitol a few times for different issues.
And one time there was kind of a, this was before they had legalized same -sex marriage, and there was kind of a rally there,
I remember. I was young at the time. But, you know, it's not a habit of my life.
And I think for most people, we don't wanna go to rallies. Most people don't wanna do that.
We don't wanna be involved more politically than we need to be. We think politics is kinda, it's dirty in some ways.
I mean, I just think this is how most people think about it. Even most conservatives think about it this way. I don't know if liberals all the time do.
Liberals tend to, it is their religion, often. So they're much more likely, I think, to get involved in protests.
But conservatives are generally like, leave me alone. I just don't even wanna think about it. And in 2020, we haven't had that luxury.
Again, this is, it is infringing. The political realm is infringing on our lives so much.
And so for me, this was a matter of conviction that even thinking about it from this perspective, in the future, when
I have kids and grandkids, and if the Lord tarries and I'm able to have a relationship with them in a free area where we're able to do that,
I wanna be able to tell them, yeah, this is where I was. I was part of it. I saw what was happening.
In 2020, I did everything that I knew to do to make sure that freedom was not lost.
This isn't about Donald Trump, guys. And those who say it is, who think it is, you're out to lunch. This has nothing to do, really, with Donald Trump, except for the fact that Trump is the sitting president and Trump's willing to fight.
This has to do with election integrity, and behind that is the loss of our freedom. And freedom in the sense of civil liberties that have been the mainstay in this republic since it's, well, there have been exceptions, but the general pattern has been, for the most part, that we have faith in the institutions, that we do have free and fair elections, that Americans on both parties are gonna treat each other with respect.
They're gonna treat the church with respect. They're gonna make sure that there are commonly shared values that Americans hold that are enshrined, and those are protected.
Well, we don't live in that anymore, and elections is just one aspect of that, but it's a pretty big one.
It's a pretty big one. We don't really have another recourse. We don't have the media. As political conservatives and social conservatives, the two go together, we don't have the media.
We don't have the political establishment. We don't have academia. We don't have big tech.
We don't even have big business. What we do have are our voice on election day. That's what we have, and now we're finding out, wait a minute, that has been compromised to an extent that it could have, and it looks like it did impact the election in such a way that the wrong candidate won, and perhaps wrong candidates won.
It's a frightening thought, and it is one of the last, it's the last things, and I mean, after this, and here's what a lot of conservative pundits are saying.
I'm not the only one saying this. There's only really one thing after you lose elections, like lose them in the sense of their integrity, not fair and square losing, but you lose faith in the electoral process.
There's one last refuge you have, and you know what that is? You know what that is, and I hope you guys are all, even if you're not a firearms person, even if you're someone who didn't grow up with that,
I hope you're thinking about at least having some kind of mechanism for defense, because that's the last, that's it.
After, when you don't have elections anymore, and there's people, and I've seen them, you know,
Antifa thugs, I saw them in D .C., when there's those kind of people that want to kill you, make no mistake, that's what many of them want.
We're already hearing all kinds of things about progressives now that they think Biden's won, they want to do kind of reeducation, and they wanna put, they make, you know,
AOC was the infamous one for having the enemies list, but there's others who have said they wanna do reeducation. This is, you know, for Trump voters to deconstruct their
Trumpism. This is where we're at. So I sure hope you are hearing what
I'm saying and taking it seriously, because if we don't have faith in the electoral process, things could get, things could get ugly.
And so, anyway, part of the reason that I'm going to these events, I don't wanna lose that, I don't wanna, you know,
I don't wanna lose the country that I grew up in, I don't wanna lose the integrity of our system, because I know that leads to tyranny.
And there have been some encouraging things, there have been some disappointing things in my observations at both of these rallies.
And I wanna talk about that with you a little bit. So first, let me share with you, this is in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, that's where I went last weekend.
And I want you to notice, first of all, how diverse this crowd is. Here's some pictures. You have a
Japanese flag in the bottom left corner here. You have a few people with masks, but by and large, most of the people there do not have masks, which technically,
I think, is actually breaking the new, whatever the new edict is. I mean, I walked into a
Planet Fitness there on the way up, and they told me that I had to have a mask even on the cardio machine.
I mean, you know, and it was in brand new regulation because of the governor.
But people here are mainly not wearing masks. Many of them, though, like I said, the Japanese flag, there's a
Korean flag, and a lot of people from China, North Korea, those kinds of places that immigrated to the
United States, along with American flags, don't tread on me, Trump flags, these kinds of things. And that is fascinating.
Here's a South Korean, I believe, flag, top left. And you know, how many people were there?
Probably a few hundred, I don't know, 500 people, maybe. It wasn't a huge, huge crowd, not like the hundreds of thousands that were at the one in D .C.
that I was at the week before. But I would say more than 50 % were not
Caucasians, mainly Asian immigrants.
And I thought that was absolutely fascinating. And I wanna show you, before actually, we'll get here in a minute to the observations.
I, so they had like an open mic kind of thing, where I guess they didn't have like a keynote speaker or anything, this was very grassroots, this was very just common people.
No Republican state legislators there, no politicians, which is kind of a disappointing thing,
I'll talk about that in a minute. But they had an open mic, and so people were able to just go and make a little speech.
And so I'll tell you what led up to this. I'm gonna show you the speech I made. There was one point in the rally, it seemed like it was kind of dying off a little.
They had some speakers who just, they weren't as articulate, perhaps, and just not motivating.
And so I walk up to where the bullhorn is and stuff, and I'm like, all right,
I'm gonna try to get this party revving again, right? And as soon as I'm like in line for it, this guy comes out who just really charismatic, like he's tall, his dad was
North Korean, he's an Asian guy, he's got kind of like tactical gear on. And he starts just giving this excellent speech.
And he's talking about, he mentions Jesus Christ a few times, and that's one of the things
I've noticed at both the Stop the Steal, overtly religious guys, overtly religious. And I'll talk about that in a minute, too.
But he starts talking about Jesus Christ as king, and he's against the Chinese Communist Party.
And we look out at the front of the state capitol, and there is, I don't know, like six or seven cars, you know, like escalades and stuff, come down the street.
And they have signs in different languages, like Chinese it looked like, and you had, even, it's a different religion,
I think, Falun Gong. I mean, I've never had any experience with Falun Gong, but one of the cars had Falun Gong.
I guess they're a persecuted minority in China of some kind. But all these Asian, these vehicles, from,
I guess, China, Chinese immigrants. And it became, while this guy was speaking, a rally against the
Chinese Communist Party. Now, think about this for a minute with me. Why in the world would an election in the
United States turn into a protest about that election, turn into a protest against the
Chinese Communist Party? And why would there be so many more Asians there than Caucasians?
And I was asking someone there, I said, is Harrisburg, is there like a big population of Asians?
And people didn't seem to think there was. So that even makes it more interesting to me, in a way.
It means these people are committed. They're probably traveling from somewhere to be here. And I can't say the same, honestly, for a lot of the other people that live in Pennsylvania.
And I can't say the same for Christians, either. And that's a sad thing to me. And what I mean by, there are a lot of,
I think everyone there probably would have claimed to be some form of either Christian or Catholic or something, other than the Falun Gong car.
I do think that, because so many of the things were overtly religious. I mean, I think they prayed the Lord's Prayer, if I remember. I mean, there was so much scripture
I'm having a hard time remembering. Every speaker just about that came up had to mention God in some way.
So there were Christians. But what I mean by that is, there weren't, it wasn't a lot. And certainly, we didn't see leaders, like Republican leaders, but we didn't see really pastors.
There was like one pastor there. And that, in one way, I felt almost like, does this, these immigrant people, these people that their dad, like this man who spoke, his father escaped
North Korea. And he was there speaking out against the Chinese Communist Party and against the Democrats. They put them in the same, isn't that interesting, guys, that those who know tyranny, who have lived or their parents have lived with tyranny in their backyard in North Korea and China, they look at the
Democratic Party and they see something familiar. Doesn't that bother anyone?
Does that bother any of you Christians out there, knowing what the Chinese and the North Koreans do to Christians? Or does it really matter?
Because, well, the Democrats can come to our churches too, like David Platt says, and it's fine to vote for a Democrat. They see something that we do not see when they have tyranny in their backyard.
Same thing with the Cubans in Florida, who had an understanding of what it was like in Cuba, so they came out for Donald Trump.
They're seeing something that most of the quote -unquote evangelicals in this country fail to see or don't want to see.
I'm not sure which, half the time. And I think we've taken liberty for granted for so many years, we have no clue what we may be in for.
And once you're in the cage, then it's too late. And so I have to say, these individuals who are respected, the liberty that they have been afforded, and including the liberty to worship
God, who travel to be at this event, I have so much respect for. And I just think it's very telling.
The makeup of this particular audience in Harrisburg.
I noticed that the big one in DC, it was also very diverse. You had all kinds of people, but this one, it just stood out to me.
And so anyway, so I'm there, I'm waiting in line, this guy takes the mic, and he is just so good. He got the crowd really revved up.
And I decided, I kind of left the area, because I was like, okay, we're fine now. They don't need me, because clearly, everything's taken care of.
Well, I wasn't planning on speaking at that point. And then the guy who was speaking before me, he noticed,
I guess, that I was waiting to speak, and he comes up to me, and he just basically hands me, or he tells me, he's like, hey, you're speaking next.
And so I was like, oh, okay. And it was kind of almost sprung on me. So this was kind of stream of consciousness here a little bit.
But here is what I said at the Stop the Steal rally in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania last weekend.
I want to ask everyone a question here for a moment. How many of you have ever, give me a show of hands, attended a political protest before?
How many of you have done it before? All right, do a show of hands. How many of you, is this your first time?
All right, it's a mix, okay. This is, I'm not someone who naturally comes to a political protest.
And I know many of you feel the same way. But I drove five hours this morning to be here with you.
That's why I did it. I was in Washington, D .C.
last week. I'm here this week. I live in Lynchburg, Virginia. And we were chanting earlier about 1776.
Well, my family trace it back to 1776. My last name is Harris, and I have relatives that live in Harrisburg at that time.
I have relatives that came from all over this country, as many of you did. We've had speakers here whose ancestors came from North Korea, who came from all over the place, and they came here, why?
Freedom, self -government, not government by men who are flawed, who make their own rules.
Government by the people, people who live under a law. The law comes from God.
It does not come from government. Hallelujah, yeah! I'm gonna make a little confession here.
I did not vote for Trump in 2016. Me too. You're forgiven. Okay. I'm gonna tell you why
I did this, John, and why I've become someone who travels five hours to show up at a protest.
About a year and a half ago, I heard about something called the Great Reset. How many of you have heard of the
Great Reset? Yeah, 2030. I thought it was a conspiracy theory, and I did some research. It is not a conspiracy theory.
There is one person standing in the way of globalists who want to perish the world into international communism, and that man's name is
Donald Trump. Yeah! I do not want my children living in a world in which they are slaves of the state.
I want them to have the freedom that I have, the freedom, and this is the most important one, to worship
God. Oh, yeah! To go to church and not be told that they can't go because of a pandemic.
Hello! This is, listen, we have a government that is so secular, they think that we're just going to buy the idea that physical safety is the only important thing.
What about mental safety? What about spiritual safety? What about being around others? What about worshiping
God and obeying his commands? Amen! That's why I'm here today. You know why else
I'm here? Because God has given me a responsibility to defend my family. Wow! Oh, yeah!
And the fake president -elect wants to end that race by taking away our Second Amendment.
No way! I won't let him do it. No way! My wife doesn't like guns.
We bought one yesterday for her. Oh, yeah! Oh, yeah! Oh, yeah! Oh, yeah!
Oh, yeah! Yesterday. She cried a little when she shot it the first time. Ha, ha, ha! She's getting real used to it now.
And so am I. Amen! I cannot believe what I've seen. I've been to college.
I've worked all kinds of different jobs. I'm a small business owner. And it seems like every institution that I turn to is falling to communist propagandists.
And I have to ask the question, where are the men? Where are the men that battle with spying?
Stand up and stand in the gap to oppressive authority. Amen! Amen!
Hallelujah! I appreciate y 'all listening to me this morning. I say y 'all because I drove up from Virginia.
I love you guys. It is encouraging to be here. We need to be here. I mean, showing up.
You guys have done so much just being here. The next step, if you haven't done it, please,
I did this in Virginia, call your state legislators. Tell them not to certify this fraudulent election.
They work for us. We don't work for them. They can think that, but it's not true.
Call your state legislators. If you can, donate to the Trump campaign. It's a lot of money to try to fight this.
They need people to donate and then organize in your small town, in your city, whatever platform you have.
Everyone has friends. Everyone has family. Even if it's one or two people, organize with them. Talk to them about this.
Open your mouth. Don't stay silent like so many people who are trying to keep their head down are doing.
We're gonna lose our country if we stay silent. My ancestors didn't do that.
They fought. Their blood is soaked in the soil of this country, and I'm not gonna let them down either.
Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Yeah! Yeah, I tend to lose my voice within about two seconds of doing street preaching.
I've tried that a few times, and I sound, I got a limit, but hey, that was just, that's what one guy, and I'm just a guy, guys.
Like I said, even in that little speech there, I am just a small business owner. That's what one person can do when they go to some of these rallies.
You're there to encourage other people, guys, and I know it encourages, especially older folks, it encouraged a lot of them to say, hey, there's a young guy, relatively, who's here, who drove, who sacrificed, who cares about the future of this country.
Some of them veterans who fought for this country, they wanna know that there's someone who cares, and that is a way that you can show that.
And there's also, obviously, practical things to get done. I mean, look, I didn't see anyone from the mainstream media there, but there were plenty of people with cell phones.
There was one outfit that looked like maybe they were an Asian, some, I don't know what country, but they represented some alternative media, maybe from an
Asian country. The videos make their way online, usually, somehow. I mean, I do think it does make a difference.
You're encouraging people, and you are getting the message out that we need to call our state legislators, we need to donate, and I said to the
Trump campaign, I mean, now you can either donate, I guess, to the Trump campaign, or you can donate to Sidney Powell directly.
By the way, little tangent here, because I know this is kind of a big deal right now. There's so many conservatives in the media seem to think that everything's just falling apart.
And look, I'm not in the back rooms hearing what Sidney Powell is saying to Jenna Ellis, to Rudy Giuliani, to Trump.
I have no clue exactly what's happening in those back rooms, but I made a little video to encourage you guys on Twitter yesterday, and I just said, look, you're operating, basically, half the conservative media or more are just operating based on speculation right now.
They're just assuming they know why Sidney Powell is not with the Trump legal team. And there could be multiple reasons for it.
It could be a strategic difference. It could be that she's gonna file in criminal court or something, and they're filing in a civil court.
It could be there's just strong personalities, and Jenna Ellis and Sidney Powell and Rudy don't, they don't all see eye to eye.
But they're working separately to accomplish a similar outcome, and there's nothing wrong with that. And this isn't just about getting
Donald Trump, you know, the rightful, you know, making sure that he's in because we throw out the illegal votes.
This is about more than that. This is gonna, this fight needs to continue even after whoever the president -elect ends up being is in office.
Because this is, I mean, and I think Sidney Powell is committed to the long game. I mean, if you know anything about Sidney Powell, she's gonna write a book about it.
She's probably gonna write a few books about it, maybe at least one. She's gonna fight this tooth and nail.
She seems like a fighter to me. And her track record is that. And she's a, you know, track record is that she's a pretty good lawyer.
So if you wanna give financially, give to Sidney Powell or give to the Trump team or, you know, whoever you think.
But I wouldn't freak out too much about this detail. I mean, there's probably plenty of other things you could freak out about if you wanted to.
But this little thing that Rudy Giuliani put out there that Sidney Powell's not part of our team, to me, all the worry about that is based completely on speculation.
And I've listened. Look, I've listened to a lot of guys. Sidney Powell doesn't have the goods. Oh, she's even saying Republicans are in on it.
It's like, guys, really? You don't think Republicans might be also in on some corruption? I mean, come on.
I mean, look, until she really drops a lot of the primary source evidence, which why would you expect her to do that ahead of a court date?
I mean, guys, do you remember how long it took for, I mean, this whole thing with Russia collusion, even with the
Comey situation, with the Clinton emails, do you remember how long that whole process took? And we're expecting that in a few weeks,
Sidney Powell's just going to drop all the primary sources she has so she can signal to the
Democrats all the information she has so they can be ready for her in court. I mean, come on. I mean, let's get real about this, guys.
This takes a lot of resources to pull off. And, you know, I'm just more realistic about this.
I'm trying to be, at least. The way I see it, guys, right now with the election itself is you have really,
I mean, there might be a third option, possibly, but it's such a small possibility
I don't even want to talk about it quite yet. There's two things I could see happening that are positive outcomes, right?
One is enough states don't certify the elections or courts throw out certifications, whatever, they're challenged somehow, that Biden does not reach the 270.
Remember, it's not about Trump getting to 270. It's about keeping Biden from reaching 270.
That is a more attainable goal at this point. And the other thing, of course, is that it goes to the
Supreme Court and the Supreme Court has to make some hard rulings on some of this stuff, which I don't know if there's time for that.
Those are kind of like the two ways that this could shake out. And they may be a long shots.
But look, that doesn't mean you don't get behind them. It doesn't mean you don't put everything into them. This is gonna have far -reaching consequences.
And one of the reasons is because there's a lot of people who don't have any faith in the system right now.
That's a really bad place to be if they don't think that they have a political recourse for their grievances. That's a really, really bad place to be.
And you wanna make sure that even if Donald Trump doesn't make it to be the president -elect, that you're still fighting this and you're still in court dealing with some of these issues.
So I don't think a donation to any of these things is a bad waste of money or anything like that because this isn't really about Donald Trump, just so you guys know.
But I'm not caving in either. And I'm not, look, I wanna encourage you. I think Trump can still do this.
And there are some questions about, I'll leave some breadcrumbs. There are questions about foreign interference.
You can look at two years ago, the executive order Trump made about that topic.
There is something, we'll go look up the Insurrection Acts. I know it's public now, so you know about the server in Germany, supposedly, that was involved in the election in some way.
There are other things as well. And so there is another thing brewing that is related, but it's not part of the legal fight, not at this point.
And so I don't know. Where does that end up? I don't know. Does the DOJ get involved? Are they involved already?
I don't know. So lots of possibilities. We gotta be ready for them, right?
And if there's anything that you hear me saying, it's be ready. Be ready with your family. Make sure that you can defend yourself.
Make sure, just the common sense things that you'd have in any emergency, make sure you have those just in case.
You always wanna be ready. And if you have, look, if your area has a reputable, some areas have these.
I know some of you think I'm crazy for even mentioning this because your area doesn't, but some areas, especially in red states, have, like the
Constitution allows for, well -regulated militias that have good reputations.
They're not crazy people, and you wanna do your homework on that. But you might wanna start looking into something like that in case there's real civil unrest.
Look, if Trump pulls this off somehow, you think there's not gonna be civil unrest? And even if he doesn't, and you got half the country, or more than half, possibly, who think that they don't have any recourse for their grievances, what would that do?
I mean, it takes one little match for a flame, and that flame can get big, but all it takes is one first strike.
So I just encourage you, I'm not trying to scare you, but just be ready, just be ready. And this is our time.
The Lord has put you here on this earth for a reason, at this time, geographically, where you're standing right now.
And he just expects you to be faithful, to obey his commands, to steward well the things he's given you, that includes your country.
And so, anyway, a few more things to say about this, because I keep getting off on tangents.
I'm sorry about that, but hopefully they're helpful tangents for you. Let's talk about some of the observations.
This is a real reason I made this video, just to give you some observations about the Republican Party. First of all, these
Stop the Steal rallies are overtly religious, overtly so. Check out this clip.
Christ is King! Christ is King! Christ is King! Christ is
King! Christ is King! Christ is King! Christ is King! Christ is
King! Christ is King! Christ is King! Christ is King! Christ is King! Christ is
King! We are the people of the Lord. We're a holy nation.
Believers in Jesus. Lifting up our voices to the
Lord. So those are just three locations, three different states. I've seen this with my own eyes, like I said.
Constantly references to God and Jesus that are brought up. I've seen the
Lord's Prayer being recited, public readings of Scripture. These are all good things, and sometimes mixed within that. I didn't see it in Harrisburg, but in the
D .C. rally, sometimes there's foul language here and there, and there's other things that are mixed in that would cause maybe confusion for some people, and perhaps rightfully so, at points.
I know some of the pushback to this kind of thing over the, when similar things from the religious right have emerged in the 90s and 2000s, the pushback from some conservative evangelicals was, hey, hold on, there's
Roman Catholics there, there's probably members of cults, people who aren't even Christian, and they're marching with you, and how can you even, what fellowship is like to do with darkness?
How can you even partner with such a person? And here's the thing. I'm just gonna tell you kind of what
I think of that. I'm not there because, like I said, I told you why I was there. I'm not there to have a
Christian worship service. I'm not there to put my stamp of approval and endorse aberrant theology.
A lot of this stuff is super basic stuff that people,
I mean, Christ is King is just a really basic pronouncement. Now, which Christ are you talking about? I mean, those are important things, but I don't think all the people there are
Christians. I don't think all the people there are even, I mean, I don't see a lot of public repentance of sin and those kinds of things.
I don't think this is a revival. I don't. I'm gonna tell you what I think it is and why I'm comfortable going to these
Stop the Steal rallies. The reason people are saying this, and I'm just about positive on this, is because they're recognizing something.
And it's probably a few things, but the main one is they see the government, the current, the
Great Reset, the globalist push. They see the Democrat Party. They see
Black Lives Matter, the mask thing, all these things as being part of a religion.
They're finally recognizing, common people are recognizing this, that this is a competing religion. And you can't just fight a religion with secularism.
Secularism doesn't work. It never does. Even the most secular communist empires have had to basically elevate their leaders, like Mao or Stalin, to a level of deity.
North Korea is a perfect example of this. They have to have a religion. The state becomes the religion. And people are recognizing that is exactly what's happening.
And so for all the David Platts and the John Pipers and the Tim Kellers, and the list just goes on and on and on, all these people, the
Nine Marks guys, who just think that, oh, you can just, you know, Democrats in our church, that's fine.
No problem, Republican, Democrat, whatever floats your boat. You can come to our church and worship
God. All the people who think that, it's like they're living in 1975 or something. I mean, it's like, you know, hey,
Jimmy Carter could just arise out of the Democratic Party today. We could have people who just disagree on the way the economy should function, but hey, they can be
Christians and stuff. That ain't what we're dealing with, guys. That ain't what's going on. And the common people, the lay people, get it.
The people who would show up at these demonstrations, I think they get it. And they see that, hold on, the government is claiming to be king.
The government is saying what we can and can't do. The government is infringing on our personal liberty and our religious liberty, and Christ is king.
You're not king, Christ is king. It is a statement of rebellion against the government to remind them that they are not the sovereigns.
They don't get to make those decisions, and that is a glorious truth. It is true, no matter whose mouth that comes out of, it is absolutely true.
And so here's the thing for Christians. I think it's an opportunity. I've told someone this a couple days ago.
And I wish I would have even thought of this more, but you can go to some of these rallies, and this is a great opportunity, an open mic or something.
I mean, there's lots of, I could have shared the gospel. I could have done a lot of things I didn't do in that speech. I didn't have much time, and there's people in line and stuff, but you can go with the mindset of, look,
I'm gonna share good theology here. I'm gonna share the gospel, and I'm gonna relate it back to self -government.
If we govern ourselves, the government can't do much. They can't oppress us if we're self -governing.
The Constitution was made for a moral and religious people. It's wholly inadequate for any other. And so this is an opportunity for Christians to show up at these events.
I mean, true Orthodox Bible -believing, and some of them are there, obviously. But for those,
I'm saying the big Eva types who wanna distance themselves, who would never be caught dead at something like this, it's actually an opportunity for you.
And hey, look, an Antifa rally might be too. You just might wanna make sure you have body armor if you go to one of those.
But look, this is a great opportunity because you get the chance. I wrote a tract years ago, and I should probably get it reprinted.
It was a 4th of July tract, and I remember one year, I dressed up like George Washington, and we were handing out this thing, and it was a pocket
Declaration of Independence. So you could read the Declaration of Independence, but we had custom tracts, or tract plan,
I forget which. They printed in the back a whole thing I had written on the foundation of America, of our legal system, which traces back to British common law.
But the idea of self -government, the idea of understanding man being evil, so we need checks and balances, and these kinds of things, and I routed it right into the gospel.
And it was, I mean, that's a tool that you can use, those kinds of things, having those kinds of conversations.
This is something that you can remind patriots of, because as they're reminding the government that they're not king, you can remind them of who the
Christ is that they're talking about. This is who he is. He's born of a virgin.
He's the third person of the Trinity. He died for your sins. That means there's something called sin, and we've broken God's law.
That means we need to be in a right relationship. Jesus Christ is made a way. Through his sacrificial death on the cross, he made him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God.
Repent, believe. I mean, it really is a narrative that is just ready for this kind of, it's fresh.
These people need leaders. That's what I'm trying to say. These people need leaders. They need pastors there.
They need political officials there, and they're not showing up, not like they should be. They need guidance, but they're recognizing something even the elites in evangelicalism don't seem to get, that this is a false religion.
The social justice religion is a false religion, and the remedy for it is proclaiming that Christ is king, and that is a rebellious thing, and there's nothing wrong with it.
So that was an interesting, interesting thing, and the reason it's so interesting, one of the reasons is because it shows us those who show up, those who actually care about the future of their country, the base of the
Republican Party, they're social conservatives, right? They're religious people. They care about things like abortion.
They care, I mean, I don't know. I heard the pedophilia thing, I don't know how many times. They, I mean, I think if you did a poll, you'd find out the vast majority of the people showing up to these rallies, they're not down with the gay marriage stuff.
They've probably put up with this kind of thing, but that's not who they are. The people that are willing to volunteer and show up, they are social conservatives, and that is the group of people that both
Big Eva and the Republican establishment throw to the curb every single chance they get, social conservatives, because they're the bigots, they're the rednecks, they're those people that don't have a nuanced, holistic pro -life approach that we have figured out.
Those are the people that are just so simplistic on homosexuality. They don't realize it can be some innate orientation that you don't really practice.
They just see things in so black and white terms. They just, you know, simpletons who read the Bible and just try to believe what it says without having the degrees we have.
And so, I mean, these are the people that are showing up to these rallies, okay? The people that are disdained.
And I think that is significant because it's the dumbest thing in the world for the Republican Party to throw these people to the curb, to not show up, and to lead them.
They're the ones that actually vote for you. They're the ones that actually get you into the office and do all the volunteer work, and they're willing to do it.
And it's like there's an army out there that can help you, but you're embarrassed because of what will the media think of me?
What will the world establishment think of me? Who cares? And like I said, elected officials were absent at both these rallies for the most part.
There was a few at the DC one. There is more loyalty right now, though, to Trump than the
GOP. And this is an interesting dynamic as well because even though I think a lot of these social conservatives, they're not naturally the people that I think would be the hugest
Trump fans in the world. I think the reason that they love Trump, and I'm starting to almost feel this way in a sense, the reason there's so much love for Trump isn't because of,
I mean, as Big Eva would tell you, oh, his character, his moral inadequacies and so forth.
They're almost like the reason people love him. That's not the reason. It has nothing to do with it. If anything, those are stumbling blocks and barriers.
The reason people like Trump is because they have been kicked to the curb so many times. And people that sound real good, smooth,
I'm talking the J .D. Greers in the church, and in politicians, there's tons of guys, like the
Ben Sasse types, these guys who sound so good, and oh, we are so gentle and winsome in the way we talk, and saying things that could appeal to certain crowds because they're so ambiguous.
No one really knows, but it sounds good. Some of these folks, right, they have been the last people defending freedom, the last people defending election integrity.
They're the furthest things from it. And those are the basic things. And I think because Trump, even though he's a bull in a
China cabinet, he understands defending the basic things, like we should have fair elections, like equal weights and measures, don't lie, don't steal, like those kinds of things, like those really, really basic things, which our leaders are supposed to get, but they don't actually follow in real life.
They're so busy pontificating and trying to sound smart to the media. Those are the things Trump doesn't care about.
He doesn't care about playing to that crowd. He's just gonna, his moral compass doesn't point due north.
It's a little bit off, but he's still walking in kind of a general right direction on most of the issues confronting us.
And because he's even willing to walk when other guys are standing still, that's why he's so loved. And it just, it's kind of dawned on me that that's what it is.
It's like, you can have the best theology in the world, you have the best political philosophy in the world, but you don't really practice it.
And if you're gonna hide it all the time and couch it in nuance and never be practically good for anything, then who cares?
Who cares? And Trump's not like that. And I think that's why these people, they actually see a guy trying to get results.
And that's why the GOP should be frightened in a way. They could totally lose their whole base.
Trump has the power to destroy them like he's destroying Fox News. And it's not because of Trump's so powerful, it's because they're so terrible.
That's why. The idea that pandering to diversifies the party may not be true.
And that's the other observation I have. I was gonna play a clip, but for sake of time, we're not gonna do it.
In California, there were some stop the steal rallies playing Latino, salsa kind of music, all pro -Trump.
I mean, people, the one I was just at, it's all mostly Asian people. And Trump's not pandering to these people.
He's not doing what the Democrats done and he's expanded the base of the party. And this is,
I think, such a good lesson. This is a good lesson for people in the church as well. You don't have to go the CRT route. Oh, we're gonna do racial reconciliation and rip down everything that could smack of colonialism.
And we're gonna just read our Bibles differently and diversify our library and make sure that we're having quotas and affirmative action programs and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
That is not how you expand the base of your church. You may get, here's the thing you may get. You may be able to suck the life out of all the other churches in your community and create a mega church for people who think the same way and think appealing and pandering is the way that works.
And you may think you're getting a result. You're not. If you look at like the overall numbers, I'm positive. This isn't, the numbers are dropping of Christians.
The way that you actually attract people who are different than you and whether they eat the different food or whatever is by being a person of strong convictions and caring about people and the things that are common to all people and not dividing them up.
And that's what Trump has shown. If you just, if you care about all people, if you have policies that are supposed to help all people and your message is for all people and you're saying, hey,
I've helped this demographic and helped this demographic, but it's not like I was just trying to do something for them. I was,
I'm doing something for everyone. I want everyone, the whole country to succeed. You end up attracting people who are minorities.
You don't have to pander to them. You don't have to do the whole, the Jesse Jackson thing and make them feel like they're all victims and need you.
No, you actually make them feel like they're capable and create an environment where they can succeed on their own labor and hard work and dignity.
I think Trump has shown this. And I think my fear is that the lessons are not being learned by the Republican party and by Christian elites in general.
I think they're not learning the lessons. They're not showing up at these rallies. They don't know who the base of their own movements are.
They don't know why what Trump has done has worked so well. And it's gonna come back to bite them if they don't wake up real quick.
So those are my observations on the Stop the Steal rallies. For those who like my political commentary, this episode was for you.
I know not everyone is into that. We'll do more Christian social justice stuff later in the week, but this is a big issue right now, guys.
And I hope you're preparing yourself. I hope you're also going to have a very good
Thanksgiving, right? We have so much to be grateful for. The fact that you can even watch what you're watching or listening or however you're doing it, you have the technology to do this.
Just having food and shelter. The Lord says with these things, we shall be content. And we have so much more than that right now in this country.