Spirit Filled Christians


Are you a Spirit filled Christian? Is it a good thing? If it is good, how can I be filled by the Spirit?


Welcome to No Compromise Radio, a ministry coming to you from Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
No Compromise Radio is a program dedicated to the ongoing proclamation of Jesus Christ, based on the theme in Galatians 2, verse 5, where the
Apostle Paul said, But we did not yield in subjection to them for even an hour, so that the truth of the gospel would remain with you.
In short, if you like smooth, watered -down words to make you simply feel good, this show isn't for you.
By purpose, we are first biblical, but we can also be controversial. Stay tuned for the next 25 minutes as we're called by the
Divine Trumpet to summon the troops for the honor and glory of her King. Here's our host, Pastor Mike Abendroth.
Welcome to No Compromise Radio ministry. Michael Abendroth here, feeling pretty good. Breath is coming back, lungs seem to be slowly getting better, was on the treadmill some, and the bicycle, the life cycle, rode 90 minutes at, at the most, level 14 tension and maybe 70, 80
RPMs or something like that. Actually sweat, feels good to sweat after all those months.
So I've been out of the hospital October, November, December, January, February, March, almost six months.
I think I have another three to four months before I'm back to the best
I could be. They said probably 90%. So thanks for praying, appreciate it. It was at the Shepherds Conference and there were lots of people there that said, we have been praying for you.
I appreciate that. And I think I talked last week about some Shepherds Conference stuff, but I need to get
Pastor Steve back on between his travel, my travel, me sick, his own trials.
I haven't had him on, but I want to make sure we do that. I remember a book that I was reading and it had some information about a diary.
Do you keep a diary? Dear diary, have you ever kept a diary? Have you ever snooped around and read somebody else's diary?
Remember the little locks that they used to have on those diaries, on your sister's diary? Anyway, here's an imaginary report of a
Bible writing its own diary. I mean, some people, they just have a diary about the
Bible, but this is a Bible diary itself. January 15, been resting for a week.
A few nights after the first of the year, my owner opened me, but no more. Another New Year's resolution gone awry.
February 3rd, owner picked me up and rushed off to Sunday school. February 23rd, cleaning day, was dusted and put back in my place.
April 2nd, busy day, owner had to present the lesson at a church society meeting, quickly looked up a lot of references.
May 5th, in grandma's lap again, a comfortable place. May 9th, she, grandma, let a tear fall on John 14, 1 -3.
May 10th, grandma's gone, back in my old place. May 20th, baby born, they wrote his name on one of my pages.
July 1, packed in a suitcase, off for a vacation. July 20th, still in the suitcase, almost everything else taken out.
July 25th, home again, quite a journey, though I didn't see why I went. August 16th, cleaned again and put in a prominent place.
The minister is to be here for dinner. August 20th, owner wrote grandma's death in my family record.
He left an extra pair of glasses between my pages. December 31st, owner just found his glasses, wonder if he will make any resolutions about me for the next year.
Now, I could say all kinds of things about ordinary means of grace, and in the old days people didn't have
Bibles, but we all know that it's a good thing to read your Bible.
The privilege that you have to have a complete Bible in your hands from Genesis to Revelation.
A book to tell you about your triune God, creator, judge, savior, redeemer, friend.
This is worth your time and worth your study, and if I could encourage you, those that get up in the morning and read your
Bible, or read it throughout the day and whenever that time is, I want to encourage you to be Bible readers.
I never want in my desire for the proper place of the ordinary means of grace, preaching of the word and right administration of the sacraments,
I never want to eclipse personal Bible reading. Maybe eclipse is the wrong word, but I never want to take it away.
I don't want to say pietistic, personal, quiet times supersede preached word on Sunday.
I'm not saying that. I'm just saying as a supplement, of course it's wonderful, and I am not saying your status before God changes if you don't read your
Bible for three days, or I'm not saying well you just listen to it in the radio, in the car, on the way, and therefore that doesn't count unless you use the
Greek NA27 that I use. I'm not saying any of that.
I am saying that I'd like you to keep reading your Bible, and I think our listeners overall are
Bible readers. Remember what one man said in a frame about the
Bible, this book contains the mind of God, the state of man, the way of salvation, the doom of sinners, and the happiness of believers.
Its doctrine is holy, its precepts are binding, its histories are true, and its decisions are immutable.
Read it to be wise, believe it to be safe, and practice it to be holy. It contains light to direct you, food to support you, and comfort to cheer you.
It is the traveler's map, the pilgrim's staff, the pilot's compass, the soldier's sword, and the
Christian's charter. Here heaven is opened and the gates of hell disclosed. Christ is its grand subject.
Our good, its design, and the glory of God, its end. It should fill the memory, rule the heart, and guide the feet.
Read it slowly, frequently, and prayerfully. It is a wealth, a mine of wealth, health to the soul, and a river of pleasure.
It is given to you here in this life, will be opened at the judgment, and is established forever.
It involves the highest responsibility, will reward the greatest labor, and condemns all who trifle with its content.
Well, you say I disagree with that little phrase in there on such and such and such and such.
Okay, fine, but at least you can agree with me that Christ is its grand subject.
Therefore, I encourage you, dear listeners, to read your... I want to talk a little bit today about the
Bible. Oh, that seems to make sense around here. And what it means to be filled with or by the
Holy Spirit. Fill my cup, Lord, fill it up, Lord. Is that what the filling is?
And we're going to look at two particular passages that will help us with this very topic.
Ephesians 5 and Colossians 3. Kind of twin sisters when it comes to this.
And Colossians 3 is going to answer the question, what does it mean to be filled with the Spirit?
So, when I read to you in Ephesians 5, do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery or dissipation or wastefulness.
I think it's translated in the Prodigal Son parable in Luke 15, a loose living.
I don't have my notes, I just have the Bible today, so we're going to see how I do without notes. But be filled with the
Spirit. Okay, on your mark, get set, go. This is something that you need to do.
It's a command, don't get drunk with wine, but be filled with the Spirit. What does that mean? I mean, when we think of Spirit -filled
Christians, we often think of those in the charismatic movement, in a hyper -charismatic movement, in a less -than -conservative charismatic movement, that they speak in tongues, they dance, they sing, they clap, they do things.
And we don't do them. You know, we're more Presbyterian, and we're subdued, and they are really excited.
You know, they're so excited that while they are going to go to heaven, they just don't know why they're going, how they're going to get there.
Well, what about us? What about what's Spirit -filled? Well, Paul is writing this circular letter to Ephesus and those in the church, and it's most likely read, right?
Ticharicus delivered the letter, now you read the entire thing. This is not for special Christians. This is not for excelling
Christians. This is not for the leader of Christians. This is for Christians. Moms and dads and younger people, all those who believe.
And it says, don't get drunk with wine, but be filled with the Spirit. Now the first thing we want to talk about is there's different words, or different meanings for even the
English word to fill. If I said, fill up the cup with water, that's what we typically think of.
But what if I said, old Jim's full of himself. Old Cindy, she's full of pride.
There's different ways. And so he uses, Paul does, don't get drunk with wine, don't be influenced by wine, don't operate under influence,
DUI. What are the other ones? For me growing up, it was DUI, operating while intoxicated.
OWI, is there an OWI? Under the influence. OUI, operating under influence.
Who knows what they are today? But you get my point. As wine influences, so does the
Spirit of God. Be filled with the Spirit. Now I could get into the passive imperative and all that stuff.
Don't get drunk with wine, but be filled with the Spirit. Okay. Well, still seems kind of hard for me.
Maybe somebody should write a book on this or something. Can it just be easier? What if I'm just, I don't have a great
IQ, I'm a farmer, I'm a mailman.
I mean, farmers are smart, don't get me wrong. But I'm just agragarian, agrarian culture. I just offended smart farmers.
They're smarter than I am, schmata. Well, what's the result?
Let's do it this way then. Let's do it this way. What's the result of Spirit filling? What would that look like?
You want me to be that? I'm commanded in light of my position in Christ.
In Ephesians 4, God has put off Adam, God has put on the new Adam. We're new creatures, we're union with Christ.
He's chosen us, the Father has, the Son has redeemed us, the Spirit has sealed us. Jesus is our peace.
There's this wonderful mystery disclosed in chapter 3. Gentiles are part of the church.
I mean, this plan of God, the will of God, the demonstration of God and His mercy and His kindness in Christ Jesus.
And I don't want to get, be influenced by wine. It doesn't say don't drink wine, but don't get drunk with wine.
But be filled by the Spirit. What does a Spirit -filled person look like? And He tells us, verse 19. There's four parts to this.
Addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs. That's the first thing. And of course, that would be talking about the
Lord Jesus. Because in the psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, or odes, it would be about the
Lord Jesus. Secondly, singing and making melody to the Lord with your heart. So you address one another, you sing to the
Lord. Giving thanks always for everything to God the Father in the name of our
Lord Jesus Christ. So thanksgiving is third. And then fourthly, submitting to one another out of the reverence for Christ.
Show me a Spirit -filled person, and I'll show you someone who talks to other Christians. Or sings to other
Christians even with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs. To encourage, to bolster, to fortify, to praise, to be reminded.
They sing and make melody to the Lord with their heart. They not only try to encourage the saints, but they're singing unto
God Himself. The Triune God, the Creator, Sustainer, Savior. They give thanks for everything to God in the name of Jesus.
And they submit to one another. Mutual submission. Huh. That's interesting.
That's what it means to be Spirit -filled. It doesn't say speak in unknown tongues. It doesn't say speak in an unknown bark.
It doesn't say gold fillings. It doesn't say leg lengthening. It doesn't say throw your crutches away and be healed organically.
It doesn't say any of that. Spirit -filled Christians. Christians are commanded to be
Spirit -filled. And when they are, you'll see the fruit. Right? The Spirit of God.
The third person of the Trinity. Powerful. Creative.
Changing. In us. Not changing in Him. He's not changing. But He's so powerful,
He changes us. Let's make sure we get that right, so I'm not like some immutable God. I don't mean that. But He changes.
Not changing, but changes. He changes us. New creations in Christ. And the fruit of this
Spirit -filling is how we talk to one another. How we sing unto the
Lord. Thankful to the Lord. And submit to each other. So, others, God, God, others.
That would be the little chiasm there. Okay. But still, it doesn't really tell us, is there a means?
Is there a way? Is there an instrument? How do we go about this? I now know that I'm supposed to be
Spirit -filled and influenced. I know that if I am, it'll be the way I talk to others.
And it'll be the way I sing to the Lord. Be thankful to the Lord. And then submit to others.
Right? That would be above me. But how do I get there? Okay. This is why you turned in to NOCO Radio today.
Let's go to that sister epistle. Colossians chapter 3. And we're going to find the easy answer.
When I first saw this, and someone showed me, it really unlocked this in my mind.
And it confirmed, like at the beginning of the show, that it is good to be a Bible reader.
It's good to memorize the Bible. It's mandatory to go to a church that teaches the
Bible. All right. Are you ready? Colossians 3 .16.
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly. All right.
So far so good. We all say yes and amen. And when it does, it has some results. It has some evidences.
It has some fruit. What do you see in a person that has the word of God dwelling in them richly?
What do they look like? What effects happen? What's their fruit look like?
If the word is really down in their hearts and in their minds and will.
What does that look like? Answer. Teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom.
That's the first thing. Singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs.
That's the second thing. With thankfulness in your hearts to God. That's the third thing.
And whatever you do in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the
Father through Him. Wives, submit to your husbands. Huh.
That's kind of amazing. A word -filled
Christian, a Christian with the word of Christ dwelling in you richly, has some effects.
It affects the way you talk to other people. It affects the way you sing to God. It affects the way you have praise to God.
And it affects the way you submit to others. Huh. See where we're going with this, dear church?
Dear congregation? Dear NOCO radio world? Both Ephesians 5 and Caliphians.
I thought of Caiaphas. I thought of Jacques Cousteau. Both of those yield the same fruit.
Being filled and having the word of Christ dwell in you richly. So what do you think it means to be filled with the
Spirit? Do you think it has something to do with having the word of God, the word of Christ, dwell in you richly? And if you said yes, if I was on the heidel cast,
I'd say ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding. Or if I was on presby cast, I would do the matron horn. Right now.
Let me just read. I didn't study this ahead of time. Let me just read the ESV Study Bible notes on Colossians 3 .16.
The word of Christ probably refers to the teaching about Jesus as well as the words of Christ himself, which were part of the oral tradition passed on to believers in the early years after Christ ascended to heaven before the
Gospels had been written. Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs is one of the means of teaching and admonishing.
Corporate worship has a teaching function through the lyrics of its songs. This was particularly important in the oral culture of Paul's day.
And now we'll read the ESV Study Bible notes on Ephesians 5 .19.
Be filled with the Spirit results in joyful praise through singing and making melody. This may refer to different kinds of psalms and hymns and spiritual songs found in the
Old Testament Psalter. It is more likely, however, that Paul is referring both to canonical psalms and to contemporary compositions of praise.
Spiritual communicates the influence of the Holy Spirit's filling in the believer's acts of praise.
Well, that's amazing. The Study Bible says in contrast with debauchery, being filled with the
Spirit leads to self -control along with the other fruits of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, and gentleness,
Galatians 5. The command in Greek is a present imperative and does not describe a one -time filling but a regular pattern of life.
Dear Christian, if you would like to obey the command to be
Spirit -filled, to be filled with the Spirit, then you're going to have to have the
Word of God, the Word of Christ particularly, dwell in you richly. That's the thing.
You have both of these, you have the same four results. Therefore, the relationship between being filled with the
Spirit and letting the Word of Christ dwell in you richly is equal. That's a relationship.
They're equivalent. Did you get that? Should you read your Bible? Would you like to be the kind of person?
I mean, you think about that kind of person. What if you were around a person that was regularly talking to you about Jesus in the
Psalms and hymns? They kind of just sang once in a while, My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness.
Or they were singing Psalm 100 to you, which is kind of like part of their life, just the overflow.
And they were just always directing their thoughts to God and singing to Him.
And boy, are they thankful people. Instead of complaining and grumbling and being bitter, they were just thankful to God.
Yes, they were thankful for other people in their life, but mainly they were thankful to the Lord God, the
Father in the name of the Lord Jesus. And when properly manifested, they knew their place.
They knew their military rank. They knew how to submit. And they just did. They didn't have to fight for everything and try to push themselves to the front and to dominate.
That's just the kind of person they were. Would you like to be around that kind of person? Well, you say, of course.
That's a dumb question. Well, I'd like to be that person. And of course, the
Lord is working on me and I know who I am positionally and I understand union with Christ. But if you said,
Mike, would you like to be more like that person in verses 19 and 20, well, then we know the answer.
And by the way, if you think big picture in chapter 4 and all the stress on unity, what would this kind of person do for the unity of the church?
They talk to each other with psalms. They sang to the Lord. They were thankful for everything and they submitted.
What would that do for church unity? I mean, it's amazing. And therefore, we want to make sure, not out of you better read the
Bible or how do you call yourself a Christian, but to read the Bible and let the word of Christ dwell in you richly with the results of the word dwelling in you richly and being filled with the spirit are almost exactly the same.
Exactly the same. What do you want to do? You say to yourself, but his delight is in the law of the
Lord and in his law he meditates day and night and he will be like a tree firmly planted by the streams of water.
Psalm 1 verses 2 and 3. And if it was good enough for the Lord Jesus and he was a man of the word and you look at the servant songs in Isaiah, you're thinking, you know what?
He studied the Bible. He read the Bible. He had the word of God dwell in him richly.
He acted this way in terms of singing and making melody. And I think of Jesus going up to Jerusalem with the songs of ascent and Psalm 113 to 118, they're the praise psalms.
What are they called? I should know what they're called. How dumb can I be? But I'm gonna blame it on COVID. The Hillel, there we go.
Jesus is praying those psalms, whether it's the Hillel and Psalms of Ascent. Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of the prophecy and heed the things which are written in it for the time is near.
Revelation 1, 3. I mean, you think about Mary and Martha.
Mary and Martha, right? Martha wanted what? Serve, serve, serve, serve, serve.
Is it good to serve God? Amen. May it be so for you to serve the Lord. But there sits
Mary, listening to the Lord's word in Luke 10. Hmm. Who was commended?
Who was commended? And therefore we say with Psalm 119, teach me, oh
Lord, the way of thy statutes and I shall observe it to the end. Give me understanding that I may observe thy law and keep it with all my heart.
Make me walk in the paths of thy commandments for I delight in it. That's what we do.
And for those who think, well, all this talk about the grace of God and all this talk about different uses of the law and all this talk about law gospel, that drives to antinomianism.
Are you listening to me? Are you listening to what I'm saying? Have you listened to the last week's show about sexual purity?
We want to be people to read the Bible. Would you like a law? Okay, here's a law.
Be filled with the Spirit. You, Christian, I'm talking to you. Be a person who reads the
Bible, i .e., let the word of God, word of Christ rather, dwell in you richly.
That means you're going to have to read the Bible. Not because of your, you've got to keep your standing, you've got to keep your status, you've got to be in good with God.
No, no, you're in good. You're a child. You're in. You have an inheritance.
You have a new nature. You have a new relationship to God. Anyway, my name's Mike Ebendroth. It's kind of fun to talk about this and just rehearse what the
Bible says. And probably one of the main reasons you want to read your Bible is because it's going to tell you all about Jesus.
And you're going to look in the Old Testament and you're going to go, oh, I see. I see. He didn't just show up when he became incarnate.
I see the eternal Son of God, even in the Old Testament. Well, Mike Ebendroth here, No Compromise Radio. You can write me,
Mike, at nocompromiseradio .com. No Compromise Radio with Pastor Mike Ebendroth is a production of Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
Bethlehem Bible Church is a Bible teaching church firmly committed to unleashing the life -transforming power of God's Word through verse -by -verse exposition of the sacred text.
Please come and join us. Our service times are Sunday morning at 1015 and in the evening at 6. We're right on Route 110 in West Boylston.
You can check us out online at bbchurch .org or by phone at 508 -835 -3400.