Reformed Theology Pt 10 | Intro to The Davidic Covenant | Incarnation | The Purpose of Resurrection


December 26, 2021 Covenant Reformed Baptist Church Pastor Jeff Rice


Reformed Theology Pt 11 | Davidic Covenant | Incarnation & Resurrection

Reformed Theology Pt 11 | Davidic Covenant | Incarnation & Resurrection

Let's pray Father thank you again
For Jesus for your spirit for you being our God Lord at this moment we pray
That you speak to us through your word. I pray that the time that I spent preparing this message
Lord is It's the work of your hand and not mine
Lord I lean to you. I Look to you the only true God who has revealed himself to us in the person of Christ Amen and the angel said to her do not be afraid
Mary For you have found favor with God and behold You will conceive in the womb and bear a son and you shall call his name
Jesus and he will be great and be called the son of the Most High and The Lord God will give to him the throne of his father
David and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever and his kingdom will never end.
The book of genealogy of Jesus Christ is son of David the son of Abraham and all the people were amazed and said can this be the son of David?
Behold a Canaanite woman from the regions came out crying have mercy on me. Oh Lord son of David and the crowd went before him and they followed him shouting
Hosanna Hosanna to the house of David blessed is he who comes in the name of the
Lord Hosanna and the highest and He rebuked them telling them to be silent But they cried out all the more son of David have mercy on me and as Jesus taught in the temple
He said how can the scribes say that he is that the Christ is the son of David?
Has not the scripture said that the Christ comes from the offspring of David and comes from Bethlehem in the village where David was?
Paul a servant of Jesus Christ called to be an apostle set apart for the gospel of God which He promised beforehand through his prophets in the holy scriptures concerning his son who was a descendant from David according to the flesh
And was declared to be the son of God in power according to the spirit of holiness by the righteous by the resurrection of the dead our
Lord Jesus Christ remember Jesus Christ risen from the dead the offspring of David as preached in my gospel
And one of the elders said to me weak no more behold the lion of the tribe of Judah the root of David has conquered so that he can open the scroll in the seven seals
Luke chapter 130 33 Matthew 1 1 Matthew 12 23
Matthew 15 22 Matthew 21 9 mark 10 48 mark 12 35
John 7 42 Romans 1 1 through 4 2nd Timothy 2 8 and Revelation 5 5 these texts make it clear that Jesus is the son of David son of God I would like to title this message for the purpose of resurrection
This is part 10 of our series concerning reformed theology Concerning covenant theology more specifically the covenant of works
Our outline has been the Adamic Covenant the Abrahamic Covenant the
Mosaic Covenant and the Davidic Covenant and as we transition today
We will go through this outline as an introduction to the Davidic Covenant now today will be a 10 ,000 foot view now.
I know we've done a 10 ,000 foot view before but this is going to be from a different facet of the diamond a different angle with more information so our first point the
Adamic Covenant the Adamic Covenant starts in Genesis chapter 1 verses chapter 1 verse 27 and 28
So God created man in his own image in the image of God.
He created him male and female he created them and God blessed them and God said to them be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it and Have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heaven and over every living thing that moves on the earth
God gave to them dominion the
Greek were hypotoso to take possession of and in chapter 2 verses 15 through 17
The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden and to work it and to keep it
This is how they are to have dominion. They are to work it and keep it the Lord commanded the man saying
You may surely eat of every tree in the garden But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat for the day that you eat of it
You will surely die and we know what happened
Eve Listened to the voice of the serpent Adam listened to the voice of his wife and they ate of the fruit and This this this one sin this this one sin this eating of a fruit
Has transitioned to every Person every child every newborn born into sin deserving death
You say how bad is my sin one bite of a fruit has transitioned to what we have before us
One bite a lie may not seem much if I lie to my dog
But if I lie to my wife, I might be sleeping on the couch but if I lie to a cop
Or if I lie to a judge that one sin can the punishment the the bearing of that punishment can be worse
Who it is that I'm lying to this one bite of fruit
Has caused a whole world You and I to be cursed
The earth was cursed every child born is cursed born into sin understanding.
We prove it how by sinning Jesus I mean, uh, well, you know, it's
Jesus but God speaking to the serpent pronounces a curse He tells him that he is going to put enmity between him and the woman between his offspring and her
Offspring and he shall bruise your head while only bruising his heel as we transition this text includes two distinct offsprings the offspring of the woman and the offspring of the serpent
Point number two the edemic I mean the Abrahamic covenant in the
Abrahamic covenant God chose among the descendants of Adam a pagan by the name of Abram whom
God names Abraham From Abraham God will make a kingdom people Also from Abraham will come the offspring of the woman will come the offspring of Abraham a
Genesis chapter 12 gives us this this story. I will only read chapter 12
I will read verses 1 through 4 then we'll skip to verse 7 for the sake of time
Genesis chapter 12 1 through 4 then verse 7 now the Lord said to Abram go from your country and your kindred and your father's house to a land that I will show you and I will make you a great nation and I will bless you and I will make your name great so that you will be a
Blessing and I will bless those who bless you and him who dishonors you. I will curse
And then you all the families of the earth shall be blessed Let's go ahead and go to verse 7 and the
Lord appeared to Abram and said to your offspring. I Will give this land
Verse 7 as we've already discovered in previous sermons is is
Is the gospel promise? We read in Galatians that that this is the gospel promise that that God came to Abraham Here and he separated them here promised him a land at that time
Why because he foresaw the Gentiles come into faith in Christ Why did
God come to Abraham because he foresaw the Gentiles coming to Christ Genesis chapter 3
I mean Galatians chapter 3, excuse me. This is the gospel promise
That he was going to give him a land a nation and that through him through this offspring all the world will be blessed
And As we transition this kingdom people off This kingdom offspring people were not born under the
Edemic Covenant No, but they were born under the Abrahamic Covenant here separating the two offsprings the offspring of the woman slash the
Abrahamic Covenant slash the Jews versus the offspring of the woman slash the Edemic Covenant slash
Gentiles Now I know that's a lot to take in this is what we have to go through to understand covenant theology at this time
At this time the marker at this marker in time the offspring of the woman passed through Abraham which equals the
Jews while the offspring of the serpent passed through Adam which equals
The Gentiles God came to separate to set up a kingdom
People a kingdom nation through which this offspring of the woman would go through 1st
John chapter 3 verse 8 whoever makes a practice of sinning is
Of the devil the devil has been sinning from the beginning
The reason why the son of the reason why the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil
Now having this in mind Having this knowledge we can understand why it is
That the Jewish Church Did not want to welcome the Gentile Church.
That's what the book of 1st John is all about We're talking about John rebuking them for walking in darkness
Because they're they're hating their brother. They would not receive the
Gentile believers into the faith why Because they believe that this is the offspring of the serpents the
Jews were the offspring of Abraham They were the ones following God not the
Gentiles They did not want to welcome in sinners to the faith
That's why Where it talks about which we looked at it in Sunday school where it talks about The sin that doesn't come to death that would be hating your brother but the one that this
The sins that result in death is denying that Jesus is the Christ they
The Jews wanted to make Gentiles into Jews before they can become Christians in the letter to the
Galatian Church The Jews did not want to welcome Gentiles because of this belief this that they were this
This offspring of the serpent and now we enter into the
Mosaic Covenant. We have the fall of Adam the sin of Adam was so destructive that It did not keep the descendants of Abraham from sinning so although they were a separated people the fall the
Fall of Abraham and the fall of Adam did not The fall of Adam was so destructive them being in a different kingdom people
It did not keep them from falling into sin. And so God gave a law the two tablets of stone the deckle of the moral law and from this moral law comes the ceremonial laws and the
Judicial law But because they could not keep themselves God gave him a law.
They still cannot keep themselves from sinning. We see in John gospel of John chapter 8 verse 34
Jesus speaking to the Jews says this to them you would think he was speaking to a Gentile Truly truly
I say to you every one of you you talking to the Jews Practice sin is a slave to sin verse 44
You are of your father the devil That although they're not under the
Adamic Covenant this fall this one fruit was so great
It was so massive Even though they had this law
The seed the offspring of the serpent was creeping into the offspring this this
Separated nation that was put on earth for one purpose
It was to bring about the offspring of the woman Now I spent the last four weeks laboring over how we are not under the
Mosaic Covenant That Jesus has come He was born of a woman born under the law.
He fulfilled the the rules the regulations we rest in him he is
Who we look to if you want to keep that if you want to love the Lord your God with all your heart with all Your soul with all your mind with all your strength.
You believe in the name of the Son Jesus Christ and Those that are in Christ are able to love their neighbors as their self
Because he has put his law in our heart But these statutes and rules came from the law were earthly blessings as well as earthly curses
For them the Jews if they kept them they would live in the land to be blessed But if they broke them, they would be removed from the land and be cursed
Now as we transition from the mouth of Moses Would come one to where a transition will be made from the law to him and it would take place
If you just look at Deuteronomy chapter 18
We'll just read one verse Deuteronomy 18 You can find it from verses 15 through 19
But we'll just read the first 15 The Lord your
God will raise this is God speaking to Moses the Lord your God will raise up a prophet
Like You from among the people So so Moses is speaking to the people
Speaking what the Lord is telling him the Lord your God will raise up a prophet like me like Moses From among you the
Jews from your brothers. It is to him You shall listen to this is in the context of the law being given
And You just start in verse 16. It's speaking about them Rejecting the voice of God wanting
God to speak to Moses and Moses to speak to them because they're terrified of the voice of God And he is saying it is to him
It is to him you The Jews you shall listen.
So it is to him the Jews that you should listen Moses is saying when he comes
Turn from me and Listen to him right with the mountain of transfiguration you have most you have a
Jesus taken with him John Peter and James they go up to the mountain with Jesus Jesus transfigures and with Jesus is
Moses and Elijah representing the prophets and the law and the prophets and they
They offer to build tents to them and then a cloud overshadows and then a voice comes from the cloud and says behold
This is my son and who I am. Well, please what does he say? Listen to him
They fall on their face and whenever Jesus raises him up.
They only see him They don't see Moses and they don't see the prophets They are to follow the voice of Christ point number four
The Davidic Covenant with this point
I have two sub points First sub point is the earthly kingdom people.
I mean an earthly kingdom people Needed an earthly king and the second sub point is a heavenly kingdom people
Needed a heavenly king. So an earthly kingdom people needed an earthly king
Point number two a heavenly kingdom people needed a heavenly king So the first sub point and earthly kingdom people
I need y 'all get this in your head and earthly kingdom people needed an earthly king first Samuel First Samuel chapter 8
Just give you the we're gonna look at verse 7, but just to give you the context of it we have
The Jewish people they come to Samuel and they wanted a king to rule over them
They said Samuel you're getting old And your sons
They're not walking in your ways They're not walking in your ways and we need a king to rule over us as the other nations have
Kings We need a king to rule over us and this displeases
Samuel This this hurts them and this grieves Samuel and this is what we'll pick up in verse 7
And the Lord said to Samuel obey the voice of the people and all that they say to you
For they have not rejected you But they have rejected me as being king over them they
Rejected God as their king And so we have the appointed king became
Saul who is a Benjamite And when you trace back the offspring of the woman, we don't see the ruler staff being given to Benjamin if you will look with me
Genesis chapter 49 You just keep your finger in the place where we were 49 verse 27 this tells you
What Jacob says about Benjamin? Benjamin is a ravenous wolf and the morning devouring the prey and That evening dividing the spoil now go back to first Samuel first Samuel beginning in verse 10 so Samuel toed all the words of the
Lord to the people who were asking for From him a king. We're asking for a king from him.
Excuse me, and he said this These will be the ways of the king who will reign over you he will take your sons and appoint them to his chariots and To his horsemen's and to run before his chariots and he will appoint for him self himself commanders of thousands and commanders of fifties and Some to plow his ground and to reap his hope to his harvest and to make
Employments of war and equipment for chariots He will take your daughters to be performers and cooks and bakers he will take the best of your fields and your vineyards and all of your olive orchards and Give them to his servants he will take a tenth of your grain in your
End of your vineyards and give them to his officers and his into his servants
He will take your male servants and your and female servants and the best of your young man and your donkeys and put them to his work
And he will take a tenth of your flock your flocks and you shall be his slaves and In that day you will cry out because of your king
Whom you have chosen for yourself But the Lord will not answer you in that day he is a ravenous wolf
This Benjamite This king that they chose They rejected
God as being their king, but we do see the ruler staff given to Judah Turn back to Genesis 49 this time
We'll look at verses 8 through 10 focusing on the blessing given to Judah verse 8
Judah your brothers shall praise you your hands shall be on the neck of your enemies
Your father's sons shall bow down before you Judah is a lion's cub from the prey my son you have gone up He stooped down and crouches as a lion as a lion is who dares rouse him
The scepter shall not depart from Judah nor the ruler staff between the feet between his feet and to tribute and to Shiloh comes to him and to him shall be the obedience of the people and to tribute this is the word
Shiloh until Shiloh means a biblical city
Until someone comes who leads this nation Rightly, it shall not part from day from Judah So we come to a man by the name of David David the son of Jesse Jesse the
Benjamin I mean the Bethlehemite Who is from the tribe of Judah?
Bethlehem is in the region of Judah and at this time of the appointed
King Saul there arose the anointed King David Just turn to 1st
Samuel chapter 16 So just to give some context
God told tells Saul to Go to the house of Jesse that one of Jesse's sons is going to be anointed the king of Israel so Samuel does the
Lord asked of him and he goes to the house of Jesse and Jesse presents before him his sons, but all the ones that he presents before him
God did not choose God did not choose
And so Jesse Asking is there another is there another son?
He heard from God that is going to be one of the sons of Jesse Jesse sets before him his sons
But God did not choose any of them And so Samuel said to Jesse are all of your sons here and He said there remains yet the younger the youngest but behold, he is a keeper of sheep and Samuel said to Jesse Send and get him
For we will not sit down until he comes and he sent and brought him in He was rudy and he had beautiful eyes and was handsome and the
Lord said arise anoint him For this is he then
Samuel took the horn of his oil and he anointed him in the midst of his brothers and the
Spirit of the Lord rushed upon David from that day forward and Samuel rose and Rose rose up and went to Ram Ram Now as we transition
David was the earthly king over the earthly kingdom now next week and maybe
Some weeks afterwards. We will dive in deep More in -depth to David and what's taking place?
but right now we're going to move to our second point sub point a Heavenly kingdom people
Needed a heavenly king a heavenly kingdom people needed a heavenly
King the heavenly kingdom people are
Those who are under the new covenant Now we will not be diving too deep into the new covenant until we get to the covenant of grace
But again, this is a 10 ,000 foot view from a different angle We're looking at the dot a different facet of the diamond the diamond being covenant theology
This King of the kingdom who can be traced back from David to Abraham.
Remember the offspring of the woman jumps to Abraham So we have the the offspring of the woman this it started out as a curse
Promise to the offspring to the serpent that a offspring was going to come from her but he says that that he's going to put enmity between her offspring and His offspring so that the devil has an offspring on the earth growing like wheat and tares together and he's going to put enmity between them and That this offspring that would come from the woman would bruise his head while only him bruising his heel and we see that this offspring of the woman has transitioned to to Adam I mean to To Abraham and from Abraham.
It's passed through Isaac From Isaac to Jacob from Jacob to Judah from Judah to David from Judah to David this
This king of the kingdom of the this king of the heavenly kingdom came to give his life for the people of the kingdom
I mentioned earlier that I wanted to to title this sermon the purpose of resurrection the purpose of the
Davidic Covenant is the purpose of resurrection. I Know you're thinking but Jeff this is
Christmas. This is an Easter, right? This is an Easter. It's Christmas Ladies and gentlemen, if you mentioned the birth without the death and without the resurrection you celebrate nothing
You celebrate nothing and as a matter of fact, we being reformed every
Lord's Day. It's Christmas and Easter Right. Hallelujah. Hallaback Every Lord's Day, it's
Christmas and Easter. We celebrate the incarnation and the death burial resurrection
Ascension him being at the right hand of the Father making intercession and prayer for those that draw near to him by faith every week
Revelation chapter 5 again verse 5 And one of the elders said to me weep no more
Imagine in heaven. There's weeping one of the elders had said to him weep no more
Behold the lion of the tribe of Judah the root of David has conquered
He says that the lion of the tribe of Judah the root of day remember Judah is a lion's cub
He is the lion of the tribe of Judah the root of David. He has conquered
Jesus Christ has conquered now. The question is is How has this been done?
And again, I read it earlier Romans chapter 1 Romans chapter 1
Beginning in verse 1 Paul writes Paul a servant of Jesus Christ called to be an apostle set apart for the gospel of God Which he promised beforehand through his prophets in the
Holy Scriptures concerning his son who is the descendant from David according to the flesh
He was declared to be the Son of God in power according to the Spirit of Holiness by His res by the resurrection of the dead
Jesus Christ If you turn to Acts chapter 2
Acts chapter 2 Peter speaking in verse 22 says man of Israel Hear these words
Jesus of Nazareth a man attested to you by God with mighty works and wonders and Signs that God did through him in your midst as you yourselves know this
Jesus delivered up according to the definite plan and for knowledge of God you crucified and killed by the hands of lawless men
God raised him up loosening the pains of death because it was in impossible
For him to be held by it for David says concerning him
Concerning him. I saw the Lord always before me for he is at my right hand that I may not be shaken
Therefore my heart was glad and my tongue rejoiced my flesh also dwelled in hope
For you have not abandoned my soul to Hades or let your Holy One see corruption You have made known to me the path of life
You will make known that you will make me full of gladness in your presence brothers back to Paul I mean
Peter brothers. I may say with confidence about our patriarch David that he is both dead and was buried and that his tomb is with us to this day that that this prophecy
That when David was speaking this was a prophecy pointing to his son Being therefore a prophet and knowing that God has sworn to an oath with him
To him that he would set one of his descendants on the throne. He foresaw and spoke about the
Resurrection of Christ the Davidic Covenant Jesus fulfills the
Davidic Covenant by being raised From the dead ladies and gentlemen, the throne of David is not on earth
The throne of David is in heaven. It's at the right hand of the father That is where our
Lord sits right now ruling and reigning putting all enemies under his feet
He sits on the throne of David He is the fulfillment of the
Davidic Covenant He is what was prophesied We have the the
Adam eating of this fruit curses all men and all the earth Jesus comes and he is uncursing the earth joy to the world right as far as the curse is found the
Through this gospel message through this message preached about Jesus Christ. All the earth is being uncursed
He is Removing the bites. He is removing that when
Adam took that bite into that fruit He is removing it One day this will not affect humanity
Why because Jesus Christ came he died he was buried and he rose again
He is undoing the curse That this is the gospel of God that he sent his son a descendant of David according to the flesh
The Lord Jesus Christ the only son begotten from the father before our ages God from God life from life true
God of true God begotten I'm made of the same essence as the father speaking of the
Holy Trinity That there's only one God One God and three persons.
This is what R. C. Sproul called the the one one the three Who's the one God the one being of God who represents the three persons father son and the
Holy Spirit? Through him Jesus the second person of the Trinity that all things were made everything first John John chapter 1
Colossians 1 Hebrews 1 and 1st John tells us that he created all things that he was in the beginning and That for us he came down from heaven
And then he became incarnated by the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary and was made man
This is the hypostatic union ladies and gentlemen. This is Christmas The hypostatic union is
Christmas And I know you hear me say it all the time, but just think about it the infinite
God became finite The one who created all things entered creation took on flesh the hypostatic union
The one who holds all things in his hand was being held in the hands of his mother
The one that's in control of everything
Became where someone could just crush him, but they did not have that power
Herod tried This is the message of Christmas That the
Lord Jesus Christ entered creation the second person of the Trinity Entered creation that God looks down from his throne, and he says that no one seeks him
So what does he do? He steps down from the throne. He takes off his royal robe.
He takes off the crown He takes off the signet ring and he puts on flesh And he lived the life that we could not live and he died the death that we should die
He was crucified for us under Pontius Pilate. He suffered and was buried on the third day
He rose again according to the scriptures and he is sitting at the right hand of the Father and he will come again with glory to judge the
Living in the dead and his kingdom will never end Ladies and gentlemen when he came and what
I believe to be 3 BC That's the birth of Christ His kingdom came with him and he has been on the earth ever since and it will not ever end
It will not ever end This is an everlasting kingdom we do not need another king
We do not need for heaven to open up and to send us a different champion We do not need nothing else from heaven.
It has said to us. It's King Jesus Christ And the question is is are you a kingdom people?
Are you a part of the heavenly kingdom? That is the question that befalls all of us
We spoke today in Sunday school, I don't know how many of you were able to make it
We spoke about the Sabbath day and how Jesus is our
Sabbath Now you want to know what salvation looks like It's trusting in the finished work of Christ It's resting in the fact that he has accomplished everything
When he was on that cross, he said it is finished. Tell us die What is finished
Everything that it takes to accomplish salvation is completed. It's finished
And what salvation looks like It's trusting and what he has said because of Adam every one of us that are born the
Bible speaks about it us being clothed if you can Imagine a garment that I'm clothed in a garment the
Bible calls in first Corinthians It's a garment of dust You're clothed in the garment of dust representing
Adam. Adam was created from the dust Then there's another garment called from the man of heaven which represents
Christ We're all born clothed in dust Because we represent the man of dust
Adam. We were born in the Adamic Covenant now in order to be
To have the the garment of the man of heaven the the man of being clothed in a man of heaven.
What you do is is You believe You trust you have faith and what he has done for you
That's why the the call for salvation has always been faith and repentance that you turn from your
Self -righteousness and you turn to trust in God. Well, how do you trust in God by putting your faith in Jesus Christ?
You stop trusting in yourself and you trust in God by putting your faith in Jesus Christ That's the
Reformed Christian message that has always been the Christian message. As a matter of fact, it has always been the message
Abraham Believed God and it was counted to him as righteousness
He believed what God said and he was counted as righteousness
Ladies and gentlemen, you and I when we believe God we are counted as righteous Now, what does that look like?
That Jesus Christ lived the life. We could not live and that Jesus Christ died the death that we should die
And we have to enter that Sabbath By believing that by trusting that saying, you know what?
I cannot live this life How hard is it for us Christians to say, you know what man? I'm so imperfect
I'm a liar. I'm a thief. I'm an adulterer at heart. I see people with things and I wish that they didn't have it and I did and by so I Break the
Tenth Commandment a covet Like we're all
Written with sin. It's all over us Listen, if you don't think that you sin look at me.
I mean It's all over us And there's nothing good in me and there's nothing good in you and the only way that anyone especially me could ever reach salvation
This is I need a righteousness of another and that righteousness comes through Christ And so in order to enter the y 'all heard me say this last week in order to enter the earthly kingdom
You had to be born a Jew Because if you're born and you're not a
Jew you're under the endemic covenant which every one of us Okay, we're under the endemic covenant, right?
In order to be born again, you have to believe in Jesus Christ Faith comes by hearing and hearing of the
Word of Christ that as the message of Christ being preached God Gives to you faith and if you did not have faith when this started,
I pray you have it now Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the
Father. I'm available to anyone who wants to talk Pastor Cal and also our new deacon
Josh Let's pray father. Thank you Thank you for loving us.
Thank you for mercy Lord, we do not want justice We want mercy
All of us have sinned we have fallen short of your glory and the last thing that is that we want is
Justice, we do not want to pay for the crimes that we've committed But we want to trust and the one who has paid the debt who has paid the fine for the crime that we have committed
And that is your son Jesus What I pray right now as the people prepare their hearts to partake in the
Lord's Supper Or that you bless them and that you bless this supper
Lord that as we Partake in it.
You will help us to understand that we are proclaiming the death burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ until he comes