Some Sincere (and Brief) Advice For Southern Seminary and its Defenders

AD Robles iconAD Robles


Stop treating us like untouchables. Its not a good look, and raises further concerns.


Alright, quick video today because I'm framing out a wall, I'm in a different location just for a few days and I gotta get to it.
But I've been noticing something about sort of the, basically the strategy of Southern Seminary and the professors of Southern Seminary in responding or rather not responding to people about the concerns people have about the seminary.
Now here's some advice for you, this is real advice for those of you that either went to Southern Seminary or defending
Southern Seminary, all this kind of stuff. There's two camps of people that are criticizing or concerned about Southern Seminary and they're thinking stuff like, this doesn't seem like the
Southern Seminary that I saw in the advertisements, you know what I mean? And there's a small camp and believe me when
I say this is a small camp and I don't hate these people, I think that they've got some valid concerns, you need to understand that.
I don't fall into this camp. And this is the camp that says, you know, basically these professors are unbelievers, they're unregenerate, they're teaching the doctrines of demons and stuff like that.
And that's a small camp, that's not the majority of people that are criticizing your seminary.
I think those people deserve to be heard, but I can understand if you think, well, I shouldn't even dignify that with a response,
I know these faithful brothers. If that's your position, you don't want to dignify that small group and that what you consider an extreme position, then fine,
I don't care about that. Don't dignify that if that's your position. But here's the reality though, most people are thinking, you know what?
These concerns sound kind of valid. And so I don't think you owe those people anything. This is the big majority, by the way,
I would say it's probably 90 % of people that are concerned about your seminary fall into this camp where they're like not saying you're an unbeliever, but they're saying they're very concerned about what's being taught and the direction of the seminary.
There's a lot of people that fall into that camp. And though you don't owe them anything, I think you do, you don't owe them a full response or a book or anything like that.
But you do owe them a little bit more respect than, hey, you're just saying that because you hate black people and brown people.
You're just saying that because you're a confederate racist. Can we please elevate the response a little bit?
Because that stuff is really unbecoming of a Christian professor. It's pathetic. And honestly, it increases our numbers of people that are concerned.
It's usually sometimes it's not the actual issue that's the issue, it's the cover up. And when you respond with just you're just a racist, you're just criticizing black people, you look like an idiot.
And to be honest, it only increases the concern that normal people have for you.