My Direct Personal Plea to Sid Roth
Sid Roth for years has aired some of the looniest stuff ever to disgrace the name of Christ on his television show, “It’s Supernatural.” He has paraded hundreds of false prophets and charlatans to millions of people. This is an earnest and direct plea from me to him imploring him to repent.
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- Hello dear ones, my name is Justin Peters. I hope that this finds you and your family doing well today
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- I want to thank you so very much for joining me for this podcast. I would ask that you watch the entirety of this
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- Because we're going to be talking about Sid Roth and Sid if by some chance you are watching this video, please sir watch it
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- Sid Roth many of you know airs some of the looniest stuff that you could possibly
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- Imagine all of his guests claim to shuttle back and forth between heaven and earth with great regularity fantastical claims
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- And by fantastical, I don't mean fantastic as in great. I mean in I mean in the sense that they are
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- Looney Tunes claims. I mean bizarre stuff just go to his YouTube channel any of you who have watched my channel or Chris Rose Bros channel or Stephen Cozart's channel.
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- You've seen a lot of this just the The looniest stuff you could possibly imagine well
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- Not the least of which is in the year 2020 Sid Roth had dozens of profits on his program 100 % of whom prophesied that Donald Trump would win the
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- United States presidential election of 2020 and would serve a second consecutive term
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- Literally 100 % of them said it some of them even gave down right down to the exact percentages with which
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- Donald Trump would win well Obviously that did not happen. Obviously Donald Trump is not serving a second consecutive term
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- Joe Biden is the president of the United States. And so in January of 2021 in fact, this is an episode.
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- It was aired on his YouTube channel January 27th 2021 Sid Roth came on he did a program and he was it's kind of a
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- Explanation of sorts as to what happened. How could he and all of the profits get it?
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- so very wrong and I'll put a link to the entire video You can see it down and below in the description if you want to watch the whole thing yourself
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- You're certainly welcome to but basically he said the reason they prop they all prophesied that is because they all wanted
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- Donald Trump to win so badly and So they just missed it but That doesn't hold water
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- Because all these people claim to be able to hear the voice of God and for months and months and months leading up to the election
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- They all claim to hear God's voice on the election and obviously they did not hear
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- God's voice and So he he did apologize for it. He made he made an apology of sorts, but his apology did not go nearly
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- Far enough. I Want to sincerely ask that's my pastor's heart.
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- That's that's really the strong thing promoting this I want to sincerely ask for forgiveness
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- For saying Trump would serve another term and the reason I say it did not go far enough is because he never
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- Apologized to God is as bad as it is to lead people astray to lead your followers astray as bad as that is what's far worse is
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- The reproach that he brought upon God the reproach that he brought upon The name of Christ putting words in God's mouth that he did not say
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- He didn't just say Donald Trump would win. He prophesied Donald Trump would win
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- He was not sorry for that as evidenced by this video because in the very same video
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- He goes on to make a bunch of more prophecies and he's going to prophesy That the then upcoming year of 2021 was going to be the golden global glory year and a lot of amazing things are going to happen in the year 2021 and so we're gonna take a look at those
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- Things that he prophesied would happen and we'll see if he gets them right now at times here
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- There will be some there will be there will be sarcasm. There'll be a little bit of comedy but I Get very serious
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- Sid Roth yet again proves himself to be a false prophet. So let's go to this program.
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- That was aired again January 27th 2021
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- I know That and this what I call it You just got to bear with me because God put into my spirit and I'm supposed to say it publicly
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- So I'm releasing it publicly I know that the golden global glory.
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- I like saying it that way gold is trying to say it's a tongue twister in a way Golden global glory is coming this year
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- This year this year meaning the year 2021 So did the golden global glory?
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- manifest in the year 2021 well, let's see what he has to say.
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- The golden global glory was supposed to contain and my whole issue is
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- The harvest Worldwide evangelism to the Jew first and I see this year being the greatest year we've ever had in Jewish Evangelism, I really do why because of the golden global glory
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- From what's going on? But if I got some good news for you coming up coming up the golden global Glory will be here this year
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- Isaiah 61 to 3 describes it in the Amplified Bible. It's what's happening right at this minute
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- It's better than the newspapers so the year of the golden global glory said it'll be better than the newspapers and I Have you looked at a newspaper recently?
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- They're not so great. So it's not a very high bar to be greater You know be better than the newspapers but he says the the year 2021 will be the year of the golden global glory and that will be the greatest year of Jewish evangelism in the history of the
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- Christian Church And then he references Isaiah chapter 60 verses 1 through 3 and he said that Passage is pointing to this 2021 year of the golden global glory
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- Well, let's take a quick gander at Isaiah chapter 60 verses 1 through 3 says this
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- Arise shine for your light has come and the glory of Yahweh has risen upon you
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- For behold darkness will cover the earth and dense gloom the people's but Yahweh will rise upon you and his glory will appear upon you
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- Nations will come to your light and Kings to the brightness of your rising Your friends that's not talking about the year 2021.
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- It's not talking about any year of golden global glory In fact what it is talking about is the millennial kingdom now
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- It's interesting that Sid Roth would reference this because Sid Roth's eschatology is premillennial he is
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- Dispensational in his eschatology and so he should know that this is looking forward to the millennial
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- Kingdom the thousand -year reign of Christ physical thousand -year reign of Christ on earth.
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- That is his eschatological view Not talking about the year 2021 so he apparently doesn't even rightly understand his own
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- Theology dealing with the eschaton Casting demons out
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- I see auditorium so filled with the glory of God that the people will walk into the auditoriums filled with Demons and will walk out with spirits of infirmity having gone with with spirits that have been harassing them the whole life because the
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- Golden global glory will just swoop in So he says that he sees in the year 2021 that the golden global glory will will see stadiums and auditoriums filled with people that are just racked with all kinds of demons
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- But the the golden global glory will just swoop in and they'll they'll leave without those
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- Demons, I hadn't seen that have you?
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- But not only that when you're walking down the street People that have demons their demons will leave they won't want to be in your presence
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- By the way, that means they'll leave you. They won't even be able to harass you anymore I mean, can you picture them trying to get by the the global glory of God the golden global glory?
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- No, they ain't getting past the global golden glory now They might slip past the
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- Localized lavender glory they might slip past that one, but not the not the global golden glory, huh?
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- Millions of Miracle ministries are about ready to be raised up. There'll be mass miracles
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- But there will well you have seen nothing until you see glory miracles
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- Millions of miracle ministries coming in the year 2021 not millions of miracles mind you but millions of miracle ministries
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- Coming on the scene in the golden global glory year of 2021 Have you seen them?
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- I hadn't seen them. I haven't seen one miracle ministry
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- Come on the scene in 2021 much less millions of them and friends if that if that was even
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- Close to being true. It would be Dominating the headlines. I mean you you wouldn't be able if there were millions of genuine
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- Miracle workers out there. I'm talking Apostolic miracle workers out there.
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- I'm talking Acts chapter 3 kind of miracle workers I'm talking raising the dead kind of miracle workers millions of them.
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- I Don't care how leftist and how anti -christian the mass media is they would not be able to ignore that they couldn't the enemies of Christ and his church could not ignore the miracles that Jesus himself did and they could not ignore the miracles that his apostles did 2 ,000 years ago, and if so, if that was even remotely true
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- Be rest assured it would be all over the news And it would be absolutely irrefutable
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- So there haven't been millions of minute millions of miracle ministries coming on the scene.
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- There hasn't even been one not One will be walking in that type of health, but I do have to tell you this
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- You're gonna have to wear the mask again, but not for coronavirus
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- Because the glory will be so bright people won't even sunglasses won't protect them from the glory and It'll be radiating from you and from me
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- Seriously That didn't even deserve a comment the salvations that we will see
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- Will be listen to this word. I got it from my friend Keith Ellis a great prophet
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- The glory will trigger Evangelism that will be in Calculable it won't be a million souls.
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- It won't be a billion souls. It is in calculable Okay, so Sid Roth says that 2021 the year of the golden global glory will bring in Not millions not even a billion souls.
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- He said it will be incalculable and Lest you think he just kind of that was a misspeaking.
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- He was using hyperbole, you know He's just throwing out some big numbers just to say that no There's there's gonna be a lot of people saved not necessarily a billion.
- 12:51
- I mean, that would be ridiculous, right? He wasn't using hyperbole. He wasn't he wasn't just throwing out a number kind of haphazardly
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- Because he said the following a good I'd have to look at but at least it probably at least 10 -15 minutes later in the program
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- He said this Billions are going to be saved
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- Billions Billions of people will be saved in the golden global glory year of 2021 difference to take the most
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- Generous Interpretation of that generous towards him anyway to be to be the most generous towards Sid Roth Billions, that's a
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- B with that's plural. So 2 billion bare minimum 2 billion people got saved in the year 2021 difference there's only 7 .9
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- billion people alive on the entire planet right now and So that's a quarter of the population
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- Sid Roth is trying to tell us in the year in the year 2021 a quarter of the entire world's population got saved
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- That's absurd That is ludicrous. That's not even remotely close to being true
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- He's a false prophet This cold globe. Oh, I did it
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- Global golden glory is Going to usher in Repentance beginning at the house of God like the world has never seen before So the golden global glory year of 2021 will usher in the greatest period of Repentance beginning in the household of God beginning in the in the church that the world has ever seen
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- Oh How I wish that that were true But if it was true
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- Then you know where that repentance would have begun. It would have begun with Sid Roth It would have begun with Sid Roth and all of the dozens and dozens of false print.
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- No Hundreds of false prophets that he has been parading on his show
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- Week after week after week after week for decades That's where it would begin and you know how we would know that these false prophets have truly repented when they all come out and say
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- I've been lying to you all the times that I have said that God has spoken to me.
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- He hasn't spoken to me all the times that I've said God has shown me stuff He hasn't shown me anything.
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- I've been lying to you I've either been flat -out lying to you or I've been so completely deceived myself
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- That I realize now that I'm not qualified to be in ministry all of the people with the
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- Outlandish claims that they have made all the people who claim to go to heaven Regularly would come out and say
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- I've been lying to you. I haven't been to heaven not once. I've never been to heaven I've just claimed to have been to heaven so I could sell you my books and my
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- DVDs on the Sid Roth program That's how you would know repentance had truly come to Sid Roth and all these others
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- There is no repentance Something that I was thinking of maybe
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- I should write a book on this Whatever happened this would be the title whatever happened to the fear of the
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- Lord It's missing where is the fear of the
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- Lord you say it's missing Indeed Indeed it is missing
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- Sid Sid you for decades on your show you have been airing
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- Objectively proven false prophets you have aired Thousands of false prophecies you have put on your show some of the most ludicrous insane
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- People on your show with the most bizarre outlandish claims People who claim to shuttle back and forth between heaven and earth in the most bizarre stuff proven false prophets proven charlatans and hucksters
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- Remember the the oily Bible thing and You've been making merchandise out of people you have been you've been selling their books and videos
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- DVDs every program you do is a 30 -minute infomercial for Lunacy and you say you're gonna write a book on the lack of fear of God You can write a book on it.
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- All right, just not in the way you're talking about And the fact of the matter is is that you don't see it's it's just not a big deal
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- For you and all your guests to put words in God's mouth that he emphatically did not say
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- It's just not a big deal a lack of the fear of God indeed
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- Indeed Sid I'm concerned for you. I am concerned for you because even in this video a video in which somewhat apologized for all of the dozens and dozens and dozens of false prophets that you had on your program who
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- Prophesied that Donald Trump would win and serve a second consecutive turn all you know All of those remember all that and you somewhat apologize for that But in this very same video in which you apologize for the false prophecies that were given by your guests about Donald Trump in That very same video you make more false prophecies
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- The whole golden global glory year of 2021 that you said all these things would happen
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- None of those things happened And this wasn't an educated guess on your part. This was a prophecy.
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- You said God told you this would happen None of it happened Sid The irony here is that you and all of your guests would look at me a cessationist
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- And say I don't believe in the Holy Spirit. I don't believe in the power of the Holy Spirit to the contrary
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- I'm so confident in the person in the power of the person of the Holy Spirit of God that I do not believe someone can be indwelt by him and Be in this level of deception for decades and feel no conviction about it
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- To put God words in God's mouth that he did not say for decades You've done it thousands of times and feel no conviction about it
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- Something is wrong The Holy Spirit is not a weakling If he is strong enough to save us he is strong enough to deliver us out of deception
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- And as a cessationist, I believe that people who are truly indwelt by the Holy Spirit of God When they sin and we as Christians do sin, but when we sin it grieves us
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- It grieves us because we understand that our sin grieves God And there's repentance there
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- But there is no repentance with you You continue to do the same thing. You've always done
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- To this very day you continue to air outlandish stupid stuff that brings
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- Untold reproach on the name of Christ the world is laughing at this stuff there are entire
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- YouTube channels devoted to showing how Ridiculous this stuff is
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- And I'm and I don't mean by the way my kind of YouTube channel. I'm talking about atheist YouTube channels
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- They air your kind of lunacy on their atheistic YouTube channels Making a mockery out of Christ and making a mockery out of Christianity.
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- There's no shortage of material Unfortunately, because you keep giving it to them Sid I'm concerned for you
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- I'm Am I mad at you, I'm I'm mad at what you do I'm mad at the reproach that you're bringing upon the name of Christ.
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- I am righteously mad at that But Sid, I don't hate you. I Don't hate you.
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- I hate what you're doing And I don't hate you. I'm very concerned for your soul very concerned please
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- Examine yourself to see if you're in the faith Some serious issues there things that you really need to deal with And you need to get on your face before God and cry out for forgiveness
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- Because you have spent The majority of your life airing stuff.
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- That's insane That's not of God I've watched your show a lot.
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- I have rarely ever Heard you really deal with repent.
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- I don't guess I've ever heard you I've heard you use the term repentance you did in this video, but as far as Delving into it and what it really is
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- No No, you don't you don't ever exegete scripture. You don't ever deal with doctrine theology every show you put on Is one outlandish claim after another?
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- And that's not of God sir, that is not of God please Repent Confess your sin throw yourself at the mercy of Christ ask him to forgive you
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- Repent and if you come to Christ in a true godly sorrow over sin He will forgive you
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- He will and that's what I want for you And if you truly repent the evidence of that repentance
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- Will be that you shut your ministry down That will be the evidence of your repentance because if you're truly repentant you'll you'll see and I say the same thing for Benny Hinn I say the same thing for Todd white and Kenneth Copeland.
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- I've said the same thing to them in other videos Truly repent if repentance genuine repentance does come to you is granted to you.
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- You'll realize The magnitude of the reproach that you have brought upon Christ and you will realize that you are not biblically qualified To be teaching you cannot teach sound doctrine.
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- You cannot refute those who contradict it per Titus 1 9 You're not able you don't meet the biblical qualifications for an elder for being in ministry for someone who should be teaching in a public platform you don't and so if you truly repent the evidence of that will be that you will confess all of the lunacy that you've been airing and you'll
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- Shut your ministry down and you'll join a good Doctrinally sound church
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- You won't be behind you won't be in front of the camera anymore. You won't be behind a pulpit.
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- You'll be in front of a pulpit in a doctrinally sound church sitting in learning
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- And I want that for you. I really do Okay, dear ones till our next time together