FBC Daily Devotional – November 24, 2021


A brief bit of encouragement for your day from God’s Word


Well a good Wednesday to you this Thanksgiving week tomorrow Thanksgiving Day I hope you're having a good week and thinking a lot of a lot of things to be thankful for We are through this week looking at one of the benefits that are recorded in Psalm 103 a different one each day
You know the psalm begins telling us exhorting us to bless the Lord It's actually a psalm directed to myself.
Bless the Lord Oh my soul and forget not all of his benefits The first one we saw the first benefit that the
Lord gives to us his people is he forgives all of our iniquities? And what we saw yesterday?
that we can be thankful for is that he heals all of our diseases and Today, let's be thankful for the third thing, which is he redeems your life from destruction
He redeems your life from destruction There is a Redeemer Aren't you grateful for the
Redeemer? Aren't you grateful for all that the Redeemer has done for you? As you think about that one statement, he redeems your life from destruction
Meditate on that Think about all of the different Implications of that statement
There are a bunch of different roads you can go down One of them is the fact that there is a
Redeemer For which we can be thankful. How is that? How did he accomplish that redemption?
Well, he's God. He's God the Son who came into this world So we can be grateful for the incarnation that God became flesh and dwelt among us
He became one of us. He took on that human flesh
He became completely a man So he had to do that and to redeem us.
He had to be a perfect Redeemer a sinless Redeemer So he lived a perfectly sinless life.
He was fully obedient There is a an active and a passive obedience to Christ.
He never committed one transgression and everything he did was within what gut was with was what
God wanted him to do a Perfect sinless Redeemer and then to redeem us from our sins.
He had to pay the sacrifice. He had to pay the redemption price for our for our sins to buy us out of Our bondage and slavery to sin and its eternal penalty
How did he do that? He went to the cross. He gave his life
He allowed his body to be broken he gave his blood to be shed so that we might be redeemed
Aren't you thankful? For the obedience of Christ that even took him to the cross too grateful that He could have called that son as that song says he could have called 10 ,000 angels to to set him free
And in the world who would suffer on into damnation But he didn't do that He died alone for you and me
There is a Redeemer. We have much to be thankful for And for what from what did he redeem us from destruction?
from certainly from the the destruction of Sin in this life
There's a measure of it in which we suffer. Anyway, we live in a fallen world and the consequences of the fall
Continue on even though we have been redeemed and even though our transgressions have been forgiven
We still suffer consequences of sin in this life, but he's delivered us from the destruction of death.
Oh Death, where is your sting? Oh grave? Where is your victory sting of death is sin and Christ has conquered it
He has redeemed us from that sin. So we are more than conquerors through him who loved us he's delivered us from the destruction of Death of physical death and he's delivered us from the destruction of eternal death
There is therefore now no Condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus God so loved the world
He loved the world in this way that he gave his only begotten Son That whoever would believe in him
Should not perish But have everlasting life He has delivered you if you have trusted
Christ as your Savior If you believe him believe in him trust in and depend fully upon him you have been delivered from Perishing from destruction and you enjoy eternal life
So one of the things you can be thankful for today is you can be thankful for The fact that God in his grace has delivered you from destruction
And then there's some other things we can think about in that in that regard And that is that in delivering us from destruction.
There is nothing that can separate us from his love Aren't you grateful for that read the end of Romans chapter 8, you know, what can separate us from the love of God?
What can separate us from the love of Christ? There is nothing there's nothing that can separate us
Why because if something could separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus Then the result would be destruction
And we have been delivered By God's grace. We've been delivered from this destruction.
Oh, is there so much even in that one? Simple statement if we meditate on it and think about it for which we can be grateful
We can take we can be grateful for That the personal
Implications of that statement and we can be grateful for the character of God that is behind that statement
Why did he deliver us from destruction? Because of his great love
Because there's a great love. How did he deliver us from that destruction? Why how you know, what was the manner in which he did?
So And on and on we can go thinking about the mercy the grace the kindness the love of God Exhibited in Christ Jesus that delivered us from destruction.
We have much to be grateful for and I hope today You can say
I am so grateful Because God in his grace has delivered me has delivered my soul from destruction
Well, we'll leave it with that I could have gone on into 1st Kings chapter 11 and you know,
I It'd be kind of a downer to go to 1st Kings 11 and Solomon's failure in his
Sin with all the wives and so forth after thinking about this wonderful truth of Deliverance from destruction.
So I think we'll leave it there. Let's be grateful today for our God's gracious Deliverance and so we are thankful father.
Thank you for your great love that sent your son Who came to redeem us from?
Destruction and all that he did to make that possible We are so grateful and thankful for you who you are for what you have done
For Christ our Savior our Redeemer and for our deliverance from destruction
Bless these thoughts to our hearts today. We pray and we ask it in Jesus name. Amen All right.
Have a good rest of your Wednesday and look forward to Thanksgiving Day tomorrow.