FBC Morning Light – June 3, 2022


Encouragement for the journey from God’s Word. Today's Scripture: Isaiah 22-24 / Proverbs 23:15-16


Well, a good Friday morning to you. I hope things are going well for you this week. You've had a good week thus far.
I'm looking forward to the weekend and perhaps on the Lord's Day. I trust on the Lord's Day you'll set that day aside and it'll be a day of worship and rest and refreshment for you.
Gather with God's people and hear from His Word and learn of Him, be drawn closer to Him, rejoice in Him on the
Lord's Day. We'll be meeting, of course, for our Sunday Adult Bible Study. We've just begun a new series entitled
Gentle and Lowly and focusing on the heart of the Savior for sinners and sufferers.
This is a real blessing, this study, and we're doing that at 9 .30. And then in the morning service we're still in the book of 1
Peter, be in chapter 4, and I trust that'll be a blessing to us as well.
Sunday night we won't be having a regular evening service. Next week we're having vacation
Bible school at our church every morning from 9 .30 to 11 .30 Monday through Friday.
Sunday night we're going to be setting up, preparing for that. You have children and would like them to attend
Bible school, I encourage you to call, even call today and get them registered, or bring them
Monday morning between 9 .15 -9 .30 for registration and get off to a good week of vacation
Bible school. One of the reasons we do vacation Bible school, and we have
Sunday school and so forth and things like that at church, and one of the reasons we want to help parents grow in grace and knowledge of Christ is that parents can better inculcate biblical truth into the lives of their children.
We want Sunday school classes and Bible school and things like that to also serve to get
God's Word in the hearts and minds of children so that they can make good decisions.
There's nothing that gladdens the heart of a parent more than seeing his child make a good decision, make a wise decision.
We see that in Proverbs 23 verses 15 and 16. The writer,
Proverbs, probably Solomon here, he wrote, My son, if your heart is wise, my heart will rejoice.
Indeed, I myself, yes, my inmost being will rejoice when your lips speak right things.
I don't know about you. Well, I think I probably do know about you. You can look back on your youth and look at some foolish decisions that you made, some foolish things that you did, and they probably caused your dad and your mom no little grief.
I can remember one really, really, really stupid thing I did, a really foolish thing
I did. I still don't know what I was thinking, with the benefit of age and hindsight,
I suppose. I had a 1971,
I think it was, Buick Skylark. It was a cool car, it was a nice car, but it had developed some kind of problem.
I tried to fix it, I tried to get a guy to help me fix it and stuff, couldn't do it, tore the carburetor apart, all that kind of stuff that you would do back in, you know, 51 years ago on an automobile that you wouldn't dare try to do now.
But anyway, I tried to do that, I couldn't get the stupid thing to start. It had been a good car, there was nothing really wrong with it other than that, and if I had chosen to take it to a mechanic who really knew what he was doing,
I'm sure it could have been fixed. It grieves me even to think about how stupid
I was to do what I did. Instead, I towed that thing to a junkyard and got,
I don't know, maybe a hundred bucks for it. I don't know, it was so stupid.
I don't even know how I was able to pull that off because, I mean, I didn't buy that car, it wasn't titled in my name, it was in my parents' name.
I don't even know how I managed to pull that off. But nevertheless, that's what happened. My dad was gone on a trip at that time, and when he came home, he said, where's the
Skylark? And I mean, by that time, it had pretty much been given to me and so forth.
But nevertheless, he said, where's the Skylark? And I said, well, you know, I finally just took it to the junkyard.
You did what? You did what? You took it to the junkyard?
Well, yeah, I couldn't get it fixed, it wouldn't start, you know, and I tried to explain myself, but it was a stupid, foolish decision.
And I guarantee you, my dad was not too happy about that. On the other hand, there were times when
I made decisions that my dad was very pleased with, my parents were both very pleased with, and it made them proud, if you will.
Yeah, those of you who are parents, you understand that. You understand the button -popping experience when your child makes a decision that is a wise, a good decision, and they say things, they respond in ways that are good and noble and virtuous and right, that rejoices your heart.
So if you're still training children in those formative years of life, you want to do what you can to instill truth and principles and biblical proverbs into their minds and hearts that will stand them in good stead when they get older and have decisions to make, have to speak for themselves.
And if you're a young person, let me just encourage you to stop and think.
Think about, will this please my father, my mother? Will it please my
Heavenly Father? Is this a wise decision, or am I just simply acting on my feelings?
Will this bring about joy, or will this bring about agony?
There's too what brings joy. Let's do what brings joy. Our Father, I pray that we would be wise people.
I pray for the young people in our homes, that they would make wise decisions.
They would speak wise things. They might rejoice the hearts of their parents. I pray for moms and dads, that they would be faithful and effective at inculcating truth and wisdom in the lives of their children, and give them great reason to rejoice.
And this we pray in Jesus' name, amen. All right, well have a good rest of your