Daystar Television Network Exposed!


Testing the Spirits Podcast Episode # 110 -Should Christians watch Daystar? No, and here's why! Also listen to the podcast on Spotify! Tags Marcus & Joni Lamb Jonathan Lamb Joel Osteen Kenneth Copeland Seventh Day Adventists 7th day Adventist Doug Batchelor Kenneth Copeland Paula White Joseph Prince TBN INSP Jesse Duplantis John Hagee Joyce Meyer Creflo Dollar


Hello, and thank you for listening to the Testing the Spirits podcast. In this episode, I've titled it,
Should Christians Watch Daystar? Daystar is one of these quote -unquote Christian television networks, and they're sort of like TBN or INSP.
So should Christians watch Daystar? And my answer, absolutely not, and I'll tell you why in a moment.
The reason why I'm focusing on Daystar, they've been in the news recently. The founding family that started the network, apparently some of the grandchildren have left, and there are claims, accusations of abuse, not only sinful cover -ups, maybe even,
I don't know, criminal cover -ups. Some bad stuff is happening, so they're in the news, but instead of focusing on the scandals, we're going to focus on what they're teaching.
Okay, so who are they platforming? So over at Daystar, I clicked on shows, okay, so who are the teachers that they're putting on air?
The first red flag that jumped out at me is Doug Batchelor. So this is a
Seventh -day Adventist teacher. They are platforming the Seventh -day Adventist church. Now this is a cult that started in the 1800s, and people will debate, okay, are they still a cult because some things have changed?
Even if you grant that, okay, Doug Batchelor and his brand of modern
Seventh -day Adventism is not cultic. Even if you believe that, they still teach a lot of false doctrine.
So they teach annihilationism, so they deny hell, essentially.
They say that when believers die, they do not go to heaven. So when a believer dies, when a
Christian dies, they cease to exist. So they teach soul sleep. And maybe you'll get to heaven someday, but the
Seventh -day Adventists believe in what is called the 1844. Apparently all of this centers around a false date that was set in 1844 where the return of Christ was predicted, and then that didn't work out.
So they had to rework the doctrine, and they said, okay, that's when Jesus started his investigative judgment.
So long story short, maybe you'll get to heaven someday, but Jesus has to investigate how well, basically, you're keeping the commandments.
I've had many Seventh -day Adventists come on my channel. My most popular video is the
Kingdom of the Cults video where I deal with the SDA church. And I can't tell you how many
Seventh -day Adventists have come on my channel and said, hey, if you go to church on Sunday, you're damned, because their whole thing is
Seventh -day Adventists. So the Seventh -day is Saturday, so you need to go to church on Saturday, otherwise you're damned.
Very common teaching. That was the original teaching. And even if Doug Batchelor himself isn't teaching that, he is teaching other false doctrines, soul sleep, annihilationism, etc.
So not a good start. Not a good start, Daystar. So who else are they platforming?
They are platforming Kenneth Copeland. Kenneth Copeland is an arch heretic.
If Kenneth Copeland is not a false prophet, the term literally has no meaning. He is the one guy that everybody agrees is a false teacher.
Now Kenneth Copeland, what has he done? Well, he has taught the Little God's Doctrine, as with the next guy,
Creflo Dollar. Creflo Dollar is a prosperity preacher, teaches the
Little God's Doctrine, as is the next person on the list, Joyce Meyer. I mean, it's the same old people, right?
Little God's Doctrine, name it and claim it. False healings and miracles, but you've got to send me money.
So it's a con, obviously. Send us your money and God will give you the miracle.
Then it never happens. Well, you didn't have enough faith. So they're really taking advantage of people, and they all do it.
But Kenneth Copeland, his worst heresy is when he taught that Jesus, when
Jesus died, and this is hard for me to even repeat, but I have to back it up.
If I'm going to call the man an arch heretic, I have to back it up. So Kenneth Copeland once said that when
Jesus died, his little, well, let me just play the clip because I don't even want to repeat it.
This is what Kenneth Copeland said about our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Listen. Oh, I'm telling you,
Jesus is in the middle of that pit. He's suffering the very base and punishment.
He is suffering all that there is to suffer. There is no suffering left apart from him.
His emaciated, poured out, little, little wormy spirit is down in the bottom of that thing.
Okay. So again, the man is an arch heretic. You heard it enough said, and yet Daystar platforms him.
They think he's wonderful, apparently. Okay. So we already talked about Creflo dollar prosperity, gospel, little
God's doctrine. Same with Joyce Meyer. Okay. They're just platforming the same old false prophets, false teachers,
Joyce Meyer. What has she done? She taught that Jesus, when he died, similar to Kenneth Copeland, Joyce Meyer taught that when
Jesus died, he went to hell to be tormented by the demons until God, old
God finally got himself together. The minute that blood sacrifice was accepted, Jesus was the first human being that was ever born again.
Now it was still, I mean, it happened when he was in hell, oh, they were having the biggest party they'd ever been had.
They had my Jesus in the floor and they were standing on his back, jumping up and down and laughing and he had become sin.
Don't you think that God was pacing, wanting to put a stop to what was going on? All the hosts of hell were up on him.
Up on him. Up on him. The angels are in agony.
All the creation is groaning. All the hosts of hell was up on him. Up on him.
They got on him. They got him down in the floor and got on him.
And they were laughing and knocking. Ha ha ha.
You trusted God and look where you ended up. You thought he'd save you and get you off that cross.
He didn't. Ha ha ha. Here comes the sun,
Sunday morning, God gets himself together, justice has been met, somehow the thing's been taken care of, and oh
God gets his voice together, and he hollers out three words, and they go roaring through the universe and entering the gates of hell.
He said it! The next guy on the list, now here's somebody who you might like.
There's some people I know that would recognize, okay, Kenneth Copeland, yeah, that's bad. But John Hagee, John Hagee, a lot of people like John Hagee.
But here's the thing about John Hagee, he is a charismatic, word of faith, televangelist like the rest.
I think people like John Hagee because he rips on the Democrats. I think that's why people like listening to him.
But he also says stuff like this. Here's a clip of John Hagee denying that Jesus was the
Messiah. Listen. I'm delighted to present my latest book, In Defense of Israel.
This book will expose the sins of the fathers and the vicious abuse of the Jewish people. In Defense of Israel will shape
Christian theology. It scripturally proves that the Jewish people as a whole did not reject
Jesus as Messiah. It will also prove that Jesus did not come to earth to be the Messiah.
It will prove that there was a Calvary conspiracy between Rome, the high priest in Herod, to execute
Jesus as an insurrectionist too dangerous to live. Since Jesus refused by word and deed to claim to be the
Messiah, how can the Jews be blamed for rejecting what was never offered? Read it in this shocking expose,
In Defense of Israel. Okay, so John Hagee, along with the
Catholic Church, they teach something known as dual covenant theology. This is the idea that the
Jews do not need to believe in Jesus in order to be saved. They can be saved because they have their own covenant, so they don't need to believe in Jesus.
Okay, that's heretical. It just is. John Hagee, that's the whole argument of his book, that the
Jews cannot be blamed for rejecting Jesus as the Messiah because he never even claimed to be the
Messiah. And I know some of you are like, wait a minute, what about the woman at the well or this or John Hagee has taught false doctrine.
No question about that. Next on the list, Jesse Duplantis, Jesse Duplantis.
The stuff that he says is just outrageous. The worst clip I ever heard from him. He actually claimed that God came to him and asked
Jesse Duplantis for advice. Yeah, get that. God is seeking counsel from Jesse Duplantis.
You're like, isn't there a Bible verse that said, yeah, I'll link to it in the, in the comment section or the description,
Justin Peters dealt with that. But I'll show you this other clip from Jesse Duplantis where he actually claims to have ridden a ski lift directly to heaven.
Watch. I was in this, it looks like a ski lift that was covered, you know, like a ski car, but nothing.
And that angel that had talked to me years before smiled at me. He said, you have an appointment with the
Lord. Now I thought to myself, oh man, I mean, this is weird, you know, in myself.
So we just, when I come out, this thing just stopped. When I come out, I seen the prettiest place in my life.
I have never, I can't tell you the colors of what heaven is. Give me a little tiny picture.
Well, when I came out, you got to watch what you say there. And I'll explain that. I went, I went praise the
Lord. I did this praise God. That angel said, the great God, Jehovah, glory,
I start praising God, man, you just have a praise service. If you say that, they're going to start praising
God. And then I realized what was going on. And in my mind, in my theological mind,
I thought the first person I would meet would be Peter, you know, at the gate and all that kind of stuff. I saw a man, thick barreled chest, huge, with a beautiful robe.
He looked of great age, yet he looked young, but he looked of great age. And I looked at him and he said, hi,
Jesse, call me by my name. And I said, hello. He said, are you thirsty? I said, yeah.
And he gave me some water out of, it looked like a golden goblet. And I said, who are you?
And I hang on when y 'all say, I'll let you check it in the Holy Spirit. You can believe you want. No. He said, my name's
Abraham. I'm your father. Abraham. See, we are the seed of Abraham. Yes.
And I know in my mind, I'm thinking Peter gate, you know, that kind of stuff in the
Bible people. Okay. So obviously that is ridiculous and why people listen to Jesse DePlantis.
It's beyond me. And in fairness, he was making those remarks on TBN, not
Daystar, but really TBN, Daystar, Inspiration Network. They platform pretty much all the same heretical false teachers.
So one really isn't better or worse than the other. So next on the list,
Joel Osteen, Joel Osteen is another prosperity preacher. Okay.
Joel Osteen really teaches new age and the law of attraction. It's a version of the name it and claim it movement from the charismatics.
But Joel Osteen is big on, you know, being positive, okay. Be positive in your mind, speak positive words, and then good things will happen.
They have to happen. It's like a formula and he teaches it in his books. So it's really new age religion with a, you know, a twist of Jesus on the side.
That's Joel Osteen, but Osteen partners with a lot of these same false teachers.
And Osteen is the biggest prosperity gospel preacher in the
US. Next on the list, somebody who has partnered with Joel Osteen in the past,
Joseph Prince. Now he's not as well known. So maybe, you know, Joseph Prince, he is a short
Asian guy who wears leather pants, you know, same old stuff, prosperity gospel, hey, send me your money.
And he has this thing about communion that if you just eat the bread and drink the cup and do what
I tell you to do, you know, all your diseases will be miraculously healed. And of course, it's implied that you need to send your money to prove that you have faith.
And this is the problem, the biggest problem with all of these guys, you know, they're taking advantage of the poor and the desperate and the sick and the needy.
So if somebody is just at the end of their rope, they're going to die, they're sick, they've tried everything else, hey, let's just send all my money to one of these guys as like a
Hail Mary. And they take advantage, they're basically con men, con men doing it in the name of Jesus.
Next up is Sid Roth and his program, It's Supernatural. This is probably the most outrageous program on TV.
You thought that stuff that Jesse Duplantis said was wild, you haven't seen nothing yet until you have seen
Sid Roth and his program. People come on, they make stuff up, and then he sells their book or CD, and of course, it's all about getting money and all the rest.
That's the common denominator with all of these teachers, but Sid Roth, I covered him a few weeks ago.
Remember that charismatic preacher who threw the baby against the wall and kicked it like a football?
Yeah, that was Sid Roth telling that story. And it's just completely outrageous, lies upon lies, all to get your money.
And that brings us to the last person, I could keep going, I'm only on page like two out of six or two out of five.
Paula White. Paula White's the last one we'll touch on. Paula White is one of the worst prosperity teachers on the planet.
I remember I watched her show one time, and she was talking about like, I don't know, Joel 226, and she said,
God told me to tell you, based on Joel 226, send me $226.
And then, you know, she made some claim that if you send your money, then God will bless you with abundance and overflow or whatever it was,
I forget the exact details, but you get the point. Daystar, they're just like all the rest.
They're leading people astray, leading people away from Christ. If you listen to Daystar, they're not going to ground you in your faith.
They're going to get you all messed up with heresy and false teaching. And most people know that,
I think, but since they're in the news and people are going to be looking them up, and maybe somebody who watches
Daystar will come across this video and I would just appeal to you, get into a good, non -charismatic, good
Bible -believing church, get your doctrine from sound teachers, not these people, because quite frankly, most of these folks are just, they're just con artists.