WWUTT 2195 Q&A Saved Before Pentecost, Charismatic Friends, Sheol or Hell

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Responding to questions from listeners about whether the disciples were saved before Pentecost, how to respond to friends who are charismatics, what does it mean to repent, and what's the difference between sheol, hades, and gehenna. Visit wwutt.com for all our videos!


Were the disciples saved before the Holy Spirit came? How close a friend should we be with radical charismatics?
And what's the difference between Sheol, Hades, and Gehenna? The answers to these questions and others, when we understand the text.
This is when we understand the text, a daily Bible commentary to help encourage your time in the word, that we may be sanctified in God's truth.
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Pastor Gabe. Thank you, Becky. You're welcome. Good to see your smiling face. Yay! Glad to be here.
We continue our study of Proverbs. So we've decided to move into Proverbs as we read a little scripture here before getting started with your questions on our
Friday Q &A. Yeah. So let me come back to where we left off. Proverbs chapter 1, I'll read verse 7 again.
Okay. And then we'll go through verse 19. Hear the word of the Lord. The fear of Yahweh is the beginning of knowledge.
Ignorant fools despise wisdom and discipline. Hear my son, your father's discipline, and do not abandon your mother's instruction.
For they are a garland of grace for your head and ornaments about your neck.
My son, if sinners entice you, do not be willing. If they say, come with us, let us lie and wait for blood.
Let us ambush the innocent without cause. Let us swallow them alive like Sheol and whole as those who go down to the pit.
We will find all kinds of precious wealth. We will fill our houses with spoil. Cast your lot with us.
We shall all have one purse. My son, do not walk in the way with them.
Withhold your feet from their pathway, for their feet run to evil and they hasten to shed blood.
For it is no use that a net is spread in the sight of any bird, but they lie and wait for their own blood.
They ambush their own lives. So are the paths of everyone who is greedy for gain.
It takes away the life of its possessors. So it was only recently that this kind of dawned on me in opening up the beginning of Proverbs, where you have listened to your father's discipline and do not abandon your mother's instruction.
Oh, yeah. Most of these Proverbs, of course, are from Solomon to his son. But you'll note that when you get to the last chapter,
Proverbs 31, you have the Proverbs 31 woman that's mentioned there. Oh, yeah.
It's the words of King Lemuel, but it's the oracle unto which his mother disciplined him.
So his mother is the one who told him, the woman who fears the Lord is the woman that you should desire.
That was an instruction that came from a mother. Great advice. So the bookends, that's right, the bookends on Proverbs are a father's instruction in chapter one and a mother's discipline in chapter 31.
There you go. That only just dawned on me. I don't know that I had ever noticed that before. So as we consider the beginning of Proverbs is kind of setting up the rest of Proverbs.
So you have that right there at the very beginning. Hear my son, your father's discipline, and do not abandon your mother's instruction.
You have the instructions of fathers and the instructions of mothers right here in the book of Proverbs.
Yep. Now about all this other stuff with regards to don't go after those who are trying to entice you to go after wealth and shed blood.
This is very much like Psalm one. How blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked, nor stand in the way of sinners, nor sit in the seat of scoffers.
But his delight is in the law of Yahweh. And in his law, he meditates day and night, and he will be like a tree firmly planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in its season and its leaf does not wither.
And in whatever he does, he prospers. The wicked are not so, but they are like chaff, which the wind drives away.
Therefore, the wicked will not rise in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous. For Yahweh knows the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked will perish.
That's the beginning of Psalms. And you see that same sort of counsel given at the beginning of Proverbs as well.
Now we had mentioned in verse 12, let us swallow them alive like Sheol, and whole as those who go down to the pit.
That's what the wicked are saying about those that they are scheming against. Now hold that in your mind though, because we've got a question coming up today about Sheol.
So we're answering a question about Sheol among the cues that we got. And we're going to give the
A's, or at least attempt to. This is our
Friday Q &A, in which we take questions from the listeners. And you can submit those questions to whenweunderstandthetext at gmail .com.
That email address is the best way to get those to us. You can also send us a voicemail. You can, yes.
Go to www .utt .com and you'll see the voicemail tab in the menu bar there at the top of the page.
Click on that. Leave us a voicemail. You can record it from your phone, from your computer, whatever device you like to use to listen to us.
Send us a voicemail that way. And we love that. We love to hear from, literally hear from our listeners. I've got another voicemail to get to today.
But first let's get to our first question. And this one comes from Jeff.
Hi. Hi, Gabe and Becky. Hello. I hope all is well with you and your family. I have a question concerning the 12 disciples.
Now I thought Jeff's question here was really good because this goes right along with what we've heard this week out of Mark.
The disciples were not really paying attention to Jesus all that well. And Jesus has had to rebuke them a few times.
So we've seen that in our study of Mark. So Jeff says, seeing how Jesus admonished the 12 on several occasions in the
Gospels about their inability to understand his teaching, does that mean that they were not yet saved while they were following him over that roughly three year period?
Or was it on the day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit was sent to dwell in them?
I've never heard anyone speak about this before. So it may be an obvious answer. My thinking is that they were saved at Pentecost because my understanding is that when you are granted salvation by the
Father, the Holy Spirit comes immediately. Thank you for all the years of sound teaching through the podcast and prayers that you will be able to, and prayers.
So yeah, he's offering prayers that you will be able to continue for many more years to come. Soli Deo Gloria.
I so appreciate that, Jeff. It's hard to believe. It's hard to think about. We literally have been doing this for years.
We have, yeah. We're coming up on our ninth year just next month. It'll be our ninth year, our nine year anniversary of doing this particular podcast.
We just made it through 10 years of videos because we did the 10 years, or like our favorite videos we counted down earlier in the year.
Yeah, because you started the podcast before, I mean, you started the videos before you started the podcast. Yeah, over a year.
And then initially the plan was with the podcast that we were just going to like talk about the videos for longer.
Yeah, and explain them a little bit further. Which that never, yeah, that never really came about. More thoroughly.
Well, kind of, sort of. We did a few of them. I mean, people ask questions about your videos all the time.
Yeah, and then I'll play one and then we'll talk about it. So I mean, it kind of - It comes up. It does.
It does. I did not do any videos in June, so I got to hop back on that and get some more videos done.
And by the way, I've even - Hard to multitask while I'm gone, huh? Well, right, because you were gone for that two plus weeks.
Yeah. And I also let Hear the Word of the Lord fall behind. Oh no. So just to let you guys know,
I'm resuming that on Monday. I'll get back to the read. I'm like right in the middle of First Samuel. I didn't even have a good breaking point there when
I kind of stopped doing those. So I'm jumping back in. This has given me the chance to kind of catch up and you'll hear more of those audios pop back up again soon.
So anyway, back to Jeff's question here. Were the 12 disciples, were they saved before Pentecost?
Well, that's a great question. I've had this question before too, but not exactly that question.
Mine was more of, are the people in the Old Testament saved because they didn't know Jesus? You know, like we are on this side of the
New Testament, the cross, and so we know the full story. So, well, not the entire story, but you know, the important part.
We can see it though from day one to day umpteen or whenever, whatever. We get to see the full layout of redemptive history from Genesis to Revelation.
Right. So we know that they didn't know. They kind of knew. They knew that there would be a savior or someone to look forward to, but they didn't really know it was
Jesus, you know? And so I've asked you that before. We've had discussions about that.
Right. About how if they believe in the savior coming, then they're saved.
Yeah, they were believing in the promise of God that was going to be fulfilled. Right. Whereas we're believing in the promise of God that was fulfilled.
Right. Exactly. In Christ. Yes. And then, of course, through Christ, everything, all things will be fulfilled.
Right. But you think of, you know, it being said of Abraham, that he believed God and it was credited to him as righteousness.
So by faith, everybody in the Old Testament was saved by grace through faith, and everybody in the
New Testament and beyond is saved by grace through faith. Right. This is the way we have always come to salvation.
So were the disciples saved by grace through faith before Pentecost? Now that I don't know, because Jesus is there.
Well, consider the Lord's Supper according to John in John 13.
Okay. Okay. We don't have the institution of the Lord's Supper in John's gospel. It's already been instituted.
You have it in Matthew, Mark, and Luke. But you do have the Last Supper and the Passover meal that Jesus enjoys with his disciples the night he is going to be betrayed, the night before he is to be crucified.
Right. So Jesus, after supper, he lays aside his garments and he takes a towel and ties it around himself.
John 13 .5 says, Then he poured water into the washbasin and began to wash the disciples' feet and to wipe them with the towel which he tied around himself.
So he came to Simon Peter. He said to him, Lord, are you going to wash my feet?
And Jesus answered and said to him, What I am doing you do not realize now, but you will understand afterwards.
So here we have exactly what Jeff was bringing up here. Jesus is not rebuking them exactly, but they don't understand.
Right. So then Peter says to him, You will never wash my feet ever.
And Jesus answered him, If I do not wash you, you have no part with me.
And Simon Peter said to him, Lord, then not only my feet, but also my hands and my head. Let's just do the whole thing.
Give me a bath. And Jesus said to him, He who has bathed needs only to wash his feet, but is completely clean.
And you are clean, but not all of you. So what do we get from that?
That they are saved. The disciples are saved. But not all of them. Except who? One. It would have been
Judas. Yeah. And then you get to the end of this account. So we have the longest dialogue between Jesus and his disciples in the upper room.
The longest dialogue is in John's gospel. Even longer than what we have in Matthew, Mark, and Luke combined with what
Jesus talked about with his disciples at that last meal. So this goes from John 13 all the way to John 17.
And in the high priestly prayer that Jesus prays in John 17, he says this to the father.
While I was with them, talking about the disciples, I was keeping them in your name, which you have given me.
And I guarded them, and not one of them perished, but the son of perdition, so that the scripture would be fulfilled.
So there, the disciples are kept in Christ's care. If they are in Christ's care, would they be unsaved?
No. No. Except Judas. He was called to follow Jesus for the purpose of fulfilling what the scriptures had said about him, that he would betray the son of man.
Right. So he was the son of perdition, the son of destruction. It was always to be that he was going to betray
Christ and be destroyed. He was born to be cursed. So Jesus' statement at the very beginning of this section,
John 13, is that you're all clean. The statement at the end of John, you're all clean, but one of you.
And then the statement at the end of this exchange in John 17 is the same thing.
I kept them all. They're clean, except this one, the son of perdition. So you have that bookended in this scene, in this narrative that we have from John 13 to John 17.
Yeah. So that indicates to us, yes, the disciples being called to follow Jesus were saved. Yeah.
Except for Judas. And he never was at any point, because the intention was always going to be that he was going to betray
Christ. Right. Even back to John 6, where Jesus is saying that if anyone is going to enter into the kingdom of God, he must eat my flesh and drink my blood.
And the disciples that are following him going, we can't understand this. Who can understand what he is saying?
Yeah. How can he give us his flesh to eat? Right. And then in John 6, 66, it's 666.
They all turned away from Jesus because they could not handle this teaching.
Yeah. Jesus turns to the rest of the disciples, the 12, and he says, how about you? Are you going to leave me too?
And Peter says, Lord, where else are we going to go? You have the words of eternal life.
And Jesus says, did I not choose you, the 12? So Peter congratulating himself for his
Sunday school answer. Yes. And Jesus saying, I'm the one who chose you. Yes. And yet one of you is a devil.
So you still have that even said back in John 6. Yeah. You follow me because I chose you.
And I even chose the one that's going to betray me. Yeah. For the purpose of the scriptures being fulfilled.
But I think that gives us a pretty good indication that, yeah, they were saved because they were called by Christ to follow him.
Yeah. And he was never going to let any of them fall out of his grasp. Right. Even when
Jesus tells Peter that you're going to deny me three times, Peter insists, even if they all fall away,
I will never deny you. And Jesus says to Peter. Humbled him. Yeah, right. He says, the devil has asked to sift you like wheat, but I have prayed for you.
And that when you are restored, that you will strengthen your brothers. So he's telling
Peter, you're going to deny me three times. You're going to be restored. And when you are restored, that you would strengthen your brothers.
So all of this, all of this coming about as Jesus had foretold, as it was ordained that it was going to happen.
Yeah. So even in those moments when Peter denies Jesus, he still doesn't fall out of Jesus hands.
He still keeps him close to the father. And so even in those moments, it's not like Peter lost his salvation.
Yeah. It was still all according to the sovereign plan of God. Great question, Jeff. Thank you for that.
This next one is a voicemail message. You ready, Becky? Sure. Okay. This is from Rachel. Here we go.
Hello, this is Rachel. I was wondering what you would recommend I do.
I am really close friends with someone who is a pretty hardcore Pentecostal continuationist.
Even her brother has this ministry. It's called Turner Ministries. And this ministry are just focusing on the signs and wonders and teaching people how to heal people.
And I just don't know how to get through to her that this is corrupt. And I'm not even sure if I should continue the friendship.
So any advice there would be great. Should she continue a friendship with a person who's believing in all of this charismaticism that goes so far as to perform all these miracles and things like this, these miraculous happenings that aren't really miraculous happenings.
Yeah. She's trying to convince her friend that all of this is bogus. Her friend won't listen. What do you think?
Still be friends with her or is it time to cut it off? I wouldn't cut it off per se, but maybe space.
I would give it space. Give it space. Yeah. Because this can be exhausting. It can be.
Mentally draining, spiritually draining. And at that, eventually you are going to start second guessing what you're saying and try to say it in other ways, which would compromise the truth.
And therefore make your relationship with Christ strained as well.
Yes. And so you don't have to end it, in my opinion. I mean, if they're a good friend, they're a good friend.
Right. But at the same time, space is good. And maybe let those seeds that you've planted take root with the next person that comes along in their life.
Because if they are saved, the Lord will send more. And pray for her and her brother, for sure.
Yeah. Now, I don't know if this is exactly the ministry that she's talking about. She said it was something called
Turner Ministries. This is the first one that came up. It's called David Turner International Ministries. Over 100 ,000 followers on Facebook, so it's pretty widespread.
But, yeah, it's a lot of the typical charismaticism that you see, laying hands on one another, speaking in tongues, claiming to be able to heal their ailments and stuff.
All of these videos are heavily edited, and so you're only seeing him lay hands on a person and praying for them.
You don't see the outcome of this, nor do you hear any follow -up reports as to whether or not these miracles that he's doing actually had any effect.
Right. And he's healing some pretty big things here. One of these is Parkinson's.
Oh, wow. So, or at least he's claiming to heal these things. Do we have evidence that any of this is working whatsoever?
Yeah. Now, let me do one of them here. These are all about a minute apiece, but, again, edited, and you're going to hear that in the audio.
Sure. We're just kind of spliced together. There's a woman that's laying on the ground, and he's claiming to be able to grow out her ligaments.
And this apparently was a Spanish service, because he's got another man standing there translating for him into Spanish. Don't they speak in tongues?
No. You know, that's great, and that actually did not cross my mind.
Sorry. I'm a little perplexed. Yeah. I mean, yeah, if they speak in tongues, why does he need a translator?
That's so obvious, and I don't know why I didn't come up with that when I was watching this. Yeah. Why does he need a translator there?
Okay. Go ahead. Because if you're speaking in tongues, shouldn't he be able to? Yeah. Yeah, anyway. Here we go.
Here they are healing this gal on the floor. Okay. Lord Jesus Christ. Oh, God.
You are the healer. I extend this leg. Power of God.
Hips rotate. Cervical cord rotate. Tendons and ligaments lengthen.
In the name of Jesus. I nullify the effects of the action. In the name of Jesus.
I heal you and set you free. Amen. You walk and you tell me. Okay, so now she's walking back and forth on the stage.
It's different. Hallelujah. My hips are back and shifted. They're in the right place.
The pelvic has been pushed out. A lady hit me when my car was stopped going 60 miles an hour and shifted the pelvic, and I've been in pain for three years.
Three years. Jesus. And it's all gone. Yes. Thank you, Jesus. Translate to Spanish. Never again.
I can't go back. Hallelujah. Okay, so she's experiencing injuries because of a car accident that she had.
Are we really going to see or know if tomorrow she still is completely fine?
Yeah. You can feel like euphoria in a moment, which Justin Peters has kind of covered all this too in his seminars that he does on the tricks and stuff that they will do.
Yeah. You can feel kind of a euphoric sort of a feeling and even have a rush of adrenaline.
Mm -hmm. Which your body does naturally. Yeah. Yeah. That makes you feel fine. But then tomorrow, does it still feel okay?
Mm -hmm. Is she completely healed of all of her injuries? You never hear any of that. You don't get the follow -up reports or anything.
Let me find another one here. This was, okay, so in this one, he's laying his hand on this woman, and you're going to hear multiple cuts.
Sounds like this went on for some time. Okay. But this is the same woman the whole time. Oh, okay.
Now, I'm going to say something funny. Not the same woman as the one in the accident. Not the previous gal. No, this is a new gal.
But the same one this whole time. But as you hear these edits, it's still the same gal. And they change locations in the room.
So, apparently, this was a healing process, quote -unquote healing, that was going on for a while.
Okay. And even in different places in the room. Okay. Here we go. In the name of Jesus, devil, I break your power.
Right now, every spirit of fear, worry, anxiety, come out. Every insomnia, come out.
Devil, I break your power right now. In the name of Jesus Christ, every darkness, depart. Every fear, worry, anxiety, depart.
Right now, every sickness and disease, depart. In the name of Jesus, every spirit of paralysis, come out.
Right there, come out. Come out. Every familiar and medium spirit, you the spirit, get out of her now.
Devil, I break your power right now. Come against this devil. In the name of Jesus Christ.
In the name of Jesus. Every foothold, stronghold, feels above, come out.
I bless this daughter in the name of Jesus Christ. Still the same gal. Now walk in her feet.
Okay. So, right there, he says, now walk. And can't do it.
She stumbles, stumbles, he kind of grabs her. Gotcha. So, after all of that, there was no change in this woman at all.
So, let me see. There's got a few more seconds here. Walking on the front of your toe. Be able to sit down.
Yeah, you're fine. You're fine.
She's having trouble getting back to her seat. And he's saying, yeah, you're fine. Aw. Fine, but not healed.
Yeah, fine, but not healed. Yeah. He has to say that to kind of... Yes, I know. Oh, you're fine.
Okay, now here's the one. This guy has Parkinson's. Okay. I've got incredible pain in my glutes.
Okay. Very, very low back. I can't walk more than 50 yards. Okay. I'm freezing up. Okay. 26 spinal decompression sessions.
And nobody can figure out what's going on. And they just gave me a brain scan for Parkinson's, just in case. We'll pray.
Lord Jesus, I bring your son right now, God. New mercy right now. I bring your son.
God, I bring your son. Yeah, in the lady before him, or with the lady before him, he was saying something weird with his prayer.
I push out the medium or whatever in the name of Jesus. Right. I mean, does he have control over that in the name of Jesus?
Well, I don't know exactly what he's praying for in the previous one with that gal. Yeah. I mean, he lists a bunch of stuff, but I don't know what problem she came to him with.
Yeah. That he was trying to pray out of her. But yeah, making these commands, demands.
It's funny that we're hearing this right after we got done with Mark 9 earlier this week. Jesus casting the mute and deaf spirit out of the boy.
Right. Which the disciples couldn't do. Right. And the disciples come to Jesus later and say, why couldn't we cast out the spirit?
And Jesus said, this one could not be cast out by anything other than prayer. So it's not by demanding the spirit.
You can't command the spirit to come out. You have to pray to God. Yeah. And it's
God who would be the one to cast the spirit out. Right. Jesus doesn't do that because he is
God. Right. So he's able to cast out the spirit. True. He doesn't have to appeal to the father. And he is answering the request that is made by the boy's dad who says,
I do believe. Now help my unbelief. Right. So Jesus is showing to this dad that he does have the authority over this evil spirit.
It's as though the dad has prayed and asked Jesus, cast him out. And now
Jesus is responding to that request and casting out the evil spirit. The disciples couldn't do it. They're demanding that this evil spirit come out, and they're not able to accomplish it.
Now, you'll notice that when these guys do this, they don't ever really pray.
Now, this guy is saying, God, I pray or I summon Jesus or whatever. I bring the sun upon this man.
Bring the sun. Yeah. But they are demanding. They're the one that's commanding because they want you to see that they have authority.
They don't really appeal to God, even though it does look like he's praying. But he's the one that's claiming the power over this spirit and apparently even over Christ himself.
I bring Jesus upon you. No, you don't. You don't command
Jesus to do anything. Yeah. So continuing on this attempt to heal this man's
Parkinson's. In the name of Jesus, right now, every arrow of the enemy, I pull it out right now in the name of Jesus.
You the devil, you will not bring Parkinson's on him in the name of Jesus. Parkinson's is not a work of Satan.
No, it's a part of the fall. Yeah. I mean, we experience these things in our bodies because we have corrupt bodies that are a result of all of creation being subjected to futility, as said in Romans 8.
So Parkinson's is not just automatically the work of Satan upon a person. Could Satan bring that upon somebody?
Yeah, maybe. But that's not generally what's going on when somebody is suffering the ailments that come upon an old body.
And this man is clearly an old man. So he's just feeling the age of his body.
This man is not going to be casting out Parkinson's or the devil of Parkinson's. So even though he gives this appearance of praying, yet he's now commanding the devil, commanding
Parkinson's disease to be cast out of this man. Random question. Yes. Okay, so people always assume that it's
Satan or the devil taking over a person's body. But there's only one devil, and he's not
God, so he can't be everywhere. He's not omnipresent. Right. And he doesn't care about you.
Right. He's got something else going on. He's got bigger fish to fry today. Right. Satan is not tormenting you today.
Right. But I mean, the demons, okay. Demons, sure. Spiritual oppression.
We've talked about that before. Right. But my question is, is that, is it acceptable to still say that Satan is attacking me today?
Or do you need to be, like, whenever you're praying, mind you, send
Satan away or whatever. I bind Satan in Jesus' name. No, yeah, that's what you're asking about, though.
Okay. You know, like how the Charismatics will say, I bind Satan. Yes, yes. And who keeps letting him go?
Right. With all these people binding Satan who keeps letting him out. That's a good point. But I mean, like, do we need to, whenever we're praying for relief from torment.
Yes. Spiritual torment. Do we pray for Satan to, I mean, you know, like, God to let
Satan go away? Like, would you? Or the demons? Or how would you put that? Would you be praying,
Satan, I bind you in Jesus' name. I cast you out. Is that kind of where you're going with this? No. No, I'm talking from like a more biblical standpoint.
Okay. So you would be asking God, like you're asking God, please let
Satan stop tormenting me. Yes. Okay. Well, it wouldn't be Satan himself.
Right. I suppose we could say that in the general sense of like this being the work of the devil that would be upon me.
That's true. So it's not. Work of the devil. Yeah, it's not. More accurate. The entity of Satan that is coming upon you.
Right, right. Because I was like, it's not. It's not. I mean, God knows. Right.
He knows what we're trying to pray for whenever our words fail. Right. Praise the Lord for that.
But I was just curious about, you know, if I'm praying for out loud or praying for a friend or something like that, how would
I word that properly? Well, it's like with the Apostle Paul in 2 Corinthians 12, where he says that a thorn was given to me, a messenger of Satan to torment me.
And three times I pleaded that it would be taken away from me. But God said to me, my grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.
So it's perfectly acceptable to pray to God like the work of the devil. I'm feeling it today.
Yeah, yeah. I am feeling the effects of sin. I'm feeling the effects of this fallen world.
God, please take away the anxiety that I feel or something to that degree. Whatever it is that's going on in you, that definitely feels like an enemy is oppressing you in some way.
You can certainly pray to God and ask him to take that away. But just be prepared that the answer might be.
No. Right. This is to humble you or this is to. To draw you closer.
Yeah, make you lean more on me or yeah. Like said in James 4, flee the devil.
Resist Satan and he will flee from you. Draw near to God and he will draw near to you.
Right. We do not have the power to bind Satan in any way. No.
That has not been given to us. You consider in Jude 1, 9, Michael the
Archangel, when he was disputing with the devil, arguing about the body of Moses, he did not dare pronounce against the devil a blasphemous judgment, but said, the
Lord rebuke you. So even Michael who has more power than Satan, Michael the
Archangel is a stronger being than Satan is. But even in this circumstance, Michael does not declare a judgment against Satan that Michael knows he doesn't have the authority to declare.
It's like Martin Luther said, Satan is God's devil. Right. Satan does whatever
God allows him to do or is permitted to do, but Satan can't do beyond that. And Michael can't stop
Satan from doing what God has probably permitted Satan in a particular moment to do. So if Satan is going to be stopped, it is going to be by the power of God that he will be stifled.
So hence Michael saying, the Lord rebuke you. And that be the way that we approach these things with God as well.
May the Lord handle this matter for me. I can't do this. God, please take this away from me.
And that's perfectly fine to ask that of God. But again, just be prepared that the answer might not be the one that you want.
It could be the thorn in the side. Right. It still is going to be the work that God means to do.
It just may not be what you want in that moment. Right. Because we always seek comfort. But in comfort, you don't usually lean on the
Lord as much as you do in the uncomfortable situations. Right. Yeah. We're not as prone to search for God when things are good.
Yeah. Although the apostle Paul said in Philippians 3, well, Philippians 4 rather, where he talks about,
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. I know what it is to be in plenty and I know what it is to be in need.
I can do all things through him who strengthens me. Yeah. So in those moments, I know the strength of Christ.
Paul is demonstrating there that I know to lean on Christ when things are good. And I know to lean on Christ when things are bad.
Yeah. So may we be disciplined enough to seek the Lord even when times are good.
And know that times are good because God is blessing me right now. Yes. With good moments. Yes. Amen. But as said in Ecclesiastes, if it rains on you on a day that you expect sunshine,
God has brought the one as well as the other. Yes. So true. So don't think that just because things are gloomy that maybe
God is not in this. Mm -hmm. He brings these moments our way that we may rely upon him whether things are good or things are bad.
Yeah. For our good and his glory. Now, I still got about 20 seconds left in this one. Go for it.
Yeah. Here we go. I cast it out by the finger of God. Lord Jesus Christ, right now, he must be able to bend and move.
He must be able to walk. I release right now the glute muscles in the name of Jesus. Be healed and be free in Jesus' name.
Amen. You start moving, walking, and see how you feel. I just kind of twist back and forth.
And he says, yeah, better. You'll see it. You'll see it. And that's it. You'll notice it.
It'll get better. Do we have any sort of follow -up on this whatsoever? Did this man's Parkinson's get healed?
You don't ever get that aspect of it. That's not what they're going to show on social media. They're just going to show this prayer so that you will think that this man, by the, what did he say?
By the finger of God? By the power of the finger of God? Yeah. I cast this out. Yeah. Where did you get this power from?
There was a lot of eyes in there. Yeah. A lot of claiming authority that he does not really have.
Yeah. So they were, I mean, it's been a topic of discussion around here anyway, about how you don't look for the obviously wrong.
It's the, a little bit wrong. Oh yeah. You're talking about the quote from Spurgeon who said that discernment is not knowing the difference between right and wrong.
It's knowing the difference between right and almost right. Yes. So he ends it well within the name of Jesus, but he always starts with I.
Yeah. I do this in the name of Jesus. It reminds me of the sons of Sceva in Acts chapter 19 where the apostle
Paul was ministering in Ephesus and a lot of miracles are being accomplished by Paul so that even rags that he had wiped his sweat with when they were taken and given to the sick, even they were healed by this rag that the apostle
Paul had. So the sons of Sceva are trying to capitalize on the ministry of the apostle
Paul and they're claiming to be able to do exorcism. So they're doing exactly this. The way that it's described in Acts 19, it's this kind of thing.
In the name of Jesus whom Paul serves, I cast this out of you. You see that kind of verbiage there.
And then they encounter a man who actually has a demon. Yes. And he goes, Jesus I know,
I'm familiar with Paul, but who are you? Yeah. And then beats them up with his demon jujitsu.
That would be so creepy. They go running out of that place naked and bleeding. Yes. That's how whooped they were by this guy who had a demon.
Yes. So that's what these guys are like. They claim to have this authority that they do not really have.
They speak just like those sons of Sceva spoke where they're trying to capitalize on the name of Jesus, gain for themselves, claiming authority that they have not been given.
And when faced with something legitimate, they're not able to do what they claim that they're able to do.
So here, this man really has Parkinson's. Yeah. Did they really heal him of his Parkinson's?
Yeah. No. But you don't see that side of it. You only see these videos, these edited videos that get thrown up, thrown up on their
Facebook page and thus he's able to gain over a hundred thousand subscribers on Facebook. Yeah. Doing this kind of stuff and people watch it and they like it because it's exactly what they want to see.
Yeah. They want to believe somebody can just make these declarations and lay hands on me and I can be healed.
Well, yeah, because then that means that their discomfort is completely over for the rest of their lives. That's right.
They can have money in their pocket because they prayed for it. I can have health and wealth if I just name it and claim it. That's right.
We go to this next question here from Joshua in Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin. Oh, that's fun to say.
A name. Yes. Chippewa. Chippewa Falls. Hey, Gabe and Becky, I've got a question concerning what we know as legal separation.
I've researched this and have come up with no real biblical answer to it. How are we as Christians supposed to view this?
A legal separation in the eyes of the state means you are practically no longer married, but this is not the same as an actual divorce because until the actual divorce, you cannot remarry.
I find no warrant for this in Scripture. And to my knowledge, and I could be wrong, this seems to be a made up thing by state governments.
So here is a scenario. Let's say I'm single, which I'm not. I'm happily married to a wonderful wife,
Michelle, and I meet a woman who has rightfully separated from her husband. She is not divorced, but legally separated.
Does this give the woman a path to get involved with another man before she is actually divorced?
I say no, but the state would say yes. As Christians, the whole legal separation thing just seems irrelevant.
What's your view on this? May your paths drip with fatness,
Psalm 6511. He's taking the very literal interpretation of Psalm 6511 there.
Because in most translations, it's going to say, may your paths drip with richness. But the word literally translated is fatness.
Yeah. Okay. Thank you. I don't know that that goes over well in our American culture.
Or in Arizona. We're just melting anyway. But yeah, paths drip with fatness.
I'm okay with that if it means like, you know, I've been out for a jog and my fat's just melting off of me. That would be fine. Right? It'd be the easy way to lose weight.
Thank you. Thank you for that blessing, Joshua. I pray it comes to me. Indeed. Oh, dear.
I name it and claim it. I name it and claim it. My fat is just going to drip off.
Oh, dear. Anyway. Okay. So legal separation. Back to the legal separation. Yeah.
This just seems like a, I don't know, a bunch of legalism, legalese. Yeah. There's no biblical justification for it.
Okay. So here's the only times that I could see it applying. Okay.
Is if somebody is in sin and they're not repenting and then you separate from them.
Right. I mean, you don't have to legally separate from them because that's a step. But I mean, sometimes you do have to get them shaken to realize that they are in sin.
I mean, it could be a situation of abuse. Yeah. And I have given that counsel to somebody before.
Right. If he's harming you and you are fearing for your safety and your children's safety, then find somewhere that you can go.
Yes. And so there you have a separation. Sure. That could be a reason for something like that.
Or maybe he is, you know, maybe he's addicted to something.
Could be substance abuse. It could be addiction to porn. Yeah. Could be something that you get to the point where you're saying,
I cannot remain with you in this condition and you are separated. It's not a divorce.
You don't mean to leave him entirely. Yeah. There's still that foot in the door where you can like go mend things a lot easier.
Hopefully he will repent and you can be reconciled or can go the other way. A husband separates from a wife, you know, for reasons like that.
Right. In 1 Corinthians 7 .10 it says, To the married I give this charge, not I but the
Lord. The wife should not separate from her husband. But if she does, she should remain unmarried or else be reconciled to her husband and the husband should not divorce his wife.
Now the word separate there is not going to be the same meaning as what you're talking about here.
Right. Yeah, the legal separation thing we got. Right. In the U .S. But, you know, that would be the closest instruction that we find in Scripture speaking to this kind of scenario.
Right. I just see it as being like if they really need to be, if they're not stopping their sin and they really need to be shaken up to the core of like this is almost over, you need to straighten up kind of thing.
Right. And then taking it to that level. But other than that, I don't really see it being helpful.
And it shouldn't be where you're looking outside of the marriage. That should just be you still looking in the marriage.
Like your eyes, your heart, your prayers, everything is towards the marriage.
Right. Not elsewhere. Right. The separation shouldn't be, well, this has got my eyes looking around elsewhere.
Yeah. Maybe I have another opportunity. It doesn't have your feet pointed out. Right. But the separation is for the purpose of reconciling somehow.
Yes, getting back together. Yeah. Yeah, for sure. I think that's wonderful counsel. So, yeah, like you said,
Joshua, your assumptions or your suspicions about this are correct. Yeah. There's really no biblical warrant for this.
No. And if there is going to be a separation of any kind, then the desire should still be for reconciliation.
Right. And as we've talked about before, the only permission that's given in Scripture for divorce, the only biblically permissible scenario would be if one has been unfaithful, has committed adultery.
And Jesus says in Matthew 5 and in Matthew 19, those are the only conditions by which a person can get divorced is the unfaithfulness in the marriage.
Or abandonment. We see that in 1 Corinthians 7. Yes. Where you have a believing spouse.
If the unbelieving spouse walks away, then the believing spouse lets them go. They are not obligated to have to cling to the unbeliever.
Right. So that's abandonment in that situation. And that person is free from the covenant.
They did everything that they could do to keep it together. And the unbeliever has decided to separate.
Then the believer is without charge. There's no wrong that has been brought against the believer in that scenario.
Right. All right. Next question. This comes from Joshua. It's another
Joshua. Another one. Not the Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin Joshua. All right. Hello, Pastor Gabe and Becky.
My name is Joshua. I thank you for your YouTube channel and ministry. I will try to keep this short, but I think it's going to be hard for me.
Sorry in advance. I got saved about a year ago. And by reading my Bible, voraciously, very quickly became reformed in my theology.
One thing I was not confused about is repentance. But now I am.
I heard that the phrase, repent of your sins, is nowhere in the Bible, and thought it was silly until I actually looked.
Looking at the Greek, the word metanoia literally means a change of mind. Looking at all the verses that use it, in context it seems to always be a change of mind towards Jesus, not about sin when talking to unbelievers.
Then I read Jonah 3 .10 and get more confused that God saw their works, that they turned from their evil way.
Can you explain this to me? I don't want to be wrong on the gospel and I don't want to add works. I am having a really hard time with this and practically questioning everything at the moment.
Thank you for your time. Well, Joshua, I would strongly encourage you to talk with your pastor about this.
This does sound like something that you need a brother in the Lord that you know personally, that could come alongside you in this and help to guide you in your understanding and where you are vexed and struggling, that you have somebody who's able to direct you in the scriptures.
You need brotherly discipleship from somebody. I'm going to give you an answer here, but this is something that somebody needs to walk with you through.
If you're feeling so much at odds with this, that now it seems like you're having a crisis of faith, which seems to be the reaction to what it is that you're studying, there's no need for you to panic over what you're researching here.
Just based on what you've relayed to me, no need to panic. But come to a brother in the
Lord who's able to guide you in these things. You're able to have good, rich theological discussions, and you're able to walk through the scriptures together.
You need that kind of discipleship. It sounds like it's going to take more than just a one -time answer from you that his pastor would be more helpful as an ongoing conversation.
The five minutes I'm going to give you here just isn't going to be sufficient. Yeah. But I'm going to tell you that the word repentance does mean a change of mind.
And the way that I've taught this with my congregation, like say you have in Matthew 4 .17,
Jesus' first words as he's beginning his earthly preaching ministry, repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.
What is he telling people to do? He's telling people to change their minds. You need to turn from your worldliness.
You need to turn from your unbelief. You need to turn from your rebellion against God. You need to turn to God.
So repent is often accompanied with believe. In Mark 1 .15,
repent and believe the gospel. Yes. So turning from something to something else.
It's like when you turn a coin, you have heads facing you, tails the other way.
When you turn the coin, now tails is facing one direction and heads is facing the other way.
So when you repent, you're turning from something and you're turning to something else. So it's not just a repentance of sin.
It's not just repenting from sin. It's turning to Jesus Christ. That's exactly what repentance is.
You're turning to God. So if you're turning to God, are you in the direction of sin?
No, you've turned from sin to God. Right. You were heading in one direction.
Your disposition was towards sin. Your disposition was toward your own flesh. Giving your flesh those things that your flesh desired.
That's not what you're after anymore. You are oriented in the direction of God. You want to go toward Jesus Christ.
You want to do the things that are pleasing to God. And this is going to be reflected in your life if you are one who has truly repented.
You've turned from this to something else. And it is the evidence of the work of the Spirit in your life.
So it is not that you have just decided today,
I'm going to stop doing this and I'm going to start doing this. Right, because then that's you. That's you who did it.
Yeah. But if the Holy Spirit is in your heart and has convicted your heart, that you've become aware of your sin and your need for Christ, and Jesus is that Savior who has forgiven you of your sin, and you've come to the knowledge of this, then now the fruitfulness that's going to result from that is a hatefulness of sin.
You're going to hate your sin. Yes. And you're going to love righteousness and you will desire to do the righteous thing.
Yeah. And this comes about as the evidence of a repentant heart.
Think of 2 Timothy 2. I thought of this one because this is a sermon that I did just recently out of 2
Timothy 2. It says in verse 24, The Lord's servant must not be quarrelsome, but kind to everyone, able to teach, patiently enduring evil, correcting his opponents with gentleness.
God may perhaps grant them repentance, leading to a knowledge of the truth, and they may come to their senses and escape from the snare of the devil after being captured by him to do his will.
So what is the fruitfulness of repentance in that passage? It is turning from the snare of the devil to the knowledge of the truth.
Yes. And this is granted to the person by God. So whenever we read of repentance, just like what you read, what you studied, what you found when you did a study of repentance, you came to find that repentance is often turning to Christ.
Right, exactly. That's exactly what it is. Yes. That's going to be the fruitfulness of repentance. But you've turned from something to Christ.
Right. You've turned from Satan. You've turned from unbelief. You've turned from the passions of your flesh, the temptations of this world, the sins that you loved before.
You've turned from that to the Lord Jesus Christ. Right. And that's something that's going to continue in your life.
It's not that you did that perfectly when you came to faith. There was a repentance that happened. It's not perfect repentance.
There is still going to be a repentance, like a turning from, as you are being sanctified.
Right now, you are feeling anxious about some of the things that you've studied, and you're beginning to ask questions and even have doubts of stuff that you thought you believed before.
This is something that you need to repent of. For James 1 tells us that if anyone lacks wisdom, let him ask of God who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him.
But let him ask in faith with no doubting. For the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea that is driven and tossed by the wind.
For that person must not suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord. He is a double -minded man, unstable in all of his ways.
So you may need to repent of your doubt. Yeah. And come to Jesus Christ. Be as the man that I just preached about earlier this week on the podcast, out of Mark 9.
Lord, I do believe. Now help my unbelief. And that is that continued fruitfulness of repentance, turning from even your doubts to the truth that is given to us in Christ Jesus, according to what we read in his word.
But once again, brother, I would strongly encourage you talk to a pastor about this or some mentor or a brother disciple who is able to walk with you through these things and give you personal encouragement according to the word.
Yeah. I thank you for your question. Let me pray for you real quick here, and then we'll get to our last question.
Okay. Heavenly Father, I thank you for Joshua. I thank you for bringing him to a knowledge of the truth, that he is a new believer.
He is saved. He has come to faith in Jesus Christ. And this Lord was your gracious will.
Continue to work these things out in Joshua's spirit. As said in Philippians 1 .6,
I am confident that he who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it at the day of Christ.
And then in Philippians chapter two, work out your salvation with fear and trembling for it is God who works in you both to will and to work for his good pleasure.
And may that be your work in Joshua's life. Give him a brother in the Lord who is able to walk with him and guide him through deep spiritual truths that he's still trying to understand.
Give him understanding according to your word that he may escape any potential snare of the devil that is trying to rise up in this young Christian's life.
And he is able to grasp an understanding of the truth, according to your gracious work that you are doing on his mind and heart.
Draw him closer to Jesus, that he has no reason to be ensnared by these doubts, but he is able to overcome these things and, and grow all the more in the knowledge of his savior.
Thank you for the grace that you show us daily and by your spirit, may we come to a deeper understanding of your word.
It's in Jesus name that we pray. Amen. Amen. All right. Last question. This is from Steven in Tennessee.
Okay. He says, Hey, pastor gave the other day I stumbled on a social media page called the Bible for normal people.
Oh, for heaven's sake, that is a horrible page. Okay. You've heard of it.
Oh yes. Yeah. They're heretics through and through. This is Pete ends who Rachel held
Evans. If you remember her, she loved Pete ends. Okay. And yeah, through and through a heretic.
It's kind of like, if there's a way that Pete ends can twist the scripture, he will do it. Oh, so Steven is apparently aware of this.
He says, I would not encourage anyone to look them up full of liberal theology. However, they did bring up an argument
I've heard before that according to the Hebrews, there is no hell. I know in the old
Testament, she always mentioned. And Christ talked about Gehenna. However, I've been told that Jewish people believe hell does not exist.
Would you mind explaining what she'll and Gehenna are and how, if it is at all, what hell is, or sorry, that hell is a new
Testament concept. Well, I don't know the argument exactly. I don't know how it is that they are presenting it.
There are certainly some things about the grave, about shield that were not very clearly understood in the old
Testament. And probably even to those old Testament saints, there may have been a lot of mystery concerning these things, which
Jesus then comes along and shines a light on a lot of this. Like for example, the account we often come back to in Luke 16 of the rich man and Lazarus.
Oh yeah. The rich man sent to a place of fiery torment. Lazarus is carried up by angels to Abraham's side, to Abraham's bosom, right?
So there's a picture of shield that had not really been seen before that. There's really a division.
There's a separation there. Abraham even says to the rich man, a chasm has been fixed between us. We can't come over to you.
You can't come over to us. And this may not have really been plainly understood to the
Hebrews. It certainly would not have been common understanding to the Hebrews on how paradise or shield worked.
Yeah. So Jesus is explaining things that the Hebrews didn't quite understand, but she, all is an old
Testament concept as well as a new Testament concept in the old Testament. It's called shield in the new
Testament. It's called Hades because that's the Greek word for it. Oh yeah. But even then in the new
Testament, we have a little more light that shed on the whole scenario. She, all is, it can just simply be translated the grave.
And so it's often spoken about going down. I went down into Sheol because that's under the ground or it's the grave.
So as a location or a direction, it's going to be down. But there was still an understanding, even in the old
Testament of going up somewhere. So in Ecclesiastes 12, seven, the dust will return to the earth as it was.
That's talking about a man. When he dies, a man who's been formed of the dust, his body will go back to the earth that it was, it was made from.
And the spirit will return to God who gave it. So even there in the old
Testament, you have, there apparently was an understanding of the one who dies, the soul going back to God.
And then God decides where the soul will be distributed from then on.
Right there again. Exactly. Yeah. Again, a lot of mystery there in the old Testament. They weren't quite sure how this was supposed to happen.
We have things that are said in the Psalms as well about God judging between the wicked and the righteous.
Right. So there's clearly reward for the righteous. Yes. And there's destruction for the wicked. Right. But then
Jesus gives an even broader picture of this, an even more insightful image of what's going on on the other side, in that the righteous will go into eternal life.
Whereas the unrighteous will go to eternal destruction, eternal punishment. As he talks about the final judgment in Matthew chapter 25.
Now this reference to Gehenna, as you talked about it, this was the Valley of Ben -Hinnom.
This was the place where babies were sacrificed to Moloch. Oh yeah.
Okay. And because lives, human lives were burned there. This place, the
Valley of Ben -Hinnom also gets called Gehenna. It's the Valley that's outside of Jerusalem.
And it's where children were sacrificed. Now at the time of Jesus, that's where trash is burned.
It's still called Gehenna. And it's kind of an idiom. So this place where trash is burned, and by the way, where trash is burned, refuse is also burned there.
So sewage. Oh, okay. And if you had dead carcasses of animals, they would be thrown in there as well.
And so you did have the smell of burning flesh that was coming from that place. Yeah. So it still is associated with death.
Even in the time of Christ, though people are not being sacrificed there, it was known for that.
And you still had bodies that were being burned there, although they were the bodies of animals. And so you had the smell of dead flesh, and it still was in the memory of the
Hebrew people, of this place being a place of fiery destruction, of wickedness and evil.
And Jesus uses that as the picture of, this is the judgment for those who do wickedness.
They will go to the place of fiery torment. And so Jesus showing what happens on the other side, gives a clearer picture of heaven dwelling forever with God and glory, and hell, the place of torment and destruction, that the unrighteous and the wicked will be sent to.
And then revelation gives us an even clearer picture than that. Right. So this revelation that was given to John, where you have the saints in heaven gathered around the throne, celebrating
God and rejoicing in him forever. Yes. And a place where, as it said in Revelation 21, there's no more death.
There is no more tears. He will dry every tear from our eyes and death will be no more.
And so this place where we don't have to struggle with sin, there's no sickness, there's no decay.
There is no being subjected to futility, no corruption anymore.
We are perfect with renewed bodies. We live forever in eternity with God in glory. That's the picture in Revelation 21.
But also in 21 verse 8, as for the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, as for murderers, the sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.
So these are the distinctions of these places, according to what we have in both the Old and the New Testament, that we may come to a knowledge of our
Savior, Jesus Christ. Hell is a real place. And no one talked about it more than Jesus did.
And those who do not know Christ, but live their lives in wickedness and unrighteousness, that's where they will be sent.
But for those who do know Jesus, our sins are forgiven, we are clothed in His righteousness.
And so may we demonstrate with our lives a desire to live according to the righteousness of Jesus Christ.
And that is our program today. And we thank you so much for listening. If you have any questions for us, send them via email to whenweunderstandthetext at gmail .com
or... Give us a voicemail. Send us a voicemail. You go to www .utt .com and you'll see the voicemail tab right there.
Click on that, record us a voicemail. We would love to hear from you. Yes. Fred, this was for you today.
God bless you on your run this morning. Short notice, I want to let you know that a week from this
Sunday, so on July 14th, I'm going to be preaching at Providence Baptist Church in Marshall, Texas.
I'm the pastor of Providence Reform Baptist Church in Casa Grande, Arizona. We want to be a little more reformed.
So we stuck reformed in our name. I'm going to Providence Baptist Church in Marshall, Texas on July 14th, preaching there that Sunday morning.
So look them up online. If you're in the area, we'd love to have you. And you're also preaching in the
Philippines. That same day, I am. Yes. Does anybody have a supersonic jet? Because I'm going to need to get from Marshall, Texas.
Actually, I would have to be in the Philippines first. Yes, you would. You would. You have enough time. That's right.
I'll just tunnel through the Earth's core and just kind of go from one side to the other. Yeah. So I'm preaching at a church in Quezon City.
I'm not sure how you pronounce that. In the Philippines. I haven't seen the spelling of it. It's Q -U -E -Z -O -N
City. Yes. Quezon City or Quezon City, whatever.
Anyway. We're so American. Yeah, that's right. I'm preaching at a church there via remote.
I won't physically be there. Right. But this is there. I think they said eighth anniversary as a church. And so they asked me to be their guest speaker, which
I'll do a video for. And incidentally, Phil Johnson has preached at this church before. Yes.
So I'm excited to be on the heels of Phil Johnson. Yeah. Yeah. And be able to preach at this place.
So it's called the Master's Work Church. And this is their eighth Thanksgiving anniversary.
And the theme is living the cross -centered life. I'm going to be preaching from Matthew 16, 24.
So if you happen to be in Quezon City in the Philippines and are looking for a good church, look up the
Master's Work Church. Yeah. And you'll see my face in a video. I wish we would be there in person.
I know. I would love to. I would love to. One of these days. Yes. I'm still praying about it.
That's right. As the Lord wills, right? Yes. Now, I said Quezon City. It actually says here
Teguig City. T -A -G -U -I -G, which is near Quezon City.
It's the whole other side of Manila, though. Oh, okay. Okay. So I got that wrong. It's near it.
Maybe a suburb or something like that. Yeah. Yeah. It's anyway. Yeah. They also do, like, I've kind of noticed that in the bigger cities that they might have like more of a neighborhood kind of area of a city.
And so it'd be like a popular place. I don't know. I don't know. Never been to the Philippines. It gives you more of a direct, like, this is where we're at kind of thing.
Because it's so big. Yeah. It's like straight south of Taiwan. That's helpful.
I guess I thought the Philippines were kind of more spread out like east to west, but it looks like the whole setup of the islands is more north to south.
But yeah, more toward Manila, Quezon City. That's where this church is located.
Well, we get listeners from out there. We do. Every once in a while, our podcast is trending in the Philippines.
Yes. It's very exciting. Yes. Thank you to the many that are listening to us from around the globe, not just in the
United States. We just celebrated Independence Day. Yes, we did. Celebrating our freedom here in the
U .S. And apparently in the Philippines, July 4th is also the Friendship Day. Oh, really?
Okay. So they had a holiday there as well. Yeah. It's the American Filipino Friendship Day. Which would have been two days ago, though, because they're a day ahead of us.
Yes. Yes. Yeah. So happy belated Friendship Day. To our friends of the Philippines. Yes. Amen.
All right. Let's finish here with prayer. Once again, send us a question or just a comment. You can say, hey, love listening to the program.
Please leave us a review on whatever podcast app you like to use. Five stars, preferably.
That's awesome. Yes. And whatever you say about the program, like talking about it being great Bible study and stuff like that.
Those keywords will help people find the podcast when they're searching for a good
Bible study podcast. Yes. And thank you, as always, for listening and telling your friends about us, too.
Amen. Heavenly Father, we thank you for this time that we have together. Thank you for these questions that have come to us.
And may we always be seeking your word to know your truth and grow in your wisdom.
We could spend a lifetime combing the depths of Scripture and still not come to the end of all the beautiful things that you have to say to us.
You know, 750 ,000 words or whatever it is, and yet it just seems no limit to the wisdom and truth that has been spoken according to your spirit.
May these things continue to strengthen us and give us hope today, convict our hearts, turning us from sin, leading us in paths of righteousness for your name's sake.
Come quickly, Lord Jesus, and bring us into your kingdom. It is in Jesus' name that we pray.
Amen. Amen. So then
Peter says to him, You will never wash my feet, ever. And Jesus answered him,
If I do not wash you, you have no part with me. And Simon Peter said to him,
Lord, then not only my feet, but also my hands and my head. Let's just do the whole thing.
Give me a bath. And Jesus said to him, He who has bathed needs only to wash his feet, but is completely
What happened to my voice there? I have no idea. It just went apart. Something happened.
It's like my tongue just hit the back of my teeth and went. All right, let me try it again.