F4F | The Creepy Category

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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith. My name is Chris Rosebro. I am your servant in Jesus Christ.
This is the channel that compares what people are saying in the name of God to the Word of God. Now, if you've ever been at church or you've listened to a church leader or they've said something that just seems sexually off, you know, like kind of like creepy predatorily, bad voyeuristic, you know, like weird sexual innuendos that made your skin crawl, go ahead and hit the subscribe button down below.
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So we're gonna take a turn to the dark side, if you would, and as I research out, you know, all the different segments that we do here at Fighting for the
Faith, both for our YouTube channel as well as our podcast, there's a whole group of things that I encounter that end up in my database under the creepy category.
And oftentimes I don't bring the creepy category to the program because I'm not sure what to do with it, but two things have come to my attention as of late that have made their way into the creepy category, and I've decided to bring them both forward because here's kind of the idea.
When you're dealing with something like this, that's this important where the implications, the consequences are as extreme as they are as it comes to, like, sexual sins and things like that, that being the case, when you see things like this, red flags should be going off and waving and horns should be blowing in your head and you should hear the danger sirens going off and things like that.
This is the kind of stuff, yeah, this is a red flag run is the best way
I can put it. So we're gonna take a look at two instances of this. First, we're heading over to C3 TV on YouTube and we're gonna be listening to part of an interview from Simon McIntyre, who is a major leader within the
C3 movement, and he's gonna be discussing what he describes as an under -the -table checklist of things that he's looking for and discusses with up -and -coming leaders within the
C3 movement. Okay, all of that being said, a little bit of a note here. If you go back into the archives of the
Fighting for the Faith podcast, Simon McIntyre comes up in two instances of my podcast, and both of them are on the occasion of me interviewing
Carrie Ferguson. Carrie Ferguson, this is a woman whose son was being raped by her husband, and church officials at the churches she was attending kind of covered the whole thing up and weirdly enough kind of sided with the molester and all of this, and so she had a face -to -face meeting with Phil Pringle during that time, and Simon McIntyre was part of the meeting, and in that meeting he pretended to be an attorney for C3.
Mm -hmm. Yeah, you can hear that on the podcasts with Carrie Ferguson. All that being said, we'll listen to him as he discusses this under -the -table checklist of things that are, you know, things he's looking for, requirements for up -and -coming pastoral leaders within the
C3 movement, and again this is Danger Will Robinson stuff. This is almost creepily voyeuristic and weird, and then second instance, we're gonna head down to the
Trinity Church, and this is where Cindy Jacobs attends church. Yeah, Cindy Jacobs of the
NAR, and so this is an NAR church, and Reggie Dabbs is going to be preaching on Mark chapter 10, and the title of the sermon, the things that he says throughout the sermon as we sample it are the, let's just put it this way, the sexual innuendo and the double entendre is like, you know, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, there's something really, really, really off here.
Not only is this inappropriate, it just is the kind of thing where there's smoke, there's possibly fire, avoid like the plague, run is the best way
I can put it. So when you hear and see things like this in your church, run.
Just don't pass go, just run. Leave the building, flee.
Something's really, really, really, really bad and off here. So again, first instance, heading over to C3 TV, here is
Simon McIntyre being interviewed regarding his under the table checklist, checklist, under the table checklist of things that he, you know, is engaging up -and -coming leaders for at the
C3 movement. Here we go. You have a reputation, and we've talked about particularly when you're discipling people as they're rising in leadership, and they're going to be taking on more responsibility of really getting into their world and having conversations, not just doing
Bible studies, but having conversations about key areas of their life. What sort of key areas of people's lives do you go into?
I've got myself a checklist, John. I sort of keep it under the table. Now a little bit of a note here.
I told you he says this is an under the table checklist. Now, if you have a friend, and a friend says, you know,
I've hired an illegal alien, and they're doing my yard work and cleaning my house, and the friend goes, what are you talking about?
You can't do that. That's illegal. You can't hire an illegal and undocumented immigrant. That's against the law.
And they said, don't worry, I'm paying them under the table. You realize that your friend is engaging in illegal activity.
That's a bad thing. Under the table is bad. It's not good. So this is his under the table checklist.
And immediately, something's wrong here.
Australia comes out. Yeah, but I refer to it. So I ask them, and I don't ask a lot of people this, but I'm gonna start doing it again a bit more.
So I'll talk to them about their marriage. I'll talk to them about their sex life.
Yeah, that's weird. I'm an ordained pastor. I went through the whole process of, you know, of becoming a pastor, including the background checks and everything, and never once in any of the process related to me presenting myself to be qualified, me being qualified, me being interviewed, me being ordained, never during the process did anybody ask me about my sex life.
This is weird. I don't want to know details. I'm glad to hear that. I don't want to know details because I doubt that many of them would live the life
I live. So it would create tremendous jealousy. So I talk to them about the things that matter.
When you say you ask them about sex life, are you talking frequency? Yes. Frequency.
Okay, now we're gonna do a little pause here because I'm creeped out. All right, so in his under the table checklist, and that's how he describes it, up -and -coming leaders, he pulls this checklist out, and on the checklist is frequency of sex with your spouse.
Okay, and we're gonna see if that's a biblical qualification, by the way. Titus chapter 1, nice succinct list here of the qualifications for a pastor.
Paul writes to Titus and says, This is why I left you in Crete, so that you might put what remained in order and appoint elders in every town as I directed you.
If anyone is above reproach, check. Husband of one wife, check. His children are believers, check.
Not open to the charge of debauchery or insubordination, check, check. For an overseer as God's steward must be above reproach, check.
He must not be arrogant or quick -tempered or a drunkard, check, check. Or violent, check. Greedy for gain, but hospitable.
A lover of good, self -controlled, upright, holy, and disciplined. And he must hold firm to the trustworthy word as taught, so that he may be able to give instruction in sound doctrine and to rebuke those who contradict it.
Check, check, check, check, check. Didn't see anything in there about frequency of sex with your spouse.
And I'm pretty sure if when I was going through the ordination process, had somebody asked me how frequently my wife and I were intimate together,
I would have told them it was none of his business and that that was an inappropriate question to be asking any
Christian or anybody. Unless, of course, you're a marriage counselor or something like that.
This is not only not a biblical doctrine. This is...
Mm -mm, red flags, sirens going off. This is sick. Something's really off here.
And, yes, yeah, not technique. No, no, I get that, but I'll just... Yes. What would...
Yeah, technique questions would be as weird as frequency questions. Both of them are out of bounds.
Be concerning to you. If somebody says to me, and this is concerning to me, if a young couple say we have sex once a month,
I'm worried. So I'm thinking two things. They're both... Oh, it sounds so pietistic. Oh, if we have a young couple and they're only being intimate once a month, well, now
I'm worried for them. It's none of your business. And this is not a biblical qualification for being a pastor in Christ's church.
It's his church, not yours. You know, why are you prying into these young leaders' sex lives?
Something's off here. They've got jobs that make them very tired. I think they have to consider their careers.
Okay. What's more important, your fabulous career or an excellent marriage that mirrors Jesus and the church?
Beautiful. Think about it. That's a deep theological position. Yes. No, there's nothing deep about this. This is prying.
This is out of bounds. This is not a qualification for pastoral leadership. And it's none of your business.
So just really, really, really creepy, weird here.
So know this if you have any friends who are attending C3 and are considering leadership positions and they just happen to be in the general vicinity of Simon McIntyre, that they can expect to be asked very intimate questions regarding their sex lives, especially regarding frequency.
And now this is a new qualification for pastoral leadership. You've got to be getting it on a lot.
Otherwise, yeah, you're probably not qualified to be a leader. All right.
Moving along, we're heading over to the Trinity Church. This is Reggie Dabbs. And the name of the sermon is
Take It Off. And all throughout this segment of the sermon we're going to be listening to, he's going to be engaging in just double entendre speak of a sexual nature that is so far off that all of your warning signals should be going,
Danger, there's something really wrong here. Flee, run, something's off. Because this is not appropriate for any human being, let alone somebody preaching a sermon.
Yeah, listen to this. Somebody say, all right, all right, all right.
Hey, look, go ahead and sit down. Go ahead and sit down. Get your Bible. Go to Mark 10, Mark 10.
Look at somebody and say, take it off. No. No, yeah,
I can't think of a single time, not even one time, as a pastor preaching a sermon to tell the people in the congregation during the sermon to look at their neighbor and say, take it off.
Yeah, this is so wrong it's not even funny. Come on, look at somebody on the other side and say, hey, take it off.
Come on, y 'all got to go with me tonight. It's Wednesday. We're almost there. It's hump day. Yep, yep. We got to get there.
It's hump day. Yep, yep. Take it off. See what I mean? We made it. We made it.
Look at your neighbor. Touch him and say, we made it this far. We're going to make it the rest of the way.
Look at somebody one more time and say, hey, take it off. No, I will not be doing anything like that.
This is not appropriate in Christ's church. Mark 10.
I just got one Bible story. Now, a little bit of a note here. He's going to attempt to stick the landing here.
Make it so that you understand why he's saying take it off. But the problem is this, is that none of the commentaries that I've looked at validate the point that he's going to be making from Mark 10.
I've looked at actually quite a few of them, several dozen of them. None of them have made that point.
But we'll talk about that as this thing unfolds. But we're just going to note along the way, all the really creepy sexual innuendo stuff here that's, no, no, no, no, no.
Something ain't right here. But it might help you. I'm just saying it might help somebody.
Mark 10, verse number 46. One more time, just touch your neighbor and say, take it off, neighbor.
No. I will not be touching my neighbor and saying, take it off. Maybe you just need to leave because you don't seem to understand what is appropriate and inappropriate, not only in society, because this isn't even appropriate in society.
This is totally out of bounds in Christ's church.
Touch your other neighbor and say, take it off. Here it is. The Bible says in verse 46 of Mark 10,
Jesus and the disciples went to Jericho, and as they were leaving, they were followed by a large crowd.
Everybody say, a lot of people. A lot of people. A block of people. Again, note the saying something and then saying to people, say this.
That's an emotional manipulation technique that's designed to lower your natural, your brain's natural alarm systems.
A blind man by the name of Barnabas was sitting on the side of the road, verse 47, when he heard that Jesus of Nazareth was coming, he started shouting.
He started shouting, Jesus, son of David, have mercy on me. Have pity on me.
Now stop right there. Okay, now look, everybody, look at Reggie. Did y 'all hear the song that they sang right before?
Y 'all sing his name a lot tonight. There's a man named Tozer. He said, Christians don't tell lies.
They go to church and sing them. Obviously Tozer never visited this church.
I'm just saying, because guess what? If we believe what we sing tonight, everything's going to be all right.
Somebody look at your neighbor and say, everything's going to be all right. Now here's what I like. Here's what I like. Now look, I'm going to give you something, because some of you church people, y 'all good church people, you're like, oh, blind
Barnabas. I know this story. I know. Do you really? Are you open for a little something something on the side?
Yeah. I may be a little rusty on current idioms and slang and statements like that, but I'm 100 % certain that saying something something on the side is a way of describing an adulterous affair.
Are you ready for a little something something on the side while having everybody turn to their neighbor and touch them and say, take it off?
Yeah, run. Something's really creepy off here.
Let me back this up. Listen again. Do you really? Are you open for a little something something on the side?
No. That's called adultery. Somebody touch your neighbor and say, take it off.
No. This has just gotten even creepier than creepy. Hey, look, I'm going to tell you tonight,
I'm not keeping you long, but I believe God has something for us on this Wednesday night. I don't believe in chance.
I don't believe it just so happened. I believe you were predestined to be in that chair that you're sitting in. More emotional manipulation here.
Right now in this room with me. Not that I'm something special, because I ain't nothing special. I'm a lot of special.
But you know what I believe? I believe God has a word. The music set this night up. Everything. When I get there, just one more time, say, take it off.
When he heard that Jesus from Nazareth, he shouted,
Jesus, Son of David, have pity on me. Verse 48, many of the people told the man to stop, but he shouted even louder.
Okay, I like that. Okay, now look, if I'm blind, and I hear
Jesus is coming by, I already know the stories. You know he made crippled people walk.
He made deaf people hear. You know that brother can spit on the ground, make mud balls, put it on your eyes, and you can see again.
So what did he have to lose? Absolutely nothing. So he heard of the stories.
Then he heard that he was there. So all he had to do was get the brother's attention.
Sometimes all we got to do is get his attention. He knows where you're at tonight.
He knows what you're going through tonight. Yeah, Scripture makes it clear that Christ is our mediator between the
Father and us. We don't have to get his attention. We have it as Christians. Again, something really off here.
Let's take a look at Mark chapter 10. Mark chapter 10, and the story of blind
Bartimaeus, because I'm going to key you in onto the point that he's going to try to make here.
And I'll give you the findings that I found while searching, scouring my commentaries on this.
And I have a pretty extensive library of commentaries. And just note ahead of time where he's going and why he's saying to people, take it off.
So here's Mark chapter 10, verse 46. They came to Jericho, and as he was leaving Jericho with his disciples, a great crowd,
Bartimaeus, a blind beggar, the son of Timaeus, was sitting by the roadside. When he heard that it was
Jesus of Nazareth, he began to cry out and say, Jesus, son of David, have mercy on me.
Now, have you ever heard the phrase, Kyrie eleison, Lord have mercy. Yeah, the
Kyrie, it's kind of based in this text. Lord have mercy.
Kyrie eleison, Lord have mercy. It's a prayer. And so this is a prayer to Jesus. Son of David, have mercy on me.
And we as Christians, we can pray that same thing. Kyrie eleison, Lord have mercy on me.
Lord have mercy, I'm in need. I can't pay my bills, or my body is not well, or my neighbor is sick, or my child is in danger.
Lord have mercy. Kyrie eleison. This is a good prayer. So Jesus stopped and said, call him, and they called the blind man.
Now, by the way, they rebuked this fellow, telling him to be silent. But when they told him to be silent, he cried out all the more.
Son of David, have mercy on me. And now he's kind of raising his voice. So Jesus says, call him.
And they said, take heart, get up, he's calling you. And so throwing off his cloak, he sprang up and came to Jesus.
Now, this is the portion, verse 50, where it says, throwing off his cloak, he sprang up and came to Jesus.
Now, Reggie Dabbs is going to make the claim, and so I'm preempting him here because, I'm sorry, but the creepy stuff that he's engaging in, he doesn't get the benefit of the doubt with me on this stuff.
He's going to make the claim that in the time of Jesus, in order for somebody to have a license to beg, they had to purchase or own a particular cloak.
And that this cloak was his license to beg. I've scoured my commentary library and have found no commentaries that can substantiate this claim.
Not one. Now, if somebody wants to produce that commentary and show me the scholarship to back up the claim,
I'm open to that. I'm not saying it doesn't exist. I'm saying in my library, which is quite extensive, wasn't able to find a single instance where any biblical scholar,
New Testament scholar of any repute, said that his cloak was his actual license to beg.
And so he's going to make a big to -do about how he threw off his cloak, and that's why he's saying, take it off.
Because this cloak supposedly represents something in your life that you're supposed to throw off.
So you'll note kind of the narcissist there. But let me finish out the story. So Jesus said to him, what do you want me to do for you?
And the blind man said, Rabbi, let me recover my sight. And Jesus said to him, go your way. Your faith has made you well.
Immediately he recovered his sight, and he followed him on the way. Now, a little bit of a quick question.
The name of the blind man was what? And you go, Bartimaeus. Right. You'll note there's kind of an interesting thing that happens in the
New Testament, especially like in the Gospels. When we have the name of the person who was healed or the person who participated in something, oftentimes the reason why we know their name is because they were part of the early
Christian community of the church after the resurrection and ascension of Christ.
And so we have every reason to believe that's the same with the blind Bartimaeus. You think of the fellow who helped Jesus carry his cross.
His name was Simon of Cyrene. Well, it turns out he became a believer and was a Christian, and the Christian community knew who he was.
That's how come his name ends up in the Gospel accounts as the guy who carried the cross of Christ, because he ultimately becomes a believer.
Same with Bartimaeus here. He's a believer. He has faith in Jesus Christ, and they know exactly what his name is, and so it gets recorded in this text.
I just thought I'd throw that in there as a little bit of an extra note. Now, all that being said, let's go back to our creepy sermon here titled,
Take It Off, as Reggie Dabbs is telling us this story but also engaging in some really, really, really inappropriate and creepy weird talk during the sermon.
All you got to do is get that man's attention, and how do you do it? Say his name.
Say his name. Touch your neighbor and say, take it off. See, there it is again.
No, I'm, no, no, no. Touch your other neighbor and say, take it off. No. Y 'all, I ain't got a lot of time.
I gotta get done because Papa Doe's closes at 10, and I gotta get there. I'm hungry. I need some red beans and rice.
Y 'all know what I'm saying? I'm just saying, brother gotta eat. So he's yelling,
Jesus, Son of David, have pity on me. Jesus, Son of David, blind Bartimaeus. See, Jesus, Son of David. And people are looking at the blind man going, shut up, blind man.
Shut up. Really? They better be glad I wasn't blind Bartimaeus because they would have had to add some scripture up in there because if I'm blind and you're telling me to shut up, you know blind people got a cane, right?
I tell you right now, I'll be swinging my cane. They go, shut up, blind man. Shut up. Then it would have read, it would have read, blind
Bartimaeus said, Jesus, Son of David, have pity on me. The people said, be quiet, blind man. Be quiet. Then Jesus had to heal the broken nose.
He had to stop the bleeding from the ears because the blind man went cray cray up on them people that day.
See, people are always going to try to shut you up. Okay, can I just say it? Listen to me.
Don't let people stop you from what you've got to do. They didn't have to live in your house. They don't know where you came from.
They don't know what you have to do. Yeah, this is Narcissus. This text is an example of prayer.
The application would be we cry out to Christ, Lord, have mercy on us. But you're not in here, and you shouldn't expect people trying to shut you up the way they shut up blind
Bartimaeus. That's not the point of this text. You had to do to get here on Wednesday night. They don't know what you're facing tomorrow.
They don't know. So guess what? Sometimes you've got to ignore the voices and scream out for your
Savior. Somebody touch your neighbor and say, take it off, bro. No, this still creeps me out.
Say, little girl, take it off. Little girl, take it off.
Run. Something's way wrong here. We're going to get there, y 'all.
We're going to get there. The Bible says he shouted all the more. Word. That's good right there, isn't it?
They're like, blind man, shut up. He goes, Jesus! And they're like, we told you to shut up. He goes, Jesus! And I love it.
He wasn't going to stop. I love it. Jesus stopped. Look at verse 49.
Just two words. Jesus stopped. If he stopped for Barnabas, he can stop for you.
If he stopped back then, he stops today. Jesus stopped.
And he said this. He said, call him over.
Jesus said, call him over. So watch this. So the people, it's probably the same dude that's saying shut up.
Isn't that like the people right there? They want you to be quiet, but then when God starts moving, they're ready to jump in.
No idea what he's talking about. But I guarantee you they won't out -bless what God has for you. Because you brought the brother.
You gave him the invite to walk in the room. Oh, come on. That's a whole other sermon. I better stop right there. Did you know every
Sunday you can be the invitation God needs to change someone else's life? That's why we need you in the house.
Somebody touch your neighbor and say, take it off. No. No, no, no, no, no, no.
Touch your other neighbor and say, you got to take it off. Keep it on. Keep it on.
Watch this. They called out to the blind man and said, hey, don't be afraid.
Come on. He's calling you. I bet that blind man took his stick again. And he's like, ah, don't be touching me.
You're the same one told me to shut up. I know the sound of your voice. Hello? Verse 50, the man threw off his coat as he jumped up and he ran to Jesus.
Okay, let's just stop right there. No, let's finish it. Verse 51, Jesus asked, Jesus asked the man, what do you want me to do?
Can I ask you a question? Now, look, it's a large crowd. They're already a large crowd, right? There's people everywhere. Jesus is like, stop and says, bring him to me.
And he jumps up, he just jumps up and he takes his coat off and he starts going to Jesus. You know if you're blind in a large crowd, you're bumping into stuff.
You're like probably stepping on a baby. You're like running into a horse going, excuse me, ma 'am.
I mean, you're hitting stuff and it's just like, I'm sorry, my bad, ma 'am. Oh, nice hair. I love that.
And Jesus, when he gets to Jesus, Jesus looks at the blind man and Jesus is right here and he's like, yes,
Lord. And Jesus goes, what do you want me to do? You just watch the brother say hi to a horse and call it a woman.
Step on two babies and he's looking at your ear. And you asking him what does he want you to do.
Hey, never be afraid to ask. Never be afraid. Jesus saved my children.
Call it out. Speak it into existence. Yeah, we don't speak things into existence.
Nope. Blind Bartimaeus didn't speak his healing into existence either.
He humbly asked Jesus for his request to have his eyesight recovered.
Bartimaeus didn't speak it into existence. That's exactly what this blind man did. No, it isn't.
He goes, Jesus goes, what do you want me to do? He goes, I want to see. I want to see.
Verse 52, Jesus told him, you may go. Your eyes are healed because of your faith.
And he could see. That's a beautiful story. And that's what everybody preaches.
But when I was in college, I used to play saxophone on the street corner.
Police didn't like that until I got a license. So literally,
I'm on the street corner before the cops would come and hit their horn, whoop, and I'd just take off running after I picked up my money.
I had to pay for Bible college, y 'all. I'm just saying. Some of you are like, you're in Bible college running from the police. Mm -hmm.
God can use anything. I'm just saying.
Finally, I got back to the dorm one night. I'm sweating. I'm like, what's wrong with you? I had to run, dude. I would have had two cop cars a night.
And he goes, why don't you just go get a license? I went, what are you talking about? He said, just go get a license. Go downtown, apply for a street license, and you can play on the corner.
I said, why am I running? So I went and got a license. It was cool. And the police came and put money in my case.
License. This story, it's the coolest thing.
Did you know you had to have a license back then to be begging like that? I'd like to know your source.
Because in my entire commentary library, I wasn't able to find a single
New Testament scholar talking about the need to have a license to beg at this time and this place in the
Roman Empire. But they didn't have like we have now. It wasn't something you put around your neck so the police could see and go on.
It was a coat. So you go in front. I don't know how they did it.
I don't know. Maybe you went down to the courthouse back then and you stand and they go, what do you want? He says, I want a license to beg on the street.
Why? Because I'm blind. And then the guy comes up and goes, oh, yeah, he's blind. He didn't see that coming. Here's your license.
Here's your coat. Thank you very much. Now, I know some of y 'all are looking at me like really strange right now. But trust me, we're going to get there.
So now if we back up this story knowing that that coat that he took off was his whole life.
It gave him the reason to beg. And the Bible says that when God said, bring him to me, that he stood up, took his coat off, and went to see
Jesus. He was still blind when he took his coat off.
He decided. Okay, y 'all with me? Is anybody going there? Some of y 'all are already there. But let me just take you there.
You know what he decided? If Jesus is going to call my name, if Jesus is going to stop for me,
I don't know what he's going to do. But here's what I'm doing. I ain't never coming back here again.
I'm taking this off. Somebody say, take it off. Yeah, so now you know the punchline as to why he was saying that.
But here's the thing. I have an extensive library of biblical commentaries, research tools, and I couldn't find a single commentary, not one, to back up what he just said.
Now if you know of a source on this that'll back him up, I mean, I'm not saying it doesn't exist.
I'm just saying I couldn't find it. Isn't that weird? So for 12 minutes,
Reggie has been telling everybody there to take it off because it's hump day. Little girl, take it off.
How'd you like a little something -something on the side? Yeah, like I said, this is the kind of stuff that ends up in my creepy category in my database, and that's the reason why.
And so my general policy is when there's smoke like this, there's a good chance there's a fire underneath the surface.
Run. Something's really, really off. Don't mess around with pastors who think it is totally okay to talk about sexual things in this way because, again, something's really off.
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God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ and His vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.