"I Ab0rted It"

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Pastor Wade and deacon Andrew were outside Planned Parenthood trying to save babies and get the Gospel out. They encounter this mother who acts apathetic towards the ab0rtion she has had as well as boasts she would do it again. These women know what they're doing. Please pray this woman will turn to Christ.


Damn, if you're going into Planned Parenthood today, please come and stop and talk with us. We care about you, we care about your baby.
I don't have it. You don't have a baby? No. Are you going into Planned Parenthood? Yep. No, you do have a baby.
I already aborted it, sir. They don't do any other services to you? I already aborted it. They're making sure it works.
You murdered your child, ma 'am? Oh, no. There's forgiveness in Jesus Christ. I'd love to talk to you about that.
Do you know that you're still a mother, but you're just the mother now of a dead child?
I wonder what your baby felt, ma 'am. I don't care. Don't do this again. This is murder.
This is murder, ma 'am. Ma 'am, there's hope in Christ.
God sent his one and only son. Go die in the war or something. God sent his one and only son to pay the penalty for sinners.
Turn to Christ and live, ma 'am. Repent from your sin. Repent from your lawlessness and murderous heart.