Matt Slick Bible Study, Eschatology - again



Matt Slick Bible Study, Eschatology - again


all right turn the light on there we go get that all right what's that I got my mic on right here microphone phone computer program research lights people are coming in good so I was announcing this on the radio today that I'll be doing eschatology so I want to give people a chance to come in all right because they're interested in that all right let's pray and let's just jump right in Lord Jesus thank you for today and I asked
Lord that you'd bless I just bless the study bless the reading the study of your word
I asked Lord Jesus for your mercy your grace that you would cause people Lord myself included to be struck by the truth of your word and that we would be enamored with your glorious return that is coming we asked
Jesus for your mercy grace on us this time at the reading of your word the people who listen we ask of Jesus in your precious name
Amen all right so eschatology is a study of end times from the
Greek eschatos which means end and logos which means word or study so eschatology is a study of end times and I have a study
I do I called depressed eschatology and because I'm a pessimistic on millennialist and that's my perspective
I used to be premillennial and now I'm all millennial and I've been studying a while and teaching this study and other stuff for quite a while so I'm going to do is go through something and and go through a model of the end times that basically very few people teach now
I'm gonna say this and I know I'm gonna offend some people it's unfortunate that the Schofield reference
Bible came on the scene in the sense that it taught premillennial Armenian dispensationalism and though you know it's a good
Bible but the references just taught this one perspective and because of it most of America adopted this perspective and then coincidentally about the time that liberal theological examination was coming into bear the all millennial view was gaining ground on millennialism says we're in the millennial reign of Christ so on millennialism became associated with wacko morons liberals okay and so then if you were on millennial then the premillennialist would think you weren't even a
Christian it happened a lot and then I'm a millennial said say no no let's talk and you know so that's getting better and on millennialism is growing by leaps and bounds in America because of what the scriptures teach because of my eyes sorry about that and I'm gonna go through some of the stuff and show some things we'll talk about the rapture we'll talk about the millennium and I'm gonna be kind of hitting around because there's so much to study and we'll just see how it goes and for those of you who are watching online you can save your questions for a little bit later and I would suggest that if you want you can take a note take notes of what
I'm saying and I can email these notes to you guys if you email me at info at calm org then
I can just take attach these notes and email them to you can have them but also it's it's already on CARM but I'm going to go through so if you go to CARM and you type in two ages in support of all millennialism you'll find the article and I have it there so what
I've done over the years is I've taught this study and it's gonna sound arrogant it's not meant to be but no one has ever refuted it
I've had people who say they don't agree but no one's been able to to undo the arguments and not at all and now one person said he had refuted me but his arguments were about as solid as his you know paper mache and he said he goes
I'd beat you you know what are you talking about we're not even to beat everybody so that's the only guy who even tried and I'm not saying it's it's unassailable but when you start seeing what the
Scriptures teach you start going wait a minute how come it wasn't taught this before and I've gotten this that's why
I'm surprised that they're not here because this they wanted to hear this but we'll see they come in later or whatever so we'll see but nevertheless the
Scriptures teach that there's two ages this age and the age to come if you've been a
Christian for years and years and years and years you done in church and you've never heard this it's unfortunate the
Scriptures teach this blast Matthew 12 32 block Jesus has blasphemy the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven in this age or the age to come in Mark 10 30 and Luke 18 30 we receive much in this age and the age to come will receive eternal life
Ephesians 121 far above all rule and authority power and dominion and every name that is named not only in this age but also in the one to come obviously it's this age and the age to come and so what
I've done the last time I really kind of taught this I was at a church and we had two chalkboards there were equal size and then in the middle was a metal divider because there were two chalkboards it was perfect this age the age to come and we used that dividing line as as the end of this age so if you think about it this way we're gonna do is go through this if so from left to right okay so it's this age and the age to come there's only two ages in this age we have you know as it says in this age we receive 100 times as much mark 10 30
Luke 18 30 people are given in marriage Luke 20 34 the wisdom of this age or this world is the wisdom of this age 1st
Corinthians or yeah 1st Corinthians 120 the ruler of this age the rulers of this age are coming to nothing 1st
Corinthians 2 6 Satan is a god of this age 2nd Corinthians 4 4 Jesus rescued us from this present evil age
Galatians 1 4 so that's what it is and so what we do let's imagine this is on the left side you have this this age and the age to come well if we have this age in the age to come and in the age to come it says we have eternal life and there's no marriage that we know that that age is without end because that's what we have eternal life in this age we have troubles and marriage and that there's no marriage that we have eternal life now we possess eternal life right now 1st
John 5 13 these things are written so you may know you have eternal life but what it's talking about there is after the eschaton the arrival of Christ and the consummation of the ages you're not gonna hear this taught in many churches at all but it's right there in Scripture that's why
I memorize Scripture that's why I give so many references look at what it says look at what it says so this age the age to come as you're looking left to right all right now we want to do is ask questions now if you were to go to this chart right here which says end of this age last day day the
Lord last trumpet after the tribulation now if you go there there's a we got a problem here in that this is just new information we don't have a pencil and paper we're not all sitting down on tables for two hours going through everything let's do this one thing at a time we're sitting here we've got this information and I have
I believe I didn't put in this one that I print this up all the references for all of them in another study
I have I have them all printed up in a big file and I put them up in here here they are but what you need to do is go look at every one of these and look at their context make sure that what
I'm saying and drawing from them is accurate always check because my last name is slick so you can't trust a guy a reverend named slick all right so what we're gonna do is go over this we won't have time to verify everything but I want you to verify
I want you to go through and look at them but as you can see we have five categories the end of this age the last day the day of the
Lord the last trumpet and after the tribulation so the judgment of good the good occurs at the last trumpet now you know what
I could do just get my laptop right here and I could read the verses there's all
I gotta do is just come in here and so for example it says 1st
Corinthians 1 8 okay and who will confirm you to the end blameless in the day of our
Lord Jesus Christ and then 5 5 so 1st Corinthians 5 5 which says
I've decided to deliver such such a one to Satan for the destruction of his destruction of his flesh so that his spirit may be saved in the day of the
Lord Jesus so judgment occurs on the day of the Lord so if you look in the column here the day of the
Lord I should have that down there as well second first Corinthians and do
I have it in there don't have it in there you should I should write it in there that the day of the Lord because it says that the spirit will be saved on the day of the
Lord this is my simple I simplified one for printing so we see that the day of the
Lord occurs there and we see that Paul is what he delivers them over for the for salvation for the judgment to come on the day of the
Lord and in 1st Corinthians 1 8 that you'd be found blameless in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ there's gonna be a judgment the judgments coming and it has to do with the day of the
Lord so what we would say is the day of the Lord we would put this in if I had my pen I would put it in there 1st
Corinthians 1 8 hope it didn't you know what I did I when I copied this I'm putting the wrong column I moved it over that's what
I did so let's verify it maybe I only did it with that when I hope I just said it with that one we'll find out but that's where it's supposed to be in the day of the
Lord so this you know like I said I do so much research and writing and copying and pasting that maybe
I messed up so look at Matthew 13 40 okay let's verify and we'll do a few of these make sure on the right track
Matthew 13 40 it says so just as the tares are gathered up and burned with fire social be at the end of the age all right so that's correct but the end of the age that's when the wicked are gathered at the tares are gathered at the end of the age so we say at the end of the age the wicked are gathered but this is not hard what it says and also go down to 49 50 which says so it will be at the end of the age the angels will come forth and take take out of I'll take the wicked out from among the righteous and we'll throw them into the furnace of fire and there'll be weeping and gnashing of teeth and notice what it says it's the wicked who are taken out from among the righteous what's taught today it's the opposite that the good are taken away out of the bad but that's not what
Jesus says we need to show you even more of this now the judgment of the wicked occurs at the end of this age we see that in their little chart and now
I'm going to go to John 12 48 okay all right last one there's a
Mormon let's see all right he who rejects me and does not receive my sayings has one who judges him the word
I spoke will judge him at the last day so looks like I just messed up on that last trumpet one when
I copying things over we'll see we get down to other stuff so Matthew 12 John 12 48 the the judgment is on the last day we'll judge him on the last day now here's a question imagine our little thing in the air this age in the age to come the age to come there is no last day because it goes on forever logically there has to be a last day in this age so the judgment of the wicked occurs at the last day where would you put the last day well when
I normally do this I you know I go just to the left of the right the edge and I just go last day and I put an arrow near it okay so we also know that that's the day of the
Lord because they'll be judged on the last day because we know that the wicked judgment of the wicked occurs at the end of the age from what
Jesus says in Matthew 13 40 through 42 we already went over that okay so he'll be at the end of the age at the wicked are gathered and they're the wicked are gathered out from among the good now remember as it was in days of Noah so shall it be the days of the coming of the
Son of Man for they were eating they were drinking they were giving in marriage to the day that no entered the ark and the flood came and took them all away two men will be in the field one is taken one is left everybody believes that's the rapture and it is not it is the wicked who were taken because the parallel says and the flood came and took them all away or the flood came and destroyed them all the ones who were destroyed were the ones who are giving in marriage and and stuff and they're the ones who are the wicked and then they asked
Jesus will probably get to it later where they take it and Jesus says where the body is the vultures gather so that that a rapture occurs that's in first Thessalonians 4 chapter 4 verse 16 through chapter 5 verse 2 the rapture occurs but this two men in the field one is taken one is left is not the rapture what gets me what bothers me to no end is why every single time
I've ever taken anybody through it every time without exception that I've shown somebody Matthew 24
Luke 17 Matthew 24 Luke 17 and I go it's a rapture they go it's a rapture I go wait a minute who's the with taken they go the wicked is taken what and they see it and they go you're right every time it's the wicked who are taken and then they ask him where they take him and he answers where the body is the vultures are gathered
I asked this question why is it that preacher that pastors and teachers are teaching this for years and years and years and first of all nobody's ever cross -checking them and second they're not getting it what else are they missing if they're not even getting that that's what worries me that's why
I tell people like tonight I was in a chat room discussing it today and I do all the time somebody was talking about God being outside of time and I said don't say that you don't know what it means or you think gosh not outside of time
I said no no no you don't understand what is that mean tell me what it means to be outside of time you don't know you don't know what it means you don't know what we're only inside of time we don't have the ability to know what it is outside of time we don't know so don't say it's what
God is it sounds good but people don't think they just react it's true he's outside of time what's it mean or like on the radio someone called me up today and Matthew 25 for 27 46
I think it was where Jesus says on the cross my God my God why have you forsaken me and they said one guy
I've read these preachers he said that's when God turned his back on Jesus and I say what does that mean what does it mean to say that God the
Father turns his back on the Son because I would ask what does it mean we search his back on him
I got that what does it mean to turn his back on him he's saying didn't want him to do with him anymore go watch your my back on somebody it means
I'm angry at him I don't want to talk to him what's you're saying God the Father did with the Son that's not what it says but people will assume so many things and they do not check them and I say check them what does it say what does it mean it's why
I quote scripture so much all right now the elect are gathered over now we're gonna spend some time in Matthew 24 all right so let's go to Matthew 24 we're gonna burst some bubbles doing this the rapture never clarified yeah that's we'll get to that later the first ones taken when
Christ comes back of the wicked we'll get to that later you do right that's right and what
I do is I show people from God's word that's what it says I've had so many people say you know I don't like talking to you you know why is that because you quote scripture all the time and not to go check it out and it that's what it says no sure that's another topic but you go to Rome that there's yeah but that's what you've been told is it we'll get to it and we'll see and we'll see okay let's get to what it says in Matthew 24
Jesus came out of the temple and was going away when his disciples came up to point out the temple buildings to him and he said to them do you not see all these things truly
I say to you not one stone here will be left upon another which will not be torn down as a prophecy fulfilled in 70
AD he was sitting at the Mount of Olives and his disciples came up to him privately saying tell us when will these things happen and what will be the sign of your coming and the end of the age right there
I mean you don't hear anybody talk about it anyway he says in verse 4 see to it that no one misleads you for many will come in my name saying
I am the Christ and will mislead many you'll be hearing of wars and rumors of war see that you are not frightened for those things must take place but that is not yet the end for nation will rise against nation kingdom against kingdom and in various places there be famines and earthquakes but these are merely the beginning of the birth pangs that means it's gonna get worse that's why we call it the
Prescott ology but all these things are really the birth pains okay verse 9 then they will deliver you to tribulation and will kill you and you will be hated by all nations because of my name at that time many will fall away and will betray one another and hate one another many false prophets will arise will just mislead many because lawlessness has increased most people's love will grow cold but the one who endures to the end will be saved the gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all the nations and then the end will come therefore when you see the abomination of desolation which is spoken of through Daniel the prophet standing in the holy place but the reader understand then those who are in Judea must flee to the mountains whoever's on the housetop must not go down to get things out of his house whoever's in the field must not turn back to get his cloak but woe to those who are pregnant and those who are nursing babies in those days but pray that your flight will not be in the winter or on a
Sabbath for then there shall be great tribulation such has not occurred since the beginning of the world until now nor ever will unless those days be cut short no life will be saved now
I'm gonna come back to that later by the 2422 no life would be saved but for the sake of the elect those days will be cut short then if anyone says to you behold here is the
Christ or there he is do not believe him or do not believe him for false Christ and false prophets will arise will show great signs and wonders so as to mislead if possible even the elect behold
I've told you in advance so if they say to you behold he's in the wilderness do not go out or behold he's in the inner rooms do not believe them for just as the lightning comes from the east and flashes even to the west so will the coming of the
Son of Man be wherever the corpse is there the vultures will gather now back up a little bit and notice what it says the tribulation right worth what verse was that I should have made a mental note of it because it said to be great tribulation that never and never will be again right so you talk about yeah there it is verse 21 the big great tribulation okay now he keeps going but look at verse 29 but immediately after that tribulation of those days so he talked about the great tribulation and he talked about the because after the tribulation of those days the
Sun will be darkened and the moon will not give its light and the stars will from all from the sky the powers of the heavens will be shaken then the
Son of Man will appear in the sky and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of the sky with power and great glory and he will send forth his angels with a great trumpet and that's how the first Thessalonians 416 the rapture of the great trumpet and they will gather together his elect from the four winds from one end of the sky to the other so according to Jesus when is a rapture occur after the tribulation that when this was given was a given to it was given to a
Jewish mindset Jewish mindset yeah but there's more so but he is he is saying that is after the tribulation is when the elector gathered with a trumpet we're gonna be getting to some more stuff so this is what
Jesus says we might as well just jump over here let's go to first Thessalonians 416 it says this in first Thessalonians 416 but the
Lord himself will descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of the Archangel and with the trumpet of God right with the trumpet of God now when you are looking at Matthew 24 what was it roughly 20 24 that I'll go down and find the other here we go immediately after in verse 29 in Matthew 24 after the tribulation etc he'll in verse 31 he'll set forth his angels with a great trumpet and I'll gather together his elect there's only one gathering not two and it says in first Thessalonians 4 for the
Lord himself will descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of the Archangel and with the trumpet of God the dead in Christ will rise first the dead in Christ are those who have died in the faith before Jesus returns they're gonna be resurrected first then we who are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the
Lord in the air and so we shall always be with the Lord now comfort one another with these words now as to the times and the epics brethren you have no need of anything to be written to you for you yourself know full well that the day of the
Lord will come just like a thief in the night the day of the Lord is the rapture right right the day of the
Lord's rapture that's what he says yeah that's a
Jewish nation thing we'll get into that that's historic premillennialism yeah we know yeah well we're just going through what it's he's what it says because what it says here right now is but we don't do all the whole all at once we can only go one thing at a time so I'm showing is that what it says here is a day of the
Lord is the rapture that's what it says because the the rapture which is the comes with the yeah that's what it says we're caught up in the air to meet him right so that we're caught up to meet
Jesus in the air the resurrection occurs that's when the resurrection we're not done there's a lot here and the resurrection occurs and it is the day of the
Lord the chapter break in English is just unfortunate but it goes on now as to the times on the epics brethren you have no one to be able to teach you or to be written to you for you yourselves know full well that the day of the
Lord will come like a thief in the night we know that the day of the Lord is also the judgment of the wicked we've already seen that in John 12 48 and we also know that the last trumpet is when the wicked are gathered the wicked yeah well hold on you're going you jumping all over the place you got to go one thing at a time let me show you let's go this let me show you guys now go to 2nd
Peter 3 3 9 now notice this most people teach that the rapture happens a literal 1 ,000 years before the new heavens and new earth that's the predominant view but the
Lord is not slow about his promise as some count slowness but is patient toward you not wishing any to perish but for all come to repentance but the day of the
Lord will come like a thief just like it says in Thessalonians in which the heavens will pass away with a roar and the elements will be burned up with intense heat the day the earth in its worst will be burned up so Peter is saying the day of the
Lord come like a thief is when the new heavens and new earth are made Paul is saying the day the Lord comes like a thief is when the rapture occurs they're the same day now this is where people start going what then they say no it's a millennium is a thousand years go to Revelation 20 this is where it says 20 and we'll do what
I always do with people Revelation 20 verse 1 now
I'm going to ask you is it literal or figurative then I saw an angel come down from heaven literal or figurative literal literal literal holding the key of the abyss literal or figurative key figurative great key and a great chain in his hand literal or figurative chain figuratively okay laid hold of the dragon figurative the serpent of old that's literal okay who is the devil that's literal and Satan and bounded for a thousand years literal or figurative that's the question most people just automatically assume it means a literal thousand years well
I just say how do you know because it's in the context of figurative and literal usage if they say what means literal
I can say well then it means figurative if they say well it's figurative okay well then it means literal because either one can be used particularly when you understand that God says
I own he owns the cattle on a thousand hills not a thousand one days but a thousand years a thousand years but a day the thousand is also figurative there it's used in a figurative context
I'm not saying it's that the logic is this the logic is not that it doesn't it does not mean there is no literal thousand years the logic is you can't use this verse to prove it is a literal thousand years that's the point you can't use it to prove it you can use it as support but it doesn't prove anything because if I were debating somebody on this
I'd say what's the context well it's got a little and figurative why do you choose that it's to be literal because what you're taught then
I say if that's the case and why is it the day of the Lord which is beginning of the of the the rapture which is the beginning of the millennium is also the day of Lord come like a thief which is the new heavens a new earth which is at the end of the millennium but they're the same day that's when people start going wow because they don't know how to answer that other than to say there's two days of the
Lord there has to be a day of the Lord here and another day of the Lord there but there isn't that's right plus the wicked now are at the end of the age that's when the day of the
Lord occurs because a day of the Lord we've already seen is when the wicked are judged the day of the
Lord is also when the new heavens and new earth are made and when the rapture occurs when
I show people this they you know they go oh I haven't seen that before and I asked him you ever seen this before no and all these years you've heard of it no how about this age in the age to come you heard that no how about two men in a field one has taken ones left that's the rapture right yeah and it's not is it no and I start taking them apart quickly so I think you've got a problem here now let's continue now
I'm gonna get during the Millennium Satan supposed to be bound right
I'm gonna mess people up during the Millennium Satan supposed to be bound right okay thank you you in the front you can move up closer towards the that's right so in Matthew 12 22 through 32
I won't read all of it but this is where Jesus is casting out demons and the
Pharisee said you're doing it by the power of the devil so let's look at verse 25 and knowing their thoughts
Jesus said to them any kingdom divided against itself is laid waste and any city or house divided against itself will not stand if Satan casts out
Satan so he's saying Satan casts out Satan he's divided against himself how then will this kingdom stand if I by Beelzebul cast out demons by whom do your sons cast him out for this reason they will be your judges but if I cast out demons by the
Spirit of God then the kingdom of God has come upon you what if he's casting out by the by the power of God he's saying in the kingdom of God is here that's what he's saying if I cast out demons by the
Spirit of God in the kingdom of God has come upon you so was he casting him out by the Spirit of God yes therefore the kingdom of God is there that's the logic we're gonna find out there's a lot more how can anyone or how can anyone enter the strongman's house that's
Satan right and carry off his property unless he first binds the strongman and then he'll plunder his house was
Jesus plundering his house yes was Satan bound yes when was
Satan bound when Jesus was there if people tell me he was not bound
I said well then you don't believe what Jesus said you say it was bound and people say well wait a minute are you saying that there's no literal thousand years ago that's correct because the thousand is in a figurative context of Revelation 20 you have the rapture comes a day of Lord a thief in the night and then you have the new heavens new earth which come like a day of Lord could come like a thief they're the same day in which the wicked are judged and we already said already showed you that the wicked are taken out of the kingdom but he showed you that and we'll get into we'll do this next go to Matthew 13 so the wicked are taken out of the kingdom that's what
Jesus says and he says Satan's already bound no one hears this you don't hear this from church now let's go to Matthew 13 that's why people
I say look don't trust a guy on the radio named slick read for your own check it out
Matthew 13 24 that's another question we're getting some variations of theories about yes or no and most of us in this camp say he's probably been let loose towards the end of the
Millennium the thousand years is a figurative usage and he's probably let loose because there is a great rebellion occurring now wars rumors of wars everything's going with the
Antichrist but we're not there yet let's go on so this is what Matthew 13 24 says
Jesus presented another parable to them saying the kingdom of heaven may be compared to a man who sowed good seed in his field but while his men were sleeping the enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat and went away but when the wheat sprouted and bore grain then the tears became evident also the slaves of the landowner came and said to him sir did you not so good seed in the field how then does it have tears and he said to them an enemy has done this the slaves said to him do you want us then to go and gather them up but he said no for while you're gathering up the tears you may uproot the wheat with them verse 30 allow both to grow together until the harvest and the time of the harvest
I will say the Reapers first gather up the tears and bind them in bundles to burn them but gather the wheat into my barn the first ones gathered at the harvest are the wicked now if you go down further in that chapter verse 36
Jesus explains the parable he tells us what it means then he left the crowds and went to the house and his disciples came to him and said explained to us the parable the tears of the field and he said the one who sows the good seed to son of man the field is the world and as for the good seeds these are the sons of the kingdom the kingdom that means the wicked are taken out of the kingdom we already saw that first and he says the good seed of the sons of the kingdom that means are in the kingdom of Christ now there's no way to get out of this it's what it says as for the good seed these are the sons of the kingdom and the tears are the sons of the evil one and the enemy who sowed them as a devil and the harvest is the end of the age and the
Reapers are angels just as the tears are gathered and burned with fire so shall it be at the end of the age the son of man will send forth his angels check this out they will gather out of his kingdom all stumbling blocks and those who commit lawlessness what are we what are we taught in churches that the first ones who are taken are the good taken out of the bad kingdom
Jesus is saying the opposite that the kingdom of God is now and the wicked are taken out of his kingdom
I haven't met nobody who who can refute that the wicked of the ones who were destroyed right yeah people use
Noah as a rapture to use type of rapture well it doesn't make any sense doesn't work because Noah if they use that I say did they go through the tribulation and the destruction of the wicked yes so they were there weren't they because no but you see what you're doing is you're just automatically because you've been taught this for so many years assuming that the resurrection happens at the beginning of the
Millennium but the resurrection it's a different thing until the time of the
Gentiles is completed agreed
Matthew 11 24 25 26 says that God is not done with Israel to covenant Alaska 144 thousand male virgin
Jews later Revelation 16 are going to be the ones that are going to go out evangelizing and things like that God's not done with Israel no no that's post -millennialism no it's gonna get worse and worse in Matthew 24 22 which
I said remember that verse if those days be not cut short no flesh would be saved we haven't even gone to second
Thessalonians 2 yet we're gonna tie some stuff in but I'm trying to show you guys right now what Jesus is teaching is that the wicked are taken out of his kingdom it is out of his kingdom that's what he says it is not the case that it's the good we're taken out of the bad kingdom it's the opposite of what everybody's been teaching you you're asking so many deep questions most probably probably we read everything in his context and you interpret in context is called let me ask you does
Jesus here say that the wicked are taken out of his kingdom then the wicked are taken out of his kingdom did he say that Satan was that's what people think but you don't find that because if notes it's not if the rapture and the and the new heavens and new earth on the same day you can't have a thousand -year reign because the day of we already went over this in first Thessalonians 4 16 through chapter 5 verse 2 the day of the
Lord come like a thief of the night which the shout of the Archangel and the trumpet of God the dead in Christ shall rise first so that's the rapture okay and then he says now it's the times on the epics brethren you have no need of anyone oh let me finish you have no need of anyone to teach you for the day of the
Lord will come like a thief of the night so he is saying that the rapture in the resurrection the rapture and resurrection there are the day of the
Lord that's what that's what Paul the Apostle is saying Peter says the day of the Lord come like a thief is when the new heavens and new earth are made they're the same day there were bad people than that Philene but Jesus but Noah was good
Genesis 6 9 and then the deficit but we're way off topic you got to focus we're gonna focus yeah yeah they were wicked people yeah we could were killed yeah we haven't gotten there yet I'm teaching on this whole thing oh yeah
I've done this many many many many many times over the years so we're getting there we're getting there all right so what we're trying to establish is what
Jesus is teaching Jesus taught that the kingdom of God was then that Jesus taught that Satan was already bound
Jesus taught at the end of the age the wicked are the ones who are taken out of the kingdom this is what
Jesus says this is not me just interpreting it I'm reading it and it's great there's no what it says this is why
I say what I've done this with blackboards and stuff you guys tell me is that what it says where's it go and they tell me that's right that's what it goes let's go the next next thing well with me you're asking other questions not related to what we're going through yet but to be bound does not mean he can't do anything it doesn't mean he's no
I can still kick I can still kick I can still push things over so when it says
Satan's bound I ask people if you think it means he can't do anything show me the text where it says that because even as Jesus said in Matthew 13 that Satan was bound later on Satan enters into Judas and as Judas goes into the night so we can conclude that Satan's binding is and you'll see what it is later so that he will not deceive the nations that's what it means to bind him so the nations will not be deceived babies will be 100 years old like literal so literal babies 100 years old literal babies a literal hundred years old because it says in there that the babies will be lived to be a hundred years old babies okay what you're doing is you're not listening to what
Jesus is teaching here we can't jump all no no no yeah
I'm the teacher but I'm saying we're going through one thing at a time good do you agree that Jesus bound
Satan back then but I asked the question do you agree that Satan was bound okay first of all was did was
Satan bound according to Jesus own words in math in Matthew 12 doesn't say that situation
Jesus said so Jesus said he was bound and then he also said at the text says that Satan entered
Judas later on so we know that Satan was bound and yet he was still able to enter in the what the binding is in regard is that he will not be allowed to deceive the nations any longer yeah but that's what it says you see she says he's bound so I'm gonna say he's bound and then it also says that Satan entered into Judas so he's bound but he can still do stuff and what's the binding and regarding to to not deceive the nations anymore let's do the text says
Matthew Revelation 20 we already went through 20 verse 1 verse 2 they told the dragon the serpent of old is a devil and Satan abandoned for a thousand years and he threw him into the abyss and sealed it and shut over him so that he would not deceive the nations any longer so that's what the binding is about not deceiving the nations okay okay you're not you're not hearing no no no you're not hearing okay that Jesus said he was bound the binding does not mean you can't do anything hold on I'm going to answer but it's
I need to finish the sentence I need to finish the sentences okay so Satan is bound according to Jesus words which we already read
I showed you that Satan also enters into Judas and then I've showed you that the binding is in regard to deceiving the nations so it does not mean he can't do other things and be evil in the world or that people can't be deceived it has to do with deceiving the nations that's what the binding is for here but we know that Satan was bound because Jesus said he was yeah yeah yeah so but you just see the nations anymore so the nations you're not familiar with covenant you're probably not familiar with the issue of demonic realms as far as geographical locations go okay good so this is what he said he's bound for so the kingdom of God is here because Jesus said the kingdom of God is among you and the wicked are taken out of his kingdom and the rapture occurs after the wicked are taken out of the kingdom according to Matthew 13 allow both to get it go together till the time of the harvest
I'll say the Reapers first gather the tares the first ones gathered at the return of Christ are the wicked not the good and they're taken out of his kingdom and that has to happen before the the new heavens and new earth are made but it's on the same day that new heavens and new earth is made no one's refuted it when they look at it and they say okay he's bound but it's best so he doesn't see the nations but he was still able to enter into Satan so we conclude the binding does not mean he can't deceive people because he was deceiving obviously
Judas but it has to do with a national effort and entire groups he doesn't have that power to do that until he's let loose now
I personally my opinion is he's been let loose which is we sing this deception coming on that's another issue and then we know that at the there's only two ages this age and the age to come at the end of the age is when the rapture occurs because Jesus says the harvest is at the end of the age and he also says at the end of the age is when the wicked are taken but the first ones taken are the good the first one excuse me the first was taken or the wicked and they're taken out of his kingdom which means we're in the kingdom of Christ now and the first one's taken or the wicked out of his kingdom and that's the day of the
Lord because the wicked are taken before the Christians the Christians are raptured which is the day of the
Lord comes like a thief and which is when 2nd 2nd Peter 2 3 10 2 3 10 says that's also the day that do have the new earth are made there is no literal thousand years it can't exist it can't but what
I say to people when they do I say can you refute the arrangement of the information that is there because I show them for example
I'll show them two men in the field one is taken one is left that's not the rapture and then they they're shocked you're right it's not the rapture in fact it says they're taken to a place of destruction and death and Jesus says that the wicked are taken and bound and burned that's a place of destruction and death preterism and partial preterism the partial preterism is within orthodoxy full preterism is not and that's another topic but partial preterism says that these things that are spoken there are also fulfilled later and that they're simultaneous are fulfilled at the beginning and at the end like bookends and I have no problem with that most of all prophecy is being fulfilled.
Preterists will say that Jesus returned in 70 AD and that's wrong because Acts 1 9 to 11 just refutes that flat -out
I'm surprised and I've recently just well I said that's post metal won't get into that and a tangent is out of our tangent now it's alright that's alright that's okay it's alright
I'm used to it so now let's go to John 6 39 we'll just do some reach you know
John 6 39 which says this is the will of him who sent me that all he's given me
I lose nothing but raise it up on the last day once a resurrection occur the last day the last day is at the end of this age that's what need to write it was that the last day okay so that's the last day in verse 40 but this is the will of my father that everyone who beholds the
Son and believes in him will have eternal life but I myself will raise him up in the last day that resurrection that is prophesied in first Corinthians 15 35 to 45 and that the body is raised and glorified there's only one resurrection when the return of Christ you don't find a resurrection here and then a resurrection there and another resurrection over there you don't find that you find a one the day of the
Lord the resurrection and he says I'll raise him up on the last day there's one resurrection and it occurs on the last day according to what
Jesus said yeah yeah which is first Thessalonians 4 well time wise or event wise because well let's go through the scripture says so we already have been to for example we've already been to a first Thessalonians 4 we'll go there again because Jesus said
Jesus said that he will raise up his people on the last day that's the resurrection first Thessalonians 4 16 for the
Lord himself will descend from heaven with a shout with a voice of the Archangel the trumpet of God and the dead in Christ first that's the resurrection well and then you disagree with Paul and Jesus the scriptures teach this age but the scriptures teach this age and age to come it's what
I teach as I study it and I show people I go how many ages are there to go to that's what it says that's why
I went from the beginning and showed that's what it says oh then if there's three ages then you have a problem because the
Bible says there's this age and the age to come not a middle age unless you're into what's that guy the
Middle Kingdom no the Lord of the
Rings thank you so the Bible doesn't teach three ages it teaches to this age the age to come and what happened at this end of this age so there is no there's just no room for a literal 1 ,000 year period between this age and age to come particularly since it says the rapture occurs on day of the
Lord come like a thief and so is the new heavens a new birth and it had the rapture which is the harvest which happens at the end of the age so there is no another resurrection or rapture whatever it is at the end of the millennial brain can't exist can't yeah because they take it literally when they don't have to because when you look at other stuff you'll find out that it starts falling apart yeah usually those things are literal we try and do it but also there's another yes you do yes you do yeah
I just had that discussion with somebody in a discussion discussion room and some other stuff yeah that's what let's get into that later
I'm going to show you but yeah it's a common mistake that they make a revelation chapter 4 that's a last mention of the church it's not true but that's it's a common mistake sorry but it is so what we have here is that Jesus is returned because he comes to get his people it happens at the end of the age which is when the rapture occurs which is when the last trumpet occurs which is after the tribulation the
Great Tribulation and the thief of the comes like a thief of the night that's when the day of the
Lord is all this happens at basically the same time oh man it feels better that we won't go through this stuff but that's not what the scriptures teach it says run flee when you see hide because in modern -day
American theology we are America so we get to get out because we're following the blonde -haired blue -eyed
Caucasian surfer Jesus who's standing at the door of your art making or knocking on the door asking him or asking you for permission to come into your life and they don't realize that is completely unbiblical he doesn't ask permission he grants that you believe
Luke it's 129 he grants that you have repentance second Timothy 225 he causes you to be born again first Peter 1 3 you're born again not of your own will
John 113 what I teach is biblical theology but what a churches are teaching in my opinion
I'm gonna step on toes here you guys are listening almost 70 people listen to watching what
I'm teaching is not the stuff that is comfort theology I don't teach man be pan be theology diaper
Indianism I teach this is what it says and we need to wake up and shake up and start getting out there and pushing for the arrival of the end of what
I do that I hate it when I say things like that that's right because there's a phrase that's right disagree please do because I'm used to phrases that had 40 slips are sexual but it's like another it's another one
I do where I say you're saved by grace after all you can do because I've quoted the Book of Mormon so many times that it comes out and the arrival of the
Antichrist and it goes no no no it's just a habit so I laugh at myself when
I do that and I do that I'm human well you got that right oh he verses are right here right here they're right here in this person look at this
I wish I'd have done that right there in front of me so they're right there see oh man
I did have it so look at this Matthew 722 okay the day we can look in the right column that day is the day of judgment see
Lord Lord do I prophesy on your name and he could okay well maybe we'll say to be on that day that's the day of judgment
John 639 the resurrection occurs on the last day and that's
John 640 also and John 644 and John 654 and John 1124
Martha said I know he will rise again to the resurrection at the last day see they understood the last day the last day this was a
Jewish thinking there was a specific day called the last day they didn't say that you don't find any
Jewishness about a literal thousand years there's last day before that another last day of that and then
John 1248 the judgment occurs on the last day now in Acts 220 the
Sun will be turned into darkness the moon into blood before the coming of the great and glorious day of the Lord the day of the
Lord is when the rapture occurs which is yeah oh yeah absolutely good that's why the rapture is at the end of the tribulation we go through it first going is one eight he will keep you strong to the end so that you'll be blameless on the day of our
Lord the day of the Lord is a good time to be found blameless I have my notes here it's a good day to be found blameless and first consistent or five five the day of the
Lord is a day of destruction and salvation when what they were inside the nation and the plagues occurred no they didn't like everybody else they were just it was around them they were in it and and the first ones taken when
Jesus comes back because you say that you're taken the first was taken to the wicked and that's when the judgment occurs of the wicked so that happens at the end of the age there's no way getting out of this when you realize that the judgment of the wicked occurs at the end of the age which is the harvest which is the rapture there's no thousand -year period it just cannot fit we're looking forward to the return of Christ yeah yep yeah no well it's like saying a kabillion it means thousand but here's a secret a lot of people don't know is that words mean what they mean in context
I can show you and prove from Scripture where the word all means limited group I can show you where the word all means only believers
I can show you the word where the word no K no W only refers to the saved
I can show various things like this by looking at word patterns that God uses most people don't know this and don't do it and don't study it the job of the pastor
Ephesians 4 11 and 12 is to equip the Christians for the work of ministry what
I think a lot of them are doing is babysitting
I think Paul too but yeah that's right milk so what
I do is I cause people to think to be challenged I like it when they say I don't like what you said but I'm gonna go study it good and I don't mind when they come back and say you know
I study at 1711 that's right so let's let's continue first Thessalonians 5 2 you know very well that the day of the
Lord come like a thief in the night that's a day of the Lord is when the rapture occurs 2nd
Timothy 1 18 may the Lord grant that you will find mercy from the Lord on that day you want mercy on that day that's the day of judgment rewards are on that day in 2nd
Timothy 4 8 which the Lord that righteous judge will reward me on that day there's only one day that this happens on 2nd
Peter 3 10 but the day of the Lord will come like a thief which the heavens will disappear at the roar and the elements will be destroyed with fire and the earth and everything in it will be laid bare that's what it says the day of the
Lord come like a thief the day of the Lord is when the new heavens and new earth are made the day of the Lord when the rapture occurs but the rapture comes after the wicked are taken what
Nephilim in the back that's for the last week that's a long it was fun yeah
I heard that we were violent too that's what
I've been hearing yes you don't know what's gonna happen right now you don't know when it's gonna happen right but that means the day the specific one day of his return this might be going on for weeks or months or maybe in a year or two
I don't know but it's gonna be going on for a long period of time but think about this the rapture and the pre -trip view occurs exactly seven years to the day before Christ returns so during the during the seven -year tribulation of the creature rapture say it happens on January 1st third 2030 okay and that means the
Christian people who become Christians during the millennium will know exactly what day he comes back but the
Bible says no man will know that day yes it's true you have to think about this
Bible speaks about that he comes at the feet of night as you say but then we can't catch some water yeah why can't you why can't every
I see him once caught up into the air and then everybody's gonna see him why not well you're changing the wording in no
I'm just believing it this what it says they caught up but the
Bible says will be caught up together and the Bible says every I will see him both are true why can't it be that Christ comes back supernaturally everyone is seeing him and the rapture occurs were caught up why can't it happen at the same time nothing in the scriptures that has to be separate a contradiction occurs when one thing does not permit another thing to occur there's no contradiction there it's a lot an issue of logic there's no contradiction whatsoever both can occur thanks hun
I forgot to get my own water notice she did not make me a sandwich that's an inside joke from okay
I didn't ask one she's a good sandwich maker so let's continue
Matthew 24 3 and verse 31 tell us when will be this the the things be and won't be the sign of your coming and he answered said etc etc and he will send his angels with a loud trumpet call and they will gather his elect in the four winds that's the rapture that's what he says that's the rapture and that happens at the end of the age there's only two ages and the rapture happens at the end of the age and that's when the elector are gathered but Jesus says at the end of the harvest at the end of the age in Matthew 13 and the wicked are taken first I've seen no pre -tribber get around this they just now first goodness 1552 in a flash in the twinkling of an eye the last trumpet for the trumpet will sound the dead will be raised imperishable and will be changed that's another place where the rapture is mentioned in first goodness 15 the resurrection and twinkling of an eye but it says with the last trumpet the troll doesn't say the last time it says the trumpet oh does it the last trumpet right there took even
I at the last trumpet that's when the dead are raised first Thessalonians 416 we've already said that the trumpet is when the dead are raised so that trumpet at the dead are raised in first Thessalonians 416 is also the last trumpet because the
Paul says it is the last trumpet the dead are raised they're raised in first Thessalonians 416 is the trumpet so that's the last trumpet simple logic now when you go to Revelation 10 verse 7 but in the days when the seventh angels seventh angels about to sound his trumpet the mystery of God will be accomplished just as he announced to his servants the prophets the mysteries accomplished at the seventh trumpet and there's only seven trumpets that's the last trumpet so the mysteries accomplished at the last trumpet
Ephesians 3 3 through 6 that is the mystery made known to me by Revelation as I have already written briefly in reading this then you'll be able to understand my insight into the mystery of Christ which was not made known to men in other generations as it has now been revealed by the
Spirit to God's Holy Apostles and prophets the mystery is that through the gospel the Gentiles our heirs together with Israel members together with one body and shares together the promise of Christ that's the mystery that the
Gentiles are going to be saved why is that true that way a lot of people don't understand why because Jesus was not sent to the whole world
Matthew 15 24 he says I was he was right said only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel but in Genesis 12 3 guess
God said to Abraham in you all the nations will be blessed all the nation is gonna be blessed in you but Jesus only sent to the
Jews it's not a contradiction because the Jews covenantally rejected the
Messiah so we the Gentiles are grafted in Romans 8 talks about this 14
John 14 grafted in and so Genesis 12 3 in you all the nations will be blessed
Paul quotes that in Galatians 3 8 and calls it the gospel so the promise is complete
God goes he says you're all gonna be blessed in Abraham everybody all the nations not every individual all the nations and then he says but the
Messiah's only sent to Israel but the Messiah's one is gonna bless everybody well how could that be simple they rejected the
Messiah they broke the covenant then we were grafted in perfect sense that's right before he was circumcised that's right so if you go to this page that says summation the harvest occurs at the same time as the judgment of the wicked
Matthew 1339 the judgment is at the end of the age
Matthew 1339 the weeds are gathered and burned at the end of the age the resurrection of the good is at the end of the age
I notice number four the resurrection of the good is on the last day the resurrection of the good is on the end of the age therefore at the end of the age is the last day the resurrection of the good is on the day of the
Lord the day of the Lord then is at the last day which is at the end of the age there's only two ages the elect are gathered at the end of the age with the sound of a trumpet at the last trumpet the dead are raised and the rapture occurs
I should put this in here but before the rapture the wicked are gathered to be judged and that has to happen at the last day at the end of the age therefore the resurrection and the rapture occur at the end of the age which along also occurs with the wicked being taken which is a day of the
Lord which is his return which is also the last trumpet all this happens at the return of Jesus there is no room for a literal future 1 ,000 years this doesn't work no 65 people in the room now
I'm gonna now where you get into some depressed catology well that's a Bible study from last week all right
I have here's the verses you can see them all I had the references this you guys don't have this this sheet but here's the references
I won't read all the references at the end but they're right there okay and this is out of my article on CARM you can go to the
CARM .org website have you been to my website CARM .org all heretic so yeah that's that's it and so so it's on the on the
CARM website signs of the end times is what you just do a search for signs of the end at times and you'll see this very list
I just copied it from the website and put it here in the paper printed it up all right so so this is depressed catology the presence of we haven't got a second
Thessalonians 2 we'll go to 2nd Thessalonians 2 after this presence of false Christ and false prophets out of 1924 there'll be war persecution of the faithful apostasy we're gonna get to that lawlessness will increase and love will go cold earthquakes famine plagues increase in selfishness lovers of self money pleasure arrogant disobedient ungrateful and unholy be haters of good conceited appearing godly but are not mocking of Jesus to be an increase in knowledge the arise in spiritism there's over 50 to 70 million spiritists in the country in the world today and with all along with a rise in Wicca and in witchcraft decay of marriage there'd be a rise of false teachings in the church as well as outside but I can tell you
I can if you guys want I'll tell you some of the false teachings of the Christian Church today which are taught all over the place and they're false the gospel we preach to the whole world to be signs in the heaven
Sun and Moon will be darkened the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky abuse and destruction of the earth and its resources all the nations of the earth will gather against Israel that's depressing that means
America to the rebuilding of the temple the arrival of the Antichrist in Fort was enforcement of the mark of the beast and now it's not covered yet the repentance of Israel and the
Jews coming to faith in Christ Romans 11 25 to 26 in other words things I get worse and Matthew 24 22
Jesus says if those days be not cut short no flesh will be left now if you go to Genesis 12 17 for those of you who don't know
I'm gonna introduce you to a concept called federal headship and I'll teach you what it is and I'm gonna go back to Genesis 2 17 federal headship is a teaching that the male represents a descendants not the female so in Adam all die first good is 1522
Romans 518 right through one transgression that resulted condemnation to all men so also through one act of righteousness that resulted justification of life to all men and ASB version the only correctly translated version of that verse and so you also go to Hebrews 7 7 through 10 where it says that Levi paid ties till Mechazedek while in the in the loins of his father
Abraham so Abraham represented his descendants etc so also
Adam and Eve were in the garden she sinned first she gave the fruit to Adam but Romans 5 12 says that sin entered the world through one man
Adam so he's the one and also when they're both hiding in the garden the pre -incarnate
Jesus came and said to the man where are you so the man where are you not
Eve which is what we'd like to do what she would just look at Adams at what she he went to the man because he's the one who has that authority representation now
Genesis 2 17 the day that you eat of the fruit Adam you will die now did he die the day he ate the fruit of course he did because God said so people get that wrong all the time they did that no wait a minute did
God get it wrong ah but he said death that's the first mention of death and if death is separation from God physical death is simply the manifestation of spiritual death the real death is separation from God as a 39 to your sins are cause of separation between you and God so yes he died it just took a long time for the full manifestation of spiritual death to occur physically the spiritual affects the physical now he was talking to Adam now
I can't make the case I can't prove it but I lean towards the idea that he was talking to everybody you eat this fruit you're gonna die in Adam all die and so Romans 5 19 through one transgression there there was there was condemnation to all men do it there is no
Romans 5 19 through I can't remember anyway it says the many were made sinners through one transgression through Adam sin the many were made sinners that's called original sin and by Adam sin we were made sinners
I can get into the Greek on that if you want a or is passive indicative but nevertheless so either many were made sinners so federal headship is true now my opinion is this this is my opinion that when
God was talking to Adam he's talking to all people good I believe that all people were included in the endemic covenant the obligation to honor
God etc and Jesus and the Bible says Romans 6 23 the wages of sin is death and if those days be not cut short no flesh would be left so my opinion this is just my opinion ladies and gentlemen my opinion is that things are gonna get so bad because mankind is a depressed catology hater of God doesn't seek for God doesn't do anything good wars rumors of war famines plagues earthquakes love growing cold persecution of the believers it's getting worse and worse they're gonna bring the unbelievers are gonna bring themselves to the place of death if those days be not cut short no flesh would be left
I interpret that is my opinion that that means everyone's gonna die and so I see
Jesus coming back at the end of the age for a gigantic celestial I told you so don't eat of the fruit you did and you know it means in a broad sense everybody everywhere all with all the sin look what it brought and then he's gonna stop mankind from killing itself new heavens new earth are made new heavens good that's my my eschatological view that's just mine if you don't agree that's okay but that's what
I hold to and it took me well I do I've been a radio for 17 years and so it took me two years before I would talk about this on the radio particularly out of the issue of Matthew 13 where it says it says that the first one's taken out of the wicket
I kept reading that going for the first ones gathered of the wicked I kept going wait a minute and I remember saying how come no one else is teaching this and it's not wasn't like hey
I figured something else that no one else did it wasn't like that it was like am I getting this wrong where's the church teaching this how come
I don't hear about this and I was actually concerned you know you know I was afraid like I'm missing something because I can't be the one who's seeing this and I think others did and I've since met other people who have said that's what it says verse
Matthew 13 30 about allow both to go there until the grow together until the harvest and the time of the harvest which is the rapture
I'll say to the reapers first gather the tares and bind them in bundles to burn them but gather the weeds in my barn and then verse 41 he says the
Son of Man will send his angels and gather out of his kingdom the stumbling blocks that's the wicked that means the kingdom has to be in existence while but when the rapture occurs and throw them in the furnace and I'm reading this going no one else is teaching this that I'm aware of I've since encountered a few others and I'm like okay this this is scaring me and so for two years
I didn't say anything and there's someone on the radio asked the question about that verse and I went here's what
I think and I just said I'm going for it because I couldn't find in any reading or writing and others I talked to any differencing and nothing
I tested it for about two years and that's what I hold to because that's what it says but the problem is
I've never heard anybody else teach it but yet it's right there also it concerns me is two men in a field and one has taken one is love that's not the rapture but universally it's stated to be the rapture wait a minute they're getting that wrong they're not getting
Matthew 13 right what's going on let's go to 2nd Thessalonians 2 hope you guys and I know on the internet are enjoying this how many ever enjoying this okay when
I see because I'm taking a 15 -second break here I get some water and I'm talking and you guys could say you know
I'm really enjoying it or you can say something like no you suck canal water dude you can do either one that's okay
I like my way into Romans 1 about this because it's eschatological also
Romans 1 yeah he got he got the one who is righteous out except that the destruction was going right around them in the whole area they were in it they were in it so let's go to first us the second
Thessalonians 2 they tell they tell how you turn to God from idols the fear of the living
God we can wait for the son from heaven who he raised from the dead Jesus will rush from the coming wrath coming wrath right yeah and you can also go to 2nd
Thessalonians 2 8 I believe it is or is it 2nd Thessalonians or 1st Thessalonians 2 8 but salvation the word wrath there is juxtaposed with damnation or wrath is just goes with salvation so he says he's appointed us not to wrath but salvation some people they say well that means wrath the tribulation period doesn't say that it's juxtaposed with damnation or damnation is juxtaposed with salvation that's the
Jewish the context yeah no no no wait a minute this is what it says you gotta understand the
Jewish mindset I'm gonna just say this a lot of people have not studied the theology and what's going on the cultural context and stuff the
Jews a juxtaposed things you mean the covenantal period or do you mean the physical writing but look what it says in 1st
Thessalonians 5 9 for God has not destined us for wrath but for obtaining salvation so it doesn't say doesn't say that has not destined us for going through the tribulation period but for attaining salvation that's not what's going on they're the ones who are allegorizing it they're the ones who are saying the wrath means tribulation period didn't say his wrath it says for wrath but I got there but right here
God has not destined us this is predestination an election he hasn't destined us for wrath but for obtaining salvation so it's not wrath but salvation what's the opposite of salvation damnation you go to acts 13 48 as many has it been appointed to eternal life believed you also go to Romans 9 22 and 23 which says that as many has it been appointed tweet to know what if God although willing to demonstrate his wrath endured with much patience vessels of wrath prepared for destruction vessels of wrath prepared for destruction and he did so and it goes on what he's talking about are those who are damned so the word wrath here when it's in context here is not about a rapture thing it's not about a tribulation period it's about salvation that's it let's go to the first second
Thessalonians 2 now we request you brethren with regard to the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to him now this is the talking about a gathering when
Jesus returns that you be not quickly shaken from your composure or be disturbed either by a spirit or a message or a letter as if from us to the effect that the day of the
Lord has come now we're far more familiar with this phrase the day of the Lord which is when the rapture occurs a new heavens and words are made right with the judgment of a wicked occurs etc but no one would deceive you for it will not come unless the apostasy comes first and the men of wall this is revealed within a destruction now let's talk about the apostasy now apostasy means the falling away from the truth but here's a question who's doing the falling away the
Roman Catholic Church obviously is apostate it is false and I could teach on that for a long time the
Eastern Orthodox false Church okay would we Protestants say that this applies to us well of course not because we're the
Protestants we let it down we may have disagreements but we're okay doesn't work that's right so even though God keeps his elect specific individuals that he wants he keeps them we know that the apostasy can't be that every individual will go apostate but that my conclusion is that it's a there's a generic falling away within Christian Christendom Christianity is a falling away the truth generically doesn't mean there aren't individual there will be individuals who are strong believers and you know
God you know affected like that so absolutely there are true believers that will be here first John 219 they went out from us because I never love us they have been of us they would have remained so the lawless apostasy must come first and a man of lawlessness has revealed the son of destruction who opposes and exalts himself above every so -called
God or object of worship so that he takes his seat in the temple of God displaying himself as being
God do you not remember that while I was still with you I was telling you these things and you know what restrains him now so that in his time he will be revealed for the mystery of lawlessness is already at work whoa now it's a work at that time and it still is now and even more so the apostasy in the
Christian Church is occurring and I'll show you some stuff about that and the lawless one who is revealed will be revealed from whom the
Lord will slay with a breath of his mouth and bring an end by the appearance of his coming that is the one that is the one who's coming is in accord with the activity of Satan with all power and signs and false wonders with all deception of wickedness that means then the miraculous will be able to be done by the wicked there's going to be an
Antichrist figure a false figure and this is even said in John in Matthew 7 22 to 23 on that day many will say to me
Lord Lord do we not prophesy in her name perform many miracles cast out demons in your name get away from me
I never knew you this is saying that the wicked are gonna be able to do some powerful stuff and many are gonna be deceived because in my opinion too many
Christians are not learning good biblical theology and they're learning feel -good
I call it diaper Indian theology okay they don't want meat they want to be comforted
I'll think about this we get up in the morning to our alarm clocks alarm clock warning at the 850
BTO sorry we get up to our alarm clocks I suck when it comes to singing and we go down and pop something into the toaster and does it is before you guys and we put a little pot in the our
Nespresso machine and then we take our heat where we smiling for no I do it okay
I thought it was I didn't know I thought was a Nephilim thing I didn't know if it was some
Nephilim humor okay so it's gotta keep slipping out it keeps up so we do them this rest so we put it in I even have a coffee cup that has a battery in it to keep it warm excuse me will
I take my finger out simply and then we go in our car and we have heated seats
GPS we get everything we go to a night church service etc you know we go it afterwards after the nice pleasant service and the whole bit we get served at a restaurant and this has become our
Christianity now I'm not saying that's evil no we have a lot of benefits a lot of great things and praise
God and thank you Lord but we become atrophied you become atrophied and while becoming atrophied we become weak we could become comfortable and one of the comfortable things that we hear is pre -tribulation rapture we're not have to go through it all it fits the
American mentality and that doesn't mean it's wrong for that but I'm saying you can be careful because an apostasy is going to be coming now we talked about such things as aliens and the occult
I've talked about how the occult the more occultism there is the larger the occult doors open and demonic manifestations can occur we don't know what aliens are there's a lot of theories but some
Christian theologians are saying may their demonic manifestations could it be that they'll be coming out of the heavens and say say we're the ones who did this and that everyone believes we don't we don't know but it does say there's signs from the heavens and a big great deception they're deceived because they don't believe the truth what is the truth now
Jesus is the way the truth in life nobody comes a father but through him John 14 6 now the truth is there's only one
God in all places all existence all time Isaiah 43 10 44 6 44 8 45 5 just one
God and he's a Trinity Father Son Holy Spirit I do a whole study in the
Trinity sometime I think you guys would probably like that if I did that maybe even next week I go through the Trinitarian teaching and go in depth the ontological economic
Trinity the perichoresis and the divine simplicity as it relates to the certain essence of God being the universal standard of all conditions and I can explain the one in the many problem philosophically and why
God can answer that if you guys want but so we also know that Jesus Christ is
God in flesh he has two distinct natures and he's a man right now in a glorified physical resurrected body is two distinct natures divine nature and the human nature we call this the hypostatic union the natures have attributes and the attributes of both those natures are ascribed to the single person that's called the communication of the properties
Jesus died in the cross bearing our sin in his body in the cross and he canceled the sin dead at the cross
I'm gonna step on toes get your toes take a make your shoes off put your toes out
I'm gonna step on them I want you to learn about God's sovereignty because it's either
God is sovereign or we're sovereign either God is sovereign over our free will or we're free our free will is sovereign over God's choice because what most people are teaching in the church today is that God stands at the door of your heart asking for permission to come into your life and it's up to you and your wisdom yet Proverbs 21 one says
God moves the heart of the king where he wishes it to go what must we do to work the works of God this is the work of God that you believe on whom he has sent
John 6 28 29 to you it has been granted to believe Philippians 129 you're born again not of your own will
John 1 3 you're caused to be born again of 1st Peter 1 3 it's got I misquote or something you're born again not of your own will
John 1 13 the Bible teaches that God predestines us for salvation 2nd
Thessalonians 2 13 you says you have been chosen for salvation from the beginning which we go right in here but we should always give thanks to God for you brethren beloved by the
Lord because God has chosen you from the beginning for salvation oh according to his foreknowledge foreknowledge is the word prognosco in the
Greek and it says in Romans 8 29 that those who be foreknow he also predestined only the foreknown one
I'll show you why that's a problem this is one of the problems that church is teaching now this is one of the this is one of the signs of the apostasy because God tells us to it is to get the elect out but let me show you because God uses
God ordains the means as well as the ends now he ordains them means as well as the end no it's not ah now we're at a good place okay now now foreknowledge a lot of people think means that God looks into the future to see who's gonna choose what and then he makes his choice based on what he sees they're gonna do one point one point of time so then they say that he's going to choose people based on a good thing he sees in them first of all none will choose
God because the Bible says I'll go through the verses this is biblical theology we go for the verses there's none who seeks for God there's no one who does good
Romans 3 10 11 and 12 the natural man cannot receive the things of God for their foolishness to him that's 1st
Corinthians 2 14 there they are by nature children of wrath Ephesians 2 3 they're dead in their trespasses and sins
Ephesians 2 1 their slaves of sin Romans 6 14 through 20 their haters of God they do no good they don't seek for God Oh Roman Jeremiah 17 9 their hearts desperately wicked deceitful cannot be trusted now here's a question there's something for everybody to listen to if the
Bible says that the unbeliever is a hater of God who does no good does not seek for God cannot receive spiritual things is a slave of sin deadness and does no good it's harsh full of wickedness by nature child of wrath then will
God's foreknowledge mean that he knows if they're gonna choose God or not the answer is of course not because they won't because they can't because they are slaves of sin haters of God who do no good the mistake that a lot of people make sorry is the idea that God's foreknowledge means he knows who's gonna pick him under different circumstances but the scriptures say they will not and we know that's the case because Jesus says you cannot come to me unless it's granted to you from the
Father John 6 65 so if they could make a freewill choice to come to God on their own then it's not necessary that God grant that they have faith and grant that they have repentance and grant that they come to him
John 644 and here's a question that's right that's called salvation but here's a problem some say that God gives sorry but we're gonna take on this so God he draws you it's up to your free will right to free gift right be free okay so then
I'll say so he draws all people right oh does he draw them okay so why does Bob believe in Frank does not because it was free well why does
Bob's free will enable him to believe a God what when it question the question why does why does
Bob believe in Frank does not this is an illustration of the nature of free will why does
Bob Lee Frank does not because they'll say because Bob freely chose to believe in Frank truly freely chose to not believe the question then becomes why did
Bob freely choose and Frank did not they'll say it's free will who makes the will God who makes that person
God who puts him in that place in that time God does God not know exactly what the outcome will be of all that he has done yes so who's the sovereign king
God what this is the thing about false religious systems and part of the apostasy we have
God we have man and what they do is they lower God and they exalt man they say
God's sovereignty is subject and restricted to my will and my freedom that's the one of the forms of the apostasy coming when you believe that you are saved because of God's grace and kept because of his grace and that he gave you the ability to believe he granted that you come to repentance he granted that you have that faith it's by his choice not by you didn't look into the future to see who's gonna pick him because no one would according to scriptures then what that does is it forces so many
Christians in America to go what that's not what I was taught exactly it's not what you're taught because it's the other stuff which
I'm quoting the references in the scriptures which I've been doing for 30 years now teaching this is what the biblical theological position is we can go to Romans 9 if you want and go through Romans 9
I can take you guys through that if you want it want me to do that if you online or whatever and I can show you what the issue of Romans 9 is teaching is about individual election by God's sovereign choice not man's it cannot be that man looks in the future notice they're gonna do in the fore knowledge is what determines his predestination because there is no foreknowledge sense this error of the human free will is sovereign over God's and God knows what's going to happen in the future and that's why he picks them has led to two errors one called
Mullen ism and one called open theism open theism says that the future is not knowable because our free will choices can't be known because if God knows you're gonna choose then when it comes time to choose you can't choose anything differently because God knew you can do it so how you're free to do it it's a mess for them so then they restrict
God and say God doesn't know everything he only knows what's possible to be knowing and now he can't know all those things so that's that's an error
Mullen ism is an error deals with what's called counterfactuals so God knows before the universe was existing existed
God knew all things that might exist all combinations of all things because God knows everything first John 320 and the
Molinus will say that inside of this realm of God's infinite knowledge of potentialities is a set of conditions of potential conditions where he would know what the free will creatures would do under certain circumstances and that they would then choose
Christ based on certain circumstances and then he brings the world into fruition in which the most number of people will choose him based on the counterfactuals counterfactuals are things that don't exist but might exist
Jesus says what are you if the miracles have been done in your your city that were done or back in that said he would have done here they would have repented the belief forgot the verse that means he knows the counterfactuals the
Molinus are saying that God knows the counterfactuals what the people will do under free will choices and they'll believe in Christ the unbelievers will come to believe under certain circumstances that means that God then is reacting to what they will do and it says that they can surely truly believe even though the scripture says they cannot
Molinus um makes a Molinus um creates counterfactuals in the mind of God that don't exist and they cannot exist they're against scripture this is another error called
Molinus um that's crept up into the scenes now now most people you guys are not going to hear about any of this okay but as an apologist
I deal with this a lot Molinus open theism you ticking I mean Unitarianism binitarianism modal monarchianism
Aryan ism synergistic soteriology I can go on and yeah yeah man had a choice yes
I don't had a choice right he was not fallen he was not following oh that's right he was not falling right after he sent you know why did
God put an angel in front of the garden so he couldn't keep him free of life yes he wouldn't stay so he wouldn't be eternally wrong right in that condition right so what what differentiates that from us today being moved by the
Holy Spirit when we hear the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and we respond to it and he gives us the gift of eternal life it's not free predestined that we are saved somehow and you have to admit this that in the sovereignty of God and if you figure out all that God thinks and understands that's very arrogant on our part yeah
I would agree so what we do instead is go with what the scriptures tell us well
I'm just going tells us Adam had a Adam did that's a different topic because predestination deals with the issue of God's that sovereign decrees and a different look because there are different levels of his decrees there's a there's a direct decree and an indirect decree we have direct and indirect causation well it says
Ephesians 1 4 he chose us in him before the foundation of the world so no no it says he those whom he foreknew he also predestined no that not as in not no no not
I'll show you why not as in him knowing what's going to happen because the word to know
KNOW W in Greek is GNOSKO and it's you never find in any place in Scripture where like for example
Jesus says to an unbeliever I know you except for one place where he says to the Pharisees I know you you're your father the devil and so he doesn't say
I just know you whenever God says I know you it means you're saved says
I don't know you means you're not saved that's the word GNOSKO when you do not know God you serve by nature those which are not gods but now that you've come to know
God or rather are known by God now you serve the true and living God Ephesians Galatians 4 8 9 Jesus says in John 10 27 my sheep hear my voice and I know them
Matthew 7 23 20 22 and 23 many will say that day
Lord Lord did not do this this and this get away from me I never knew you that's the word GNOSKO GNOSKO GNOSKO pro
GNOSKO those whom he foreknew he also predestined they're the same ones known in a salvation sense ahead of time those are the ones who predestined that's what that means sometimes people make the mistake sorry but they say
God knows what they're gonna choose in different situations that's called Mullen ism that's called
Mullen ism that he knows the counterfactuals he knows what they're gonna do a different situation yeah that's called
Mullen ism yes yeah yeah he is he's
Jesus Christ he's in the time spectrum by definition well we don't know that but Jesus is see what to say he's outside of time no one knows what that means so I said if people don't say that phrase they don't know what you're not hearing what
I'm saying and I hear you're not hearing I'm saying I'm saying logically speaking when someone says
God's outside of time I can say what does it mean to be outside of time is that what outside of time means no no no no no no no
I said is that what the phrase outside of time means you see people use the phrase and I say what is the phrase mean how do you know that's what it means no no you don't understand people use phrases but they don't know what they mean and I let me ask you a question is
Jesus God in flesh okay was Jesus subject to time when he was on earth okay so there is a sense in which we would say that at least the pre -incarnate the word incarnate has an effect with time what
I say about no he did not don't say that that's a false teaching no no that's flipping two five through eight yeah yeah but you can't say he just set aside his divine prerogative because that violates what's called the ontological
Trinity but I believe it or not this is what I do for a living
I've been doing this for 42 years and I've debated this and taught it good good but I'm just telling you that this is these are things you don't say
I say to people don't say he's outside of time just say he relates to time differently than we do that that's all because as a
Christian apologist who debates this with people all the time that that phrase runs into problems and I'm just trying to help people not stub their toes later on okay got a question for you then let's test it
Jesus has two natures right yes which one died on the cross human substitution everything what the question is which nature died on the cross the human nature now here's a question if only the human nature died on the cross and how's the sacrifice of divine value it was accepted it was accepted how's the sacrifice of divine value if only the human nature died
I can answer it I'm trying to show you that just because someone says well we don't want to use philosophy or men's thinking all that your stuff
I'm showing you an exact example where that's exactly I think in essence a lot of confusion has come into Christianity and there's some good and there's some bad because I think men in their arrogance think they intellectualize so much of this stuff that the everyday person can't understand it when the
Greek person was given an everyday language could understand it. And that's what we need today.
okay so let me ask you the question if only the human nature died then how's the sacrifice of divine value if only the human nature died he was what was he raised in?
He was a human. He was raised in a divine physical body.
His body was not divine. In his resurrection? His body. He didn't go through walls?
He didn't eat? He didn't say he went through walls. He appeared. He said he appeared. He didn't say he went through walls.
So the question that this is what the cults have asked me Matt you believe Jesus is
God yes because he denies God well Matt only the human nature died right I know where they're going
I know the answer already because I learned it in seminary and so they'll say okay well then if only the human nature died and how come the sacrifice is a divine value
Matt and I'll say oh that's easy it's called the communicatio idiomatum the communication of the properties and they'll say
I don't need fancy stuff I say well hold on a sec Jesus said I am thirsty I will be with you always even at the end of the earth the same person
I claim the attributes of humanity as well as divinity we call this the communication of the properties for the one person we look at it and go oh so he had a human nature and a divine nature still does and the attributes of both were claimed by the one person it's called the communication of the properties it's a big fancy term learned in seminary communicatio idiomatum and so what that means is that when he died then the person died on the cross therefore the person is of divine value solution it's not big wisdom and all this philosophy stuff it's what's necessary when you get into higher levels of debate teaching and getting into theological perspectives how many people know this
I'll tell you sure but you asked how many people know person so how many people know well a lot more since I've been teaching it and others have been teaching it now they have more information but who
Christ is to his glory now I'll show you something else here's a much
I'm gonna set you up and trick you ready it's a loving trick okay have you died
I do this at all no no no you'll see what I'm saying I do this with unbelievers
I do a believer like hey I'm gonna check set you up they go okay set me up because it's just all in fun so have you died amen
Romans 6 6 says we were crucified with Christ Romans 6 8 said we died with him Colossians chapter 3 verses 1 through 4 said we died with Christ now have unbelievers died have they died the same context have they died the answer is no they didn't die with Christ that's interesting now would you agree with me that whenever it says anyone has died with Christ died to sin died to the world is only in reference to the believers right not the unbelievers right yeah okay it's a good second
Corinthians 514 I'm going to show you this is what God does with words the love of Christ controls us having concluded this that one died for all therefore all died who's the all who died he died for all therefore the all died okay stick with what it says he died for all therefore all died you already agreed that the that when it's talking about anyone who died it's only the believers so that all who died is limited only the believers yeah and that's universalism which is a heresy and so I'll now show you something else
Romans 5 18 through one transgression there resulted condemnation to all men so also through one act of righteousness there resulted justification of life to all men and that's the universal dying for sin once it says all humanity but that has to be appropriated to faith said justification resulted justification the legal standing of righteousness but it's not universalism
I deny universalism I'm just saying that if you don't study like this then you people miss out it's no it's just we can improve on it let's just say okay so in Romans 5 18 it actually talks about that there's justification of life to all men that all isn't everybody ever lived
God uses the word all differently than we do so he's saying the all there is a second group in Adam all die in Christ all should have made alive that only is reference to those who are in Christ who died with him when did he die 2 ,000 years ago now sin is breaking the law of God first John 3 20 or first John 3 4 sin is breaking the law of God sins a legal debt
Jesus says our Father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name forgive us our debts in Matthew 6 12 that's a
Greek word Ophelia legal debt and in the parallel Luke 11 before he says forgive us our sins
Jesus equates sin with legal debt right so sin is a legal debt not only a legal debt but this is the legal debt in John 7 19 it's gonna be
John 19 30 Jesus said on the cross it is finished to Greek to tell us die which has been found on the bottom of some ancient tax receipts signifying a legal debt has been paid in full if no it is as a legal that's been paid that's not the same thing as redemption now the same thing is salvation or the same thing as justification they're they're different most people don't know that they're different yeah there's a difference but they're very closely related and stuff okay so Jesus paid for the sin debt right if a sin that is paid for does the sin debt still exist if a legal debt is paid for does the legal debt still exist we talked about that's a different thing
I said what if if a legal debt is canceled does the legal debt exist anymore this is good for you
Colossians 214 says he canceled out the certificate of debt consisting of decrees which is hostile as he took it out of the way having nailed to the cross so when was a certificate of debt the sin debt canceled when
Jesus at the very good now can anybody go to hell for a sin that that's canceled show me that in Scripture I say show it to me but you're not hearing what
I'm saying is that you already admitted if a legal debt is canceled or paid for it doesn't exist anymore so all people have sinned so if you're saying then this is logic this is where apostasy and stuff like that is the only thing of trusting in the
Word the sovereignty of God all this kind of stuff if the legal debt is canceled it's canceled when
Jesus canceled at the cross it's not canceled when you believe it's canceled when you when
Jesus died in the cross you're justified when you believe justification is different in the Catholic of the debt now can
God send anyone to hell for a debt that doesn't exist a sin that there's no sin to that a person's account none 17 but so if they try to believe not they're condemned it makes perfect sense what we're saying but a question is still this and I do this all the time with people and they have the same problem takes a while for them to get through they gotta go ahead it makes sense then you start the light comes on later usually they go
I get it but here's the thing a legal debt if it doesn't exist anymore can't be held to anyone's account
Jesus cancelled the sin debt at the cross what now rejecting
Christ but Jesus says in John 14 1 he said believe in God believe also in me so it's a command of God and Exodus 20 10
Commandments God tells them to believe in him is belief part of the law yes if you deny belief in him you're breaking the law that's sin did
Jesus pay for that sin yes did
Jesus pay for that sin did he cancel that sin debt too and he didn't
I can show you didn't cancel didn't die for everybody I can show you that from Scripture but if the logic this is always happens this is important it's important I know
Jesus died for my sins what more do I need to know than that well it depends what does God want you to know it's revealed in Scripture so if he cancelled this have a great night
Matt love your deep discussions on the word brother see you Jared the logic is simple if Jesus cancelled a sin debt for every individual who ever lived nobody can go to hell because a sin debt doesn't exist to say that God will judge them for damnation was to say there's no sin at which
God could judge them and they send them to hell anyway that's accusing God of unrighteousness and to get around this what people will do is they'll say no it's up to you to believe but the
Bible doesn't say that the Bible says to the contrary the work of God is that you believe
John 629 that's the work of Jesus said that and that God grants that we believe
Philippians 129 so God grants that we believe and that's when we're justified we're justified by faith
Romans 5 1 and we have a just righteousness that's not our own Philippians 3 9 a righteousness comes from God so the righteousness of Christ has reckoned to us so this is what happens
Jesus cancelled the sin debt for his people he says he died for all therefore all died the only ones that all who died are only the
Christians the believers okay it's not every individual who ever lived that's right there from the text and since he justification of life to all men that all can only be a limited group not every in the one who ever lived
I show this to people they go oh my goodness it's there that's right he cancelled the sin debt at the cross not cancelled when you believe but when
Jesus died it's Colossians 2 14 well then I go wait a minute and I say but God grants that you believe
Philippians 129 God doesn't make any mistakes God's the sovereign
King he doesn't look into the future to see who's going to do what and for knowledge pick them and based on this and based on that nope he decrees all things whatever he decrees will occur because he works all things after the counsel of his will
Ephesians 1 11 and Daniel 4 35 says he declares the end from the beginning all things he's ordained it and he even even predestines that people do evil things what's that that's
Romans 9 22 and 23 but in Rome in Acts 4 27 28 he actually get it says the
Jews the Gentiles those are generic groups of people and then Herod and Pontius Pilate those are individuals so groups of people as well as individuals to do whatever your purpose and hand predestined to occur so that means individuals as groups of people were predestined to do certain things yet in Acts 2 23 they're the ones responsible then we get into the issue we have to get a little issue of logic how then can
God say that he predestines them get there the ones responsible most people stop thinking at this point and say
I don't want to know I don't I can't it doesn't make sense I quit and I say but we can solve it there's a way to do this because a
Christian theologians who spent tons of years on their knees looking at the languages thinking and saying
God teach me through the centuries have done this and have revealed so much that God has given so many people such great wisdom and it's known and we can learn from so many of them but what's happening in the arrogance of the church today is we don't need them yes
John 660 yep it miracles okay and water has the right to make out of this same play some of honor others someone to disown but he gave the opportunity to to Judas but Judas was resistant to his perception of what the
Messiah will do and he rejected that that's right and Jesus said that John 6 that he was a devil from the beginning and so Jesus told him chose him to be to be there to do what he had ordained for him to do he did have a choice to do what he did now we have a now this is a good segue to something he had a choice to do what he did and this is why we have to get into what's called decretive will prescriptive will and permissive will and people go
I don't study all this stuff it's all philosophy no it's not well we have to get into direct causation proximate causation or what's called efficient causation and people think you know
Matt come on you give me this what no let's talk see God direct causation is this God says let her be light that's his direct action is direct well we just call that direct causation just like we call the three persons in the godhead we call the
Trinity we use the term Trinity we use the term hypostatic Union we use the term decretive will we use a term ultimate causation he's the ultimate there's nothing beyond him he created okay proximate proximate causation
God put Adam and Eve in the garden put the tree in the garden put the garden there and allowed
Satan to come in God's in control so it's proximate proximate causation
God's the one arranging everything and yet efficient causation is where Adam chose of his own free will to sin so he chose of his own free will to sin this is called efficient causation so when we say
God causes things we go yes he did but they'll go oh you mean causes evil didn't say that and if yes you did no
I did not you don't understand the theology what I try and do with people is teach a more advanced theology instead of just stopping someplace which most churches stop teaching advanced theology and teach them low -level stuff and this is part of the reason my opinion why the apostasy is coming they're not teaching about the great sovereignty of God now
I'd be careful because I don't that's right or not but I tend to want to say that that the oh wow
I'm first talking to me or not but the thing is
I don't see the pastors teaching these theological perspectives not that they're all necessary for anyone and everyone to know because the
Christian Church is not built up through the issue of intellectual knowledge but there are things that the
Christian Church is supposed to know but I don't see pastors teaching it and they need to know some of these things
I do know however that there are countless individuals I've come across who know this stuff and are learning this stuff and as the unbelief rises they are rising to the level to be able to discuss these things so I've done formal debates with some top atheists in the country and you have to talk on these levels and then these people will hear this and then you discuss and it filters down the average
Christian doesn't need to know this stuff doesn't even know this stuff but once we're talking about eschatology and since we're talking about the coming apostasy we have to ask the questions what is in place or what must be in place in order for an apostasy to come to pass one of the symptoms of an apostasy
I would say is the reduction of God's majesty in the elevation of man because this is what Adam and Eve did they didn't do it these words but hey
I'll decide what's right and wrong and I'll eat the fruit and God said this but I'll do this so there that's the slick version so they're reducing
God's sovereignty and elevating man's and so one of the things I'll do a trick for those of you who are listening there were 40 people there
I'm teaching a Bible study at home Misty is I say
I'm gonna trick you I'm gonna you guys have already let me do this to you I'll say let's define what free will is and I say
I'm gonna trick you you know good I'm trying not trying to be mean I'm warning them you know this is what you know something's up here
I'll say is free will the ability without being forced to choose between good and bad right and wrong you can do either one you can freely do either one no one's forcing you and you can choose between them is that free will everybody goes yeah when
I say oh so then what you are a humanist and they go you are you don't even know it let me show you because that definition means
God doesn't have free will because God can't choose between good and evil you can only do that which is good so what
I did was inadvertently to get people to think naturally and humanistic level that what they're trying to do is define will by their own ability their own nature it's our it's our nature to do that we do it we all do it we're gonna break free from that I say no free will is being able to choose consistent with your nature that means
God is consistent with his nature holy he's has free will you can only choose which holy without being forced now we have a definition that has
God as the standard and not as not man as a standard what I try and do with Christians in the church is to say inadvertently you've been taught doctrines like free will that are not biblical and they don't to do with this they haven't thought of this let's see we have to understand that God is the ultimate and God is a standard of all things we use him as the standard of righteousness if we're gonna have free will we have to define it by God's nature not ours and if we define it by God's nature it means therefore then you can only do that what you what you can do and you're both now being forced then when we go to Scripture and it says the unbelievers a slave of sin a hater of God who can do no good will not choose the things of God then we know that he has that free will but his free will is restricted only to sinful things he will only always choose sinful things there will be no condition in which
God would foreknow that they would choose a good thing because they can't okay this is biblical theology yep
I'm a sinner that's for sure that's my wife so we're given and presented that we are sinners and I've come up with the kind of definition of sin you might be interested in this
I believe sin is self -determination apart from the will of God that's that's a good working thing of sin and that's really what it boils down to and when we are confronted as the law confronts us that we all fall short of the glory of God we okay and then
God says oh you agree with me now I'm offering this free gift do you want to respond to that but the unbeliever will always respond negatively because God granted that you believe leap ins 129 the full sovereignty of God and you don't need it of course not
I just know the scripture says he grants that you believe maybe at a higher level but to understand
God's full sovereignty you have to be God yeah and I don't but the Bible says that it's a believer because he granted that you believe he granted that you come to Christ he granted you repentance yeah he opened the mind of Lydia and in Acts 1614 he opened her mind to believe the things that Paul had said
God opened her mind so who's the sovereign God all of God none of me that's good theology
Jekiah says most people are in mix of good and bad well Jekiah from a human perspective that would be true from a divine perspective it's not the revelation of God he says none does good
Romans 3 10 11 12 there's nothing that good comes out of us period the only way we can do anything good is if it's through the blood of Christ for the glory of God according to the
Word of God that's how that's where goodness is God is the standard of goodness we would not even have the ability to ask what goodness is if we did not look to God first so when people say was the mix of good they're presupposing that there's a universal standard of goodness out there and they have the access to it and they can apply to individuals but that's not the case we wouldn't even be able to say what is good if we don't have
God as the revelator out of his nature of what goodness is then we can ask the question what is good and the only way to know what is good is by looking at God and since he says none is good then all of us are not good and we're bound by sin that's what the
Bible says as many as had been appointed to eternal life believed X 1348 and that they were chosen in Christ before the foundation of the world
Ephesians 1 4 that means before it we were living Christ we died in Christ were chosen in Christ before the foundation of the world
Ephesians 1 4 but it's not the case that God looked at the future to see who would do what or under different conditions and see that they would choose and that's how he bases his choice on that's not the sovereignty of God and it also violates what's called the aseity of God the aseity of God deals with his nature in that he is alone in all areas eternally and is non -contingent non -contingency is a quality that belongs to God alone it's called as a seity a seity why a seity a seity means
God alone is God God alone is independent and God eternally as existed as he is and has no cause or need to be dependent upon anything in any way shape or form this a seity means that forever for God before the foundation of the world that his existence is self -needed self -actualized self real without any condition in any way shape or form because there is nothing else existing for forever as God was this business so we can't comprehend and then he decided to create us and then we are so it's a seity so here's a question about us as a seity if he has a seity eternal independence of all things then will he be making any choices eternal choices based on what he sees people do that's a serious question it's not an easy question to answer because the check this out the only way anybody could make a choice is if God creates them but if he creates them he works all things after the counsel of his will he knows the choices does he know what choices they'll make if he creates them well yeah but it's not a conditional thing because God knows all things potential as well as actual eternally so it's not a learning thing with God because then it means that God does not have eternal knowledge and it would mean he'd be increasing the knowledge that violates the doctrine of his omniscience but also kindest stubs his toe on this this monument of the gods a seity because his independence exists from all place in all times in all ways that means then free will creatures only have free will if God decrees that they have free will grants that they have free will and even their free will can only exist under the work of God in his ultimate and proximate causation then he knows because they can't do anything apart from him yet they're free at the same time but it all works after the counsel of God's will
Ephesians 111 so for knowledge cannot be that God knows what they're going to do in different circumstances because that's counterfactuals which is the error of Molin ism that they will be able to choose good under certain circumstances but that's not biblical because no one will choose him because no one can because no one is able to and the only reason they would exist anyway if God created them to exist and their sovereign choices under the decree of God people say let me draw robots no it doesn't because God can work with our free will but our free will is not independent of God Ephesians 111 this is biblical theology at a more advanced level most people are not ready for it but I found that most people when they hear it they go whoa yeah more more more because they're hearing things and then more things are put together and they go now
I can see how it works because before it was well Bob and Frank are identical twins identical everything
Bob believes in Frank does not why because they're free will why does history will enable him and other one does not well because it is free will and I asked the same question they can't answer the question but I can he believed because God granted that he believed
Philippians 129 well that's not fair and so now here's the thing now the
Christians are truly freed now this gets even more interesting the Christians are truly freed we're no longer slaves of sin but we can send now here's a mystery
God or James says John James 517 the prayers of a righteous man avail much with God wait a minute so my righteous yes because of Jesus to the my prayers avail much with God yes because James said so how do my prayers which
I pray now influence God who ordained that I influence him from eternity ago which is part of a plan to begin with you see we never pray to change
God's mind there you go there you go
I feel the need to say something I need to kind of doesn't happen very often but I said something and I think the
Holy Spirit may have said hey back up on that one and it get back to the issue of I don't think the pastors are doing a good enough job and it's like I shouldn't say that I really think the
Holy Spirit speaking to me saying don't say that you don't know and so okay so just gonna say the pastors are being called by God to do different things at different levels in different ways and to make sure that I recognize that not to recognize that as well they don't have to know all this stuff but from that I am concerned though that what is must be in place and I thank the
God for conviction but I want to know what must be in place in order for an apostasy to occur and from what
I've seen the reduction of God's sovereignty and the elevation of man's sovereignty is the basis for apostasy and so how far does that go and we can have different levels of that error occurring even while people are going more and more sanctified in Christ Jesus and loving him more they may not have their doctrine in these higher higher quote with air quotes level but they can love
Jesus more just because you have this kind of knowledge doesn't mean that you're more spiritual people could be very spiritual and a level without even knowing that stuff and be far more godly we need
I grant that and my concern is as a Christian as a theologian as an apologist is stop this apostasy that God prophesied will occur okay so you know the tidal waves coming and I'm standing out there with my paper towel and I don't want to ever stop that paper well the thing is we all become narrow -minded in certain perspectives and though I've learned my theology very well
I do apologetics a lot I've seen what we see in this country what will close us up pretty quickly
I see in the country the apostasy that's coming in the church and it is because the Bible says it's coming and I don't know if you know what
Kenneth Copeland is Kenneth Hagan good good when
I became a Christian I came in my
Bible I said people are reading a different book there you go good
I sat under a lot of these and I listened to him I went to Captain Coon meeting and all of that I've been there done that brother and I can see the apostasy and the ungodliness and in the world and wisdom of men creeping into the church today we've come so far from the first century
Christians that turn the world upside down because they were convicted by the
Holy Spirit and they went out to their families into their communities and what we do today is we bring people to church to be saved instead of the church building the saints and maturing the saints that they may go out and get them
I don't know where you got that from sounds like it's right out of Scripture so good
I'm glad that you you think those guys are whacked morons because they are they are an example oh man no
I believe in the gifts but those guys are whacked okay but you know what here's a possibility for what the apostasy might be this is
Revelation 2 I know your deeds and that this is to Ephesus I've been to Ephesus I'm sorry
I got it I brag about it every time I've been to Ephesus I can I walk down the streets I was in there I saw okay
I've been Ephesus okay I'm sorry it's braggy I know this is the angel of the
Church of Ephesus right the one who holds the seven stars in the right hand and the one who walks among the seven golden lamps lampstand says this
I know your deeds and your toil and perseverance that you cannot tolerate evil men that you put to test those are called themselves who call themselves apostles and are not this is like that you have perseverance and endured for my name's sake and have not grown weary but this
I have against you that you've left your first love maybe that is where the apostasy is you know the
Ephesian church really gives good word to them about the work that they're doing but I see a lot of that in the church day it's become very mechanical people checking off the boxes here but and they've lost that personal relationship with their creator they've lost that God has given us a spirit that we might understand what he's given us and we we we have a lot of knowledge but knowledge pops up but love builds up that that knowledge has to be administered in the love of Christ and sometimes love is hard you know what
I don't like loving it's too tough yeah and I think that's it you left your first love and I think the first love is
Jesus Christ himself because a lot of people don't realize and I could teach a theology on it but we're called in the fellowship with the
Son of Christ Jesus 1st Corinthians 1 9 and that's what it is this one of the dangers I'll just say this
I've said this before many times one of the dangers I have having learned so much over the years is that I can then fall away from the first love of that intimacy with Christ and be an apologist and that's something
I've had to struggle with over the years and and someone once said and it was like that's right we fall in our strengths as well as our weaknesses and so we got to be careful what strength we have that they don't take the place of Christ that's where I'm strong in Jesus but he said
I want to see people I want people to see Christ in my life not me I have right
I know amen that's what it is
I think that the apostasy is the movement away from that kind of centrality of Christ I don't get
I know my theology inside out I don't but I tell people you don't have to know hypostatic union communicato idiomato justification imputation propitiation the divine simplicity doesn't know all that unless you do what
I do for a living and answer questions new radio and someone said where's your radio show it's I'm still doing it ask again I'll give you more information but the the biggest thing is is his faith in Christ in fact
I just remembered something that Chuck Smith said where we should go to his church I never forgot this it was just it was just stuck with me he said there was this girl who just newly saved you know a year or less or something and she would go out to this park and she would just share the faith with Jesus she didn't know much just sharing
Jesus all she knows and this atheist guy would come up to her well what about the imputation what about this was about that it would have been the universal thing about that look at and she just she goes
I don't know but I this the only thing I do know is that Jesus Christ died for our sins and you put your faith and trust it and he'll be safe for your sin so I know
I'm sorry he goes and he walked and he walked off and then a week later all this story goes on the week later he comes back and she goes well
Jesus like what about this what about that he goes I don't know and it happened like this week after week after week and here he comes again and she's going to this guy won't give up you know and he walks up and he says how do
I get saved well I have to give my testimony here about my conversion okay my wife was saved first and you know
I was very resistant and so head of her
Bible study she was to go to came over and talked to me about the Lord quite a few times you know and I remember one day
I thought of this this question I thought
I'm gonna pick this guy really make him stick his foot this well you know and I can't even remember that the question but I asked him he says
Brian and you know he told me about Christ down for my sins he says
I can't answer that but Jesus can he says why don't you pray with me right now and accept
Christ as your Savior and he'll answer that for you and I thought to myself what if I got to Luke and he put a familiar yeah he put a new testament in my hand 50 years ago and I haven't sat down since God has his ways oh he has his ways and that's right yeah so he has his ways and and praise
God because he's been merciful to us all and the Bible is so deep and yet the message of truth is also so simple my mom said this one she goes it's so deep it's super advanced theologians can can learn because it's there it's also so easy that the simplest child can get it and it says it that's you know it's one of the beauties of its majesty it's that great me
I'm autistic I love all that deep stuff and I live in those realms right to debate and teach but even then
I get the privilege of just preaching the simplicity of the gospel I got to do a couple of nights ago the more
I grow in Christ the more I realize how little I know you know good start you know it's like Roman says that the width and the depth scope of Jesus Christ you know it's beyond human comprehension that's right amen and we're gonna have all eternity to learn about it and even then you know
I think another misconception I would have think about a lot of people think they're gonna go to heaven and all of a sudden they're gonna understand and know everything and then it's gonna kind of get boring oh no it's not and it's gonna take all of eternity to fully comprehend of the glorious things that he's done in May yep could take forever that's right now
I'm sorry I got distracted someone said I really like the fiction book that I wrote which one so good atheistic a time time time trap and then the influence really enjoyed the fiction book man wrote well which one he said
I could know what people read the books that they like and what they like which one they like you did you read my book time traps
I give it to you you have it I hear Nephilim have problem with time things last week last week we're talking about Nephilim whatever and blood types and she has a very unusual blood type and I I'm a jokester you do and I'm a jokester so I said
I heard a Nephilim have blood types like that and so so she's in the back sitting over there at a bunch of people here she's in the back and so you know we're talking and then she goes
I have a question I go it's like ten minutes after all this big brouhaha and stupidity about the Nephilim I was teasing her about I go yes you the
Nephilim in the back okay so it's the influence that he liked good okay all right good oh well anyway oh yeah
I made people think that's all right I don't like you but that's okay so let's pray we'll officially close it out and then
I'll just stay on a little bit and if anybody wants to type any questions in or you can I'll address really fast if you want
Lord Jesus thank you for today Lord I just ask that you would just bless the preaching the teaching of your word and that we can learn from your word and that we may agree disagree you know it's okay that you are the one who is a sovereign
King who knows it all and we just want to yield our hearts and minds to you thank you Jesus for the truth of your word the power of your word and just ask for it you would further anointed as we study it we ask this
Jesus your precious name Amen okay you want me to go back to Philippians next week yeah okay we'll get into the hypostatic you now we're getting some advanced theology on Christ I'll talk about that we did we're gonna start
Philippians chapter 2 next week but I'm gonna teach some biblical theology on Christ not regarding quality with God it had to be grasped but emptied himself taking the form of boss yep that's right oh yeah and we'll go into that and and and stuff yeah there's some verses
I tell people there's some scriptures I don't like I just don't like certain scriptures because there are
I don't like reading that yeah I don't want to read this because it's you know forgive as you've been forgiven
I don't like that you know things like that I got some problems with that but you know it's what it says so there's some stuff like that in Philippians too particularly have this attitude in yourselves which also is in Christ Jesus you know the truth of God's Word just gets in the way sometimes
I like my sin I like my selfishness I like my stupidity but the truth of his word just gets in the way reminds me when
Anik and I were great Bible study Matt thanks so much welcome so much I remember when
Anik and I were having serious marital problems and it happens a lot of people and so we went to it well when when one is a
Nephilim and so so what happened was
I was sitting there so remember the counselor is my professor believe they're not at seminary and we went to this counselor and we're having problems and I'm gonna tell you this my wife had a lot of problems she had about a one bag of problems and I'm gonna just tell you honestly
I brought in about two bags of problems okay how about two and a half okay two and a half okay and she's sitting right here and this is how the truth of God's a good illustration about the truth what truth is what it does to you and I told him
I said I don't love her anymore I don't want to be married to her she's sitting right here I don't mean she basically felt the same way you know we're sick of each other we don't yell all the time we don't get along all the time
I just don't I you know he's sitting there listen to me you know spew stupidity and I don't need married and I don't love her anymore
I this I that I did okay and yes yes misty I do have Asperger's yes and so he said
Matt what do you think being a love has to do with being married and I remember thinking this guy's an idiot he doesn't know what he's talking about and I remember thinking okay and he says and this is what he killed me with truth yes do you think
Jesus loves you because of how good you are do you think he loves you because of of how nice you are of what you can do for him
I'm like oh my goodness it was just instant what oh he's destroying me he says he loves you because of what's in him not because of who you are
I went I was about gonna do I'm in seminary the time he is kicking my rear all over the place it was truth and it was true
I wanted to crawl under the chair absolutely but he would it was really magnificent because it was true and he says absolutely
I never it was one of those life -changing things and he said you decide to love your wife and you decide it's a decision it's a commitment you do this and you can you have to have that feeling
God will reward you if you obey him in your faithfulness your marriage I'm like he's right about everything
I don't like it but he's right and I still remember to this day walking outside and opening the door for my wife okay is it true and yet here we are these leaders later 35 years and you know
I love her he doesn't love me but I like that part right so it says submit one to another then you take your position being your spiritual leader and the wife being the help me yeah you hear that Nick sorry
I say that inside words came out a jokester what
I get my yeah I have a shovel I dig a hole for myself a lot but yeah it was revolutionary and it was it was changing so Matt says
I mean Raymond says Matt I had a question what happened when we when we ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil did we then have power to define good and evil we had the arrogance to define what was good and evil but we still did not have the true knowledge of good and evil because knowledge of the good of evil only comes out of the character of God who then reveals it she goes on but didn't work because really only
God has that power that's right we can only here's the thing you can only know what is true if God reveals it the only reason that that's true is because truth is what corresponds to the mind of God since God knows all things whatever he says is true the only way to know absolute truth it's an absolute being with absolute knowledge reveals it to you so Jesus is that he says
I'm the way the truth in life nobody comes to the father but by me that's a universal absolute truth because the infinite
God is revealed to us in the person of Christ but that's how we can know truth likewise goodness is known because it's a relationship of truth because truth exists in the mind of God and goodness exists the character of God they're interrelated so truth and goodness are are related so from that we can say this ought we believe in two plus two equals four yes because goodness and truth are related in the character of God two plus two equals four ought to be believed logically and morally because more because truth exists in the mind and heart of God and so does two plus two equals four so what is goodness goodness is what is defined is revealed in the will of God and evil is that which is contrary to the will to the character of God goodness is revealed of the character of God that's the only way we can know what is good and so he says don't either the tree the knowledge of good and evil didn't say they will have that complete total knowledge but he said you either this you're gonna know and plus there's responsibility with knowledge and things like that there's other stuff that gets into it
I guess theologically did you hear that tearing sound right out of a second so it's a joke that I say to people when they misquote scripture
I go did you you hear that sound that dripping sound a verse referred out of context and someone just said did you hear that that tearing sound right out of second
Moronicles just just like I say yeah second radicals so what harassment what verse was that go ahead
I think but he said yes for this very reason
I was born to testify to the truth and he listens to me so the question yeah yeah what is truth he said and then he didn't allow time for it to be answered and that is significant
I think he knew who Jesus was and was afraid to get a real answer could you imagine if Jesus had said
I'm the truth and we yeah there's a lot there yeah you know they'll go to this teacher or that teacher they don't read the
Bible they can't find the answer and then there's oh maybe I don't go to the book that tells me all about mr.
reading it that's right that's right read it that's right and I always and I have a radio show so I say don't trust a guy in the radio named slick go go read it yourself yeah that's my real name and so Reverend slick
Reverend slick here and once yeah so I'm an ex -pastor as a pastor for a short time that's an interesting story but I did pulpit supply in Southern California for years and so I actually had a request from one church
I would often repeat you know same church I don't know and they said we want you to preach on tithing you want
Reverend slick to preach on tithing I said okay and I did
I did I go folks Reverend slick's gonna preach on tithing and I'm gonna
I'm gonna milk this it's gonna be good and they got a big kick out of it and I did yeah so Reverend slick you know but I say to people in the radio
I say do not trust a guy in the radio named slick you check it out on your own that's what
I say right yeah Berean where's the verse where X 1711 that's right well
I'd like to say to people I say if God's got to use someone like me it's pretty bad out there that's what
I say just saying if he's gonna use I can just see God going well use this guy you know we've studied and all this stuff and he says come on here don't you forget right at the front of the line yeah yeah whoever's first is last and whoever's last is first yeah
I think CS Lewis said he gave us some analogy someone repeated it to me that he was a great teacher you know everything he said but nevertheless he said he'd be in heaven and run the throne of God and there would be a galloping magnificent galloping horse
I think he's the one who said this and it would just come charging through with all this majesty this person is like this woman on on this horses who and who's that you know man and the guy goes oh that's just a little old lady and all she do is go to her closet and pray and I never forgot that image that's right so I feel like they weren't satisfied with my okay what okay wait a second oh let's do it this way my little kids have been asking me age eight and seven why did
God lie he did not because he said when they ate the fruit they would surely die and they did they did not die yes they did die because they died spiritually that's what happened it was inside of them that they died and then later on it's like tell them like you take a plant and you cut the root off the plant it's still green and the leaf is still up there but the root is gone
I think it's it's gone it's dead but it's just gonna take time to fully die and that's what's going on I told them they wouldn't have ever died physically if they had eaten the fruit but God didn't did not lie it was just not an immediate punishment it was an immediate punishment the immediate punishment was separation from him and a spiritual death and then the consequent punishment later was the effect of that in the manifestation of physical death okay all right perfect that's what
I needed good you got to make it down for the eight -year -olds and the seven -year -olds used to use a plant thing you know and it could oh yeah it makes sense you know blue is a thought it's a blue it's a joke another joke wait so what you said what's your thought on and I said blue that's when my wife goes and then the next scene we see that man tried to cover himself right his own works and God closed for the animal
I had to be killed right you know so that's a picture of the covering of Christ you know in our life but again it's not said specifically but I think it's it's heard that when the offerings of Cain and Abel were brought the offering of Abel was accepted but it was predicated on something
God already established that was a sacrificial system right you're correct and it's called the proto
Angeli um the first mention of the gospel which is interesting because that's the pre -incarnate
Christ in the garden because it was not the father of the Holy Spirit is walking whenever you see anybody walking in a manifestation of God I could do a study on this you guys want some time and pre -incarnate
Christ who instituted the gospel and completed the gospel author and official faith author in the finish of our salvation he started a good yep that's right well
I got there's a lot more
I could teach on but oh yeah you think you're irritated now you wait I'm gifted that's my wife says
I asked her one day what's my spiritual gift she goes being obnoxious and I said okay got it perfected you can't know
I'm humble I'm proud of my humility I mean I've been working on it that's right that's right
I thought I was wrong once but I was wrong about that you know right that's right so good okay anybody else have any questions let's see
Raymond says really the only power we gained by eating from that tree was the power to call bad things good good things bad yeah
Romans 5 other Ephesians Isaiah 520 beware those who call good bad which really is just the power to deceive ourselves and others that's really good
Raymond that's really good only power we gained by eating from that tree was the power to call good things bad and bad things good which really is just a power to deceive ourselves
Raymond that's really good Wow I like that I really do like I'm gonna steal that but then
I gotta confess that I you know I'm gonna plagiarize it no
I I tell people hey I learned this from so -and -so what was it someone taught me I learned something recently from somebody and I had to tell on the radio
I'd go oh yeah I got this from so -and -so said such -and -such you know I'll do that a few times and after that I owned it after that what's that oh you haven't seen my notes
I have those I if I were to print out just my notes it's probably gonna be a thousand maybe
I don't know 500 pages 700 pages just notes oh here we go okay good remember when
Paul was before Felix and giving his testimony mm -hmm oh
I get it a lot I get it a lot oh I get it a lot because I introduced people to concepts that they're not familiar with and I show them right in Scripture the what initially happens is most people are very cautious no no no go to that and then you hear it again and again and again they go okay and then that happens a lot
I think we have to be firm in the fundamentals and in the very future we have to be liable with one another that's right try the low got the role will know you're my deciders with the love you have for one or the other
John 1333 or 3435 I don't like loving people it's costly you got to care about him and you gotta stop calling him
Nephilim but who said I'm gonna do it I mean cuz then it's you know there's the fun if you don't see it my wife that's my wife says
I mean everyone came out I don't know what that is are you out there Nick I'm safe yeah she's hurt so you don't know this
Brian but my wife has one of the rarest connective tissue disorders in the world and so she's had open -heart surgery back surgery she's got a fracture yeah oh yeah osteoporosis allergy to wheat my wife did to a couple years ago yeah it's pretty quick and easy
I had mine out yeah yeah how old how old is I mean I don't ask but you know in our
I'm in my 60s so Wow you don't look at I thought you might have been your 60s so yeah but yeah we are decaying good good that's good good that's good enough to I joke a lot that's right well we had some guys that normally come over and it was
I was sitting here what was a week or so ago I was talking about some people are really sinners when I go he just loved it all right