Looking back at 2019 and Forward to 2020 - Russell Moore

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Whats next? Will 2020 be the year I unseat the great Dr Moore for C-List YouTube Supremacy!?


Well, let's take a look at the year in review for the 80 Robles YouTube channel
Santa what do you think about my channel?
Hmm? Well, it needs work. I have to go All right. Well listen 2019 was a good year.
You listen. I I have I am NOT a full -time youtuber by any stretch of the imagination
But I really started my youtube channel in 2018, that's when it really started to grow and We're gonna do a little bit of comparisons because if you have supported me this year
Whether it's been through Engagement, you know commenting a lot of you guys comment all the time.
I appreciate it I don't always get to respond to them, but I do appreciate it A lot of you guys share my content as well.
I appreciate that Also, a lot of you guys hit the little like button. I appreciate that if you are not subscribed to this channel, please
Consider subscribing. It helps me in the algorithm It helps this content to be seen by more people and also click the little notification bell
That'll always let you know every time I upload a new video Because it's not as simple as just subscribing and then you you would think that that would be enough to see the videos that you
Want to see but apparently YouTube thinks you need to click the notification bell as well So please do so if you have not done so already
Let's take a look here because This year again, this was a pretty good year as I said
It looks like if you if you look at this chart this shows you My views for the year and it kind of goes up and down as you can see you can see where people
Had little pops of activity here. These were like the most popular videos that I had but in general, you know
My days were pretty consistent for the most part again. It's up and down It depends on whether I dropped a video or not
What kind of video I dropped and things like that, but overall for the whole year in 2019 so far
I've got 276 ,000 views which for me is pretty good
And if you look it says here in the analytics that that is a 76 % increase from 2018 2018
You might remember is when my youtube stamp channel really started taking off I did a few videos in 2017, but not enough to even make it worth it to talk about So in 2018,
I had 157 Thousand views so big increase there part of that is because I have more videos this year
The other part of that is because my videos have been seen by more people. Well, obviously because it's views anyway, uh
Watch time total watch time has been up about a hundred percent The total watch time for my videos if you count everybody together and how long they've watched the videos is 34 ,000 hours that To me is crazy 34 ,000 hours of watching
Just a normal, you know, regular Joe like me rant and rave to the camera about social justice
I appreciate it. I do. I think I I think I'm pretty smart I think I've got something to offer here.
But the fact that so many of you think so as well is a real blessing Anyway from last year 2018 we had about 17 ,000 hours something like that.
So big increase there in 2019 also When it comes to subscribers, the increase here is a little bit more modest.
So we plussed about 1 ,700 subscribers
Compared to last year, which I got I think it was 1 ,300 subscribers something like that Which is an increase of about 30 % year -over -year pretty good increase.
I'm not sneezing at that at all That's the number that I really want to improve going into 2020 so hopefully again if you haven't
Subscribed to my channel, please go ahead and consider doing so and then as far as that goes take you through some of the most popular videos of the year the the most popular by far 9 ,600 views was social justice exposed that was a
Comments regarding the the Shepcon Q &A the Shepherds conference You know, that was a spicy
Q &A and people really like to see what I had to say about that The other content I mean, let's just be honest
My Southern Baptist Convention content is the most popular probably because there's so many Southern Baptists out there and people that care about Southern Baptist issues
But yeah, you know next next most popular SBC. I beg you to stop following this man That was a video about Russell Moore and his ridiculously
Preposterously Weak wrist limp -wristed lame non answer to a question about his old beliefs.
Remember where he said, well, you know Complementarianism actually that's not where he said that that was a different one
Anyway, what the point is someone asked him about his previous patriarchy beliefs and he refused to answer
We also And there's two videos here about Beth Moore that were also pretty popular as well 6 ,000 views 5 ,000 views
I had a few others that were right in that same range as far as views are concerned So people are very interested in the
Southern Baptist Convention and Beth Moore I think we can definitely include the founders ministry trailer in that as well.
Although it's slightly different And I think that that video gets so much, you know play because they edited the trailer if you remember they took out
Rachel Denhollander, I have the original trailer here. It's probably the only place you can get it at least online
Where I comment about the trailer and all that kind of stuff. That's a very funny video Especially considering what had happened since then.
So let's just be honest People like my Southern Baptist content In fact,
I heard from a reputable very very reputable Twitter source named
Chris Bolt says every time he googles Southern Baptist issues on YouTube.
He tries to find videos about anything Southern Baptist related. My video has always come up. So Mission accomplished there
Anyway, so so here's the thing. I'm trying to figure out You know how to grow this channel in 2020 because I think that I should have
More subscribers than this. I think I should have more than 3 ,000 let's see.
Let's let's check it out here Let's check it out 3 ,050 subscribers you look at let's take a look at Russell Moore because he's my first sort of Target to defeat.
Let's check out Russell Moore's YouTube channel Russell Moore has 3 ,890
Subscribers, so he's beating me by about 800 900 subscribers. Let's say
I I Don't like that. I don't like that. I don't think his videos are very good
I don't think that people really like them at all. Obviously. He's got a lot more name recognition than I do
But he's beating me by about 900 subscribers. I want to take him out in the
YouTube category in 2020 listen to them. I mean look at these look at these videos He puts out these videos and you know for a guy who's in charge of the biggest organization the biggest
Denominations Lobbying group the ERLC. They've got so much money so much funding
I mean his videos don't get a ton of views my videos get about the same you know 247 views 800 views a thousand views
You know that kind of thing it he had Ben Shapiro on he had Ben Shapiro on and he has like a thousand views on That channel on that video.
I mean man if I had Ben Shapiro on I'd probably have about a thousand as well Look at a signed post with Ben Shapiro 1 .1
,000 views that was three weeks ago. That's pretty sad man.
That's pretty sad Let's see what is uh, let's see what his most popular
Well, actually, let's check out a little bit more about his channel. So he's got Listen to this listen to this
He's got a hundred thousand views on his YouTube channel. He started it this year. Okay a hundred thousand views He started it this year.
Let's go back to let me just may I remind you May I remind you that I started my
YouTube channel in 2018 and in 2018. I had 157 ,000 views.
I think I could take this guy out. I really do. I think I could take him out. Listen to this Listen to his credentials here
Russell Moore is a president of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission as one of the nation's leading ethicists theologians and cultural commentators
He's one of the nation's leading ethicists theologians and cultural commentators, I'm a dude in Vermont with You know with the
Star Wars obsession The Wall Street Journal has called Moore a quote vigorous cheerful and fiercely articulate
He was named in 2017 to Politico's magazines list of top 50 influence makers in Washington and Has been profiled by such publications as the
Washington Post the New Yorker and National Review His latest book the Stormtoss family how the cross reshapes the home was named
Christianity today's 2019 book of the year This prestigious award was also conferred upon Moore's previous book onward engaging the culture without losing the gospel by Christianity today in 2016
It's quite an impressive resume it's quite an impressive resume the nicest thing anyone's ever said about me in print is in the
New York Times and The woman said that I let I helped lead a small church in Rutland, Vermont That's my resume, you know, one of the things
I've noticed is that the gatekeepers of Of anything really now
Big Eva's is no exception, but gatekeepers. They really hate it when people that have no credentials whatsoever
Get any amount of attention popularity respect, you know that kind of thing. They hate it.
They really hate it especially When not only do they have no credentials, but they also don't go through the official channels
This is one of the one of the reasons why I think that Doug Wilson gets a lot of hate from the intelligentsia
Let's say it's because he didn't go to seminary He didn't go to seminary and he did not go through their official channels.
They bring it up all the time He didn't go to seminary and he didn't go into the official nay park like they hate that They do
They set up their guilds and they set up their their their their credentials and their qualifications and their and their approved
Places of learning and stuff and if you don't go through that they don't they don't understand why anyone gives you the time of day
This is the intelligentsia. These are the gatekeepers. They hate that they really do But anyway, yeah, this is the thing 2020.
I have a prophecy for you all it is the year of vision Yeah, this is what we're gonna do so so so so 2020 is gonna be a
Banner year for the 80 Robles YouTube channel. We'll see. We'll see I don't have any predictions, but I do think we're gonna grow.
I think that it is very clear that the influence that People that are are having the courage to stand up to the social justice movements are having an impact on the higher echelons of the
Southern Baptist Convention and the PCA Let me just give you all a warning I know that there are some of you probably some interns from the gospel coalition
ERLC that keep tabs on people like me Not just me but people like me see what we're saying.
Let me let me just take this back to your bosses. Okay we know what you're up to and There are people that are in your circles that talk to us and they don't like what's going on and Right now as you as you sit in your office with your cushy chairs and your and your
Comfortable, you know temperature -controlled Libraries and stuff like that as you sit
Scheming on what to do next They are plotting these people in the high echelons of the
SBC and in the PCA and in the ERLC and in the gospel Coalition they are planning right now.
How do I help fight this Social justice movement in a way that doesn't risk my career
My mortgage payments my family and all of that and guess what they're gonna figure it out soon They're gonna figure it out and all will be exposed
Everything will be exposed and Russell Moore. You're gonna be exposed for what you're really all about.
It's just that simple It's just that simple And so watch out you 2020 is gonna be a big year.
There's gonna be Listen, a lot of the fighting has been behind the scenes to this point
A lot of the fighting has been relegated to the margins, you know Some some yokel from Vermont who helps lead a small church in Rutland Vermont, you know like me
This is where the fighting has been happening Places like this on YouTube it's happening on the on the fringes of the internet, you know things that you can you can say
Oh, that's just a discernment blog and you can you can kind of you know Write it off and that kind of stuff get people to not pay attention.
At least that's what you think you're wrong But but that's what you think It's going on in places like you know, there's a few pastors here and there some apologists here and there you right now
You can you've you've you've gotten a long way by ignoring them But you got to understand and I think you do understand this and just in case you don't let me explain it to you
Russell Moore and the rest of you power brokers You can't contain this one
People are starting to recognize there's a disconnect between what you say and what they know the
Bible says People can people people people can see things with their own eyes.
They see what's happening to the Southern Baptist Convention They see the March of Progressives Coming in from places that they didn't expect they thought they were conservative.
They thought they were stalwarts They see it and no amount of magic tricks and wizardry
If you know that reference wizardry, I like you No amount of wizardry is going to help to get people to not believe what they see happening before their very eyes
So you have to know you can't contain this it's gonna be open warfare soon You're gonna have to go toe -to -toe with a lot of these people
The founders ministry stuff. This is this is just the beginning That was a great documentary and all you guys tried to destroy it.
You tried to destroy Tom Askel's lies We know what you did. We know what you did That's just the beginning
There's more coming And I hope you're ready for it because I don't think that any amount of money can stop the
March of the truth And you know why I know this because the truth is a person an
Unbeatable person And so all the backroom dealings that you guys do you get people fired you ruin people's lives you try to get
Ministries destroyed and stuff like that. We all see what you are up to no amount of money
Influence none of that will stop the truth Because the truth is a person
We're not scared of you Anyway, I hope that this was helpful.
God bless You know,
I saw this tweet from Donald J Trump at the time when it when he tweeted it in 2016 and at the time
I was not I was not a Social justice warrior at this time.
I've never really been a social justice warrior However, I have been influenced by it more so in the past than I am now
Anyway, I saw this tweet and I got defensive about this tweet I didn't like that Donald J Trump was was was saying this about an evangelical that was in the similar ish circles
To where I was in I was seeing some of the problems a little bit a little bit, but I still
I got defensive about this At Russell Moore Russell Moore is truly a terrible representative of evangelicals and all the good they stand for a nasty guy with no heart
I admit to you right now, but I was a little defensive about this You know,
I mean because as much as I was concerned with some of the stuff that I had seen and and some of it you know,
I still I Had you know, I was defensive that's that's all
I can say Well, let me say Donald J. Trump was right
He is a terrible representative of evangelicals and all the good that we stand for Terrible Donald J.
Trump was right. He might not have been right for the right reasons. Don't don't misunderstand me He might have been right for completely different reasons, but he was right
Now as far as the nasty guy with no heart, I don't know if he's nasty Maybe I've heard some things
I've heard some things but that's neither here nor there And no heart,
I mean, that's a little bit mean It's a little mean but I'll tell you right now. I'll tell you right now
Trump was and is 100 % right about dr.
Russell Moore In 2020, it's full -court press time. Let's just be honest about that.