Matt Walsh CORRECTS Megyn Kelly!

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to Fight for Truth. In this video, we're going to talk about Matt Walsh, conservative commentator from the
Daily Wire, and Megyn Kelly, longtime conservative contributor to Fox News. To start this whole thing off,
Matt reacted to a video of a young feminist woman on TikTok who tells the story of going on a date with a man who she calls a real guy's guy.
Watch this. On a date this week, and I felt the feminism leaving my body. I live on the east side of LA, and if you don't know what that means, it's sort of like the artsy -er part of LA, you know, but what
I will say is that I sort of fell into going on a date with the most guy's guy
I've ever been on a date with, and he's from west, west, you know, Santa Monica. He's a bro, right?
The thing about a guy's guy is he's putting his card down. He's paying for everything, and I really just, it sort of activated something feral in me.
I'm not going to lie. It might be time for me to get away from all these, you know, liberal snowflakes on the east side.
So essentially, we have a leftist girl who goes out on dates with both men and women. We already have a problem there, yet when this woman went on a date with a traditional man who paid for dinner and drinks without any hesitation, she says that she was shocked.
She could, quote, feel the feminism leaving her body, and in response, here's what Matt Walsh said, quote, she's impressed that the guy paid, which is fine.
Women are naturally attracted to providers, but if she likes this aspect of traditional masculinity, she has to accept the rest of it and be willing to play her part and be traditionally feminine.
That's where things usually break down for feminists. This is 100 % true. God calls men to be providers and protectors, and He designed them with this in mind.
First Timothy 5 .8. Intuitively, women know this, regardless of all the feminist propaganda they've been spoon -fed by the media.
This is why even many supposedly liberal women will find it inevitably attractive when a man actually acts like a man.
The problem is that you can't have it both ways. You can't decide to go against traditional values whenever they bother you, and then use them whenever they help you.
This is Matt's point. If you want a traditionally masculine man, you need to be a traditionally feminine woman.
But conservative woman Megyn Kelly doesn't agree with that at all. Here's what she said, quote, actually, no, she doesn't.
She can find a man who pays, and who also gets completely hot for a working wife who doesn't cook or behave like any sort of traditional wife.
Allow me to respond. Please note that Kelly claims to be a lifelong Catholic. This means that she ought to also believe that the
Bible is the Word of God and that it should be followed. Well, and I can't stress this enough, the Bible has absolutely nothing good to say about a woman who, quote, doesn't behave like a traditional wife at all.
In Titus 2 .4 -5, here's what Paul says. And so train the young women to love their husbands and children, to be self -controlled, pure, working at home, kind and submissive to their own husbands, that the
Word of God may not be reviled. You see, biblical women are called to be focused primarily on the home, to be domestic, and to submit to their husbands.
For those who follow the Bible, there is no option to not behave like any sort of traditional wife, as Megyn Kelly is promoting.
That is utter nonsense. But piling on, we also have famous female so -called conservative commentator
Tommie Lauren who said this. Agreed, Megyn Kelly. Some men are intimidated by ambitious women and would prefer that we sit at home and be domestic.
Others are able to handle a strong woman and have enough masculine energy to deal. Sadly, many modern men are wimps and insecure.
It's a shame. Glad to be out of the game. So the implication here is that if you don't want your wife to be some blonde bombshell dominating the secular workplace from 9 to 5 while your children sit in a daycare center waiting to be picked up, this means that you're weak and you can't handle a strong, independent woman.
Tommie also claims to be a Christian, by the way, despite being pro -choice. But what does the Bible actually say a strong woman is?
The Bible says that a strong woman is one who cares for the needs of her immediate household, first and foremost.
But if a Christian man wants his wife to follow the Bible in this way, that man is an insecure wimp, according to Tommie Loren, who literally mocks the idea of a woman being domestic.
This is the problem. We have these women in conservative politics who constantly talk about defending
God, guns, and liberty. But if God's word actually calls them to focus more on their household than they do on starting production companies or owning the libs, then all of a sudden they use the same arguments that your local blue -haired feminist does to a tee.
What's the matter? You nerdy little Christian boys can't handle a strong, independent woman making her way in the world as a girl boss?
What's wrong with you? Again, this is what obnoxious, radical feminist women sound like, not traditional conservative
Christian women. And knowing this, Matt Walsh responds, saying, why should the man play the traditionally masculine role of paying for meals if the woman is not going to play the traditional feminine role in return?
This is exactly right. And he goes on, saying, this shouldn't even be controversial. A woman who accepts gender roles when she can get a free meal out of it, and then rejects them in every other context, is being self -centered and inconsistent.
And that's putting it gently. Again, I couldn't agree more. When women want men to be strong and masculine, but then they want to go out and be a girl boss and be on equal footing with him in the workplace and be an equal leader in the home, they want to have their cake and eat it too.
It's essentially the equivalent of a man who wants his wife to be soft and feminine and domestic, but who also wants to himself be a stay -at -home dad who has no job.
Traditional roles complement each other, and they are used together in tandem. They're like a beautiful, cohesive family meal, not some sterile buffet where you can pick and choose what you like best and dispose of everything else.
But here's what Kelly responds with, quote, it's not about role playing. It's about who you are and what attracts you.
The message that in order to get a man who wants to take care of you, you have to be a trad wife is not true.
Some guys want the fire and excitement of a working wife. Trust me, we bring plenty to the table that would be very appealing to many, not all men, and lots of those men would still want to take care of us, protect us, and marry us.
It's awesome. So first, she has completely forgotten Matt's original point. Matt was not advocating for playing at an artificial role, but rather for acting in a way that is consistent with the natural order.
And look at Kelly's fundamental argument. It's not about promoting any kind of real virtue. It's all about, one, being who you truly are, and two, it's about what you find personally sexy and attractive.
And funny enough, these are exactly the same arguments that the LGBT movement has been using against tradition as well.
And by the way, the Bible, which Megan, again, claims to believe in, does not advocate for workplace fire and excitement as feminine virtues.
Not at all. Instead, we constantly see submissiveness, meekness, compassion, nurture, and peace being promoted as feminine virtues.
See again Titus 2, 4 -5, and Proverbs 31. Mary the mother of Jesus is known for her obedience to God and her childbearing, not for wearing a pantsuit and being a boss babe.
Of course, this does not mean that women can't be called strong or that they can't work outside the home whatsoever.
The Proverbs 31 woman, for example, is called strong, and she certainly does a lot of work outside of her household for the benefit of her household.
And this also does not mean that women aren't allowed to have personality or opinions. It simply means that a biblical woman's personality, opinions, and work all serve the purpose of glorifying
God, honoring her husband's leadership, and blessing her household. And by contrast, being overly competitive, combative, and feisty might be something that some men enjoy, but they are far from being anywhere near the biblical virtues that all women are called to.
And frankly, most masculine men with their heads on straight will know that these qualities will present far more problems in their future marriage than solutions.
But here's what Matt had to say, quote, I never said anything about tradwife. I don't even know what that means anymore.
What I am saying is that the argument for men paying for the date is grounded entirely in traditional gender roles.
It's not consistent, not fair, and not honest for a woman to embrace that one single aspect of gender roles while rejecting the rest in principle.
This is a very fair point. You can't advocate for men providing and protecting on the basis of traditional values, and then also suggest that women have no responsibility themselves to carry out traditional values as well.
So far, it's all been tradition for thee, but not for me. And guys, this is one of the biggest issues that we have in conservative circles.
We are constantly referring to the Bible, to Christianity, to God -given rights, and to traditional
Western values. Yet many of the people in the so -called conservative movement are basically just modern feminists who don't like any of the extra
LGBT stuff. That's about as deep as it goes. For example, submission in marriage is considered outdated by many, if not most, popular conservatives.
In the Bible, God mocks Israel, saying that, quote, women rule over them, Isaiah 3, 12, because having female rulers is a judgment from God, not a promising example of so -called equality.
And yet somehow, the modern conservative movement seemingly has no problem with female politicians ruling in America, because girl power or something.
Most conservatives would cringe at the idea of a woman fighting in a war. But they have no problem, in theory, with a woman serving as president, who is commander -in -chief of our entire army.
This should make us ask the question, what exactly are we conserving here anyway? Mainstream conservatives are offering more and more compromises to the pro -choice movement, pro -LGBT movement, and pro -feminist movements.
All of these are 100 % against what we are taught in the Word of God, yet they don't seem to care.
As long as the Bible gives them their Second Amendment rights and the right to sleep with whoever they want, the rest of the
Bible can sit quietly in the backseat and shut up. So the sad yet obvious conclusion is that many of them are just using the
Bible and using Christian tradition to accomplish their political goals or career goals. But there's very little genuine reverence for God or His commandments there.
Keep in mind, I'm not saying that they're all fake Christians across the board, but I am saying that we need to put the truth of God's Word above the word of modern conservative commentators.
If we're going to change the culture, we need to do a lot better than this. So keep your eyes open and be discerning for God's glory.
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