If A Child Is Purchased by Two Sodomite Parents, Then Are They Real Parents?


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you know, you look at the things that they are constantly just like screaming out against, you know, they're constantly speaking out against slavery and how bad slavery was.
And, you know, it was so bad that we still need to pay reparations now and it should never be okay.
And, you know, all of these things, all of these things, America has committed the greatest sin ever.
People are tired of hearing nothing but doom and despair on the radio. The message of Christianity is that salvation is found in Christ alone and any who reject
Christ, therefore forfeit any hope of salvation, any hope of heaven.
The issue is that humanity is in sin and the wrath of almighty
God is hanging over our heads. They will hear his words, they will not act upon them and when the floods of divine judgment, when the fires of wrath come, they will be consumed and they will perish.
God wrapped himself in flesh, condescended and became a man, died on the cross for sin, was resurrected on the third day, has ascended to the right hand of the father where he sits now to make intercession for us.
Jesus is saying there is a group of people who will hear his words, they will act upon them, and when the floods of divine judgment come in that final day, their house will stand.
Welcome to Bible Bash, where we aim to equip the saints for the works of ministry by answering the questions you're not allowed to ask.
We're your hosts, Harrison Kerrig and Pastor Tim Mullett, and today we'll answer the age -old question, if a child is purchased by two sodomite parents, are they real parents?
Now, Tim, what Bible verse do you have for us as we kick off this discussion?
Tim Mullett Yeah, Ephesians 6 -5 says, "...slaves, obey your earthly masters with fear and trembling, with a sincere heart as you would
Christ." Darrell Bock Slaves? You didn't have like a children obeyer?
You didn't go for the children obey your parents part? Tim Mullett This one seemed more relevant. Darrell Bock I think you're showing your hand a little early there, too.
But okay, so why bring up that verse in relation to this conversation?
Part of it's related to the title that you asked, if I was purchased by two sodomites, then does that make them my parents?
So, just going with it. Okay, so are they then, if you were a child who was purchased by two sodomites and they're claiming to be your parents now, biblically, are you supposed to view them as your parents?
Tim Mullett I think, yeah, there's obviously a lot of things that are going on in this kind of question that make it a little bit conceptually hard to answer.
Meaning, God's obviously designed a family in such a way that a father and mother would have a child in the context of marriage and then give birth to that child, and then that child would be the product of that union, which
God recognizes. And so, when you're talking about a sodomite marriage, what you're talking about is an oxymoron, essentially.
You're talking about a marriage that's not a marriage. So, you're talking about a parody of marriage at the very beginning.
And then you have an act that brings forth this child, which is disconnected from this loving union.
So, obviously, there's an idea of adoption in general, right? So, there's a biblical concept of adoption where an individual will take someone who's not biologically related to them and then treat them as if they're a biological son and treat them as family in that way.
And as you think about the Christian message, that's essentially what God does for us. He adopts us into his family in that way.
But then the problem here is that you just don't have a family to begin with.
Does that make sense? So, you don't have a marriage, you don't have a family. And then what you have is maybe one of these guys has made some sort of biological contribution to this union with someone else, right?
And it could get really messy at this point. Meaning, so - Tanner Iskra When you're talking about the actual surrogacy itself, right?
Jonathan Yeah, with the surrogacy process, it can get pretty messy to where you may have a sodomite who is in some sort of way impregnating some woman through artificial means or whatever else.
Who knows how all these things are happening at that point? Who would be then the biological mother of the child, right?
So, that could happen. And then essentially what's happening is one of them is at least a biological father in that sense, right?
So, in that kind of scenario that you have one of them maybe being a biological father, and then the other one is essentially pretending to be the mother, and whether he calls himself the mother or not, right?
So, you can have that wrinkle on it. But then you could also have a situation where you have a biological – like the sodomite playing the role of – basically, his genetic contribution is the father component to a third woman who was the mother, right?
Or a second woman who's a mother, and the third woman is going to be then bearing the child.
So, it can get really messy really quick. The math is getting a little complicated here.
Yeah. But then one thing that would be a feature until maybe,
I don't know whoever, maybe they'll get technology to overcome it or something like that. The situation is that one of them is not going to have any genetic contribution to the thing at all, right?
Right. And maybe both of them won't because they can just straight up purchase this child from someone straight up, right?
So, essentially, what's happening is you don't have a marriage, you don't have a family, and then you have a child that is being purchased, separated from his biological mother essentially, whoever that person happens to be, right?
So, whether or not she just made the contribution or she bore them, then you're bringing two women into the process, which are bonding to that child or having a claim on that child in certain ways, which you're severing.
So, then you're taking it out of that, and then you're bringing it into a family, and then you're saying, well, are they his parents?
Well, it's like, well, maybe one of them could be considered his parents, right? Or his parent.
But then the other one is just kind of like a stranger who is adopting them, who has no biological connection to him other than he's pretending to be in a family and married to the other one, right?
So, in that kind of case, it can get pretty messy, obviously, pretty quick. So… TB.
You know, I think the thing that this just has me thinking the entire time listening to your response so far has just been,
I mean, this has got to be one of the most selfish things anyone could ever do, right?
To be, number one, living in open rebellion against God, right?
Rejecting God's design for marriage between one man and one woman and instead deciding that you're going to give in to the lusts of your flesh, you're going to commit an abomination with a person of the same sex, and you recognize that, you know, biologically it doesn't work, right?
Two men will never be able to make a baby. A man will never give birth to a baby ever.
So, you have that reality, you have these people that are thinking that way, and then their solution to the plan is not to look at the situation and say, hey, maybe there's something wrong about this.
Maybe there's something unnatural about this. Maybe we are violating, you know, the very,
I mean, the very biology that we were given. Maybe we're completely going against the created order here.
Instead, the answer is to say, no, obviously, the way to get around this is to artificially impregnate another woman, potentially have a different woman carry that artificial pregnancy, right?
And then when the baby is born, rip that baby away from their real mother and then give them over to two sodomites who are going, you know, or I guess it could be, you know, like two lesbians or something,
I guess. And the scenarios that we've brought up, it's been sodomites, right?
And then they're posing for pictures with the newborn baby laying in the hospital bed covered up, pretending to be asleep as if they actually did anything at all.
I mean, it's just totally, totally, it's so selfish and it's so, it's disgusting, honestly.
It's really frustrating to think, hey, there's this kid who didn't ask for any of this and he's being ripped away from his biological mother.
Maybe he's with, you know, maybe one of the dudes is his biological father, but I mean, he's getting half the equation at that point, right?
And then we're supposed to just treat this as if it's normal. And, you know, there's entire organizations out in places like California that are arguing or maybe it's
New York. It's one of those terrible places that are, you know, they're arguing that sodomites are being discriminated against because they can't have babies.
Who's discriminating against you if you can't have babies with another dude?
No one's discriminating against you, but then that's the kind of society we live in right now. And from my perspective, it just seems so totally selfish, so totally disgusting.
And that's not even to bring up the fact that, you know, normally whenever you're doing this kind of thing, it's not like it works the first time, right?
And so you're talking about like, you're intentionally killing babies at this point. You're intentionally discarding babies at this point.
You're intentionally storing away babies for use at a later date, I guess.
And it just seems like it's evil, but not even just for the fact that you're essentially putting a child in a totally unnatural situation.
It's the total focus on self, the lack of understanding to realize that you've gone completely against nature, completely against your own biology, completely against the created order.
And I mean, you're oftentimes involving murder in the process. Yeah, I think you had
Rand Paul who was basically making an argument along these lines related to the concept of negative rights versus positive rights, essentially.
But he was doing this in another area, but then that's what the California thing is doing. They're turning access, like a sodomite having access to a woman's womb, they're turning it into some kind of positive right, if that makes sense.
So the concept of a negative right in general is they're basically like liberty rights, meaning in order for you to have this right, the government just has to ensure that others let you be, if that makes sense.
So with a negative right, you have the right to life, you have the right to liberty, you have the right to ownership of property, meaning people allow you to have the property that you have and they're not going to take it from you.
So the government's job is just to secure that for you, meaning it's their job to ensure that they're not plundering you and that other people don't plunder you.
But then in order to not plunder you, nothing has to happen. Do you get what I'm saying? So that would be like you have a right to life, meaning other people don't have a right to take your life from you or your freedom from you or your stuff from you.
So then the government's just stepping in and policing when people do that.
Over again, it's like a positive right. Rand Paul was making this argument related to healthcare. If you say that someone has a positive right to healthcare, that's different than the negative right, meaning someone has to give you this.
So they require action or provisions from others or the state, essentially.
But then as a doctor, Rand Paul is saying, if you have a right to free healthcare, that means
I'm your slave. Because I'm a doctor, I have to provide it to you because it's your right.
So you have a right to have something that belongs to me, meaning an entailment of you having that right means someone is enslaved.
So then when we reject the nature of marriage in the way that God's designed it, and you assert a positive right.
So a sodomite couple has a right to children, but they can't make them on their own.
So if you were to say, to use the awful expression, the heterosexual couple, the normal couple, the couple that God designed kind of couple, they have a right to be parents to their children.
Do you see what I mean? But then in that way, that's a negative right. Do you see what
I mean? It's like this, a negative right meaning if you produce children, they're yours and no one has the right to take them from you.
So then the government is just stepping, the government would be policing things like kidnapping at that point.
Because this is your offspring, they belong to you in that way.
So a normal couple, the way God designed a couple to function, they have a right to their children, but that's a negative.
They have a negative right there, meaning that other people aren't allowed to take them. But then if you're trying to say, hey, sodomites have equal rights to children too, the problem is they can't produce them.
So all they can do is plunder them. That's all they can do. And so then that's what you're, like, you're in a situation where in order for us to pretend like you're a normal couple, we have to, like, someone has to bear that loss, essentially.
So some woman is going to be robbed of her child and then the child itself is going to be robbed of two parents as God designed them to have, if that makes sense.
So instead of having a father and a mother as God's designed a family to be, where you'd grow up and you'd have half of one part of what it means to be created in the image of God modeled for you, and then the corresponding part of what it means to be created in the image of God also modeled for you, instead of having that, what you have is you just have two dudes
LARPing as husband and wife who are now pretending to be a family, right?
And then in some sense, they're kind of pretending to be your parents when parents are supposed to be a male -female concept together, right?
Right. So then that's what makes the question hard is because you have one person who might be one of the parents, but then he's not even playing that role correctly, who has attached himself to some sort of abomination perversion there.
And so the end result is, at the very least, one of them is not. He's just a dude that bought you and separated you from your mother, right?
So he's functioning more in that sense like a slave master, and the whole thing is functioning less like a family and it's more just like a perverted parody of a family at that point.
I mean, that's why you have all the cases of child rape that happens during these times where you have these individuals with these perverted desires that are being expressed towards each other, right?
So I mean, just imagine, you take away the mitigating female presence within that and you
I mean, your standard sodomite is going to, in a relationship, they're going to have hundreds of sexual partners because it's just out of control, unrestrained lust.
And then you're going to take a child and put that in there without the woman's function of caring for children being present at all.
So you're just putting them in a midst of a lust factory or something, an out of control, perverted lust factory.
And then it's like, yeah, well, what do you think's going to happen there? They're probably, we know what's going to happen. The vast majority of cases, no one's allowed to talk about what's going to happen.
And so you just, you basically just have a mess from start to finish. But then if you're asked, Hey, should the child obey them as parents?
Well, I mean, there's some sort of, it's like, well, no, not as parents because parents are meant to be husband and wife, but certainly they're legally declared to be their owners.
So maybe you're just appealing to something, you know, at the very least it's like, yeah, you should obey them as your earthly masters to the extent to which they're not asking you to send right that way.
But then, you know, should you think of them as these are my parents?
Well, I mean, they're obviously, they're obviously pretending to play that role for you.
Yeah. But that's not really the role that God's designed them to play in that way for sure. So, so it seems like you're saying, you know, if the, if the options are, it seems like the options right now, biblically speaking are, they're either your parents or they're slave masters and they can't be parents because they're not, at least one of them is not going to be your parent.
The other one might be your parent, but then the role they're functioning in the role that they've purchased for themselves is not the way that a parent becomes a parent.
Right. So then are you, so then are you saying that biblically speaking, God is viewing their relationship as like a master slave relationship?
Well, yeah, I would say the only category you have left is probably like a master slave kind of thing, really. I mean, like now with the one who is the biological father, yeah,
I mean, I think, yeah, I guess he's your biological father, right? Right. And they're playing a, you know, they're playing a parental, a parody of a parental role, meaning,
I mean, they're obviously like providing for you to some extent, I'm sure, you know, giving you clothes to wear, you know.
Yeah. Like any good master would, yeah. So, yeah,
I mean, I think at the very least, yes, a child should obey them if they're not asking them to sin or violate
God's standards, they should, you know, obey them in the Lord, you know, whatever for this is right kind of thing.
So there's qualifications, there's checks on that. But I would say it's, you shouldn't pretend like as if this is a family, you shouldn't pretend as if this is a marriage.
And so if you're not pretending it's a marriage, you're not pretending it's a family, then it's very difficult to pretend that this is like, these are both your parents, right?
Because, you know, parents also means man and woman, you know what
I mean? It's like, it's a concept that has a meaning that we're pretending is not. So like, they're not parents, they can't, couldn't become normal parents.
That's the whole point. Therefore, they have to buy you from, you know, one of your parents, right?
So at least one of them has to, like, you have to be purchased from, like, as a slave from and separated from one of your parents in order to be given to another one of your parents and, you know, and then who is gonna, you know, put you in this perverted family that you have to suffer from.
The math just gets so crazy on this. It's hilarious. If it weren't so disgusting and, you know, and just totally grotesque, then you couldn't help but just laugh at how stupid it all sounds.
Yeah. I mean, it's just the only thing that probably would keep you from doing that is just imagining yourself having to actually be that child and, you know,
I mean, just having to be him or her or whatever, I mean, mostly they want boys for, you know, surprise, surprise.
They want boys for some reason, no one knows why, you're not allowed to comment on why, but I mean, imagine yourself having to actually be that.
Yeah, I mean, there's, you know, news stories of, like, these children being passed around to all their friends, you know, and everything else, but I mean, just imagine that that is, like, that's, yes, that's probably the worst of it, but then it's not, it's just so unspeakable.
Even if, you know, you kept from being raped by your dads your whole life or something like that, right?
Like, you're still in this perverted, you know, one -sided picture of a family, caricature of a family, having no idea who you are, having sin being shoved in your face your whole life, your constant conscience desensitized to it, you know, having to know that you're this, you don't have a mom and a dad that is living with you who cares about you.
You have these, you know, perverted people who are raising you and brainwashing you and corrupting you and, you know, not even teaching you what it's like, like, you don't get to be taught what it's to be a woman, but then you, like, you don't get to be taught what women, like, a godly woman is supposed to be, but you don't even get to be taught what a man's supposed to be either, right?
So, you just get to, you get one perverted picture and one, like, the other, whole other part of the equation is totally gone, and so you just, like, that's your life and, you know, and yeah,
I mean, sure, I'm sure there's a shame and embarrassment of knowing that you're missing what you need just to be a normal, functional, healthy person in general.
Pete Yeah, yeah, we definitely, what's really scary about all this is we really haven't, it's hard to know exactly what the extent of the damage is that's going to be done towards these children just because this is sort of a new phenomenon.
There's not really been a ton of time to see what happens when these kids who grow up in this kind of situation, what they'll end up being like en masse, but you can't,
I mean, there's no way that it can be good. There's no way that it ends well, right?
When you have two parents who are pretending to be your parents who really purchased you and you're functioning in this sort of, like, slave relationship with them, but then on top of that, yeah, like you're saying, you're totally missing out on any sort of real, genuine, feminine input in your life, and you're missing out on any real, genuine, masculine input in your life because you have two men who are essentially both, a lot of times, both trying to -
Yeah, yeah, exactly. But then you get two who are
LARPing and you don't even get either picture, you know? Right. But I mean, yeah, I would say, obviously,
God could save a person in the midst of all that and fundamentally change him, but then I wouldn't pretend like there's not, still, even in the midst of that, like, it's obviously true that there is some sort of benefit to having a godly family, right?
Over and again. Yeah, yeah, yeah. The meaning, like, God can save someone out of the midst of just the worst family imaginable and he can save someone out of a godly family, but then the one he saves out of the godly family is obviously going to have a leg up in a lot of different areas of life in ways that the one saved out of just the train wreck wasteland of a family is going to have, right?
Yeah. Like, meaning, so, like, if you're saved out of a family who has taught you from an early age what it means to be a
Christian, to walk with the Lord, you're not going to have all the baggage and all the problems that someone is going to have who got saved without any of that, right?
With no example of a father or a mother who is functioning in any way in a healthy way. So, God can obviously save people in that, but then we shouldn't pretend like as if there are not just entailments downstream that may take a few generations to course correct, you know?
All of those things. So, yeah, I mean, it's obviously like a tragic nightmare kind of scenario that you shouldn't wish upon anyone for sure.
And just sort of as a last kind of closing comment, and I want to hear your thoughts on this as well,
Tim, but isn't it really weird to you, or maybe it's not weird to you, I don't know, just sort of looking out and seeing the things that the, you know, the left who's pushing this idea or, well, to be fair,
I will be fair here. I think, you know, I think this has been happening on the conservative side as well.
You know, the conservative side of things politically where you have these sodomite men who are, you know, purchasing a child for themselves because they realize they can't produce one between the two of them.
So, in fairness there, there are some fake pretend conservatives out there who are doing the same exact thing, but typically, this is something that you would assign to like left ideology, right?
This progressive kind of ideology. And it's weird to me, you know, you look at the things that they are constantly just like screaming out against, you know, they're constantly speaking out against slavery and how bad slavery was, and, you know, it was so bad that we still need to pay reparations now, and it should never be okay, and, you know, all of these things,
America has committed the greatest sin ever in slavery. And, you know, we've done an episode on slavery, and in that episode, we recognized that, you know, that American slavery was wrong because it was man stealing.
But they take it so far beyond that in every way possible. And the same thing with women.
I mean, they're constantly fighting, you know, saying, fighting, pushing feminist sort of ideology, the idea that women are just as good as men.
They should be able to do all the same things that men do. They don't need to be in the home. They need to be out there going into thousands and thousands of dollars worth of debt to get a college education to go work a job and submit themselves to some other man who's going to be their boss.
And that's much better than being a homemaker at home, you know, and all of these things.
And then they go and they do stuff like this, where you're, you know, it's like, what's that show?
What's that show? I referenced, there's a show that they love to pretend is happening in real life right now.
Yeah, The Handmaid's Tale, The Handmaid's Tale. I mean, they love to pretend that that show is real.
And I think for them, that show is not fiction. That show is nonfiction for them.
But then, and the premise of the show for anyone who hasn't ever seen it or doesn't know what it's about is essentially, you know,
Christians, they've kind of taken over at least
America as far as I know. I haven't seen a ton of the show. I watched a few episodes, but they've sort of taken over and they've created some sort of program where they are essentially hiring these other people who are trained to bear the children and to raise the children for them.
And I say hiring, but it's really like an enslavement kind of thing more than anything. And they're supposed to dress a certain way and they have to act a certain way.
And, you know, it's all sorts of terrible for the handmaidens or whatever they're called.
I think it's handmaidens. And for the left, that show is reality to them.
They think it's real and they think that's what people want. And I guess they must be right because they're the ones doing that same exact thing.
They're hiring women to use them as incubators for children that are then going to be taken away from them.
And I understand, you know, they would come back and say, well, yeah, but they're willing participants in it, unlike the nonfiction handmaidens' tale.
But... But yeah, I mean, no mother is going to be able to do that and not come away unscathed.
Yeah. I mean, that's obviously going to be emotionally damaging for the child and for the mother.
And for the surrogate mother who is, you know, I mean, if it's like a third person, right? Right. Yeah. And so, you just have all these things that they constantly are pushing back against and they blow these things so far out of proportion and they declare how much they hate these things and how much they oppose them and how brave they are for opposing these things and whatnot.
But then they are constantly the ones pushing for stupid ideologies like the surrogacy stuff that places them in the perpetrator's role where they are now actively encouraging a type of enslavement.
They're now actively encouraging people to look at women as a means to an end instead of as a mother and that's functioning as a part of a healthy family dynamic.
I mean, have you noticed this? Is that weird to you at all or does that make sense to you?
Well, I mean, what's funny about it is apart from God, there really is no grounding for morality anyways.
And so, all you have is you have a bunch of individuals who have no objective grounding for morality who are LARPing as if they have a worldview in which any of these things are actually coherent.
So, I mean, like in the secular worldview, none of it makes any sense. It's just might makes right, survival of the fittest.
Let's not pretend like there's anything that's actually wrong with any of it, right? So, I mean, if God doesn't exist, then let's say that Christians were to take everything over and turn women into a bunch of breeders or whatever else like these horrible things that they're supposedly doing in this show.
I mean, none of that would matter. Who's to say is wrong according to who by what standard, so none of it matters anyways.
But then, no, I mean, the whole thing is that you have a worldview that's present here, which has basically like the whole worldview is the worldview of egalitarianism where everyone is essentially the same.
So, you have this worldview that was supposed to advance women and empower women and give women rights.
But then the ironic thing about the whole thing is that now perverted men have figured out how to game the system and become even more intersectional victims than women, right?
So, these perverted men have surpassed women even, right? And so, they've taken all the sympathy.
The whole idea is you set everyone against each other, women are victims of men, that's the rules.
And so, then women got all the capital, right? And then it turned into, then you had the race stuff and the women's stuff, and then now you have the whole sexual minority thing.
But then the problem is the sexual minority label trumps the woman label. And so, then–
So, that's the bigger victim label than the woman label.
And so, then that means that gays are more persecuted than women, you know? And then trans people, they're even more persecuted than both of them.
So, then you're in situations where they run roughshod over women in their sports. And then women, the thing is this whole ideology, it appeals to women and it appeals to their sensitivity and their compassion, but then they just painted themselves into a corner essentially, right?
So, in order to not be mean to anyone and not include anyone, right?
Not fail to include anyone and everything else. And you're in this situation where you have these ladies who are being beaten in sports by these men, and they're having to sit there and praise them and clap for them, right?
It's like, oh, she did so good, you know? They're in that kind of situation.
But then the same thing, it's just like, yeah, now we have to– now they have to become a birthing person, right?
For these two perverts essentially. So, that's what they have to do. So, they're being enslaved by the next iteration of their logic.
And it's like, I guess you did something honorable by making that baby. I thought that wasn't what you were.
You're just some baby factory or something like that. But now you're turning yourself into a baby factory for these men, and you don't even get to enjoy the baby anymore.
You're getting it taken from you because you've accepted a series of premises that are ridiculous.
But yeah, I mean, everything the left accuses the right of, I mean, it's just projection. They're doing the same thing and worse.
But yeah. Pete Yeah, every accusation is a confession, right? Jared Right, definitely. Pete Okay.
Well, I think that's a good place for us to wrap up the conversation on. And unfortunately, unless things change and unless we can, of course, correct as a nation and there's nationwide repentance that happens, this is probably going to be something that only continues to grow in popularity, unfortunately.
It's very upsetting to know that just because as Christians, we can see that this goes against God's created order.
And we know nothing good comes from going against His created order. And so, this is just going to cause a lot of problems, a lot of heartache and just unquantifiable damage in terms of the children that are going to be entering into these situations and the emotional damage that they're going to experience, the lack of a true upbringing that's going to provide them everything that they need to be functional members of society and let alone,
I mean, just totally forget about being raised up in a home where they're taught to fear the
Lord. That is out the window and that is heartbreaking in every way.
I mean, this should be something that we are totally disgusted by and honestly, an idea that should be mocked in every way possible because it is stupid.
It is that stupid. We should be mocking this idea, not entertaining it at all as a nation.
It will only destroy, it won't do anything good. So, that's definitely something to keep an eye out on as the years go by because you're probably going to see more of this.
And so, we need to have a stance as Christian, a well -thought -out stance that understands God's created order for the family because God's created order is the only good way.
There's not another good way. God's is the only good one. All the ones that we come up with are going to be bad.
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So, we appreciate all that and we'll catch you guys on the next one. And share our podcast with your friends and on social media.
Please reach out to us with your questions, pushback, and potential topics for us to discuss in future episodes at BibleBashedPodcast at gmail .com
and consider supporting us through Patreon. Now, go boldly and obey the truth in the midst of a biblically illiterate world who will be perpetually offended by your every move.