Daniel 8



Well, good morning Would uh One of you gentlemen like to open us up with a word of prayer any takers
All right, Brian Mack, would you open some up with a word of prayer? Yes, I'm him
Daniel chapter 8 Read the whole chapter in The third year the reign of Belshazzar the king a vision appeared to me
Daniel Subsequent to the one which appeared to me previously I looked in the vision and while I was looking
I was in the citadel of Susa Which is in the province of Elam and I looked in the vision and I myself was beside the
Oolac Canal Then I lifted up my eyes and looked and behold a ram which had two horns was standing in front of the canal
Now the two horns were long and one was longer than the other With the longer one coming up last
I saw the ram it was budding Westward northward and southward, but no other beasts could stand before him nor was there anyone to rescue from his power?
But he did as he pleased and magnified himself and while I was observing behold a male goat was coming and From the west over the surface of the whole earth without touching it and the goat had a conspicuous horn between his eyes
He came up to the ram and had that had the two horns Which I had seen standing in front of the canal and rushed at him in his mighty wrath
I saw him come beside the ram And he was enraged at him He struck the ram shattered his two horns and the ram had no strength to withstand him
So he hurled him to the ground and he trampled on him There was no one to rescue the ram from his power then the male goat magnified himself exceedingly
But as soon as he was mighty the large horn was broken and in its place came up for conspicuous horns
Toward the four winds of heaven and out of them came forth a rather small horn
Which grew exceedingly great toward the south and toward the east and toward the beautiful land
It grew up to the host of heaven and caused some of the host and some of the stars to fall to the earth and it trampled them down it even magnified itself equal to the commander of the host and it removed the regular sacrifice from him and placed his
Sanctuary in the place of his sanctuary was thrown down and on account of the transgression
The host will be given over to the horn along with the regular Sacrifice and it will fling truth to the ground and it will perform its will and prosper
Then I heard a holy one speaking and another holy one said to the to the particular one who who was speaking how long will the vision about the regular sacrifice apply while the
Transgression causes horror so as to allow both the holy place and the host to be trampled and he said to me for 2300 evening and mornings then the holy place will be properly restored
When I Daniel had seen this vision I sought to understand it and behold standing before me was one of the one who looked at me as a man and I heard the voice of a man between the the banks of Uli and Called out and he said
Gabriel give this man an understanding of the vision So he came near to where I was standing and when
I came I was frightened and I fell on my face But he said to me son of man understand the vision pertains to the time of the end
Now while I was talking with him, I sank into a deep sleep with my face to the ground, but he touched me
He made me stand upright and he said behold I'm going to let you know what will occur in the final period of the indignation for it pertains to the appointed time of the end the ram which you saw
With the two horns represents the media and Persia the shaggy goat represents the kingdom of Greece The large horn which is between his eyes is the first king
The broken horn and the four horns that arose and its plate replaced the four kingdoms which will arise from his nation
Although not with his power in the latter period of their rule when the transgression has run their course
A king will arise insolent skilled and intrigue his power will be mighty, but not by his own power
He will destroy with an extraordinary degree and prosper and perform his will and he will destroy
Mighty men and the holy people and through his shrewdness. He will cause deceit Succeed by his influence and he will magnify himself in his own heart and he will destroy many while they are at ease
He will even oppose the Prince of princes and he will be broken without human agency the vision of the evening and mornings
Which is which has been told is true But keep the vision secret for it pertains to many days in the future and then
I Daniel was exhausted I was sick for days that I got up again carried out the king's business
But I was astounded at the vision and there was no none to explain it. Well, it's been
About two years or so since the last vision that he got in Daniel 7
You know it ended it with the end of Daniel 7 that he grew sick and pale and he had to keep
Trying to keep the matter to himself. Do you understand what happened in chapter 7?
What made Daniel sick? anybody remember Did he eat something bad did he drink some bad water was the wine too fermented, what was it?
Yeah, he made him sick the fact that oh here it is. There's gonna be this time of restoration Remember that he had just seen this vision of the
Son of Man that was gonna give the kingdom to his people But then he talked about that fourth beast which a little horn was gonna rise out of it
And it was gonna persecute the people of God It was gonna trample them down and he was gonna make war with them and it made him sick to his stomach
Okay, that brings us to It's all it's almost like God says, okay
I'm gonna let this guy gather his senses with his stomachs not hurting anymore And then I'm gonna give him another vision that's gonna make him sick again and that gives he gives the vision here of The in the third reign of Belshazzar.
He gives him another vision now This chapter 8 chapter 11 and 12 are so detailed in its prophetic material that Liberal scholars say that there is no way that this was written by Daniel himself
That this had to be written after the time they took place now if you believe in The inspiration of the by the
Spirit of God to Scripture and you believe in predictive prophecy That's no problem for us. But eggheaded liberals.
They say there's no way this could happen That's why that a lot of people believe that Daniel I say people Academia believe that Daniel was written in the 2nd century not the 6th century
BC. Okay What time Does some some believe it was written in 2nd century
BC meaning after all of this after the time of this This other little hornet raises itself up in the third kingdom and but it's actually written in the 6th century
Remember, we're working towards zero. Okay Towards Christ remember if you're looking at the timeline everybody follow me
BC this way. Okay So Daniel it has this vision
It says he was looking this is in verse 2 I looked in the vision while I was looking
I was in the citadel of Sousa in the providence of Elam first of all Is Daniel in the citadel of Sousa Correct no, he's not it's a vision and what's the difference between vision in a dream?
That's it that's the easiest way to figure it out it ones one you're awake and one you're not he is in the citadel of Sousa now if you were going to take the
Right here. This would be The Euphrates and this would be the
Tigris This is actually where he says he's having his vision now over here
This is about right here He's not in the
Persian Empire He is having a vision of being in the Persian Empire. Okay. He is actually still under the control of what
Empire at this time He's in Babylon Okay, he's in Babylon.
So he is he's having a vision of this second world power. That's gonna come
It's gonna come about It says he's in the providence of Elam if you were to take it it would be
This The providence of Elam was about like that That was part of the
Persian Empire would be sort of like a state. I guess you would say Hey little buddy
And he says and he looked in the vision. He was beside him beside the Oolac Canal He said he lifted up his eyes and looked and behold a ram which had two horns was standing in front of the canal so This is you got a ram and this is
Not really what the ram looks like, but he's got he got a horn Okay I should get her to draw me a picture.
She draw me some good pictures last time and then he's got another horn How does it look like that? That looks like hairs
I'm better at drawing maps So So he's got a got a ram and it says
There were two horns and one was longer than the other now we're seeing what's called parallelism again, you remember what it when the when we saw the
Colossus of the of the A the giant statue back when
Nebuchadnezzar had his dream. What was Media Persia? It was the arms and chest remember two arms, okay, then when we get to the beasts, what was it it was a bear
That was what was wrong with the bear He was jacked up. Yeah, he was jacked up on one side because meaning the media
Persian Remember the medians come along. They're more ancient the Persians come along later
History, but the Persians rise up to be much greater. They become much bigger and Their exploits become much greater
Well in this case, he's saying the same thing It's just a parallel that one of those horns comes up now
I would say what causes this to this is in 550
BC Cyrus Then unifies
To the alchemy and I ain't gonna spell it Because I ain't be able to the alchemy
Alchemy did Dynasty and this will go on in desert season everywhere, but he unified them
He became one of the greatest rulers of and this guy's huge now in history
Go ahead and say whom
I think this is He Becomes the leader that takes the conquest to its to probably one of its furthest till you get the time of Xerxes but Xerxes and begins to To tax the the mess out of his people for his war campaigns and all that So anyway, you have this guy unifies it raise it up.
He begins to make his campaign It says and I saw the ram this is in Verse 4
I saw the ram it was budding westward Northward and southward.
Why would it be budding in those directions? Let's just let's just think about that for a second if this is the capital
Of Persia, he's gonna go what way
West you gonna go this way You're gonna go this way You're gonna go this way
This is the furthest there their plate. They didn't go when he didn't go this way
Okay, they didn't they didn't go towards the Indus River. They didn't try to go into India They didn't he didn't try to go into those areas, but he did head towards the west
That was most of his campaign was headed to the west and it says that they he budded and went
Westward northward and southward there was no beast that could stand before him and what did the beast represent so far?
What has beast represented? kingdoms world powers Empires political, okay
It could they couldn't stand before him and nor was there anyone there to rescue him from his power
We could even say and we'll get to this at some point Even when Cyrus the
Great Darius the mead comes in he takes over Babylon and he takes it over Could could the kingdom could though the armies of Babylon withstand it?
No, actually if they came in and overtook it with almost little to no bloodshed
It was some but little to none and it's interesting how he did that when he came in They dried up the
Euphrates he dug canals to reroute the The the
Euphrates so that his armies could cross the river and then they came into the gates under it
It's actually awesome. You got to read it in history how he did it absolute mastermind and I do believe that does when we get to Revelation talks about the drying up of the
Euphrates in the fall of Babylon and all that It's it's it's remembering how the fall of Babylon happened.
And how did it happen? They dried up the Euphrates in the Great Babylon in in The fall of Great Babylon or the whore of Babylon in Revelation What does it talk about how that takes place the drying up of the
Euphrates so that the armies could comes in? Signifying some another great fall at the end of the age
So here it is. There's no one that could stop his power. He did as he pleased and he magnifies himself so you had
The Persian Empire doing whatever they want. Nope that they were unstoppable for 219 221 years depending on how you see that you had
Everyone from Darius yet Cyrus the Great you had there who's
Darius the mead you had The Darius's you had then the dollar desert seas and Xerxes Okay, it would be when as they continued their campaign this way and I'm gonna have to you would come to This would be like Asia Minor This right here would be as they pushed this way the
Persian Empire through And it's full and it's full
Incursion would have been under Darius the third as he is moving this way already conquered most of this heading this way
He then goes into Asia Minor. He's gonna go across there and he's going to go into Thrace and try to He's gonna try to overtake
Thrace. He's going to try to subdue Greece and Macedonia Okay, as he's doing that he is subduing all those nations around and as he's doing
So he is taking some of the Macedonians. He has taken some of their little villages he has also now taken some of the
Greeks and Decided to say hey did not you've submitted to me. I'll save your life
I will pay you to fight my wars for me. So you have Greek mercenaries so It says here
That while I was observing This is verse 5 a male goat was coming from the
West over the surface of the whole earth without touching the ground So now you've got this giant ram with these two great horns, right?
Now you got a goat is a goat big compared to a ram
No, hey me and Luke were on the way home a few weeks ago Remember that chick we see walking the goat down the road out here
She was walking a buck down the road I was like, look at that chick. I thought it was a big old dog.
It was a big old goat That was funny. So I Thought we thought it was a big dog.
I'm I think that horns So you got this ram who's
Does whatever he wants and then all of a sudden in this vision this male goat appears and it is like floating across the earth
So just imagine It be getting his brain. He's seeing this vision. Here's the globe and he sees this like supercharged floating
Floating go to burn, you know going across the earth if it's floating not touching the earth.
That means it's doing what? And it's moving fast. It's moving quick It says and it was coming from the
West over the surface of the whole earth. Nothing was touching it. So This little goat that's coming up has
Realized he don't like what this this Rams been doing This goat says
I want to raise up An army and I'm gonna take it back now
He goes back this this raising up would have been around with Philip of Macedon Which would be
Alexander the Great's dad. Okay, he goes back And says hey, do you remember?
They the Battle of Thermopylae Anybody remember that we talked about this early on Battle of Thermopylae where the 300 movie was?
Okay, the Persians killed those men. They killed Sparta. They had subdued them took over there
Okay, they subdued Greece they had as and I think it was in 492 as Xerxes came into his first incursion into Into Greece he tried to push back on to overtake it that they actually did push them back
The first time the second time he comes in he they were unable to withstand it
Athens fell Obviously Thermopylae fell and they were subdued so Macedon had not
Filled the Macedon after that that would have been a 490 for 480 490 would in battle
Thermopylae then Along comes Philip of Macedon and he begins to go back and say you see what they have done to our people
They have enslaved them. They have taken our women to be their wives.
They have taken our property and They have paid our men to fight against us So he says you know what?
We're gonna start taking back our land and what he did is he used that hatred to fuel the fury to go against the
Persian Empire in the meantime around 336
Yeah around 336 Philip of Macedon is murdered He is murdered by a guy named
Posseus Posseus was believed to be his homosexual lover who got who got
Jealous of his new lover and Killed him. There's much speculation how all that came about but they believe it was masturbated by the
Persians to have this done So that it would stop Philip of Macedon from coming in and taking over Just starting to take this land back.
Okay when he dies Alexander the
Great was a young man. He'd have probably 18 to 20 Come on in and he hey, hey
That's all right. Hey, miss Eleanor. Hey Good morning
So He dies Alexander the Great takes power.
He is told he's the king. He goes back He is instant. He is not only the general
He's the king of Macedon and he the he then says, okay, we're gonna
I'm gonna finish What my dad started and not only that I'm gonna do it better Aristotle his
Aristotle was the tutor and teacher of Alexander the Great, okay
Alexander the Great this is what is said he told Aristotle a 13 14 year old boy.
He said once my dad takes over Greece and Thrace There'll be nothing for me to take
And he said he pulled he pulled out a map of the world Aristotle did and he said
You take all that Interesting when you think about what was put into the brain of Alexander the
Great by his tutor and teacher and not only that he was reading Homer's Iliad and if you know anything about Alexander the
Great his life was basically trying to relive that story He thought he was
Achilles and he began as he when he was found On his campaigns he had
Homer's Iliad with him and that's basically even one of his friends says hey, this is who I am This is who you are.
We're gonna take over the world That was Alexander the Great's Desire was to rule the whole world and he used it with hatred and fury towards the
Persian Empire For what they did to their people and he he did it very swiftly.
So his dad dies in 336 You got to see how fast this is in time
Because when you see on a map where he's got to go, it's crazy His dad dies in 336
BC He's got to go back to He goes back to Pella which is the
Macedonian capital Basically receives that he's got to take care of a couple of issues in Thebes Only if y 'all remember that they didn't want him to be king
He wiped out some 6 ,000 people burnt the place to the ground left one his favorite One of his favorite poets left his house intact.
That's it What I mean just laid waste to it enslaved those that didn't that he didn't kill and took them off He's he basically made
Thebes This is what I'm gonna do to anybody that doesn't that doesn't fall up under what I'm saying to it
That's basically what he made an example In three This is
Alexander takes crown It will be in 334
He will go to Granicus and I don't have no room to do that over there the battle of the
Granicus River He then it is heard that Alexander is has taken over areas of Macedonia and starting to take back stuff in Greece Darius the
Darius the third dispatches people and Mercenaries Greek mercenaries go stop.
Whatever Alex is doing Slowing down they come over as they're fixing to cross the the
Granicus River with 37 ,000 troops. Okay, and they're fixing to take on a hundred thousand infantry and 10 ,000 cavalry and They lay waste to them
He pushes them back Alexander wins just like you know,
Alexander didn't lose anything, but his life at the end. He didn't lose anything He lost a battles.
He didn't lose anything. He was he had when you look at a wins and losses
He had this he had none there. He was a winner. All he did was win win win
So Granicus River they win Then 333 the
Battle of Isis Darius says okay.
I Lost here. I'm gonna send reinforcements. I'm gonna send the real deal this time member
He sent Grecian mercenaries to help take care of his own Those he didn't kill
Alexander Enslaved sent them back now Remember when he sent them back
He had already told his people the reason why we're going to fight the Persians is because we're liberating them from the
Persians What did Alexander the Great do with Grecian people here though? He enslaved them
He enslaved those mercenaries, although he saw them as traitors that did cause some friction at that point
This here cause some friction back at home he will win that back here
He is draining money to fight this battle here He is now as he's making his but the
Isis is over here as he's traveling this way He's he is getting temples.
He's getting banks He is he is pillaging everything to help his campaign to pay his 37 ,000
Cavalry and send money back home for his for Antipater and his mama who were keeping it holding the fort down while he's gone.
So Battle of Isis comes Darius says I'm all I'm gonna fix him He sends the real deal.
He says the Immortals and all that from the only thing about the Immortals Okay, since all of those guys there
Alexander smashes them again Not only does he smash him
That coward Darius leaves his wife And his daughter behind Yeah, guess who catches them
Alexander the Great So They recruit
Darius the third says I'll get him this time Battle of Guagamela Darius the third tries it again
He gets wasted He gets on as he has to run He has now lost his kingdom and it is at 331 that the
Persian Empire Falls to Alexander the Great fueled with fury.
What does the text say here? Text said it was that goat was fueled with fury
Hatred Hatred towards what the Persian people had done to the Empire The as they went into the
Greeks and Thrace and into Macedonia Alexander the Great then
Conquers them at Guagamela Darius the Great it runs. He loses his kingdom.
The Persian Empire is no more and in 331 the Persian Empire is now run by What he wanted to be called the king of Kings Alexander the
Great Just to let you know the great did not come from Alexander That didn't come until the
Romans came along and they called him the great He he preferred to be called king of Kings He continues his campaign
Overtaking all the way to the Indus River And if I had The Indus River they take it all the way over to India they sail the
Indus River Taking over villages Expanding his empire.
They thought the Indus River was the furthest place to go and It was not but they thought that was the furthest reaches.
They got some of them when they got there his men said hey We were we're done. We can't continue to do this
He Said well, then if this is it if this is where the furthest reaches Then he put them some of them on a boat let them sail down The Indus River into the ocean let them see what they had conquered.
He said I'll go back We'll regroup start making reforms. This was around 326 he makes his way to battle on He makes his way back to Babylon He's Regrouping for another campaign because he he is a conqueror if he's not warring he ain't happy So he's making a campaign to go down into Arabia And as he is planning to do that, they have some drinking parties
He gets drunk. He either gets there's Multiple different sources say that he got drunk got fever
Some say he was poisoned Ultimately, we don't know but we know this when he did die he died in Babylon and he did he had one heir to the throne through his wife one of his wives
Roxanne and That child was soon killed along with Roxanne and any mother heir that was going to be
So therefore that left His four generals
Cassander Lysimachus Ptolemy and Seleucus now
This is what wind up being okay, he had some other generals But it says here remember if we saw the leopard had what four heads you remember?
So the these are the four and this even says here that four horns The large horn that grew up out of that goats head, what was it?
Who was it? Alexander the Great Alexander the Great when he magnified himself He dies it breaks off these four horns arise four horns mean powers political
Political authority or armies that his his empire splits into these three
I mean to these four He takes Greece Macedonia Lysimachus gets
Thrace Asia Ptolemy takes
Egypt Palestine He gets
Syria that's where The four horns come up now and we're running out of time
It said back as in verse 8 said the male goat magnified himself exceedingly.
It grew a large horn It broke out and went across the four winds Then verse 9 out of one of them came forth a rather small horn which grew exceedingly great toward the south
Toward the east and toward the beautiful land now out of those
Four it says one grows
And it grows to the south These go away these two
Begin to fight and they fight a lot Political alliances are made between the two to try to keep it from going on matter of fact
I think I said this early on who thought whoever thought Cleopatra was
An Ethiopian Egyptian she was not she was Greek Matter of fact Philippa Macedon's wife first wife.
Her name was Cleopatra. They were Greeks Macedonians There is a couple of Cleopatra's that come out and hit the
Ptolemy Empire but the one that will rise up out of those four will be the
Seleucids and You will have
Antiochus's one Seleucid ones Antiochus twos and Seleucid twos
Antiochus threes and Seleucid threes and then you will have Antiochus the fourth
And that is who the little horn that ray got raises itself and moves itself
Towards the beautiful land and it says it grew up to the host of heaven causing some of the host and some of the stars to fall to the earth
It trampled them down It even magnifies itself equal with the commander of the host and it removed the regular sacrifice from him and placed his sanctuary
I'm sorry, and the place of his sanctuary was thrown down. It's saying let me
Antiochus the fourth is the man's name He raises himself up to be a man that hates
Jewish culture He hates the Jewish people he begins to make incursions into Palestine he's actually on his way to Egypt to fight with Ptolemy again and on his way there he is stopped by the
Romans and We have a number of cliches that come out of the book of Daniel we have the writing on the wall but we also have one that comes out of there called the line in the sand and Antiochus on his way there is
Cap is cut off by the ships of Katim and we'll talk hey some of this gets even more explained towards the end of the book
He is he is on his way there. He is going to fight Take Egypt.
He stops the ships of Katim from there the guy the general for the Roman fleet Comes up to him.
He takes a stick Put the circle around him put the line in the sand
He said you ain't coming out of there do you tell me if you want to make peace if you want to make war He said you step out of there without making peace.
The Roman fleets are coming and Knowing he was overmatched
Antiochus Epiphany left with his tail tucked between his legs he left being
Humiliated in front of all of his people and on his way back He's gonna stop by the beautiful land he's gonna stop by the land of Israel and where he had
Large amounts of money needed to continue his campaign. He was gonna rape and pillage and take the temple gold and strip it and He had a desire to Hellenize not
I would say he even had a desire to make Greek culture worse than Alexander Alexander when he
Once he had conquered all of the Persian Empire. He began to have Persian tendencies
Some of those men didn't like that some of his they hey man Look, we were getting rid of the Persians because we hated them now we have
Persian Influence coming in on our king. So when he died you had these other men raise up who hey, you know what?
we don't want anything but Hellenistic culture throughout the world and Antiochus Epiphanes was going to do
Hellenistic cult culture throughout the known world or in his region by the sword and We got two minutes
So I'll stop right here so we can take some questions because next week we'll finish next week this chapter
But we're getting into a man that is known in history no debate There is no debate in this book as a who this man is in history
No, no debate at all He was he hated the Jewish people. He persecuted Jewish people
He hate he his desire was to kill all the Jewish people that didn't Hellenize themselves any questions disagreements clarifications
Have I fully confused everybody Have I yes, ma 'am
I Am coming from Daniel chapter 8 and What's it what's good about Daniel 8 is when
Daniel asked him the question. Hey, can can somebody help me?
understand this the There's no No room for error.
The next that the ram that you saw was who? Persia the goat that you saw is
Greece so Daniel knew hey the ones that are coming to overtake the Babylonians was going to be the
Persian Empire good Yeah, he yes and I was gonna get to that next week there is he as as he raises himself up to be
Quote the man of the Seleucid Empire He claims himself to be
God and he he renames himself Theos Antiochus Epiphanes which means
Antiochus God manifest now because of his ruthless and hateful treatment towards people his his subjects called him
Antiochus Epimenes Epimenes means madman So that's how that's how his subjects saw him.
I don't think anybody was running up to him saying hey Antiochus Epiphanes because he would
Very quickly, but that's how his subjects and he was a bloodthirsty madman,
I Even will say and I can at least Show you from the text that his hatred that was fueled towards the
Jewish people at this time I believe was a demonic power because it says what he does go back if y 'all want to read this for next week
We'll get into it. It says that he doesn't do it with his own power He doesn't do what he does with his own power and even as we go further into the book
You're gonna see the Prince of Persia is a demonic power and he even even when
Michael says hey I've got to I've got to leave and quit fighting the Prince of Persia I got to go protect
I got to go protect the next one because of the other powers that are coming it's showing the the demonic and Spiritual forces that are in the unseen world.
We're actually going to get to a part in the book where there is like this angelic fight in the sky
Where that takes place? I don't know somewhere up there But we're going to see that these powers although Ordained by God raised up by God who raises up Alexander the
Great's Who throws down Alexander the Great's? Who raises up the
Antiochus Epiphanes? God does who's gonna throw him down? God's going to Yes, sir
Yes Actually, I would say even at at the time of Alexander the
Hellenistic the culture had already began start to infect the Jews There is even you can read in Josephus.
I think it's antiquities book six chapter 11
I think it's around section three 300 400 something like that You can go and see there is an interaction where he has taken over Tyre which took about a year
He has come down to Gaza and as Alexander the Great's making his campaign towards Alexandria, which he wasn't
Alexandria yet He was gonna conquer Alexandria and make that the capital in Egypt. He comes through and is going to conquer
Jerusalem and As he comes through there these guys aren't
Hellenized they closed the gates Don't let him in he's humiliated. He's gonna get up the next day.
We're gonna wipe him out We're gonna go in there. You know, I ain't give him an option. They closed the gates on me. Supposedly that was on the
Sabbath that's why the gates were closed and The next day they show up Jadus the high priest at the time said hey,
I had a vision from God He told me all was dressed up in white meet him out there they meet Alexander the
Great and he says The Bible talks about you, dude
Seriously, that's what he does. He says God free a day
Daniel Predicted your rise. No, she didn't say your fault. He said you'll rise and he said
I'm gonna save this city God has ordained me where I'm at now He didn't know he didn't understand it the way we would but he did understand that Hey the the
God of all creation had ordained me to where I'm supposed to be This man is recognizing that there is a
God over all things that has put me in my position and he stayed the city He stayed the city and he went on to do his other stuff and taken
Alexandria and all that But you can read that in Josephus antiquities if you want And then next week we'll pick up We'll pick up in verse 9 so that we can get some of the context we'll talk about the 2300 evening and mornings and then we'll get we'll get to the end