Wednesday, September 7, 2022 AM


Sunnyside Baptist Church David Casson


Cross -cultural I have been I have had meals with family and friends literally all over the world and this is
This is just something that every culture Loves and isn't it?
You know amazing, you know, it shouldn't surprise us at all that The fellowship meal became that that part of Christianity that early
Christianity and we just centered around it before we just you know get started and again, this is not a
Sermon, this is more like a more like a discussion So I feel like more like I'm a discussion leader if you have questions raise your hand have comments.
Go ahead. No problem I did want to make one announcement if anybody would like to Practice or rehearse for the psalm singing on Sunday There will be a rehearsal just following prayer meeting in the fellowship hall
So some of the tunes are a little bit older some are a little more difficult to learn
They're not quite as familiar, but if you practice a little bit Then they become become easier and I I can
I can second that I would probably I could use a little rehearsal time myself Why don't we start with the word prayer and then we'll get started on some devotion time
Lord God in heaven We acknowledge that the only reason we can come before you in prayer is because of what
Christ has done on our behalf Our identity is in him you look at us you see him and the
Holy Spirit prays for us with groanings too deep for words be with us as we open up your word and Learn from it learn more about who you are and who we are in you
In the holy name of Christ Jesus we pray Amen if you would turn in your
Bibles to Colossians 1 We'll be in primarily
Colossians 1 we'll jump around a little bit, but the text that I wanted to bring to you tonight is
Colossians 1 13 and 14 Out of the English Standard, which is what
I have in front of me right now It the text reads he has delivered us
From the domain of darkness and transferred us into the kingdom of his beloved Son In whom we have redemption the forgiveness of sins
There are some different versions Out there who has a different version because I've got the new
King James also in front of me King James, please
Slight differences there are some textual variants there are some differences here, and I don't want you to get bogged down in some of these
Differences especially if you are an advocate for King James Fabulous translation
There have been some movements throughout history It says that some of the newer translation trying to take the blood out of out of the scriptures
No Just read the rest of Colossians So you can actually read a couple of versions a little bit later on and references the blood of Christ That's where our redemption comes from its flesh and blood so don't get bogged down there
That's not the point the point Paul is making is
You were This You're now this so like I said
It's a little bit of audience participation What are
The state of those who are in the domain of darkness What are the state of those who are in the kingdom of his beloved
Son and don't get wrapped around the axle of? Domain versus kingdom is Satan a king
Do the scriptures refer to him as a king Yes It does he's not the king certainly not king of kings
You can remember in Matthew 12 where They were accusing
Christ of casting out demons by the power of Beelzebub and it says you're casting out and he said that's impossible a
Kingdom divided against itself cannot stand I'm not gonna can't cast out Beelzebub by the power of Beelzebub But if I am casting out demons by the power of the
Holy Spirit, then you know, the kingdom of God has come upon you so Yes, he's a kingdom and it's unified
So domain kingdom two different realms. So what is the state of people that are in the domain of darkness?
Versus the state of people in the kingdom of his beloved Son. I'll Start sure we have lost
Lost so hope hopeless. Sure dead trespasses and sin.
That's a great one. I'm just right dead blind blind
We can go on and on can't we one thing that Paul does though is he contrasts? You were this you're now this.
All right, so we've got here's one. I was about to say here's my favorite one That's the terrible thing to say
Slaves of sin contrast that with slaves of Christ yes,
I should have been a doctor because my handwriting is terrible So that's
Romans 620 You were slaves of sin and now you are slaves of God 622 or and in some verse a slaves of slaves of Christ with slaves of God Tell me that another contrast in the scriptures
Paul does this a lot so Lost hopeless.
So I once was lost but now am Found and that a great one so Say again, yes,
I like that deaf and And Hearing Contrast you were this you're now this you were this you're now this
Here's a look. Here's one that Some people don't like very much But yet is still true
Romans 8 7 Romans 8 7 says starting in 6
For to set the mind on the flesh is death But to set the mind on the spirit is life and peace For the mind that is set on flesh is hostile to God.
It does not submit to God's law indeed it Cannot so you they do not and they're unable to obey
All right contrast that versus the flesh walking the spirit unable to obey are we now able to obey how do we know that What's the scripture say that you're able to obey?
Off the top of my head Ezekiel 36 26 He took from you the heart of heart of stone and gave you a heart of flesh
I'll cause you to walk in my statutes or Jeremiah 31 or a Hebrews 8 You had the law of God written on your heart again another contrast
Not on tablets of stone But on the tablets of your heart not like the covenant that I made with him when
I brought my land of Egypt It's a new one the contrast the contrast contrast so we
He has delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved son, sir
One of my wife's favorite Phrases and the scriptures is but God Exactly that's exactly the kind of contrast that I was thinking that I think that Paul is making right here the realm of darkness the realm of God kingdom of darkness kingdom of God domain of darkness
Under the power of this slaves have said ma 'am Alien and reconciled alien stranger
It's not just being alien although that's exactly what that says Is there not a verse that also calls us enemies?
That need to be reconciled So aliens strangers you are in someone else's realm illegally and now
You have become an adopted son Excuse me so enemies of God Romans 5
Adopted children of God Romans 8 in the first Adam Romans 5 in the second
Adam so Romans 5 18 let's just let's let's put a nail in this in this coffin, so Therefore is one trespass led to condemnation of all friends.
So one act of righteousness leads justification in life for all men in one man condemnation
In the new man the new Adam life and grace and peace for all who are in him
All who are in Adam are dead all who are in Christ are alive
That's the contrast that we see in this one verse okay
What does Jesus say about the kingdom all right? So you are are you in the kingdom of God if we establish the fact that we are in the kingdom of God We are citizens
We are Adopted we've been transferred this and it's not like I'm looking around.
I mean Sometimes it feels pretty dark But the scriptures say
You have been transferred into the kingdom of his beloved son You have a new citizenship.
You have a new state. You have a new identity You're someone else they're alone in a crowd of people
And we are not even when we are alone. We are not alone again a contrast So what does
Jesus say about his kingdom? We said that if he casts out demons by the Spirit of Christ the kingdoms come upon you what
I like to say and what we've heard Michael say before is Wherever the king is that's where the kingdom is he brings it with him
He is King you can even reference
Acts 2 Last sermon the sermon on Sunday is
Christ on David's throne in heaven Is he even enthroned? What does it mean to be enthroned?
Means you've been coronated been crowned you're king. That's what it means So are we in any doubt that when
Christ takes the throne? He is King Is there any confusion that that's what the scriptures teach?
No, is there any confusion? That we have been transferred into this kingdom. No, that's what the scriptures teach.
All right, so what? That's that's a pleasant thought okay, so what and that's okay, that's an okay question to ask by the way
So what what does that mean? not because of who you are but because of who
He is so everything you just described. You said this is how I think and act and move forward
Because of what Christ is because of who Christ is and what he has done the focus is on him
I think that's a perfect description So Would someone please read so we're gonna if you want to know if you really want to put a verse in context and know what
It means it's as simple as reading several the verses before and several the verses after the paragraph before in the paragraph after It's not cosmic
But you can rip a verse out of context and make it say anything. So let's not rip this out It's all we're in the kingdom time to Because take dominion and take up arms.
Well, okay Back up. What does Paul want us to do? Let's read verses 9 through 12
Verse 9 and so from the day we heard we have not ceased to pray for you asking that you may be Filled with the knowledge of as well and all spiritual wisdom and understanding so as to walk in a manner worthy of the
Lord Fully pleasing to him bearing fruit in every good work increasing in the knowledge of God So we've got walk in a manner worthy of the
Lord fully pleasing to him bearing fruit increasing in knowledge What else what else does
Paul want us to do? Strengthened with all power according to his glorious might according to all patience endurance and patience with joy endure with joy bear fruit increase in knowledge
Walk in a manner worthy of him. That's what a citizen of the kingdom does.
This is what you do Because you're not here. You're here You are instead of lost hopeless dead a slave of sin.
You're a slave of Christ. You're a slave of God. You're not deaf You're hearing you're no longer in the state of unable and unwilling to obey.
You now have the capacity to obey Why? Because you are in Christ that's your new identity
You are able to obey you are a citizen of that kingdom so he gives you some marching orders and because of this
He give giving thanks to the father so you give thanks to him for what he has done His qualified you
Sealed you Stamped you and said yes qualified qualified qualified qualified To share in the inheritance of the
Saints in light not the domain of darkness the domain of light For he has transferred us from the domain of darkness and Transferred us it could have delivered us from the domain of darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved son in whom
We have the redemption the forgiveness of sins. He has reconciled enemies He has brought those who were against him.
We're now not just for we're not just allies. We're in his family We're adopted.
Who is this King? What else does it say?
Colossians 15 20? All right, so we're in the kingdom of kingdom of his beloved son. Who is this? he is the image of the invisible
God the firstborn of all creation if you're not at all if you're at all confused on who this person is
Paul delivers a Giant punch to the gut.
He's like pay attention. This is not just a nice teacher who fed the hungry and performed a magic trick
Look like he was dead and he was alive This is who this King is in whose kingdom you are who has been whose image you have now been stamped to whom you owe your obedience and allegiance and You have been empowered to obey.
Who is this Christ? the firstborn of all creation Meaning the preeminent number one for by him all things were created.
Oh, so he's not part of creation. He's creator In heaven and on earth visible and invisible with the thrones or dominions or powers or authorities all things were created through him and for him
This isn't just some man your king He is before all things and in him all things hold together
He is the head of the body of the church and he is the beginning firstborn from the dead That in everything he might be preeminent number one the first The most important for in him all the fullness of deity dwells in bodily form
That's your king and through him to reconcile to himself all things whether on earth or in heaven
Making peace by the blood of his cross There's that blood reference. So this translations.
Okay Okay, that's who the king is. That's his kingdom.
We're in that's whose image we've been stamped by. All right So so what okay, so you've given us these marching orders, this is the kingdom
I'm in this is who I'm following and You who are once alienated and hostile
Doing evil deeds. This is who you were just as a reminder Here's a reason to praise him because this is who you were
But now who are you? Reconciled in the body of his flesh by his death in order to present you holy and blameless and above reproach
Before him and if indeed and these through your final marching orders continue in the faith stable steadfast not shifting
From the hope of the gospel that has been proclaimed under all creation. Of course has been complained proclaimed under all creation
We just read about the firstborn of creation We just read about the one who created all things who created he was created all things were created for him through him by him
So, of course is being proclaimed under all creation because he's the ruler of all creation So we have our marching orders now that we know that we're in this kingdom
This is what we do. We live in a manner worthy of Him who called us
What did he call us to? Well, he ripped us out of please Call us to good works and We know the famous verse of good works.
Here's some more. It's not an exhaustive list. It's a it's kind of a theme Mr. Kenna and I were talking about this earlier.
I'm not going to give you all the answers to the test You know, it's it's it's it's a it's conceptual
So he says this is who you are Be strengthened in power and glorious might and endurance endure with patience and joy endure be steadfast
This is who you are being qualified to share in the inheritance of light. There's your kingdom.
This is your king therefore Continue in the faith be steady stable steadfast
And the hope of the gospel as you heard at the beginning That's what it means to be in the kingdom of God That's what it means to be a citizen so we are in the world and I'll finish with this
We're in the world but we are not of the world we hear that a lot we say that a lot
While you sojourned here on earth While you are an alien here in this world
Remember who you are Remember, you're the child of a king So act like it conduct yourselves with dignity grace strength hope steadfastness
The child of a king we should act like it any closing thoughts or anything else as we were talking through this there's
Mean we could stand up here. I've got all sorts of verses and stuff. I wanted to bring you to bring it I don't have time to do that. But mr.
Dwight, please He has delivered us, how did we get from here over to there?
He has You know, we didn't get ourselves over there, thank you for bringing that up.
Yeah, he has done it so who gets all the praise Yes, we do
Yes, we are. We're ambassadors of the king. We have a message to share and We are responsible to share it accurately
Because we are a reflection of our king and we don't want to bring
Reproach upon him. What is what is Peter? So it would when you're persecuted for doing wrong you deserve it
But if you're persecuted For doing what is right? You're blessed So when you represent the king accurately and you're maligned for which you know, because everybody else
Their enemies They don't like Christ and they don't like you So expect that opposition, but just make sure that the opposition you're experiencing is because you're reflecting
Christ And you know, if you really really reflect Christ you can get murdered like he did
Sir Therefore my heart was glad and my tongue exulted
Moreover, my flesh also will live in hope Because you will not abandon my soul to hail
Nor allow your Holy One to undergo decay You have made known to me the ways of life.
You will make me full of gladness with your presence the testimony of knowing
Christ in the light in that kingdom that domain In your presence there is fullness of joy at your right hand there are
Pleasures forevermore. I want you to pay over and over Revenge seekers and peacemakers
Gentiles are the riches of the glory of this mystery, which is Christ in you The mystery
Of Christ in you I Would love to sit here and and just hear all your
I'm so Thankful that people are being so interactive. Thank you for this When the
God looks at you he sees Christ instead That's your new identity I Agree.
All right. I would love to hear more of your thoughts. I really would so do come talk to me afterwards