Casting Crowns yokes w/ Roman Catholic Church (The Fest)
The Fest is an “Annual one-day event that brings people together from all regions to enjoy an inspiring day of faith, family & fun!” Designed to “Inspire and energize teens, young adults, and families in the Northeast Ohio region, the event features concerts, activities for children, food trucks, and fellowship, attracting tens of thousands of people each year.
The bands are one of the largest draws, and over the years, some of the biggest acts in Christian music have performed there, including Steven Curtis Chapman, Michael W. Smith, Jeremy Camp, Jars of Clay (ie Jars of Gay) , Casting Crowns, Big Daddy Weave, Switchfoot, Skillet, Third Day, for King & Country, Mercy Me, Matt Maher, Crowder, Toby Mac, Phil Wickham, We the Kingdom, and Chris Tomlin.....
For the full article click here:
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- So did you hear what's happening supposedly? Evangelical music groups are yoking together with the
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- Roman Catholic Church This is all part of the end times deception where the Pope and the
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- Catholic Church are trying to unite all religions into a one -world System a one -world religion the book of Revelation chapter 13 talks about this, but it's happening right before our eyes
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- I saw this article on Protestia, I want to read at the headline asked why are so many Christian musicians like casting crowns?
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- performing at this Roman Catholic music festival The fest that's what it's called
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- The fest is an annual one -day event that brings people together from all religions to enjoy an inspiring day of faith family and fun
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- Designed to inspire and energize teens young adults and families in the
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- Northeast, Ohio region The event features Concerts activities for children food trucks fellowship attracting tens of thousands of people each year.
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- What's the problem with this? You can't have fellowship with people from another religion You can't have fellowship with unbelievers the
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- Apostle Paul wrote in 2nd Corinthians chapter 6 do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers
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- We are to be separate come out from among them and be Separate but no the
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- Pope and the Catholic Church are trying to bring all people together and they are using music
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- To do it. That's what you need to understand and young people are falling for it hook line and sinker the article
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- Continues the bands are one of the largest draws I mean that's why everyone's going and over the years some of the biggest acts and Christian music have performed there including
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- Steve's Stephen Curtis Chapman Michael W Smith Jeremy camp jars of clay which have gone
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- LGBTQ okay jars of clay jars of clay are pro -gay now Casting crowns Big Daddy weave switch foot skillet third day for king and country mercy me
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- Matt Maher Crowder Toby Mac Phil Wickham we the kingdom and Chris Tomlin, of course
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- Chris Tomlin not too long ago yoked up with false prosperity preacher
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- Joyce Meyer Joyce Meyer is a notorious false teacher. Of course, Chris Tomlin doesn't care these people just they'll yoke up with anybody and the upcoming 2025 fest will be headlined by Casting crowns and this is actually their fifth appearance at this festival casting crowns is supposed to be
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- Southern Baptist What's the bat? What kind of Baptist yokes up with the Catholic Church? Not a
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- Baptist not a real Baptist for certain so Casting crowns lead vocalist
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- Mark Hall is a youth pastor at Eagle's Landing first Baptist Church, which is affiliated with the
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- SBC so What are the SBC leadership doing about this?
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- Do they even care? No I doubt they care all in all the fest as It's called sounds like a good time of faith and fellowship until you realize who is running the event and why?
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- The fest was founded by Father Bob Steck in the year 2000 who at the time was the vocations director for the
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- Roman Catholic Diocese of Cleveland, which is still a major sponsor Initially called home from Rome Steck created the event to welcome the
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- Diocesan Contingent home from their trip to Rome, but eventually they changed the name to the fest
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- So in other words, let's keep it a secret Let's hide the fact that we are Roman Catholic and we'll just lure all these young Evangelical people these kids and we'll lure them in just like the devil is very subtle very crafty very
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- Deceptive so they changed the name to hide their Catholic affiliation But on the other hand, it's not a total secret because the event takes place on the grounds of the center for pastoral leadership
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- Which is home to st. Mary's Seminary and Another seminary both are used to train
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- Roman Catholic priests So it's something you might not pay attention to if you're there But if you look hard enough, you'll notice but a lot of people think well, it's just a concert.
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- It doesn't matter where it is But it's all geared to either lure people into the
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- Catholic Church or probably the the bigger Agenda here is to just make it acceptable for Baptists Southern Baptists Catholics for all religions to join together
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- No big deal. And again, they're using music To do it. So while the Christian bands
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- Petting zoos and face painting make it seem like it's a denominationally Neutral event all the faith -based programming make it clear that it's an outreach for the
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- Roman Catholic Church And then they post the worship schedule so at 12 p .m.
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- They have praise and worship so you can Watch the concert but every hour on the hour according to the schedule.
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- They have the rosary tent So people are constantly praying to Dead people they're praying to Mary who has died.
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- Mary cannot hear you. Mary is Mary is dead. Okay Mary is dead.
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- She cannot hear your prayers. You're supposed to pray to God, but instead they're praying to Mary who they
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- Revere as a type of goddess attribute if Mary can hear think about this if Mary can hear the prayers of millions of different Catholics all around the world she has the attributes of God in the
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- Catholic Church does worship Mary as a As a goddess they have a
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- Eucharist testimony after the rosary At 3 p .m. The rosary is going to be led by the
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- Roman Catholic Bishop and then they have that from 2 to 7 p .m
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- They have a Eucharistic adoration in the Sacred Heart Chapel. You have to understand what that is
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- That's where they worship a piece of bread Okay, when you take communion, you might have a little piece of bread, but in the
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- Catholic Church, they have this round Wafer they call it the host and they believe the soul body soul and divinity of Christ that God is actually in this bread.
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- This bread is God that's why when a Catholic goes into the into their church and they bow before they go into the pew
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- They're bowing to the host up front. It's a piece of bread and they are literally worshiping a piece of bread because to them
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- That's receiving Christ for us as Bible believing Christians Receiving Christ means you place your faith in Christ and you get saved and you believe the gospel for them
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- Receiving Christ is eating the piece of bread. So here they're going to worship a piece of bread, which is idolatry
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- From 2 to 7 p .m And you know all the Southern Baptists, maybe they'll join in too isn't isn't this wonderful?
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- No, it's straight out of the pit It is a blending of truth and error and that's what the devil does
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- The article continues some of the faith -based events include Eucharistic adoration
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- Where attendees can spend a few minutes praying in the presence of quote -unquote Jesus and again there
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- Jesus is a piece of Bread and by the way being born again for us
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- Bible believing Christians being born again means you are Regenerated you are saved the Holy Spirit causes your dead spirit to come alive towards God you were given a new nature
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- The Holy Spirit now indwells you for them the Catholic Church being born again is when the baby gets, you know sprinkled
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- That's what they mean by being born again So they redefine terms and this again is the deception just like the cults the
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- Mormons Jehovah's Witnesses They use the same terminology, but they redefine it Catholic Church does the same thing
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- So people are all they're talking about receiving Christ and being born again, and it's wonderful Well, they mean something completely different than what the
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- Bible talks about So the article ends there is a time of confession tours of the seminary, which is
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- Roman Catholic a blessing for the family from a Catholic deacon a large outdoor mass before the fireworks show a prayer tent rosary tent and a place for children to stop playing for five minutes to where they can come and pray to Mary which is again idolatry and Casting crowns with their
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- Southern Baptist front man along with all those other professing Christian musicians either
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- You know when went along with it and just yeah, you get the point So this is very very dangerous and if you follow these musicians
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- You you cannot if you're a Christian you cannot go to these events I mean if that's you it's your choice, you know, but as a pastor,
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- I would say you should not go If you're strong in your faith, maybe you're not going to be deceived
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- You know, I don't want to I'm not condemning anybody who goes to a concert but I'm just giving you the information that this is this is very dangerous and This is how people are over time it all becomes normal and then they're like, oh, what's the big deal next thing?
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- You know, the Pope is a brother in Christ and you just you just need to be aware of the facts
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- So if you if the if you are bothered by this, which you should be if you follow these groups, you know however, you can get in contact with them whether it's on Twitter or Instagram or call their agent or if there's a way to send them a letter or whatever
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- Reach out to them and let them know this is not okay as the Bible says in 2nd
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- Corinthians chapter 6 we are not to be Unequally yoked together with unbelievers and when you're you know partnering
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- At this event with you know, all these different religions. That's exactly what you're doing
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- You are going against the Word of God. Thanks for watching pray for everyone involved
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- Pray that these kids are not deceived into this end times Deception I'm Michael grant until next time may the