The Most Evil Scam in the World

TreasureChrist iconTreasureChrist


I was shocked to hear about Joel Osteen, John MacArthur, Voddie Baucham, Oprah Winfrey, Steve Harvey, Will Smith, Kenneth Copeland, Joyce Meyer, Beyonce, Lady Gaga, James Jani, Tom Cruise, Conor McGregor, Jim Carrey, Creflo Dollar, Benny Hinn, Jesse Duplantis, Bill Johnson, Paul Washer, John Piper, Paula White, and Kris Valloton. YouTube demonetized my main channel, so I made this second channel to fight back against censorship, in case one channel gets completely taken down. To help me in this fight, you can 1) subscribe, 2) watch the videos until the end, and 3) help fund the creation of more videos using these links: Patreon - Become a Member - PayPal - [email protected] Venmo - @TreasureChrist Thank you so much for your support and encouragement! I can't do any of this without you all!


I'm thrilled for the success of the secret. I think that the message needs to go further.
I have actually had people over the last few years come to me and tell me how greatly and spiritually changed they were by reading a book called
The Secret. So I often get inspiration from books and one book that resonates with me all the time is this book right here, it's called
The Secret. It is the most powerful book outside of the bread in my life and the book is based on the law of attraction and how that principle, once you master it, can help you find wealth, happiness, better health, whatever you're looking for, relationships.
It begins with a seemingly simple, innocent idea that thinking positive will bring about positive experiences into one's life.
With mainstream promotion of the idea, with celebrities promoting it, you can almost visually create your entire world.
No, not almost. You actually can. Yes, you can. And then I was like, I'm going to do that and I will do that.
And then that's when I began to practice it. It's hard for me to commit to something until I have that vision because I haven't seen it yet.
It's very strange. But all of my really great performances, I saw them happen before they happened.
I just believe that. I believe that I can create whatever
I want to create if I can put my head on it right, study it, learn the patterns.
And, you know, I just it's hard to put into words, real metaphysical, esoteric nonsense.
But I feel very strongly that we are who we choose to be. It's just one law.
The law of attraction is one law. There are many laws working in the world. But it is very true that the way you think creates reality for yourself.
There are other factors going on. So it's not everything, but you really can change your own reality based on the way that you think.
Why is it that what these secular celebrities are saying about the law of attraction sounds essentially identical to what we hear from many of the most popular supposedly
Christian pastors today? You are where you are today, in part because of what you've been saying about yourself.
Words are like seeds. When you speak something out, you give life to what you're saying.
If you continue to say it, eventually that can become a reality. Whether you realize it or not, you are prophesying your future.
That's not just being positive. You are prophesying victory, prophesying success, prophesying new levels.
Your life will move in the direction of your words. Because here's what it says.
As a man thinks, so is he at last in his actions. So in 10 years, if I don't like the condition of my life,
Marvin, I don't get to blame everybody else. I have to look back. What did I plant as a seed in my life earlier that brought this action in this harvest now?
So if I don't like it, listen, there's some things in my life that got all jacked up and messed up. And I didn't always guard and keep my mind the way
I should have. But I've learned because I don't like places of pain. I don't like hurt.
So I've learned, I don't want that to be a part of my life. It's not a place of pleasure.
So I'm on guard. I'm going to guard what goes in my mind. And I've got to be responsible to take some things out of my mind.
I demand judgment on you. I demand, I demand, I demand a vaccination to come immediately.
I call you done. I call you done, gone.
So I want to make a decree against this, this virus right now. In Jesus name,
I break the power of this Corona virus. You will not have the crown. Jesus has the crown.
He is king of kings. And so I command this, this, this virus to be, to, to leave both, to leave people's minds, to leave people's hearts, to leave, to leave the earth.
I just, I command this virus to leave right now in Jesus name. This is pretty odd, isn't it?
We have many of the most popular secular celebrities and Christian pastors espousing almost the exact same things, teaching the idea that people essentially have the power to control and alter reality with the power of their words and thoughts.
Whether it's wealth, happiness, or relationships, it is by thinking and feeling as though these things are already yours, that you will begin attracting these things into your life.
You've done it yourself. So faith is the real power, faith in yourself, in believing that you can create your own reality.
Know what you want, believe you will get it. Visualize the very experience of fulfillment as if you have it, and then speak out loud.
And you will then at that point have released enough power to attract this reality to you.
What we really want seems impossibly out of reach and ridiculous to expect, so we never dare to ask the universe for it.
I'm saying, I'm the proof that you can ask the universe for it.
But it's sort of like a mantra. It's kind of, you know, you repeat it to yourself every day. Music is my life.
Music is my life. The fame is inside of me. I'm going to make a number one record and with number one hits, and it's not yet.
It's a lie. You're saying a lie over and over and over again. And then one day, the lie is true.
Faith is something God gives you that you need to use and release in your life. It's a powerful force, but it's not just an automatic.
You put your trust in God. You put your faith in him. I'm glad for what I learned about prosperity, but it got out of balance.
I'm glad for what I learned about faith, but it got out of balance. And so every time somebody had a problem in their life, it was because they didn't have enough faith.
I'm certainly glad that Joyce Meyer realizes now that her teachings about faith got out of balance.
But even in this supposed apology, Joyce is still teaching that faith is a powerful force that you can use and release in your life.
So it seems clear that Joyce still believes and teaches this idea to at least some degree.
This is also precisely what Joel Osteen teaches, as shown by what he writes in his bestselling book,
Your Best Life Now. What does he say in Your Best Life Now? He says that we are able to create by our faith and our words, the dreams we dream and the desires we have.
Health, wealth, happiness, success, all the same old, same old temporal things.
Quote, if you develop an image of success, an image of health and abundance and joy and peace and happiness, nothing on earth will be able to hold those things from you.
Both the law of attraction and word of faith theology, which are really just different names for the same idea, are extremely dangerous because they are often used to scam people.
Because oftentimes, the way to prove that you truly believe in something enough to actually manifest it into reality is to sacrifice your money to make the thing happen.
Here's Tom Cruise, who is a member of Scientology, talking about willing things into existence.
I know that things don't just happen. It's not just luck. You have to create that luck.
You have to will it into existence. And I want you to know that I am always rooting for you.
I'm rooting for all of you. The better you do in life and in your work, the better it is for everyone.
The founder of Scientology, Ron Hubbard, was a science fiction writer who essentially founded
Scientology because he believed he could create a religion to scam people out of money.
And a large part of Scientology is paying money to move up in the religion. Not unlike Scientology, the most mainstream version of Christianity, which is the heretical prosperity gospel, does essentially the same thing by teaching people that the more money they pay into particular ministries, the more money and blessings they will receive from God in return.
The prosperity gospel is basically a Ponzi scheme that makes the people teaching it super rich and dupes people who are desperate for money, health, or miracles out of what little they have.
When you help those in need, you are lending to the Lord and he will repay you. God knows how to repay you.
Nobody can pay you like God can pay you. I don't think Joel Osteen receives a salary from his church, but Osteen has still become enormously rich by selling books that teach this kind of falsehood.
Of course, there are also three of the most infamous prosperity gospel scammers within Christianity who have gotten rich by convincing people to give to their ministries to receive blessings from God and to manifest the things they want in their lives.
Kenneth Copeland. Whatever you do right now, don't you stop tithing?
Don't you stop sowing offerings? Well, they won't let us go to church. Well, email it in there, text give or something, but you get your tithe in that church.
If you have to go take it down there and drop it off and stick it under the door or something, you get that tithe in that church, you get that offering in that church, and then you go home and you do what we're supposed to do.
Benny Hinn. There are a lot of poor people out there, a lot of orphans that can use your love.
And you can do through our ministry if you wish and sow a seed in the
Lord's work. You could say, Lord, I'm going to give you so much if you'll get me out of this problem.
Look, I'm giving it to you from the Bible. We don't pay for that. You can't buy a miracle, only a fool believes that.
But you can make a vow and see it performed in the name of Jesus. Do it today. What is especially disgusting about what
Benny Hinn says here is that out of the one side of his mouth, he says, you can't buy a miracle.
But out of the other side, he tells people to give to God to get them out of their problems.
And there's also Jesse Duplantis, who is just as bad, if not worse, than both
Kenneth Copeland and Benny Hinn. And people say, they come in, they say, well, that Jesse Duplantis, he doing good.
And we ain't used to give our tithe over there. We went to a church and they need it more. Uh -oh. And I'm not against giving to the poor.
Listen, uh -oh, you just changed the rate of exchange on the tithe. Yeah, but I gave it a tithe.
Yeah, but you turned it into alms. This kind of teaching that tells people they can essentially manipulate
God into granting them health, wealth, and blessings by giving money, especially praise on and victimizes poor and needy people who are desperate for their life circumstances to change.
This is exactly why much of the supposed passion for Christianity that exists in Africa is not true passion for the
Bible or for the gospel of Jesus Christ, but it is rather a desperate desire to see miracles manifested.
And these prosperity preachers who teach this word of faith nonsense are more than happy to take money from these poor and needy people.
You better believe the topic was not the gospel. The topic was not, you know, come and have your sins forgiven.
Come and repent and believe. No, you know what it was. Come get your blessing.
Come get your miracle. Come get your deliverance. Come get your, and the list goes on and on.
These are the things that thousands flock to. Perhaps the greatest evidence that word of faith theology and the law of attraction are essentially the same thing comes from Joel Osteen, probably the most famous word of teacher within Christianity, teaming up with Oprah Winfrey, probably the most famous proponent of the law of attraction to teach exactly what they believe to the audience of the
Oprah Winfrey show. And we find that they both teach pretty much the exact same thing.
Here we see Joel Osteen teaching Oprah's crowd to say, I am statements about themselves instead of communicating to them that they need to repent of their sins and turn to faith in Jesus Christ, which demonstrates that Joel Osteen's version of Christianity is closer to Oprah's new age religion, which is not
Christian at all than to true biblical Christianity. Joel Osteen is a pagan religionist, a legalist, and a quasi pantheist.
I'm not done. This is my pulpit.
I can be here as long as I want. Now, on the other side of that,
Jesus Christ is a footnote to satisfy His critics, thrown in at the end to get people off His back who are irritated by the absence of Christ in His ministry.
And what is He saying? What is His message? We save ourselves from all the things we don't want, all the things that are wrong in our lives by our own internal divine faith power.
That's His whole operation. In His book, Your Best Life Now, and by the way, I want to hasten to say
He's absolutely right. If you believe in what He says in that book, this will be your best life.
It'll be a whole lot better than the next one. He is absolutely right.
But if you want your best life now, go for His theology. If you want your best life forever, avoid it.
On a related note, watch how shameless Joyce Meyer is in taking money from people she knows are poor and desperate and who give to her ministry purely because they want a miracle from God.
Do you believe that if someone gives money to the ministry, that more will come back to them? Yes, absolutely.
I think that's what they mean by prosperity gospel. But you worry at all that sometimes your message will be heard by someone in the most dire circumstances, it's a sort of roulette wheel, a sort of gamble with God.
Okay, well, I can't pay the rent, but I'll give it to Joyce and we'll see what happens. Do you worry at all that that happens?
I totally know I don't worry about that. Joyce Meyer says, no, I totally don't worry about that.
Well, I'm sure she doesn't, but she should. Now listen to Creflo Dollar kind of apologize for teaching that people should tithe to get blessings from God, but refuse to renounce word of faith and prosperity gospel theology.
My view is that he wants the positive PR without truly giving up this teaching.
Hallelujah wants to bless you.
I'm sorry you don't want to receive it. I apologize that you hate the prosperity gospel, but that's still not going to stop his abounding provision.
He's going to keep increasing his provision on you. He's going to keep blessing you. He's going to keep turning things around for you.
He's going to keep increasing you. He's going to keep healing you because he's Jehovah Jireh.
He can't help it. He's going to do it anyway. The word of faith gurus within Christianity go as far as to say that Christians should be able to control the weather.
You know, you're supposed to control the weather. I mean,
Ken's the primary weatherman at our house, but when he's not there, I do it. One day I was in the airplane in the back and my little brother was in the back with me and Ken was up front flying and we were not in the weather because we don't fly bad weather, but we could see the weather over here.
And I looked out the window and that tornado came down just like this down toward the ground.
And Ken said, I rebuke you in the name of Jesus. You get back up there. So this is how
I learned how to talk to tornadoes. I saw this and that tornado went, whoop, whoop, whoop, whoop, whoop.
Even while I was watching him, my little brother was not a devout Christian at that time. And that was really good for him to see.
So you're the weatherman. You get out there or the weatherwoman, whichever it is, and you talk to that thing and you tell it you're not coming here.
I command you to dissipate and you get back up there in Jesus name. Glory to God.
What's the purpose of teaching something as ridiculous as being able to control the weather? Well, of course, it's to exalt
Kenneth and Gloria Copeland in the eyes of their audience. They want their audience to think they have a special connection with God that nobody else has so that people will give money to their ministry with the hope of getting a similar connection with and power from God for their own lives.
It's exactly this kind of thing that makes the word of faith movement so despicable. I've had some mixed feelings about some of John Piper's teachings, but what
John Piper says here about the word of faith movement and the prosperity gospel here is spot on.
I don't know what you feel about the prosperity gospel, the health, wealth and prosperity gospel, but I'll tell you what
I feel about it. Hatred. It is not the gospel.
And it's being exported from this country to Africa and Asia, selling a bill of goods to the poorest of the poor.
Believe this message. Your pigs won't die. Your wife won't have miscarriages.
You have rings on your fingers and coats on your back. That's coming out of America.
As Christians, we need to recognize that contrary to what these word of faith prosperity preachers teach about, it's always being
God's will to heal and bless people. Question number two. Does God ever choose not to heal?
No. God chose 2000 years ago to make a purchase. Contrary to what these charlatan
Christian teachers are teaching, our prayer should be that God would be glorified no matter what he decrees for our lives, whether it's earthly blessings or suffering and persecution, because it's oftentimes through depending upon God in trials and difficulties that results in the most glory to God.
For many, many years of my life, I've lived with chronic pain. A pain is always
I never have a moment when there's not pain. It's always both hips have been replaced.
I mean, they try to just take more and more parts of me and take it out and replace it with something else.
Now, here's the way you pray. Lord, I'm I'm hurting.
I feel like I'm going to throw up every morning when I wake up. I'm hurting so bad if by healing me, your name will be revered in a greater way.
Your kingdom will come in a greater way, your will will be done in a greater way, and I will be of greater service to you in those things than heal me.
But if through my suffering and my sickness and my pain and my nausea, you in the end will get greater reverence, your kingdom will more greatly advance and your will will be more devoutly carried out, then leave me here with this thing you have given me.
Yea, Lord, even let me die, but let your name be hallowed. Let your kingdom come.
Let your will be done. You see, that's what life is about. How do I know that? Because that's what
Christ's life was about. Thank you so much for watching.
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