Ed Litton Allegedly Lies About More Things - John Onwuchekwa Reveals The Truth About SocJus

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Well, happy Wednesday. Wanted to jump right into the video today. Before I do, just a couple of quick things.
This video is going to be about noted woke church activist John Onwuchekwa.
John Onwuchekwa is famous for taking millions of dollars from the SBC for his church plant and then bouncing because they're too racist.
Like they're so racist that they gave him a million dollars for his church plant, but I guess that wasn't enough because, of course, it never is.
And so he bounced and said the SBC is racist. But anyway, before we get into that, let me say this.
If you haven't purchased a copy of the A .D. Robles media produced book, Social Justice Pharisees, Woke Church Tactics and How to Engage Them, please consider purchasing a copy.
Go to A .D. Robles dot com. That's A .D. Robles dot com and get your copy today.
Lots of really good feedback from the book so far. People are really enjoying it. People are buying multiple copies to give to their friends, their pastors and all that kind of stuff.
And I just have to say thank you very, very much. None of it could have been possible without the support that I get from the
YouTube channel and also my patrons. So thank you very much. Get your copy today. Now, before you get into this,
I wanted to talk more a little bit about Ed Litton. Yesterday, I posted a few videos on Gab about some comments that some of my
Gab followers had made about this Ed Litton situation, which is hilarious, by the way. It's getting worse every day and it's getting funnier every day.
Somebody said that that the services that probably
Ed Litton used allegedly, I don't know if he did or not, but a lot of people, I guess, use these services where you buy sermon illustrations and sermon outlines and stuff like that, because, you know, that's
I guess that's what you do when you're trying to be a super cool soy latte pastor. You have to buy the best illustrations.
It reminded them of Jay Peterman. That's right. You remember Jay Peterman from Seinfeld when he bought
Kramer's story about selling pants or something like that? I don't know.
He was writing a book about himself and he bought Kramer's story to say that it happened to him.
This is the same thing that Litton's doing. You know, that one time I was in Southeast Asia, you know, and the pagans were doing this and that.
He just stole that story from somebody or maybe he bought it. Nobody really knows. But by the way, did you know
Jay Peterman was a real person? I didn't know that. I was just pulling up a picture of the Seinfeld character, but apparently he really was a real person who really had a catalog for clothing like that.
Very interesting. But anyway, going back to Ed Litton, somebody made a very interesting comment and I thought
I'd share it, because if you remember, the original controversy with Ed Litton was that he had his wife preach with him on Sunday.
And so people were like, wait a minute, you said you were a complimentary and what's the deal here? Your wife's preaching with preaching with you can't really talk right now.
I don't know. Anyway, and what he had said at the time was that, you know, it was just one of a few times that, you know, we were doing a sermon series on marriage and she has tremendous insights into marriage that I could never have because I'm the man,
I'm the husband in the family. So she's the wife, so she'll have wifely inputs and insights and wisdom given to her by God about marriage.
And so that's why she's there under my authority. She's not really preaching just so much as she is giving us her personal insights from her wealth of experience that she's had as a wife in our marriage.
And so that was his excuse. Obviously, anyone with a brain sees that that's not an excuse. The Bible doesn't say that she shall remain silent unless you're doing a sermon series on marriage.
Then the pastor has to bring his wife on board so that she can bring her insights. It doesn't say that, obviously.
We all know that. And this is no knock against women. Women are great. Women are necessary.
You know, I love my wife and I'm sure all of you husbands out there love your wives very, very much. You love your mothers.
You love your sisters. All of that stuff. I love you all. In different ways, though, otherwise that'd be creepy.
But anyway, but that's what he said. And then the sermon series comes out and somebody realizes,
I think this is Alan Atchison from Capstone Report, says, wait a minute, this is all plagiarized.
This is a Tim Keller sermon that both of you are preaching. And so one has to wonder.
So if Ed Linton's wife is preaching because she has all these tremendous wifely insights to provide, how come all of her wifely insights are simply plagiarized from Tim Keller, who is a man, presumably?
I just so it doesn't matter any way you slice it. So either Ed Linton didn't tell his wife about this, that he was plagiarizing
Tim Keller, in which case it's all a lie anyway, because she's not bringing anything to the table.
She's just using what she thought was her husband's words and pretending that they're her insights.
So she's preaching just because Ed Linton wants to appear to be a feminist to the feminists. Or she's in on the plagiarism and she knows that these words come from Tim Keller and still she's preaching for no good reason just because she wants to disobey
God and say women can preach too. Like no matter which way you slice it, this isn't looking good at all.
And furthermore, it just reveals that the whole thing was a lie from the beginning. So no, she doesn't have any extra insights because she's just, you know, using somebody else's words.
By the way, watch that video. This is the worst example of plagiarism yet. It's almost word for word.
All of them are bad, but this is the most obvious one that I've seen, especially considering that two of them are doing it.
So obviously it's plagiarism. Obviously Ed Linton's wife is not using her own words. She does.
Maybe she knows it. Maybe she doesn't. But it's obvious plagiarism because obviously there would be no way for both of them to plagiarize at the same time.
Excuse me. He also uses some words that have been, somebody noticed this as well.
In the plagiarized sermon, he used some words that are out of vogue these days. Like he used the word oriental.
Well, back in the 90s when the sermon was originally preached by Tim Keller, you could say oriental and no one would have a problem.
Nowadays you're not supposed to say oriental. Now it's racist, but he still said it, meaning that again, he didn't really check his facts here.
It's just ridiculous. He's just reading a sermon that Tim Keller preached years ago and lying about why his wife is preaching.
I mean, the dude is just lying on top of himself over and over again. And to this point,
Rod Martin, Tom Askle, Tom Buck, that's the only leadership that I've seen call
Ed Linton out by name. You cowards, you disgusting, worthless cowards.
Which one of you is going to be the one to stand up and say, I'm not going to circle these wagons anymore. SBC, ball's in your court, man.
This is your boy dragging the name of Christ through the mud, dragging your denomination through the mud.
If he cared about the SBC, one iota, if he cared about Christ, one iota, he would resign immediately.
But he doesn't. He cares about himself and his power. So you have to decide who you care about more.
Do you care more about the SBC? Do you care more about your own power, your own social justice nonsense?
Or do you care more about the name of Christ? You're all going to have to decide. And I think if you don't say anything about this
Ed Linton situation, the decision will be very apparent for everybody. But that's not what this video is about.
This video is about John Onwuchekwa. John Onwuchekwa.
John has some choice words for those of you who think that you're doing the right thing by siding with him on social justice.
You know, you guys think racial reconciliation is enough. Well, I got news for you. It ain't enough.
Let's hear him out here. Let me put my headphones in so that way we don't get that echo effect here.
Let's check out what John Onwuchekwa has to say. I'm sure all of this is made up. None of this is coming from the
Bible. I haven't listened to this yet. This is coming from Woke Preacher Clips. Here it is. Just so I can cite him.
Hold on one second. Woke Preacher Clips, I'm not plagiarizing you. There you are. Subscribe to Woke Preacher Clips.
This guy's great. All right. Let's listen to the pearls of wisdom from John Onwuchekwa.
John, do you think there's some of the common misunderstandings or perhaps like obstacles that you have witnessed among American Christians, the
American church, when it comes to pursuing racial reconciliation? How much of a v -neck is that guy who was just talking wearing?
Definitely skinny jeans, those rimmed glasses, stupid haircut, sipping on a latte.
You know it. You know it. He's not on the screen, but you could just see it in your mind. Even the way the conversation is framed and the agenda that's baked into the title, racial reconciliation, oftentimes
I see that term championed or thrown out in a majority context or culture, and the people that advocate for the need of it are those that often find it missing in their own lives.
So I say it like this. Being black in America, the way that I've grown up, my dinner table, my relationships have always been diverse.
I've gone to predominantly white schools from kindergarten to doctoral work.
So it's like - Man, that must have been hard, John, you know, because those white people, man, oh boy, that must have been tough on you,
John. I mean, how many times did you almost get shot by the people at your dinner table? That's what I'm wondering. Like how many times did they try to enslave you when you were in elementary school?
What I've heard is that teachers will often try to get you to work on their plantations.
That must have been tough, man. We're living in diverse situations with a bunch of white guys. So on one hand, when we talk about reconciliation, what
I often find from minorities is, wait a minute, my life is diverse.
I have reconciled relationships. It's often what we found, the majority culture context that lacks it and wants to make reconciliation a priority, where what we're saying is, no, no, no, no,
I do think that we need to talk about that, but I do think the reconciliation or the unity, in a sense, is a byproduct of something that we're after, right?
Unity in and of itself, in some ways, right, so not always, it's going to break down, but in some ways, unity in and of itself is not a vice or a virtue.
He's right about that. But if you notice, what he's trying to do here is say, look, you guys have diversity and we have diversity, but who really cares?
That's what I've been saying this whole time. I know that's not really what you're after. You're just after stuff.
It doesn't matter that it's been diverse in this country for decades, it doesn't matter that the churches are diverse or that your workplace is diverse, none of that actually matters.
They don't even want to, they don't even like you. A lot of these people, Eric Mason doesn't like white people. That's just a fact. So it doesn't matter if you go to his church and his church is totally diverse.
Unity's not really the goal for them, right? Definitely not Christian unity. I mean, Thabiti made that very clear in my book.
I talk a little bit about that. Unity's, it's not, they want your stuff. That's the only way that they'll know that there's true racial reconciliation.
So racial reconciliation, without you giving them your stuff, is not racial reconciliation.
It's envy, guys. This is the problem. The whole project of John Onwuchekwa and Eric Mason and Jamar Tisby and Matt Chandler and Russell Moore and all these guys,
Thabiti Anyabwile, the whole project is trying to make envy a gospel imperative, a gospel imperative.
They want envy to be good if you've got the right skin color. So envy, if you're black, is just a search for justice.
And so white people have to give you their stuff. And if they don't, then they don't care about racial reconciliation or whatever.
So let's continue to hear him out. It's a vehicle, right? So it's like this, like the
Nazis were unified. Genesis is going to go to great length to say the people that built the Tower of Babel were unified.
The Los Angeles Lakers and the Patriots are unified. And nobody likes them, right? We all look and say, oh, no, no, they're unified towards a goal that really don't help me.
It's not about the goal, though. See, that's the problem. This is where he doesn't understand. Well, I think he does understand.
Let me take that back. I don't want you to think John Onwuchekwa is not very smart.
He is smart. He knows exactly what he's saying. But I agree with him that unity in and of itself is not good.
Like, for example, there is no unity between Christ and pagans, right? There is no unity between believers and unbelievers.
Look, if any man has no love for the Lord, let him be accursed. There's no unity in that, right?
And likewise, we should not have unity with those that seek to bring error into the church of Jesus Christ.
Unity in and of itself is not a good thing. I agree with him there. But it's not about the goals, guys.
It's not about the goals. It's about who you are, who your people are. See, I'm a Christian.
And so I have unity in Christ with every other Christian. That unity was not something that I figured out how to get or something that other people were allowed to give to me or we worked it out.
No, no. That unity was purchased by the Lord Jesus Christ. He purchased a people for himself, right?
So that unity is fundamental to who I am and to who we as believers are, right?
It's not about the goal. It's about Christ has purchased that unity for us.
That's the gospel, guys. And so if you make unity, well, we've got to have the same goals, right? Like, if you don't have the same goals as me, then we don't...then
it's just not unity. No, no, no. That's not it. That's a scam. That's a scam.
And let's talk about these goals because I'm pretty sure, I haven't listened to this, but I'm pretty sure that these goals are going to be socialist goals.
So we can't have unity unless we're all comrades trying to get the socialist goals. Let's hear him out because that's my prediction.
Let's hear what he has to say. What I want more than unity is solidarity or justice.
And I think like unity can serve great ends. Unity can serve nefarious ends.
So we don't need to place that as the North Star. I think in a racial conversation, we do need to shift the conversation just from reconciliation to solidarity, justice to works like that.
And I think that's what you see in Acts 6, right? You don't get unity by talking about unity, right?
So Acts 6 and Acts 15, two places where the unity of the church is threatened.
And in Acts 6, Hellenistic widows get overlooked and they're upset and they come to Peter.
And Peter doesn't just say, we're all one in Christ. Bear with us as we work through this thing.
No, they sit back and they pray and they said, there is an issue. It's not one of overt racism, but it is one of simple neglect and a minority group being overlooked.
And what they say is, church, let's everybody work together. Let's do what we can to fix the problem.
And they fixed the problem. And you know what they got at the end of that? Unity, right? Right, right, right.
Unity comes from addressing the things that stand in our way. It feels like there's this brick wall.
Widows, of course, the Hellenistic widows. If you want a deeper dive into the Hellenistic widows and how the woke church abuses that text.
My book addresses the Hellenistic widows directly. And the woke church uses that story in a variety of different ways.
But if you want to know how they use it and how it's wrong, how they use it, go ahead and purchase the book, 80 at 80
Robles .com or 80 Robles .com. All of injustice that has been built up.
And even largely, some of the major denominations and proponents in the church have a history of their ancestors, not just building this brick wall, but being the architects and the designer of the brick walls.
And what we're saying is, I want to hug it out just as much as anybody else, but I'm on one side of the brick wall.
Y 'all are on this one. How about we work together? Let's tear down this brick wall because of the unity that we already have in Christ, right?
There's an ontological unity that we have in Christ. Let's make that practical in our solidarity to tear down this brick wall.
And once that brick wall is teared down, then we can hug it out as an expression of, oh, look, now we can actually enjoy the unity that has been provided to us by Christ.
Well, my prediction was wrong in this case. He didn't actually talk about explicit socialist policies.
But yes, so this is the thing, like the point of this whole thing is that yes, unity can be used for good or for evil.
But that's the point. We need to figure out what is good and what is evil. And we're not just left in the dark here about what is good and what is evil.
God gives us commands in the scripture to talk about what is good and what is evil.
And so I would argue that any person, no matter what their intentions are, they want to break down that brick wall.
OK, great. That's actually not the goal, though, because you can break down that brick wall in an evil way or attempts to break down that brick wall in an evil way.
Or you can do it in a good way. And so reparations, for example, that's an example of trying to do it in an evil way, right?
Because God has given the church commands on what they can do in terms of restitution and reparations for crimes that someone didn't commit to given to someone who wasn't committed a crime against.
That is off the table. And so even if you would say in your mind, OK, it's a good goal to try to break down the brick wall that divides the blacks and the whites.
OK, OK, let's just let's just go with that for a second. There are certain things that God says that we can and can't do.
And if we do truly have unity in Christ and if you do truly care about what Christ has commanded his people and the nations and all of that kind of stuff, then we ought to agree that the word of God is what tells us how to do this.
Right. But the problem is with the social justice movement. So often that is not the case. And so when he talks about ontological unity, we do have that if we're believers.
But the only way we know if we're believers is if we're both taking God's word and we're saying this is the standard.
Let's go after this. The problem that we have so often is that people profess that we have this ontological unity, but we truly don't.
We truly don't. Because I'll go to the scripture and say, look, reparations are off the table for these reasons. And you guys go, well,
I don't really care. I mean, that's how we solve this. By the way, I want, you know, 10 years of free education and free counseling.
And I want, you know, this and that. Like, you remember Eric Mason's list? It was completely insane, that list. It's like, do
I have ontological unity with someone who wants to steal my stuff? Right.
Is that person a Christian? If they say, well, you know, yeah, you know, we could steal your stuff and it's totally just.
And that's justice. Like, is that someone I have ontological unity with? Well, maybe, maybe not.
But I have no, listen, show me your faith by your works. If you act like a pagan, I don't have, then you are a pagan.
That's essentially what the word of God says. So, you know, he wasn't as direct as I thought he might be.
I think it's interesting that he admits that, you know, really racial reconciliation and our unity, it's really not enough.
You got you got to get we got to be after the same things and stuff like that. And the problem is I know too much about the things that you're after,
John. And I'm not after those same things, not just because it's my opinion, but because in the word of God, it specifically rejects, rejects those things.
And so I know to be honest with you, John, I really don't think that you're actually trying to break down brick walls.
Your actions in the last year or so have proven that you're really not trying to break down. You're building more walls.
You're building more walls instead of breaking down walls. And so anyway, I hope you found that helpful.
A lot of what's there I address in my book, Social Justice Pharisees, Woke Church Tactics and How to Engage Them.