Trans-Normalization in Evangel Circles Begins


Jon discusses the recent disclosure of Aiden ("Audrey") Hale's manifesto, Max Lucado speaking with Preston Sprinkle, Derek Webb's Dove Awards cross-dressing, Zach Lambert crediting DTS professor Sandra L. Glahn with helping him transcend gender distinctions when it comes to holiness, 'Bubba' Copeland's suicide, and if there's time, the blowback against Mike Johnson for limiting pornography exposure, among other things.
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 Follow Jon on Gab: 00:00:00 Audrey Hale Manifesto 00:12:46 ERLC Reaction to Hale Shooting 00:24:07 Max Lucado 00:30:11 Derek Webb 00:31:57 Zach Lambert 00:34:26 Dallas Theological 00:40:15 Bubba Copeland 00:45:37 Mike Johnson 01:12:42 Tiny Bibles


We are live now on the conversations that matter podcast Wow, I was not expecting to talk about what
I'm gonna start talking about this morning but it fits in with some of the other things that I had planned so We're gonna start off with the breaking news right now, which is what's essentially
Happened in the development of the Nashville shooting. We have an article here. This is from louder with Crowder and I I saw on rumble when he put this out there if you want to see some analysis and Steven Crowder reading this but this is the
Nashville shooter The name is often Audrey Hale, but Aiden Hale I believe is the birth name but the transgender
Shooter identified as trans and this is
Hot off the press The title of the article is we have obtained exclusive access to the
Nashville Covenant shooters manifestos many of you remember Aiden Hale shot students and teachers at a
Covenant school in Nashville, which is actually right across from the street from a place. I spoke in I think 2021 and The ERL sees actually
President Brett Leatherwood his I don't know if it's son or daughter, but one of his kids goes to this school
At least one of them. So there are some connections to the Southern Baptists and I'm gonna talk about that a little bit as we get into this and just remind everyone about what the
Southern Baptist did in reaction to this and Whether or not you think that was the right call given what we know now
But Here are some screenshots of the actual manifesto so you have
First it says death day is the Heading of this particular article and then it goes through the some of the thoughts of the shooter
Before they committed the action and I'm noticing that there's some ads here.
Hopefully I can take care of those I hate these it's Crowder's website and I understand he's got to monetize but I don't like it when the ads are
Are like that anyway So here's the manifesto itself a screenshot of it at least the first page
And it says this is the day the day has finally come. This is on the 27th of March earlier this year
I can't believe it's here Don't know how I was able to get this far, but here
I am I'm a little nervous, but excited to been excited for the past two weeks There were several times.
I could have been caught especially in the summer of 2021
So it clues you into the fact that this was more than just two weeks. This was being planned
Apparently this hadn't been years in the making None of that matters now. I'm almost an hour and seven minutes away
So an hour and seven minutes away is another thing that should clue you into something it This school is specifically targeted.
It wasn't just a random school that fit a certain profile It was specifically targeted because He had to travel from a distance to get there
Can't believe I'm doing this but I'm ready. I hope my victims aren't My only fear is if anything goes wrong.
I'll do my best to prevent I think it says Anything I'm not sure what word that is of the sort but preventing anything from going wrong
God let my wrath take over my anxiety. It might be ten minutes tops.
It might be three to seven It's gonna go so it's gonna go quick. I hope
I have a high death count Ready to die. It's underlined. Ha ha signed
Aidan Which is interesting that so Audrey was the name that this particular male was going by but He signs it with his name.
I assume that's the birth name Aiden and Then there is a schedule here of the day's events
Which shows you how? Organized this whole thing was All the way from getting up getting dressed eating breakfast
And then getting everything ready and even going to the range the gun range before and using a knife that had a car glass breaker on the the end of it testing that out on some of I guess his dad's old cars and then leading up to what
Aiden says is time to die so this is the
The second part this is so that was the schedule and then I guess this is page three
This is all handwritten by the way in a notebook and these are screenshots that were from my understanding obtained by Stephen Crowder's show, but they were
They were sent to someone someone had these images sent to them. I'm assuming from Aiden and so here's
Here's another one. I think That's also Now, I think
Stephen Crowder was saying this was Audrey was the name up here But it looks like Aiden to me and I can't tell
I mean that looks like a why at the end So maybe that is Audrey but Either way this belonged to the shooter and it says kill those kids underlined three exclamation points
And then it says those crackers Going to and I will note
I think everyone knows but I'm allowed to say that without censorship I couldn't say things that are equivalent about other
I couldn't read I'll put it that way. I couldn't read a manifesto
Hypothetically that that's similar to this if it was targeting other ethnic groups because this video would be taken down But That's that's the double standard and we'll talk a little bit about that That's not where I want to focus most of my time conservatives are kind of notorious for pointing out double standards
Which doesn't necessarily move the needle, but I think sometimes it's worth at least mentioning Jesus did it with the Pharisees at times.
So those crackers going to private fancy schools
So schools is plural here. This means that Aiden wanted to target a specific school, but the
Anger is there's an umbrella of anger that encompasses more than just that one school with those fancy khakis and sports backpacks
With their daddy's Mustangs and convertibles F you little and I'll substitute a word here poops
But obviously not using those words. I'm trying to keep this. I don't even know if I should attempt it
You can't do family -friendly with this So if you have kids, I would just say just be prepared because I'm not sure exactly what's coming next
In the episode depending on what people comment and please do comment in a live chat if you have thoughts on this or anything
You want me to comment on I? wish to shoot you weak And then a name for a donkey there and then a name for a male part with your mop yellow hair
So, you know, this is really getting into anti -white anti -aryan type looking people
Is this you mean you look at Aiden and you think Aiden's a very? it's it's associated at least with like white suburban kids and Aiden looks very white and and And the kind of person that would fit this demographic that he's going after But with all the anti white rhetoric in the last few years, it's not
Not a shock that someone would feel this way I mean, we've seen this kind of anger even from people in Christian circles and I pointed out many times
In fact, the writing was understandable. You remember that who's that? Walter Strickland I think said that you know, it's there was an understated he understood why people were rioting and it's
They weren't being heard. And so implying as Christians we all need to kind of understand this and Not that it's necessarily right, but give it a sympathetic treatment.
I mean you you've had So many instances of this I mean, it's hard to even I have so many like examples flooding to my mind from you know
Matt Chandler's Anglo 8 to Tim Keller saying if you're white you could have an extra million dollar head start on life to just The what happened at Southern Seminary with various professors they're demeaning figures from white history like Thomas Jefferson and I mean, there's just so much of this in the
Christian world let alone The secular world and and I don't need to go back over that those who listen to the show
You're very aware of all of this But just think about that narrative and that that hatred that that was supposed to I mean this stuff was not
Oh, someone's actually commenting and saying the national shooter was a biological female born Audrey. So I guess
I got that reversed Transition to male and change name to Aidan. So, okay, that may be true
It was it's been a while since I covered it and I thought I remember it being the other way around But I will go with what
I'm being sent right now. So It's so so Aidan, I guess is the not the birth name.
It's Audrey is the birth name. Sorry for that confusion there And so actually that makes more sense to me now why?
Why she would use that name in particular? so anyway this narrative though the interesting thing to me about this is
This is mostly an anti -white anti Pro critical race theory type narrative kind of screed and She says a bunch of little and then uses a word typically used to demean homosexuals with your white privileges
FU and then that word again didn't mean homosexuals now This is
I don't know why she would use that word term given her own identity but clearly
There's a problem here with hating people that come from her world I mean people that look like her people with whom she has a connection and developing such a disdain for them
You can even see I mean She's putting pictures of a target and a gun and shooting that gun at the target on this particular
Journal or note paper that she had So that's the breaking news
That's the situation and I'm sure so much more by the time even some of you listen to this so much more Will probably come out
One of the listeners says I wonder if critical race theory was used as a curriculum in the school I wouldn't doubt it if there was some connection there and Bree and babes says she was white hating on her own
Yeah and then that's I mean we saw that in 2020 a lot of the people who had the most it where I Were from where I was sitting at Southeastern I remember it was the the whitest people in the whitest
Communities going to the whitest churches seem to have the biggest problems with white people. It was it was amazing So So, why was this censored until now
I don't know the answer to that question But cripple Creek Carl asked that question and it's a good question, but I do know one thing
And thank you other people were jumping in to correct me on it was a biological female so I that was not intentional just so everyone knows on my part, obviously,
I want to be correct with their true biology and I got that switched up in my head and I'm not sure why
I did to be honest because I certainly knew in March If you go back to those episodes that Audrey was a biological female, but anyway neither here nor there the
One of the things I wanted to focus on here is What the ERL see
Brent Leatherwood who's has a connection to the school what they have done What they did do with this at the time and if you're a
Southern Baptist this does have some relevance for you This is something to start thinking through to some extent the
New York Times reported during this is right after I should say the shooting at Covenant School Brent Leatherwood a
Covenant school parent who has been present in court over the last few weeks said Thursday's developments made an extraordinary day by any
Definition from the outset of this case Mr. Leatherwood said in a statement and this is the key part
We have told our attorneys to leave no stone unturned in our pursuit of the ultimate objective we have which is to prevent any of these writings meaning what you just heard me talk about or Any material that might inspire similar destructive events from ever seeing the light of day
He added no one either in the legal community or outside of it should doubt our resolve This is resources that if you're a
Southern Baptist and you're giving to the Southern Baptist Convention some of your money is going to the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission and some of that money went to These attorneys who were working
Overtime apparently or at least working very hard according to Brent Leatherwood to suppress what you just heard me read
Now I find that a curious thing because I mean maybe someone in the chat can correct me if I'm wrong here
But has that ever been something that the URLC has put any resources toward in other similar?
Circumstances where there's a shooting have they tried to? At least even even without attorneys publicly take a stand against releasing those manifestos
I don't think so. I kind of doubt it if someone has an example, I'd be curious to hear it But they this was something that was very personal to mr.
Leatherwood Yet there was something else he did at the time and here is a copy of it. This is a letter and It's got the
Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention heading on it says office of the president
Dear lieutenant governor speaker and every member of the legislature. This is Tennessee now
I was told this is going back now a few years But I was told during Russell Moore's time that the
URLC did not get involved in state political matters They were more national matters.
And so that's the reason they didn't back the heartbeat bill that kind of thing Well, clearly they have no problem backing red flag laws and Putting their efforts into that and on the state level in Tennessee because that's exactly what this letter and I'm not gonna read it for You we talked about it at the time goes over.
This is Brent Leatherwood the president of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission for the SBC encouraging people to vote for a red flag law now
This is there's nothing in here about transgenderism or the connections between transgenderism and mental health or just the violent tendencies and I'm talking about the violence that transgender people tend to do to themselves whether that's the
Just off the charts high suicide rate or it's mutilating their bodies or you know things like that you would think that that would be
Concerning if you're going if I'm saying if you're going down this road of saying we should limit people who have firearms that should be probably one of the main factors, especially after a shooting like this, but there's nothing like that and And so this is where Southern Baptist resources were going in the days after this particular shooting
It took Steven Crowder. It took a conservative political commentator and comedian to actually release this
And he made the point several times in his podcast that in the release of this
It was he thinks at least it was very possible that other larger media companies even conservative media companies
Had the resources and ability to do the same thing, but were too cowardly to do so now
I don't have any primary sources on that But that would I would I would just say that that makes sense to me at least that rings true with what
I've seen even in the Christian world that It took him who's bold enough to put it out there to actually put it out there
And I think it is something that probably needs to be put out at least if the standing tradition is these things are released which has been
That I can't remember a high -profile shooting that had one of these in which it wasn't released
I mean, I remember reading the Dylann Roof Manifesto, I remember there was one in Buffalo, New York. That was a racially motivated shooting and I remember that was
Released and I mean most of these are there was one at a Walmart in Texas what two years ago
That was a climate change kind of manifesto. I mean these things get released almost immediately generally speaking and The purpose at least
I thought was to warn demographics of Copycats or at least to let them know that there there are evil people who want to target them
So in the case of let's say the Charleston Church where You have someone who is specifically targeting black people
It's important to warn black people that hey there's there's at least one person out there who used violence against you because he
Doesn't want you around and if there are copycats if there maybe there are others who are involved with him
We don't know all the information, but I think it's important to just be careful be on notice if you're in that demographic
I thought that was the intention. Maybe it's not maybe it's all just political In this case though, you have a
Christian school and you have it's white people. It's white people who attend Christian schools in the suburbs fairly affluent people at least affluent enough to let their kids drive their
Mustangs and Those are the kinds of people that should be put on notice but notice
The media did not carry any kind of narrative I mean normally the media doesn't even need a manifesto for that, right?
They automatically jump to the assumption. It must be motivated by some kind of a right -leaning Motivation or a racially motivated against minorities kind of thing
They didn't do any of that with this. It couldn't have been linked to transgenderism. It couldn't have been linked to Anti -christian hatred or anything like that and here we see that The suspicions apparently were somewhat vindicated that many conservatives had of this so that's
That's the concern I have with Southern Baptist giving money to the URL see and then Brent Leatherwood using that money to hire attorneys to suppress something like this
There's clearly an agenda there That is political and it's mostly it lines up with the left's political agenda
Which is if it's a shooting that they can use somehow to move the needle against their
The the base of voters that opposes them then they will release it. They will smear them
They will do whatever they can but if not If they can't use it in any way, it's suppressed.
It's cover -up. It's make make it go away Make it quiet and then blame the guns and that's exactly what
Brent Leatherwood did. It was blame the guns and So there's this is why I Mean, I don't want to give people know people know what
I think I don't want to give everyone specific advice because everyone's in a different situation But for me, this is one of the reasons that I just couldn't in good conscience ever give at least
To the to a general fund in the SPC where some of that money could go to the URL see I just couldn't do it That's a voluntary thing
You don't have to do that just because you were born into an SPC Church and you Your church it has always been
SPC doesn't mean it needs to continue being SPC and it doesn't even if it's SPC You should at least look into ways that you can
Give if you have to stay in, you know Give whatever it is your $18 or $20 to stay in make sure none of that money is going to the
RLC That that would be my advice now, you know I think most of the entities have corruption issues in the
SPC if not all so but but this is just egregious in my opinion so May Houston said it's definitely not always white kids who attend private schools.
That's very true. But in the manifesto It's white people who are singled out very explicitly. So it's not just Christian school attenders
It is white kids who go to Christian schools All right, so and pastor
Michael Grant says the biblical doctrine of separation will require a person separate from the SPC at this point well, yeah,
I mean if it requires you to Partner with evil then I would say absolutely and there are people who debate that and say well
We can still be in and not be in partnership with evil That's a very hard line to walk and increasingly a harder line to walk if you're in the denomination
So that's what I wanted to say about the SPC. Of course in this episode though. We are talking about transgenderism and the normalization of that and And there are many examples that I'm even thinking of episodes
I've done in the past where we've talked about acts 29 networks They had a pastor who was
I guess affirming would be a fine Label to use in Australia. They had a pastor who was affirming or at least normalizing
Transgenderism and there was a recent I think it was in Massachusetts I played it a few weeks ago a pastor up there in the axe 29 network had also at least
Made I don't know if you want to call what he said affirming but he was trying to talk about reaching out and making churches essentially safe places where they're comfortable and It was you know all all motivated by this trying to evangelize by not being too critical initially right and just softening that that approach and so we've seen this kind of thing for years really in Many circles we've seen this from gospel coalition articles
We've seen this what was the one I think it was maybe it was TGC, Australia again where you know
Jesus had a body dysphoria or kind of some kind of a dysphoria and then that was somehow linked to Transgenderism or something like that there.
It was weird, but there's a number of those things those those stretches that people try to make to Accommodate and they're accommodating lifestyles of sin whether they know they're doing it or not
This is you know revoice and not revoice revoice certainly, but the living outs church
I don't know. I'm trying to remember what they called it but it was a audit of some kind for churches to make sure that their church was inclusive of LGBTQ or people who
Believe that they are in one of those categories Tim Keller those supported it. So so this has been going on for a while and And and and so we're not gonna focus on all of that But I want to give you a few examples of things that just let me know that things are going to the next level that there's a penetration of this ideology into Formerly evangelical circles that's going much deeper and that's gonna continue
I think for some time. So let's start with this one This is an article from enemies within the church written by Kyle Witt Kyle Witt, by the way former
North American mission board for the Southern Baptist Convention church planner who? whistle -blew on what
Nam was doing and so Man of character and he wrote this the title is
Max Lucado who of course very big in evangelical circles joins a conference with a transgender
Christian speaker and I'll just read some of this for you.
Why is Max Lucado speaking at the? 2024 exiles in Babylon conference
It's a question. We would love an answer to though It seems the answer may not be a good one.
But what is the conference and is it truly a problem? This is even more problematic in the wake of Andy Stanley's unconditional conference
Which was rightfully drawn more scrutiny to church leaders flirting with accepting homosexuality in some form or another
So it makes it more concerning that Max would be joining the stage with a transgender Christian something that goes a step beyond what
Andy Stanley did Who would have thought Max Lucado would be going beyond Anne Lee Stanley and in the wrong direction?
But here we are the exiles in Babylon conference is an annual Christian conference hosted by Preston Sprinkle in Boise The primary topics it covers are
LGBT and racial reconciliation with this year additionally covering the church and politics and women power and abuse
Funny how those things always seem to go together, right? We will briefly describe the issues here But we prepared many profiles on a speaker for each topic to allow you more details as to why this conference is so concerning Those profiles are linked when each person is mentioned so there's more information essentially if you want to delve deeper as you read the article, but you can go to EWTC news .com
EWTC news .com if you want to see more of these links So, let's see,
I I want to skip past some of this Okay, so there was a speaker
Kat LaPrairie and the I guess for this conference the
Advertisement said that she would be talking about LGBT people and the church Kat is a biological female uses they them or she her pronouns
Identifies as transgender because of her disconnect between her body and her eternal self now I'm almost afraid at this point to say biologically what she is, but apparently it's not a she oh, it is a she
Okay, see that's why I'm afraid. I I just got it wrong With the Audrey Hale situation.
She is not a biological male. All right, so it's another she yes Talking about transgender individuals is confusing when it comes to be being clear about who they are biologically
But she is not the only concerning speaker addressing that topic The only the one that we find particularly concerning is art
And I think I'm pronouncing this right Pereira art Pereira a celibate gay man who has sought to satisfy his desire for marriage and family by inventing a chosen brother relationship where he and He straight his straight friend have formed a household together
They've committed to maintaining that even after the friends gets married this may sound strange
But art's own descriptions which can be found in as many profile or even stranger This is just a taste to show what the conference's stances
What their position on homosexuality is? Okay, so I'm not gonna get some of this is analysis
They have some other woke speakers. Apparently Chris Butler Tiffany bloom Chris Butler is a
Democrat Not simply by voting but he ran for Congress as a Democrat. Okay, so I mean this is a woke conference you have
The Chris has written a book promoting the ideas of the progressives and campaign Tiffany Blum or bloom agrees with him yet.
She takes it further by adding systemic oppression of women to the sins of America So she's got a feminist side to her
And she's part of what she calls the resistor hood Cohort class she clarifies that it's not simply feminism, but women's liberation.
She believes in. Okay, so this is just This is like this is a woke fest. That's what this is and guess who's speaking there along these with these others
Max Lucado So, you know, they're very disappointing to me. At least he schedules scheduled to speak at this conference, which happens in 2024 this don't don't don't miss this this is a
This is another step down the road to depravity Max Lucado wouldn't have done this.
I don't think two years ago three years ago. He was talking about His I think it's my still most viewed video on YouTube go figure.
I didn't put a lot of work into it It was just like one article about Max Lucado and I and I read it and gave some analysis
But he was talking about his own white privilege and confessing his own sins of racism because he didn't he wasn't compassionate enough and that kind of thing and And and that was a surprise to people at the time and there were people mad at me at the time because they thought that Well, he didn't you're getting him wrong
John. He didn't really mean that and I'm like, I'm just quoting him Now look look at where he's headed. Look at who he's associating with look at who he's willing to talk with At a in the theme of a conference.
That's that's exceptionally woke so That's I got a question.
I'm not sure this caught my eye John your mute Christmas concert review is epic Would you consider doing another I'm assuming that's
TGC. Sure. Sure Yes, and I know yeah people keep reminding me that the shooter was
Female. Yes. I I got it. Sorry. Sorry. I think people are
Coming on to the live stream and they're seeing the earlier parts where I was saying biological male in error
And I have corrected that though all right, so You you have max
Lucado doing this You also have this was recently at the
Dove Awards you have Derek Webb Derek Webb has had I think Like 10 if I'm not mistaken
Top 10 or or maybe number one hits on Christian radio. I mean there's someone who has some significant had some significant power or at least
Influence in the Christian music industry and These are pictures of him dressing like a woman cross -dressing
I mean look he's dressed more true as a traditional woman than most women are dressed now
I mean that that's the irony of this. I mean you have these male Cross -dressers who are putting on more feminine apparel than what women are wearing
I mean, this is what you might see your grandma wearing and And And this is where you know, he and he went with someone who is considers themselves to be transgender
To the Dove Awards now, this doesn't mean the Dove Awards was endorsing this But he found it acceptable in his mind.
At least he thought that he could get away with going and not feeling ashamed of it and You know,
I I don't know what kind of response he got but I'm assuming he was allowed to go and he
Participated in at least attending and this was I mean, this was something that there's probably the first time that's ever happened
If it's not the first time it's the first time of someone who's high -profile so So, I'm not sure if someone's got to talk to me about This Christian music thing.
I'm not sure what concert you're referring to in the chat group here So I'll respond at the end, but I want to get to a few more things
So that was Derek Webb and then you have this this is Zach Lambert who is a pastor and Zach Lambert Had this to say and this is in from one year ago
Okay, this sermon from one year ago, but it I think James White. I haven't listened to James White's analysis
I'm sure it was good, but James White recently played this particular sermon and reviewed it and So even though it's a sermon from a year ago, it's become it there was some on Social media going back and forth about it
But there's only one clip that I wanted to play for you about this. So I'm gonna play that for you and And then we'll talk about it which
Gender is or should be influenced by someone's sex at birth is debated
And the degree to which gender should be influenced by God's biological design is also debated
But what we do know is that the call for all Christians regardless of sex or gender is
Christ likeness Defined by the fruit of the Spirit. It is Christ likeness defined by the fruit of the
Spirit Dallas Theological Seminary professor and gender studies expert. Dr. Sandra Gawne said it like this on our summer mixtape back in 2020
What God is interested in is fruit of the Spirit for some it's going to be the fruit of the Spirit in a female body
For others, it's going to be in a male body and for others It's going to be in an intersex body, but it's going to be the fruit of the
Spirit no matter what your body is This is very important. The call to Christ likeness is never gendered in Scripture, right?
So there All right. Well, yeah, the call to Christ is never gendered in Scripture Zach Lambert now, why did
I want to play that clip for you? We've gone over the argument that he employs here. We've Refuted it.
This is he goes on after this to talk about how God does not have specific rules for holiness for men and women.
It's just their general rules and this is a strategy to redirect Christian focus away from Even asking questions about whether transgenderism is it is acceptable or wrong?
But instead to try to say you just need to focus on what God talks about God's concerned about holiness
Whether someone's transgender or not doesn't matter and and the assumption is they can be holy and live apart from God's design for men and women
Which is just kind of bonkers But he cites someone here. This is what I the reason
I wanted this caught my attention. He cites a professor Sandra Glahn from Dallas Theological Seminary and Sandra Glahn is a professor of media arts and worship at DTS and Just talks about the different things that she teaches, but she also
Talks about art gender sexual intimacy in marriage and first century backgrounds as they relate to gender so she's got a
Bioethics sexuality and biblical women so she's got this background Where she's she's involved in discussions about gender and this is where Zack Lambert is getting inspiration.
So notice this It's not that Dallas Theological Seminary is Ignoring this this is a seminary that cranks out a lot of pastors.
It's a big seminary They're not just ignoring this issue, right? Which is what a lot of Evangelical organizations do they ignore it?
You know, it's just not worth the risk to to take that kind of a risk and take a stand for biblical morality on this topic because you're gonna get the
People influenced by the world and worldly thinking coming after you and they're powerful people
No They they're going the extra step as this former formerly.
I'll say formerly evangelical school is Employees professors at least one who is actually
Affirming to some extent or normalizing transgenderism Zack Lambert's inspired by Sandra Glahn That's what
I wanted to point out. I mean, this is a level down don't miss this. This is a level down This is this is new territory that we're covering in a sense
Because you the frustration for a while is was that evangelical organizations were being weak about this stuff
Not that they were affirming it and I warned a number of us warned years ago that this would eventually lead to affirmation and finding theological ways in which to somehow make the regime's
Narrative acceptable to biblical Christians or Christians who claim to value the Bible and this happens in communist countries this happened in I know a little more about it because I've read more about it, but there's a book now
It's written by someone who is very left But there are some primary sources in it that are helpful or at least quotes of primary sources called
Aryan Jesus and it's about the Nazi Experience with the
German Christian movement and this is basically what they did was you know You know how we're going to make sure that we survive
We're gonna convince our overlords the people who have political power that we're not a threat.
And in fact, we support their narrative The Confessing Church by and large it was
I mean, I know that there are much There's a lot of respect for the Confessing Church and there are figures in the
Confessing Church worthy of respect but by and large the Confessing Church was very weak and They wanted to just let's just leave us alone.
Stay out of our church business and we'll leave you alone. Okay? the German Christian movement went the extra step of No, you know
Lutherans and Catholics saying we're going to advocate for the Nazi ideology and not only that we're gonna show how
Scripture supports it somehow and And that you have the same dynamic going on here obviously different issues in play
But it's you know What are the powerful people want the people who could cancel us the people who could?
Take away our tax -exempt status the people who could you know hurt us in some way we're going to try to accommodate them and the way we accommodate them since the pressure is building is we are going to affirm the evil things that they affirm and And and that's the road.
That's the road that we're going down now. I was really happy to see
I don't want this to be as People say a black pill for everyone
So I did want to point out that John Cooper the front man for skillet. And by the way, I'm not a big hard rock guy
I've there's there's a few bands and a few songs that I've listened to that I guess you could can that are hard rock, but But I have to say
I've listened to a number of songs on Skillet's new album and there's one called psycho in my head and it's just I think it's about human depravity and so forth but anyway, it's very catchy and so I recommend checking that out and supporting
John Cooper to be honest because John Cooper is taking a stand here. And this is it's a scary thing.
I think he's bold enough. He can handle it I mean he was the guy that during the 2020 Riots, and he was in Oh goodness now forgetting the name of the the city that he lives in Man and there were some bad riots there, too
It'll come to me in a moment In Wisconsin right near Chicago, why can't I think of the name of it
Indian name? Kenosha, thank you. I don't think Someone put it in the chat
Kenosha. Somehow it came to me. So anyway He was during those that experience.
I remember he talked about like being you know Having his air 15 ready being in his house hearing the riots.
I mean, he's a tough guy So I think you can take it but look this is a scary thing and he I'm not gonna play the interview for you but if you go to rumble, there's like a five -minute clip of him on OAN now, it's a conservative news network and he just rips in to What Derek Webb's doing and what
Christians who want to normalize transgenderism are doing how it's unbiblical It's evil and I just thank
God for people like him who are who have influence who are still using it in appropriate ways
Because they actually believe it now Since we're on the topic. I Need to comment on it.
So I'd at least show you this The secret life of Smith station mayor and Baptist pastor
FL Bubba Copeland as a transgender curvy girl. It's a hobby I do to relieve stress quote.
This is from 1819 news, which is a conservative news organization and They broke the story and I think it was after they broke it that Unfortunately this particular pastor committed suicide and so it's a very very sad story
But it's and I don't it's almost too hard for me to go through it But he called where he lived it was, you know, we're
Mayberry 2023. This is a small town This is you know, people must not have known That you know, this is what?
This is what he was doing. I mean, there's a picture of him and Donald Trump. I mean, he's he's living in a very conservative World and But yet he had an alter ego life.
He had his his Britney character that he played at times and On Instagram it had it looks like I don't know if that's followers or what that is, but he had he had a following I don't know.
I don't know how many people active in the trans Groups online
There's there's just a bunch of stuff I mean 1819 news found everything I mean they found even you know where he's wearing clothes that his wife is seen photographed in in other places and this of course has led to he has taken his life and I Mean, I don't even know exactly what to say about this other people wanted me to comment
But I I don't even know if I have words. It's just it's extremely sad to me and Coming from one of the most conservative towns in the country
Or at least that he describes it as very conservative place very traditional place Pastor and the mayor.
I mean, this is a small town so obviously there's The narrative that the left takes on this kind of thing is that it's the stigma that comes with transgenderism that killed this particular individual
Bubba died because people were judging him and They don't think about well, maybe maybe it's
These kind I'm not saying he was even trans. I don't even know what you would call what he did I mean, he was part of these transgender communities.
So I guess that's fine But this cross -dressing this maybe there's something deeply wrong that's going on here
Maybe maybe there's a reason that suicide is so prevalent in this particular demographic, you know, maybe doing violence mutilating yourself and then committing suicide is a sign that you're not well and So the left will place the blame on the community that the community did this to him and he had to kill himself because of He couldn't take the judgment.
I mean, this is a man that who's a pastor and a mayor I mean in a community that's pretty red So, you know, obviously there is gonna be some stigma with that And in fact that the community knows if they love him, they should make sure that he's no longer the pastor
They should make sure he's no longer the mayor. They should get him some help and and that's where the emphasis should be
We need to help this guy this guy and and we need to also check ourselves. And how are we this deceived? How did we not see this right?
Those are the kind of questions. I'm sure people are asking there but he decided to end it and So, I don't know that this story fits in with the normalization of transgenderism
There are still places especially red places small towns where this is you can't be the pastor of the local
Baptist Church and have And be doing cross -dressing on the side. It's just not something that's accepted and it shouldn't be but But the fact that you know, this is even a temptation for someone who lives in what he calls
Mayberry that's the thing I suppose I want people to think about a little and ponder is the media has
Put so many things in front of our eyes Pornographic images, even if you're not looking at pornography, you're you're taking in advertisements
I mean at the beginning of this video, well, they weren't like super bad, but there were some advertisements even on the news story
I was trying to get rid of before I showed it to you. I mean, we're just so used to those things and We're very overly sexualized and it's not we don't even have to leave our house and These influences come in and you can be in Mayberry without anything overt going on that would
Persuade you to go that direction and you'll go that direction because there's other influences coming in and I don't know, you know what influences
Bubba was looking at or listening to but That would be my very strong suspicion so a
Little bit of a wake -up call so Yeah, someone says that's not transgender.
That is cross -dressing or maybe transvestite Well, I got it, but he was part of these transgender groups.
So that's why I'm saying You know, I I don't know. I don't know what what you would call it.
That's why I don't know enough about his situation okay, so That is that is that we've been going 45 minutes.
I think we have time to go over some of the Other stuff that I wanted to talk about Oh with last but not least on the transgender issue
I wanted to say thank God for Rosario Butterfield I wanted to let you know about this Reformation 21 put out an article
Published by Rosario Butterfield. This was October 16th, and I didn't cover it because well,
I had some tragedies in my own family and I just couldn't but I did tell her that I wanted to get to this and there's a picture of the
Town or that's yeah, there's a school board meeting. I thought that was a town meeting.
But anyway No, it was a school board meeting. So Here's the article
Let me just read for you some clips from this The meeting opened with reverent silence and ended in plaintive wails and heaving sobs
No, this was not the funeral of a dignitary This was the school board meeting in Durham, North Carolina where residents shared opinions about a newly passed parental rights law the new state law prohibits the county school systems current posture of concealing a child's transgender identity from parents and Tonight the only place we heard the word perverted was from a school board member about Christians Our journey to that night in Durham begins months earlier as Andrew learned firsthand that local votes addressing the foundation of reality
Could come up without much warning so it goes through what essentially led her to making this decision to go make a speech at the school board meeting and I just have to say that This is something that all the evangelical elites who have influence should be all hands on deck about and the silence is deafening and it is people like Rosaria who is a mother and a pastor's wife yeah, she's an author but she sees herself and her life is primarily that of a mother and a pastor's wife not that and I should say not that a pastor's wife is a
I Have parents my dad's a pastor. So I know that pastor's wife is not a position.
All right, it's not in the Bible you're just the wife of you're what the wife of a pastor, but she She is a hospitable person.
She compliments the work that her husband does That's how she sees herself There's no reason that she has to go to a meeting like this and enter the fray other than her conviction before God The meeting open the meeting opened with a moment of silence for those targeted by the state legislature's actions
I mean, how about that? You're gonna go speak at the meeting and it opens. I mean the bias is just oozing
People came with who spoke I guess who had pronouns They wanted to say who with our pronouns were
So Rosario is finally called up and she shared her history as a retired tenured professor of English Woman studies and queer theory from Syracuse University.
She was a lesbian activist for a decade. So she talked about all that She has those credentials But when she shared that she was no longer a lesbian she was grateful she made no irreparable irreparable medical decisions that caused harm to her physical body during her decade of lesbian confusion a sense of tension and opposition rose from the board and the audience
Rosario explained that children who experience either the medical condition of gender dysphoria or the ideological social contagion of transgenderism need guidance from their parents
The people who know them best love them most and can help them heal She said the transgender movements rejection of the state's biological categories of male and female renders it junk science
I mean she literally someone gasped when she said that so she she went after it and She went after it the way you're supposed to go after it.
No Walking on eggshells no trying to soft -pedal it. She just said this was the truth
So Because of time constraints, I'm not gonna read the rest of this But there's a great argument here for why this is an important battlefield, you know, we we had a school board meeting in the
County the town I should say where my church is last thing was last year a one of the high schoolers from the church from my church went and spoke some truth to the school board about this topic did something very similar and It's just sad to me his voice was the voice of opposition right, and and I think partially due to that there were death threats against the church and There was also another the church also hosted a
Moms for Liberty thing or at least allowed Moms for Liberty to use their building and I mean that contributed to it as well, but it's like, you know other churches in the area
I aren't aren't I'm not trying to criticize church Every church has their own situation
But this isn't something that other churches in the narrow area are known for right there taking these public stands.
It's risky. It's risky It's risky to write, you know religious exemptions for the vaccine. It's it's risky to take a stand on biblical sexuality
It's risky to contradict the BLM narrative It is that there's these things are all very risky things to do, especially in a blue area
And Durham is a blue area by the way I live near there and I went to church there and my wife worked there and yes
It's you may be in North Carolina, but it is a blue area Okay, so anyway the rest of it is very encouraging there's some scripture passages and so Andrew Branch actually is the one who wrote this
I think I said Rosaria wrote it Andrew Branch I guess wrote this and Rosaria so so I guess she helped as well.
So she must have they work together to write it to put this out there I'm Encouraging John Cooper Rosario Butterfield.
There are some voices out there and they do have some influence, but It's just sad that we don't see more of this
And so I I hope this will inspire others who might be listening to this to take firm Stands on these particular issues now.
I want to get to this stuff a little bit I Still have people telling me
That she was born a girl and That I was wrong to say yes, I I know
I know people are that has to be the explanation people are just joining the video And they're starting from the beginning
So yeah, I thank you. Thank you for letting me know that with Audrey Okay, so I want to play for you a clip.
I don't even know how I want to start this I need to go through it quickly here In about half an hour.
I don't know if this is live or not I'm gonna be on the rap report Andrew Rapaport's podcast. So if that's live you can you can follow me over there, but But anyway,
I need to land the plane and do a few things before we get there. So let me just briefly go over this Mike Johnson the new speaker of the house.
This is This is from a lot of this information that I'm going to share with you has been around But I just haven't been commenting on this stuff
Rolling Stone magazine This is from Protestia condemns house speaker Mike Johnson for helping his son stay away from pornography
Now if you read this article basically what you find is that Mike Johnson Has accountability software on his digital devices as his son does and they keep each other accountable
Which you know, it's a great thing. He's public about it. And I mean this does a few things I think it shows you he has humility number one because and that's so important to say, you know what?
I need this accountability. I need this kind of software. This helps me That that to me is a huge that's an admission that hey,
I'm not perfect and I need I need help in this area And it's also admission that I take it seriously Which by the way, both of those things to me are just I mean
I'm just so grateful that there's someone like that in the position they're in. I think that's God Now Mike Johnson Has a number of detractors, of course who
Rolling Stone basically is what they said Speaker of the house Mike Johnson admitted that he and his son monitored each other's porn intake and of course people like Keith Olbermann and other liberals said, you know are saying that he has a problem with pornography and he's consuming that and And that they're skeletons in his closet.
They're basically saying he's a pervert and this is what The people who actively promote policies that make pornography more accessible who use it in their own lives
Who advocate for it who have no shame in it you think it's great They they're the quickest ones, of course to go after any
Christian who might admit that They have a struggle in this area or are actively working against this kind of temptation
And then they want to just smear them. They want to make them out to be horrible people. It's the height of hypocrisy, of course but But but this is how this whole thing was twisted and of course if you if you speak out against homosexuality the
Lobby the homosexual lobby if you want to call them that the activists will say you're just a repressed homosexual That's why you're doing this.
You know, they turn every motivation into some kind of a you know You're against pornography because you must be the worst kind of pervert and we're looking at the worst kind of pornography
That's why you're against it, right? That's what they do and it's all Psychobabble that's meant to justify their own sin, but this is how the world treats someone like a
Mike Johnson now, here's another clip. This is from or a clip from Pete Buddha judge if I can put it
Buddha judge Is it Buddha judge or Buddha? But however you say his name? He's he was a candidate for president now
Department of Transportation head. He is a He was on the Stephen Colbert show the
Stephen Colbert show the the show that Tim Keller said I Kid you not Stephen Colbert the
Catholic who Tim Keller said did a great job Representing Christians and the gospel and being a witness
You know something like that That's Stephen Colbert. So so Pete Buddha judge was on that particular show and this is what
Pete Buddha judge had to say about speaker Mike Johnson's talk When we last talked
Mike Johnson was not speaker of the house now Mike Johnson is speaker of the house and his
Record on LGBTQ issues is what's the word? Awful, so how do you work with a guy who argued that same -sex relations are quote the dark?
harbinger of chaos and sexual anarchy that could doom even the strongest Republic Look With anybody who can help us get good transportation available to the
American people, but I don't know maybe we'll just have them over because our little house isn't that far from from the
Capitol and if you could see what it's like when I come home from work and Chasten's bringing the kids home from daycare or vice versa.
And one of us is getting the mac and cheese ready and The other ones microwaving those little freezer meatballs that are a great cheat code if you got toddlers and you got to feed them quickly and they won't take their shoes off and One of them needs a diaper change
Everything about that is chaos, but nothing about that is dark. That's Well too bad for Mike Johnson and great for everybody else
Same -sex marriage is legal. It's constitutional. It's thriving Okay, yeah, it's it's it's thriving as meaning a lot of people
I guess are Taking advantage of that particular the laws that accompany the privileges of marriage
That is this is what we have to be prepared for as Christians it's very emotionally manipulative
It's all emotional everything that you just heard I mean little house even using adjectives that make it seem very quaint and there can't be anything going on That's wrong in that he's not talking about his sexual habits with his quote -unquote husband
He's trying to focus on the things that you could put in a Hallmark card the things that are heartwarming, you know toddlers being messy and You know eating their food and coming home from school and that kind of thing
And that's what's used to then say Mike. That's what Mike Johnson must be opposing And of course
Mike Johnson isn't opposing any of those things In particular, there's there's nothing that he's not saying that it's it's you know
The messiness that he's talking about or the evil that he's talking about isn't the messiness of kids
Trying to eat their food, which is the image you conjure up What he's talking about is the complete overhaul of sexual ethics so that we don't actually have any rules anymore
So that and I can't even say it really on the podcast I feel weird saying it but so men can
Men can harm themselves by sticking their private, but I you see I'm already like chickening out of saying
Because I know that there's families who listen to this but you get your kids out of the room men sticking their private parts in The the back end of other men where it's they're not meant to be doing damage
Risking their own health risking their I mean emotionally, I don't even every every homosexual
I have known And been I mean, I've even been friends with some Have had deep emotional issues.
I mean I when once you get close to it and you see What this life does to people?
especially if you're a Christian you You're very Your compassion the mechanism you have for compassion is activated and you don't want people going that direction out of love even if they hate you and So I guess the question for Christians is that that narrative is so overwhelming at this point that it even
You know that kind of thing crushes people like Mike Johnson because he must be against apple pie at this point
I mean he's against he's against mama. He's against things that are quintessentially seen as Americana now because Now we're trying to link homosexual marriage with those things
How do you reverse that? Well emotionally, I mean you can try your best But it's going to take some hard talk some truth talk and it's really going to take people can trying to get around the emotions to go to the intellect and That's that's a tough challenge in today's media driven society of course
Everything that you just heard can be applied to Other sexual depravities the things that we would consider today
Still to be very repulsive beastiality you know things like pedophilia
You know those things of course or even polygamy. I mean those things are all kind of condemned
But you could say the same exact things about those things that you just heard Pete Buttigieg say
About homosexual marriage quote -unquote marriages same things so It's There there is no way to prevent
Pandora's box from being completely open to the widest degree when that's the kind of logic used to Propel the sexual revolution forward.
So anyway, I figured I'd at least share that with you because that is Part of the opposition to Mike Johnson.
It makes me like Mike Johnson more though that I mean he's telling the truth Hey, this is this is sexual anarchy.
God's gonna judge us. God's judged other nations I mean, that's just standard Christian talk. Of course.
Here's a Here's the Tim Keller. This is why I told you that Tim Keller had let me get rid of this.
Hold on Tim Keller had Said this a while ago.
This was what from 2022. So his last year about Stephen Colbert This is it was a brilliant example
Stephen Colbert put out there to be a Christian in a public square. He was a witness But in a form the culture could handle.
Yeah I mean, this is the the failure of the winsome kind of approach to Christianity I mean using
Stephen Colbert as you were and then if you look at the clip this from 2022 I mean, it's not even he's not witnessing.
It's not even a great clip But but this is the kind of person I mean it's it's people like this that have a little bit of a celebrity status and might be
Catholic or Christian in some sense that Evangelical elites tend to think oh man, like that's that's our standard of success now
So I Wanted to show you so that's the the secular, you know way that people are handling this but I want to show you something
This is Kristen Dumez author of Jesus and John Wayne and this is what she had to say about Mike Johnson That you did with Politico, you note that you're not using the term
Christian nationalist here as a pejorative you say it is merely a descriptive device which leads me to the quite to the beliefs of Mike Johnson in particular does he qualify in your definition as a
Christian nationalist? Yeah, you know, this is a term that scholars have been using for a very long time and only very recently are people self -identifying
As Christian nationalists, I don't know that Mike Johnson has self -identified as one but he certainly fits all of the criteria that scholars have used to to talk about Christian nationalism.
So we tend to talk about people adhering to Christian nationalist commitments or Being sympathetic to those and yes,
Mike Johnson absolutely his entire career his legal career his legislative career has really been dedicated to expanding the the power of conservative
Christianity in the United States All right. So that's all it takes you want to conserve or propel?
Promote the authority or power of Christian conservatives to biblical values that kind of thing
You're Christian nationalists at that point and The people on Twitter who are detractors of Christian nationalism and see it as this horrible threat and writing all kinds of screeds and blogs
Against it and making speeches linking it with kiddism and trying trying all manner of everything to Distance themselves from it will never escape this as long as they are a
Christian and think that biblical values should be implemented on some Level they're gonna be a Christian nationalist.
That's all there is to it The this is how like notice how this this works the world is pushing against Mike Johnson because he's
You know, he's against pornography in his personal life mind you he is against He was against homosexual marriage
They're they're pushing against that or I should say the government's recognizing homosexual wedding ceremonies and What are the
Christian elites do in this case when they have an opportunity to stand before the media and speak prophetically, right?
You know, they should be backing up what Mike Johnson says. They should be saying absolutely I mean, where's the level of concern for things like pornography for things like?
Sexual anarchy in this country. Well instead what they do when they have the opportunity is they join the fray? they help carry the water for these worldly these evil worldly people and they say things like Mike Johnson is a
Christian nationalist and and that's you know, that's a horrible thing It's on MSNBC that she's saying this so they they run in the same
Circles and this they do the same thing they're going pushing in the same direction pushing the needle in the same way that the world is pushing the needle and And I and I say the world
I'm talking about the less the flesh less the eyes personal pride of life and the philosophies And people who promote those things that's what I'm talking about. They're carrying the water for them
These things ought not to be but this is what you have in Big Eva unfortunately, and and unfortunately to when you have these big these detractors of Christian nationalism
We want to treat it like this stage, you know 10 threat red alert They're helping people like Christian Dumas make the case.
I'm just I'm saying it as a fact. I'm not saying it as Whether you know whether their critiques are right or wrong.
That's just the practical outworking of it If it's such a boogeyman then that boogeyman is going to be wielded
So, um, I think that was the last Clip I wanted to share with you. I wanted to share this with you though about Mike Johnson real quick in our closing time here
There's a I happened across To see this on Facebook from a guy named
Adam McManus pastor Chad Chauvin wrote Mike Johnson was the first Sunday school teacher I had as a new
Christian when he lived in Baton Rouge, Louisiana This was the year 2000 He taught
Sunday school from the Bible rather than using a workbook on Halloween He invited me and other college students to go door -to -door Passing out gospel tracks sharing the gospel with our neighbors
It was also my first glimpse into what a truly godly household looked like and he and his wife were expecting their first child
So he talks about This guy and I mean he's one of us That's what it seems like now that being said
I'm not gonna play the clip because of time but I Did happen to see this and I this is the only thing
I figured I have to be honest with you guys Mike Johnson Believes that white people have an easier path in life than black people because of the color of their skin
According to Patriot takes but if you watch this video, it's only a minute long Mike Johnson basically says I have
I think they adopted a black son and that his black son's gonna have a much harder time making You know his way through life.
I'm assuming this is in 2020 It's a PBS interview and that we need transformative solutions to address this
So we need to I mean he is carrying the critical race theory water in in this particular clip
Now, I don't know whether he still feels that way or not But that is a problem and so I want to say
I am positive about Mike Johnson Especially with a lot of the Christian things he said, but he was either deceived or believes even now
Some aspects of CRT at least the aspect that because of these systemic
Advantages that white people have his white son is gonna have a much better time of it I mean we just showed you what it was at three or four weeks ago.
Maybe a month ago that the top companies in this country are Overwhelmingly hiring minorities now in response to 2020.
I mean, it's just it's unbelievable What's happening to the white workforce as a result of that?
So I mean his son His son who's black is going to have Obviously, there are cultural differences.
There's going to they're both going to have Challenges and challenges that aren't even related to the color of their skin challenges related to all kinds of things their
Christianity where they live Where they what field they decide to get into what college they attend what kind of hobbies they're interested
I mean, there's a million things but on that issue specifically Statistically his son is going to have a much better time being hired by top companies in this country being black
A much better time getting into Ivy League schools being a racial minority. I mean, it's just a fact so anyway
Yeah, someone said ask the white people in South Africa If their life is easier today.
Yeah, that's Not not so in fact There's a good thread my brother wrote on South Africa the
Boers of South Africa for people who are on Twitter It got shared by Lauren Southern. I think Tom Askew liked it.
It's a it was great. All right. Well Someone said are you saying max?
Lucado has gone woke. Oh, I'm saying max Lucado has kind of been on the woke train at least on some level for a while So I'm not saying he's gone woke.
I'm saying he's been that way at least he's had some sympathies in that direction All right last chance for questions
Anything that you guys might have I would be curious to read questions comments
I don't know if there's been further developments in this whole thing with Audrey Hale But I have just so people know tomorrow if I have the time
I have queued up the Robert E Lee stuff because I didn't get to talk about that So we'll see if we can talk about that and also
Southern Baptist stuff. I want to talk about this This amicus brief and then also the reactions to a
William Wolfe video That's it's getting a lot of attention or was getting a lot of attention.
He had to block all kinds of people So we'll see how far we get. There's some other things too, but we'll see how far we get with that Lord willing tomorrow
Probably if I'm gonna do it tomorrow, I mean, I don't know when it would be It would be either probably not morning probably towards the evening, but I will let people know
So final thoughts final comments here, we've been going an hour and ten minutes if anyone has anything now is the time
It doesn't look like there's any questions Someone asked if Pete Buttigieg had done anything for transportation
Does he even work? Yeah, I don't know the answer to that. I Do not know the answer to that Someone said
Louisiana has a ban on pornography it's limited but it's an effort. That's great to hear I mean there are places where you still have old laws on the books that haven't been repealed
Someone says was Audrey known Audrey Hale known to be on cross -sex hormones that I am not sure
Maybe someone can answer that I Am not sure about that. That would be an interesting a question to have answered though Someone says that they think so I mean look if you look at the picture and maybe it's just the way that her hair is cut and everything
I mean, I Now I'm I'm looking at it thinking okay. Yeah, I mean, it's a it's a girl
But I look for the first like 10 minutes of this episode. I was accidentally saying that She was a biological male because sometimes it is that deceptive and I thought maybe it was a male trying to look like a female
So yeah How can we pray for your family? Um, thank you. Yeah, so many things.
I think just the general thing is for peace strength and And yeah, peace strength and wisdom would be the three things right now that we need and Yeah, it's been a hard time for my wife, especially right now.
There's been a number of things Most notably her mother's passing but there's been a number of things and I just want to say
I should say this Thank you so much for those who did Give to the funeral costs and send us letters and of encouragement and notes and I really do
Appreciate that. It means a lot Now I what I didn't mean to do this earlier in the episode, but I'll close with it
If I can find it so I wanted to plug something that is pretty interesting if you go to See if I can find the website if I can't find the website.
I'll have to do it on another podcast But I really wanted to do it. Okay. Yeah, it's tiny Bibles calm tiny Bibles calm and I'll show that to you
So you can see what I'm looking at here Sponsor for this podcast, which I by the way, I'm very thankful for to the sponsors who allow me to Do this kind of material.
So if you're someone who reach out if you're someone who? Has a product I mean and I I want
Christians to also know where they can go to get certain products whether that's coffee or tea or Craft supplies or whatever it is.
So you're not going to Amazon. You're not going to companies that hate you But I'll just mention this company. This is tiny
Bibles tiny Bibles calm tiny Bibles calm And if you go there, you're gonna see a picture of a very tiny
Bible and believe me it is tiny. I have One that's well one was given to me.
That's You need basically a magnifying glass unless you have really good eyesight, so the tiny
Bible in 1896 was produced by David Bryce of Glasgow and It's a miniature
Bible There's you can see the picture here. I mean, it's like there's the finger.
There's the Bible. I mean exceptionally small print It's smallest Bible ever printed in the world in recent times.
There's been nothing like it on the market. So so now it's back on the market you can actually buy copies of this now and Kickstarter successfully raised $25 ,000 to be able to produce this now you can purchase it and The intention behind it is in the face of persecution where you know digital things you can lose them and You know larger
Bibles can be confiscated this tiny Bible can get into places where other Bibles can't so it's a
King James version I think they're trying to work on some other versions as well But you can check out tinybibles .com
for updates on that but this is something you can take with you and And And so that's kind of the appeal.
I think that it's kind of a novelty. In fact, I I I think it's a great Prize to give away, you know because Christians I mean we have how many
Bibles we have but do we have a tiny one, right? and so I I think it's kind of a cool thing even to just give away to People in Sunday school or church or just as a fun gift
It's it's I've used it several times in social settings to be like hey You want to read the Bible and I'll give you know, whip out the tiny
Bible and they're like, that's a Bible so anyway Martin Chamberlain's the individual who got this up and running and if you want to know more go to tinybibles .com
That's tinybibles .com and get your tiny Bible Makes a good Christmas present too for that Bible collector in your family
All right. Well, um, oh man, I thought I was done Someone just mentioned to me that Mike Johnson fought against an abolitionist bill in Louisiana didn't know about that obviously not a perfect man and maybe there are some issues there but The things that he's getting flack for I'm very positive about I'll put it that way.
So With that, thank you for your prayers Thank you to everyone who chimed in god bless you all more coming and in 15 minutes