The Danger of Political Correctness


The Danger of Political Correctness Coffee with a Calvinist - Episode 60 Text: Luke 20 To follow along in our daily reading list: CONTEST RULES FOR WINNING A STUDY BIBLE - You must leave a relevant comment on the video either on Facebook or YouTube to show you’ve watched the episode. - On Facebook you must also share the video on your page. - You can enter only once per day for the duration of the contest (June 22-26, 2020). - Names will be placed in a basket and a winner will be drawn on Saturday, June 27. - If you win, you will be contacted through Facebook or Youtube. In addition to entering for yourself, you can also enter for a Facebook friend. - You must first tag their name in the comments. - They must then LIKE the video for their name to be entered as well. - If you have a friend that you know would benefit from a wonderful study Bible, this is a chance to let them know you’re thinking about them. Important Notice: Coffee w/a Calvinist is no longer endorsing the Bible Project. Here is the video link which discusses the issue:


Welcome back to Coffee with a Calvinist.
My name is Keith Foskey and I am a Calvinist.
How would you like the opportunity to win a brand new MacArthur Study Bible? Well if you're interested, at the end of the episode I'm going to tell you how you can win by watching our videos this week on Coffee with a Calvinist.
Alright, let's get on with the episode.
Welcome back to Coffee with a Calvinist.
My name is Keith Foskey and I am a Calvinist.
Today in our reading through of the New Testament we're going to be in Luke chapter 20.
The focus that I want to give is on verses 1 to 8.
This is an interaction of Jesus with the chief priests and the scribes and listen to the interaction.
One day as Jesus was teaching the people in the temple and preaching the gospel, the chief priests and the scribes with the elders came up and said to him, tell us by what authority you do these things or who is it who it is that gave you this authority.
He answered them, I also ask you a question now tell me was the baptism of John from heaven or from man? And they discussed it with one another saying, if we say from heaven he will say why did you not believe him? But if we say from man all the people will stone us to death for they are convinced that John was a prophet.
So they answered that they did not know where it came from.
And Jesus said to them, neither will I tell you by what authority I do these things.
Are there ever times when you are unwilling to say things because of how what you're going to say might be perceived by others? That's what we see today in our text.
These people have come to Jesus to challenge Jesus and they ask him a question, by whose authority are you doing this? And Jesus of course being infinitely wiser than all of them knowing they're seeking to trap him and seeking to bring a condemnation against him, Jesus turns the question around to them and said, by what authority did John the Baptist preach? And so they apparently confined themselves to a huddle of some sort to where they could speak together and no one would hear them and they asked, well how should we answer this? Because if we answer this that John got his message from heaven, then Jesus could just say the same thing.
But if we answer this and say that it wasn't from heaven, then all of these people who believe John was a prophet are going to stone us.
So ultimately they said, we don't know.
They gave a very politically correct answer and Jesus of course said, well then neither will I tell you by what authority I do these things.
Political correctness is nothing new, but political correctness is a dangerous thing because what it causes us to do is it causes us to be unwilling to speak the truth because we're more concerned with how people are going to respond to what we say than the importance of what we have to say.
I see this a lot on social media where people will go on and make a statement and then people, as if they were waiting in the wings, pounce upon that person and begin to challenge them every which way but Tuesday and just argue, argue, argue.
That was a politically insensitive statement.
That was a politically difficult statement.
Your statement offended me.
And we've become so weak that we're not willing to be offended at all.
And we've become so weak that we're not willing to offend even with the truth.
Oh, well I don't want to offend anyone.
Well, I have to say that's not the best way for us to move forward as a people because right now the lack of willingness to stand up for the truth is why there are so many who are running roughshod over other people because there is this acquiescence to falsehood.
There's this acquiescence to things that are simply untrue and yet because of political correctness people are being unwilling to say what needs to be said.
I read something recently that really caught my attention and I want to mention the name some of you know some of you don't.
His name is Jordan Peterson.
I've mentioned him before now.
Jordan Peterson I do not believe is a believer.
Jordan Peterson is he is a professor and I believe he's from Canada.
I read his book 12 Rules for Life last year.
It was it was good in certain parts.
I disagreed a lot with the theological points that he made of course.
But one of the things that was stated recently that I do agree with and somebody said why is Jordan Peterson so popular and the answer was it's because he's willing to say the things people don't want to hear.
He's willing to be politically incorrect and I look to the Christian church and I say I say where are our men who are willing to stand up and speak the truth with without regard to political correctness? Where are our strong men who will speak the truth? And there are men out there who are speaking truth and some of its hard truth and and see even now it's I feel as if I mentioned some of them some of you may come at me and say oh I can't believe you're going to endorse this person.
But I will tell you what I think even if I don't agree with them completely theologically.
I think men like Doug Wilson have an important voice right now because he's willing to say things that other people are not.
Is he always right? No.
Will I endorse everything that he says? No.
There are things about Doug's theology that I don't agree with but the fact that he's not always metering everything that he says by what's politically popular that makes me very thankful for men like him.
James White one of my favorite theologians and well a man that I consider to be a genuine mentor in the faith.
A man who has through his books and writings and tapes over the years has meant a lot to me.
James White is a voice a prophetic voice in our world right now and he's saying things that people just hate.
People absolutely hate the things that he is saying but the thing is they are true things even though they're unpopular things.
His pastor Jeff Durbin that he serves with is also a prophetic voice right now and the thing is the church needs that.
We need men who are willing to say political correctness go away.
Let us preach the truth.
You see those men that came after Jesus they were worried about what the crowd would say.
They were afraid about how the crowd would respond.
We need to be more afraid of how God would understand and perceive what we're doing not how the world is going to understand what we're doing.
If we are if what we are saying is true to the Word of God then it doesn't matter what people think.
Remember the remember where the idea the the phrase political correctness remember the heart of where that comes from.
The the origins of it as I understand is there was once a person who said and I don't know the name but I know basically the origin of it is one person said what you're saying is not factually correct and the person said no no but it is politically correct and see that's the problem.
Political correctness is often and more often than not factual falseness.
Politically correct is often factually false.
As Christians we need to be less concerned with political correctness and more concerned with being biblically correct.
Again I hope you're enjoying these daily videos.
I hope they are an encouragement to you as you start your day off in the Word of God and thank you for watching.
Again my name is Keith Foskey and I am a Calvinist.
May God bless you.
Thank you for watching that episode of Coffee with the Calvinist.
At the beginning I talked about the fact that we have had a John MacArthur Study Bible that has been donated to our program to give away and now I'd like to give you the contest rules for participation if you'd like to participate in trying to win.
I'm going to read them off for you as they're very simple and I'll have them printed at the bottom in the comments below.
This is a contest to win a MacArthur Study Bible by participating in this contest on Coffee with a Calvinist and here's how it works.
First you must leave a relevant comment on this video either on Facebook or YouTube to show that you've watched the episode.
So if you're on Facebook or YouTube you simply leave a comment below about something that I talked about in the video to show that you've watched.
If you're on Facebook you also have to share the video.
That's a big part of what we're trying to do here trying to reach a wider audience so if you're watching via Facebook you've got to share it and you can only do this once a day.
You will have your name entered once per day.
The names are going to be entered in June 22nd through June 26th and then a name will be drawn from a basket on video on June the 27th and we will announce the winner.
If you win you will be contacted through the medium by which you entered.
So if you're on Facebook we will contact you through Facebook.
If you're on YouTube we'll contact you through YouTube.
Now there is an additional way that you can help out a friend.
This is particular to Facebook.
If you are on Facebook and you tag a friend or multiple friends in the comments and they like your comment their name will also be entered in to win the Bible.
So if you have a friend that you know would benefit from a MacArthur Study Bible and you'd like to get them involved in the contest simply tag them below in the Facebook comments and if they like it their name will also be entered into this drawing.
Again the drawing is going to happen on June 27th for one MacArthur Study Bible and the contest is going on all this week June 22nd through June 26th 2020.
Thank you for participating.
I look forward to a fun week of hearing your comments about the videos and seeing how much you can share and reach and help us reach a wider audience and at the end of the week I look forward to awarding someone a brand new beautiful MacArthur Study Bible.
Thank you again for participating.
Thank you for supporting our program and again my name is Keith Foskey and thank you for watching Coffee with a Calvinist.
May God bless you.