How to Be More Like Christ | Clip from The Jaw-Dropping Beauty of Jesus

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It seems God has written a rule that applies to every human being: you will reflect that which you gaze upon. So if you gaze upon sin, upon idols, you will look like them. But if you gaze upon Christ, you will be transformed into His likeness.


So when if somebody looked at Hebrews 1 and said, okay, there's 34 descriptions of Jesus wonderful. What does that do to my life?
I would just say you haven't looked long enough. Yeah, because if you look upon glory He doesn't change
You do and as I think there's an incontrovertible rule of God He's just applied it to the whole universe
You will become like what you behold Yeah, we talked about this not long ago in a series of podcasts on the servant songs
You know in chapter 40 behold your God. Yeah, it's not the father. We're about to see it's
God come in the flesh Yes, the Sun But before you're that's chapter 40 42
Look at the Sun but right before in between is it strange command look at idols and idol makers and idol worshipers
You know look at the emptiness of them before you look at my son But the description of the idol and the description of the idol making and worshiping man are almost identical you become what you love
Yeah, Tozer said we are formative creatures. You know, it's the shutter of the soul is open
Yeah, and the longer it's open the more the transformation takes root. Yeah, which is really for us
Noticing who it is Really for the Christian given who we are to focus upon Can we think of a more delightful way to be transformed?
What if God would have said Jordan and John? Based on the scripture you have 325 rules.
You need to explain to people. I Mean, well, okay God you deserve that But how delightful to say
I want you to give the rest of your life's focus to the one thing that can deeply Satisfy you and the most beautiful thing.
Yeah, and while doing that, yeah, and you're not even noticing it you are being transformed Yeah, well, you said how delightful that's actually the next description.
I want to pull out. Yeah It is actually delightful. So when God woos us to look upon his son
He's actually inviting us into the happiest privilege in the universe. So for example, it's right here in the passage.
It's verse 9 It's a citation from Isaiah 61 and The father's speaking of the
Son this way You are anointed by me I'm anointing you.
I want to come back to that in just a moment with the oil of gladness above your companions
Well anointing in the Old Testament was for a particular function priesthood
So the flask would be broken it's really a messy picture if you look if you look at it You know
These guys had long hair and long beards and they're fully clothed and they have on all this So, you know drapery and tassels and everything and they're just getting drenched.
They're getting saturated so much So that we're told in some passage Passages that the oil drips off the hem and the garments, you know, they're just totally soaked
I mean, how would you like that if I just came and you know dust you it's pretty hard to clean up Can't just get wet and make it go away, but Here the father says of the sign
He did not anoint him with oil but the oil of joy
The oil of gladness. It's as if the father reaches his unlimited arms
To all the resources he can find that would make somebody glad He gathers them all up He puts them in one container and he pours all of that on the head of his son.
I have anointed you With the oil of joy how much? More than everybody else combined.
So you said how delightful I can just ask a really practical question Would you like to spend time with the happiest person in the universe?
Yes That would not discourage you some people say well, you know, I I don't like to be around them because they're always so happy You know, it makes me sad that they're so happy, but but that's not what's going on here
His anointing is of such a fragrance It's just like if you spent time around somebody with you know, too much perfume or cologne you leave and smell like them
Yeah, you know, my wife can tell where I had breakfast with somebody I smell when I come home and and that's that's
God's point. I have doused you With all joy
You are my son I'm annoyed it drips off of you. So to be around him
Necessarily contaminates us with the gift of delightedness and joy
Yeah, that reminds me of Paul's words from a prison to the Colossians Chapter 2.
Yeah, all the fullness of the deity is in him Yeah, and you are made and it's the same Greek word full from that fullness all the completeness in him
So if we take that one thing that that that infinite delight, like you said, it's as if being united to him
It just continues to just flow over us. And of course, I mean our joy is limited
We're little containers, you know, and we get clogged with other things. Yeah, but that Does make the duty of delighting in Christ in a way that transforms us
The sweetest task that he could ever have given us. Thanks for watching the clip. We hope it was spiritually beneficial for you