Black Lives Matter & Marxism


Watch this powerful new sermon from Apologia Church. Dr. James White and Jeff Durbin both preach to the congregation about the recent events, #BlackLivesMatter, #Marxism, and #Communism. Don't miss this vitally important message and be sure to tell someone about it! You can get more at Be sure to like, share, and comment on this video. #ApologiaStudios You can partner with us by signing up for All Access. When you do you make everything we do possible and you also get our TV show, After Show, and Apologia Academy. In our Academy you can take a courses on Christian apologetics and much more. Follow us on social media here: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:


Now when Pastor Jeff said, okay, what how about we split the time Sunday morning I immediately started laughing
Split time with Jeff Durbin, right? If we go if we go even amount of time here we will be here till tomorrow so I Will try to be quick fast and focused
So that pastor Jeff has all the time that he needs To cover the points that he wants to cover because when he mentioned the points he wanted to cover
I was sort of like yeah Okay The idea is that right now in our cultural situation
We have a tremendous opportunity. We cannot help But bear witness to the gospel
By talking about almost anything that is happening in our society right now There are a lot of people that say you
Christians just need to stay out of politics well if politics would stay out of the Christian faith, maybe we could but we can't do that because the
Christian faith speaks to the whole of life and right now the very essence of What that faith means?
Is being discussed by people who have absolutely no basis for answering any of the questions
But you and I do and so we need to be prepared We need to think these things through we need to be people who will be quick with a word of grace and truth
Knowing what we believe and why we believe it over the past couple of weeks a particular phrase has not only become the central point of vocabulary for many of the people in our society
But you open almost any website and it's the first thing you see You go on Google you go on Amazon you go anywhere and You are asked to repeat the phrase black lives matter black lives matter and So it's everywhere
So, what do we do? Now I've already discussed on my own program and say zone. You've heard the ambiguity that results from having a sentence
That has one meaning being used as the title of an organization that has a completely different meaning
Historically and evidence more evidence came out just this week Historically the founders of the black lives matter movement are
Marxists and very clearly It is their intention to use this as a time for promoting
Marxism around the world But the sentence itself must be what you and I focus in on Because when you hear the phrase black lives matter, it is a sentence
What does the word matter mean? Not only that we are
Presuppositionalist if you don't know what that means that means that we recognize that in defense of the Christian faith. There are certain presuppositions that must be addressed if we are to faithfully present
God's truth and Challenge the rebel sinner in his rebellion against God So we are presuppositionalist which means we must think presuppositionally in every situation and if we think
Presuppositionally when you hear the phrase black lives matter, there is a problem from the start.
It's the starting place We have already accepted the division of the one creation of God called man
Into ethnicities that are divided from one another at the very start of the conversation
This comes out as well when we ask the meaning of the word matters Matters to whom matters in what way?
We live in a day Where the great religion of our society was founded by Charles Darwin We live in a day when the majority of our fellow
Citizens and sadly now many of those who call themselves Christians honestly believe that mankind
Came about by a series of happy accidents that there is no transcendent meaning and so the very idea of something mattering in a
Secular world that has no creator has no end has no transcendent purpose.
The very word matters doesn't matter no lives matter in Charles Darwin's world and The problem is since that's the case since there is no external source to give meaning to life since we are
Space dust we are ugly bags of mostly water is my nice description of that from Star Trek for those who have seen that Since we are nothing but chemicals fizzing and bubbling and doing our thing
The problem here and I'm sure Jeff is going to pick up on this. Is that once you remove the
Transcendent God -ordained meaning to man's life that we are created in the image of God Once you remove that and all you have is bubbling gas
Something will step into that void and that something becomes the state
The State becomes the one that gives meaning to individuals or to groups as the state chooses to do so and so when the
Conversation arises for us today on the basis of that phrase black lives matter.
We have to immediately Rephrase and say the problem with the statement is that it starts too low
We need to raise it up and say God the creator of all things made mankind good and Therefore all who bear his image, which is all human beings
Matter in God's sight and therefore by his law must matter in our sight
And God will judge any nation on the basis of how closely it
Follows that reality that changes everything That changes the entire conversation
We've taken it from down here where everything is divided Into skin colors and ethnicities and histories and man if you want to go back into history
You can find a reason to be mad at anybody All of us have history that we can go well look at what that group did to my great -great -great -great -great -great -great -great -grandfather we can all do that and So we will always be divided and we'll always be looking back and we'll never be able to get the line of sight from down here back up to where it has to be to the creator and So we have to be quick to presupposition recognize
That the emphasis upon this phrase is keeping us from being able to bring gospel light to bear on this particular issue and To actually give a grounding for why any life would matter
Any life at all my my great fear for my grandchildren and my great -grandchildren
Is that they would experience a governmental system? That thinks that it is the source and origin of the meaning of that word matters
That my fault my friends is a disaster We have to warn because we've seen what the result of that is
It's amazing. It was only the last century. I was born pretty much in the middle of the last century
And it was in that last century that between 120 and 150 million people died because that kind of governmental theory
Came into vogue and was allowed to do that kind of thing. We have to think this through we have to be gospel people and So we have to recognize we need to raise this up and say does anything matter?
Because there's a God that can define things so that they matter that is the issue now amongst
Christians however just last night the gospel coalition
TGC big names people who have written wonderful things
TGC had a night of lament for social justice and if that Social justice was biblical justice being worked out within society
That would be one thing it's something totally different when you define social justice on the basis of Jacques Derrida or Marcel Foucault and critical race theory critical gender theory critical law theory and the other forms of neo -marxism that somehow have marched through the front door of the
Evangelical Church wearing the hammer and the sickle proudly on their shirts
It is astonishing the speed with which this has happened stunning
We were asleep at the switch We truly were and yet there it is
And so how do we deal with the fact that we now have a divided church voice?
And we have people within the church saying to us You are not being biblical you are not doing what the
Bible commands you to do because of This privilege or that privilege or this history or that history whatever else it might be
Well, you have to keep one thing in mind the scriptural basis for Christian unity is
Fundamentally Denied by the social justice movement as it exists in the
United States today there is no redemption when you can actually treat entire groups of people as if they are all united in one and Therefore if you're a white person you have this type of privilege
And if you're an Asian person you have that type of privilege and if you're American Indian, this is your situation once you start down that road of assigning guilt on the basis of ethnicity
You have fundamentally made it impossible for the Christian Church to remain united Because if you'll just think with me about where the
Apostles were in the early church They are in the Roman Empire the
Roman Empire is made up of a bazillion little kingdoms and fiefdoms and tribes
That have been warring with each other for as long as anyone can remember and now the Romans have come along and said you all
Had better behave we're in charge now and nobody has the technology to take them on and So the gospel comes out and all of a sudden you have this church forming and this church is made up of all sorts of different people and The Apostles come along and say we're gonna have what did the epistle to Dionysus say a common table
We are going to come to the Lord's table together Because we only have one
Lord. There's only one way of salvation There's only one righteousness that will avail before God and we're all indwelt by the same spirit
That's why we have a common table that was unheard of in Roman society you had slaves
Slavery has been amongst mankind from the start the Greeks had the oh my goodness
Alexander the Great what a horrible example most brilliant military guy ever but enslaved hundreds of thousands of people and the
Romans picked it up from the Greeks and Yes, you can have rich slaves, but they were still chattel property that was what slavery was like in the
Roman Empire but slaves got saved and The rich got slave got got saved and they all came to the same table
They all came to the same table and you had to come to the table with people who are a part of Ethnic groups that you have been having war with only 50 years earlier and the message of the gospel was we all stand before God in the exact same way at the exact same ground and The master and the slave are at the same table
Colossians chapter 4 read it it's right there and So what is what must be remembered
I invite you very quickly to look with me at Colossians chapter 3 one verse
Verse 11 Paul is talking about the renewal that is ours in Christ Jesus The fact that the
Spirit of God is making us like Jesus and it doesn't matter what color you are
It doesn't matter what your background is You are to have your face looking forward to what
God is going to do in you to make you like Christ and If we're all looking forward like that, we're not concentrating on the hurts of the past They were all forgiven in Christ Jesus in the first place if you had anything to do with it at all
We are to be a forward -looking people and we're to be looking forward to what the Spirit of God is doing in forming
Jesus in us and So he talks about this renewal in verse 10
That You're to put on the new man That is being renewed according to the true knowledge of the image of the one who made him
Notice the image of the one who made him is of that's Jesus and if there was any ethnicity
He was a Jewish carpenter But none of that is emphasized here. He is the risen
Lord. He is the perfect Adam and We are being renewed According to the true knowledge of the image of the one who created him that new man and This renewal is one in which there is no one
Greek or Jew There is no circumcised and uncircumcised
There is no barbarian or Scythian slave or free
But Christ is all and in all Now I don't have time to unpack this because Jeff's leg is starting to shake and so I know that that he's right over there and I He's probably fast enough to get to me.
So I need to wrap this up, but Please notice It's one thing to talk about the
Jew Gentile issue Circumcision uncircumcision, but you need to see something Barbaros scutis
Barbarian or Scythian our Ethnic designations
The barbarians are all the people at the fringes of the Roman Empire That do not speak
Latin or Greek They're all the people just beyond where the
Rome where Rome has extended its control they are ethnic groups and They are in the church
The Scythians the Scythians had come out of the Russian steppes. They were a very warlike people and they would have had a body of them there in Colossae and God had his elect people amongst them and So here they are at the table and Paul says when we talk about the renewal of the
Spirit of God amongst all believers Are being conformed the image of Christ there is no ethnic distinction and As soon as you introduce that ethnic distinction you are destroying the unity of the body of Christ by literally reaching up and grabbing someone's head and Turning them back away from what
God is doing in forming us all into the image of Christ to the hurts and problems of the past and It would have destroyed the
Church of Colossae Ephesus Rome Philippi or anywhere else
What was the great danger that Paul saw in Antioch? When the Jews withdrew from coming to the table with the
Gentiles Paul stands up in front of Peter who witnessed the resurrection and Rebuked him in front of everyone why because he knew this would result in two churches a
Gentile body and a Jewish body and you cannot divide the body of Christ that Unity based on truth.
Not a false unity. Not a surface level unity Not a let's get rid of all the gospel teaching unity
But a unity that is based upon the fact that you and I the only reason that we're gonna walk down this aisle in Just a matter of minutes and partake of these elements is because you and I have the exact same access to the exact same
Lord because we all had the exact same need of the exact same righteousness and Once you lose that it's over It's done
So when people say you people need to stop talking about this stuff you just need to stay out there in your church We can't because what you're telling us in society is coming right through that door and Denying the central element of what makes the body of Christ the body of Christ You and I need to have this clear in our thinking
Clear in our thinking Because the opportunities for us to speak to this issue to the glory of Christ are all
Around us. We need to be light at this time. That's Jeff.
So We are in a particularly difficult
Time and spot so much has happened. I think all of us would agree If you had told anybody sort of the context would be living in at Christmas time
People are like no, that's not possible. No what people on lockdown? globally
Strife conflict riots looting whole cities burning being forced to put a face diaper on wherever you go
Within a matter of months we would have said that you're telling tales out of the schoolyard. It could never happen
But it has happened. It has happened and I want to say very very importantly and I don't want to keep us here
All night truly I want to just talk and emphasize Some important things we need to pay attention to as believers to be effective witnesses
What's happening around us in our culture in our society in our communities in our nation and really globally is
Something that has been planned and worked on for a very long time
Now, please hear me on this. This is not a conspiracy theory. It's a worldview issue
This is about worldview not conspiracy. We're not talking about Kovat 19 in terms of you know, where was the virus created?
I'm not talking about those sorts of things right now I'm talking about what you see in terms of the Rudy the rioting and the looting and the class conflict and all that's going on to undermine the many biblical foundations of culture and society whatever that might mean in terms of law and justice and family and gender and order whatever the case may
Be you must understand that there is a long History that has been working while we've been sleeping
Please hear me on that They've it's been working. They've been working while the church has been asleep
I don't have time today to go into the whole history of Marxism neo -marxism the Frankfurt School and Communism of the last century and all the rest, but you need to understand that when we had battles and wars with communism in the last century
There were people who held to a particular ideology a particular religious view a particular world view and they came over to this
Particular nation really spread out across the West and they said we will have our worldview as dominant
We will fight a long war and within a generation. We will undermine Ultimately all these
Christian foundations and order of society and let's be honest They won
They're winning The things that we're talking about today are not this please hear me on this we're not talking about America and Being American Christians and we need to defend
America What I'm talking about as a minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ is the gospel of the kingdom
I'm talking about biblical truths order justice peace unity
Salvation all of that you have to understand that they've been working for a long time The promise was made decades ago when they came over that they would take control of the academic institutions
They would take control of education They would work over a long period of time through media to undermine the ultimately
Christian foundations in order of our culture and society to Essentially create class conflict and to switch the mindset of this particular nation the
West in general but what are we aiming at we trying to protect the survival of America as though as some utopia in itself
No, we're talking today as Christians about the undermining of biblical order and gospel truth
That's the issue That is the issue what we're talking about is world view
What we've seen in the last couple of months is what's been underneath the surface for a very very long time
Christians have been speaking against this for a long time warning Sounding the alarm calling out saying please hear me.
This is what's going on These people are highly motivated highly trained. They have an
Ideology and they are working and they have been working for a very long time It's not as though this is new this is underneath so when we see over the last couple of weeks the course of the last couple of weeks all
The rioting and the looting and all the difficulties and the pulling down of statues and the attempting to erase
History and all those different things you're looking at something that people have been trained to do
They've been equipped. They have a worldview. They have an ideology and why should it matter to us as Christians?
Well, you just heard pastor James talking about one example of why it should matter.
Why should it matter? Why should I care about fighting against Marxism neo -marxism and this ideology?
Why does it matter? Am I trying to defend America brothers and sisters? No, you've seen it over the last couple of months when this
Infection gets within the church. It causes division within the body of Jesus Christ It takes people who have unity
Because of the righteousness of Jesus Christ and his Lordship and his salvation and it attempts to subvert that unity to destroy it
To divide us why ultimately the ends and you only need to read the material on this
I'm not telling tales out of the schoolyard is to destroy Christianity. That's the ultimate goal
It's a stated goal. Why because Christianity represents the opposing
God You see this is not a question in society, please hear me on this of whether you will have a
God of your system It's which God and the Marxists and the communists recognize that the biblical
God is the true God the only God the first the last he is transcendent. He's the eternal
God He is the one to whom we owe our ultimate allegiance Communist nations in history recognize the danger of Christianity this book and the message therein represents the greatest foe and enemy of the
God of the state and This is why this book isn't allowed in North Korea This is why you can't be
Christian in North Korea. Why because Christians recognize that Jesus is God not the state
Jesus is Lord and not Caesar This is why of course you have faithful faithful pastors being thrown into jail nine -year prison sentences in communist
China Why the charge is you are attempting to subvert the authority of the state?
You're saying there's another ultimate Jesus Marxists communists those who worship the
God of the state recognize that we are the greatest threat to tyranny They always have recognized that this is a worldview issue and you have to understand that what you see
Currently is one small Expression of the tactics and strategies that have been being employed for decades
So let's just put it on record here black lives matter. Yeah, I believe that because I'm a
Christian I've got a biblical worldview that makes sense of why that can be true But as you heard pastor
James said say there's more to it than that You have to have a worldview underneath and that makes sense of what you're saying.
I care about justice. Isn't it amazing? Oh, I do one thing. I would say I love this moment. We're in I love this moment
We're in because for over 10 years of ministry as a ministry as ministers We've taken so much heat for our stand on the law of God and his standards of justice
We've been saying this is the standard God's laws a standard This is what justice is and now you have people finally waking up believers that are going, you know
They might actually have something to that Because now you see the complete collapse it is truly theonomy
God's law or autonomy it is Christ or chaos That's truly what it is.
We've been saying it by God's grace for a long time and now we're seeing it But you see this expression black lives matter and first and foremost.
I'm a Christian I hate despise repudiate Tribalism, it's a wicked sin to hate another person because of their color or their culture
If you hate somebody because of their color or culture get on your face before God in sackcloth and ashes and repent
Jesus is gonna send people to hell for hating people because of the color of their skin. That is a wicked sin.
Amen Yes, however black lives matter as an organization that is promoting and propagating
This they are self -professed and proud Marxists They say it they say we are highly organized.
We are trained. We are Marxists This is what we're doing. We have a plan
We are well funded and you have to understand that the name of the organization that is
Primarily propagating this has a worldview that System has a worldview underneath that that ought to matter to us as Christians It truly should if you look in your
Bibles just again lay down this foundation You have to see it to understand even one example of why this should matter so much
Acts chapter 17 Acts chapter 17 the Apostle Paul as he preaches this epic sermon at the
Areopagus He says in verse 26 and he made from one man every nation of mankind to live on the all of the face of the earth
Having determined a lot of periods and the boundaries of their dwelling places That's Christianity 101
There is one human race one the attempt to subvert that teaching is
Antithetical to all that we believe as Christians who worship the King of Glory When the world attempts to take human beings and divide them into different races and to create class conflict and warfare
They are fundamentally opposed to the biblical view of reality That is the truth about reality you and I no matter who you are in this room
We all have the same mom and dad. Ultimately, we are brothers and sisters in humanity and Black lives matter and the
Marxist the demonic Marxist who carry that ideology and propagate that kind of Marxism They are attempting to do what
Marxists do and that is to create class Conflict you understand that's what it's all about It starts with classical
Marxism is class conflict between the haves and the have -nots Right the rich and the poor we need to create cat class conflict to create disorder to restructure everything
Well as that begins to change over the last generation of the last century they say well
We need to create more class conflict. So what do you get? What's not just the rich and the poor by the way?
That's kind of difficult to convince people of in a society that has valued what
God values private property The issue of thou shall not steal. This is my property.
I earned it. I worked for it sort of a thing That's biblical. It's hard to convince people in a society that is thriving because of holding on to biblical principles
Then it's a problem to have money and to have Rewards for your for your labor and those sorts of things when
America is developing industry Technology and all the rest because they're getting the benefits of the biblical worldview.
It's hard to convince people Yeah, you should live in poverty and stand in bread lines People looked at that and said, ah, yeah, no, thanks, but the
Marxists try it We need to create conflict between the rich and the poor the haves and the have -nots, but it's not enough more class conflict in Marxism to develop communism what like what what do we have gay?
versus straight Homosexual versus heterosexual
We have more class conflict besides rich and poor and gay and straight now They say well, let's also create more class conflict and warfare between black and whites
Let's create racial division and disunity how? Let's create different classes and orders bring them into conflict.
Let's make sure that they have conflict Why because then you can create the kind of environment where revolution is possible
This is the ideology. This is the practice. This is not Conspiracy this is worldview its methodology what you are seeing right now in front of you is the result of a lot of years of Labor and work and funding and we need to as Christians.
We need to see it for what it actually is So just as an example from the website
From the website couple examples can't do all this today Under their beliefs what they believe this is their doctrinal statement, by the way
You know you go to a church you look for the doctrinal statement Let's make sure they got the Trinity right the deity of Christ Make sure we got salvation by grace through faith in Jesus make sure we got all this down Jesus is coming back, you know resurrection the just and the unjust we have a final day of judgment
Okay, I like that church. Let's go visit it sort of a thing, right? Well, this is their doctrinal statements It says we make space for transgender brothers and sisters to participate and lead
What's that got to do with black lives that's interesting, isn't it transgenderism
Under the umbrella of black lives matter. It's interesting wonder why We're self -reflexive and do the work required to dismantle cisgender privilege.
Ah and There it is There's the intersectionality
There's the class conflict that's been worked on in other areas over decades and here it is right now underneath the umbrella of black lives matter
We're self -reflexive and do the work required to dismantle cisgender privilege and uplift black trans folk
Okay especially black trans women Who continue to be disproportionately impacted by trans antagonistic violence if you're wondering what's going on there pastor
James has Countless hours on the dividing line talking about the issue of intersectionality and critical race theory and all the rest.
This is Neomarxism, it's what they've been trying to work on for a long time. And here it is right here.
It's right here Says we build a space that affirms black women and is free from sexism misogyny and environments in which men are centered
More class conflict male versus female we practice empathy we engage comrades
With the intent to learn about and connect with their context interesting right choice of words Use that a lot
Right, who'd you go to lunch with? Oh just a couple comrades What's that word doing there
What do you think? Could it be that the people who are in charge of this are not only Lesbians but self -professed
Marxists and they're using the word comrade for a reason It's whittling people down.
It's getting them comfortable even things like this
We have seen Christians at marches holding up the fist
Just so you know in history This isn't such a great symbol When we're talking about Marxism and communism and believers in Jesus Christ who are raising the fist ought to repent in a hurry
You're holding up something that people died under It's amazing to see believers at these marches.
I'm just I'm just marching for black lives, right? Okay, I like that tell me where to sign up.
Wait a minute. Who are you surrounded by? Why are all these gay flags all around you? Isn't it interesting?
I thought I was there to support image -bearers of God who are black who knew Jesus. Oh, that's not the message Your pandering has obfuscated the gospel
It's made the gospel muddy and unclear For these people they understand what they believe they understand the ideology and we have
Christians walking behind them in lockstep Blurring the gospel
Blurring the glory of Jesus Christ and what he does to bring people from every tribe tongue Nation and language together into one body into one people.
Here's another one Their doctrinal statements we make our spaces family friendly okay, and Enable parents to fully participate with their children.
We dismantle the patriarchal practice that requires mothers to work double shifts
So they can mother in private even as they participate in public justice work and here it is
I love it how the cards are just on the table. It makes me so happy We disrupt the
Western prescribed nuclear family structure Requirement by supporting each other as extended families and villages that collectively care for one another
Especially our children to the degree that mothers parents and children are comfortable. You know what that means
Marxism Marx wanted to do away with the family the biblical structure and order of family.
It is classic Marxism 101 And when you see under their doctrinal statement, what we are trying to do is disrupt listen to the language so deceptive
Western prescribed nuclear family structures. Let me give you the translation.
I can read it I'll give you the translation we disrupt the biblically described order of family
Western prescribed nuclear family aka God's order mother's father's children
This is the idea of people being owned ultimately by the state
Community owned children means ultimately state owned children. This is what they believe one more point of doctrine from their confession
We foster a queer affirming network When we gather we do so with the intention of freeing ourselves from the tight grip of a heteronormative
Thinking or rather the belief that all in the world are heterosexual Unless she or he or they disclose otherwise
They can't even live consistently with their own system. Like, you know homosexual Homosexual heterosexual up unless you're something entirely different.
What gender are you again? Because what is there today 95? 96 whatever you dreamt up today.
They can't live consistently We foster a queer affirming network.
Whatever. Does that have to do with black lives? Mattering what I'll tell you what it has to do with has to do with Marxism and the disruption of the biblical order
Here's the challenge. Please hear me on this. This is what's really important to hear People have said for so long
People profess faith in Jesus Christ. I said listen, we need to just be about the gospel
We need to just be about the gospel and I say I I like how that sounds
But what do you mean by that and they say well Christians shouldn't get involved in any of these issues You know these public issues of politics and that's you know,
Christianity is not a political thing I would say well, let's explore that a bit all political issues are
Moral issues So I would say this is God concerned with moral issues
The answer is of course. Yes. So if God is concerned with moral issues, then God is concerned with Christians Being involved in political issues the church in the
West decided to step back To check out to have Jesus as king over the invisible realm
But certainly not over earth itself. And now we are reaping the rewards of that lack of labor
What we see around us is the result of people saying let's just be about the gospel What you mean is you want to essentially abandon culture in society to focus on some?
Escape from the world and your own humanity often to some spiritual realm. Welcome to Gnosticism But Christians abandoned like in listen 2 ,000 years of Christian history whenever the gospel went forth whenever the gospel went out and had victory over nations
There wasn't a question in history You can show this over and over and over again when Christians were at a place where they were discipling nations
And they were ultimately in a place where the Christian worldview is in the atmosphere There was no question for Christians about where to point for the standard.
It's God's Word What does he say about how we're supposed to order this and have justice? There was no question
But Christians today have pretended like the Christian worldview is only about escaping the world and going to heaven one day
Jesus has nothing to do with any of this and now we reap what we sow cities burning down rioting looting class conflict
The destruction of private property all that is a love for neighbor issue By the way, if you love your neighbors, you'll speak up you'll say something about that But you see here's the deal when someone says to me we need to be about the gospel
I say yay and amen but the gospel is the gospel of the kingdom as a matter of fact in Matthew in the first couple of chapters as Jesus comes
Out of the temptation in the wilderness. It says specifically something that I think that many
Christians today would say I don't understand what that means He comes out into the wilderness after Satan says
I'll give you all the kingdoms of the world if you just bow before me Why would he do that? Because that's what Jesus came for the whole world and Satan says
I'll give it to you now No crosswork nothing necessary. Just bow and worship me Jesus says you should worship the
Lord your God and him only shall you serve to feed Satan in the wilderness and he comes out
Of the wilderness it says Matthew 4 Proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom
You see if we're to be about the gospel I want to be about his gospel and he had good news of a kingdom.
That's good news of his reign Good news, of course of his salvation But Jesus is the ruler of the kings of the earth.
He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords today and He says that all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to him and the call of the gospel the mission of the gospel
Was to disciple the nations and to teach them to obey So is this a gospel issue? Is it a moral issue?
Then it's a gospel issue. Is it a gospel issue? Well, Jesus is the king Everything's under his rule and his control and his lordship
So everything is underneath that banner of gospel because he's the king
These are moral issues Therefore they're gospel issues You see you thought
That it was about a private personal relationship with Jesus Jesus said to disciple the nations
You thought it was about escaping to heaven one day But Jesus said disciple the nations baptize them and teach them to obey
Jesus tells his people that the meek shall inherit the earth stop there for a second
Let it let it let it hit it hang here over the pulpit for a second because you've heard it The meek shall inherit the earth the meek shall inherit the earth.
Have you considered what that means? The meek shall inherit the earth means the meek shall inherit the earth and not the unrighteous it's
God's people and Jesus says you pray like this our father who art in heaven
Hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven
I look around a culture in society So influenced by the gospel in the biblical worldview and I watch it going up in flames and I look around to the church and I Say, where's our witness?
because what Jesus says is I'm supposed to pray that God's will is done in Minneapolis and When it's in flames
We're supposed to have something to say about it. And we have the only message that can cure and save Marxism can save nobody
Marx was a really bad God and his system is perverse and demonic and It creates what you've seen around you and I've seen around me over the space of the last couple of weeks
This is a gospel issue. We're supposed to care and I want to just warn us as a church. Please hear me on this
This is very very important. It's been said by many many Way better men than me
Christians sometimes think that in terms of persecution for the faith we say this
I'll die For Jesus, I'll die for my profession of faith and my confession of Jesus as Lord If someone comes to me and puts the axe over my neck and they say you deny
Jesus as Savior. I say take my head Take it and we're very courageous about that.
Aren't we right? I'll never deny him if you want to take my life for my faith in Jesus, then you go ahead and take it
I'll be courageous. I'll go lay down. I'll do it and I'll do it proudly We have a whole history of Christians in history that have died for their faith in Jesus as Savior and Lord wouldn't deny him but it's amazing be prepared for it and The context we're living in and so many other contexts like this when
Christians were persecuted for their faith. It wasn't necessarily Explicitly because they said
I believe in Jesus They weren't dying. They weren't put into cages
They didn't have their legs broken and fingers broken because they quote believed in Jesus Oftentimes they were persecuted because they were enemies of the state they weren't going along Right, they wouldn't have accept the doctrine at the moment
They wouldn't yield to the cultural idol in this particular area They were considered troublemakers not necessarily because they trusted in Jesus because they wouldn't accept these particular doctrines over here
So my question to you is this are you willing to be persecuted for the sake of the gospel? for the sake of faith in Jesus over issues
That aren't necessarily. Do you believe in Jesus? Are you willing to push against the popular ideology that's been worked on for so very long
That says private property is wrong We need to have community owns
Everything your kids aren't yours Are you willing to crash and burn and die and lose everything to defend the biblical view of gender?
You understand that you can lose your jobs today if you simply say yeah,
I don't know I think it's not helpful or healthy or good to turn an eight -year -old boy into a girl
Lose your job Done and I want you to know this that is persecution for your faith in Jesus Christ it is
Because he's the king. He's the lawgiver He defines gender sex family order justice and when you disagree with the neo -marxists and all the rest know they're coming for you and Possibly for your children and you have to understand as a
Christian persecution doesn't always rear its head or show its teeth Like this will you repent of your belief in Jesus?
Maybe it'll come Will you finally accept that we can cut off little boys genitalia?
to turn them into girls Persecution of Christians comes in different ways listen
There is an aim to history. There is an aim to history. I'll give you a cost smattering of verses go read them later
History is going somewhere. Jesus is the sovereign All these trials and difficulties will not thwart his purposes
Isaiah chapter 2 go read it later the promise of the Messiah's kingdom and he's reigning on his throne now is
That all the nations are going to stream up to the mountain of God. They're gonna be drawn by God nations That's a lot of different colors
They're gonna stream up to God's mountain and it says that the law will go forth from Zion So the people of God will be declaring to the world as they're redeemed in Jesus They will be they will be declaring to the world the goodness of God's standards his standards of justice his rule his law
Isaiah chapter 2 Isaiah 42 is one of my favorite promises of the kingdom of God in history get to know it
Isaiah chapter 42 promises that this Messiah is coming and He will establish justice on the earth and he will not grow faint or weary Until he's accomplished it and it says that the coastlands wait for his law
History is going to that place of redemption salvation The knowledge of God's gonna cover the earth like the waters cover the sea
He shall have dominion from sea to sea from the river to the ends of the earth And all of his enemies are going under his feet as a footstool for his feet before his final enemy death first Corinthians 15
But in all of that there are kingdom promises of justice and law.
Where's that coming from? It comes from you God regenerates people Jeremiah 31 31
He regenerates people of rights his law within them 36 I Ezekiel 36 he puts his spirit within people and causes them to observe his statutes
So if you want, please hear me if you want justice righteousness order in the world
It starts with regeneration and that means all these attempts to quote -unquote establish social justice apart from regeneration and the gospel
Are failed from the start Because God says that he puts his law within people and he regenerates people and he causes them to observe his statutes
Those are righteous statutes. They are just That happens because the gospel you remove the gospel proclamation.
You don't have unity You don't have justice. All you have is arbitrary standards set up by men
The Bible promises a beautiful future and it promises Justice and order listen
Deuteronomy chapter 4 You've heard me quote that a lot over the years as I've cared for this church
I want you to hear it in Deuteronomy Deuteronomy chapter 4 when God talks about his law and righteous statutes
He says this verse 6 of chapter 4 Keep them and do them for that will be your wisdom and your understanding in the sight of the people's who?
When they hear all these statutes Will say surely this great nation is a wise and understanding people
For what great nation is there that has a God so near to it as the Lord our God is to us whenever we call upon him and what great nation is there that has statutes and rules so Righteous as all this law that I have set before you today.
God's Word is beautiful just righteous holy
Good. We're not talking about taking the law of God and just plopping it down on society But when we ask the question about what justice is we should ask the one who gave us the revelation
What is justice? What is truth? What is good when we want to know about gender?
We need to go to Genesis when we want to know about family. We need to go to Genesis and to God's Word Because God's Word is the reference point.
It's the ultimate standard just consider this for a moment Today they want to destroy the family units
They want to destroy the family units. It's stated explicitly
Marx taught it. They've been trying it for a long time You've got famous political leaders over the last generation that have said it explicitly.
We're looking for a village It's all Marxist language. We're all trying to get to that place of the destruction of the biblical order of family
But if we look at the Bible we look at God's Word in his revelation We look at Genesis and we see that God creates male and he creates female male and Female we might get shadow banned just for saying that right now.
He creates male and female and He takes them and brings them together in the image of God He created them male and female this harmonious combination
Glorifying God the image of God is right there from the very beginning Male and female he brings them together
He says to be fruitful and to multiply to subdue the earth to fill the earth take dominion
God creates Family as the very first order before he does anything else
Is it any question that the demonic view of Marxism seeks to go at the very heart of what
God created? First to establish order in the world. What's God create male and female family multiply fill the earth
Marxists say destroy that foundation What do they say destroy the family and kill the children?
That's what the world's telling us today destroy the family kill the children You can see exactly who this comes from gender
Gender Jesus says in Matthew 19 when being asked a question in his day about divorce
There's a conflict in that day between opposing schools of how to get divorce and on what basis
But when Jesus in Matthew chapter 19 is asked the question about divorce
He says something very very important in verse 3 of 19 and Pharisee came up to him and tested him by asking
Is it lawful to divorce one's wife for any cause that was the dispute of the day for any reason any cause?
He answered have you not read that? He who created them from the beginning made them male and female If Jesus were working as a carpenter in our day, he'd be fired if he tweeted it that you're canceled
Jesus cancel culture because he says he made them in the beginning male and female and it says
Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife and the two shall become one flesh
So they're no longer two but one flesh what therefore God is joined together. Let not man separate
So for Jesus he points directly to the created order says male and female come together
That's the creation of a unit and a family and it's amazing because it's this unit and family that came from another one
You're leaving your mother and father Not mother and mother not father and father
You're leaving your mother and your father and coming together becoming one to create a new unit a new order a new
Family to spread and to move around the world. That's God's order and they want to destroy it
Do you see it? What do we have in the last generation that class conflict rich versus poor gay versus straight?
Black versus white. What is it? And it's a it's an attempt to subvert The remnants of Christian witness and biblical order in culture and society around us.
We need to speak against it We need to be bold. We need to be about the gospel first and foremost another example just quickly here the issue of private property
You see we thought it was no big deal to allow government to get big enough to where they think they can control and own
People's property, right? We're distributing it to this person into that person. What are we saying today?
We accept today without question that government is allowed to seize property from other people through coercion at times to pay for other people's things
When God gave government he did not give government that kind of permission But we accept it today and it took time and it took being whittled down and it take just a little bit of Working on the populace to say it's appropriate to seize property from people
It's appropriate to take property via coercion or threats To give to other people and do you understand that this is something that had to come into our culture slowly why?
Because whether you like it or not It was ultimately Christians in the Christian worldview that actually brought all of these amazing
Blessings and standards of justice that we have today in the West. It wasn't atheism. It wasn't agnosticism.
It wasn't Marxism It wasn't communism It was the biblical worldview you whittle people down over a period of a generation to teach them that the government can take control of your property and Ultimately you need to know this as well when you look at Marxism the one thing we know for sure that Marx wanted clearly was the abolition of private property the abolition of private property
Just a couple things in terms of the biblical worldview. These are foundational When we talk about private property, we're talking about biblical standards
Biblical standards, I'll give you the foundation right now For private property and the full refutation of Marxism.
Are you ready for it? Because it's very complicated It might take me another 20 minutes to get out, but this is the full refutation of Marxism and communism.
Are you ready? Exodus 20 verse 15 thou shalt not steal
You shall not steal What's underneath that command? You shall not steal
Meaning you shall not take from neighbor. What doesn't belong to you. What's the assumption there?
your neighbor Owns that it belongs to them. It doesn't belong to you if you take from your neighbor what belongs to them
Without their permission. You've stolen from them. That's an injustice It's a crime and you ought to be punished for taking what belongs to your neighbor
This isn't to say that Christians can't be charitable loving and giving I wanted to say
We're the most charitable loving and giving people on the face of the earth In history, you see
Christians are the ones as pastor James said we're the ones collecting children off the street People are trying to throw the dogs.
We're the ones standing outside of abortion mills to save children. We're the ones building hospitals We're the ones building soup kitchens.
We have a long history of being charitable and loving and giving away our stuff But the principle here in God's law is that private property matters to God You shall not steal is the very foundation of a capitalist society
Of a society that says work hard labor that belongs to you build and that belongs to you.
God gave it to you I'll give you another one Deuteronomy 27 17 Deuteronomy 1914
God commands people against moving the boundary marker of their neighbors property
Sort of like just move it over a little bit. Give yourself a little bit more lands Just move it over just a little bit. God says you're not allowed to move somebody's boundary marker
Because their stuff is their stuff It's a crime and a sin against God to violate your neighbors property and God even has this very special part of his law
That is that they're really it's the heart it's at the heart of Marxism and communism
You shall not covet You shall not covet
That desire for what belongs to your neighbor Right and all the places that that goes
You can see where God's law protects protects us from these things.
I'll give you one more example We could do this all day, but I want to just give it to you quickly second Thessalonians 310, you know this one, right?
What's it say? Second Thessalonians 310 if you don't work, you don't what all the men go eat, right?
If you don't work, you don't eat that's Christianity 101 if you don't work you don't eat
God teaches us you are to be productive you are too late as a principal There are instances, of course providential hindrance of people who are injured or elderly or whatever, but God has things in his law for that as well
But when we look at God's principles, he says if you don't work you don't eat this new order
They're trying to create subverts all of that. It says you cannot work and eat maybe
If you don't mind standing in a four -hour bread line You See the kind of world that it creates is a world with no blessing only curses
Marxism brings starvation Starvation you subvert the family you subvert gender you destroy children
You try to create this new order that says everybody stuff is everybody stuff, which is aka the state stuff
You are going to dissolve and destroy Human society and if here here, you know, what is so great about this?
It's sad, but great Just look in the last hundred years. How's it? How's it worked out? How's it worked out when they tried to employ this in different cultures of society?
What's it mean starvation? What's it mean death? That's what that's what it aims at Last thing
I want you to see the verse Because I think it actually
Sets a very good example of how we ought to be thinking it's in 1st Samuel 1st
Samuel chapter 8. It's a good example of something that happened in the history of Israel That I think we have to keep in our minds as believers
This by the way is has a long history behind it in terms of Christians that would point to a text like this and say
Listen learn from Israel learn from Israel The Christians who were a part of the formation of this particular nation
This was something they pointed to Learn from Israel learn this lesson
You see as you get there 1st Samuel chapter 8 God has these spheres of government in Scripture Personal self -government
Family government church government state Each sphere is supposed to have its own roles distinctions, but all are supposed to be under God and if you are in Christ and Experiencing the blessings of God's order then through God's Spirit.
You're able to be self -governed and Through God's Spirit you're able to govern family and family life
So the family is governed and controlled and in the church You're able to be governed together as a church body through that government and the state has its role under God To bear the sword to punish evildoers.
That's Their job. That's it Not to be in control of education and all the rest but to punish evildoers protect the righteous now listen
When people are not governed by God It's not a question of whether they will be governed by a
God they will if They won't submit to the true God then the state will step in as the
God to control and to rule over them in this case in Israel's history
Chapter 8 it says this when Samuel became old he made his sons judges over Israel And it says the name of his firstborn son was
Joel and the name of his second Abijah They were judges in Beersheba yet. His sons did not walk in the ways, but turned aside after gain
They took bribes and perverted justice Then all the elders of Israel gathered together and said that came to camp
Samuel at Rama and said to him Behold you are old and your sons do not walk in your ways now appoint for us a king to judge us like all the nations
But the thing displeased Samuel When they said give us a king to judge us and Samuel prayed to the
Lord and the Lord said to Samuel obey the voice Of the people and all that they say to you for they have not rejected you
But they have rejected me from being king over them According to all the deeds that they have done from the day
I brought them up out of Egypt even to this day forsaking me and serving other gods So they are also doing to you now then obey their voice
Only you shall solemnly warn them and show them the ways of the king who shall reign over them
So Samuel told all the words of the Lord to the people who were asking for a king from him He said these will be the ways of the king who'll reign over you
He will take your sons and appoint them to his chariots and to be his horsemen and to run before his chariots and he will appoint for himself commanders of thousands and commanders of fifties and some to plow his ground and to reap his harvests and to make his
Implements of war and the equipment of his chariots He will take your daughters to be his perfumers and cooks and bakers
He would take the best of your fields and vineyards and all of orchards and give them to his servants
He will take the tenth of your grain and of your vineyards and give it to his officers and to his servants
He will take your male servants and female servants and the best of your young men and your donkeys and put them to his work
He will take the tenth of your flocks and you shall be his slaves in that day You will cry out because of your king whom you have chosen for yourselves, but the
Lord will not answer you in that day So here's an amazing part of Israel's history where God says
I'm your king They had a government in place and he
God says I'm the king when you're asking for an ultimate other than me
You're rejecting me as God as king over you. Did you get the picture?
They have a government in place and they're saying we want a king We want an ultimate like all the nations the king to rule and reign over us and God says to Samuel They haven't rejected you.
They've rejected me as their king. So go ahead and give him a king They want to have a human ultimate.
They want to have someone here's what he's gonna do to you. He's gonna be so perverse That he's gonna think that he is worthy of the time
So get this 10 % taxation it's considered a judgment from God Think about it.
He's gonna take 10 % of your stuff and that's supposed to be judgment Where are we at?
Where are we at? You see people say I don't want God. I want I want the ultimate. I want this other ultimate
He say he's gonna take you to war. He's gonna take 10 % of the tax thinking he's worthy of the tithe himself
He's gonna take this he's gonna take all your labor. He's gonna take your sons and your daughters He's gonna own all this.
This is an Israel's history. They say we don't want you to roll over us God We don't want you as king.
We want some other ultimate God says fine You're rejecting me as king. I'll give you what you want.
But just know here's what it's gonna look like You see the glory of the gospel, I think
In one of the glories of the gospel, there are so many is this God is the king
God becomes man and King Jesus is the king of Kings and the
Lord of Lords. He's the ruler of the kings of the earth King Jesus For Christians in history.
Do you know why we've been sent to the slaughter so many times? Because Christians were saying
Jesus is the king He's the ultimate Can I ask you to just put yourself for a moment?
It's the last thing I'll challenge you with Put yourself in the shoes Of the
Chinese pastor Who this very moment is in some prison in China?
Put yourself in his shoes they said
That he was being punished because he was subverting the authority of the state
Chinese government says we're the ultimate we're the ultimate Would you have the courage that this faithful man of God had and has to say ultimately
No king, but Christ No king but Christ Because that's why he's in prison suffering right now
Because he said You're not the ultimate Jesus is the king.
I Will not have a king over me other than God I'm not falling into Israel's peril and their failures by wanting some other ultimate over me than God Jesus is
God and Jesus is the king It's not to say that Christians don't respect and honor godly human governments
We are good citizens we want to be obedient citizens, but where the state attempts to dethrone
Jesus we say no, and we say
Let your life go. I Believe that we've all been shown something over the course of a couple of weeks that when the church fails in her duty to be salt and light to the world
All that covers the plane is darkness We must and don't let this be some pithy ridiculous platitude.
We must be the city on the hill That shines the light of God into the world
Sometimes that light coming into the world is gonna come into conflict with the darkness But I want to remind you of something as you and I suffer in the days ahead
Through our proclamation of the gospel Jesus said that he was going to build his church and he said the gates of hell
Would not prevail against it what the church I? Want you to think of what that means as you move forward and I move forward with the gospel coming out of our lips into the world around us
We've thought about that in a wrong way many times as Christians the gates of hell will not prevail against it
We think about that like hell's coming against the church and somehow the gates are not going to prevail
No gates are defensive They're defensive So when
Jesus talks about the church him building the church and the gates of hell not prevailing against the church
It's because we are offensive We are coming against the gates of hell and they will not prevail against the witness of the church and the gospel itself
Did you hear it? You and I go into the world with the light of the gospel filled with God's Spirit Jesus is going to win the world with his gospel
But he uses the church his bride as the means to do it when the bride is silent darkness fills the land and Here's where we're at Speak the truth
Be faithful to Jesus proclaim the gospel Make sure you're willing to stand against any ideology or worldview
Attempts to subvert the authority of Jesus Christ and to bring division into his church