The Voice Points To The Word | Sermon 09/18/2022

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John 1:19-28 The Prologue was the first introduction of the Word and now this historical account of John the Baptist is to serve as a second introduction of the Word-made-flesh, Jesus Christ. A delegation of priests and Levites is sent from the Pharisees in Jerusalem to investigate who John is. Since even before his birth, it has been prophesied that John would be the forerunner before the coming Lord. And he begins his mission of witness and testimony well by judicially confessing that he is not the Christ. With messianic fervor and eschatological expectation in the air they ask him if he then is Elijah (as prophesied by Malachi) or the Prophet (as expressed by Moses from the Lord). He denies that he is either lest the spotlight come to him, even though he has come “in the spirit and power of Elijah.” Knowing the delegation couldn’t go back to Jerusalem without a positive answer of something they ask John what he says about himself. He quotes from Isaiah the prophet, “I am A VOICE OF ONE CRYING IN THE WILDERNESS, ‘MAKE STRAIGHT THE WAY OF THE LORD.” The humility of John the Baptist is only proceeded by the One who comes after him. He was not looking for any fame as he simply calls himself a “voice.” They ask him then where does he get the authority or status to baptize the people if he is not one of those figures. The witness of the Messiah, John, then points to the One who is no longer simply coming but to the One who stands among them whom they know not. John then makes one of the most profoundly humble statements toward himself while exponentially exalting toward the One who comes after him. It was a slave’s job to remove the sandals from their master and tend to their feet. But John says he is not even worthy enough to remove the sandal of Jesus Christ. A slave’s job is too high a privilege knowing who the Master is. John’s example to us is one in which we should always look to make little of ourselves but great of God.


Please turn with me and your Bibles to John chapter 1 John chapter 1 we're finally out of the prologue
We're going to be in verses 19 through 28 today John chapter 1 verses 19 through 28
Church the title of this sermon today is the voice points to the word the voice points to the word starting in verse 19 of Chapter 1 of the gospel according to John here now the inerrant and infallible words of a living and true
God This is the testimony of John when the Jews sent to him priests and Levites from Jerusalem to ask him who are you and He confessed and did not deny but confessed.
I am the Christ They asked him I'm sorry, and he confessed and did not deny but confessed.
I am NOT the Christ They asked him what then are you Elijah? And he said I am
NOT are you the prophet and he answered? No Then they said to him who are you so that we may give an answer to those who sent us?
What do you say about yourself? He said I am a voice of one crying in the wilderness make straight the way of the
Lord as Isaiah the prophet said Now they had been sent from the Pharisees They asked him and said to him why then are you baptizing if you are not the
Christ nor Elijah nor the prophet John answered them saying
I baptize in water But among you stands one whom you do not know
It is he who comes after me the thong of whose sandal. I am NOT worthy to untie
These things took place in Bethany beyond the Jordan where John was baptizing Thus ending the reading of God's holy and inspired word, let's pray quickly one more time
Church Father we come before you asking you to bless the proclamation of the word
Lord Would you please speak through me today? Would you edify and teach your people
Lord today? Would you illuminate the scriptures for this church? God would you help our every focus to be on the
Word of God today and on the message you want us to receive And especially on you
Lord and help me God to decrease and you do increase and That all that would be said here today would be helpful and clear and let it always be true in Jesus name.
I pray. Amen introductions Introductions are important in our communication and in our distribution of information
When you go into a job interview the interviewers typically ask for a brief introduction of yourself
They want to know succinctly and yet naturally who you are and what you stand for typically in a brief amount of time
In many ways those first words matter just as much as the rest When I first met my wife
I wanted to introduce myself in such a way where I conveyed strength a
Genuine nature and most importantly to me. I wanted to show that I had humor good humor
Turns out it's humor. It's not good humor. That's okay. She'll tell you that I Thought if I could smile or make her laugh, it'd be all downhill from there a good introduction to something
Will establish a solid foundation and encourage the continued interest and attention beyond it
I Remember when I was in seminary I was in my Old Testament one and two class for the first year, maybe my second year in seminary and We were required to write what was called a critical introduction
I Write a critical introduction for Deuteronomy and then six months later.
I had to write a critical introduction for Hosea and Of course it started with a preface which is like an introduction to the introduction
Then I had to cover things like authorship the theories behind the different authors dates
You know possible locations main theological Themes and structure and all those all those things are covered in a critical introduction
It would serve kind of as an overview. It would be a highlights so to speak, but it wasn't the actual scriptural text
It wasn't actually scripture It wasn't the main course. It was still just the appetizer and in many ways the introduction points to What's more important the introduction points to the substance of something
An introduction is just the portrait of a person and the actual text is the full painting in that way the prologue of John served as an introduction
The prologue of John served as an introduction to the eternal and divine word We learned all about the past few weeks the logos
Every word was intentional as John wanted to set the stage for the rest of the gospel account
The word is God. He said the logos is God in our gain ha logos, right and the word
Came among us that was verse 1 and verse 14 there is the word who who was who was
God who is God who is face -to -face with God and then the word who came among us
The word created everything in the beginning and he has recreated in in his coming of people made new
I Talked about that last week In the beginning of chapter 1 it shows that Jesus is the creator then once again
He steps into his own creation and he creates again. It says that he gave us the right to become children of God Not of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man
But of the will of God and so Jesus is creating again in a sense
He's creating a people being new for him to dwell with him forever the
Baptist Will point to Jesus Christ. We'll see that John the
Baptist Gives the second introduction so to speak One was a spiritual introduction while now this introduction will be in a historical context two introductions
Of the word the eternal word and now the word made flesh in Jesus Christ John the
Baptist in a sense is the introduction to the Messiah That's his calling
Like a like a master of ceremonies that gives an exciting introduction for someone who's famous John the
Baptist goes back. He moves his hand and out of the Curtains walks
Jesus Christ pointing to The one that everyone really came for Pointing the one whom we should clap for and give praise to that's what
John the Baptist is doing Look who has arrived? What's so amazing?
Is that with the rest of chapter 1? We will see that promise of recreation symbolized let me explain that Genesis 1
Displays the first creation in seven days right six days on the seventh day
God rested and the gospel according to John Displays the coming of Christ in seven days as well indicating again a new
Creation has begun. So when you think about it in Genesis 1 You have two sections of three days two sections of three days and I would call the first three days
Preparation the second group of three days Fulfillment. So what do you have on day one light and darkness was created on day two?
You have the the sky and sea was created day three was land and plants
Okay, that's the first section and then the second section of three days was a fulfillment of those things so what on the fourth day you then get the
Sun Moon and stars as A fulfillment of the light that was created on day one in in on day five you have birds and fish
To fill the sea in the sky that was created on day two Then finally on day six humans and land animals were created to occupy
Then the land and the plants for food. It's perfect preparation and fulfillment in days one through six
On the seventh day God rested and it was a day of blessing a day of rest
The text in this gospel, I think shows us something similarly there's some symbolism here the first three days start with John the
Baptist giving witness and testimony to Jesus Christ for three days
John will preach of the coming Christ and And then following that are three more days
Where Jesus is then? Finding and making his twelve apostles.
He's bringing his twelve apostles to him. And so you have three days preparation with John the
Baptist preparing everyone's hearts then three days where Jesus comes and fulfills that and and the rest of chapter one will show him finding
Nathanael and and and and you know the rest Philip and the rest of the the apostles
He will gather them in those three days and finally on day seven It reaches its climax a special day has occurred what happens on the seventh day when
Jesus has arrived on the scene He does his very first miracle at the wedding in Cana Where he turns the water and the wine that is the inauguration.
That is the start of his Miraculous ministry where he does signs and wonders and miracles.
That is the first time he does that so just like the first creation is an introduction to the world the coming of Jesus the
Word made flesh is the introduction of the God -man to his recreation and beginning of supernatural wonders
And we're going to now spend our time looking at some of those first three days We're gonna look at the first three days of preparation with John the
Baptist go to verse 19 This is the testimony of John when the
Jews sent to him priests and Levites from Jerusalem to ask him Who are you?
Who are you? This is this is right in step with the synoptic
Gospels that is The other Gospels Matthew Mark and Luke Luke if you don't know synoptic means seeing together optic and sin
Sy sy n is something together. Okay, so the synoptic
Gospels are seeing are being seen together John is is separate from that but in those
Gospels they all start with the account of the John the
Baptist and so the Apostle John will here be marrying the
Old Testament prophetic witness to the apostolic witness of the
New Testament with John the Baptist the forerunner announces the coming
King And this precedes Jesus's earthly ministry We learned that from verse 7 that John came as a witness to testify about the light.
We saw that in verse 7 You could say that is the main purpose of his hint of his entire life and calling to witness and testify about the
Lord and in a way his first trial begins now a
Delegation of priests and Levites from Jerusalem were sent by the Jews to question him
They want to record his first official witness and testimony and so they come to him
And this will be no issue for the Baptist as this is why he is here doing what he is doing to give witness
So that is perfect. They ask him. Who are you and he's like I got this But it's not what you would think
There's no positive identification in a sense. We're gonna see that he answers very strategically priests, of course were of Aaron's direct lineage while Levites were of the general lineage of Levi and the social status levels of Israel at these at this time at least these two class
Priests and Levites were of kind of a lower class Priests and Levites were charged with maintaining the temple functions and activities as well as teach the people facilitate the worship of God and The activities that they had going on about there, but here they are running an errand for the
Jews They're running an errand. It's possible. Maybe even the Sanhedrin that the
Sanhedrin sent them and the Sanhedrin is a council made of high priests
Pharisees Sadducees political and religious figures who made judgments and administrative
Decisions, it's possible that the Sanhedrin sent them. That is the same group that Jesus had to stand before before his crucifixion in The rest of the gospel account, although many many
Jews will become followers of Christ When John refers to the
Jews it typically mostly carries a negative connotation Why because in those moments in those contexts, it's not anti -semitic or anything like that, but it's in those
Contexts that the Jews are trying to silence him and put him away get rid of him.
They're conspiring together to rid themselves of the Messiah the King of Kings So the
Levites and priests ask him who are you who are you and Before we get into John's answers, let's consider that question for ourselves
What do we know about John the Baptist? What does scripture say about him?
Just as he is intimately bound with the Savior in this chapter
He is also intimately bound with the Savior at his birth Let's see that That's really in the gospel according to Luke mostly gives great detail of this immediately
We see in the gospel according to Luke. There is a priest named Zacharias of the division of Abijah and He had a wife of Aaronic lineage named
Elizabeth Elizabeth had a barren womb and both of both of them were said to have been of old age
Now One day when Zacharias was performing one of his priestly duties in the temple the angel
Gabriel appeared to Zacharias It records this in Luke chapter 1 verse 13
But the angel said to him do not be afraid Zacharias for your petition has been heard
And your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son and you will give him the name
John You will have joy and gladness and many will rejoice at his birth for he will be great in the sight of the
Lord and he will drink no wine or liquor and he will be filled with the
Holy Spirit while yet in his mother's womb and He will turn many of the sons of Israel back to the
Lord their God. It is he who will go as a forerunner Before him in the spirit and power of Elijah To quote turn the hearts of the fathers back to the children and the disobedient of to the attitude of the righteous
So as to make ready a people ready for the Lord Now this is right after this this is where Jesus comes in The angel
Gabriel then visits a young woman named Mary and who is betrothed to a man named
Joseph This angel tells her how the Holy Spirit will come upon her and The power of the
Most High will overpower her overshadow her and she will bear a son and the
Holy Child he says will be called the Son of God and He also informs
Elizabeth of her relative Elizabeth and some translations say cousin
But there actually is in the original text there It just is a female kinsman that is not actually the word cousin, but they were they were related we just don't know exactly how related
Mary and Elizabeth were and so Elizabeth is six months pregnant at this point with John the
Baptist and Mary then goes to the hill country to visit Zacharias and and Elizabeth and She's going to visit them
And it says that when they came together The two wombs of these women one with John the
Baptist one with Jesus in the wombs they came together Babies who are also going to be relatives
John the Baptist is related to Jesus They come close to each other and it says that John the
Baptist leaped in his mother's womb He leaped in his mother's womb and she was filled with the
Holy Spirit as Jesus came near and see John probably just couldn't wait to start his ministry.
He's like a new believer. I just got to get out there. He's ready to Share the gospel the truth of Jesus Christ, so he leaps in his mother's womb
John is then born and his father Zacharias Who was mute for a time?
his mouth is loosed and And he speaks a prophecy by way of the
Holy Spirit Zacharias says this He speaks mostly about Jesus Christ, but he says this briefly about his own son
He says towards John and you child will be called the prophet of the
Most High For you will go on before the Lord to prepare his ways
To give his people the knowledge of salvation by the forgiveness of their sins
Because of the tender mercy of our God with which the sunrise from on high will visit us
So he prophesies even about his own son John grows up as well as Jesus Our text in John 1 coincides
With what we believe to be the same events in Matthew 3 Mark 1 and Luke 3
Okay One of them state this the Word of God came to John the son of Zacharias in the wilderness
The word came to him and he came into all the district around the Jordan Preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins
Matthew records John Preaching repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand
You have to imagine the people were without a prophet in the land from the time of Malachi Unto now this historical context of Matthew is 400 years 400 years the people without a prophet
And the people hear this prophetic voice and They were even listening to him.
What should I do? What should I do to repent and he's and he instructs them do this if you're a soldier do that so a delegation at that point
Because this prophetic voice was reaching Jerusalem. This delegation has to come and investigate
This anomaly out by the Jordan River. So go to verses 20 and 21 To to the question.
Who are you? It says and he confessed and did not deny but confessed I am
NOT the Christ They asked him what then are you Elijah? And he said
I am NOT. Are you the prophet and he answered? No and what's interesting is
When they came to him and said who are you they didn't say are you the Christ They didn't ask him that but John assumes their question
That they are looking for the identity of the Christ he just goes straight to what he believes they are there for There was there was at this time high messianic expectation in the first century
There was this messianic fervor that someone is coming prophecies and timelines were starting to converge and The people were and had anticipatory feelings
They were getting ready for something everyone could feel it in the air so to speak
The people had unrest unrest with the Roman occupation Surely another deliverer will come the the
Romans are oppressing us Some looked for a
Davidic warrior king Messiah Others looked for a priestly
Messiah and As we will see the prophet as they say
Nevertheless John is not the long prophesied anointed one of Holy Scripture.
He is not the one of Prophecy that pointed to the Christ It says confessed and did not deny it is meant in a judicial Kind of way as if he raised his right hand and said
I am NOT the Christ as If he sworn an oath he emphatically speaks truthfully in his confession and The way this is narrative narrative is it has a positive than a negative than a positive
Confess did not deny confess It is intended to convey his allegiance to his calling and objective as the
Forerunner witness as well as his loyalty to the one who is coming
He's very serious I will confess That I'm not the
Christ and Yet there are many people throughout history who have said yeah,
I'm the Christ. I Many people have said that but are not
What temptation could have come from this? John could have elevated himself, but he didn't
Most men want all eyes on them, but John is quick to point their gaze elsewhere
Don't look at me John The Baptist is an example
For all of us in that way We should never act like we are something we are not every preacher every pastor every theologian every seminarian every lay person everyone
In their conduct and in their speech and in their heart Should be conveying that they are not the
Christ We should act like Christ in his moral standards, but we are not the
Christ I mean that in such a way to not be prideful Never to exalt ourselves never act like we are the ones who save people who change people's lives
You know I've heard people Even in this city who have said
Yeah, I saved another person last week. Yeah Yeah, another conversion another notch on the belt
I Kid you not I have heard people speak that way They think they are the ones doing the saving men do this they want to receive worship unfortunately even pastors receive and Eventually desire worship.
I've seen it they are just as much false Christ as People of false religion men of false
Christ of false religions So they continue to question him on his identity
Who are you then? What are you? They ask if he is
Elijah Now some of you who know your Bible might be thinking But I thought
Elijah was long gone by now. It's probably been over a thousand years since Elijah The people didn't expect a reincarnation
But they didn't know what to make of the prophecies is Elijah coming back from heaven
Or is something related to Elijah coming? Elijah and John did look similar though in 2nd
Kings chapter 1 verse 8 it says Elijah was a hairy man with a leather belt bound to about his loins
Elijah the tishbite While mark chapter 1 verse 6 says
John was clothed with camel's hair and wore a leather belt around his waist and His diet was locusts and honey
So they even look similar So they go right to that are you
Elijah so why does he say no Why does he say no, I'm not Elijah Malachi 4 speaks
About Elijah. It says behold. I am going to send Elijah I'm gonna
I'm going to send to you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and terrible day of the Lord He will restore the hearts of the fathers to their children and the hearts of the children to their fathers
So that I will not come and smite the land with a curse Malachi 4 Elijah is coming in Matthew 17
Peter John and James see the transfigured glorified Christ on the mountain It's the most magnificent sight one that they have never seen before and what's interesting in this divine occurrence
Standing next to Jesus. They see Elijah and Moses talking with him if you remember that Matthew 17
Elijah and Moses are talking the Apostles see the glorified Christ And so the question of Elijah comes up.
It's removed Jesus comes to them they speak And the disciples asked
Jesus this why do the scribes say that Elijah must come first and Jesus answered and said
Elijah is coming and will restore all things But I say to you that Elijah already came and they did not recognize him but did to him whatever they wished
So also the Son of Man is going to suffer at their hands and it says then the disciples Understood that Jesus had spoken to them about John the
Baptist They understood What Jesus was saying this
Elijah who came is John the Baptist So although Elijah Was taken up in the whirlwind if you remember
Elijah did not die at the passing of the mantle to Elisha Elijah gets taken up in a whirlwind to heaven so he did not die upon this earth
But this is not him again This is not the Elijah that has gone up The angel
Gabriel said that John is coming in the spirit and power of Elijah And Elijah was considered one of the most godly and powerful
Prophets of God in the Old Testament time if not the most they looked up to Elijah the people loved
Elijah especially centuries moving forward I Know Poet back there.
He loves spider -man to the young Jewish boys Elijah would have been their superhero.
They loved Elijah He prepared the people for the coming day of the
Lord and Elijah and John both spoke directly to the need of repentance among the people very similar
John the Baptist and Elijah Jesus even said in Matthew 11 verse 14
He says this and if you are willing to accept it John himself is
Elijah who was to come Jesus identifies
John the Baptist as Elijah So the question remains
If he is this new type of Elijah, why does John say he is not?
That he's not Elijah Now it's possible John the Baptist did not realize the connection between himself and the
Elijah passages He did not see the great significance in his ministry even though Jesus did that is
Jesus knew John was the new Elijah, even if John didn't But I don't think that's true.
I don't think John the Baptist would be unaware of these prophecies I don't think he would be unaware of the
Word of God The key lies in the phrase
Jesus said If you are willing to accept it John himself is the
Elijah who was to come Jesus differentiates between The Elijah who was from the past who was taken up in the whirlwind to the
Elijah He says who was to come in other words
John the Baptist's identification as Elijah was not predicated upon him being the original
Elijah, but the forerunner coming in a similar prophetically powerful way as Gabriel said in the spirit and power of Elijah and Here's the thing
To the people who were changed and transformed by the Spirit of God who believed on Christ They knew
John the Baptist was Elijah they knew it But to the people who didn't know
Jesus and rejected the Christ to them They didn't believe that John was
Elijah Does that make sense? Whether he would have identified himself as such or not the people
Wouldn't be able to accept it unless they were saved and given new eyes Finally they ask are you the prophet?
Are you the prophet instead of saying I am NOT The straight no is more forceful
He is not the prophet This is referring back to Deuteronomy chapter 18 verses 15 through 18 and the promise of a coming
Prophet it says in Deuteronomy the Lord your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among you from among your countrymen and Excuse me, you shall listen to him.
I Will put my words in his mouth and he shall speak them If you remember in our
Solas series our five Solas series We did a Solas Christus series on Christ alone on Jesus being the prophet priest and king and We went over the prophet of Deuteronomy 18 and that it was
Jesus. It was completely fulfilled in Jesus John is the last of the prophets transitioning to the apostolic witness.
He is a prophet apostle He is not the prophet
Okay Jesus is actually identified as the prophet in the
Gospels as well as in Hebrews chapter 1 in other places but John has a specific function and He takes that very seriously
This continues to demonstrate his humble nature He could have simply said he was
Elijah We could have all seen the scriptures prophesied about him He could have said yes,
I am Elijah and we would have seen them and we was yeah, you're right You're you're the Elijah who was to come we could have agreed
But he likely said no to prophet as well because he didn't want to be exalted
He Doesn't want anyone to make anything of himself. He's here for a mission and his mission is not about him
His mission is about someone else. He doesn't want any focus on him.
Let's it be taken away from the one who is coming He takes it very seriously
His whole calling is to direct everyone's attention to the coming Christ to prepare their hearts for the gospel
He would say repent now for one is coming who can truly forgive the sins
That you have in their entirety So moving on let's go to verses 22 and 23
Then they said to him who are you? So that we may give an answer to those who sent us
What do you say about yourself? He said I am a voice of one crying in the wilderness make straight the way of the
Lord as Isaiah the prophet said They're done proposing their own suggestions of who
John is who are you? They reveal that they've been sent by some authority
They need an answer to bring back to someone apparently this delegation didn't simply need a negative statement
But they need a positive statement of identification They knew they couldn't come back to the
Jews or the Sanhedrin with a series of denials They needed a positive identification
Who is John? What do you say about yourself? According to John he may not be the
Messiah He may not be Elijah. He says or the prophet, but he's not some loon
He identifies himself with a reference from Isaiah the prophet I Think it provides much more clarity in context when you go to it
Isaiah chapter 40 Speaks more fully to this
Isaiah 40 which he quotes starting in verse 3 of Isaiah 40. It says a voice is calling
Clear the way of the Lord in the wilderness make smooth the desert a highway for our
God Let every valley be lifted up and every mountain and hill be made low and let the rough ground become a plain and the rugged terrain a broad valley
Then the glory of the Lord will be revealed and all flesh will see it together for the mouth of the
Lord has spoken so the original context of Isaiah 40 is a prophecy pointing to the end of the exile in Babylon of God's people and a return to Jerusalem And the
Lord will join them it says okay clear the way Make straight the highways
The Lord is returning to his people Isaiah 40 through 66 although point to a time post exile and then a return to Israel.
They are also what's called typological That is to say before I've talked to you about what's called type and substance
Type and substance or shadow and fulfillment Okay, and that's what's happening here
Isaiah even points to a future new heaven and new earth in the later part of his book
And that would mean that Isaiah 40 is fulfilled right here is completely fulfilled with John the
Baptist That voice that is calling is John's The Lord is coming
Make his path straight the glory of the Lord will be revealed Remember it said we saw
The words glory in the prologue. It says we saw his glory glory of the monogamous
The only begotten of the Father The one and only Son of God it was translated
Isaiah says what? Says the glory of the Lord Will be revealed
Specifically it is in all capitals Lord It is Yahweh the glory of Yahweh will be revealed and we will see it.
So How does this? Translate what am I saying? This ties back to the prologue but it also affirms the deity of Christ and the triune nature of God The one that is coming according to Isaiah is
Yahweh and Yet we know that the one who is coming is
Jesus Christ. So what does that mean? Jesus Christ is Yahweh. Jesus Christ is the
Lord. Jesus Christ is God It's amazing So John makes it clear
Though right here He doesn't say his name. He doesn't say I'm John All he says is
I am a voice. I am a voice No spotlight for him.
He doesn't want it John's ministry From one theologians is this the cry of the
Baptist is one of penitence and conversion without which the coming one cannot be received He's just a cry
He's just a voice Many people long to make a name for themselves
They want the whole world to know who they are people vie for their so -called 15 minutes of fame not
John not John And so the question we have to ask ourselves.
How concerned are we about our name? How badly do you want people to know your name?
How badly do you want people to remember your name if only people remember me? Or maybe
I should be asking the question how concerned are you with people knowing the name of Jesus That we may pray
Lord. Give me no recognition for my works deeds or ministry or converts
Let people say if they remember me even at all let them be able to say Jesus saved that man
Jesus saved him and Jesus gets all the glory Jesus changed him.
That's what I know about that man. Jesus changed him May they remember if anything that the forerunner understood that John the
Baptist knew that It will not be John the Baptist who exegetes
God but the one coming with his kingdom
He will introduce him he Jesus will be the one to exegete the father as we talked about last week.
John will simply Show who he is Let's go on to verses 24 and 25
Now they had been sent from the Pharisees They asked him and said to him. Why then are you baptizing if you are not the
Christ? Nor Elijah nor the prophet so we have a bit more of a clue of Who sent this delegation?
the Pharisees It could have still been the Sanhedrin, but the
Pharisees maybe influenced the decision to send the priests and Levites Could have been a solo group of the
Pharisees, but it says nevertheless the Pharisees sent these priests and Levites And of course if you have seen in the scripture the
Pharisees were known for their intense Observation of the law of God and yet they're total neglect of it at the very same time.
They would literally make up traditional tradition of man In attachment to the law of God so that they would obey it more properly so that's what
Jesus often repudiates them for is you take the the doctrines and commandments of man and you add it on top of commandments of God and In the
Gospels the Pharisees are a group ardently opposed to Jesus They are often the ones teaching in the synagogues making sure everyone followed not just the law
But the tradition of the elders, but they are often suspicious of Jesus From the very beginning and this is probably where it started
They were suspicious of who Jesus was they kept an eye on all major happenings in Judea and they would even disseminate
Propaganda and try to keep things in line with their agenda We're gonna see that So they ask
He quotes Isaiah 40 He doesn't say his name, but he says he's a voice and so the next question they ask him is
Why then are you baptizing? His answer did not suffice for them
And it's not necessarily that it was believed the Christ or Elijah or the
Prophet would baptize at that time They wanted in this question to know by what authority
John is baptizing So if you aren't these figures these powerful figures
How are you? Why are you baptizing? What gives you the right? What gives you the status to baptize?
There is more evidence that has come to light recently in Scholarship and research that some
Jewish groups did what was called proselyte baptisms Okay, a proselyte would be a
Gentile Convert to Judaism and At the time of their conversion to Judaism they would sometimes baptize themselves with water
Okay According to Carson some considered the sprinkling clean water passages from Ezekiel as an indicator to baptize themselves
And that's what they would do Apparently they would baptize themselves
These converts But John baptized other people They baptized themselves
John baptized others. So why is he baptizing? His call to repentance and cleansing is to pave the way for the coming
Messiah I'm gonna sound like a broken record here because that is his role
That is his job and it's not going to be a national Jewish repentance Okay It's no longer about being the quote chosen children of Abraham by blood
Because even John the Baptist says From these stones God is able to raise up children to Abraham from these stones.
He can make children of Abraham He doesn't need you to be Jewish to make you a child of Abraham.
He can raise them from these stones No More bloodlines no more privileged heritage in Christ We're all at the same basis dead in our sins and trespasses and needing to be made alive by Christ equal basis equal foundation no more
Privileged lineage it's time for personal repentance and faith individual personal repentance and faith in The corporate body of God no longer.
Can you act like you possess those things by being a Jew? So John's not trying to do what only
Christ by way of the Holy Spirit's regeneration can do He's not offering them forgiveness leading to eternal life.
He's seeking to prepare them And as far as evidence of baptism in the
Old Testament goes Which of course the Old Testament is all that they had at this time There was none there is no evidence as we can see in the
Old Testament of baptism, okay But Peter says in his one of his letters.
He says Noah and his family Going through the floodwaters was a type of baptism.
He says Paul says the Israelites were baptized by the cloud in the
Red Sea that they passed through when they gained deliverance from slavery Jesus points to Jonah being in the belly of the great fish in the water underwater as something
Pointing forward to his resurrection the Israelites They passed through the
Jordan River to get to the promised land Elisha became prophet after he passed through the waters of the
Jordan when Elijah was taken up to heaven and Naaman washed in the Jordan River seven times and was healed of his leprosy
So you have all these moments of symbolism Passing through waters to gain deliverance passing through waters to gain salvation
Passing through waters to get healing this water symbolism
So these moments in the Old Testament showing those passing through the water are
Prototypes of the New Testament baptism in a sense That we have today
But ultimately The question is is John's baptism a
Christian baptism Is this baptism taking place here the
Christian baptism we know today? It was not
His baptism, of course is a declaration of turning away from sin and moving to righteousness
Yes, absolutely turn away from sin move to righteousness John was preaching that be baptized
But it was only partial why? because baptism of a believer is one's
Identification with the death burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ So John had a partial baptism, but in the coming one in the preparation of people's hearts
That's what the baptism was Prepare yourself prepare your heart because one is coming in which you will get baptized and he'll take away all your sin
He'll wash you completely clean. He'll sprinkle clean water on you and you will be clean forever by his blood
But it is not the one with the death burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ that we are baptized into Christ because that had not
Happened yet It had not happened yet, let's go to our final three verses
Church Verses 26 through 28 John answered them saying
I baptize in water But among you stands one whom you do not know
It is he who comes after me the thong of whose sandal I am not worthy to untie These things took place in Bethany beyond the
Jordan where John was baptizing Currently in this statement
John is not making the distinction We all remember in verse 33 and in the synoptic
Gospels concerning his type of baptism water for repentance He's not comparing his baptism of water unto repentance to Jesus's baptism of the
Holy Spirit and fire yet That is not here yet. So we're not supposed to think that it's a comparison of baptism
Yet in these verses that is going to happen He's trying to give them the answer of whereby he gets his authority or status to perform these baptisms and preaching of repentance
He's going to tell them now This points back to verse 15, of course the one who is before him, but also the one coming after him
This also indicates the fact that baptism is not the end that we're looking for. It's the beginning of things to come
John's baptism Everything is about to change Everything is about to change
They have questions for John's baptism. Well soon They will have thousands of questions for the one who stands among them who they do not know
And that's the thing When Jesus comes There should be no question to his identity.
There should be no question to who he is, but they don't know him now and Neither will many of them not know him when he walks among them later.
I just do water baptism John says But there is one hidden Standing among you about to reveal himself who will save people from their sin from the sin that brought them here
There is a transition taking place The coming one Is no longer just coming he now stands among them he's getting closer now
The world is about to be turned upside down. It's about to change completely
And again this points back to the prologue again when it says there was the true light which coming into the world enlightens every man
He was in the world and the world was made through him and the world did not know him
There's one standing among you whom you do not know and The important thing will be is
Do you know him will you know him when he comes Will you know him
John is saying to them and all others when you finally see the Christ you better know him
Some of us use Christ to make something great of ourselves But John knew how great
Christ was and therefore made less of himself. The question will be which one are you and me?
The Baptist performs his duty. Well, he will make sure All know the greatest one to ever walk the earth has arrived
John says he is not axios He is not worthy. He is not deserving
He has no high degree of merit or status in his eyes to even be able to remove the sandals of the
Messiah You see in ancient times Feet were often the dirtiest part of a person
Feet were disgusting in ancient times and some of you are like feet are disgusting now right
Then some of you never mind Feet were disgusting
All right People would have these very dirty feet.
They'd be on long walks and journeys They'd be working in the field and they'd come back and they'd have these sandals and their feet were absolutely dirty
So to wash someone's feet, especially like Jesus did for the
Apostles was the ultimate sign of humility complete humility humble service only the lowest
Servants in someone's household would tend to the master's feet only the lowest of servants would tend to their feet and So what
John is saying here is? I am NOT even worthy to touch one of the lowest and dirtiest parts of The one coming
I'm not even worthy to touch his feet I don't deserve to even perform the most demeaning tasks
For the Messiah John Calvin said regarding this moment
The sum of it is that he wants to abase himself as much as he can lest any degree lest any degree of honor
Wrongly given to him should obscure the superiority of Christ This is how much he's trying to turn your eyes to the one who's coming.
I am NOT worthy to even untie his sandal I'm not even worthy to touch the dirtiest part of this man
Even the lowest part the lowest task. I am NOT even worthy to do That's how great he is.
That's how glorious he is. I Don't even deserve to do that so church
That last principle is truly the heart of John the Baptist His humility is only
Proceeded by the one who comes after him truly Maybe not in the same exact way, but we are all called to be a witness just as he was
Do our thoughts our faith What we say what we do what we worship does everything in us point to Jesus like it did for John Do we recognize the superiority of Christ not just logically or biblically as information?
But do we shoot showcases superiority? Like John did how quick are we to say this is my name.
This is what I do We stand there a little bit taller. This is who I am. This is how
I'm valuable to the world How quick are we to do that?
while John the Baptist Evades those things to where we finally see all he wants to do is point people to Jesus Christ And I'll tell you what
Sometimes I am concerned that I believe I'm worthy enough to untie
Jesus's sandal I'll be honest Sometimes I think
I'm worthy enough to untie the sandal of Jesus Christ And I have to repent
After repent from thinking that from having that pride Jesus was able to say of John this of John the
Baptist Jesus said truly I say to you Among those born of women there has not arisen anyone greater than John the
Baptist But what did he do? He lived out his calling
He was the voice in the wilderness Crying out that they prepare themselves for the kingdom of heaven to make straight the way of the
Lord Then John kept being a light For a short while He was even light among political and religious figures.
He spoke the truth to Herod and Herod taking his brother's wife He was true to his calling he diminished so that Christ would arise
Become more apparent What happened to John John the
Baptist wasn't highly exalted in this life He wasn't the daughter of Herodias was pleased the wicked
Herod She danced in front of him And he asked her
I'll give you anything. What do you want? and Herodias said
I Want John the Baptist's head on a platter for what he spoke
About us. I want his head and I want nothing less And you know how his life ended
Sitting in prison Says he was in prison at this time in a cold and dark cell
He's probably sitting there full of faith praising and praying to God And some guards come to his cell and they unlock the door and he looks up One of the guards was probably smiling in a violently malicious way
Knowing what they were about to do, but John was inquisitive What's going on he gets escorted to the stocks
Which is near a blood -stained block He gets locked in shackled
His head was forced down to this disgusting gruesome block of wood and the axe lifts up And he's able to smile
I bet he was But is he because he came And he did what he was meant to do
They may think they're punishing him, but he's about to receive his reward in full in the kingdom of heaven still to him
The biggest part of his reward isn't even just heaven the biggest reward to John in his eyes was making
Jesus known That's what meant so much to him And he knew that when the axe came down and he was beheaded
He was called to clear the highways for the coming Lord And yet he would have laid down his body across rocks and mud for the
Lord to walk over him Are we willing to do that too? so in the spirit of John the
Baptist If you've been prideful humble yourself if you've cared too much for your name
Focus much more on the name of Jesus Christ make him known and ultimately the call
Isn't to be as humble as John the Baptist John the Baptist is only humble because of the one he pointed to Jesus Christ The most humble one who gave his life a ransom for many
Let's pray Father in heaven, please bless the message that went out today.
I pray it glorified you Lord We thank you for men like John the
Baptist Whom you put your word in him whom you raised up and you gave him a mission and you gave him a calling
And he performed it and he was satisfied in that God sometimes
You've given us a mission You've given us a calling and we can be so discontent with it
We can grumble so much in it and yet John came and rose to the occasion He was a witness.
He gave testimony to the coming one and Jesus Christ came we thank you
Lord for his example and yet as I said Lord ultimately his example
Is one to emulate because he emulated the Christ our Lord Jesus so God, please
Let this be something that doesn't go in one ear out the other. I Pray father today that we would remember our calling as Christians to proclaim this truth to all nations
Even if it means like John losing our lives Pray this in the name of your son