Episode 81: What Tychicus Teaches us About the Local Church


On this episode of the RCP 2.0, Eddie and Allen talk about a lesser known New Testament believer, Tychicus. They examine Ephesians 6:21-22 and discuss how lesser known brothers and passages from the New Testament actually have quite a bit to teach local churches today about biblical Christianity.


Welcome to the Ruled Church Podcast. This is my beloved son, with whom
I am well pleased. He is honored, and I get the glory. And by the way, it's even better, because you see that building in Perryville, Arkansas?
You see that one in Pechote, Mexico? Do you see that one in Tuxla, Guterres down there in Chiapas? That building has my son's name on it.
The church is not a democracy. It's a monarchy. Christ is king. You can't be
Christian without a local church. You can't do anything better than to bend your knee and bow your heart, turn from your sin and repentance, believe on the
Lord Jesus Christ, and join up with a good Bible -believing church, and spend your life serving
Jesus in a local, How many turkeys you got, Ed? Man, you know, I'm not a turkey hunter.
Although, I would love to go kill a turkey, but I never have to. We've gone a couple times, springtime in Arkansas, but it's been to no avail.
Well, the first morning seemed like pretty good, but yesterday it was all windy, and today it's super foggy.
Yeah. Yep, that's the way it goes. Plus, it starts too late.
Plus, my kids are playing baseball and all this. This is how it goes.
Oh, come on, man. If the priorities are baseball or wild turkey, you go to the turkey.
I'm a Baptist. I don't know what wild turkey is. Welcome.
That's a good spot to say welcome to the Rural Church Podcast. I am your co -host,
Alan Nelson, pastor of Providence Baptist Church in Perryville, Arkansas. With me, Eddie Ragsdale, the wild turkey man from Marshall.
I didn't know that was the way you guys do things up there in the hills. Yeah, that's how reformed we are.
Yeah. All right. All right, bro. Well, I got to text my wife real quick.
She just tried to call while we're recording. All right, brother. We are looking at a passage today from the end of Ephesians.
That's where we're at. Guess what, Eddie? I think in the next few weeks, we're actually going to finish the book of Ephesians.
So how many sermons have you preached from Ephesians? This week. 200.
Have you preached 200? Oh, no. We're not going to get to 200. 180. Have you preached? No, this week is 140.
Okay. Oh, yeah. I was way overshooting it, everybody. Well, I mean, yeah.
140 versus 200. That's a whole nother year. Yeah. Okay. 140 is a lot of sermons.
That's like Martin Lloyd Jones. You're like the Martin Lloyd Jones of Perryville. I'm no Martin Lloyd Jones, brother.
But we have had a good time. That's awesome. A lot of things have changed.
Only God is awesome, Eddie. But we've had a lot of things change at our church. Thank you, Jonathan Murdoch. We've had a lot of...
So we started in September of 2020, and now we're recording this on April...
What is today? The 17th of 2024. Three and a half years or whatever.
But there's interesting things in the Bible. The Bible is so packed. Sometimes there's just these little seem unimportant verses.
They actually have a lot of content there to consider and teach us. So here we are at the end of the letter to the
Ephesians. And there's some things in here that I want to draw that I think are pretty relevant.
I think they're relevant. I didn't tell this to you, Eddie. I think they're relevant to the Southern Baptist Convention. I think they're relevant to Bible Belt Christianity.
I think they're relevant to the church. So let's jump in. I'm going to read it for you. Hold on. Yeah, go ahead, bro.
Before we get into this specific passage, I do want to just say on what you...
commenting on what you just said, that one thing we want to note is all of the details that God puts in the
Scripture are there for a purpose. Yeah. I just think it's so important that we remember they're all there for a purpose.
Because I think we're tempted to read over details like there was no reason for them to be there.
Now, they may be descriptive details that aren't telling us something we should do, but they still matter for us to understand what
God is wanting us to learn out of the passage. And so whether it's an Old Testament narrative that'll have, you know, we're going through Judges right now and there are some amazing details in those passages.
And they matter. Everything... If God chose to put it in the Scripture, it matters.
And especially with this text, I think so often the beginning and the end of these letters, we tend to almost treat like, oh, that was just them signing off.
I mean, it's not really important. Yeah. I'll speak on the other side.
I think there could be a danger to go too much to try to overread, you know, but like you say, 100 % agree, brother.
I mean, that's right. The letter doesn't stop. The epistle doesn't stop at verse 20.
The inspiration of the Holy Spirit doesn't stop at verse 20. So just something to consider.
So the text says, Ephesians 6, 21, Oh, sorry. So that you also may know how
I am doing and what I am doing, Tychicus. Now, some say
Tychicus, Tychicus, Tychicus. I'm saying Tychicus. But however you want to say it,
Tychicus, the beloved brother and faithful minister in the Lord, will tell you everything.
I've sent him to you for this very purpose that you may know how we are and that he may encourage your hearts.
So we're getting into a little bit of discussion today of Tychicus, but also some little details here that I'd like to bring up about the church.
I guess one of the main things I want to mention today is that, and I know we've said this before, surely
I've said this before, but you know how you miss the forest for the trees. You know, you're sitting here and you're looking at the trees and you're like, yeah, but I don't even see the forest.
Well, that's how people do with the local church. They're like, yeah, but where does the
Bible say you have to go to church to be a Christian? Like, dude, you cannot understand the
New Testament. I think I can prove that to you today, even just from this passage. But here you have this man, this little -known man,
I should say, little -known to us, not apparently little -known in the New Testament world.
He's the beloved brother. But most people, if you mention the name Tychicus, they would not know who you're talking about.
So what my argument is, there's this man who is not well -known to us today, but is a faithful brother in the
Lord and loved the church. I'm going to talk about that more in just a minute. And this is how we should have more of that.
So for every Paul, there should be a lot of other brothers around, like a
Tychicus. I don't know how you say Tychicus in the plural. No, that sounds good. Tychicus.
Tychikikai. But I've got some more things I want to say. That's just kind of my introductory spiel.
Anything you want to add there? Well, I just think it's amazing when you think about,
Paul says here, so that you also may know how I am and what I'm doing, that Tychicus is going to tell them everything.
And I just think, man, you kind of almost wish you could have heard that.
Ah, wonder what everything was. And yet, another lesson we have to learn, you have everything the
Lord intends for you to have. That's right. Whatever that everything was, we don't need it.
They needed it. We don't need it. So Tychicus appears several times in the scripture.
He's in Acts 20 at the riot, helping Paul. The riot in Ephesus probably was, or he is, an
Ephesian, maybe born in Ephesus, this maybe hometown guy. He's in Acts 20.
He's mentioned in 2 Timothy 4, which I'll mention this. Isn't Demas mentioned in 2
Timothy 4 as well, I believe? But maybe you can double check that. But you have people in the scriptures like Demas, who were at one time with Paul, and then they leave.
And then you've got faithful brothers like Tychicus that stick around. And that matters. That kind of faithfulness matters.
So he's mentioned Acts 20, 2 Timothy 4, Titus 3, Colossians 4. So he crops up several times.
But I want to say this. He loves the church. I'm going to get to a point in just a minute, I think, that you're going to like. But he loves the church,
Eddie. And one of the ways that we know he loves the church is he's oftentimes this letter carrier for Paul and willing to serve.
In fact, the text says in verse 21, he's a faithful minister. But the word, the
Hebrew there is the word for deacon. So he's a servant.
Now, let me ask you this. He loves the church. So where does he learn that love for the church?
I'm just asking, where does Tychicus learn his love for the church?
Yeah, I would say he has to learn it in the church. Yeah, yeah. And I'm just making the comment.
I know you didn't know where I was going with that, but I'm just making the comment here. He learns it from the man.
From Paul. Yeah, he learns it from Paul. So why don't we do this?
Why don't you go to Acts chapter 8? I think I'm going to tell you the right verse,
I hope. Acts chapter 8, verse 3, and read that for us. All right. This will be interesting.
Have I told you the right verse? But Saul, having ravaged the church and entering house after house, he dragged off men and women and committed them to prison.
Okay, so let's just think about this for a second. You have this man named Saul, which we understand Paul, and before he was converted, he ravaged the church.
He hated the church. He persecuted the church. By the time you get to Ephesians chapter 6, verse 21, what is
Paul's concern for the church? So that you also may know how I am and what
I'm doing. He has a love for the church at Ephesus.
He moves from hating the church, ravaging the church, despising the church, to now he says,
Hey, I'm going to make sure that you guys, I'm so concerned that you guys understand how
I'm doing. I'm going to send Tychicus to you. So what changes between Acts 8 and Ephesians 6?
Well, obviously Paul was converted, and he loves the Lord and loving the
Lord spurs us on to a love for the Lord's people. But another thing to think about is,
Paul had spent an extensive amount of time in Ephesus. You know, it's amazing.
It is amazing how in a very short amount of time, the Lord can knit our hearts with other brothers and sisters.
You can meet a brother and in a few minutes, it's almost like you're best friends because you both love
Christ. That is amazing how that can happen. And we both experienced really growing strong relationships with brothers because we took short -term trips.
You know, you guys go to Mexico, you've built strong relationships with the brothers and sisters down there.
You know, I went to Utah several times and built good relationships with brothers and sisters there.
So it's amazing how that can happen. But imagine that you went to, you know, is it
El Chapote? Yeah. I don't know. El Pachote. But let's say you went down there and you stayed for two years.
Mm -hmm. Oh, man. I mean, as much as you love them now, can you imagine how it would be different then if you had spent two years teaching and preaching and helping to plant churches in that region and then you're writing a letter to them?
I very seriously doubt anybody in this on listening to this podcast is going to disagree with this point, but it's just a point that I want to press and emphasize.
But there is no love. So if you say to yourself, well, I love the Lord, but I don't love the church, you're either greatly self -deceived or you're just lying.
Because Paul moves from hating the church to loving the church. He teaches
Tychicus, I mean, a little bit of speculation there, but not much, to love the church.
Because Tychicus is a faithful servant in the Lord. He's a faithful minister in the Lord. He's willing to give up his time.
You know, we say delivering letters, that's not a big deal. But, I mean, maybe today driving across the
United States, not a big deal, but you risk life and limb, as it were, to serve the church and let the people know how
Paul is doing. And so the point I'm trying to make is you don't love the
Lord without loving the church. And that's everywhere in the Bible. But sometimes you come across these little obscure passages here, and it's actually being taught here.
It's being exemplified. Because Paul is someone who ravaged the church. Now he's someone who's concerned that the church would know how he's doing.
And even like in Colossians 4, let me just read this, because it's very similar, but it maybe gives us a little bit more.
Tychicus will tell you all about my activities. He is a beloved brother and faithful minister and fellow servant in the
Lord. I have sent him to you for this very purpose, that you may know how we are and that he may encourage your hearts.
So just listen that Paul, the idea of Tychicus traveling to these different churches and communities is to encourage the hearts of the
Christians. Encourage the local churches. Right, yeah. So this is everywhere.
So here's something else, Eddie, and this is, I made an SPC comment, but I'm just going to just kind of flesh this out.
Another thing is he wanted the church to know how he was doing, because the church is, now obviously
Paul's relationship with the church is a little different. I understand he's an apostle. But there's a responsibility of the church to know how her missionaries are doing.
So can you imagine, and I'm not just trying to look for an opportunity and just throw a sucker punch, but can you imagine
Paul sending Tychicus and then saying, now, but don't disclose everything.
Don't tell them everything. Let's hold some stuff back. Can you imagine him being like the North American Mission Board and saying, no, no, you don't need, you're not, and the church asks.
We don't share the apostolic salaries. Yeah. We don't do that. Yeah, like, oh, no, no, no, we're not going to let you know everything.
So what I'm saying is there's a clear pattern here in the New Testament of the local churches, the necessity and responsibility of the local church understanding in transparent fashion what's happening.
Now, and by the way, this is Paul like, I want to be transparent. I want you to know what's happening.
And so it's like, it should be a mutual thing. So like the churches, now
I'm just going to give some application. Churches should want to know how her missionaries are.
And the missionary should want the church to know how they're doing.
This is just like, again, you kind of this obscure little verse here, and you're like, maybe
I'm just going to even skip over this. Yeah, we're done with Ephesians. It was like, no, there's actually a little bit of weight here to consider to teach us the relationship between a local church and her missionaries.
Any thoughts to that? Well, yeah, I mean, even as we've said right here in the text, you know, in Ephesians, Tychicus will tell you everything.
In Colossians, Tychicus will tell you all about my activities. As you said, it's just this full disclosure, and it is actually hearing about what
Paul is doing in planting churches and preaching the gospel. That is what's going to encourage the hearts of the church.
Yeah. That's what's going to encourage them. It's not like Tychicus is sent with, hey, here's a special poem to share with the church.
That'll be encouraging to them and tell them the stuff I'm doing. No, no. Tell them what we're doing for the gospel, how
Christ is winning souls and planting churches. That's what will encourage them.
Yeah, and even in the face of persecution, you know.
Maybe another shot here in a sense, but I'm not trying to. I'm a little bit tongue -in -cheek here, but Rome's not becoming a
Christian nation or whatever, right? Right. But the gospel is going forward, right?
The gospel is defeating her enemies in a sense. Even in the face, and you know that my position is all millennial.
My position is even in the face of her enemies, the church is going to prevail.
It's not Christ conquering governments that makes the gospel powerful.
It's Christ conquering in the face of wicked governments. Now, I'm all for, again, not to get too far into this, but I'm all for having a
Christian government for sure. I'd way rather want that. But the point I'm trying to say is even if that's not happening, the gospel is still going forward.
That's what's happening in Paul's day. He's in prison, and he's letting the church know, guess what?
The gospel is still going forward. And again, just this note here, full disclosure of how things are going with Paul.
And we've created this conglomeration of entities in the
Southern Baptist Convention that's just not like this. If you call up to a, and I know this.
This is not speculation. I know this personally. If you try to get information from an entity, it's just shut down.
And I'm just saying, isn't that sad? We could rail on that, but I'll just mention this. When you look at the New Testament scriptures, it's just sad.
It's sad that that is the type of relationship that missionaries and missionary enterprises try to maintain with the churches.
When the apostle Paul, of all people, if he wanted to pull the authority card of all people, he'd say, no, you don't need to know that.
But he is willing to and desiring for the church to understand, hey, here's what's going on.
It's interesting. Paul says, so that you also may know how I am and what
I'm doing. But first he says how I am. Paul knows that the
Ephesians love him. He knows that they love him. They really care about him.
And I'm not even stepping just on the SBC here. I think this goes far beyond the
SBC, what I'm about to say. But oftentimes, what is sent out about missionaries or from missionaries sometimes is sent back to churches that don't really know them.
And it's just so that we can say we let you know some things so that you'll send some more support.
It's really about support gathering. As opposed to, and then I think a lot of those missionaries are struggling with, does anyone even care?
I'm out here and I feel all alone and I don't think anybody, I mean, I know the
Lord cares, but I don't think anybody actually cares about us.
And so here we have Paul and Paul knows that the Ephesians care about him. So he says, I'm sending,
Tychicus is going to come and he's going to, so that you may know how I am.
Because I know you guys care about how I am, how I'm doing. And that strengthens
Paul for his ministry and encourages the saints in Ephesus and in Colossae. So yeah,
I think it's so important that we, our missionaries need to know us and we need to know them so that we can have a real care for them and they can know that they're not alone.
And then at the same time, that ought to encourage our hearts as we hear about how they're doing and what's being accomplished.
The New Testament, we might say here, is actually not as silent as some might try to pretend it is when it comes to missionary efforts, missionary enterprises.
We've gotten a little bit off topic here, maybe, not really, but the idea of Tychicus teaches us that the missionary enterprises of the
New Testament are centered in and around, and even in one sense for, the local church.
And that there should be a relationship, a tangible relationship between the
New Testament church and our missionaries. That's why at the end of these letters, you have so often all these names.
And you're like, why do you have all these names? Because even as spread out as these people were, there was a network.
They knew each other. Now, Christianity has gotten so big, and this is good, but Christianity has gotten so big that it really is not quite feasible for every
Christian to know every other Christian. However, and I find this in our world, like the
Reformed Baptist world, it doesn't take long, and you begin to know people and churches.
And this is the way New Testament missions really should be done.
We're praying for, we're not just sending some, look, you go over, you build wells or whatever, okay,
I'm not going to disparage that. But the idea is long -term.
I'm not just popping over a week into Haiti and giving a pastor's conference or whatever. I'm connected to local churches.
I know them. They know me. We've got to stop this one week pop in, pop out, man, that was great, take some pictures, put it on social media.
That's not what's going on in our text. And even this idea of being encouraged by what's happening there, we have a brother and sister in South Africa that we are partnered with, that we support,
Marco and Laura Scovert. And Laura Scovert is
Jim Ellis' daughter. And every week,
Marco sends us updates and he sends us things we can be praying for. And it's such an encouragement because,
I mean, I haven't seen Marco in the flesh in a couple of years, maybe three years. But still, we get these regular updates on what's happening with them, with their family, and with the ministry.
And so that is very encouraging because we actually know them. And what you were saying about, you know,
Christianity's too big for us to know everybody. That's right. But we all have our own network.
You know, you are especially gifted in networking. But all of us, and it may be that your network's pretty small.
That's okay. But pray for and support the brothers and sisters that the
Lord has given you those relationships. Because we all do have a network of people that we can name, or at least we should have a network of people that we can name in local churches where we have real fellowship and real agreement.
We ought to have that. Yeah, we should know one another. And I'll say this too, like, we don't have any letters in the
New Testament of a church to Paul. But it should be a thing, you know, to churches.
It's not just the missionaries keeping the churches up to date. The churches should keep the missionaries up to date too, you know, and let them know how things are going and staying connected and encouraging them, letting them know.
Because, again, in both of these texts that we've read,
Ephesians 6 and Colossians 4, Ephesians 6 .22 is when he says that I have sent him to you for this very purpose, that you may know how we are and that he may encourage your hearts.
So Paul wanted the churches, Colossae and the church of Ephesus, to be encouraged by the work that was happening.
Because, you know, and also specifically this too, you think, this is
Paul, Paul's in prison, okay, everything must be stopped, and Paul's reminding the church, like, no,
I may be bound, but the Word of God's not bound. And Christ is having the
Lamb for which he died. Sorry, I missed that, the
Bride for which he died. The Lamb who is slain is worthy to receive the full reward of his suffering.
So the Lamb is receiving the Bride and inheritance of nations.
And so the missionary, Paul, wanted the churches to be encouraged, but churches need to do a good job of encouraging the missionaries too.
But anyway, you have this faithful, we haven't talked a ton about him, but you have this faithful, trustworthy brother that I think is worthy of our imitation.
Tychicus. We should love and serve the church, even at our own peril at times.
We should serve and love the church like Tychicus did. We should, it's okay, not everybody's going to be a
Paul. Not everybody's going to be the man that everyone knows in the sense of the out front guy, the man on the preaching conference tour, if you will, and not that that's bad,
I'm not saying that's bad. Many brothers we love, let's use a brother we love, Votibacchum. Not everybody's going to be a
Votibacchum. That's okay. For every Votibacchum, there needs to be faithful brothers just putting their hands to the plow, plugging along, loving
Christ, loving the church, serving the church, being a faithful brother, a beloved brother like Tychicus.
That's right, that's right. Like you said, it reminds us that this service, this is normal, this is the way the church just ought to work.
It seems extraordinary to us, doesn't it?
It seems, wow, this guy, he was just, Paul was just sending him, it was what, he sent him to Ephesus, so that was a long trip, and then once he gets there, he goes to Colossae, that's another what, 80 miles or something?
He's got Onesimus with him. Right, right. He's got this letter to Colossae, he's got this letter to Philemon, he's got this letter to Ephesus, presumably all at the same time.
That's a lot of weight, too, by the way. Anyway, yeah, go ahead. Well, my point is just to say, and this is just,
I think they just seen this as, yeah, this is what you do when you're a servant of the
Lord. You serve. Yeah, so I want to say, based on that, this is literally
New Testament Christianity. This is New Testament Christianity.
I don't know what some of us have tried to make it, I understand the gimmicks and the games and the grand things that we try to do as churches sometimes, but this is
New Testament Christianity. Love for Christ, love for the church, seeking the furtherance of the kingdom, serving one another, encouraging one another.
That's a whole different podcast episode. We need more encouragers in the church. Less complainers, more encouragers.
But all this is like, we're literally just reading this from the Scripture. This is
New Testament Christianity. And I think, yeah, go ahead. Well, like you said, we don't want to read in the text things that aren't there, but we probably can kind of imagine the type of guy that Tychicus had to be, right?
If he's encouraging all these churches. And trustworthy. You're handing him these letters, bro.
I mean, this is big. And also, remember the whole thing, we hadn't gotten into this with Philemon, but he's in charge of bringing back
Onesimus. That's right. So this is a trustworthy man.
He's a leader. I don't think that's overreading. No, no. Yeah, I think it's just there.
And Paul trusts him. You know, the letter, you think about the letters.
Well, as long as the letter gets there, that's written down on paper. But Paul also trusts him that what he's going to tell them is going to be accurate.
That's right. Yeah. But he's not going to tell them something that's not true about how
Paul is or what's happening there. He's not going to spread his own agenda. Yeah.
No, that's good. When he gets to the church and try to sow discord or something like that. He's just going to come.
He's going to be an encouragement. He's going to share what's really going on. Like you said, he's trustworthy.
So, yeah, we can get some idea about the kind of man he was, even from the work that Paul's given him to do.
And I would say, again, this, again, should be normal. These are the type of, as far as men go, these are the type of men that we should be.
We should be trustworthy men, servants of the church. So, again, this is just reading the
New Testament scriptures and understanding Christianity based on the New Testament. Whatever type of Christianity we're trying to practice that is in competition or not under the
New Testament, it's false Christianity. That's right. And that's the problem. And this is a whole different podcast episode, too.
But back down in verse 24, it says, Grace be with all who love our Lord Jesus Christ with love incorruptible.
And the problem, I think, with many in the Bible belt is if you say, Do you love the Lord Jesus Christ? Oh, yeah, we love
Jesus. The problem is they don't love the Jesus of the New Testament. That's right. And if we don't love the
Jesus of the New Testament and if we don't love the church of the New Testament, whatever it is that we're practicing, you can't actually call it
Christianity. That's right. That's right. Yeah. Well, and the reason why people say,
Yeah, I love the Lord Jesus is because they define love as he lets me do anything
I want to do instead of love as what Jesus said, which is keep my commandments.
If you love me, obey my commandments. Yeah. They misdefine love. They misdefine
Jesus. That's right. Yeah. But anyway, so I just encourage our listeners, the love for the church and the idea of the church and how a church is to function and even intertwined in its missionary endeavors and all.
It's everywhere in the New Testament, even in sometimes just these kind of obscure places. There are brothers in the
New Testament that we should know more about, and Tychicus is one of those that we should seek to emulate, to seek to pattern our lives after someone like him, not because he's anything, but because, and again, this is another.
We could even talk about disciple -making here, but Paul into Tychicus into us.
That's the kind of disciples we should be making, men like Tychicus. So lots to consider there.
It shines forth the beauty and practicality and necessity, sufficiency of the word of God for us.
You've got anything you want to add to that? No, I think that's good. Just let's endeavor to have these kind of relationships of faithful connection with brothers and sisters that are serving the
Lord, that kind of networking we talked about. Man, we need to have that. We need to encourage one another.
And I would say that maybe a final thing to say is like that's possible even in the rural church world.
This is the Rural Church Podcast. This is applicable not just to the rural church, but I will say this, even in the rural church world, this is absolutely applicable.
We can network and know one another and should. You don't have to just live out there on an island, especially in a technology like today.
Well, I'd even say this, Eddie. Someone's listening to this and they're like, yeah, but I am on an island and you don't understand. Reach out to us.
Let us see if we can have our worlds collide and see what the
Lord may do with something like that. That's right. That's right. We would welcome it. Well, as always, brother, enjoy talking to you today.
It's funny. We're talking about being in the spring. I don't know when this is going to come out, but we're definitely ahead.
So maybe by the time someone listens to this, I'll actually have killed a turkey. Maybe I'll actually have at least seen one.
All right, brother, sign us off. We'll see you guys next week. If you really believe the church is the building, the church is the house, the church is what
God's doing. This is His work. If we really believe what Ephesians says, we are the poimos, the masterpiece of God.