Galatians 3:1-14

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Pastor John and Pastor Jeff teach the book of Galatians


Father we come to you with with anticipation of knowing you closer and better in all ways
We thank you for your word and we thank you for the exhortation in this passage to not be foolish
To not depart from the reality of grace and and to be thinking we earn and work for it
So we pray father as Pastor Jeff brings us this message you speak to him Give him the words and open our hearts in Jesus name.
Amen. Amen Last week after this study as John taught from the
Word of God these two guys Joe and Tim went out to the community college to what is now the regular college
Rowan and Began to share the gospel as we normally do, you know once a week we head out to the colleges
But this time they brought the camera with them and they had a microphone raise your hand
If you if you had a chance to watch this, I just posted it on the website today I want to tell you that video that you guys made is one of the best videos
I have ever seen It was incredible It's one of the best things I think cornerstone has produced as far as a resource because there are
I think three interactions on the video right Maybe a fourth there was a fourth.
Okay the last one was just Incredible where this young couple you can see the light bulb happening the light bulb moment going on where this girl
Is connecting the gospel? it's just a beautiful thing and the Lord had been working in her prior to and that's how what was so beautiful about it is
You could see God's providence and sovereignty over salvation in bringing the gospel to this young couple
Whom he was already working in The person that they talked to prior to that Joe you had the opportunity to do this one
The young man was was an awesome friendly young guy But thought that he might be about a six on a scale of one to ten in terms of his own righteousness and Joe was able to bring the law of God and Challenge that idea of rating yourself of a six by saying well, what if it turns out you're actually a 5 .9
What if you're a 5 .9 and Eternity hangs in the balance in it and this young man was able to process that and think about it and then
Joe made the Point that in truth all of us are zeros Because if we've broken even one of the
Ten Commandments We are lawbreakers and we come under the curse of the law because unless you keep the law perfectly
You are condemned by the law. It's not your friend. It breaks you You break yourself against it
And I think that God also worked in this young man's heart to reconsider how he was thinking about his own righteousness
Now, what was the tool? That these young men were using To bring the gospel to bring the light of the gospel to those at the community college
What was the tool to bring awareness of sin? What you say it was the law the law was used by God to bring the awareness of sin
It was like a mirror that showed a person what they were really like on the inside in order that they would know that they need a
Savior and to throw themselves entirely on the mercy of God as Given in Jesus Christ.
So if you haven't had a chance to watch that video, please do it's really encouraging to see
But it is also a perfect illustration of Galatians chapter 3 verses 1 to 14.
Let's go there now Galatians 3 1 to 14
In the first two chapters Paul begins by Reminding the
Galatians of the gospel that it is by grace alone and apart from any works of the law
He then says in Galatians 1 6 to 9 that seat that he's astonished that this church is so quickly
Departing from the gospel in order to hold on to another gospel, which is no gospel at all
Because what was happening in Galatia is that even though they received the gospel by faith now some teachers had come up from James Being sent by James, but going beyond what they were commissioned to do.
They were now teaching law That you must be circumcised in order to be saved and they were throwing the church into confusion
Even Barnabas was led astray at one point at the visit of Peter Because Peter separated himself from the
Gentiles and would only eat with the Jewish believers Creating kind of a two -class
Christianity, which was not in keeping with the gospel now in those two chapters Paul will first of all said
I got this gospel of grace directly from Christ by revelation
I Didn't learn it from other men But God revealed this to me directly and then he tells about how he went to Jerusalem on several occasions
To confirm that what he was preaching is also what they were preaching and there was no difference there
One of the ways he proved that was by Titus the test case remember Titus the test case
Titus being a Greek he brought into the presence of the church and they did not force him to be circumcised
But they welcomed him as a brother which proves that from the very beginning the Apostles agreed with Paul That salvation is by faith alone.
Not by the works of the law not by circumcision Titus proved the case and then
Paul proved that again and again That Peter would go with this gospel to the circumcised and Paul to the uncircumcised to the
Gentiles But it was only one gospel they agreed on what the gospel was He even tells the story of how he had to rebuke
Peter for his hypocrisy So we come into chapter 3 and here's the issue
There are some in Galatia who once walked by faith Who knew that the gospel was by grace through faith alone, but now they're being led into this
Legalistic works salvation that's being taught by the Judaizers. So they once had it and now they're departing so Paul will pick up on that and Show them the folly how foolish it is
Reminding them first of all of what brought them to faith and then he'll appeal to the scripture to prove
Salvation is by grace alone through faith alone. So Galatians 3 1 we'll go around the room
John would you be the first and the first point that Paul will make is that they were saved simply by hearing and Responding in faith by Christ preached to them.
They responded in faith. So Galatians 3 1 Pretty strong rhetoric, isn't it in our culture if someone calls you a fool
Would you be offended or to call you foolish? It would be the same in the church at Galatia that is not a compliment
It's saying are you losing your mind? Why are you being so foolish? Why would you be enslaved by such an obvious lie?
It's so obvious that That you're being taken by it makes me think that you might have been bewitched.
What does it mean to be bewitched? The rope a dope yeah
But Even it's even more than the natural like oh you tricked me It's like did somebody cast a spell on you that you can't think clearly like are you operating in this?
Spiritual fog you're bewitched. You're you're cursed in some way and that theme will come up later
And of course, that's not the case They're being deceived by false teachers
It's not that they're under a spell but Paul is speaking rhetorically here to say who has bewitched you
Are you under some kind of spell? Are you? not thinking in your right minds he's trying to snap a matter and here he will then present the the levels of evidence the first one is that Christ was portrayed as Crucified you recall when the
Galatians first heard the gospel in the book of Acts Chapters 13 and 14
Paul's first missionary journey Remember Paul and Barnabas were commissioned by the church at Antioch to go out and preach the gospel they first sail into the
Mediterranean Sea and they arrive at Cyprus and they preach the gospel there and Then things get so intense that when they're sailing back to the mainland.
Where does John Mark go? back home He doesn't want any more of this.
It's too difficult to journey But Paul and Barnabas head into the mainland They cross out of that coastal region and they enter into Galatia.
So if you recall Acts 13 and 14 Poseidon Antioch Iconium Lystra Derby those four cities in Acts 13 and 14 are in the
Galatian region Of what is currently called Turkey in modern -day Turkey. So in those four cities
Paul goes and he Preaches the gospel. He didn't come on and put on an
Easter play When you see here that Christ is publicly portrayed as crucified
He didn't get a group of friends and act out the Easter play. What does it mean that Christ was publicly portrayed?
Portrayal of that is through verbiage. It's through preaching Paul came and proclaimed
Christ as crucified you want to see him do that flip back a few pages to Acts chapter 13 28 verse 28
And Janet when you get there, could you read for us Acts 13 28?
Here for the first time in the Galatia region you have Paul at Poseidon Antioch and He begins with the
Jewish people because they know the scriptures and they should be aware of the coming of Messiah and He proclaims to them that the
Messiah of the Jews has come and later He'll have to make a break from the Jews since they don't count themselves worthy of eternal life and he'll turn to the
Gentiles But here he's preaching to the Jews verse 28 Janet And though they found no cause for death in him, they asked
Pilate And then in verse 29 when they carried out all that was written of him
They took him down from the tree and laid him in a tomb This is what
Paul refers to when he says Christ was publicly portrayed as crucified He's referring to the preaching of the gospel.
Well where Paul proclaimed that Christ was crucified hung up on a tree and Treated mistreated this way by by his own people and by the
Roman soldiers and Laid in a tomb and that he rose it is the portrayal of the death burial and resurrection of Jesus by preaching now
There's a second ongoing way in which we proclaim or portray Christ as crucified.
What is that? One of the ordinances of the church. Yes. Well baptism would be the first and that's when someone is first saved
But then after that it was a weekly occurrence that they would take the Lord's Supper and in that Christ is portrayed as crucified
The bread represents his body the cup represents his blood and Christ is portrayed as Crucified in the in the taking of communion.
So the first thing that Paul appeals to is That they were saved when they heard the word of truth having believed they were marked in in Christ with the promised
Holy Spirit Paul didn't make them get circumcised in order to be saved
He preached the gospel and by faith by hearing They were justified so he reminds them of where it all began and that was through preaching
Okay, chapter 3 verses 2 and 3 So it's a second reference now to foolishness.
Oh foolish Galatians And now he says are you so foolish because what is the second thing he points them to?
The Spirit of the Living God When you believed you were given the
Spirit Did you receive the Spirit by works of the law or by hearing with faith?
you got the Spirit when you heard the gospel and How would they know that they had the
Spirit after all the Spirit is invisible How would they know that the
Spirit came to them? How do you know that the
Spirit is living in you? Fruit and gifts both fruit and gifts of the
Spirit Manifest and display that the Spirit sometimes it's just this burning passion in your heart for more of Jesus when the disciples are walking on the way and they don't know that Jesus has risen from the dead and he comes and he
Begins to reveal that all the Old Testament Points to Christ. They said we're not our hearts burning within us as we walked with him
The Holy Spirit is known to the believer According to Romans 8 children of God Know that they have the
Spirit of the Living God He's the one that causes you to love Christ He's the one that changes your life to make you desire the things of God rather than the things of the world
Once you've been born again when the wind of the Spirit has blown on you and you believe in Christ You know that you're different You feel the
Spirit you love to hear the Word of God preached Something is different once you have
Received the Spirit of the Living God. This is Paul's appeal. So in verse 3, he's saying are you so foolish?
Having begun by the Spirit. Are you now being perfected by the flesh? If this was a spiritual walk that you began with Do you think it goes back to law in order to progress?
No, you grow and are sanctified In the same way that you were saved. This is a spiritual work he reminds them that when he came preaching to them and they heard the gospel the
Spirit enlivened them and They tasted the powers of the coming age the goodness of the
Word of God. We'll get to that verse after verse 5 We'll quote Hebrews 6 4 & 6, but let's look now to the third evidence.
The first was preaching The second was the Spirit now the third is
Suffering John, would you read verse 4 for us? It's good to make effort to progress in godliness right to avail ourselves of the means of grace
But what they're doing here is they're returning to the law as a means to be justified
The false teachers have come in these Judaizers and they've said wait a minute. No, actually you don't have it
Gentiles you're close you have faith, but what you really need The main thing you need is
Circumcision and the law of Moses Combine that with faith and you've got it and Paul is saying no
Didn't you know you already had it when you believed when you got the Spirit and you felt that burning passion for Christ And you saw the change in your life.
You already had it and that's the same way. You need to keep going That's how you'll be sanctified.
You don't need to backtrack and Follow this other path because he's gonna show where that means
Church is an example of slipping down back to earning a better salvation
Yeah, especially when they claim that this is the full gospel right versus a truncated gospel
John did you suffer so many things in vain if indeed it was in vain
When Paul Returned in Acts 14 from the churches that he had just established.
He appointed elders in every town He had gone from Cyprus to the mainland went into Galatia Poseidon Antioch Iconium Lystra Derby then he went back from Derby Lystra Iconium Poseidon Antioch, and he didn't go back to Cyprus, but he went back to the home church in Antioch When Paul did this he warned them and told them in Acts 14 22
That they must suffer many things many tribulations will come and so it's evident
That just like Derby stoned him and left for dead left him for dead and he went back into the city and then
I mean Lystra then he went on to Derby in the same way They're gonna keep persecuting the church the church at Derby right and at Lystra and Poseidon Antioch the
Jewish people were opposing this the way So evidently what happened is just what
Paul warned happened Paul left and they kept preaching and they began to suffer for it.
They were suffering for the gospel They were willing to take beatings they were willing to be thrown in prison
This was their heritage. This was their legacy and now Paul is saying to them Don't you remember how much you valued the gospel of?
Christ crucified how you were willing to suffer for it how you were willing to give your very lives for it and Now would you devalue it?
By acting as if it wasn't enough You used to be willing to die for it what happened to you who bewitched you why are you falling for this this ruse?
You were willing to suffer and that's his third evidence So the first evidence was preaching
He said all I did was preach You heard and you believe
I didn't make you get circumcised I didn't make you Gentile believers obey the law in order to be saved
Preaching was enough the second evidence was the spirit when you got saved the the wind of the spirit came into you and you had joy and the
Fruit of the Spirit and you were different wasn't that enough? And then he says and you suffered for it
You were willing to lay down your life for the gospel of Jesus Christ And now is it not enough?
Are you going to devalue it? Now? There's a fourth thing in verse 5 In Acts 14 verse 3 when
Paul went to Iconium It says that God stretched out his hand to do signs and wonders
Paul was not only preaching the gospel. He was also performing miracles.
Now, of course, it was God through Paul Likewise when he went to Lystra, do you remember what happened there before they stoned him?
There was a crippled man at Lystra And Paul stretched out his hands and prayed for him and the man
Jumped up and started walking and what did the people want to do? They wanted to worship Paul and Barnabas calling them
Zeus and Hermes Thinking that they were gods and Paul said no, we're just ordinary men like you
Worship God. So I said well if we can't worship you Then away with you and that's when they turned to stone him, right?
point B These Galatian Christians had seen miracles
I'm not talking like Benny Hinn kind of stuff. I'm talking like crippled people right before your eyes healed and walking real miracles that they had seen and That's the next appeal here notice in verse 5.
He says does he who supplies the spirit to you and works Miracles among you
Do so by the works of the law or by hearing with faith How did this crippled man in Lystra get healed?
It was by faith. In fact Paul seeing that the man had faith to be healed said get up Somehow a gift of faith a supernatural gift.
It was by faith. That's the issue that Paul wants to drive home Now it does raise a question for us
Does God work miracles among us? I think so.
I'm convinced. He still does now Yeah, first and foremost
Salvation, that's the greatest miracle of all for sure There are also miracles of healing and gifts of the spirit that we experience in this church now
Experientially, it'd be difficult to say that the signs and wonders that we experience are of the same quality as What the
Apostles saw? so with Peter Even his shadow passing over someone would make everybody well
Paul could say it send a handkerchief to somebody and they would be healed It's evident that the raising of Dorcas who was dead
Isn't just happening left and right in our church, right? There seems to be some kind of qualitative difference, but listen
That is an argument from experience. I think it's too much for us to say that God Doesn't do those things anywhere in the world at any time
That's I think that would overstep the case because we aren't there to experience What's happening on the front line of missions or what's happened over the years?
I know that in the course of my years of ministry I have seen things that I would describe as completely miraculous
No explanation, but that it was a miracle of God and probably many of you could describe that as well.
I Still believe God does miracles. So even if experientially we may we might not be looking at them and Saying that they are as powerful or as dramatic as what we see in the book of Acts it doesn't change the truth of this word and Just like the
Galatians we can say each of these things It was enough when someone preached the gospel to me that I believed and I was justified
It was enough that the Spirit of God came into me and he changed me from the inside out and I was willing to suffer.
Maybe I wasn't stoned and left for dead like Paul But I sure was made fun of by friends behind my back because I wouldn't drink with them
I sure was Suffering at some level for the sake of the gospel and in the same way
I've seen enough miracles to know That it is by faith that God works miracles among us
And I still believe he does that and it's another reason for me to believe
That all it takes is faith in the Son of God not the works of the law So the point is still established even if experientially guess what guys if all we had was what
God already did That would be enough evidence The crippled man in Lystra.
He was healed by the name of Jesus Christ. We have record of it. It's true it happened it's evidence a little girl in our church who's now
Swallowing when eating french fries this week when it looked like she may never again Praise the
Lord. I believe that's a miracle even if he used the hands of doctors to do it To me that's miraculous
So praise God we have to give glory to God for these things and that's what Paul is just simply trying to do He works miracles among you by hearing with faith
Not because you get circumcised. There's no miracle there. That's the work of the flesh But the power of God works among you don't forget it.
Okay, so now he has made these four major points and In a sense, they are there are all arguments from experience.
I Preach to you and you believed you experienced the
Spirit of God, didn't you? You suffered remember how you suffered You saw miracles remember that don't forget but now he's going to take the argument another level level deeper
Something that's even more foundational and what do you think that is? the
Word of God he's going to go now to the promises of God and quote from Genesis 15 6 and Genesis 12 3
Deuteronomy 27 Habakkuk 2 Leviticus 18 Deuteronomy 21 in other words, he's taking it back to the word now
So let's read that part and Sandy would you pick up at verse 6? Now Paul will appeal to one of three
Scriptural authorities not just their experience which confirms the point But scriptural reasoning the first will be
Abraham The second will be the effect of the law and the third will be the work of Christ Now to this first point this will be verses 6 to 9 in Verse 6 he quotes from Genesis 15 verse 6
Guys make note of that In your notes or in your Bible if you write in your Bible this in the book of Romans and also here in Galatians is one of Paul's key arguments for justification by faith alone
When in the book of Genesis did Abraham receive circumcision
For him himself and for his children and all of the Israelite offspring and for the
Ishmaelites When when did he receive that what chapter recall?
Genesis 17 when did he receive the promise of Justification Here we're quoting from Genesis 15
And so what's happening in the text here is the
Judaizers who is their champion of morality? Which Old Testament figure?
The works of the law the covenant is with Moses very good their champion is
Moses what Paul is doing is he's saying let's go 450 some years earlier
To Abraham and Even before Abraham received circumcision.
He was already Declared righteous. This is the key point about justification look at verse 6
Just as Abraham believed God This is before circumcision even before Moses would even exist for hundreds of years.
He believed God and right then at that moment of faith His faith was counted to him as righteousness
You cannot understand Galatians or Romans without this point to be justified
Is to be declared righteous It's not an infusion of righteousness
It's a declaration of righteousness To impute righteousness means that God is
Crediting to your account the righteousness of a foreigner an alien to yourself
Someone who is it's not coming from within you. It is the righteousness of Christ Purchased for you on the cross in his death burial and then his resurrection this righteousness is credited to you
That's the point in verse 6 Abraham believed God and At that very moment of faith in God Righteousness was counted to him
Counted to him This is the point You are justified you are counted righteous declared righteous imputed with righteousness
When you believe Abraham is that first scriptural
Test case. All right. Let's look at the continue with Abraham verses 7 to 9
He he seals the point candy if you would read that for me Yes, seven eight nine
Okay, so of course this is Genesis 12 1 to 3 That Abraham is promised to land and all this blessing and he says those who bless you will be blessed and John I'm going to turn to you to make this point in Genesis 12 3
It says I will bless those who bless you and Him who dishonors you
I will curse and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed So the big picture here is that the
Gentiles Receive the same blessing salvation by faith
They have that same way of being Justified just like Abraham believe
God it was counted to him as righteousness He's saying the scripture verse 8 for seeing that God would justify the
Gentiles by faith Gentiles will also come by faith just like Abraham came by faith in you all the nations
Will be blessed So he's drawing here on Genesis 12 1 to 3. So I have a question for you
John Why is the Roman Catholic translation of that verse in?
Genesis 12 3 So wrong and why would that matter? So I'm gonna I'll answer that question
Anybody got a device that you can read passages and you can click on the version
I want you to go to the RSV version in Genesis 12 verse 3.
Does anybody else have a device that they can read out of I want you to go to the RSV and Galatians 3 8
So the Catholic Church goes a lot of the direction of what we're seeing here and that there's another gospel the
Catholic Church goes down the path of the sacraments must be Performed over and over and over again the
Catholic Church goes down the fact that you you have to confess your sins through a priest a
Mediator who then has the authority to help you but the minute you walk out of that confessional you're in trouble
And so when you die, you're going to go to purgatory. So the Catholic Church is going to have a works
Performed albeit they're going to claim. It's through the power of the cross Joe if you would read
Genesis 3 in the RSV Now this is the key now the issue here is in the original
Hebrew that that verb is in what's called the knife of form It can be either passive or reflexive
Passive in you all nations will be blessed passive or reflexive in you
All the nations will bless themselves and that's reflexive either is acceptable Purely by the language of that of that verb so you can go into context and you can say which one is right
Which one is wrong and and it's it's irrefutable if you go into context It's actually passive and you all nations will be blessed with the
Catholic Church Establishes works Salvation albeit they say the power behind those works is the cross, but it's works salvation until they get into the
Greek And this is the direct quote and John's going to read
Galatians 3 8 This is the RSV same translation that Joe read that the
Catholics say all nations will bless themselves Now they get into the Greek and they can't do it anymore
What do you have there and the scripture for seeing that God would justify the Gentiles by faith?
preach the gospel beforehand to Abraham saying in you shall all the nations be blessed be blessed
So when they actually go into the Greek they can no longer use the reflexive They have to use the passive so even the
Catholic Bible on one side They say it's all by works, but on the other side they say it's all by faith
I'm sorry Yes, they're all of their rituals and everything else there they're doing these works to say
God is now going to look at me because I can do these work and I do these works faithfully So God will accept me.
I bless myself through the cross But once they get to the Greek they can't say that anymore because it's very clear in you all nations will be blessed
It's only by God's act and your faith. Amen, and that's the gospel right there. Yeah, so moving on to verse 10 and 10 through 12, can
I get Everyone who does not observe and obey all these commands that are written in God's book of the law
Consequently, it is clear that no one can ever be right with God by trying to keep the law
But the scriptures say it is through faith that a righteous person has life
How different from this way of faith is the way of the law which says if you wish to find life by obeying the law?
You must obey all of its demands Okay So when
Joe Said to that that fine young man out at the college campus. What if you're only a 5 .9
instead of a 6? He's illustrating the point that Anyone who falls short of the law of God is guilty of all of it
It's a curse you're cursed if you're trying to live up to to be a perfect 10 and You're hoping that it's you know, a 6 will make it all of that is a cursed way of thinking
Because you will anybody who breaks the law? So the first place he actually uses three verses here one from Deuteronomy then the famous one from Habakkuk Which is what he picks up on in Romans 1 16 and 17 as well
The just shall live by faith and then Leviticus, but in each case the issue here is curse curse verse 10
Curse be everyone who does not abide by all things written in the book of the law and do them
So let's say you keep all of the law of Moses, but you stumble at just one point your curse
You're under the curse Yes, the rich young ruler thought he had done all
No, he didn't he thought he did but he didn't correct. Yeah He was he was under a curse
So this is the first Point here in the section then verse 11. Now it is evident that no one is justified before God by the law for The righteous shall live by faith
So that's Habakkuk The righteous or otherwise translated the just shall live by faith
Many people read that verse and think that righteous people
Live by faith but what Martin Luther discovered was that The person who is counted as just is the one who is has faith
It's the faith that imputes that justness that righteousness to the person.
This is Paul's point It is evident that no one is justified before God by the law
There's no one who is just and righteous by keeping the law for Quoting from Habakkuk the righteous shall live by faith
It is by faith that you're counted righteous. He's just making the same point again But again this time it's in the context of the curse on anyone who thinks otherwise verse 12
But the law is not of faith rather the one who does them shall live by them
Here he's quoting from Leviticus again making the point if you could
Keep every single law if you had no sin nature, first of all like Christ And you never broke any law of God you would be innocent and righteous by virtue of that But the problem is you're not
Jesus Christ You were born with the sin nature. You weren't born to a virgin you were born dead in sin
In sin you were conceived even before you were born nine months before you were born you were conceived in iniquity
That doesn't mean that the marital act is sinful It means that even at the point the very second that you are conceived
You have sin you're conceived in sin With sin it's inherited from seminally from Adam all the way down to you.
You're a sinner and You don't keep the law now theoretically if you could be sinless not having a sin nature and never sinning
Then the one who does them shall live by them But what's the problem that Paul is pointing out?
That describes none of us in this room. Nobody listening on camera It would only describe
Christ and so let's turn to him and that's Paul's third and culminating point here, it's beautiful I'll just finish it because we're out of time
Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law By becoming a curse for us
For it is written Cursed is everyone who is hanged on a tree And that's just so amazing because the quote he's referring to comes from Deuteronomy 21 and when someone is cursed they they've broken the law they
Deserved capital punishment. They've been stoned and then they would be displayed on a stake or on a pole or on a tree as A deterrent for crime even in that case.
They would take that cursed body down before sunset That was the law of Moses This one is cursed and that's a display of being cursed.
Well, guess what? Jesus was displayed as our curse on our behalf
Just like the serpent is a cursed creature Satan is represented by the serpent
Jesus was treated like the serpent and lifted up on a pole So that whoever looks to him
Will be blessed not cursed He took the curse that is on us for breaking the law onto himself verse 13
Christ redeemed us. He bought us back From the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us
For it is written cursed is everyone who is hanged on a tree when was Jesus hanged on a tree on the cross
Yeah, the cross was this tree. He was lifted up on that pole as a curse
Bearing not his own curse, but our curse in his body on the tree verse 14
So that in Christ Jesus the blessing of Abraham might come to the Gentiles So that we might receive the promised spirit through here's our word faith
You nailed it Carol So the curse could only be broken by one who takes the curses penalty cursed is the one hung on a tree so that Justification by faith could be offered to all when the serpent was lifted up in the wilderness that bronze serpent
What was required of the Israelites in order to be healed of that death curse on them?
Just look that's it. That's faith faith is to just look It was enough to look at Christ crucified
For you to be saved Like looking at the bronze serpent in the wilderness faith was enough and so to summarize
Paul is not taking this matter lightly If some
Judaizer some someone with the Hebrew roots movement or a cult or even
Roman Catholicism Comes in and tells you you must do these things in order to be justified
Paul Would call that person curse He would call them foolish.
In fact who has bewitched you Foolish Galatians. He takes it very seriously.
It's another gospel and he appeals to seven things It was only by preaching that you believed in were saved
Preaching that's hearing with faith The Spirit of the
Living God came into you and changed you from the inside out when you heard with faith
Ephesians 1 13 and 14 number three Suffering you were willing to suffer because you so valued
Christ And this is before anyone ever tried to tell you about the law you were willing to die for him number four miracles
Miracles were worked in your midst by faith the the cripple it at Lystra was healed by faith not by the works of the law and Then he appeals to number five the example of Abraham He believed and was counted righteous before circumcision was even introduced
So don't give me that as a requirement for salvation. He was justified by faith and Number six the curse
Anybody who's trying to justify themselves by keeping the law is under a curse because curse is anyone who does not keep every single law
You've got to be a perfect 10 Not a 6 or a 5 .9
and the truth is we're all zeros we've inherited sin and we sin from conception and From birth and for the rest of our days until that sin nature is taken away at glorification
And then lastly Look at Christ the curse bearer
He took the curse Completely off of you so that if you simply look by faith you are given his spirit
Isn't that enough of a case you think Paul won the argument here and he shows the folly of the
Judaizers Their gospel is no gospel. You don't need the law. You don't need circumcision in order to be saved
You need Christ in him alone. You need faith in the Son of God And you will be justified.
That's the gospel any other gospel is a bewitching
Lie, it's a distorting of the gospel Faith in Christ is what justifies sinners like us
John. Will you close in prayer? Oh Lord God we Confess we accept the truth
That prior to salvation we were a zero We followed folly
We tried perhaps to be good, but we can't Because without you, but Lord, we know the truth that in Christ We are a new creation the oldest past all things are made new and faith the
Holy Spirit The evidence the truth of Scripture all leads us to following you by faith
Not needing to earn you by works But doing works to please you because it's all by faith