Answering a Fool: Does Belief in Theism Lead to Genocide?


In this episode of "Answering A Fool," Pastor Tim responds to a troll who claims that belief in any God automatically makes you a murder-crazed lunatic. ---


Warning the following message may be offensive to some audiences these audiences may include but are not limited to Professing Christians who never read their
Bible sissies sodomites men with man buns those who approve of men with man buns man bun enablers white Knights for men with man buns Homemakers who have finished
Netflix but don't know how to meal plan and people who refer to their pets as fur babies viewer discretion is advised People are tired of hearing nothing but doom and despair on the radio
The message of Christianity is that salvation is found in Christ alone and any who reject
Christ therefore forfeit any hope of Salvation any hope of Heaven The issue is that humanity is insane and the wrath of Almighty God is
Hanging over our head. They will hear his words They will not act upon them and when the floods of divine judgment when the fires of wrath come
They will be consumed and they will perish God wrapped himself in flesh
Condescended and became a man died on the cross for sin was resurrected on the third day
Has ascended to the right hand of the father where he sits now to make intercession for us
Jesus is saying there is a group of people who will hear his words They will act upon them and when the floods of divine judgment come in that final day their house will stand
And Welcome to Bible bashed where we aim to equip the Saints for the works of ministry by answering the questions.
You're not allowed to ask Listen and enjoy this midweek installment of answering a fool as pastor
Tim Answers a fool according to his folly lest he be wise in his own eyes in these shorter episodes pastor
Tim answers objections from internet trolls in an effort to help them go home and rethink their lives
Troll hunting is hard work, but hey, someone's got to do it now without further ado.
Here's pastor Tim whenever the Bible is brought up in Conversation in general there is the type of atheist or agnostic individual who is going to essentially try to dismiss whatever is being said with Some sort of appeal to Religious violence or religious genocide now
We had a comment on one of our posts that was unrelated to the subject at hand But then the comment read this way
Bible bashed the literal belief in theism is a horrific history that keeps repeating itself
The apartheid turned genocide in Palestine is a good example and then basically underneath that there's a meme
You're completely entitled to opinions that are not supported by evidence But the moment you spread that opinion is fact you were a liar
If you spread as a fact knowing it's not supported by evidence. You're both a liar and a fraud so this kind of move that's being made is a move that's essentially it's tempting to say that because There has been violence associated with religions in general
He talked about the apartheid turned genocide in Palestine. That's a good example That all religions must be rejected and so he lumps all theists theism all theism
Irrespective of the type of theism that it is any belief in God theism any any belief in God It's just a horrific history of violence that keeps
Repeating itself and must be summarily dismissed now This kind of objection really isn't a morally
Serious objection at all. I mean it doesn't pass just you know logic 101. It's it's not
It's not an intelligent Interaction with the Christian faith. It's just a dismissal.
That's a straw man. That is essentially lumping all religions together and basically just saying that all that religion can produce is violence and This is one of those curious things to claim because when you actually think about Deaths in the world death death
Violence killing genocide. These are not problems that are somehow in in any way uniquely connected with Christianity one of the things that you know your main atheist
Christopher Hitchens when he was alive Sam Harris Richard Dawkins. They always like to Basically trot out this tired trope that you know
Christianity just produces Genesis, but they don't seem to take to account all the
Genocide and death and slaughter that's come from their materialistic evolutionary
Atheist and so you think about someone like Adolf Hitler he killed Executed six million
Jews in the Holocaust three million Poles three million Russian prisoners of war And as many as eight million others in Europe, so you know
Hitler Hitler is a theist who? who Made Their crusades feel pretty tame in comparison think about Joseph Stalin Stalin killed you know in the
Soviet Union following the Russian Revolution between that and and and until his death at the end of World War two between 10 to 20 million
Soviet and German prisoners died So there are substantial death tolls.
Just think about Pol Pot income at Cambodia And he killed as many as two million Cambodians, which is about 20 % of the population they died through execution disease and starvation so There's example after example after example
Just think about Mao. You know he can he killed tens of millions of Chinese most of them in public executions so you you think about something like this, and you think man like there's a lot of there's a lot of deaths that seem to come from these atheist dictators and and and so you know the atheists wouldn't want
Christians and wouldn't allow Christians to say that the product of Atheism is genocide, but you know if you're gonna make that argument.
You're gonna say hey what what what? What is more consistent with an atheist worldview or what's more?
It's genocide more consistent with an atheist worldview or a Christian worldview, and you have to say it It's obviously more consistent with the atheist worldview than it is a
Christian worldview Think about the scriptures that were given Jesus tells us to love our enemies and to pray for those who persecute us and despitefully use us
We're told you know if your enemy hungers to feed him if you thirst to give him drink for endure So doing you'll heap coals of fire upon his head where we're told to love our enemies to pray for our pit
Pray for our enemies to do good to those who persecute you and despitefully use you use us if you look at you look at The actual fruit of Christianity the fruit of Christianity in the world is largely good now
There's some negative fruit, and I don't think anyone would say that hey the Crusades that was those were good things, but but one of the things to realize is that that Bad has been done in the name of every single cause and you don't throw out the good just because there's some bad there
But then you think about something like atheism atheism Logically if you think about like the logical consequences of an atheistic worldview the logical consequence of an atheist worldview is obviously genocide
I mean it obviously is I mean so so with Darwin's origin of the of the species you think about the
Subtitle there as it relates to the favored races I mean the idea the Darwin's idea was that there were different races of human beings meaning almost subhuman categories of individual human beings that are
That fall all along the different line of a spectrum between you know man and ape essentially
You know so when you think about something like that when you think about a darwinistic worldview
One of the things that was intentionally I mean the idea of racism was intentionally developed in a darwinian framework, which basically said that there was difference
Subhuman you know quasi species of human beings That were higher and lower on the evolutionary
Scale all the racism that you see that existed as a result of the scientific racism came from a darwinian worldview quite
Logically and naturally so you know you had the Europeans who were considered the highest on the evolutionary ladder, and then you know you had the
Asians below that and below that the bottom rung was you know the Jews and and and the blacks and so in that kind of framework genocide is a natural product of That kind of belief if you believe that that That Jews and you believe that blacks are subhuman species as scientific racism and Darwin taught us
Then one of the things that you're going to come to is that the natural byproduct of that is going to be genocide because they're not afforded the same rights as the favored races in the language of Darwin as far as that goes and one of the things that you'll see is that in these atheist
Regimes you see genocide. That's the natural result of a philosophy that makes sense of it
And I mean that obviously makes sense in a world view that's based on survival of the fittest
Now now I think you know if you were to be charitable to your atheist objectors
One of the things that you might realize is that hey yes, okay? Well atheism you might grant the point right so let's grant the point atheism has its
Materialistic materialistic naturalistic atheism it has its bad examples Whatever, but not every single atheist out there wants to go commit genocide
And so maybe it's possible to be an atheist and not to be pro -genocide sure all right Yeah, I believe that but if you expect me to make that kind of allowance for you
Then you also are going to have to make that same sort of allowance for Christians, and you we might also want to Make the kind of allowance to say that hey it seems to be that if you actually do read the
Bible with any care And quit engaging in the straw man silly arguments
They're easily refuted one of the things that you'll realize is the Bible does teach a lot about Loving your enemies and praying for those who persecute you and and and and it is quite possible, and it is quite possible
There are many people who abuse Christianity and come to some bad conclusion, so there's that I mean there at the very least you might want to say at least
The verdict is out on that sort of issue But but this kind of objection is kind of silly when you think about it.
We actually look at history and you look at the That the death toll that's out there
Christians are by no means The major cause of genocide in history religions in general are not even the major cause of Genocide in history, and that's something you have to think about not all religions are equal and not all religions are teaching the same thing and there are some religions that are more prone towards Ethnic or religious genocide than Christianity and Christianity simply isn't one of them
This has been another installment of answering a fool with Bible bashed as Always if you would like to be included in one of our answering a fool episodes
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