Aug. 6, 2017 The Law of the Spirit of Life by Pastor Josh Sheldon


Aug. 6, 2017 The Law of the Spirit of Life Romans 8 Pastor Josh Sheldon


Please be seated. We spent a good long time in Romans 8.
We had a three -week hiatus as Conley brought to us the first few verses of the book of Hebrews.
And so we've had this break in the preaching through Romans. Next week with God's blessing we will begin chapter 9.
But I thought that after having gone through Romans 8, as slowly as we did, nine messages in all, and after the three -week break that we took for the other series in Romans, that it would be good for us to look back and remind ourselves of everything that we learned, or as much as we can in one message, in the nine messages on this great chapter, this
Romans chapter 8, where Paul suddenly brings to the fore the working of the
Holy Spirit. And so what I want to do is really just summarize some of the truths that we had from before as we went through this, and to remind us how we got here.
All of a sudden the Holy Spirit appears in this book. It is sort of a sudden thing, if you will.
The Apostle Paul unravels for us the question that must have been fairly bursting out of his hearers as they heard the first seven chapters of this read for the first time.
And the question is, how? How do we do this? How are these things accomplished?
How does all this work? How can we possibly, and then fill in the blank, fulfill all these things, satisfy
God's righteous anger, His just anger, His wrath at our sin?
How do we live according to the righteousness of God that is revealed in the Gospel? How does this happen?
That's Romans 8. The working of the Holy Spirit. The indwelling of the third person of the
Trinity, God Himself, God the Spirit. And so what have we found as we went through the first chapters leading up to Romans 8?
And what do we have in Romans 8 that's going to lead us into Romans 9 so we maintain the continuity of Paul's thought?
What do we have here in this book of Romans? This book revealing the righteousness of God in the
Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Now all men are justly condemned for their willing sin.
God has revealed His righteousness to all men. We had that in Romans 1, did we not?
That's chapter 1. The heavens are declaring the glory of God. The firmament shows forth its hand.
Romans 1 depends so much on Psalm 19. And what is the point there?
That the order of creation itself is enough to reveal to you that God made it.
And if God made it and is ordered as it is, then He is a righteous and a just and a holy
God before whom you are accountable and guilty.
That's chapter 1. Chapter 2 says that even the Jews, those who know the law of God, stand naked and without excuse before Him.
No, says chapter 3, all have sin fallen short of the glory of God. Your advantages as the people of God, as the people who are called
Israel, as the Jews, your advantages, all the things that you had, knowing the oracles of God, having the temple worship of God, having been the people through whom
Jesus, the Son of God, would come according to the flesh. No, all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.
The only hope is faith. Faith in God and the justification that He has provided for us in His Son Jesus.
And as we go through this, there are these questions that Paul has either heard during his time as a preacher, as a missionary, or he simply knows would be on the minds of people who are hearing this.
Faith calls out the Jew. Faith, we have Abraham, our father, the friend of God. We are
His offspring and our relationship to God because of Him, because our physical descendancy from Him is secure.
We're secure because of Abraham. What are you talking about,
Paul? Well, chapter 4 answers back. It answers back, says, your relationship to God is indeed by being
Abraham's offspring, but that is by faith, not by birth.
Jesus said you must be born again. The people from whom we descend, that is not what gains us anything.
Parents can be Christians. You could have generations of Christians before you if you have not faith, if you have not been reborn by the
Spirit of God, who is the subject of chapter 8, then you cannot be
Abraham's child. That's the answer of chapter 4 to the Jewish question that why do we need faith if we have
Abraham? Abraham believed
God. He believed God and that, faith, not works, trust, not effort,
Christ, not the law. Faith is what was credited to him as righteousness, this righteousness that the whole book of Romans is about.
Paul says, for I'm not ashamed of the gospel for it is the righteousness of God. Not ashamed, meaning it fulfills what it says it will do.
It is a reliable gospel, faith in him whose righteousness revealed in this gospel.
By faith God imputed to Abraham, he credits to all who believe the very righteousness of his beloved son
Jesus, who as a man obeyed him perfectly. Chapter 5.
Chapter 5 goes on to say that because Adam sinned and because we all came from Adam and because he represented us when he sinned, therefore we all sinned because we were in him.
In just the same way, when Jesus obeyed and then suffered on the cross for our sins, he represented us.
Thus we are assured that by faith we have peace with God. Peace because Christ's righteousness imputed to all who believe is a perfect righteousness and as he obeyed we were in him gaining the benefit of that obedience.
It's chapter 5. When God looks on the one who believes he sees
Jesus's perfect obedience. He looks peacefully upon us because Christ's faithfulness to his father has been reckoned to we who believe as Abraham believed.
So what does all this mean? Well chapter 6 says that because of what God the father has done for us through God his son, we are free from the law of sin and death.
Our slavery to sin has been vanquished on the cross. We have been liberated.
We who have Abraham's faith and by that faith are truly Abraham's children liberated from the law of sin and death.
Jesus Christ on the cross by his suffering for our sins has liberated us, has made us free from that.
He has purchased us from subjugation to the whims of the flesh. We now belong to him and are to live according to his righteousness.
That's the law. The ruling principle by which we now live because of him and what he has done.
That's chapter 6. Chapter 7. In chapter 7 whichever way we think of it is it
Saul who struggles and then finds freedom representing the sinner before his conversion or is it
Paul the converted man who's fighting this battle and so it pictures our continuing combat against sin.
Whichever way you interpret it this much is clear. If the contest is engaged in terms of the flesh if we enter the fray by our own efforts we've lost the battle before we even begin because by the works of the flesh no human being shall be justified.
This says we can't do it. You of your own effort no man of his effort can satisfy this righteousness that the law reveals and that Christ fulfilled.
We know what James says. If you would gain salvation, I'm paraphrasing a little bit, if you would try to gain the righteousness that is revealed in the gospel, if you would have salvation by the works of the law by doing what
God revealed as his righteous demands for us in his law, go for it.
But fail at no point. The slightest jot or tittle you must not fail not once.
We understand the implications of that. Very, very quick thumbnail sketch of six chapters and then we get to chapter eight and enter the
Holy Spirit. He's our only hope.
Whichever way you look at chapter seven, chapter eight says the Holy Spirit is your only hope.
And so my purpose this morning is to remind us of some of the great themes of this magnificent chapter
So look again in your Bibles at Romans chapter eight.
Hear how it begins after as it were piling and piling and piling on us our just condemnation for our willing sins against a
God who's revealed his righteous demands. And how are we to ever look back up?
How can we survive? How can we come out from under this just condemnation of God for having of our own free will, if you will, ignored what he has said, what he's revealed.
Look at verse one again. There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.
For the law of the Spirit of life has set you free in Christ Jesus from the law of sin and death. For God has done what the law, weakened by the flesh, meaning weakened by our effort, meaning the law itself, in and of itself, the word of God not weak.
What is weak is us, human effort towards that law. The law weakened by the flesh could not do.
By sending his own son in the likeness of sinful flesh and for sin he condemns sin in the flesh.
In order that the righteous requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us who walk not according to the flesh but according to the
Spirit. The condemnation that the law demands for the sin it exposes has been satisfied.
Do you see that, dear ones? The condemnation that the law demands for the sin that it exposes in us has been satisfied by another, by Christ Jesus.
Speaking of his suffering on the cross where God poured out his fury, his wrath against our sins upon him.
And because of that there is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, for those represented by him when he was on the cross, for those whose sins were poured out on him, on Christ Jesus.
All the demands of God which we violated, satisfied because of him, because of Christ Jesus.
What does that tell you? It tells you you're free of it. You're free of that condemnation. The dread of God's displeasure has been removed.
There is therefore now no condemnation. Your fear of failure has given way to complete and total and satisfactory success.
Success that we want? No. Jesus Christ, his success, what he accomplished.
If you ask why? Simply because Jesus Christ obeyed the law and then he suffered for those who did not obey and that's everyone for all of sin and fallen short of the glory of God.
He took upon himself that condemnation that we deserve. 1 Peter 2 .24 alluding back to Isaiah 53 says he himself bore our sins on the tree, the cross, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness.
I like to think of these verses as a river up in what we call the gold country where gold was discovered not too far from this spot.
And there in the middle of your gold pan you can think of a single shining nugget so pure, so untainted that all the effort to get there and all the work to find that one nugget makes the whole thing worthwhile.
And here's that pearl of great price. Here is that nugget that is worth all the work, all the effort, all the money that was spent on the equipment, whatever it took to get there and find that one thing.
Verse three is the gospel. God has done what the law weakened by the flesh could not do by sending his own son in the likeness of sinful flesh and for sin he condemned our sin in his flesh.
That's a nugget worth all we have, a treasure worth any and everything, no sacrifice too great if only we can have the field where that nugget is buried.
Verse four says that our sin being condemned in Jesus Christ's flesh has a purpose. God had a purpose.
It's not to surprise us that if the hero of the story who of course is
God should offer up his son, his only son, his beloved son, there's a purpose to it in order that the righteous requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us.
The terror of what James says in his book where he says if you gain the righteousness of God by your own effort go ahead but if you fail in one point you failed in the whole thing, that dread taken aside replaced by the righteous requirement of the law fulfilled in us by Christ Jesus and what he did.
That's why we're not condemned. That's why you needn't fear the horrible wrath of God because Christ took your condemnation upon himself.
By his life he obeyed, by his death he satisfied, because of him by faith, because of him by our faith in him, his accomplishment is ours and that brethren is why you are not condemned.
That is why self -condemning attitudes are totally out of place in the gospel life because this great chapter where the
Holy Spirit suddenly implodes into this book starts out with there is therefore now no condemnation.
It's a condition here. There's a description given to those about those to whom this applies who walk not according to the flesh but according to the
Spirit. To walk, what does he mean here? It's the ordering principle of one's life.
How do you walk? How do you live? What's your worldview? What's the filter through which you decide what to do, what to say, what to think, how to respond to any and everything?
That's what's meant by walk. It doesn't mean strolling along. It's the entire way that you organize yourself around this gospel.
Walking according to the, it's for those who walk not according to the flesh but according to the
Spirit. There's many different walks of life to choose from, aren't there?
It would seem that there are out there in the world. To walk by the
Spirit means in this particular treasure trove of Romans chapter 8 that we live in the confidence of knowing that all our sin and all our punishment and all of God's rightful anger, the wrath of God revealed from heaven, that's verse 118, against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who by their unrighteousness suppress the flesh, or excuse me, suppress the truth, all this removed.
All this wrath revealed from heaven removed for those who walk not by the flesh but by the
Spirit of God. If we have indeed been justified by faith and therefore have peace with God, here is our response.
We walk according to that Spirit. We walk according to the
Spirit, the ordering principle that He gives us. Well, who could not?
Who, having realized these truths, apprehended them by faith living them out because of love for God and gratitude for what
He has done for us in His Son, who could not order their life around this gospel?
I mean, after having been set free from sin and all its rewards, Paul calls it the law of sin and death, how could we again fall back on those old and beggarly ways to those fleshly desires that bring only putrid corruption?
It's the law of sin and death versus the law of the Spirit of life. Who would go back to those ways of the flesh, the same which kept us trapped in iniquity and cloaked in misery, back to our own desires which can only restore our enmity with God?
No, this is for those who don't walk that way, but walk according to the Spirit, according to the life that He infuses in those to whom
He has granted faith. This chapter really ends on the same note.
Look down at verse 33, if you would. Who shall bring a charge against God's elect?
It is God who justifies. Hear the emphasis there. Who would dare bring a charge against God's elect when
God has pronounced justification upon them? Who would disagree with God Almighty?
That's the question here. God has declared us justified by the merit of His own
Son, who, verse 32 tells us, He did not spare but gave Him up for us all.
Any charge against us, even if true, can only condemn us if the accuser can prove that what
Christ did was not enough. You heard this a few weeks ago.
I want to say it again. Any charge brought against the believer, the
Christian, he or she whose faith is in Christ, that charge, even if it is true, can only bring condemnation if the accuser can prove before God that Christ's death,
His suffering, did not cover that one. Only then.
And, of course, that, as we know, is impossible. That's impossible.
Who is to condemn? The very next verse. Who is to condemn? Christ Jesus is the one who died more than that who was raised.
We're speaking of the Holy Spirit. We're speaking of the truths that the Holy Spirit has revealed to us and infused into us.
Truths which give us confidence that we can walk in the ways of God and according to His gospel, not by our own strength, not by our own power, but by His might, by His Spirit indwelling in the believer and giving us the strength and the wherewithal which is only available by Him.
Who is to condemn? Christ Jesus is the one who died more than that who was raised.
Chapter 4 verse 25 says He was raised for our justification. The very thing that verse 833 says
God has by His own authority conferred upon us who believe this gospel. Who shall bring any charge against God's like?
It is God who justifies. How do we know we're justified?
Because for our justification, God raised up Jesus Christ. Chapter 8 is a chapter full of assurances.
Assurances not in ourself. Assurances in God and what He has done for us in Christ.
Assurances that the Holy Spirit if He indeed is within you, if you've repented of your sins and fled to Jesus Christ and Him alone for forgiveness because what
He and He alone did and by He alone I mean not you for by grace you've been saved not of works.
We know we're justified because in time and space in history God raised up His Son to prove that you are indeed justified because He is indeed satisfied with what
Christ on the cross accomplished. It's a book of assurances.
I am sure that neither death nor life nor angels nor rulers nor things present nor things to come nor height nor depth nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our
Lord. What glorious words these are in Christ Jesus our Lord. The love
God has for His Son is matched by only one thing His love for those who are in His Son.
This is the witness of the Holy Spirit in chapter 8 of Romans. Open your
Bibles. I want us to really focus on this for a few months. Open your Bibles to John's gospel. Turn to chapter 14 in the gospel of John please.
Paul says nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. That's the apostle
Paul speaking by inspiration of the Holy Spirit about whom he writes in Romans 8.
Well that's the apostle Paul. Look in chapter 14 of John's gospel and at verse 21
I want you to hear what the Lord Jesus Christ has to say about the love of God for those who are in Him when
He suffered and died for our sins. Chapter 14 verse 21.
Whoever has my commandments and keeps them he it is who loves me and he who loves me will be loved by my
Father and I will love him and manifest myself to him. If you love
Jesus Christ you're loved by the Father. If you love
His Son the Father loves you. But look two verses down.
Verse 23. Jesus answered him if anyone loves me he will keep my word and my
Father will love him and we will come to him and make our home with him. Do we see why the apostle
Paul can write that nothing can separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus? Go down to chapter 15 verse 9 in John's gospel.
Chapter 15 verse 9. As the Father has loved me so I have loved you abide in my love.
And just one more but you have to go the other way. Chapter 14 verse 16. Still the words of Jesus Christ.
He says and I will ask the Father and he will give you another helper to be with you forever.
Enter Romans 8 which is all about the helper that Jesus Christ promised.
The helper the Holy Spirit. We call him our paraclete. The alongside helper encourager one.
The paraclete. The Holy Spirit of God. The Holy Ghost. Back to chapter 8 of Romans please.
Says you if you are a child of Abraham by faith in Christ Jesus these promises are yours.
This is what the Holy Spirit testifies in verses 12 to 14 of Romans 8. The helper did come.
The helper was given as Jesus Christ promised he would be. We see him in Acts 2 when he came down at Pentecost in a way that people could see.
So that the gospel could be heard by people of all the languages that were there. All the tribes all the nations that were there.
So testifies the Holy Spirit. Look at verse 12. If we are debtors not to the flesh then to whom are we debtors?
The Holy Spirit. Verse 13. We owe all to the
Spirit of God by leading by whose leading we put to death the sinful deeds of the body and so will live and not die.
Verse 14. All who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God. So how does
God treat his children his sons his daughters? We sort of covered that already haven't we?
With a bond of love that nothing in creation could diminish at all. Not height or depth not angels or rulers not our failures for if a failure could separate us from his love then we'd all perish.
Nothing can separate you from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. So testifies the
Holy Spirit that Jesus said in John chapter 14 and 15 he would give and the
Holy Spirit indwelling those who have faith in him. These promises are witnessed to you by the word of God and by the inner witness of the
Spirit by whom we cry out Abba Father. We do fail don't we?
We do have to fall back so often on first John 1 9 and confess our sins and count on God who is righteous to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
We do fail. We do need to repent often and yet in our need to repent in your constant failures know this that your failure cannot separate you from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus.
If it could we're all ready to perish.
No it is Christ's success his accomplishment that assures us these things.
So how can this be? Because it is not our deficiencies that God sees but his son's sufficiency.
That's why not your deficiency but Christ's sufficiency. Verse 15 says we did not receive from the spirit of life and freedom a spirit of slavery because that would mean that God that God the
Spirit is working against God the Son which is a ludicrous idea. No we received the spirit of freedom.
Verses 16 and 17 the Spirit himself bears witness with our spirits that we are children of God and if children then heirs heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ provided we suffer with him in order that we may also be glorified with him.
I mean if you had any idea that God wants us to wonder whether these things be true like the Muslim who believes it blasphemous to have any confidence in salvation hear this again he is bearing witness with your spirit that you are a child of God and if you're a child then with Christ you are an heir of God you will inherit all things with Christ.
Be assured believer if your faith is in Christ if your hope is in him then he has given you the
Holy Spirit who within you is witnessing you these things putting all your confidence all your hope all your trust on Christ.
God himself by the inner witness of his Holy Spirit denies the claim that we should have anything less the complete assurance not in ourselves that was debunked throughout this book of Romans assurance in God assurance in Christ confidence in him and him alone the spirit of adoption that we have by which we cry out
Abba Father allows us to look to heaven so look there tonight look there tonight count the stars if you are able one of my hiking adventures
I sat with a friend in the evening we were just talking we were talking about anything profound a little bit about the
Lord a little bit about the hike some about Jesus and some about where we were going to go the next day on the hike and as we talked the stars in the milkway came out one by one and before we went into the tent the sky was white with all the stars it was one of the most incredible things
I ever saw so count the stars if you are able is quite a challenge you see the
God who adopted you the God for whom you cry out
Abba Father that God who gives you the spirit of adoption he can count them all in fact he put each one in place that one twinkles right now because God says twinkle and he numbers and names every one of those stars look at the
Leviathan whatever that creature was or is Job asks can you draw the
Leviathan with a fish hook or press down his tongue with a cord God can the
God who adopted you and is witness to you by the spirit that God can this
God by his spirit says with the stamp of his irrevocable love for you because of his love for his son in whom we are he says call me
Abba Father Abba means my father chapter 8 of Romans is his wealth of blessed assurance so much is here that it's it's the proverbial teaspoon of water from a fire hydrant but it's no teaspoon it's no teaspoon it's a well it's fathomless and deep it's wide in circumference so much so that you can come and drink and drink and drink it's an ocean of promises that will never run dry if you find yourself overwhelmed drowning in God's loving favor
I have no rescue for you there's deeper water ahead as we go through this book there's no life raft that can remove you from this ocean of love
I hope we all drown in it look at verse 11 please in Romans 8 if the spirit of him who raised
Christ Jesus from the dead dwells in you he who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his spirit who dwells in you is that tautology is an unnecessary repetition no it's not unnecessary it's very necessary we hear this again and again and again and again the spirit of him who raised
Jesus if he dwells in you he who raised Jesus from the dead will give life to you through his spirit who dwells in you how many times does
Paul have to say it well he said several times I think we need to read it over and over again right now
I only want to repeat what I said a few weeks ago the resurrection is not just an idea he who raised
Jesus Christ from the dead is not just some concept that we put in this is to make us feel better it's a historical fact better attested than any other significant ancient event well recorded by multiple eyewitnesses and careful historians
Jesus died for our sins and he was raised on the third day and here we have the word of God promising that our resurrection that your resurrection is just as certain just as certain
Jesus commended his spirit to his father and he was raised up according to the scriptures and by the word of those same scriptures spoken by that same
God we will follow in a resurrection just like his and doesn't this make sense after all after all we are
God's adopted children he loves us with a love that never tires of our dumb mistakes but revels in Christ's intercession he loves us as he loves his own son and so he would have us his adopted children as a good father wants us by him if our earthly fathers loved us and wanted us near them how much more our perfect heavenly father well finally let us remember that the spirit is an ever -present help in our time of need verses 18 to 30 take us from the sufferings of this present age to the certainty of our final destiny look at verse 26 please likewise the spirit helps us in our weakness for we do not know what to pray for as we ought but the spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words and he who searches hearts knows what is the mind of the spirit because the spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God he not only helps us along he intercedes for us he translates our weak and our unknowing prayers into prayers that meet with the will of God we answer with confidence that whatever he gives it is for our good and in accord with his will that's what verses 28 to 30 are all about we know that for those who love
God all things work together for good to those who are called according to his purpose now he goes on to speak of those whom he predestined he calls those who he calls he justified and those whom he justified he glorified telling us what that our ultimate destiny is as certain as Jesus Christ's resurrection which has already happened so God seals our faith by his spirit with this promise with this assurance that everything that happens in this life is for our good because we are under the care of a good and loving father who loves us who loves you if your faith is in Christ Jesus the same way he loves
Christ Jesus himself and Paul speaks of our future this ultimate destiny as if it already happened he predestined us when did he predestine us
Ephesians 1 4 says it was before the creation of the world in time past he predestined us that we should be holy and blameless before him in love says he called us when did he call us different times for each of us but in time and space he called us because he had predestined us making effectual what he had predestined us to be he justified us when again in the past we were justified by faith having been justified by faith he glorified us when did he glorify us not yet that's our future that's our ultimate destiny
I just look at you and me a you know that we're not in a state of glory yet the word is in the same form as the others in the form of a definite action taken and affected at a point in time so sure is
Paul of God's promise that he states our future as though it's already happened this whole chapter has the effect of removing from us any self -confidence to accomplish anything of any eternal value it transfers our pride to the scrap heap and replaces it with confidence instead in God who alone works wonders wonders like sparing not his own son wonders like attributing to you or me
Christ's righteousness wonders like raising his son from the dead and promising the same to us we must look to God and his spirit for everything the way as the psalmist says that a maiden looks to the hand of her mistress for everything do we fail certainly we do will
God may it never be I will close us with a single verse our next outing in Romans will be to start chapter 9 if you want to read ahead
God willing we'll be there next week the single verse summarized what we've been saying throughout so wonderfully that it needs only to be read as you walk along the way as various trials seek to tear down your confidence in God as your own stumbling and fumbling seems to undo you let this be remembered
I beg you plant it deep in your soul guarded as with a vault but open this door often what does
Paul say what shall we say to these things if God is for us who can be against us amen heavenly father we thank you again for the day that you've given us we thank you father for your word for the assurances that he gives us for your holy spirit and the witness that he makes constantly to our souls let's pray father that we would grow in confidence in the