The Ordinances

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sacraments in the church or ordinances of the church and real quick just in case you are unfamiliar with those terms the term sacrament which of course has the idea of something being sacred is actually was something from the early Latin which would refer to something that was an obligation or an oath but later it would be used more towards a mystery and so now you hear people talk about the the this the sacraments as a mysterious thing well we prefer in our church to use the term ordinance ordinance meaning a law or a demand or command and we would say there are two commands in the new covenant the command first is that one would be baptized and two that a person would receive the Lord's Supper so the two ordinances of the New Covenant Church are baptism and the Lord's Supper and there's a relationship between those two baptism is a single act the Lord's Supper is a continuing act you can have the Lord's Supper theoretically hundreds of times even maybe a few thousand times depending on how often your church takes communion we do communion every week so I've been the pastor here 15 years I've been here since I was 7 but I've been the pastor for 15 years 15 times 52 is a lot and so that's it okay look at you with your common core self going on so so so we so we have so and I've probably been out of church two Sundays a year so around I've had the Lord's Supper over 700 times since becoming the pastor you know and that you know that's a lot but I've only been baptized biblically once I was baptized before I was a Christian and I would say that was an unbiblical baptism when I was a little boy but I was baptized as a believer after I came to faith so baptism in that sense is a singular act and the Lord's Supper is an ongoing perpetual act when it comes to baptism there are two main questions what does it accomplish and who should receive it what does it huh well that's what we're gonna get to that in a moment but just just writing it out what does it accomplish and who should receive it let's first discuss what does it accomplish why are we baptized some people believe that we are baptized in order to be saved well we're getting there but we're talking about the different views right now right the first view would be that you are baptized in order to be saved that view is there there are two subsets of that view the first is known as baptismal regeneration that is the belief that when you are baptized that is when you are born again and then there is a another view called baptismal remission they would say that is when your sins are forgiven is when you're baptized your sins are washed away so the idea is some people would say when you're baptized that's when you're born again some people would say when you're baptized that's when your sins are forgiven and some people would combine those and say all of that happens in the act of baptism so the key is and just to be clear is in order to baptism in order to be saved that's that's whether you baptism remission or baptism regeneration baptism then has that purpose to be said that is not the view we hold that is not the view I teach but that is a view that is held the second is the view that you are baptized as a sign of the New Covenant as a sign of the New Covenant in the same way Abraham's children were circumcised as a sign of their covenant with Abraham you are baptized as a sign of your covenant in Christ the New Covenant that is the second perspective the third perspective is that baptism is a symbolic act which pictures inward regeneration baptism is in a symbolic act which pictures regeneration now I want to make this point two and three can go together you can believe it's a sign of the New Covenant and it's a symbol of regeneration because if you read your book that's what Dr.