Harold Camping's New Heresy


Seven years after falsely predicting the end of the world in 1994, Camping now uses his erratic interpretational approach to claim that God no longer uses the church, but instead only uses groups like his own Family Radio, a claim no less heretical than any (other) cult. Dr. White explains how incredible it is to reject the entire church, and how unreliable it is to interpret with strange connections made with confident-sounding speculations of numerology and allegory.

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And it immediately follows the moment when God has declared the church now has been judged, it has been found wanting, and it no longer is to be used of God for evangelization purposes.
It has come to an end. That is the voice, for many of you who are familiar with it, of Harold Camping, the head of Family Radio.
And, in fact, there is a Family Radio outlet here in the
Phoenix area. And I know a lot of people who listen to it because the music is nice.
It has the old -style Christian hymns that a lot of people like. You can listen to Family Radio without necessarily hearing, for example, one of the top 20 contemporary
Christian songs this week is, Lord, You Are My Soul Tattoo.
Yes, that's what I said, Soul Tattoo, S -O -U -L, I think. Maybe it's S -O -L -E,
I don't know. But in either case, that's what you find in a lot of contemporary
Christian music. So a lot of folks look for an alternative, and they find Family Radio. But, unfortunately, you also then encounter the teachings of Harold Camping himself.
Many of you are familiar with Harold Camping. You're aware of the fact that he predicted the end of the world in 1994 and didn't quite get it right.
But, interestingly enough, he seems to have what I might call the seven -year itch. It's been seven years since Harold Camping made an absolute fool of himself by predicting 1994.
He continues on, however, with his very strange methods of interpreting the
Bible and now has come up with the idea that we are entering into the final days right before the end of time and the tribulation period and all the rest of this stuff.
And the big issue now is God has stopped using the church.
Let me play what I just played a few moments ago for you again. And it immediately follows the moment when
God has declared the church now has been judged.
It has been found wanting, and it no longer is to be used of God for evangelization purposes.
It has come to an end. The church has been judged. I thought the church was made up of the redeemed of Christ and that all of those individuals were judged and their sins nailed to the cross of Christ.
I thought judgment for all of us took place a long time ago. Well, Harold Camping has come up with his new and strange viewpoints, and that's what we're going to be talking about today on The Dividing Line because the fact that Harold Camping does speak to many people who recognize that there is much wrong in what would be called evangelicalism today, and they are looking for something else.
And even though he, quite honestly, is very boring to listen to, he is not the most exciting speaker on the planet.
They listen, and since he quotes this Bible verse and that Bible verse and a Bible verse over here and says, of course, this represents this, so on and so forth, he has the ears of many people, and I've spoken to many people, especially back on Long Island, who listen very regularly to Harold Camping.
I know of churches back there that have been very, very deeply impacted by Harold Camping's teachings.
And so now he has come out, and it's one thing to mispredict the end of the world. That's just quite simply being silly.
But to now attack the very Church of Christ is to go far beyond what he did in 1994.
To say that God has judged the Church, to say that God is done with the
Church, that in essence Christ has divorced himself from his bride, is absolutely, positively heretical.
And so I guess we could very clearly say, I'm going to say it straight up front, Harold Camping is America's newest cult leader.
This is a heresy. It is a heresy on the level of what the Mormons say when they say the
Church went into apostasy, and Christians need to stand up and identify this man as who he is, and to warn others against him.
Now here, let me give you a little longer section of his explanation of this new position that is his.
Let me back up. The 1900 years when God used the Church to evangelize the world, with all of its weaknesses, with all of its faults, with all of its wrong teachings that are permeated.
I'm talking about any church that believed the Bible alone, and in its entirety was the
Word of God, even though denominations varied greatly on such questions as baptism in the
Lord's table, and the nature of salvation, and a whole lot of things.
And yet God used all of these denominations and congregations to get on with his work of evangelization.
And I think we have solid biblical evidence of that. But then God brings that to an end, and that signals the beginning of what the
Bible speaks there will be great tribulation. And it's great tribulation because the
Church has been set aside by God as the means by which he's going to evangelize the world.
It now has become a hollow shell. Even though they still have the
Bible there, even though they may still preach it from the Bible to some degree, nevertheless, there is no power of salvation going on.
God has another plan. And so for a few years, for a few years, it is doom and gloom.
It is very sad. Now notice what he says there. In fact, I want to repeat one specific section here.
Even though they still have the Bible there, even though they may still preach it from the
Bible to some degree, nevertheless, there is no power of salvation going on.
No power of salvation. I thought the Gospel was the power of God unto salvation.
Does that mean the Gospel has been removed from the Church? That the Church no longer knows the Gospel? If the
Church doesn't know the Gospel, then who does? Well, never fear, my friends. Harold Camping is here.
Harold Camping knows the Gospel. And we just need family radio to know. Notice that other thing he said.
The Church is an empty shell. Now, you may notice that he's not talking here about apostate churches.
He's not talking about churches that we would probably agree with him are apostate in the sense that they deny the deity of Christ and they deny the supernatural and the inspiration of Scripture and miracles and the resurrection and all that stuff.
We would agree that there's a tremendous amount of apostasy in the world today.
But that's not what he's talking about. He is specifically making reference to those churches that hold to Sola Scriptura.
And as we listen to him more in the future of the program today, we will discover that he is specifically referring to the historic
Reformation churches, churches that have confessions of faith. And so he never says, oh, there are certain churches that have gone into apostasy, but there are still many fine churches.
No. He says that it is God's plan, God's purpose, that there only be 1 ,900 years of church history in essence, and then
God changes his plan. Now, what is he basis on?
Is he basis upon the interpretation of passages of Scripture and Ephesians and 1st and 2nd
Timothy and Titus where the Bible clearly addresses the nature, purpose, and mission of the church?
Well, of course not, folks. That's not what cult leaders do. Cult leaders ignore the clear passages of Scripture.
Instead, they dazzle you as they dance about primarily in passages that have nothing whatsoever to do with the topic at hand.
And that's exactly what Harold Camping does. He runs about to all sorts of other passages of Scripture that are irrelevant, but then he will make these connections.
He'll say, well, this represents this, and that represents that. And Hezekiah is a picture of the church, and the two witnesses in Revelation 11 are the church because they're called a candlestick, and because therefore since they are killed, then the church is going to end, yadda, yadda, yadda, yadda, yadda.
And using this kind of Scripture twisting and eisegesis, he presents his viewpoint.
Well, I think it is absolutely necessary that since this man has what we might call the bully pulpit, since he owns the family radio system and has the ears of people in our own churches, let me first speak to my fellow elders within the church.
We have a responsibility to respond to what this man is saying. What he is saying is false.
What he is saying is he's telling those within our own congregations that the church is dead, that our ministries have been abandoned by God, and that there is no power in the preaching of the gospel from the pulpits of Christ's churches.
That's heresy, and we need to identify this heresy and expose him for who he is.
To those who are not elders in the church, but members of the church, you need to be very careful when you hear people who are specifically making statements that you recognize.
Well, they listen to Harold Camping, you start hearing them talking about how God is done with the church, or, you know, would you like to come over?
Because Harold Camping has talked about this. Fellowshiping around the radio. Instead of going to church, we can fellowship around the radio because you won't hear the gospel in the church anymore.
But you can hear it on the radio, and I wonder from whom? Well, of course, from family radio.
And so you can start fellowshipping around the radio. When you start hearing people saying things like that, folks, get that Bible open.
Get that New Testament open. Get into Ephesians 1, 2, and 3. Start showing them what the
Bible says and say, you know what, Harold Camping does not have any idea what in the world he's talking about.
He has no idea. And you need to be ready to give a positive answer.
We're going to look at some passages from the Scriptures. When we get a chance to finish looking at what
Harold Camping is actually saying and taking that apart, we're going to look at some passages that you can use to help rescue a campingite from the heresy that Camping is now presenting in regards to the subject of the church.
Now, to do that, I think we need to listen to what he has to say and listen to the biblical argumentation.
Actually, I have two sections, two things that I can use here.
It just so happened in God's providence that I not only was provided a tape recording of a call to open forum from a couple of weeks ago, but I also was given a tape just a
Wednesday evening from my fellow elder Don Fry at Phoenix Reformed Baptist Church that had been sent to him.
And it was in reference to this new teaching on the part of Harold Camping.
It's an entire section from Camping's home Bible study program.
And in that, he was a little more lucid, a little more focused in what he was saying.
And so I'm going to use that. And what we're going to do is we're going to go through here. I'm going to play the section.
I thought about just playing it and letting it run so you can hear it. But then I'd have to go back through and replay it and respond to it.
And so I don't want to do that. So I'm going to start it here and I'm going to start and stop it as we go along.
And as we do that, then we'll be able to listen to it and to sort of follow along, understand what is being said by him in this material.
So let's go ahead and do that. Probably going to take me at least till 3 o 'clock here in the
Mountain West to be able to get through this, probably longer, knowing me. But we can probably take your phone calls after that time period.
Maybe, maybe not. If you just got to make a comment, go ahead and get online.
Otherwise, we may just be looking at this stuff for quite some time. Let's go ahead and get started.
Churches were established. They, in turn, sent out missionaries. And other churches were established.
And then those other churches, they, in turn, also began to send out missionaries.
And that's the way God's whole plan of evangelization has been going on for the last 1900 years.
At time, that plan has faltered a little bit, and denominations have gone apostate.
But then God raised up other denominations, other churches, other congregations, so that the work proceeded.
And this was God's plan. But in our day, when the population is exploding,
God has developed a new plan. And we're seeing more and more of that as we look at this study, as well as we study some other things in the
Bible. And the occasion for this change in plan is that God finally indicates that there comes a time when he will not put up with the false doctrines and the wrong practices that have been part of the
New Testament church all through its history. Now, I wish somewhere along the line,
Mr. Camping would specifically lay out for us, what are these false doctrines?
He's going to identify these as the high places. He says they've been written into the confessions of our churches.
Well, what are they? Is it the Trinity? Is it the deity of Christ? Is it predestination to election?
Is it justification by faith? What is it? Is it the form of the church? Is it eschatology?
What is it? And the maddening thing is, he doesn't say. He simply says there's these false doctrines, and God eventually says, look, that's enough.
Now, the fascinating thing is, this has always been a part of the New Testament church. We need a list from Mr.
Camping of what he's saying. The New Testament church has always believed in error. That's what
I'd like to hear from him. Even as in the Old Testament, we read about the kings of Judah, and each one, many of them loved the
Lord greatly. God blessed them greatly. And yet, within their kingdom, there were high places.
High places is where they worshiped other gods. In other words, where the mind of man prevailed over the mind of God.
And God countenanced that. God allowed that. He blessed those kings very greatly, even though they never, never did quite clean up their act and really get rid of all the high places.
But we want to do it only God's way, until we get to Hezekiah. And Hezekiah, remember, we spent a long time with that.
We saw that when he became king, he destroyed all of the high places.
He destroyed all of the high places. And yet, it was at a time when
Judah was almost destroyed itself, except for a remnant in Jerusalem.
The other cities of Judea were conquered by the Assyrian king,
Sennacherib, who is a picture of Satan, who has been loosed during the time when
God is finished with the church. Now there you have, during that time when God is finished with the church, and notice what's happening here.
All of a sudden, we're talking about Hezekiah. And Hezekiah destroys the high places. The high places were places of idolatrous worship in Israel.
And so, allegedly, there's some connection between the high places in Israel and some list of false doctrines in the church.
And Sennacherib then becomes a picture of Satan. Now, how in the world that is substantiated, we don't know.
That's one of the problems with Harold Camping. He doesn't have to tell us. He can just sit there and say it, and therefore it must be true.
And if you question him, then you're just obviously not spiritually minded or something. But we're told that Sennacherib is a picture of Satan, loosed during the period of time when
God is finished with the church.
Notice how these unfounded assertions, these unfounded connections and typologies just build and build and build, and how they are the very substance of Camping's theology.
Without them, without the numerology that he uses, and the typology, and all this wild and crazy stuff that has no basis in sound, solid, biblical hermeneutics, without this, he'd have nothing.
Nothing whatsoever. And that is the church age of 1900 years,
Satan is loosed, and so Sennacherib was loosed. The church age of 1900 years.
Where'd that come from? I don't know. I don't know. I imagine there's some numerological way of coming up with the number 1900 if you work hard enough to find it, but allegedly the church age is supposed to be 1900 years.
He was on a roll, and he not only conquered the ten tribes to the north so that they ceased to exist, but he almost completely destroyed
Judah, except for a remnant in Jerusalem. And when we tie that into our time, we find that God goes along to a certain point in history, and then he looses
Satan to bring judgment on the church. God looses
Satan to bring judgment upon the body of Christ, because remember, he does not differentiate between the true church and apostate churches.
He's simply saying the church. God brings judgment upon the church for what? For the high places, for the doctrines in their creeds and confessions.
And so Satan slash Sennacherib is loosed to judge the church.
Just make sure you catch this stuff because it goes flying by, well I was going to say fast, but we're listening to Harold Camping, so it goes flying by eventually.
And virtually silences the gospel, the true gospel within churches, and whatever
Satan doesn't conquer, God himself removes the candlestick, because it's at the time when
God is saying, no more, no more, there can't be any more of this going on.
I have blessed the church, people have become saved, even though there have been wrong doctrines within them.
Sometimes these doctrines were quite wrong, and yet God blessed the word of God in these denominations, and so the world was evangelized.
So, here you have the idea being presented, that not only does
Satan then snuff out the true gospel, but then if there's no, what he doesn't get to,
God himself removes. So it's God's plan to stop using the church.
That's exactly what he's saying. But at the beginning of the final tribulation, and that's the key point, at the beginning of the final tribulation,
God has a quick change in his action.
At the beginning of the tribulation signified that the churches have ceased to be the means by which
God plans to evangelize the world. There you go. I mean, it doesn't get any clearer than that.
Anyone who wants absolute proof, this is exactly what he's saying. At the beginning of the tribulation, God has a quick change in action.
I'm not sure what a quick change in action is, but God has a quick change in action, and this signifies that God is done using the church as a means of evangelism.
The gospel's not there, the power of the gospel isn't coming out, etc., etc., etc.,
and it's again tied into the wacky eschatological speculations of Harold Camping.
Didn't he learn in 1994? Didn't his followers learn about 1994?
Amazing. And this is why it is great tribulation. And remember in our last study we talked about it's a time of weeping.
It's a time when we ought to be sorrowing in our hearts because we see the churches that should have known better, they have not turned away from their wrong doctrines.
Notice what he says. The churches that should have known better. Not apostate churches, not churches that are out there. Look, there are some denominations.
Their seminaries are so dead and gone that they cannot even be meaningfully identified as Christian churches anymore.
There's no question about that. We all recognize that. He's talking here about the very churches that his program is the most popular in.
That's who he's going after. And so finally God has removed the candlesticks so they have a form of godliness but they really deny the power of it.
Now when we study this final tribulation and look at all the language of the Bible and we're going to spend this hour looking at some of this, we find that the final tribulation period, which is the final period before the end of the world, it signals that the end of the world is very close.
In fact, we read in Matthew 24 verse 22 where it says in verse 21 there will be great tribulations such as this world is never known nor ever shall know.
And then when we go to verse 29 it says immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened and the moon will not shine and so on and then will appear the return of the
Lord Jesus. Now that final tribulation is divided into two parts.
It is the first and these are not in equal duration of time necessarily.
One period can be longer than the other but it is a fact that the final tribulation is divided into two parts.
The first part is that the temple has been overrun by Satan. As we read in Daniel 8 or as we read in Revelation 11 the temple has been trodden under foot of man and that is for what
God calls the first half of the tribulation period. And then at the end of that the temple is made righteous again as God brings on the latter rain.
Now I introduced another word. When I talk about the latter rain it is not R -E -I -G -N, the reign of a king.
It is the rain of water. The latter rain. Has there ever been an
Old Testament passage that has been more misused than that one? I mean let's attach it to everything.
I mean you've got the folks, the latter rain movement and all the getting gold fillings in your teeth and all the rest of that wackiness out there and now we've got
Harold Camping and now we have the latter rain. And it's a new latter rain. And is there anything even semi -connected to anything that the
Bible says about the church here? I haven't found anything yet. And God talks about early and latter rain.
Let me back up. The 1900 years when God used the church to evangelize the world with all of its weaknesses, with all of its faults, with all of its wrong teachings that are permeated.
I'm talking about any church that believed the Bible alone and in its entirety was the word of God even though denominations varied greatly on such questions as baptism in the
Lord's table and the nature of the earth and a whole lot of things. And yet God used all of these denominations and congregations to get on with his work of evangelization.
And I think we have solid biblical evidence of that. But then God brings that to an end and that signals the beginning of what the
Bible speaks there will be great tribulation. And it's great tribulation because the church has been set aside by God as the means by which he's going to evangelize the world.
It now has become a hollow shell. I know we played this one at the beginning.
This is the section it came from. A hollow shell. Write that one down.
Even though they still have the Bible there, even though they may still preach from the
Bible to some degree, nevertheless there is no power of salvation going on.
God has another plan. No power of salvation going on. Again, what is the means of salvation?
Wasn't that the gospel? So that must mean that somehow the gospel being preached in what we would identify as conservative, solid churches today is no longer true of the gospel.
Somehow it is so flawed at a fundamental basis that it's no longer the gospel. Why? I don't know.
It doesn't say. So for a few years, for a few years, it is doom and gloom.
It is very sad what is going to happen next. And that was typified.
Now let me tie it back into early and latter rain. That was the end of the early rain.
And then remember that we looked at James 5 at one point and we saw that there was a space of three and a half years when there was famine in the land.
The rain did not come. And then Elijah, typifying Christ, prayed again and there was rain and the earth brought forth fruit.
So we go to James, and James talks about Elijah's prayer. And Elijah is a type of Christ.
I can't help but think about all the typology that Roman Catholic apologists use to come up with Mary when
I'm listening to this type of rambling exposition. So since James 5 tells a story about what happened in the
Old Testament, about Elijah and the rain, and it's three and a half years, this somehow is relevant to the church, and we're going to tie it all together, allegedly, here in a few moments.
And that latter rain is the second half of the tribulation period.
Now notice that I'm talking about first half and second half. If you go back to 2 Kings 20, where we had been going, you'll notice it says, and remember that Hezekiah had been told that right in the prime of his years he is going to die.
And this was the same year, he's 39 years old, and it's the same year that Sennacherib is assaulting
Jerusalem and almost conquered it. He didn't conquer it, but he did conquer the other cities.
And it's a time when Jerusalem is in terrible, terrible trouble.
I'm going to go ahead and stop at that point because he's going to now try to make Hezekiah into a picture of the church, but he's going to have to do that after we take our break.
Even Harold Camping has to wait for our breaks. We'll be right back on The Dividing Line. We are not following the advice in how to win friends and influence people today.
I'm sure I'm going to get some nasty emails because I did a program just yesterday on WMCA radio in New York with Andy Anderson in the afternoon, and we talked about this very subject.
I have already probably gotten more time in talking about Harold Camping than we had in the entire hour yesterday, but we did get some callers.
And the callers were very disappointing. They weren't listening to what
I was saying. It was just, well, you know, we need to be careful here. You know, have you talked with Brother Camping?
And we did attempt to get Mr. Camping to come on the program, and he declined, and he declined very clearly.
And so, no, this is a man who is an individual who has a national pulpit.
He has a national program, and I understand he is an elder in a church.
And as such, I would think, I would hope that the other elders in his church could call him to account, but that doesn't seem to be what's going on.
So we have to deal with this issue. And as you may recall, when we last left
Mr. Camping's teaching, he was starting to get into Hezekiah and how
Hezekiah was supposed to be, well, you figure it out.
It's at this time that God came to Hezekiah and told him, you're going to die.
Prepare, get your house in order, you're going to die. And we saw last time that Hezekiah was a picture of God's plan of evangelization.
He is a man of God, and God is using him as a picture. And so, at this point,
Hezekiah, in a real sense, is dead, is dead. Then we read in verse 3 that he wept sore about this.
And remember we talked about that last time, that as we see the church being set aside by God, it is a time of great sorrow, of great weeping.
And then we read in verse 4, it came to pass before Isaiah, in other words,
Isaiah is a representative of God here, we see here that Hezekiah has been told, you're going to die right now, right now, it's the end.
Then he pleads with God, and then Isaiah leaves him.
And before Isaiah was gone out into the middle court, now that word court is an interesting word, it's city.
It's the same word that's used throughout the Bible as city. Now I'd like to stop right there just briefly, didn't get much of a chance really to address this in the program yesterday, but he is in that passage specifically referring to, oh thank you very much, to 2
Kings chapter 20, I believe it is verse 4, 2 Kings chapter 20 verse 4, and he says the word here is the word for city, and see many people just listen to Harold Camping, just putzing along there, and how many people would stop and go, hmm,
I wonder if he's right about that. Well, of course, I'm one of those people, and when you look up the passage, you discover there is a textual variant in the
Hebrew text. And the word city does appear there, but the translations say the middle of the court, because the word court is also found in many
Hebrew manuscripts, and the Greek septuagint likewise says court, and it would make more sense to translate it that way.
I mean, think about it. Before Isaiah has gone out to the middle of the city, what was he doing, crossing the entire city or something?
No, the emphasis is upon the quickness by which God calls
Isaiah to go back to give that message to Hezekiah. And so he's barely gotten out of the building.
He's only halfway across the court in the royal house when he's called back.
But note what happens here. Even though the text is questionable there as to whether it's city or court, listen to how long
Camping goes on and on about this word city and what it allegedly presents.
Before he had come to the middle of the city, the word of the Lord came to him, saying, Turn again and tell Hezekiah, the captain of my people.
Thus saith the Lord, the God of David, thy father. I have heard thy prayer, I have seen thy tears.
Behold, I will heal thee on the third day. Thou shalt go up unto the house of the Lord, and I will add unto thy days fifteen years.
All right, now, here we see the life of Hezekiah is going to be a picture of God's closing plan for the earth.
He is told he's going to die. That's the way
God is telling the churches today. At the beginning of the final tribulation, you are no longer being used of me to evangelize the world.
And then, right at the middle of the city, and that's a very interesting piece of information, because what is the city of God, ultimately?
What is the city of God? It consists of all who become believers. And we can't prove this, of course, but it is a fact that approximately, as near as we can tell, approximately there were as many people who have lived and died up until this time as are presently living in the world today.
In other words, today there are six billion people living in the world, and if the
Lord tarries for a little while, pretty soon it'll be seven billion. And in other words, presently, in our present generation, we can say there are six or seven billion people in the world.
We can also say, with some speculation, that probably about six or seven billion people have lived and died in the previous 13 ,000 years.
In the previous 13 ,000 years. So if God is saving approximately the same percentage of people today as He is back throughout the past 13 ,000 years, we're at about the half point of the building of the city of God.
Do you see that relationship? We're in the middle of the city of God.
Up until this point in time, approximately, we're not exact, of course, we can say that about half of the people who are to become saved have become saved.
Yet we live in a world of six billion going on towards seven billion people in which most of them have not heard the true gospel because during the last few years the population has been exploding.
There has been very little sending forth of the true gospel.
Little sending forth of the true gospel. I'm sure all the missionaries in the field are very thankful for Brother Camping's support of their efforts.
I read of a missionary dying in the field only last week, and we all thank you,
Brother Camping, for defining the entire work of God only within the context of what you and your ministry are doing.
Thank you very, very much. ...for ministries like Family Radio. So we're right at the halfway point at this point in time because at this point in time, suddenly we're finding that the latter rain is beginning to develop, that God is opening door after door to send the gospel out into the world in order to reach the six or seven billion people that still remain to be evangelized.
Notice the latter rain is seemingly coming through Family Radio. And I didn't stop in time to again note, see how long he went on the word city.
We're halfway through the building of God's city. There's been about six billion people who lived before, and there's six billion people now.
So if God's saving people, I don't know where he got this 13 ,000 year stuff, but for the same rate for 13 ,000 years, well, that means that we're halfway through, and that's halfway through the city, and that's relevant to Isaiah only going halfway through the city, even though there's a textual variant that I didn't tell you about that I should have known is there.
Maybe I didn't even know it was there, but it wouldn't have fit anyways because then I'd have to use the word court. But I bet you anything that Harold Campy could find a way to use the word court and come up with the exact same conclusions.
What do you think? And he's doing it without the church. It's outside. Now remember that we saw the two witnesses.
Let's go back to Revelation 11, and I'll begin to pull this together here a little bit.
Well, we hope that we can pull something together here, but again, without the church. It's being done outside the church.
The church isn't involved anymore. We go back to Revelation 11, and we find that it says that the, first of all, it says in verse 2 that the holy city shall they tread under foot 40 and two months.
Now 40 and two months is equivalent to three and a half years. Three and a half years is half of seven.
In the Bible, seven is the number of perfection. And it's interesting that when we look at the typology of the
Old Testament, God typifies this final tribulation as a period of 70 years.
Now hold on a second. This starts getting very confusing. I mean, the typological, numerological flights of fancy are not easy to follow.
But if you turn to Revelation chapter 11, I know at this point you just sort of sit there at times and go, why in the world should
I? Because there's not going to be much said about the text itself. But turn to Revelation chapter 11 when you get an opportunity.
In fact, what I'm going to do, Revelation chapter 11, what he's about to talk about are the two witnesses.
And he makes this connection over and over again. The two witnesses represent the church. If it's been a little while since you maybe read through the book of Revelation, and that's common for a lot of folks, you're not into the right behind, left behind, whatever it is stuff, and you're not into all the eschatological speculations that are so popular and sell thousands and hundreds of thousands and millions of books.
Let's look at Revelation chapter 11, beginning of verse 3. And I will grant authority to my two witnesses, and they will prophesy for 1260 days clothed in sackcloth.
These are the two olive trees and the two lampstands that stand before the
Lord of the earth. Stopping at the end of verse 4, please note that you're going to hear about how these are the two lampstands, because that's going to be his connection to somehow turning the two witnesses into the entirety of Christ's church.
You will not hear about the two olive trees. And that's the wonder of typological eisegesis, is you don't have to worry about facts.
You can just take one fact, make a connection out of it, and ignore all the rest. That's the fun part of this.
The Bible becomes a huge, hundred thousand piece puzzle, and you can just stick stuff together any way you want and make it work.
It's sort of like Tinker Toys. Tinker Toy theology. You just spread out on the floor and grab what you want and build your theology out of it.
So anyways, you're going to hear about the two lampstands. You will not hear about the two olive trees. Verse 5, and if anyone wants to harm them, you won't hear about this stuff either, by the way, verse 5.
If anyone wants to harm them, fire flows out of their mouth and devours their enemies.
So if anyone wants to harm them, he must be killed in this way. I would really like to know how that applies to the church.
Is that the Inquisition or something? Fire coming out of their mouth and destroying people? I suppose I can think of a few
Roman Catholic apologists who have come up with some really wild and wacky interpretations of the book of Revelation.
You might like that. Use that to defend the Inquisition. I don't know. Verse 6, these have the power to shut up the sky so that rain will not fall during the days they're prophesying.
They have power over the waters to turn them into blood and to strike the earth with every plague as often as they desire. Notice, those are the abilities and powers that Moses had and that the
Old Testament prophets had as well. When they have finished their testimony, the beast that comes up out of the abyss will make war with them and overcome them and kill them.
And their dead bodies will lie in the street of the great city which mystically is called Sodom and Egypt where also their
Lord was crucified. Those from the peoples and tribes and tongues and nations will look at their dead bodies for three and a half days.
There's the big thing. Three and a half days. And will not permit their dead bodies to be laid in a tomb.
And those who dwell on the earth will rejoice over them and celebrate and they will send gifts to one another because these two prophets tormented those who dwell on the earth.
So I guess if we're going to be consistent here then there's going to be a new...
there should be a new holiday to replace Christmas so we can send gifts to one another after the two witnesses get killed which is the destruction of the church.
I mean if we're going to be consistent here. But verse 11 after the three and a half days the breath of life from God came into them and they stood on their feet and great fear fell upon those who were watching them.
So is this the resurrection of the church? And they heard a loud voice from heaven saying to them come up here then they went up into heaven in the cloud and their enemies watched them.
So that is... that's the story. There is a story of the two witnesses and that's where Mr.
Camping is going now here to give his time frames. Now whether it's seven years or 70 years or 700 years the number 10 or 100 just signifies completeness.
In other words 70 years signifies the complete perfection of God's final tribulation that began with the moment when
Hezekiah died. It began when the... that was supposed to have died.
It began when Jerusalem was assaulted and almost destroyed when the 10 tribes were destroyed.
These are all pictures of the time when the beginning of that final tribulation did begin.
And for three and a half that is 42 months three and a half years the temple will be trodden underfoot.
That is it's not functioning because if it's trodden underfoot it means it can't function as a voice of God.
And that's the first part the first half of the final tribulation. That same three and a half is emphasized when we look at the two witnesses.
They also notice they were killed and their bodies were out on the street.
Remember the two witnesses are the church as it brings the gospel throughout the
New Testament era. And finally when their testimony is completed we read in Revelation 11 when they shall have finished their testimony the beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit shall make war against them and shall overcome them and kill them.
And their dead bodies shall be in the street of that great city which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt where also our
Lord was crucified. And they of the people and kindreds and tongues and nations shall see their dead bodies three days and a half.
There again you notice three and a half 42 months three and a half years here it's three and a half days.
Remember that the hold your finger there look for a moment again at James chapter 5 remember the rain stopped coming down for how long for how long it's the same period we read in verse 17 that it might not rain and it rained not on the earth but a space of three years and six months.
Now notice something here it can be three and a half days it can be three and a half years it can be seven years it can be 70 years it can be 700 years the wonderful thing again is it doesn't matter which one it is they all mean the same thing.
In fact listen up now you're going to find out that 6 .3 years is also three and a half years.
Again you see a half of seven a half of seven a half of seven 42 months it says three and a half days and we see the three and a half years it's all the same period of time it's the first part of the final tribulation period the only language in the
Bible that gives any time notice to the first part of the final tribulation that is not three and a half is
Daniel 8 look at that for just a moment in Daniel 8 we have the same period of time only there it's addressed with different language there it is we read that that in verse 10 as it's talking about Satan that he walks great even to the host of heaven and cast down some of the host and of the stars to the ground he magnified himself even to the prince of the host and the place of his sanctuary was cast down and it cast down to the truth of the ground and it practiced and it prospered and then notice in verse 13 then
I heard one saint speaking and another saint said unto that certain one which spake how long shall the vision concerning the daily and the transgression of desolation to give both the sanctuary and the host to be trodden under foot see the parallel language to revelation where the temple is trodden under foot for 42 months where here it says and the time is 2300 days then shall the sanctuary be cleansed that is the sanctuary again will be made righteous so this 2300 days of Daniel 8 is the equivalent period of time that is called 42 months in Romans 11 in Revelation 11 it's called three and a half years in James 5 it is called three and a half days in Revelation 11 it's all the same period of time it is the first part of the final tribulation period and it immediately follows the moment when
God has declared the church now has been judged it has been found wanting and it no longer is to be used of God for evangelization purposes it has come to an end and that's why there's great weeping as we think about that well there you go a couple things first of all
I'm not sure about anybody else I've got a little old calculator here on my old computer and when
I divide 2300 by 360 I get 6 .38
blah blah blah not three and a half but we were just told it is the exact same period of time as three and a half years or 42 months amazing what we can do and then at the end we again hear this assertion well this is what has happened as God has declared the end of the church the church is no longer going to be used for evangelism
God's done with it this latter rain the latter rain is going to come and where is that latter rain going to come from?
well it's going to come from those who know the true gospel so the bride of Christ forgets the words of Christ the bride of Christ doesn't hear the words of her husband anymore and no longer repeats the words of her husband any longer and so now there's this latter rain and where is it going to come from?
where is the latter rain going to come from? well it's going to come from these parachurch organizations that have the ability to evangelize the whole world and guess who's in the whole world?
well Trinity Broadcasting Network right? with their baby beamers and Benny Hinn and all that stuff right?
oh no no no that's not what brother camping means brother camping is talking about family radio and he's very quick to say there may be others but the only one
I know about is family radio so there you have it God's done with the church and this was part of his plan
Sennacherib slash Satan has taken the true gospel from the churches there's no power of the gospel available there and so the church is done well when we come back
I'd like to ask you to turn in your Bibles to Ephesians chapter 1 and I'd like to think with you about some passages of scripture that for some strange reason don't appear in Harold Camping's interpretations isn't that strange?
well it's about time to take a break even though I hear some interesting music there and there's the music in the background we're going to take a break and be right back looking at the book of Ephesians right after this
Is the Mormon my brother? Bethany House Publishers presents James White's book
Is the Mormon my brother? In television campaigns, parachurch events and clergy fellowships all across the
United States Mormons are presenting themselves as mainstream Christians Is it unloving or backward to say they aren't real
Christians? In contrast to Christian monotheism the belief in one God Mormonism teaches that God was once a man who lived on another planet and was exalted to the status of God and that Mormon men can also become gods upon death and resurrection
In his book Is the Mormon my brother? James White demonstrates how this fact alone means
Mormons and Christians are irreconcilably at odds at faith's most basic level Is the
Mormon my brother? is now available from Alpha and Omega Ministries book ministry you can order Is the
Mormon my brother? from our website at www .aomin .org
the conference on Rome over 13 hours examining major doctrines and issues that separate Roman Catholicism from Biblical Christianity featuring the leading
Protestant apologists on Rome and America today listen to Dr. Eric Svensson's presentation
Rome has spoken the matter is debatable when the Roman Catholic apologists insist that the principle of sola scriptura has resulted in over 25 ,000 denominations we should in turn insist that the principle of scripture plus an infallible interpreter has resulted in an even greater number of religious cults
Pastor Rob Zins addresses the evangelical romance with Rome there was not a Roman Catholic church in the first five centuries there was to be sure a
Catholic church but this is the universal designation of the body of Christ it is not
Romanism Pastor David King the impact of Romans 1 .17 on Martin Luther how is one himself to have that righteousness which
God requires yea demands and which is utterly indispensable to salvation it is by faith and by faith in the
Lord Jesus Christ and we lay hold of the Lord Jesus by faith alone and Dr.
James White examines the veneration of saints and images do you think if such a person were brought before Moses having just been caught bowing down before a statue and lighting candles and rocking back and forth in prayer do you think
Moses would have accepted the excuse I wasn't giving Latria Moses I was only giving
Julia other topics addressed in this tape series is there something about Mary scripture sufficiency the
Roman vs Protestant view canonizing the Apocrypha an assault on scripture Rome's sacraments an assault on Christ's gospel and purgatory an assault on Christ's perfect atonement look for this tape series and many others at aomin .org
that's a -o -m -i -n dot o -r -g the conference on Rome and welcome back to the dividing line as I come running in to put on the headset sit down on the chair and I am very happy that Chris Arnzen has gotten his mouse's scroll button working it is one of the most helpless feelings to have to know that if you sat down at someone's computer you could fix you could fix their problem but to know that that particular individual is utterly and completely helpless to fix their own problem even if you sat down with them on the phone it could not possibly happen
I just feel for people like that but anyways that's not that's not the subject of our conversation today oh
Ephesians chapter 1 Ephesians chapter 1 is the book of Ephesians of course is a book that deals with tremendously high doctrine that's probably why it is not exactly the book that you hear preached from most often in the churches today it deals with very high doctrine and it talks about God's purposes in this world and his eternal purposes and everything like that and it's fascinating to me that the highest speech the highest description of the church is found in the book of Ephesians and I just want to look at a couple passages and I want us to think about what these passages say in light of what
Harold Camping has said and then we'll take your phone calls we have one person on hold at 866 -854 -6763 if you'd like to get in that's the number 866 -854 -6763 866 -854 -6763
Ephesians chapter 1 verses 22 and 23 say and he put all things in subjection under his feet and gave him his head over all things to the church which is his body the fullness of him who fills all in all now think about what that is saying we are talking here about Christ and the father has put all things in subjection under his feet and has given him his head over all things to the church one could understand that to be saying that Christ is given to the church as head over all things as a gift to the church which is described as his body there is an intimate union between the head and his body then the fullness of him who fills all in all there is such a relationship there is a relationship that Christ lacks nothing but God's purpose in sending
Christ is summed up in the church the redemption of his people within the fellowship of the church and so the church is described as the fullness of him who fills all in all when did that stop
Mr. Camping when was Christ severed from his church when did
God take back the gift that he gave the church in giving Christ as head over all things to the church when where does
Paul say that this is for 1900 years where is that in the
Bible Mr. Camping outside of your wacky numerology where is that I don't see it because it's not true of course is why we don't see it look at the next chapter
Ephesians chapter 2 verse 19 so then you are no longer strangers and aliens but you are fellow citizens with the saints and are of God's household having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets
Christ Jesus himself being the cornerstone in whom the whole building being fitted together is growing into a holy temple in the
Lord in whom you also are being built together into a dwelling of God in the spirit you know why people like Harold Camping can show such utter disrespect for the church because so many evangelicals live with an attitude of utter disrespect for the church think about it when people shop for churches when people go from church to church looking for the nicest parking lot looking for the most number of programs when people judge a church based upon the size of its choir and the length of the sermon rather than viewing the church as the body of Christ into which we are called as a gift of grace and in which we are to serve when evangelicals look at the church in that way well it's no wonder that they then don't just immediately recoil in the same type of horror that I had when
I started hearing what Harold Camping was saying but listen to what he says describes the church as God's household he talks about the foundation upon which the church is built the foundation of apostles and prophets
Christ Jesus himself being the corn stone Mr. Camping, what happened to that foundation? Christ said he'd be with his church throughout all generations not 1900 years based upon identifying
Sennacherib as Satan and Hezekiah as a picture of the church and misreading the Hebrew text and going only half way into the court and the city and all the rest of this wackiness how about dealing with the direct text here?
What happened to the foundation? Did it get washed away? Did God destroy the foundation with Christ Jesus himself being the chief cornerstone in whom the whole building being fitted together is growing into a holy temple in the
Lord in whom you also are being built together into a dwelling of God in the spirit that is the spirit of God's work to build the church did he stop?
where is that in the text? where does Paul say this is only going to be built for 1900 years and again another one of the reasons why so many evangelicals are susceptible to this kind of teaching is because we don't dwell upon the promise of Christ to be with his church there are many evangelicals that fall into the jack chick stuff they fall into the realm of thinking that somehow
God lost the church maybe it was pure during the time of the apostles and then poof it was gone until what about 50 years ago?
Christ has been faithful to his promise all along no that does not make
Rome the church that's the whole point when you go back and actually learn something about church history you discover that the individuals back then did not believe what modern
Roman Catholics believe about Mary and these dogmas about papal infallibility and indulgences and all the rest of this wild and wacky stuff certainly you find all sorts of weird beliefs being propounded by people who call themselves
Christians but good grief go down to a Christian bookstore today you find the same thing that doesn't mean the church normally isn't in the majority it's normally not the folks with the biggest signs out front and the largest congregations that's basically the way it's always been and so the spirit of God is building the church and there is no indication ever given anywhere that he's somehow going to stop doing that well go down to Ephesians chapter 3
Ephesians chapter 3 verse 8 to me the very least of all saints this grace was given to preach to the
Gentiles the unfathomable riches of Christ and to bring to light what is the administration of the mystery which for ages has been hidden in God who created all things so that the manifold wisdom of God might now be made known through the church to the rulers and the authorities in the heavenly places well
I guess the rulers and authorities in the heavenly places got the message because we don't need the church anymore Ephesians 3 10 tells us that the manifold wisdom of God is made known through the church don't tell me the church is an afterthought don't tell me the church is something that you can simply get rid of are you telling me the manifold wisdom of God Mr.
Camping is not being made known now because God has done away with the church I wish I wish you'd come on the program yesterday
I would like to have been able to ask him those particular questions but he really wasn't interested in those particular things 866 854 67 623 one last passage and then we'll start taking our collars
Ephesians chapter 3 verses 20 to 21 a passage I have often used often used on the streets of Mesa Arizona or the streets of Salt Lake City Utah when the
Mormons likewise have promoted their heresy of the death of the church they just put it back long long time ago
God had to restore the church April 6 1830 and now we've got
Harold Camping and the church lasted a lot longer yeah he's I tell you
Harold Camping's proven the Mormons wrong didn't he yeah they didn't know about Sennacherib did they no no
Joseph Smith didn't know about that stuff he's got him dead rights on that one but I've had to use the exact same passage
Paul says now to him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think according to the power that works within us to him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever
Amen how many generations to nineteen hundred years of generations is that what it says no is
Mr. Camping going to suggest that maybe Paul didn't know this or maybe
Paul just withheld it from us so that we would be left in darkness who knows simple fact of the matter is folks anyone can come up with some wild and crazy and stupid excuse even for these verses
I can guarantee you as long as Harold Camping wants to believe his heresy as long as there's people who want to follow
Harold Camping there's a way around these it won't be a biblical way around it won't be a way it makes any sense but you can always come up with an answer but we need to speak the truth anyways and so my friends get these passages marked in your
Bibles have them ready to go and if you hear anybody talking about Harold Camping especially within the fellowship of the church folks these folks people who grab hold of this kind of stuff and become focused upon one individual following that individual they can be church splitters don't let it happen in your church be ready to give an answer for this new heresy being propounded by Mr.
Camping and Family Radio say but there's some fine folks involved with Family Radio well then they had better get rid of Harold Camping because you can't work for an organization headed by a heretic especially when you hand the microphones they hear here's a
Bible deceive people if you're a part of Family Radio flee run go someplace else because the man has gone off the deep end 866 -854 -6763 we only have about 13 minutes a little bit less than that let's run our callers through here real quick Tim and Newark hi
Tim hey brother James how you doing doing well can you hear me I can hear you sir
I can't hear you you can't hear me okay unable to hear you okay great great powers of technology in the other room please help brother
Tim to hear the sonorous tones of my voice coming through to him doo doo doo doo in fact
I can do that myself I can go there we go can you hear that Tim barely barely barely okay did that help still can't hear me maybe it's all of our callers but maybe it's just a different line shall we keep trying
Tim doo doo you know one other thing is that brother camping has more equipment than we have because he has more supporters sending money in so if you'd like us to take the next caller please remember us that we need your support doo doo doo doo what stand by well
I forgot my cough button let me do that again much better I do have a cough button now it's called a cough drop that's really cool
I know what's going on in the other room and I'm going to tell you all what's going on in the other room can you hear me
Tim I guess not someone who will remain completely nameless was experimenting with utilizing one of our new pieces of equipment to make callers sound good and oh ow can you hear me
I can hear you okay and I'm deaf and when someone takes a live plug and plugs it right in like that I well
I the blood's not too bad go ahead I think I can get rid of it here the problem is solved all right well
I'm glad I want to commend you for speaking up on this because a lot of people don't want to do it and I think it's a real need there's so much to speak on this particular subject for me because I live right here in the
Bay Area where he's you know located and I know a lot of brethren or some that went to his church and some that still want to hold on to him what church is that if I could ask just in passing
I think it's called the Alameda Reform Bible Church and he's still an elder there as I understand right and here's one of the things that's interesting too is that they can't get a regular head pastor because no one could ever get past the scrutiny of Harold but yet he won't take the position you know praise
God I guess for that but you know there's just so much here but one thing that I wanted to say that might help some of the listeners in a sense that you don't want to get angry at you is that I was you know
I was a converted in 94 as I mentioned like a couple weeks ago on a program but you know and I was listening to him all the time and I really was getting brainwashed by him because he was so much all theologians are wrong and I'm right basically on just about everything that I noticed that it came to a point where I couldn't trust anybody and I was still laid up physically so I wasn't able to get out in the church so he was kind of like my pastor so I actually would call him to open forum once in a while because I had a lot of questions and stuff and then here's one thing and obviously this is my word against his but there's a personal testimony to wake up some of the people that are fond of him is that after several months of being converted and you know me being scared to trust anybody else
I called him occasionally at his office at his family radio here in Oakland and you know he would take calls once in a while and I asked him
I said you know I was fathering a boy that's a long story and I said what would be a good
TV program to you know introduce the child to because of the fact that you know there's so much bad stuff and this was like three weeks before September 6 when he predicted the date and he told me this and this is some really poor counsel and it really disturbs me and I hope some people realize this is that he said well it's all going to be over soon so I wouldn't worry about it because I also asked him this question you know where's a good church
I can get into and he also said I wouldn't worry about that because it's going to all be over soon I mean he seemed to be very convinced that it was and here he is giving me this counsel which was terrible and I'm glad by God's grace
I didn't go off the deep end telling everybody that the end of the world is coming I just was telling people you know be ready because a lot of people that did that gave
Christ another black eye and then people laughed in their face when it didn't come about and then here he comes you know he's not any credulity left at all and then after the date passed he came up with this thing he was saying there's 721 sources in the universe or something and he was trying to pull down some other esoteric nonsense and like I said
Tim there is always a way to cover your tracks there's always a way to defend your position against the clear teaching of scripture as long as you don't care about truth and you don't care about solid hermeneutics and there's always a way to do it it's sad but that's you know
God doesn't make heretics glow green he doesn't strike them blind these days as he did in the days of Paul and that's really to test
I think our love for the truth and our willingness to stand for it it's going to take some sacrifice to do it alright you know
I'll let you get on here but I think I just coined a phrase when I was listening to this program it might fall under the context of a hyper isogee oh yeah hyper isogesis yeah he is just the connections he makes absolutely leave me sitting there pulling if I had hair to pull out
I would pull it out but I don't have a strand to do it with so I can't do that hey thanks a lot Tim alright God bless okay you better not be whining about what
I said about you a few minutes ago Chris oh Chris oh great hello
Chris I can hear you now how's the mouse doing Chris that's great why don't you scroll it around a little bit for us just so we can see it working you know mine works too it's amazing everybody in the chat room has a mouse that scrolls y 'all say
I do I'm sorry I'm taking up our time what do you have to say Mr. Chris well
I think it's interesting working for a Christian radio station myself that when
Harold Camping predicted the end of the world immediately churches were going bananas getting ready to publicly denounce him now that he's doing something that I think is infinitely worse the silence is deafening and I think it's because people don't care about the church the other one was eschatology this is ecclesiology and does it really matter
I mean come on you're exactly right you've put your finger right on the button this just it very clearly demonstrates the vast difference between well let's just put this way let me just mention
Left Behind and well what was the last major book on the church anyways
I mean does that not tell you something right there I mean that is the situation that we're looking at and that's why he can take this shot and I suppose there are other people saying things about it
I'm not aware of it but I certainly have spoken out about it but probably will not wind up on Larry King no
I doubt it I doubt it will either but you're exactly right there is a and I don't understand it because how can we have people running around saying
I love Jesus I love Jesus I love Jesus but I do not love his church
I don't understand it but I think it's because people have made such a huge dichotomy and part of it let's be honest because we overreact to Rome we've allowed
Rome to steal wonderful words from us like Eucharist which is a Greek word meaning Thanksgiving and in this case we've allowed
Rome to steal from us a balanced biblical high view of what
God is doing in the church some of us reform Baptists at least still maintain the word
Inquisition well thank you very much Chris up to that point you were doing just fine
I'm going to send you a virus in my next email that destroys your scroll thing on your mouse and you won't you will not be able to stop it as soon as it comes in you'll have it it's all over with ha and I'll fix it in January anyways thanks for calling
Chris God bless bye alright let's see if we can get Randy in here really quickly I think the only reason
Randy called in is because Randy feels that if he does not call in each week that I will not call him one of our regular callers and he has had a t -shirt made saying
I am a regular caller to the dividing line which no one in the entire state of Colorado has any idea what it means including anyone in his family is that correct
Randy something to that effect I'm actually glad there's no time left today because that way this is like half an appearance on the show
I've been on three and a half times in the last 42 months you gotta admit that's significant oh well but when you're on you could be on 63 times and it's still the same period of time because you know as long as you need it to be the same period of time it is the same period of time it's that new math oh yeah acrostic algebra
I would like to hear a debate between Gail Ripplinger and Harold Camping that's what
I want to hear well I did want to talk about something that Camping had on his website I don't think there's enough time here but are you going to be discussing him a little more next week we'll see just give me a heads up on it well it's just having to do with him talking about not being contentious and how he seeks the truth and to be corrected and all that there's a little quote there a little interesting also next week maybe
I'll call in I found out some more about Kincaid's book Light Posts for Living yeah and it's got some very interesting quotes well
I'll have to look that up on Amazon or CBD in fact go to the Amazon and read read some of the quotes there's one
Amazon review that wasn't helpful to anyone you know how people vote on it because the guy was negative and I tried to give it a positive vote and they wouldn't accept my vote so it gets rigged can
I do one thing can I give you my website I did put up a couple of Jbez articles oh okay other people have done it it's www of course contend for a numeral for rather than the word for numeral for thefaith .org
.org so contendforthefaith .org follow the links there's a couple different articles on Jbez and some of that stuff cool alright next week
I'll be happy to talk to you about Kincaid's book if you look it up I think you'll find the quotes to be rather interesting
I'm actually looking it up even as we speak so maybe that's a good direction let me share one with you it does help to believe as I do in a loving and benevolent
God or at the very least a divinely ordered universe but even if you can't muster belief of this sort you can still choose to trust in the richness and beauty of life and it's colorful too what's the name of the book again?
Light Posts for Living the Art of Choosing a Joyful Life you know we're advertising for it right now there's going to be a bunch of folks who go but it's so pretty the sales just shot down to try to justify it oh that was tough to do that was tough to do thanks
Randy Light Posts for Living the Art of Choosing a Joyful Life so do you have a review in here someplace?
pardon me? I haven't written one on it I haven't read the book yet I feel like I should read the book before I write my own
I think that's a very good thing because most people who review my books on Amazon didn't well actually one of the reviews the
JBEZ that I put up on my site written by a friend of mine he's not written the book but what he's reviewing is essentially the phenomenon as he's seen the whole
JBEZ thing work out through his church and friends so he's commenting more on that than the book itself but anyway thanks for fitting me in for that half time
I just found the review wishy washy feel good philosophy do all roads lead to Rome exactly one star and yes nobody found it helpful and honestly
I tried to vote on it it told me that page wasn't available when I tried to vote yes I just did it actually which will probably crash the entire webcast in the process too we're pretty much at the end
I guess it's ok I do want to apologize last week I thought your territories were larger and you had more computers and when
I emailed to request 1A during the show I didn't realize I was going to cause trouble so please please forgive me we have now turned off the sending routine for that so we're all ok hey thanks a lot