Conversation with Sister Missionaries

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Wade Orsini and Andrew Soncrant have a powerful and heartfelt conversation with Sister Missionaries in Temple Square in Salt Lake City, Utah on a church planting scouting trip. We have very exciting news to announce! We are humbled and honored to announce that Apologia Church is planting a church in Utah! We are so grateful for this opportunity and we would love to have you join us if you are in the area! You can donate and partner with us by going to​. #ApologiaUtah We've seen so many Mormons come to Christ through the outreach ministry given to us. Now we hope to see Utah won to Christ. Join us! You can get more at​. Be sure to like, share, and comment on this video. #ApologiaStudios​ You can partner with us by signing up for All Access. When you do you make everything we do possible and you also get our TV show, After Show, and Apologia Academy. In our Academy you can take courses on Christian apologetics and much more. Follow us on social media here: Facebook:


How are you guys doing today? Good you guys have a minute to talk about Jesus? I'm not interviewing anybody
Yeah, but um yeah, we were just wondering we were reading in Isaiah 43 10 it says
Ye are my witnesses saith the Lord and my servant whom I have chosen that ye may know and believe me and Understand that I am he before me there was no
God formed neither shall there be after me I even I am the Lord and beside me there is no
Savior, so we have trouble with that because Essentially LDS doctrine teaches that we can progress to Godhood Have you heard that doctrine eternal progression before?
What do you think of that? Well, and we know that one
God cannot respect but we believe that we can become like him because we are his children. Okay, gotcha.
So I have a question so if you will never be Just like God The question is is say you have a husband right and then
Comes the second coming he calls your name or whatever name he chooses to call you So you get up and go to celestial glory with him and you guys have spiritual offspring in the pre -existence
Would they receive or would they would they give worship to your husband? Just like God receives worship now
If given like your own universe like Elohim father has here now Would would your husband in that new creation be worshipped is what we're asking
Really don't know what's gonna come after this life and but all we believe is just like what we can okay
And we will be perfected like him, but that's something that we'll find out Yeah, no, for example, like one of you guys is prophets
Lorenzo snow He says as God is man once was and his man It or as man is
God once was as God is man may become maybe those are the words of the prophets I would assume that you would receive worship one day, you know, and I think it's good to be honest about that But one of the biggest questions is is have you ever guys tested the words of your prophets to Scripture?
Have you ever tested the claims of Joseph Smith? How do you test the words of your prophet to Scripture? But it's up to each individual themselves to ask those questions in prayer
Looking to the scriptures So you should test the prophets that I'm glad I'm glad you say that yeah in a
Deuteronomy 18 It says here It shall come to pass that whosoever shall not hearken unto my words, which he shall speak in my name
I'll required of him But the prophet which shall presume to speak a word in my name
Which I have not commanded him to speak or that shall speak in the name of other gods Even that prophet shall die with which is intense, right a false prophet gets the death penalty
According to God and if though and if thou say in thine heart How shall we know the word which the
Lord hath not spoken when a prophet speaketh in the name of the Lord? That thing follow not nor shall it come to pass.
That is the thing which the Lord hath not spoken But the prophet hath spoken it presumptuously that shall not be afraid of him
So we look at these tests of Scripture and and we're not trying to rob you of your faith or anything
You know, no need to be on guard. We care for you. You know, we just want to have discussions with our
LDS neighbors out here So when we look at that We test some of the profit the prophecies that Joseph Smith Brigham Young Any of the prophets have given and we test them according to that The Bible makes it clear if they speak one thing presumptuously, they're even worthy of the death penalty.
It's such a serious Offense to God and so, you know, we would just Urge you to look even a quick Google Google search will show
You know non anti LDS websites even will show there's many false prophecies by Joseph Smith You know, they he prophesied that Jesus Christ would come in his generation in the 1800s
Christ hasn't returned at the What the temple in Independence, Missouri would be built a final temple and then the end would come that never happened.
So again, we just look at those and it comes up wanting so We are evangelical
Christians. We we go to a Baptist Church. I know. Oh my gosh Baptist. That's a bad word
You know, no, I know right but so we don't again want you to lose faith
We want we want to help you and have faith in the one true and living God that that there is no
God before him There is no God after him. I won't become a god He won't become a god and and we are here to preach that message to you that message of hope that you can have peace with Christ with with the true
God and so my fear is when you take God and you make him a Being who was once a man you take away from his divinity from his deity you make him out to be a different God So that's my concern.
What do you guys think? Yeah, test the spirits guys because according to Scripture Joseph Smith fails the test of the
Prophet and Deuteronomy 13 is another test where it states if a if a prophet or a dreamer Of dreams arises among you and produces miracles signs and wonders
So even if it looks legit, but leads you after other gods gods of which you have not known do not believe them This is
Deuteronomy 13. So the question is is how do you know if Joseph led you after another God? 2nd Corinthians 11 verse 4 and we'll leave you with this
All right Just to think about 2nd Corinthians 11 verse 4 Paul warns us He says there's people who will come and they'll preach a different Jesus a different gospel who will accept a different spirit, right?
So I believe that you guys prayed and had a burning in the bosom and felt something But that's not how that's not how
Scripture in the Bible says to know what truth is God's Word defines truth John 17 17 sanctify them by the truth.
Thy word is truth, right? So the question is is how do we know if Joseph led you after another
God for example? Psalm 90 verse 2 says God has been God from everlasting into everlasting.
He has no beginning no end Jesus in Revelation says he's the same as yesterday today and forever the same
Joseph Smith on the other hand in the King Follett discourse He says you have imagined and supposed that God has been
God from all eternity I will repute that idea and take away the veil so that you may see you have got to learn to become
God's It's the words of your prophet the Bible Isaiah 43 10 before me. There was no God formed
Neither shall there be after me Isaiah 44 6. I'm the first and I'm the last beside me There is no God the
Bible says he shares his glory with none other Joseph led you after another God's and I believe you've been deceived and it's with a burned heart that I say that yeah
Yeah, if you don't believe in the true Jesus of Scripture because Jesus says in his own words Unless you believe that I am you will die in your sins
That's the divine eternal name of God if you don't believe that in the burning bush passage Remember when when
God says, you know Moses says who am I to tell? The Hebrews who you are and he says tell them
I am I am that I am I? Yahweh is is the divine name.
So Jesus ascribes that name to himself He says before Abraham was I am
Yahweh. I'm God. I'm the one true God So he is that eternal aspect of him So if you're led after a different Jesus, you don't have an atonement for your sins instead you try to make up that righteousness yourself
So our cults for you today is to test the spirits Repent put your trust in the true and living God the eternal