Have You Raised or Lowered God's Standards for Elders?

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It may be easy to identify how people lower the standard God's give us for elders. But there is another ditch we must be aware of of: raising the standard. Show Notes: www.mediagratiae.org/blog/elders-and-deacons-part-ii


And you know one of the things that you mentioned in your sermon that I Honestly had never thought about and it just really struck me was you can be a man
Who's never been divorced and you are not loving your wife? Well, you're not a one -woman man.
Exactly so it doesn't so it goes beyond just Just he's never been divorced, which is a view that I've held for and was taught to hold for a long time
But there's just so much depth there it's more than just You know, here's the cliff and if you take one step beyond the cliff, well, that's it.
You're done. But there's it in it envelops a lot more of being a
Christ honoring Christ following husband yeah, if the quality if the The qualification is simply that you've never been divorced
Then the qualification could simply be you have a wife who endures a lot and puts up with you
Yeah, which and I won't be my wife puts up with But it's more than you have you happen to have a wife who will endure and this guy wasn't lucky enough to have a wife that endures your
Constant barrage of whatever it is that you love her. So you love her Well, you love her like Christ loves the church
You're an example to the flow and she willingly and joyfully submits to you as Christ does there is the church does to cry, right?
Yeah so so also as we consider this issue of Marriage, you know one woman man
Is you look at all of these qualities their qualities or characteristics of a person that are present as we said before and in all?
The other ones we don't say that if a person was ever not that That they're disqualified.
It's it's what are you now, but this is the one exception that many people take, you know If you've ever been divorced
Then it doesn't matter what you are now There's this thing and it disqualifies you forever.
And if you do that, then you put this one Characteristic this one quality in a category by itself that does not fit any of the other categories.
And so presently You know, do you? Love your wife assuming you're married.
Are you a one woman man? Yeah, and you know and one other question specifically regarding the question of divorce is if a man
Was divorced before he was a believer. The scripture is clear. Once you become a believer.
You are a new creation and so obviously, we would not expect him to have a
You know perfectly healthy Christ honoring marriage before he was converted but after conversion
Yes, so yeah present reality just like we talked about before. So one of the things that we really want to Emphasize as we we wrap this this episode up is that these are the standards that God has given us
We are we are not at Liberty to lower that standard Nor are we at the
Liberty to be more severe in the standard than God is Yeah, so Lowering the standards perhaps easy to see we don't want to take these and say but there are exceptions to these standards
But being more severe, how can we be more severe? Well one would be to expect perfection blameless sounds like perfection
But there is no one who is perfect except for Christ We understand we're sinful fallen people and pastors are sinful fallen people
And if you don't think that then there's a whole nother conversation because you're putting men on pedestals to where they don't belong
They have feet of clay. Absolutely. So it's not speaking about perfection And so we want to hold the standard and say he must be above approach without taking it to a higher level than that that God didn't mean for us to take it to so how do we do that and That's where I think what
Calvin said is is so helpful. You know, we're looking for a man who is not Dismissing his authority.